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HomeMy WebLinkAboutFederal Assistance FY2004 ;~IZABETH A. NEVIT~T.F~ TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFI~ICER Town Hall, 530951VJ~ain Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (631) 765-6145 Telephone (S31) 765-t800 sou~holdtowr~nor~h~orl~ne~ OFFICE OF THE 'TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD THIS IS TO,CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOW/NG RESOLUTION NO. 302 OF 2004 WAS ADopTED~,,T AT THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE, SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD ON APRIL 6, 2004: RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes and directs, Supervisor Joshua Y. Horton to sign a final application (FY-2004) for Federal Assistance for the proposed Apron and Taxiway Stub (Construction) project, Elizabeth A. Neville Southold Town Clerk COMPANIES ENGINEERS · DESIGN BUILD ;' TECHNICAL RESOURCES i OPERA'[IONS C&$ Engineers, Inc. 499 CoL E]leen Collins Bouievara Syracuse, NY 13212 phone 3'15-455-2000 fax 3~5-455-9667 www. cscos,com I~ishe~'~ Islan:d' Ferry District FiCheds Island, New York 06390 Re: Fisher's Island - Elizabeth Field Apron and Taxiway Stub (Construction) ~]., Final Application F~-2004 File: 211 Enclosed please find the following: Five copies of the Final Application for Federal Assistance for the proposed Apron and Taxiway Stub (Construction) project, for your review and signature. Remarks: Please have Mr. Horton sign all five copies of the Final Application where indicated, forward one copy directly to Mr. Bdto, and return three cop~es to me for appropriate distribution to the NYSDOT. Keep the additional copy for your files. Envelopes have been enclosed for your convenience. If you have any questions or need additional information, please do not hesitate to contacl us. Very truly yours, C&S ENGINEERS. NC. Kelli I~. Walters Grants Administrator Enclosures 1. ~E DF S~O~ . OA~ R~ ~ ~ ~TA~ ~1~ tD~FI~ ~ P~li~n 0913. ~ Non~. ~ Non-~on 3~6~02~ TO~ ~-~O~old DE~: Fishem island Fe~ D~A~ONAL DU~: D~SION: 056638588 T~ Hall, ~095 Main R~ PR~ IFIRST N~ PO Box 1179 Br.~ ~omas ,S~old 3OUN~: S~olk D~e~ ~STA~: ZIP CODE , N~ York 11971 j ~U~Y: ~A~ i Unit~ ~ m~~ i L EMP~R ~ON ~~ =~NE N~B~ (GI~ ~ ~O~ ~ NUMB~ (G~ A~ CODE} --J 6~0 J 0~ 3~ 3~ 0~ 7~ (~)7~7~ (63~)7~3 F~t Avi~ Admin~on - NY~ I 2,101- I~101 ~E ~ME OF PROG~: Apron and T~y Stub (~ru~n) Fishem Island 2nd ~d ~ ~er $ ,~ ~ Or~mH~N~le~By~eForR~ . TOTAL $ .~ m. ~ ~E ~ OF ~ ~o~ Rao s~ ~ ORTR~a Tam ~.u~e~ Mr. Joshua y. L~st N~e S~ b- ~ c. T~h~ Num~ (g[~ a~ ~) To~ Sup~isor / (6~) ADMINISTRATION PART III - BUDGET INFORMATION - CONSTRUCTION SECTION A - GENERAL 1. Federal DomestbAesistance Catalog No .................. 20~t06 2. Functional or Other Breakout ........................... SECTION B - CALCULATION OF FEDERAL GRANT Use only for revisions Total Latest Approved Adjustment Amount Amount + or (-) Required Cost Claesifi~ation 1. Adnlinistration expense $1,200 2. Pre iminary expense $0 3. £and structures right-of-way $0 4. Amhitectural eegipe~edng basic fees $0 5. Other amhitectural engJrLe~_ ~ing fees $0 6. Project inSpe.~on fees $87,800 7. Landldeveloprgent SO 8, Relocation Expenses $0 9. ReDcation paymepts to Individuals and Businesses $0 t{3. Demolition and removal $0 11, ,Construc~iorl ~pmject improvement $439,000 1"2. EquiPment $0 13. Miscellaneous $2,000 14. Tots[ ~{Lin~es .1 through 13) $530,000 15. Estin~ted~lqcome (if applicable) $0 16. Net P~reject Amqunt (Line 14 minus 15) $530,000 17. Less: Ineligible ExcJusions $0 18. Add: Contingencies I 9. Total!l~ojec~ Amt. (Excluding Rehabilitation Grants) i $530,000 20. Federal Share requested of Line 19 95.00% $503,500 21. Add F~eh~bil~ation Grants Requested (100 Percent) $0 22. Total Federal grunt ¢.~uested (Lines 20 & 21) $503,500 23. Gran~ee ~here 2.50% $'13,250 24. Other shares: 2.50% $13,250 25. Total project I[Lmes 22, 23 & 24) $530,000 FAA Form5100-'~00 (6~73) SUPERSEDES FAA FORM 5100 - t0 PAGES 1 THRU 7 Page 4 SECTION C - EXCLUSIONS ; Classification Ineligible for Excluded fi`om Participation Contingency Provision .~6 (1) (2) b. d, g' Totals SECTION D - PROPOSED METHOD OF FINANCING NON-FEDEFL~L SHARE ~ 2? Grantee Shere a. Securities b, Mortgages c. Appreprtation (By Applicant) d. Bonds e. Tax Levies f. Non Cash g_ Other .(.(.(.~p~ain) h. TOTAL- Gran~,e share 2.50% $13,250 28. Other Shares a. State 2.50% $13,250 b. Other c. Total Other Shares 29, TOTAL $26,500 SECTION E - REMARKS PART IV PROGRAM I~RR~TIVE (Attach-See Instructions) THRU 7 Page 5 'PART IV: PROGRAM NARRATIVE Fisher's Island - Elizabeth Field May t2, 2003 Project Narrative Statement Apron and Taxiway Stub (Construction) Description: This project will generally include the construction of a 37,500 SF tie-down Apron, which will accommodate approximately 7 small aircraff. A 180-foot Jong, 25-foot wide taxiway will connect !he proposed apron to Runway ?-25. Th[~ COntract will include all the grading, paving, drainage, and maJrking necessary to complete the apron and taxhNay. Justification: The existing apron at the airport is in very poor condition, and ~.ore importantly, is als0 w~hin the Runway Safety Area for runway 7-25.~ The rel~Cati0n of the Apron is necessary to obtain the required separation diStanCe between the~ runway and apron as per th~ FAA Airport D~sign Advisory Circular. This apron projeCt should increasethe overall safety of aJrcraf[ operations, as Well as increase the number of planes able tO be parke~~ at the airporL Consistency with ALP/FAA Standards This project is recommended in the Airport Master Plan and appears on the existing Airport Layout Plan. Consultation with Users Fisher's island Ferry District confirms that Operators at Elizabeth Field have bean consulted and are aware of the proposed development project. Displaced Persons Statement The airport project proposed in this aid application does not involve the displaceme0t or relocation of persons residing on land needed for such development. Specific Opposition Statement Fisher's Island Ferry District is not aware of any significant community opposition toi the proposed project: ~