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HomeMy WebLinkAbout50692-Z TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT °a TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE SOUTHOLD, NY BUILDING PERMIT (THIS PERMIT MUST BE KEPT ON THE PREMISES WITH ONE SET OF APPROVED PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS UNTIL FULL COMPLETION OF THE WORK AUTHORIZED) Permit #: 50692 /16 2024 Date: 5....a .......,,,,,_ �. ........... Permission is hereby granted to- Anderson, wDina .... m. 7045 Oregon Rd .... 4.............. _._ -,NY........11m935 To: Legalize "as built" HVAC system to an existing single-family dwelling as applied for. At premises located at: 7045 Orec,�_on Rd, Cutchoqueuu ----_........_ SCTM # 473889 Sec/Block/Lot# 95.-1-7.1 w Pursuant to application dated 4/5/202 4 and approved by the Building Inspector. To expire on 11/15/2025.ITITITm Fees: AS BUILT- SINGLE FAMILY ADDITION/ALTERATION $500.00 CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY $100.00 ELECTRIC $200.00 Total: mm $800.00 ---------------------2------ .. .r� Building Inspector TOWN OF SOUTHOLD—BUILDING DEPARTMENT Town Hall Annex 54375 Main Road P. O. Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971-0959 Telephone (631) 765-1802 Fax (631) 765-9502 litt. :/./wwN .sotitholdtownn , V Date Received APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT For Office Use Only E D u E I I' b '! I 5 �9a f PERMIT N0. Building Inspector: APR 4 ??? Applications and forms must be filled out in their entirety. Incomplete applicatjons will not be accepted. Where the Applicant Is not the owner,an �t Owner's Authorization form(Page 2)shall be completed. Town of t t.fthold Date OWNER(S)OF PROPERTY: Name: DINA ANDERSON SCTM # 1000-95.-1-7.1 Project Address:7045 Oregon Road, Cutchogue, NY 11935 Phone#:(917) 279-9584 Mailing Address:Same as above W. NTAOT PERSON: Name:', a me as design professional M"ailIng Address: Phone# Email: DESIGN PROFESSIONAL INFORMATION: Name:Jonthan Baker Mailing Address:3015 Skunk Lane, Cutchogue, NY 11935 Phone#`:(846) 245-3603 CbNTR CTOR'INFORMATION: Name: ' liing Address: Phone DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION ❑New Structure ❑Addition ❑Alteration ❑Repair ❑Demolition Estimated Cost of Project: Other As BUILT w $ 1NiII the Igt'be re-graded? ❑Yes 10No Will excess fill be removed from premises? ❑Yes ANo. v� ! w I iu _ r . du i PROPERTY INFORMATION Existing use of property:Single Family Residence Intended use of property:Single Family Residence Zone or°use district in which premises is situated: Are there any covenants and restrictions with respect to HOC this property? ❑Yes RNo IF YES, PROVIDE A COPY. Check Box After Reading: The owner/contractor/design professional Is responsible for all drainage and storm water Issues as provided by Chapter 236 of the Town Code. APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE to the Building Department for the issuance of a Building Permit pursuant to the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold,Suffolk,County,New York and other applicable Laws,Ordinances or Regulations,for the construction of buildings, additigns,alterations or for removal or demolition as herein described.The applicant agrees to comply with all applicable laws,ordinances,building code, housing code and regulations and to admit authorized inspectors on premises and in building(s)for necessary inspections.False statements made herein are pyq shable as a Class A misdemeanor pursuant to Section 210.45 of the New York State Penal Law, Application Submitted By(print name): ❑Authorized Agent any W, �l I 1 Signature of Applicant: Date: Z- STATE OF NEW YORK) I SS: COUNTY OF � ) ... being duly sworn, deposes and says that(s)he is the applicant i (Name of lrndividual signing contract) above named, �S)he is-the (Contractor porate of�sa�id owner or owners, and is dui authorized top perform or p rfolrmed the said work and to make and file y p p this application; that all statements contained in this application are true to the best of his/her knowledge and belief,and that the work will be performed in the manner set forth in the application file therewith. Sworn before me this .day of , 20 C?4 Notary Public dazde��l i ll ir�r�c PROPERTY OWNER AUTHORIZATION Where the applicant is not the owner � 359234 W I E IJt;tl��,;. f r r9�or��Fl part.6'r t, �j"� axiirRlra�n I, residing at do hereby authorize to apply on my behalf-to the Town of Southold Building Department for approval as described herein. Owner's Signature Date Print Owner's Name 2 50(o 9 2 - AS5C,5s0R,5 PROJECT GENERAL NOTES ANDERSON RESIDENCE ADDRESS 7045 OREGON ROAD 1 . ALL WORK under this Application shall comply with the 13. The GENERAL CONTRACTOR is responsible to verify with curcHocuE, NY 11935 2020 International Residential Code of New York State, (IBC 2020). his PLUMBING SUB-CONTRACTOR the size of the existing A" NDFE�: RSGH RESID �LWCt Hot Water Heater (HWH) and whether the existing HWH will be /► 2. NO WORK shall proceed until such time as the TOWN OF of sufficient capacity to support the additional hot water AS-BUILT FILING SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT has issued a Building demand for the Master Bathroom. If deemed insufficient, the Permit and a Plumbing Permit. GENERAL CONTRACTOR will submit to the Owner a separate price quote to remove and replace the existing HWH with a ARCHITECT 3. The GENERAL CONTRACTOR certifies to the Owner that he new one of sufficient capacity. is a licensed Contractor in the State of New York; Suffolk IRDMmTko County and fully insured as required by the TOWN OF 14. The ELECTRICAL SUB-CONTRACTOR is responsible for SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT. obtaining an Electrical ROUGHING Inspection approval from an independent Fire-Underwriter's Electrical Inspector. 4. The PLUMBING CONTRACTOR certifies to the Owner that [F@nmw@ft AmhNwwn pEh he is a fully licensed Contractor in the State of New York, 15. The ELECTRICAL SUB-CONTRACTOR is responsible for 82 John Street Suffolk County and fully insured as required by the TOWN OF obtaining a FINAL Electrical Inspection and an Underwriter's z BrooMyn, NY 11201 SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT. Electrical Certificate for the new work approval by an �\ "- T 212 796 2685 independent Fire-Underwriter's Electrical Inspector. I \" o ol� ��®Petn�®P������Ooao�ro 5. The ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR certifies to the Owner that P�� P ISSUED 0fb irmW®rks.apch.corn he is a fully licensed Contractor in the State of New York, 16. The GENERAL CONTRACTOR shall submit to the Owner's C ` �� U_ Suffolk County and fully insured as required by the TOWN OF the Original (green) FINAL Underwriter's Electrical Certificate 1O0 G REVISED & RESUBMITTED W w SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT. for submission to the Inc. Village of Floral Park Building �1`� �� Q v c"'_n Department. NO CHANGES 6 The GENERAL CONTRACTOR is to field measure the �� , G�� o existing conditions affected by this proposed work to confirm 17. The GENERAL CONTRACTOR and his Sub-Contractors) I �P� 0 �5 OMITTED -- N all dimensions prior to proceeding. shall make any and all changes to their work as deemed P�\O O\�L O 0 w necessary by the TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING �1 SHT. NO. TITLE o 0 7. The GENERAL CONTRACTOR Is to inform James Thomas INSPECTOR at no additional cost to the owner. �o ,.> , i. , Martino Architect of any discrepancies between the field conditions and the dimensions indicated on these drawings 18. All New Conventional Wood Framing Members shall be G-001.00 PROJECT LOCATION, SITE PLAN, DESIGN CRITERIA&ZONING DATA prior to proceeding. shall be Douglas Fir-Larch #2 minimum, NO EXCEPTIONS. 8. The GENERAL CONTRACTOR is responsible to coordinate 19. Written dimensions shall take precedence over scaled O S A-100.00 EXISTING FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD (ATTIC) FLOOR PLANS, PHOTOS OF AC CONDENSING UNITS O the work performed by all trades, including but not limited to: dimensions and detailed drawings over smaller scale drawings. his plumbing, mechanical and electrical sub-contractor's and any other trades that may affect this project. 20. The GENERAL CONTRACTOR shall verify & be responsible for J� 00, all existing dimensions & conditions on the job. The Architect's 0 9. The GENERAL CONTRACTOR is responsible to coordinate Office must be notified of any deviations of the dimensions and all locations where wood blocking and/or plywood backing conditions indicated on these drawings. may be necessary for a proper installation. 21. The GENERAL CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for bracing 10. The GENERAL CONTRACTOR is to confirm all finishes & protecting against wind & storm damage, breakage, collapse, �. with the property owner prior to ordering and/or installing any distortion and mis-alignment of all areas affected by this o finish materials. alteration. ``_ ti 11 . The GENERAL CONTRACTOR and his Electrical 22• The GENERAL CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for recording Sub-Contractor are responsible for coordination of all electrical accurate "AS-BUILT' DOCUMENTS of any changes made during O devices including but not limited to switches, gfci outlets, the course of this Alteration. recessed lighting, surface mounted lightning, junction boxes �cp, 23. The GENERAL CONTRACTOR will be solely responsible for the � ��0 0 restoration, replacement and / or repair of any and all areas that ��\ 0 12. The GENERAL CONTRACTOR and his PLUMBING were damaged b his own work force and an of his \ SUB-CONTRACTOR are responsible for the coordination of g y y 0 l y Sub-Contractors during this construction. o�\, -�� the plumbing fixtures, including but not limited to sinks, \ P° \ faucets, toilet, soaking tub, shower controls, shower drain, etc. �\ ° �� ISSUE DATE <" \ NO. DATE DESCRIPTION 1 04.01.24 ISSUE FOP DOB FILING TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ZONING ANALYSIS INFORMATION �0 ADDRESS: 7045 OREGON ROAD, CUTCHOGUE, NEW YORK 11935 CP TAX MAP # 1000-95.-1-7.100 Code Section Zoning District Classification: AC Total Lot Area: 2.16 ACRES; 94,156 SF �VV/ �o .0 PERMITTED/REQUIRED EXISTING PROPOSED COMPLIANCE LOT SIZE. 1g 1 REVISION HISTORY: Minimum Lot Size: 80,000 sq.ft 94,156 sq.ft. Existing, No Change Yes, Complies NO. DATE DESCRIPTION LOT WIDTH. o Minimum Lot Width: 175.00 ft. 219.8 ft. Existing, No Change Yes, Complies 1 LOT DEPTH. o COVER Minimum Lot Depth: 250.00 ft. 442.0 ft. Existing, No Change Yes, Complies \ OVER PATIO DECK OUTDOOR O SH0WER FRONT YARD. COVERED Minimum Front Yard: 60.00 ft. 83.1 ft. Existing, No Change Yes, Complies � DECK 0 SIDE YARD. �C��Q �G� G�' A/C CONDENSER r � Minimum Side Yard: 20.00 ft. Side Yard 1: 42.3 ft. Existing, No Change Yes, Complies 0, o LOCATION OF PROPERTY Side Yard 2: 122.6 ft. Existing, No Change Yes, Complies 0 BOTH SIDE YARDS. O; Nq,• C_ Minimum Both Side Yards: 45.00 ft. 164.9 ft. Existing, No Change Yes, Complies "!� \ �a ��F �� DRAWING STATUS REAR YARD. O o �s �( D or : " ,, . '. ';i• ...`° '` �. '�w sty q'k h« ry�, F,�✓';',Y`' key, �'t �'F' ", Minimum Rear Yard: 75.00 ft. 348.6 ft. Existing, No Change k },g Yes, Complies DOB ID NUMBER: 00 LIVABLE FLOOR AREA. l� \} �' Y Minimum Floor Area: 850.00 sq. ft. 2,735 sq.ft. Existing, No Change Yes Complies O \: F` COVERED WOOD S \ PORCH / �\' V `•:°'+y�iA +.5,,,'e'\\"t.k.:'r. •'v 4', /'"tw*s.a • v- LOT COVERAGE. -'[� '" S- v �� ��' `.�.� �:•,,�..",^�, �`';��"'� `:." •,�. :; - �" ' ., .`f,=; " . Maximum Lot Coverage: 20/o (18,831 sq.ft.) <5/o (4,520 sq. ft.) Existing, No Change Yes, Complies 0 w. o \\ '` F l 1"i "'"' .h tih' ,„ ' .'l Y, � ,a✓ n 9 s 4 h'4 'st4Y`h\"+„a.>�,h aiy\, &:'h.i.y\'•^°ty l�ry.± i',�,�..`l,-d� '"•r.,,i `t i .. :'±r t` V BUILDING HEIGHT. 61 0 Maximum Building Height: 35.00 ft. ±29.50 ft. Existing, No Change Yes, Complies �z �0 g g p �i G p L � C'.°",1�*r�taq�"y,"w\.,°^4\0 1'�9"'+.\i k�y4"�,"t'•i�. Z .`�. ,,* "f "� ;f` --�y7 � o � 'z ti+,«^t''a'sn ''«*°+;*��'i•,'�',"4`"y.\+,'+�'"'+aa."^..v"s"'x.`'-,±,.,�i'*,`."�' !,''?'r� C;�*y`� - .�.x,< NUMBER OF STORIES. �i C� O y 0 ` �c 7 .'.'t',. ;;;'Lia. '; ^r.,�wa'+.''�, t°•,;\. a,x°'i4*.,w3.'y"\ "jr" 1 1 a� , Maximum No. of Stori 2NN 2 es: 2 Stories Existing, No Change Yes, Complies 2 Stories a `� 0 = MONUMENT . TITLE a �r 7 $ t" ro. ,n,.;pa' .�.s. ;...'.>y-,/ `+'•c,.,a.:.,;. ;.ou...',4�e:✓. ':Y .3 ...,. HABITABLE FLOOR AREA EXISTING PROPOSED LOT COVERAGE EXISTING PROPOSED r ; ;:,". 'f '?.. PROJECT LOCATION, SITE �',1.4iitt e�i��1;'. ':':oC, iZs't„,�%a�w,,1y':,""�.�5'z+�, ^�"`�..:"t ,....<."<A.A.,: ,".. �• i.D' 4«•.' � 4:,,,.�'�:�."r' - -"--�.�- /'-" PLAN & ZONING DATA NO CHANGE DWELLING - 1,475 SF; FR. BARN - 1,790 SF; BRICK BLDG -320 SF; FR. GARAGE-365SF; SITE LAYOUT NOTES: O ° � fi � 'FIRST FLOOR AREA 1,476 SF ', . � O ^, + h"�k'y`v.4 aa.':d.,e3.'d.. �, ,';'-n'+P;,'.',"vJ,',4'`'"',.;;,.. i Y.--;,:'9.N:,:i. ' ,":•t,.9:£ :ry,,'{r..,'Q :y. u. ,. GREENHOUSE -320 SF; FR. SHED 1 174 SF; FR.SHED 2 -76 SF 1. THIS IS AN ARCHITECTS SITE PLAN &IS SUBJECT TO SECOND FLOOR AREA 1 260 SF NO CHANGE ,� \ , � ,• ;„,• ", < :, ." b= VERIFICATION BY A LICENSED SURVEYOR. THE NO CHANGE NO CHANGE INFORMATION REPRESENTED ON THIS SITE PLAN IS `'�, \. ;?•. ;'. ,: :.` ..,: ,= .;W ;': SEAL DATE: 03 25 2024 TOTAL HABITABLE FLOOR AREA 2,735 SF7 TOTAL LOT COVERAGE 4,520 SFa, yin, xt / / ';; .. < A .::.:::; : � � � TO THE ARCHITECTS BEST OF KNOWLEDGE. SITE � N�FED PROJECT NO.: � PLAN BASED ON SURVEY BY PECONIC SURVEYORS, 'c DRAWING BY: YDS, JB P.C. UPDATED ON JULY 29, 2014 13 �n CHK BY: JB CLIMATIC AND GEOGRAPHIC DESIGN CIRTERIA AS PER RESIDENTIAL CODE TABLE R301.2 (1) � � N '3 SITE PLAN L0.1.GROUND ULITMATE SEISMIC DESIGN FROST LINE WINTER ICE SHIELD UNDERL TION 1VIAP AYMENT FLOOD - ,• L./ SNOW LOAD WIND SPEED CATEGORY WEATHERING DEPTH TERMITE DECAY DESIGN TEMP. REQUIRED HAZARDS - 20 130 E; SCALE: 1/ 2 = i-o N.T.S. SEVERE 36 (TOP) M to H S to M 11 YES 1984/1998 CAD FILE NO. PAGE 1 OF 2 q�__ 111 -1 1 � 6p# 50&q d, A55-e55ovs AVEM ENT PROJECT GENERAL NOTES 7_1_a 4 ANDERSON RESIDENCE ADDRESS 1 . ALL WORK under this Application shall comply with the 13. The GENERAL CONTRACTOR is responsible to verify with U KE E L 7045 OGUE, ROAD 5.1 CUTCHOGUE NY 11935 2020 International Residential Code of New York State, (IBC 2020). his PLUMBING SUB-CONTRACTOR the size of the existing ur. RS 'mN m � SID � NC Hot Water Heater (HWH) and whether the existing HWH will be n �+ 2. NO WORK shall proceed until such time as the TOWN OF of sufficient capacity to support the additional hot water AS-BUILT FILING SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT has issued a Building demand for the Master Bathroom. If deemed insufficient, the Permit and a Plumbing Permit. GENERAL CONTRACTOR will submit to the Owner a separate price quote to remove and replace the existing HWH with a ARCHITECT 3. The GENERAL CONTRACTOR certifies to the Owner that he new one of sufficient capacity. is a licensed Contractor in the State of New York; Suffolk County and fully insured as required by the TOWN OF 14. The ELECTRICAL SUB-CONTRACTOR is responsible for SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT. obtaining an Electrical ROUGHING Inspection approval from an independent Fire-Underwriter's Electrical Inspector. �Q� �p9b 4. The PLUMBING CONTRACTOR certifies to the Owner that Z ��� he is a fully licensed Contractor in the State of New York, 15. The ELECTRICAL SUB-CONTRACTOR is responsible for CD �2 John Str®®$ Suffolk County and fully insured as required by the TOWN OF obtaining a FINAL Electrical Inspection and an Underwriter's z Brooklyn, NY 111201 SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT. Electrical Certificate for the new work approval by an '_ o T 212 796 2085 independent Fire-Underwriter's Electrical Inspector. I o I��®��®���®�����r��� � 5. The ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR certifies to the Owner that Pv� P ISSUED O C) o formworks-arch.�m he is a fully licensed Contractor in the State of New York, 16. The GENERAL CONTRACTOR shall submit to the Owner's OC` GO� w Suffolk County and fully insured as required by the TOWN OF the Original (green) FINAL Underwriter's Electrical Certificate O REVISED & RESUBMITTED _ LU o � SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT. for submission to the Inc. Village of Floral Park Building �� � w Department. O I� P OPT NO CHANGES 6 The GENERAL CONTRACTOR is to field measure the �F N N existing conditions affected by this proposed work to confirm 17. The GENERAL CONTRACTOR and his Sub-Contractors) I FPS O 0 DES OMITTED - N N all dimensions prior to proceeding. shall make any and all changes to their work as deemed �\� O 0' LU necessary by the TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING P\v �� ►�1 SHT. NO. TITLE o 0 CM 0 7. The GENERAL CONTRACTOR is to inform James Thomas INSPECTOR at no additional cost to the owner. 4" Martino, Architect of any discrepancies between the field �0 _ conditions and the dimensions indicated on these drawings 18. All New Conventional Wood Framing Members shall be G-001.00 PROJECT LOCATION, SITE PLAN, DESIGN CRITERIA &ZONING DATA O O prior to proceeding. shall be Douglas Fir-Larch #2 minimum, NO EXCEPTIONS. 8. The GENERAL CONTRACTOR is responsible to coordinate 19. Written dimensions shall take precedence over scaled 0 S A-100.00 EXISTING FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD (ATTIC) FLOOR PLANS, PHOTOS OF AC CONDENSING UNITS O the work performed by all trades, including but not limited to: dimensions and detailed drawings over smaller scale drawings. his plumbing, mechanical and electrical sub-contractor's and any other trades that may affect this project. 20. The GENERAL CONTRACTOR shall verify & be responsible for all existing dimensions & conditions on the job. The Architects 9. The GENERAL CONTRACTOR is responsible to coordinate Office must be notified of any deviations of the dimensions and QQ; all locations where wood blocking and/or plywood backing conditions indicated on these drawings. may be necessary for a proper installation. 21. The GENERAL CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for bracing � 10. The GENERAL CONTRACTOR is to confirm all finishes & protecting against wind & storm damage, breakage, collapse, with the property owner prior -to ordering and/or installing any distortion and mis-alignment of all areas affected by this o finish materials. alteration. ?� 11 . The GENERAL CONTRACTOR and his Electrical 22. The GENERAL CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for recording Sub-Contractor are responsible for coordination of all electrical accurate "AS-BUILT" DOCUMENTS of any changes made during 5�, O devices including but not limited to switches, gfci outlets, the course of this Alteration. recessed lighting, surface mounted lightning, junction boxes 23. The GENERAL CONTRACTOR will be solely responsible for the �Q, /° 0 O restoration, replacement and / or repair of any and all areas that \ O 12. The GENERAL CONTRACTOR and his PLUMBING were damaged b his own work force and an of his ° \0 SUB-CONTRACTOR are responsible for the coordination of g y y y p Sub-Contractors during this construction. the plumbing fixtures, including but not limited to sinks, Z_ 0 faucets, toilet, soaking tub, shower controls, shower drain, etc. ISSUE DATE 00 �1\ _NO. DATE DESCRIPTION 1 04.01.24 ISSUE FOR DOB FILING A O �, O 2 06.27.24 ISSUE FOR DOB FILING TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ZONING ANALYSIS INFORMATION �O N A10 ADDRESS: 7045 OREGON ROAD, CUTCHOGUE, NEW YORK 11935 \ x� �5 TAX MAP # 1000-95.-1-7.1 0\ Code Section Zoning District Classification: AC Total Lot Area: 2.16 ACRES; 94,156 SF PERMITTED/REQUIRED EXISTING PROPOSED COMPLIANCE LOT SIZE. �g1 CR REVISION HISTORY: Minimum Lot Size: 80,000 sq.ft 94,156 sq.ft. Existing, No Change Yes, Complies NO. DATE DESCRIPTION LOT WIDTH. ° Minimum Lot Width: 175.00 ft. 219.8 ft. Existing, No Change Yes, Complies \ �� LOT DEPTH. ° COVER Minimum Lot Depth: 250.00 ft. 442.0 ft. Existing, No Change Yes, Complies \ OVER PAT/0 DECK OUTDOOR O SHO WER RED FRONT YARD. CDECK Minimum Front Yard: 60.00 ft. 83.1 ft. Existing, No Change Yes, Complies SIDE YARD. �O �R�G� G`,' A/C CONDENSER Minimum Side Yard: 20.00 ft. Side Yard 1: 42.3 ft. Existing, No Change Yes, Complies Q, ° LOCATION OF PROPERTY Side Yard 2: 122.6 ft. Existing, No Change Yes, Complies 001, BOTH SIDE YARDS. Minimum Both Side Yards: 45.00 ft. 164.9 ft. Existing, No Change Yes, Complies ry \ ��FS �� ° DRAWING STATUS O o �� �� rho o _..........._ ._..,. . n 4 s, REAR YARD. Minimum Rear Yard: 75.00 ft. 348.6 ft. Existing, No Change Yes, Complies DOB ID NUMBER LIVABLE FLOOR AREA. O Minimum Floor Area: 850.00 sq.ft. 2,735 sq.ft. Existing, No Change Yes, Complies O �F` O �'� COVERED WOOD O PORCH LOT COVERAGE. Maximum Lot Coverage: 20% (18,831 sq.ft.) <5% (4,520 sq.ft.) Existing, No Change Yes, Complies }q \ INe T' BUILDING HEIGHT. �J � v'_ G •�•..a.�;nt.!,.,,,,T.•'^.p:-,'tx4.+-.''��i*;+b.s'4''".� ,., ..'�'�;. �. .�- . :' `a' •' ,r t,.k i�,�� •-. Maximum Building Height: 35.00 ft. ±29.50 ft. Existing, No Change Yes, Complies41 NUMBER OF STORIES. �\o ° y '9iR t 'a®°a"'a"0 e`'`�:e:.'yt'a•, '+,'N"'1:,;.+,F< *}'0 Maximum No. of Stories: 2 2 Stories 2 2 Stories Existing, No Change Yes, Complies O� s a ! ° O r = MONUMENT `:,; ; ..,..E b max... . ,`,j� ..,®TyO•,-.?;°.°..�;d:" tx • ` �a TITLE ., �`: 00 PROJECT LOCATION SITE HABITABLE FLOOR AREA EXISTING PROPOSED LOT COVERAGE EXISTING PROPOSED �L \ �pc ` , ''... .,. 4WPLAN & ZONING DATA FIRST FLOOR AREA 1,476 SF NO CHANGE DWELLING - 1 475 SF; FR. BARN - 1,790 SF; BRICK BLDG -320 SF; FR. GARAGE -365SF ; SITE LAYOUT NOTES: GREENHOUSE -320 SF; FR. SHED 1 - 174 SF; FR.SHED 2 -76 SF 1. THIS IS AN ARCHITECT'S SITE PLAN & IS SUBJECT TO SECOND FLOOR AREA 1,260 SF NO CHANGE VERIFICATION BY A LICENSED SURVEYOR. THE ��,^°��, ''�,<®,� . • ;;:; �r. �>"• � " NO CHANGE INFORMATION REPRESENTED ON THIS SITE PLAN IS NO CHANGE �``�°.``�°��,. <. ._��''$� °•° TOTAL HABITABLE FLOOR AREA �_,735 SF TOTAL LOT COVERAGE 4,520 SF SEAL & SIGNATURE DATE: 06/22/2024 TO THE ARCHITECT'S BEST OF KNOWLEDGE. SITE "�`°' m ``''' � " �` '�` °' ' .w:: �.•.°..s- ." PROJECT NO.: PLAN BASED ON SURVEY BY PECONIC SURVEYORS, ` DRAWING BY: YDS, JB P.C. UPDATED ON JULY 29, 2014 � Rc" � A CLIMATIC AND GEOGRAPHIC DESIGN CIRTERIA AS PER RESIDENTIAL CODE TABLE R301.2 (1) ��iNA1Ye�,� ?� CHK BY: JB N ° DWG. No.: GROUND ULITMATE SEISMIC DESIGN WEATHERING FROST LINE TERMITE DECAY WINTER ICE SHIELD UNDERLAYMENT FLOOD SITE PLAN LOCATION MAP SNOW LOAD WIND SPEED CATEGORY DEPTH DESIGN TEMP. REQUIRED HAZARDS 1 11 _ SCALE: 1/32" _ i' ,� N.T.S. 20 130 B SEVERE 36" (TOP) M to H S to M 11 YES 1984/1998 - -o -001 ,00 OF N CAD FILE NO. PAGE 1 OF 2 PROJECT ANDERSON RESIDENCE ADDRESS 7045 OREGON ROAD CUTCHOGUE, NY 11935 ` .r k >. , 4."`+"°&"^'er8 +7 iM' ":8aak;, •-'":*ZN•. �µ ,.» .+ate ,s,,., j £ t, 14 ARCHITECT w '"`^,.,. � •� �€ �^ '`,� ., ,• i M"`~.. �;x�'` .$�1� •;'asn° a @,A"® �Y'�; ...,.... «...,_.. ,.,... ..... .., ,., g _:`'�:. r<�,�,?a'"' __.._-.,,..-..-.,._.®.„.<,�w.-„»,_„ av y M ,. �' „. ;,>!�•,�y" ,. -- -.. ..... .,. /e y ., � g'^ ...,. .. ... v .s.< e. �, IIII ����'''J IIII �yr7l�''(y"�V('�\��\�/����/�///7 IIIIy��/'�����(y�\�\/\/ f Adf•«. <,t} > „s ue '✓." ,. .max f > n " <9 - w. [F@ UIl I1 @ft(rtmllllll'l1mlSWr@ p9b 82 John Street .w. x � e'tf y 1 Brooklyn, NY 11201 A ""^* •""'°`R°-•„ ,. '"`""`^">w"„� r^ kz;°. formworks— K- go-. ,.+,.«y,^• .. ..., �'�•'�.'a�`ri"`$C v ys� -�`: `i. 3•y<. 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DATE DESCRIPTION 34'-11" IM-1 E71 C FRo a � BATHROOM 1 O BATHROOM #3 # BATHROOM #2 BEDROOM #5 0 PWDR 0 -------------------------- DEN BEDROOM #2 El < up MUDROOM DRAWING STATUS DN = CL co _ L_ CL CL CL A/C CONDENSER#1 DOB ID NUMBER: BEDROOM #3 N N I I I —I—J— ------------------------------- CLOSET WALK—IN BEDROOM #4 LIVING ROOM FOYER BEDROOM #1 UP ❑ F TITLE FIRST FLOOR PLAN 47'-4" 47'-4" PORCH ROOF SEAL & SIGNATURE DATE: 06/22/2024 ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ PROJECT NO.: D,+� , DRAWING BY: YDS, JB „c . �pit�Aty6q�'�/�+. CHK BY: JB AS-BUILT SECOND FLOOR PLAN N AS-BUILT FIRST FLOOR PLAN '° � `�, DWG. NO.: A-100.00 ofi N CAD FILE NO. PAGE 2 OF 2