HomeMy WebLinkAbout50683-Z TOWN OF SOUTHOLD
Permit #: 50683 Date: 5/15/2024
Permission is hereby granted to:
GMP Solutions LLC
830 Eastwood Dr
Cutcho ue, NY 11935
To: construct covered porch to existing single-family dwelling as applied for.
At premises located at:
505 Southern Cross Rd, Cutcho ue
SCTM # 473889
Sec/Block/Lot# 110.-5-29
Pursuant to application dated 4/3/2024 and approved by the Building Inspector,
To expire on 11/14/2025.
Total: $402.50
Building Inspector
Town Hall Annex 54375 Main Road P. O. Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971-0959
Telephone (631) 765-1802 Fax (631) 765-9502 1i L -oulJigl l�t %vqnyj*�v
Date Received
F r Office Use Only
PERMIT NO. Building Inspector: �i..�� ff
Applications and forms must be filled out in their entirety. Incomplete
applications will not be accepted. Where the Applicant is not the owner,an
Owner's Authorization form(Page 2)shall be completed.
Name:Gina Picchione C-��AP a-,wTIc�� ry scTM# Z000-110.5.29
Project Address:505 Southern Cross rd
Phone#:631-774-8426 Email:apicchione@aol.com
Mailing Address:830 Eastwood Dr. Cutchogue NY 11395
Name:Artie Pic+ hione
Mailing Address:830 Eastwood Dr. Cutchogue NY 11395
Pnone#:631-774-8426 Email:apicchione@aol.com
Nam+e:Kenneth Schulman
Mailing Address:209 Lynn Ave East Northport Ny, 11731
Pnone#:631-368-2388 Email:ksarchitect1@gmail.com
Name:Home owner
Mailing Address:
Phone#: Email:
❑New Structure ❑Addition [--]Alteration ❑Repair ❑Demolition Estimated Cost of Project:
DOtherCovered porch I ooc�
Will the lot be re-graded? ❑Yes RNo Will excess fill be removed from premises? ❑Yes ❑No
Existing use of property:Rental Intended use of property:same
Zone or use district in which premises is situated: Are there any covenants and restrictions with respect to
this property? ❑Yes ®No IF YES, PROVIDE A COPY.
❑ Check Box After Reading: The owner/contractor/design professional is responsible for all drainage and storm water issues as provided by
Chapter 236 of the Town Code. APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE to the Building Department for the issuance of a Building Permit pursuant to the Building Zone
Ordinance of the Town of Southold,Suffolk,County,New York and other applicable Laws,Ordinances or Regulations,for the construction of buildings,
additions,alterations or for removal or demolition as herein described.The applicant agrees to comply with all applicable laws,ordinances,building code,
housing code and,regulations and to admit authorized inspectors on premises and in building(s)for necessary inspections.False statements made herein are
punishable as a Class A misdemeanor pursuant to Section 210.45 of the New York State Penal Law.
Application Submitted 'Pri'"t name): (I i CGi}tt D tJ ❑Authorized Agent ❑Owner
Signature ofApplican • ' � �' r � r Date:
Notary Public,State of New York
SS: Qualified in Suffolk County
Commission Expires April 14,2 Oa L I
being duly sworn, deposes and says that (s)he is the applicant
(Name of individual signing contract)above named,
(S)he is the
(Contractor,Agent, Corporate Officer, etc.)
of said owner or owners, and is duly authorized to perform or have performed the said work and to make and file this
application;that all statements contained in this application are true to the best of his/her knowledge and belief; and
that the work will be performed in the manner set forth in the application file therewith.
Sworn before me this I
day of apr 1v , 20
Notary Public
(Where the applicant is not the owner)
I, residing at
do hereby authorize to apply on
my behalf to the Town of Southold Building Department for approval as described herein.
Owner's Signature Date
Print Owner's Name
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Table 3.4A Rafter and or Ceilin Joist to Top Plate Lateral and TABLE R301.2.1.2 R301.2.1.2 Protection of openings. Exce tion:Wood structural anels with a GENERAL NOTES
Table 3.1 Nalling Schedule � g xposure B P P CONCRETE&FOUNDATION NOTES
Shear Connection Requirements WINDBORNE DEBRIS PROTECTION E:derior glazing in buildings located in thickness of not less-than 7/16 inch (11 1. These notes shall apply to the General Contractor,each Sub-contractor and the Owners own forces.Each Contractor shall 1.All footings shall bear on virgin soil having a minimum bearing capacity of. . (1)tort per square toot All
Number of Number of (Prescri five Alternative tO Table 3.4) FASTENING SCHEDULE FOR WOOD windbome debris re Ions shall be rotected ruin and a s an of not more than 8 feet istudY and famlllerize himself with the site and with all trades and parts of the work Eectr Contractor shalt cooperate and door xterlor footings shall be a minimum of 3'-0"below grade unless noted otherwise In plans.
p 9 P ) P +dlnate his work with the work of other Contras ors. 2.All existing all,roots,and other unsuitable bearing material shall be removed and footings carried to the
Joint Description Common Nails Box Nails Nail Spacing --- STRUCTURAL PANELSa,b,c,d from Windborne debris. Glazed o enin 2438 ruin Shall be demisted for 2. The Contractor's and Owner's agreement to enter into the work shall suffice as their acceptance to the terms specified bottom of such excavation.Contractor to veri assumed soli bearin ca d and aswme,tull
P 9 ( ) P ry g Pa tY responsibility for
h 1 n rated I o an an ll a is between tit er nd he n r
herein,ands a I be I corpo nt y d e greemen a Own a t Co trado . same.Contractor to notify Ar'Chlted of any soil variation or condition adversely affecting aswrned beating
ROOF FRAMING Wind Speed protection for windbome debris shall meet opening protection. Panels shall be 3, Nothin ry1 y
Rafter to To Plate Toe-nailed see Table 3.4A 3-second gust(mph) 90 95 100 105 ito 115 120 13o i4O 350 160 170 180 195 � FASTENER SPACING g on this drawing shall be construed as modl ng In any wa the Contract between the Owner and Contractor or the t:apadty prior to the pouring of any footings.
p ( ) ( ) (see Table 3.4A) per rafter See Fi ure 1.1 . fi �)a 6 the requirements of the Large Missile Test precut and attached to the framing Contractor and sub-Contractors. 3.Minimum compressive strength of concrete at 28 days to be as follows concrete t0 have 5%to 7°/a
Ceiling Joist to Top Plate (Toe-nailed) (see Table 3.4A) (see Table 3.4A er oist t
4. Each Contractor shall comply with the requirements of the New York State Uniform Fire Prevention and building Code,New a)fooUngs,piers,foundation walls:rca 3,000 psi stone concrete
P i wall FASTENER TYPE Panel 4 feet-C 6 feet< o ASTM' E1996 and ASTM E1886 as surrounding the opening containing the York State Energy Conservation Code,Federal OSHA,and all of the Local Governmental Agencies having Jurisdiction,Insofar as b)slab on ground:f cr2,500 psi concrete air entrainment per R402.2
Ceilingloist to Parallel Rafter (Face-nailed) (see Table 3.9A) (see Table 3.9A) each lap Rafter/Ceirin Joist Number of 8d Common Nails or lOd Box Nails(Toenailed) Garage slab=3,500 p.s.i.
B Hei ht 1 "', span<- panel span panel span modified in Section 301. Garage product with the glazed opening. Panels applicable to his portion of the work. c)superstructure,slab:rc-3,000 psi stone concrete .
Ceiling Joist laps over Partitions (Face nailed) (see Table 3.9A) (see Table 3.9Aj each lap S din lit.) g Required in Each Rafter and/or Ceilin Joist to Top Plate Connettiorl 5. The Architect shall not be res onsible for the erformance of the General Contractor or any Sub-Contractors,nor shall he 4.AnU-h dro shall be added If degrees F or less.
Pa g i• g P P Y pouring takes place at 32
Collar Tie to Rafter (Face-nailed) (see Table 3.6) (see Table 3.6) per tie (ft•I 4 feet <-6 feet <_8 feet door glazed opening protection for shall be predrilled as required for the guarantee the performance of their contracts. 5.The wood sole plate at exterior walls on monolithic stabs and wood sill plate shall be anchored to the founda-
Blocking to Rafter(Toe-nailed) 2-8d 2-IOd each end g 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 tAindborne debris Shall meet the anchorage method and shall be secured 6. All exlsdng equipment,utilities,structures,and other Itertu Interfering with the Installation of the proposed equipment and tion with anchor bolts spaced a maximum or 39'r on center.Mchor bolts shall also be located within 12" from
12 No.8 wood-screw-based structures shall be removed and replaced and shall be subject to approval of the Owner.The Contractor shall determine and/or the ends of each plate section.Bolts shall beat least 518"In diameter and shall extend a minimum of 7"Into
Rim Board to Rafter(End-nailed) 2.16d 3-16d each end 10 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 anchor with 2-inch embedment 16 .10 8 requirements of an approved impact- with the attachment hardware provided. ve
rify the actual location ofany end all utllldes,process piping and related Items prior to the commencement ofwork.All costs masonry or concrete.There shall be a minimum of(2)Doltr In any one sill.
WALL FRAMING 16 a 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 length resisting standard or ANSI/DASMA 115. Attachments shall be designed to resist Incurred shall be the reponsiblllty of the Contractor unless otherwise agreed upon by the Owner. 6.Perform required alteration to existing concrete.New work Installed adjacent to and connecting with pres--
10 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 a 7. All dimensions and locations as Indicated on the drawings shall be considered correct,but shall be understood that they are ent work shall match existing.Joints between new and existing work shall be trowled smooth and even.
Top Plate to Top Plate (Face-nailed) 2-16d 2.16d per foot 8 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 No.10 wood-screw-based the component and Cladding loads subject to motflflcations as may be necessary or desirable at the Ume of Installation to meet unforseen or other conditions. Provide expanslon Joints.
Top Plates at Intersections (Face-nailed) 4-16d 5-16d joints-each side 24 10 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 6 anchor with 2-inch embedment 16 12 9 determined in accordance With either a. DO NOT SCALE DRAWINGS.Written dimensions supersede scaled dimensions and are subject to revisions as per actual field con 7.A concrete block inundation wall shall be accepted In Ileu of poured concrete where permitted by Local
Stud to Stud (Face-nailed) 2-16d 2-16d 24"o.c. I dltlons.The Contractor shall verify all dimensions and conditions herein shown and all dlscr•epandes are to be brought to the Codes. Copper
Header to Header(Face-nailed) 16d 16d 16"o.c.along edges length Table R301.2(2) or ASCE 7, with the Architect's attention before commencing with the work. 8.Provide continuous termite shield with all joints sealed along perimeter walls and shielded termite
Table 3.5A TO and Bottom Plate to Stud Lateral Connections v '/,,-inch la -screw-based permanent corrosion-resistant 9. IfIn the course of construction a condition exists which disagrees with that as Indicated on these plena the Contractor shall coNars at plumbing pipes In crawispaces unless otherwise noted.
Top or Bottom Plate to Stud (End-nailed) (see Table 3.5A) (see Table 3.5A) per stud fo rWlnd Loads Exposu Ce S anchor with 2 inch embedment 16 16 16 attachment hardware provided and stop all work and notify the Architect so as to alleviate such conflict without burden to the Owner.Should he fall to follow this 9.Footings at different levels shall be stepped so that the dear distance between acpacent bottom edges shall
procedure and continue with the work,he shall assume all responsibility and fiabllity arising therefrom. not exceed a slope of one vertical to two horizontal.
Bottom Plate to floor oist,Band oist,End•oist 2-16d'2 2-16d1.2 er foot length anchors ermanentl installed on the 10. The Architect shall not be responsible for,nor have control or char of construction mea methods,s uences,or ro 10.Backflll shall not be placed a inst foundation walls until the concrete Is ofsufndent stren h and until the
J 1 J P (Prescriptive Alternative to Table 3.5) P y cedures,or for safe recautions and programs.Contractor shall be reponsible fora p walls are roperly braced to a d bottom b the horizontal floor orb ad uate tea ors bradn
or Blocking (Face-nailed) - --�---- - - ty p dequately bracing and protection ofall P P Y y eq p ry g.
For Sl:1 inch=25.4 mm.1 foot=304.8 min,I pound-4.448 N,1 building.Attachment in accordance with work during construction against damage,breakage,collapse,distortion and misalignment according to applicable codes. 11.Concrete Foundations shall be poured continuously.If pour Is Interrupted a vertical key shall be provided.
FLOOR FRAMING Wind Speed mile per hour•0 447 m/s Table R301.2.1.2 is permitted for 11.The Contractor shall check and verify location ofany existing overhead or underground electrical or other hazardous uull Horizontal Joints are not permitted.
Joist to Sill, To Plate or Girder Toe-nailed 4-8d 4-30d 3-second gust(mph) 90 95 100 10S 110 115 120 130 140 ISO 160 170 iso 19S a.This table is based on 180 mph ultimate design wine ty lines and to arrange for their safe relocation. _ 12.Contractor shall verify dimensions and locations of slots,pipe sleeves,Inserts,anchor bolts,electric con-
e ( ) per joist (See Figure 1.1) speeds,v%and a 4sfoot mean roof height. buildings with a mean roof height of 45 12.The Contractor shall be responsible for temporary electric,water,toilet facilities,fencing,barricades,security,and clean- dults,etc as required for trades before placing concrete.
Bridging to Joist (Toe nailed) 2 8d 2 30d each end b.Fasteners shall be installed at opposing ends of the wood feet (13 728 mm) or less where the up as agreed upon between the Owner and the Contractor.Upon completion of work,Contractor shall broom clean all affected 13.Concrete:work Included; •
Blocking to Joist(Toe-nailed) 2-8d 2-10d each end Stud structural panel.Fasteners shall be located not less than 1 areas and cart away all debris. a)all footings,foundations,steps,platforms,etc.,as per drawings.
1 ultimate design wind speed, Vuh, is 180
Blocking to Sill or Top Plate(Tce-nailed) 3-16d 4-16d each block Spacing Wall Height(ft) Required Number of 16d Common Nails or 40d Box Nails per Stud to Plate Connection(elf) ;itch rromtl,e edge aftne pane,. 13. Contractors orSub-Contractors whose work and Installations require sleeves,hanger Inserts,bolts,anchors,etc.,to be b)all concrete slabs.
Ledger Strip to Beam(Face-nailed) 3-16d 4-16d each joist (in•) c.Anchors shall penetrate through the extenor wall covering mph(290 kph)or less. built Into the work of other Contractors,shall Install or provide these Items to the appropriate Contractor who will set these to c)all other work as required by drawings.
with an embedment length of not less than 2 inches into the work In the locations established by the Contractor who requires these Items.These Items shall be provided and their locations d)set anchor bolts.
Joist on Ledger to Beam(Toe-nailed) 3-8d 3-SOd per joist 8 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 14.Damp proofing:work Included;
Mnldntg Irame Fasteners shall be located not less than 2/z coordinated sumciently In advance,so as not to decay the progress t3f a job as a whole.All such Items shall be Incorporated so
Band Joist to Joist(End-nailed) 3-16d 4-16d per joist 10 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 inches from the edge of concrete block ot concrete. they will meet the correct physical elevaUons of floors at each level.They shall be secured Into the framework for concrete so a)all surfaces to be damp proofed shall be dry,clean,smooth.free of dust,dirt voids and cracks and shard
Band Joist to Sill or Top Plate(Toe-nailed) 2 16d' 3 16d per foot d.Panels attached to masonry or masonry/stucco shalt be es to maintain their proper location end position during the placing of concrete and removal of formwork. prajeettons.
12 2 2 2 2 2 Z 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 attached using vibration-resistant anchors having are 14. The Contractor shall conduct all work to preclude the effects of weather on completed work,or work In progress.The b)allow 24 hours prior to backfllling,
ROOF SHEATHING 12 14 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 ultimate withdrawal capacity of not less than 1,500 pounds Contractor shall assume all responsibility and expense of temporary enclosures where necessary.Dust partitions are to be c)apply mastic emulsion only when temperature Is 40 degrees F and rising and In dry weather.
16 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 provided between work areas and the rest of the buildin d)apply Celotex Trowel Mastic or approved equal on all foundation walls below rade at basement and crawl
Wood Structural Panels 8d 10d (see Table 3.10} 15. Each Contractor shall be reponsible for all loss or damage arising from the action of the elements such as water,heat,wind spaces' g
Diagonal Board Sheathing is 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 NOTE:
i"x6"or i"x8" 2-8d 2-lOd per support 20 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 ALL S-fTtAPPNG 70 8E 1 V4'x20(3Al1GE STFS DR or otfier unforseen dlAlculUes which may be encountered In performing the work to be done under tits contract In the event e)mastic shall be spelled at the rate of 1/8"thick wet.
of arty suspension of work,each Contractor or Sub-Contractor shall protect his work and nmterials against damage.Any work
1"RAO"or wider 3-8d 3-10d per support 8 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 SfvpSON EOU1/ALENT-C820(COLED STRAP) or materials that have been damaged or destroyed because of failure of any Contractor or Sub-Contractor to protect his CARPENTRY NOTES
,Alt STAAPPNG SWtI 1.BE 1YSTAt I Fn PRIOR TC SFEATFiJCiJ work or materiels shall be prOntptly removed and replaced by tfie Contractor. 1.Insulation shall be fiberglass baits-foil one side,unless otherwise noted thickness as shown on dnewln s
CEILING SHEATHING 10 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 16. Any materials or workmanship found at the time to be defective shall be remedled at once,regardless of previous Inspec staple pads on foil OVER framing. g
it 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 KNO ATTACH RNr W N Uon.The Inspection of the work Is Intended to aid the Contractor In applying labor and materials to and In accordance with the 2-All exterior nailing,In exposed exterior wood,shall be aluminum or alvanized.
Gypsum Wallboard Sd coolers Sd coolers 7"edge/30"field KN(3 ATTACii7FM Wi HV specifications,but such Inspection shall not operate to release the Contractor from arry of his contractual obll bons. 3.Provide"cats"at all exterior and bearing walls and all walls over 8 feet high.All stud framing having an
16 14 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 AI-IGN�OR RAFTERS ga
WAIL SHEATHING 16 2 2 2 2' 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 !%w TO PLATES TYP.PROVDE RAFTER TO 17. All new materials and Installations shall be In accordance with manufacturer's latest printed spedflcations and with code • unsupported height of more than 10'-0" Is to have stud bridging or otherwise be braced In an approved man-
Wood Structural Panels 8d 10d (see Table 3.11j CRIPPLE CONNECTION H-2 A requirements. nerat Intervals not exceeding 8'-0".
18 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 a OR EQUAL OR STRAP 13. All materials shall be new,as tatted for In the drawings,and the best of their respective klnds.No subsUtutlon shall be made 4.All floors designed to withstand a combined live load and dead load of 50 er s it for Irvin areas and 40#
Structural Fiberboard Panels 20 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 5 DE'AL A LEFT by the Contractor without the prior written approval of the Architect.For portions of the vfork not shown In detail but which per sq.ft for all other areas. p q g
i/2" li ga.situ. roofing Wait 3"edge/6"field - are shown generally,or for reasonable Inference as being required for a proper and complete Installation,the material, 5.Design Umber stress-Fb+850,E-1,600,000 psi,Douglas Fir Larch No.2.
8 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3
(0.120"xi-1/2"long x 7/16"head) methods,and workmanship stall conform,as a minimum,to the 6.Provide cross bridging or solid blocking @ 8'-O"oc maximum floors and ceilings.
10 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 NAILING&STRAPPING AT typical or representative detail throughout the corresponding parts of the building. 7.Studs,silts,posts,beams and Jolsts shall be construction grade Douglas Fir No.2 appearance.
25/32" 11 ga.galv. roofing nail - 3"edge/6"field 12 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Z 2 3 3 4 4 5 A EXTERIOR WINDOW/DOOR HEADERS 19. No materials of any kind shall be used upon the work until It has been Inspected and accepted by the Owner.All materials S.Studs are to be doubled at the sides of openings In exterior walls and bearing partitions.All headers 5'-0"
(0.120"x1-3/4"long x 3/8"head) 24 14 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 4 4 4 5 eeaLw®FOR Au.tOV ccrsrlalOTln1 ANWOR WV At DIDOM rejected shall be Immediately removed from the work and not again offered for Inspection, and over to have a minimum of a double Jack stud on both sides of opening.
16 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3. - 3 4 - 4 S_ 6 20. All work shall be executed In a workmanlike manner and all mechanics shalt tre skilled In their trade. 9.Joists supportlng•parallel partitions,spaced apart to permit the passage of piping or duct work,are to be
Gypsum Wallboard 5d coolers 5d coolers 7"edge/10"field A NAILING SCHEDULE'B': mium RULE cot mRicnol wv4wi 21. No note or detail or lack thereof shall be construed as relieving the Contractor flrom execution of all work In accordance blocked at maximum IV Intervals on bearing partitions and 32"Intervals on non-bearing partitions.
Hardboard 8d Sd (see Table 3.11) 18 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 4 4 S 5 6 D naM ars+ru FOR lttoow O'DiNGa with all state and local codes. 10.Where Joist hangers and other steel frame carriers are Indicated,contractor to provide and utilize the
Particleboard Panels Bd 8d (see manufacturer) 20 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 4 a 5 5 6 7 Now, 22. Architect Is not retained for site Inspections and/or observation of the construction, proper smooth shank and/or annular ring nails as recommended by the hanger manufacturer,to insure the
Rough A a C D E F 23. The Architect has not been retained on this project for bidding and/or the negotiation and administration of the Contracts appropriate shear and wlthdrawt capacity of the fasteners.
Diagonal Board Sheathing oar°"g for construction of this project 11.Provide Flrestopping aei required In compliance with part R602.8 of NYCRR.
1"x6"or 1"x8" 2-8d 2-10d Table 3.6 Rid a Connection Re uirements for Wind B ro' z o 2x4 1 1 1 1 24. No request from any party for Information regarding clarification,amplification or explanatlonofthe drawings or notation, 12.Do all cutting and tching for all trades.In bearin walls or artltlon no stud Is to be cut more than 1/3 of
persupport g q Exposure B pa i P s,
1"x10"or wider 3-8d 3-lOd per support p C E 4•�• + o zx4 z z z z or request for permisslon to very or deviate from the requirements of these drawings or notations,will be entertelned by the Its depth to receive piping,duct work, or electrical wiring.
(Dead Load Assumptions: Roof Assembly DL=10 psf} W-M a fa zx4 a a 2x4 ' 3 3 3 3 Architect,unless they are set forth In writing and addressed to the Owner.If the Owner refers these requests to the Architect, 13.Provide double Joists under all posts,partitions parallel to jolsts and around all openings.Provide double
the Architect will,with reasonable promptness,consider Me matter and respond to writing to the Owner for transmittal to the framing around skylights Double all beams or olsts under bathtubs and hee a dances.
FLOOR SHEATHING s4r ° mars•01 tee 3 4 3 3 party concerned.The Architect does not nor will not assume any responsibility With regard to lire above mentioned types of a"14.Contractor to provide"Simpson"hurricane clips on all rafter to stud connections tit on all stud to box
wind speed t0•-o• 10 to + + + + Inquiry unless above procedure Is followed beam connections.
Wood Structural Panels 3-second gust(mph) 90 9s 100 105 11a 11S 120 130 140 ISO 160 170 190 19s 25. The Architect shall not be responsible for the performance of the General Contractor anySub-Contractors or the Owners a Alf exterior o enin s shall be ro er flashed.
1"or less 8d lod 6"edge/12"field (See Figure 1.11 tr o• ,2 m 2x6 s s s s P g P p ly
Nplaanns: own forces,nor shall he guarantee the performance of their contracts.The obligation of the Contractor shall not extend to the 16.New work shall tie to and la Into existin so as to revent leaks e.
greater than 1 SOd 16d 6"edge/12"field ! p 9 D g
Roof span "JA F A.MAW OF RD NALS AT Mi eo aF sty liability of the Architect,his agents or employees. 17.Flashing to be provided at all floor penetrations,pipes,vents ys,and roof ventilators.
Diagonal Board Sheathing Root Pitch Required Gpacityof Rklge Connection(elf) ,skylights,ehlmne
(ft) B.NLke 1 OF SUL Sri=a tre FIAT cop NOr ApILY M DOOR,, 26. Items shown on plans but not speCMcally stated In the specifications and/or vice versa shall be considered to be Included Flashing to be provided at hips,ridges,valleys,changes of roof slopes,gable ends and top of foundation wells.
i"x6"or 1"x8" 2-8d 2-SOd per support 12 28 39 51 64 77 91 105 136 169 205 243 294 327 197 c-1 MER a FUL H329IOn sties AT EAA1 SIDE of WAM In the contract All roof Intersections to have flashing to extend 8"in each direction.All flashing to be aluminum unless noted
1"x10"or wider 3-8d 3-10d 27. Items not specifically called for by manufacturer number or grade specMcations,shall be furnished In the most economical otherwise.All rafters to line up directly over studs.
per support 16 37 s2 68 ss 103 lzt 141 1s2 z26 27a 3zs 379 436 s29 °-or wwm T� ,e TMto"°""°'Aca'r'ur's"°1°e° model,grade or manner of Installation. 18.Ir►stall shims to provide floor pitch under sfieathing and perpendllcular to the roofJolsts to provide for roof
20 46 65 0 129 IS4 282 212 272 339 410 497 S68 sas 793 E.NLAABM of JAOK SR,DS AT EACH 90OF 1ArAI1a1S 909l�E DOUR EM-0aL9 28. Each Contractor shall carry Worker's Compensation Insurance In the amounts prescribed by taw,and liability,bodily Injury, venting In
3:1z 2A s6 78 119 149 ISO 212 246 318 395 479 568 663 763 925 F r4Aem of sa mAu t3o+wm nficu+AwA�r stud snm tD automobile and other Insurance In the amounts and periods satisfactory to the Owner.fie Architect shall be listed as addition flat roof areas.
Table 3.9A Rafter/Ceiling Joist.Heel Joint Connection Requirements zg 6s 91 119 149 Ian 21z 246 31a 39s 479 s6s 663 763 925 eo a lust Ar F/w+sDE cop Har ArFCY To Doors al names Insured. "
JACKS AM KNGS AS 19.All Interior leaders are to have 1/2 foam sound Insulation.
(PrescnpUve Alternat Iva t o Table 3.9) 32 74 Jos 137 192 231 243 316 409 S08 616 730 85a 982 1190 SHOWN Tye DETAL®LTT 29. The Contractor,Its agents,servants and employees shall lndemnlfy and hold harmless the Owner and the Architect and
36 83 Ile 1sa 19z 231 n3 316 409 soa 616 73o as2 9az 1190 � 20.All Interior doors to be 1-3/8"hollow core lauan veneered with epproXlmate hardware.Contractor shall
their Agents and Employees from and against all claims,damages,losses and expenses Including Attorneys fees arising out of stipulate an allowance for all lock sets.
goof Live Laad Ground snow load 12 26 35 45 55 6s 77 88 123 139 168 199 231 266 321 or resulting from the performance of the work-
20 psi 30 psf SO psf 70 psf 16 35 47 60 73 87 102 118 iso 186 224 265 3os 354 428 Solid Sawn Joist and Rafter Notching and Berin6 Umlts Stud Notching and Boring Ulnit• 21.Use waterproof membrane flashing over aft outside doors.
30. In any and all calms against the Owner or the Architect,or any of titter Agents or Employees,icy any Employee of the
m 43 58 75 91 109 128 147 188 232 280 331 385 443 536 Contractor,or Sub-Contractor,anyone directly or Indirectly employed by any of them,or anyone for whose acts of them may
Roof Span(2 be liable the Indemnlficatlon obR ation under this ROOFING Peer roofing Halls,
4:Sz u Sz 70 89 ilo 13t is3 176 226 279 336 397 463 51z 643 g paragraph shall not be limited In any way by any limitation on the amount 1.Fasteners for asphalt shingles shall be galvanlzed steel,stainless steel,aluminum or co
12 24 36 12 24 36 12 2a 36 li za 36 28 61 62 104 129 153 179 206 263 325 392 464 540 620 750 Notch d or type of damages,compensation or benefits payable by or for the Contractor or Sub-Contractor under Worker's minimum 12 gage shank with a minimum 3/8"diameter head ASTM F 1667 of a length to penetrate through
Rafter 11a,4.s 32 69 94 119 146 174 204 235 301 372 448 530 617 709 957 Out&thhd of depth<1/4d , ,
Rafter Slope Required Number of 16d Common or40d Box Nails per Heel Joirnt Connection epic onir Hole edge Conpensation Acts,Disability Benefit Acts or any other Employee Benefit Acts. the roofing materials and a minimum of 3/4"Into the roof sheathing.Where the roof sheathing Is less than 3/4"
31. All work let under these drawings shall be guaranteed against defects In material and workmanship for a period of one(1) thick,the fasteners shalt penetrate through the sheathing.Fasteners shall comply with ASTM F 1667.
spacing in. 36 7s IDS 13a 164 196 z3o 264 338 109 132 156 182 797 9r4 outer 1/3 of dlatanee>s/e- g panty,or the Owner s Ilse of the ptemesis *IXCEPTtON:Asphaltstrip shingles shall have a minimum of six fasteners er sh)n le where the roof Is
12 3 5 8 3 6 9 5 9 13 6 12 17 1I 20 27 35 43 51 60 69 68 309 132 156 182 209 253 s
.pan only year from the date of the acceptance of the Owner.Granttn a Certificate of Octu
16 26 36 46 57 68 80 92 118 146 176 208 242 279 337 Hole diameter shall not constitute acceptance of the work P 9
16 4 7 10 4 8 12 6 12 17 8 15 23 <2/sd In one of the following catagories:(areas within 1 mile from the water)
3:12 20 33 45 58 71 85 100 115 147 182 220 260 303 349 421. single stud Hole diameter 32, Contractor shall Inspect site and make all appropriate Inqulrtr'es to determine conditions and field Construction criteria
19.z 4 8 12 5 to 1a 7 t4 z1 9 18 27 Stud 4 3/gd a. The basic wind speed per Figure R301.2(4)Is 130 miles per hour or greater and the eave
5:12 u 40 54 69 BS 102 119 138 in 219 264 3t2 36a 418 506 rice to submisslOn of bids,and shali make no additional calms regarding site COnfBtiOnS thereafter.
24 5 10 IS 6 12 18 9 17 26 12 23 3d 1/3 Joist DOUae gam' P Is 20 feet or higher above grade.
28 46 63 8t 99 119 139 list 206 255 308 364 424 499 590 depth,Max, 33. Contractor shall obtain all required approvals,permits,certificates of occupancy,Inspection approvals,etc.for work per peed per Figure R3012(4)Is 120 miles
1/a,niet b. The basic Wlnd s
12 3 4 6 3 5 7 4 7 10 5 9 13 32 53 72 92 114 136 159 184 236 292 352 416 485 557 674 depth,Max. U .' r•Min. Plats formed from agencies having Jurisdiction thereoL per hour iz greater.
2 Asphalt shingles shall nary be used on roofslopes of two units vertical In 12 units horizontal(2:12)or greeter.
16 3 5 8 3 6 9 5 9 13 6 12 17 36 6D el 104 lzs Is3 179 207 z65 iza 396 46a sas 6z7 7sA Hols edge 34. Unless otherwise agreed upon between the Architect and Owner, the Owner shall pay for and Contractor shall obtain a For roof slo
a:12 Z.Mh1 distance>5/8" building permit from the village prior to starting any work- pes from(2:12)up to(4:12),double tinderiayment application Is required In accordance with Section
19.2 3 6 9 4 7 11 6 11 16 7 14 21 12 20 26 33 40 48 55 63 87 99 119 141 164 18R 227 R9052.7.
16 n 35 as Sa 63 74 as t0a 133 ls9 Iaa 21& zso 3oz 1/3 mist 35. The General Contractor shall coordinate scheduling ofSub-Contractors and other Contracts and shall provide every postl
24 a 8 11 5 9 13 7 13 19 9 17 z6 depth Max. 1/6 Nfat ble cooperative effort to coordinate completion of all work.The General Contractor shall anplete a comprehensive shcedule Asphalt shingit>s shall hateself-sealing strips or be InteNocking and dimity with ASTM D223 or D34b2.
20 33 44 ss 67 79 92 Jos 13s 166 199 23s 273 313 378 4.In areas where the avers a dal Item erature In January Is 25 degrees F(-4 d
12 3 3 5 3 a 6 3 6 8 a 7 1 t eepeh Max of all work pertaining to all contracts and shall submit same to the Owner In an acceptable fortnat for review well In advance of g ly P egrees C),or less or when
6:12 u 40 53 66 Ho 95 lit 127 162 199 239 2s2 3z7 376 4s3 Table R3012(1)criteria so designates,and Ice barter that consists of at least two layers of uderld
16 3 4 6 3 5 1 4 7 11 5 9 14 WOrk COmmenCgment cemented to g polymer modHled bltumin sheet shall be`used In 11eu of normal
5:12 28 47 61 77 94 111 129 148 188 232 279 329 382 438 529 gather or of a self-adherin
19.2 3 5 7 3 6 9 5 9 13 6 11 17 32 53 7o Ba l07 Iz7 Iss 169 215 z6s 319 376 436 sot 6os 36. Contractor shall coordinate construction activities with Owner to minimize Interruptions to normal owner operations. underiayment and extend from the eaves edge to a point at least 24"Inside the exterior wall line of the bid
37. The Contractor shall conduct all work In such a manner so to not Impair the structural Integrity or stability ofadl;jacent g.
2a 3 6 9 4 7 11 6 11 16 7 1a a 36 60 79 99 1u 143 166 190 242 29E 3S8 423 492 56a 680 structures,equipment,or utilitides.Should damage occur as a result of the work,the Contractor shall repair or replace said 5.All metal flashing where called for on plans shall be aluminum.
6.Contractor shall r required and shall connect them to the a
t2 3 3 4 3 3 a 3 a 6 3 5 8 12 z7 3z 37 a3 49 55 6z 76 94 11z 13z Is3 vs 2 u damaged Items to the saf3sfactlon of the Owner,and at the Contractor's expense.the Contractor shall bear any and all costs p ovlde gutters and leaders as pprovtW storm
16 3 3 5 3 4 5 3 S 8 4 7 10 16 36 43 so 57 65 73 82 102 12S 149 176 204 233 281 STRAPPING DETAILS associated with Work Discontinuation,Engineering Consultation,Materials Testing,Repair and all miscellaneous related Items. water drainage system as required.
7:12 .7.All exterior openings shall be property flashed.
t9.2 3 4 s 3 4 6 3 6 9 a 8 li zo 4s 53 62 72 e1 92 to3 u7 156 is7 220 254 29t 3s1 38. The Controdor shall have a competent representative or foreman present,who shall follow without delay all Instructions B.All work shell beer a written one(t)year guarantee from Roofln
24 3 5 7 3 5 a 4 8 11 5 10 15 7:12-12:12 24 54 64 7S 86 98 110 123 1S3 197 224 263 30s 3so 421 of the Owner or his/her assistants In the prosecution and completion of the work In conformity with this contract,and shall g Contractor from the date of the Owner's
za 62 74 87 100 114 229 144 178 218 261 307 356 408 .491 Sill Plate to Foundation Anchor Bolts have full authority to supply labor and materialsImmediat acceptance.
cry.The Contractor shall also have a competent representative avail-
12 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 5 3 4 6 32 71 a5 99 3 is 130 147 164 204 2SO 299 351 407 466 St,z able to redeye telephone messages and provide a reasonable reply as soon as possible,but not later than 24 hours. 9.All roof Intersections to have flashing to extend 8"(measured vertically)above flat root.
9:12 16 3 3 4 3 3 a 3 a 6 3 5 8 36 so 96 112 129 147 165 1R5 229 291 316 39s 4SA 525 63z Wall Stud 39. The Contractor shall,at all times,provide constatn and easy access and safe and proper fadlltltes for the Inspection of all 10.Built up roof Is to be of 3-ply built up roof with gravel topping;tie Into existing.
19.2 3 3 4 3 4 5 3 5 7 3 6 9 Bottom Plate parts of the work. 11.New work shall tie In and lap s0 as to prevent leakage.
Wall Stud 12.Ali exterior nailing shall be aluminum or ivanized.
2a 3 4 5 3 4 6 3 6 9 4 8 12 Anchor Bolt Anchor Bolt ° 410. Before any payment will be made by the Owner,the Contractor shall deliver to the Owner any waiver or releases ofany �
12 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 3 3 5 TABLE R301.5 TABLE R301.7 Bottom Plate I•• liens arising out of hls contractfor work completed as of the date of the request for payment The Contractor shall also deliver 13.Flashing to be provided at all roof penetrations,pipes,vents,skylights,chimneys and roof
16 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 5 3 a 6 MINIMUM UNIFORMLY DISTRIBUTED LIVE LOADS ALLOWABLE DEFLECTION OF STRUCTURAL p lapped tinder sill plate Floor Jd3st • I . ° all manufacturers'warranties,guarantees,operational and maintenance manuals pertaining to his work;furnish evidence vveentionators.Flashing to be provided at hips,ridges,valleys,changes of roofstope,gable ends and top offoun-
feel Stra
12:12 sr • I o s satisfactory to the Owner that all payrolls,bills for labor, materials and equipment and other Indebtedness connected with hit
19.2 3 3 3 3 3 a 3 a 6 3 5 7 (• P P q ) b c CSZO T M I N. I ° work for which the Owner or his property might In any way be responsible,have been paid or otherwise satisfied.Each con 14.All skylights Irrstelled In roof system with pitch of 3/12 or less ere to be mounted on min.4"high curbs.
In ounds er s uare foot MEMBERS ' 15.Install shims to provide roof pitch under sheathin and
24 3 3 a 3 3 5 3 5 7 3 6 9 ° I• tractor shall also deliver to the Owner written guarantees In form and whose tears and extent will be established In the g perpendicular to the roofJolsts to provide for roof
agreements between each Contractor and the Owner. venting In flat roof areas.
USE LIVE LOAD ALLOWABLE I� • d 41. Each Contractor shall be responsible for cutting,fitting and patching of his work that may be required to complete the 16.All interior leaders ere to have 1/2"foam sound Insulation over PVC piping.
Table 3.10 Roof Sheathing Attachment Requirements for Wind Exposure B STRUCTURAL MEMBER I I SIII Plate `_ •
M g 6 DEFLECTION I�I world of his contract,no Contractor shall endanger•any work of any other Contractor by excavating,cutting,or otherwise ELECTRICAL NOTES
Uninhabitable attics without story a 10 - J_
Loads b n Rafters having slopes greater than 3:12 with = Steel Strap lapped under altering any work ofany other contractor,and nib Contractor shalt do so without die prier written consent of the Owner. Any 1.All electrical work shalt be confined to the space and location allowed for It and shall be In strict confor-
Uninhabitabte attics with limited storage 20 L/180 sill plate CS20 costs caused by defective or III-timed work shall be borne by the party responsible therefore. mance to the National Electric Code and overnin munid tt
swnd speed 3-sereeds,+n lrWh) finished ceiling not attached to rafters I I f jI " " 42. Contractor shall brace,shore,reinforce and/or underpin all structures,Including neighboring structures,as required for g g ty'
so n too Cos Ito its tin tm t4o tso t°o t7o ten Iss Habitable attics and attics served with fixed ;I I I�I M_ 5/8 d'la.W/3 square washer safe o eration.The Contractor Is to take all necassa 2.Provide separate drcults for ell appliances,amides t>s based on manufacturer specifications.
tree F1r++re I.t) 9
Fastener spacing stairs 30 Interior walls and partitions H/180 P ry and prudent steps to shore and brace exlsdng structure prior to 3.Contractor Is to verify with owner,if the owner will be purchasing appliances and having them Installed by
Rafter Installation of headers for new openings. The proper and safe execution of this work Is the sole responsibility of the Contractor. others prior to submitting a bid on the project
rrnns Pant late„"- a Floors L/360 43. Equipment and devices of a temporary nature required for the construction processes and protection thereof,such as scaf 4.Contractor stall install,as per Owners direction,any and'all Intercom,alarm,thermostat,telephone and/or
sneatNdg Lentiod' tJplih Load per Nail(Ibs} Balconies(exterior)and decks 40 s, gs, y protectlolns,etc.,for TV Antenna wlrin
sexing Edges sepparts folds,steging,pletforrtls,runways,hoists,ladders,chutes,temporary flooring,guard rallln Sfiaftwa
fit•) P"-1 l+"•I Ceilings with brittle finishes(including plaster the protecdoln ofwor•kmen and of the ublic shall be rovided erected and maintained In accordance with the requirements g e walls prior to s ork o nforr All wMng shall be concealed M walls, d o or u�derw.
Fire escapes 40 L/360 P P � 5.All wiring shall be copper and ell work conform with NEC and NYBfU end shalt be Board of Flre Underwriters
6 I2 17 19 21 23 25 28 30 3s 41 47 s3 60 67 7& and stucco) A L ,1 of the New York State Building Construction Code,and all other laws, rules,or ordtnaces of all Governmental Agencies having approved and Include the following• -
6 6 9 to it 12 13 14 is to 21 24 27 30 34 39 Guards and handrails° 2001i Ridge Structural Ridge Ra f ter to S LUU Jurisdiction.Contractorshall provide,erect,maintain those Items required for use,obtaining all necessary permits,Inspections a)all wirin
12 4 4 6 7 7 8 9 9 to 12 14 16 to 20 23 26 Ceilings with flexible finishes(including t for new switches,outlets,brea es,re Indict a necessary to allow for all new work,all rewiring of
and approvals,and remove those Items which have served their purpose and when directed by the Owner,unless otherwise eldsting fixtures and labeling of dreutt breakers to Indlcete circuit use.
3 3 5 s 6 6 7 7 a 9 10 12 14 is 17 20 Guard in-fill componentsf 5011 gypsum L/240 stipulated. - b)furnish NFBU Certiflcate at completion of work. , Carbon monoxide R314&R315
6 12 23 25 z8 31 34 37 40 47 54 62 70 79 89 104 44. Con actors shall make timely submissions to the Owner of thevarious Items as set forth so as to allow reasonable and ade 6 Furnish and Install single station smoke detecting alarm deYlce In compRantx with Sec: of NY5 Building
6 6 12 33 14 16 17 19 20 24 27 31 35 40 4s s2 Passenger vehicle garages' 50' board) ,a._�a , 4 a71PP ,p ,possible resubmlSSlon and fora ravel of submlsslons without deli n the
16 ty� quote time for review ossible correctioln
4 a 6 9 7 to li 9 14 16 18 11 24 27 30 3s All other structural members L/240 rs 15v 33 r ress of the entire roject or any phase of the ro ect PP Code and shall be provided outside each separate sleeping Brea,In each sleeping space end on each floor level.
3 3 6 7 7 a 9 9 I0 1z l4 16 16 zo z1 z6 Rooms other than sleeping rooms 40 12 M Ill. 12 Mill• e p °g P P j 7.Contractor shall verify with the owner,location and quantity of fighting fixtures,switches,outlets
Interior zone 6 12 z7 30 33 17 20 44 43 s6 6s 74 64 95 107 t2s Exterior walls-wind loads"with plaster or E.PrOtllde agm nlmum of one outlet in a hallway that exceeds 9'-0"In length.
6 6 9 15 I7 19 2a 12 z4 2a 33 37 42 ea 54 63 Sleeping rooms 3o H/360 • These plans are designed in accordance with the American Forest& Paper •g.ProwdeoneoutletIneachroom6minimumof6'-o"fromtheentrancetothatroom.
19.2 stucco finish •
4 4 9 ]0 11 12 14 15 /6 19 22 25 26 32 36 42
3 3 7 B 9 9 10 I1 12 14 17 19 21 24 27 32 Stairs 40c a CS20 a ' Association Woof: Frame Construction Manual for one and two-famil dwellin s ery
6 U 34 37 41 46 so 5s 59 70 81 93 1US n9 t J3 15b _ Exterior walls-wind loads with other brittle (�S20 0 10.Provide a minimum of one GFl outlet within 3-0"ofany sink and a minimum of one In eY bathroom
6 6 17 19 21 23 25 2A 30 3S 41 47 S3 60 67 7R finishes N/240 0 ° + g unless otherwise spedfled.
24 4 4 12 13 14 16 17 19 20 24 27 31 35 a0 4s sz TABLE R402.2 2018 Edition - prescriptive method 11.Contractor must verify with his licensed electrician If an upgrade of electrical service Is required for this
3 3 9 10 1 12 13 14 is 1° 21 24 27 30 34 39 MINIMUM SPECIFIED COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH OF Exterior walls-wind loads"with flexible oo c
6 12 3z 3s 39 43 47 51 s6 66 76 a7 99 112 125 147 H/12od LSU These plans comply with all of the requirements of the followin project prior r t verilttlng a bid.
CONCRETE finishes T1� 12.Controdor to verify locations of masts,meters,sub-panels,etc for relocation as required for the project.
6 6 16 36 20 22 24 26 2a 33 3a 44 so s6 63 74 Contractor must also notify the Architect of locations If not shown on plans.
1z •2020 N.Y.S.Building Code •2020 N.Y.S. Mechanical Code
4 4 8 9 13 1s 16 17 19 22 26 29 23 38 42 49 Lintels supporting masonry veneer walls° L/600 •2020 N.Y.S.Residential Code •2020 N.Y.S. Fuel Gas Code
3 3 ° 9 10 11 12 13 14 I7 19 22 25 2a 32 37
MINIMUM SPECIFIED P AUMBIN 9 NOITES II be In strict conformance with all state and local codes
6 13 42 47 52 s7 63 68 74 87 101 116 131 149 167 196 COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH° 2.Hot water heater shall have a me t con,tam
16 6 6 - 21 24 26 29 32 34 37 44 51 ss 66 75 A4 qA TYPE OR LOCATION OF CONCRETE (fe) MTS30 •2020 N.Y.S.E:xistin Buildin Code •2020 N.Y.S. Pro g egrees F.
4 • 14 16 is 19 27 23 2s I9 34 39 44 so s6 6b • All roofs ceilings floors designed g 9 pertyMaintenanceCode peroturesettln ott40d
CONSTRUCTION A ' ,3.Provide hot and cold water supply Ines to a new refrigerator as required by manufacturers specifications.
3 3 1I 12 13 is 16 17 19 22 26 29 33 1A 42 49 Weathering Potential' ----- - . •2020 N.Y.S.Energy Conservation Code •2020 NFPA 70 National Electric Code 4.Provide Insulation on all new piping as required by code.
Perimeter Edge Zone 5.Remove and relocate all existing piping as required to assure the proper execution of the work
6 32 so s6 62 6a 75 82 s9 Ins i t 139 Iss /79 too I la For dead load of 10 P.S.F. •2020 N.Y.S.Fire Code •2020 Uniform Code supplement 6.Below grade waste lines shall be XHCI piping.
6 6 2s 2R 31 34 3A a 4s 51 6i 70 79 90 too us Negligible Moderate Severe
19.2 4 4 17 19 21 23 25 28 30 35 41 47 53 60 67 79
3 3 13 14 16 17 I9 21 21 27 3t 35 40 4s so 59 Basement walls,foundations and 7.Potable tines shall be type"L"copper.
6 13 63 70 78 as 94 102 u1 131 152 174 198 223 250 294 other concrete not exposed to the 2,500 2,500 2,500° •2020 N.Y.S.Plumbing Code •2020 Supplement t0 the N.Y.S.Energy 8.All gas or oil piping required shall be performed by the plumbing Contractor.
24 6 6 32 35 39 43 47 s1 56 66 76 87 99 112 125 147 weather Conservation Construction Code %Sanitary disposal system shall be County Department of Health Services approved for design and
4 4 II 24 26 29 32 34 37 44 51 58 66 75 84 98
Instaltation.The Owners surveyor shall be responsible for design and locations of these facilities as well as
p Corner Holdown n,T approvals. p
3 16 IR 2D 22 24 26 28 31 38 44 s0 56 63 74 Basement slabs and interior slabs 2,500 2,500 2,50oe Column Ca Floor to Floor onnection obtalnin all ermitsor
ForSa. Duna er s uare Inch•6.E95 kPa. ILENCiTH 10.Contractor shall provide hot water baseboard heat throughout at perimeter walls unless otherwise noted
Fastener spacing on grade,except garage floor slabs P p 9
Uplih Load per Nail(16s)
Gable Endwall Rake or fin•) a.Strengm at 29 days psi.
Basement walls,foundation walls, GENERAL NOTES 11.Wetermelnmustbe7-0 awa framrthesanita dls osal p,
Rake Truss with up to 9" 6 IA 31 35 3A 42 46 SO 59 6A 7a Be 100 112 73l b.See Table R301.2(1)for weathering potential. H p(,� ENO ' " y ry p system and 4'-0"dee
exterior walls and other vertical LENGTH 12.In bearin P P P g,
Rake Overhang a 19 21 23 26 28 3t 33 39 45 52 59 67 75 8A Z500 3,000d 3,000d c.concrete in these locations that is subject to freezing and thawing during „• g walls or partitions,no stud Is to be cut more than 1/31Ls de tit t0 reCt'IYe I In dud or eledri-
concrete construction shall be air-entrained concrete In accordance with Footnote d. a 12 1. The mechanical system shall be installed in accordance with chapters 12-24 of the
14 16 16 19 21 2i 25 J0 34 39 44 50 51, bb I(�.' Cal work.
work exposed to the weather d.Concrete shall be sirentrained.Total afr content(percent by volume of UU _ • Residential Code of New York State.
concrete)shall be not less than 5 percent or more than 7 percent. O 2. The plumbing system shall be installed 1n accordance with chapters 25-33 of the 13.All water service and distribution pipe and fittings to be copper alloy.
Porches,carport slabs and steps e.See Section R402.2 for maximum cementitious materials content o 4D CLEAR
Exposu re B 6 Residential Code of New York State.
Table 3.11 Wail Sheathing and Cladding Attachment o SPAN 14.All drain,waste and vent piping and fittings to be PVC-DWV
exposed to the weather,and garage 3,500d• f.For garage floors with a steel-troweled finish,reduction of the total air content • 3. The electrical equipment and wiring shall be installed in accordance with chapters
Requirements for Vl/tact Loads floor 2,500 3,000d, t e,f (percent by volume of concrete)to not less than 3 percent is ° 34-41 of the Residential Code of New York State.
permitted 8 the
slabs specified compressive strength cif the concrete is increased to not less than ° 4. Exterior windows and glass doors shall be installed in accordance with Section R609.
Wind Speed 4,000 psi. BCS = All glazing shall comply with section R308.
3-second gust "i. END 5. In all frame walls,floors and roof/ceilings comprising elements of the building thermal
9Cl 95 100 105 110 115 120 t30 140 150 160 170 i8o 195 LENGTH envelo e,a moisture va or retarder shall be installed on the warm in winter side of the
(mph) TABLE R301.2(f) „ P P
See Fi ure 1.t CLIMATIC AND GEOGRAPHIC DESIGN - \ f r� CS20 12 insulation in accordance with section R318.
6. Wall and ceiling finishes shall have a flame spread classification of not greater than 200
STRUCTURAL SHEATHING CRTTERIA � �!e•' o with a smoked developed index of not greater than 450 in accordance with section
E F E f E F E F E F E F E F E F E f E F E F E f E F E F _ _ R302.9
Stud Spacing ;, GROUND SEISMIC WINTER ICE BARRIER AIR MEAN 7. Insulation shall have a flame spread index of not greater than 25 with a smoke developed
Sheathing Location' Maximum Nail Spacing for 8d Common Nails or 10d Box Nails(inches,o.c.) SHEATHING
(inches,o.c.) SNOW Speeds Topographic Speelal wind Wind-borne DESIGN Frost DESIGN UNDERLAYMENT FLOOD FREEZING ANNUAL SIDING Index of not greater than 450 in accordance with section of the R302.10
12 6 12 6 12 6 12 6 12 6 12 6 12 6 12 6 12 6 12 6 12 6 12 6 t2 6 12 6 12 LOAD° k CATEGORYr Weathering° line TermRe' TEMPS REQUIRED' HAZARDS° INDEX' TEMPI 8. Interior wall covering shall be in accordance with section R702 and exterior wall
(mph} effects region debris Zorte"' b FLASHING FOR coverin shall be in accordance with Section R703. _ r- T TiTI�
Interior lone 16 6 l2 6 12 6 12 6 12 6 12 6 12 6 12 6 12 6 1Z 6 12 6 12 6 12 6 12 6 12 depth WATERTIGHTESS g ti.`.t< t`
9. Asphalt shingles shall be installed in accordance with section R905.2 -4 E N E R A L NOTE S
24 6 :12 6 12 6 12 6 12 6 12 6 12 6 12 6 1Z 6 12 6 12 6 12 6 6 6 6 6 6 20 Ib 130 Yes No B Severe 36" to H 15° Yes 150 ° "'
45 ABA44 DECKING �� ��S• t"':��a.�N
12 6 :12 6 12 6 12 6 12 6 12 6 11 6 12 6 12 6 12 6 1 6 12 6 12 6 12 6 12 MANUAL J DESIGN CRITERIA" Or< o e -,2/+ p� Q. iT 1�IE
Perimeter Edge Zone 16 6 '12 6 12 6 12 6 12 6 12 6 12 6 12 6 12 6 12 6 12 6 12 6 12 6 12 6 6 ° APPROVED JOIST HANGERS °{ ;P$"� ,k.rk
Indoor Heating p i?',. Y�r 'r
24 6 '12 6 12 6 12 6 12 6 12 6 12 6 12 6 12 6 11 6 12 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 Winter Summer Altitude Design 2'MIN. 2xLEDGERNTHFASTENERS ra" x_l s"�
E►evation Latitude deSlgll temperature . IN ACCORDANCE WITH TABLE R5072 <" :•`«m -
heating cooling correction factor temimature cooling
BOARD SHEATHING or LAP SIDING temperature difference .:• "� T
as• HOLD-DOWN DEVICE MIN 750 L8.CAPACITY �n4;:;, �-,;;?.
Sheathing Size Rafter/TrussSpacing !-.•• :. •,-:-. ALONG DECK AND ONE WITHIN24'OFEACH 'n-H - l,.RL'HrjZLL'T,p.O, DATEt
Minimum Number of Sd Common Nails or 1od Box Nails :•,,. -�a4:-:
(inches•O.C.) C;oolin wind Wind veloC Coincident Dell Winter SUmmer END LF THE LEDGER.HOLD-DOWN DEVICES .�,,�-�
Per Support 9 y 1-*.t'. F SHAD-DOWY ENGAGE TURER.IST PER tio.Gerd' 209 LYNN AVEDx'LTE 50A3LEI
tempetaruredifference velocity heaUrtg cooling wetbulb rang2 htm3idity humidity - HOLIi DOwN MANUFACTURER.
l; Typical DTT1Z Deck-to-House of;�' ,:� E.NOR=ORT,N.Y. 1173JL �.,
Ix6 of Ix8 Sheathm 12-24 2 z 1 z 1 z 2 z z z z z 2 z ^�r�t TEL. /FAX.t631)W-2388
ix 10 or Lae er Sheathm 12-24 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 TO CENTER OF TOP PLATE,3TUDS,OR HEADER.
A rs ' ,
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�EDA�� s►(�r7Il1E coVEREo• poRc}k PLANS
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J" E.NORTHPORT, N.Y. 11731 Byl K-S
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Table .2r1.1 Nailing Schedule Table 3.4A Rafter and/or Ceiling Joist to Top Plate Lateral and TABLE R301.2.1.2 R301.2.1.2 Protection of openings. Exception:Wood structural anels with a GENERAL NOTES
- - Shear Connection Requirements WINDBORNE DEBRIS PROTECTION Exterior glazing in buildings located in thickness of not less•than 7/16 inch (11 1. These notes shall apply to the General Contractor,each Sub-contractor and the Owners own forces.Each Contractor shall 1.All footings shall bear on virgin soil having a minimum bearing capacity of, . (1)ton per square foot All
Number of Number of (Prescriptive Alternative to Table 3.4) FASTENING SCHEDULE FOR WOOD windborne debris regions shall be protected mm)and a span of not more than 8 feet -dlnate h s work with he work o o heriContractors. trades end parts otthe work £ech Contractor shall cooperate and dace xt;rice footlnps shall be a minimum of 3'-0"below grade unless noted otherwise In plans
Joint Description Common Nails Box Nails Nail Spacing ,A 1 existing fltl,roots,and other unsuitable bearing material shall be removed and footings carried to he
STRUCTURAL PANELSa,b,e,d . from windbome debris. Glazed opening (2438 mm) shall be permitted for 2. The Contractor's and Owner's agreement to enter Into the work shall suffice as their acceptance to the terms specified bottom of such excavation.Contractor to verily assumed soil bearin capacity and assume,full
herein,and shall be Incorporated Into any and all agreements between the Owner and the Contractor. g red bea ing for
ROOF FRAMING Wind Spee protection for windbome debris shall meet opening protection. Panels shall be same.Contractor to notify Architect of any soil variation or condition adversely atfecting assumed bearing
Rafter to Top Plate (Toe-nailed) (see Table 3.4A) (see Table 3.4A 3-second gust(mph) 90 95 100 1O5 110 135 120 130 140 is0 360 170 380 195 I JiSTENER SPACING 3. Nothing on this drawing shell be construed as modifying In any way the Contract between he Owner and Contractor or the tapaclty prior to the ouring of an footin s.
per rafter P y g
Ceiling Joist to Tap Plate (Toe nailed) (see Table 3.4A) (see Table 3.4A) per oist See Fi ure i.l r�eS)a.b the requirements of the Large Missile Test precut and attached to the framing Contractor and Sub-Contractors. 3.Minimum compressive strength of concrete at 28 days to be as foliow� Concrete to have 5%to 7°/a
j 4, Each Contractor shall comply with he requirements of the New York State Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code,New a)footings,piers,foundation wales:f c=3,000 psi stone concrete air entrai to
Ceiling Joist to Parallel Rafter (Face-nailed) (see Table 3.9A) (see Table 3.9A) each lap Rafter/Catlin Joist wall Number of 8d Common Nails or loci Box Nails Toenailed) FASTENER TYPE Panel 4 fetM c 6 feet< of ASTM E1996 and ASTM E1886 as surrounding the opening containing the York State Energy Conservation lode,Federal I�HA,and all ofhe Local Governmental Agencies having jurisdlctloh,Insofar as b)slab on round:i'c�,500 ant er R402.2
B 1 g psi concrete Garage slab=3,500 p.s.l. p
Ceiling Joist Laps over Partitions (Face nailed) (see Table 3.9A) (see Table 3.9A) each lap Height t t,3,4 s an< anal s an nil s an modified in Section 301. Garage product with the glazed opening. Panels app8cable to his pOttlon of the work c)superstrocture;slab:Pc>•3,000 cad stone concrete
Spacing(in.) Required in Each Rafter and/or Ceiling Joist to Top Plate Connection P - P p P 5. The Architect shelf not De res
Collar Tie to Rafter (Face-nailed) {see Table 3.6i (see Table 3.6) per tie (ft•) 4 feet <6 feet <g feet door glazed opening protection for Shall be pfedrilled as required for the possible for the performance of he General Contractor or arty Sub-Contractors,nor shall he 4.Antl-hydro shall be added If pouring takes place at 32 degrees For less.
guarantee the performance ottheir contracts 5.The wood sole plate at exterforwalls on monolithic slabs and wood sill late shall be anchored to the founds-
Blockingto Rafter(Toe-nailed) 2-8d 2-loci each end P
12 8 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 No.8 wood-screw-based windbome debris shall meet the anchorage method and shall be secured 6. All existing equipment,utillties,structures,and other Items Interfering with the Installation of the proposed equipment and tion with anchor bolts spaced a maximum of 391, on center.Anchor bolts shall also be located vAthln 12" from
Rim Board to Rafter(End-nailed) 2 16d 3 16d each end structures shall be removed and replaced and shall be subject to approval of the Owner.The Contractor shall determine and/or the ends of each plate section.Bolts shall be at least 5/8"In diameter and shall extend a minimum of 7"Into
WALL FRAMING 16 8 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 anchor with 2-inch embedment 16 .10 8 requirements of an approved impact- with the attachment hardware provided. verify the actual location of any and all utilities,process piping and related Items prior to the commencement of work-All costs masonry or concrete.There shall be a minimum of(2)bolts in any one sill.
10 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 a length resisting standard or ANSI/DASMA 115. Attachments shall be designed to resist Incurred shall be the reponsibllity of the Contractor unless otherwise agreed upon by the Owner. 6.Perform required alteration to existing concrete.New work Installed adjacent to and connecting with pres-
Top Plate to Top Plate (Face-nailed) 2-16d 2-16d per foot 7. All dimensions and locations as Indicated on he drawings shall be considered correct,but shall be understood that they are ent work shall match existing.Joints between new and existing work shall be trawled smooth and even.
24 8 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 No.10 wood screw-based the component and Cladding IOadS subject to modifications as may be necessary or desirable at the time of Installation to meet unforseen or other conditions. Provide ex nsion oints.
Top Plates at Intersections (Face-nailed) 4-16d 5-16d joints-each Side 10 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 6 � J
anchor with 2-inch embedment 16 12 9 determined in accordance with either 8. DO NOTSCALE DRAWINGS.Written dimensions supersede scaled dimensions and are subject to revisions as per actual field con 7.A concrete block inundation wall shall be acce ted In lieu of oured concrete where ermitted by Local
Stud to Stud (Face-nailed) 2-16d 2 16d 24"o.c. - ditions.The Contractor shall verify all dimensions and conditions herein shown and all discrepancies are to be brought to the Codes. Co p p p
Header to Header(Face-nailed) 16d 16d 16"o.c.alon ed es length Table R301.2(2) or ASCE 7, with the , pier
g g Architect s attention before commencing with the work, ft Provide continuous termite shield with all joints sealed along perimeter walls and shielded termite
Top or Bottom Plate to Stud (End-nailed) (see Table 3.5A) (see Table 3.SA) per stud Table 3.5A Top and Bottom Plate to Stud Lateral Connec tions Vonch lag-screw-based permanent Corrosion-resistant 9. if In he course of construction a condition exists which disagrees with that as Indicated on these plans,the Contractor shall collars at plumbing pipes In craw spaces unless otherwise noted.
Expos u re B stop all work and notify he Architect so as to alleviate such conflict without burden to the owner.Should he fall to follow his 9,Footings at dfferent levels shall be stepped so that the dear distance between adjacent bottom edges shall
for Wlnd Loads anchor with2-inchemlxedment 16 16 16 attachment hardware provided and
t 2 I procedure and continue wth the work,he shall assume all responsibility and liability arising therefrom. not exceed a slope of one vertical to two horizontal.
Bottom Plate to Floor joist,eandjoist,Endjoist 2-16d 2-16d1' per foot (Prescri tive Alternative to Table 3.5) length anchors ermanentl installed on the 10. The Architect shall not be responsible for nor have control or char of construction mea
or Blocking (Face-nailed) - p - P Y e ge rue,methods,sequences,or pro t0,Backflll shalt not be placed against foundation wale unto the concrete Is of sufficient strength and until the
cedures,or for safety precautions and programs.Contractor shall be reponsible for adequately bracing and protection of all walls are properly braced top and bottom by the horizontal floor orb ad uate tem ore brain
For S1:/inch=25.4 mm,1 foot=304.8 rnprt 1 pound=4.448 N,1 building. Attachment in accordance with
Y eq P ry g-
Wind S ed work during construction against carnage,breakage,collapse,dstortton and misalignment acaording to appticable codas. 11.Concrete Foundations shall be poured contlnuousty.n pour Is Interrupted a vertical key shall be provided
FLOOR FRAMING Pe mile per hour-0 447 m/s Table R301.2.1.2 is permitted for 11.The Contractor shall Check and verify location ofany existing overhead or underground electrical or other hazardous utitl Horizontal Joints are not permitted.
Joist to Sill, Top Plate or Girder (Toe-nailed) 4-8d 4-30d per joist 3-second gust(mph) 90 95 100 10S 110 11S 120 130 140 ISO 160 170 180 195 a.This table is based on 180 mph uhrmate design wind ty tines and to arran a for their safe relocation. 12.Contractor shall v
buildings with a mean roof height of 45 g erity dimensions and locations of slots,pipe sleeves,Inserts,anchor bolts,electric con-
(See Figure 1.1) speeds.V b and a 4Sfool mean roof height. 12. The Contractor shall be r e5
Bridging to Joist (Toe nailed) 2 Sd 2 10d each end possible for temporary electric,water,toilet facilities,fencing,barricades,security,and clean- dults,etc.as required for trades before placing concrete.
0.Fasteners shall be installed at opposing ends of the wood feet (13 728 mm) or less where the up as agreed upon between the Owner and the Contractor.Upon completion of work,Contractor shall broom clean all affected 13.Concrete:work Included; .
Blocking to Joist(Toe nailed) 2 8d 2-S0d each end Stud areas and cart away all debris. a)all footings,foundations,steps,plattorms,etc.,as per drawings.
structural panel.Fasteners shall be located not less Man 1
g p ( g g 1 ultimate design wind speed, Vuh, is 180 13. Contractors or Sub-Contractors whose work and Installations require sleeves,hanger Inserts,bolts,anchors,etc.,to be b)all concrete slabs,
B►ockin to Sill or To Plate Tce-nailed) 3-16d 4-16d each block Spacin Wall Hei ht(ft) Required Number of 16d[ommon Nails or 4od Box Nails per Stud to Plate Connection(ply inch fromtheedge of the panel.
Ledger Strip to Beam(Face-nailed) 3-16d 4-16d each joist (in.l c.Anchors shall penetrate through the exterior wall covering mph(290 kph)or less. built Into the work of other Contractors,shall Install or provide these Items to the appropriate Contractor who will set these to c)all other work as required by drawings.
work In the locations established b the Contractor who r uires these Items.These Items shall be rovided and their locations d)set anchor bolts.
Joist on Ledger to Beam(Toe-nailed) 3-8d 3-loci per joist 8 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 with an embedment length of not kssthan 2 inches into the y eq p
Band Joist to Joist(End-nailed) 3 16d 4.16d budding frame Fasteners shall be located not less than 2'/2 coordinated sufilcently In advance,so as not to delay the progress of a job as a whole.All such Items shalt be Incorporated so 14.Damp proofing:work Included;
per joist 10 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 inches from the edge of concrete block or concrete. they will meet the correct physical elevations of floors at each level.They shall be secured Into he framework for concrete so a)all surfaces to be damp proofed shall be dry,dean,smooh.free of dust,dirt,volds and cracks and shard
Band Joist to Sill or Top Plate(Toe-nailed) 2-16d1 3-16d per foot 12 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 d.Panels attached to masonry or masonry/stucco shaft be e5 to maintain their proper location end podtlon during the pladnq of concrete and removal offormwork. projections.
ROOF SHEATHING attached using vibration-resistant anchors having an 14. The Contractor shall conduct all work to preclude the effects of weather on completed work,or work In progress,The b)allow 24 hours prior to backfllling.
12 14 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 ultimate withdrawal capably of not less than 1,500 pounds Contractor shall assume all responsibility and expense of temporary enclosures where necessary.Dust partitions are to be c)apply mastic emulsion only when temperature s 40 degrees F and rising and In dry weather.
W Structural Panels 8d loci (see Table 3.10} 16 2 2 2 2 2 2 Z 2 2 2 2 2 2 3
provided between work areas and he rest of the buildin d)apply Celotex Trowel MasUc or a
Dla oriel Board Sheathin g• pproved equal on aft foundation walls below grade at basement and crawl
8 g 18 2 2 2 2 - 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 NOTE' 15. Each Contractor shall be reponslble for ell loss or damage arising from the action of the elements such as water,heat,wind spaces-
or other unforseen dlfllcultles which may be encountered In performing the work to be done under his contract In the event e)mastic shall be applied at the rate of 1/8"thick wet
1"x6"Or 1"x8" 2-8d 2-10d per support 20 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 ALL S7 RAPPNG TO f3E 1 V4'x2o GAIx STt�OR of arty suspension of work,each Contractor orSub-Contractor shall protect his work and materials against damage.Any work CARPENTRY NOTES
1"x10"or wider 3 8d 3 loci per support 8 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 BMPSONf EMNALENT-C820(COLED STRAP) or materials that have been damaged or destroyed because of failure of any Contractor or Sub-Contractor to protect his -
CEILING SHEATHING 10 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 promptly removed and replaced by the Contractor. 1.tnsulatlon shall be flbergless bans-toll one side,unless otherwise noted,thickness as shown on drawings.
12 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 T'rP.PROVOE RAFTER TO 16. Airy materials or workmanship found at the time to be defective shall be rernecUed at once,regardless of previous Inspec Staple pads on foll OVER framing.
Gypsum Wallboard Sd coolers Sd coolers 7"edge/SO"field KNO ATTACWNT Wing \ tion.The inspection of the work Is Intended to aid the Contractor In applying labor and materials to and In accordance with the 2.All exterior nailing,In exposed exterior wood,shall be aluminum or galvanized.
16 14 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 AUGNED OR p;A�p3 i specification,but such Inspection shall not operate to release the Contractor from arty of his contractual obligations. 3.Provide"cats"at all exterior and bearing walls and all walls over 8 feet high.All stud framing having an
16 2 2 2 2- 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 !%=TO PLATES TYP.PROVIDE RAFTER TO 17. All new materials and Installations shall be In accordance with manufacturer's latest printed specifications and with code . unsupported height of more than 10'-0" s to have stud bridging or otherwise be braced In an approved man-
ner at Intervals not exceeding 8'-0".
St Structural Panels Sd loci (see Table 3.11) 18 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 O OR S RA�2 a 18. All m terials shall be new,as called for In the drawings,and the best of their respectiv kinds.No substitution shall be made 4.All floors designed to withstand a combined Hive toad and dead load of 50*per sq ft for living areas and 40*
Structural Fberboard Panels 20 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 5 DEfAL a LEFT by he Contractor without the prior written approval of the Architect.For ortions of the irk not shown In detail but which per sq.ft for all other areas.
iJ2" I1 ga_gall. roofing nail 3"edge/6"field - are shown generally,or for reasonable Inference as being required for a p oper and complete Installation,the material, 5.Deslgn timber stress-Fb a 850,E=1600,000 psi,Douglas Fir larch No.2.
(0.120"xl-1/2"tong x 7J16"head)
8 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 methods,and workmanship shall conform,as a minimum,to the 6.Provide cross brid 1 g@ V-0"oc maximum floors and ceilings.
10 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 NAILING&STRAPPING AT g rig orsolld Dlockln
25/32" it ga.gall. roofing nail 3"edge/6"field typical or representative detail throughout the corresponding parts of the building. 7.Studs,slls,posts,beams and josts shall be construction grade Douglas Fir No.2 appearance.
12 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 4 4 S A EXTERIOR WINDOW/DOOR HEADERS 19. No materials of airy kind shall be used upon the work until it has been inspected and accepted b the Owner.All materias S.Studs are to be doubled at the sides of openings In exterior walls and bearing partitions.All headers 5'-0"
(0.120"xl-3/4"long x 318"head) 24 14 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 4 4 4 S r MAED FOR ALJ_WIN�7f LCTal Ala7rn NEW ACINTIOM rejected shall be Immediately removed from the work and not again offered for lsspect)on. Y and over to have a minimum of a double Jack stud on both sides of opening.
20. All work shall be executed In a workmanlike manner and all mechanics shall be skllled In their trade. 9.Joists su pa ,spaced apart to permit the passage of piping or duct work,are to be
Gypsum Wallboard Sd coolers 5d coolers 7"edge/10"field 16 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 .. 3 4 4 5_ 6 A pportlng-parallel rtltions
Hardboard 8d gd NAILING SCHEDULE'B': mom Erw.ecorsmu,lo,witsm 21. No note or detail or lack thereof shall be construed as relieving the Contractor from execution of all work in accordance blocked at maximum 16"Intervals on bearing partitions and 32"Intervals on non-bearing partitions.
(see Table 3.11) 18 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 S 6 D Atli"01'B•x3 p�,oes Eat WOW 011" s with all state and local codes. 10.Where joist hangers and other steel frame carriers are Indicated,contractor to provide and utilize the
Particleboard Panels Sd 8d (see manufacturer) 20 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 S 6 7 N�o„ 22. Architect Is not retained for site Inspections and/or observation of the construction. proper smooth shank and/or annular ring nails as recommended by the hanger manufacturer,to Insure the
Rough A a C 11 E F 23. The Architect has not been retained on his project for bidding and/or the negotiation and administration of the Contracts appropriate shear and withdraw)capacity of the fasteners.
Diagonal Board Sheathing Opertin9 for construction of this project 11.Provide nrestopping ai required In compliance with part R602.8 of NYCRR.
1"x6"or 1"x8" 2 8d 2 loci per support Table 3.6 Ridge Connection Requirements for W Ind B r-0r 2 o 20 1 1 1 1 24. No request from airy party for Information regarding clarMcations amplification or explanationof the drawings or notation, 12.Do all cutting and patching for all trades.In bearing walls or partitions,no stud Is to be cut more than 1/3 of
1"x10"or wider 3-8d 3-loci Exposure B C E C-0' 4 Its m . 2 2 z 2 or request for permission to vary or deviate from the requirements of these drawings or notations,Mill be entertained by the Its depth to receive piping,duct work, or electrical wiring.
per support (Dead Load Assumptions: Roof Assembly DL=10 psf} a-0- 4 102■4 or it 241 - a a a a Architect,unless they are set forth In writing and addressed to the Owner.Kthe Owner refers these requests to he Architect, 13.Provide doubleJolsts under all posts,partltlons parallel to Joists and around all openings.Provide double
the Architect will,with reasonable promptness,consider the matter and g skylights.Double all beams or joists under bathtubs and heavy appliances.
FLO R SHEATHING e••D^ 4 ar zx4 s o zee 1 a a s respond In Writing to he Owner for transmittal to the framin around
party concerned The Architect does not,nor will not,assume airy responslbltlty with regard to he above mentioned types of «■14,Contractor to rovide"Sim on"hurricane clips on all rafter to stud Connections&on all stud to box
Wood Structural Panels w to o^ n m zee 4 4 4 4 P p5
3-second gust(mph) 90 9S 100 Jos 110 lls 120 130 140 ISO 160 170 150 19s Inquiry unless above procedure Is followed beam connections.
i or less 8d loci 6"edge/12"field (see Figure 1.1) +no- a m ae s s s s 23. The Architect shalt not De
responsible for he performance of the General Contractor,anySub-Contractors or the Owners 15.All exterior openings shall be properly flashed.
greater than 1" 10d 16d 6"edge/12"field NO1tl01°- I own forces,nor shall he guarantee the performance of their contracts.The obligation of the Contractor shall not extend to the 16.New worik shall tie In anti lap Into existing so as to prevent leakage.
Rgor s n 17.Flashing to be provided at all floor penetrations,pipes,vents,skylights,chimneys,and roof ventilators.
Diagonal Board Sheathing Roof PIt[h tft)p' Required C.apacily of Ridge Connection(calf)''''''' F a t4t1�@t of all rws Ar Fan[Bo aF sRtAPPn+ss Ilabltlty of the Architect,his agents or employees.
s.Meat OF SM snns ON 7H FIAT OM Ivor AJFLY To DOOM 26. Items shown on plants but not specMcally stated In the specmcations and/or vice versa shalt be considered to be Included Flashing to be provided at hips,ridges,valleys,changes of roof slopes,gable ends and top of foundation walls.
Vx6"or 1"x8" 2-8d 2-10d per support 1z 28 39 st 64 77 91 105 136 169 205 243 284 327 197 G Naeat of FULL 19r31T KM snos AT 6"SCE OF IFAM In the contract All roof Intersections to have flashln to extend 8"In each dlrectlon.All flashing CO be aluminum unless noted
1"X1D"Or wider 3 8d 3 loci per support 16 37 52 68 85 103 121 141 182 226 274 325 379 436 529 D.Newt CF IM W&S eV4WM P-PO H AWACENT No stun 7O too 27. Items not specifically called for by manufacturer number or grade specificatio shall be furnished in the most economical g
n� otherwise.All rafters to Ilne up dlrectty over studs.
CF WACHR AT EACH WE model rade or manner of Installation. 18.Install shims to provide floor pitch under sheathing and perpendicular to the roof joists to provide for roof
20 46 65 85 306 128 152 176 227 282 342 406 473 S45 661 •tl
1:12 24 56 78 102 129 154 182 211 272 339 410 487 S68 654 793 t=_MAIM CF 4VX SWVS AT EACH 90 OF HEJaM tnsaAF DOUME 28. Each Contractor shall carry Worker's Compensation Insurance In the amounts prescribed by taw,and liability,bodily Injury, venting In
Table 3.9A Rafter/Ceiling Joisst Heel Joint Connection Requirements 28 65 91 119 149 ISO 212 246 318 395 479 568 663 763 925 F.toast cF w HALE eo+wo tEmm AWAMtr.wx SnM to automoblle and other Insurance In the amounts and periods satisfactory to the Owner.The Architect shall be listed as addition flat roof areas.
JACKS AND KINGS AS ea OF%10 AT EACH SIDE 00L4 NOT APPLY To DOOM al names Insured. 19.All Interior leaders are to have 1R"foam sound Insulation.
IPrescnpLve Alternative t o Table 3.9) 3z 7a Jos 137 170 206 2a3 za1 363 as2 sal 649 758 973 1057 SHO M TYP OETAL®LEF 29. The Contractor,Its agents,servants and employees shall Indemnify and hold harmless the Owner and the Architect and
20.All Interior doors to be 1-3/8"hollow core lauan-veneered with approximate hardware.Contractor shall
83 118 154 192 231 273 316 a09 508 616 730 852 982 1190 their Agents and EJtiplo
Roof Jill Load Ground Snow Load 12 26 35 45 55 65 77 88 113 139 168 199 231 266 121 yeas from and against all claims,damages,losses and expenses Including Attorneys fees aridng out of stipulate an allowance for all lock sets.
20itsf 30 psi 50 psf 70 psi 16 35 47 60 73 87 ]02 I18 ISO lab 224 265 308 354 428
Solid Sawn Joist and Rafter Notching and Boring Units stud Notching and Boring Limits or resulting from the performance of the work 21.Use waterproof membrane flashing over all outside doors.
Roof Span(ft) 20 43 58 75 91 109 128 147 in 232 280 331 385 443 536 30. In any and all claims against the Owner or the Architect,or airy of thher Agents or Employees,iy any Employee of the
4:12 24 52 70 e9 110 131 153 176 2.26 279 336 397 463 532 643 Contractor,or Sub-Contractor,anyone directly or Indirectly employed by any of hem,or anyone for whose acts of them may ROOFING
1 241 3 12 24 36 12 24 36 12 24 36 Za 61 82 104 328 153 179 206 263 325 392 4W 540 620 T50
be liable,the Indemnification obligation under this paragraph shall not be limited In any way by arty limitation on the amount 1.Fasteners for asphalt shingles shall be galvanized steel,stainless steel,aluminum or copper roofing nail
"otth a or type otdamages,compensation or benefits payable b or
Rafter ts.r.s.s 32 69 94 119 146 174 20a z35 301 37z aa8 s3o 617 709 asz Outer th,it of depth<i/4a Y for the Contractor or Sub-Contractor under Worker's minimum 12 a e shank with a minimum 3/8"diameter head,ASTM F 1667,of a length to penetrate throu h
9 9 g
as er Slope Required Number of llid Common or 40d Box Nails per Heel Joint Connection the roofing materiais and a minlmum of 3/4"Into the roof sheathing Where the roof sheathing is less than 3/4"
P 8( ) 36 7a 105 134 164 196 230 264 33R ale 132 156 182 209 251 al:lance>s/s^ 31. All work let under these drawings shall be guaranteed against defects In material and workmanship for a period of one(1) thick,the fasteners shall penetrate through the sheathing.Fasteners shall comp with ASTM F 166
S adn tn. eta.ordy Nola edge onpensation Acts,Disability Benefit Acts or any other Employee Benefit Acts.
12 3 5 8 3 6 9 5 9 13 6 12 17 12 20 27 35 43 51 60 69 86 109 132 156 182 209 2S3 Outer l/3 of
span only year from the date of the acceptance of the Owner.Granting a Certlflcate of Occupancy,or the Owner's use of the premeds «D(CEPTION AS ty T.
3.12 16 26 36 46 57 6s ao 9z 118 146 176 2os 242 279 337 Hlediametef shall not constitute acceptance of the work phaltstri shin lesshallhaveaminimumofslxfastenerspershinglewhereheroofIs
16 4 7 30 4 8 32 6 12 17 8 ]5 23 In one of the following Categories(areas within 1 mile from the water)
20 33 45 58 Ti 85 100 115 ia7 18z 220 260 303 349 421- st„d single stud Hots diameter 32. Contractor shall Inspect site and make all appropriate Inquirires to deter mine conditions and field Construction criteria a. The bade wind speed per as wf t R3012(ie Is 1.10 he w per houror greater and he eave
24 4 8 12 5 10 14 7 14 21 9 18 27 5:12 24 40 S4 69 85 102 119 139 177 219 264 312 364 418 506 <3/6d rior to submission of bids,and shall make no additional claims regardin site conditions thereafter.
24 5 i[I 15 6 12 18 9 17 26 12 23 3a . 1/3last Double Stua p g IS 20 feet or higher above grade,
2a 46 63 Bl 99 1t9 i39 161 206 255 308 364 424 489 S90 depth,Max. 33. Contractor shall obtain all required approvals,permtt5,certlflcates of occupancy,inspection approvals,etc.for work per Is The et or Mimes g
12 3 4 6 3 5 7 a 7 10 5 9 13 1/abler 0 r•MI. Nate formed from agencies having jurisdiction thereof. peed per Figure R301.2(4)Is 120 miles
per houror rester.
32 53 72 9z 128 153 1s9 lea 26S 328 asz 468 S45 627 674 °epeh Maw 2. Asphalt shingles shall only be used on roofslopes of two units vertical In 12 units horizontal(2.12)or greater.
4:12 i6 3 5 B 3 6 9 5 9 13 6 12 17 36 60 81 104 129 153 179 207 265 328 396 468 sae 627 7s8 Hole sage 34. Unless oherwise agreed upon between the Architect and Owner, the Owner shall pay for and Contractor shall obtain a
alstan°e>s/8" g permit from the village prior to starting any work. For roof slopes from(2:12)up to(4:12),double rinderiayment application Is required In accordance with Section
19.2 3 6 9 4 7 11 6 11 16 7 14 11 12 20 26 33 40 4A SS 63 81 99 119 141 164 188 227 r"""` � bulldln R9052.7.
24 a 8 11 5 9 13 7 t3 19 9 17 26 16 27 3S 44 54 63 74 as 108 133 Is9 188 218 2SO 302 1/3 Joist 35. The General Contractor shalt coordinate Scheduling of Sub-Contractors and other Contracts and shalt provide every posse 3.Aspilaltshgngles shalt Kaye sfyf-seafin strips or be inter•lockln and coin
deptl4 Max.
2D 33 44 SS 67 79 92 106 ]35 166 199 235 273 313 378 1/eJolst ble cooperative effort to coordinate completion of all work.The(enteral Contractor shall an fete a coin rehenslve shcedule g g phi wltb ASTM D223 or D3462.
12 3 3 5 3 a 6 3 6 8 a 7 11 depth,Max. P p 4.in areas where the avers a dail tem erature In Janua Is
6:L2 24 40 53 66 BO 95 1.11 327 162 199 239 282 327 376 453 of all work pertaining to all contracts and shall submit same to the Owner In an acceptable format for review well In advance of g y p rY 2S degrees F(-4 degrees C),or less or when
work commencement. Table R30120)criteria so designates,and Ice barrier that consists ofat least two layers of underlayment
a 3 5 a 7 31 5 9 1a p perations. cemented together or of a sell-adhering polymer modified bltumin sheet,shall be used In lieu of normal
5:22 2a 47 61 n 94 311 iz9 148 ]88 232 279 329 362 438 529 36. Contractor shall coordinate construction activities with Owner to minimize Interru Dons to normal owner o underiayment and extend from the eaves edge to a point et least 24"Inlde the exterior wall line of he bid .
24 3 S 7 3 6 9 5 9 13 6 14 17 32 53 70 98 121 143 166 190 215 298 319 376 436 Sol 680 37. The Contractor shall conduct all work In such a manner so to not Impair the structural Integrity or stability ofad(jacent g
24 3 6 9 4 7 it 6 ii 16 7 14 21 36 60 79 99 121 143 166 190 2az 29S ass 423 a91 56a 6so structures,equipment,or utilities.Should damage occur as a result of the work,the Contractor shall repair or replace sold 5.All metal flashing where called for on plans shall be aluminum.
12 3 3 4 3 3 4 3 4 6 3 5 8 12 27 32 37 43 49 55 62 0 94 112 176 204 233 211 STRAPPING D ETA I LS damaged Items to the sa$sfactlon of the Owner,and at the Contractor's expense.the Contractor shall bear any and all costs 6 Contractor shall provide gutters and feeders as required and shall connect them to the approved storm
water drainage system as required.
5 3 a 5 3 5 8 4 7 10 16 36 43 SO 57 65 73 82 102 125 lag 176 204 233 2a1 associated with Work Discontinuation,Engineering Consultation,Materlals Testing,Repair and all miscellaneous related Items, .7,All exterior openings shell be properly flashed.
7.i2 38. The Contractor shall have a competent representative or foreman present,who shalt follow without delay all Instructions 8.All work shall bear a written one(1)year guarantee from Roofing Contractor from the date of the Owner's
24 3 4 5 3 4 6 3 6 9 4 S 12 20 cis 53 62 72 81 92 123 127 197 1ST 263 305 350 421 of the Owner or his/her assistants{n the prosecution and Completion of the work In conformity with his Contract,and shall
24 3 5 7 3 S 8 4 8 11 5 10 IS 7.12-12:12 24 54 64 75 !16 98 110 123 153 187 224 263 305 350 121
28 62 74 67 100 214 129 1" 178 218 261 307 356 409 .491 Sill Plate to Foundation Anchor Bolts ty pplylaborandmaterialsImmediately.TheContractorshallalsohaveacompetentrepresentativeavail* acceptance
12 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 5 3 a 6 have full auhori to su 9.All roof Intersectlon to have flashing to extend 8"(measured vertical
3z 71 es 99 1 is 130 1a7 16a 204 2so 299 3s1 ao7 a66 s6z Wa11 stud able to redeye telephone messages and provide a reasonable reply as soon as possible,but not later than 24 hours. ty)above flat root
16 3 3 4 3 3 a 3 a 6 3 5 8 39. The Contractor shall,at all times.provide contain and easy access and safe and proper fadlitltes for the Inspection of all 10.Built up roofs to be of 3-ply built up roof with gravel topping;tie Into existing.
9:12 36 a0 96 112 ]29 147 16S IRS 229 2R7 3ffi 395 4SR S2S 637.
19.2 3 3 4 3 4 5 3 5 7 3 6 9 Wall Stud Bottom Plate parts of the work. I I.New work shall tie In and lap So as to prevent leakage.
24 3 4 5 3 4 6 3 6 9 4 8 12 Anchor Bott " • 40. before an 12.Alt exterior nailing shall be aluminum or galvanized
Anchor Bolt y payment will be made by the Owner,the Contractor shall deliver to the Owner any waiver or releases ofany
12 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 3 3 5 TABLE R301.5 TABLE R301.7 Bottom Plate I•• liens arising out of hls contractfor work completed as of the date of the request for payment The Contractor shall also deliver 13.Flashing to De provided at all roof penetrations,pipes,vents,skylights,chimneys and roof
Floor Joist ° r ventilators.Flashin p ps, ges,vall than
12:12 16 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 s 3 a 6 MINIMUM UNIFORMLY DISTRIBUTED LIVE LOADS ALLOWABLE DEFLECTION OF STRUCTURAL teel Strap lapped under sill plate I all manufacturers warranties,guarantees,operational and maintenance manuals pertaining to his woric Turnlsh evidence 9 to be rovided et hl rid eye, gas of roof slope;gable ends and top oftoun-
19.2 3 3 3 3 3 4 3 4 6 3 5 7 » - I o satisfactory to the Owner that all a rot bills for labor, materials and datlon wells.
P Y ss equipment,and other Indebtedness connected with his 14.A11 skylights Installed In roof p " g
(in pounds per square foot) MEMBERSb ID CS20 7 MIN. work for which the Owner or his ro system with itch of 3I12 or less are to be mounted on min.4 hl h curbs.
2a 3 3 4 3 3 5 3 5 7 3 6 9 � � ', p party might In any way be responsible,have been paid or otherwise satisfied teach con 1S.Install shims to provide root pitch under sheathln a
. - ° 1 tractor shall also deliver to the Owner written guarantees In form and whose terms and extent will be established In the g nd perpendicular to the roof joists to provide for roof
USE LIVE LOAD ALLOWABLE I a agreements between each Contractor and the Owner, venting in flat roof areas.
Table 3.10 Roof Sheathing Aittachment Requirements for Wind Exposure B STRUCTURAL MEMBER 5111 Plate I 16.AllInteriorleadersaretohave 112"foamsoundInsulation over PVC 1 in
b DEFLECTION _ I I `_ 41. Each Contredor shall De r•esponslbte for wttlng,fitting and patching of his work that unay be required to complete the p p g.
Uninhabitable attics without storage 10 work of his contra no Contractor shall endan eT an work of an other Contractor b excavatin cuttin or otherwise ELECTRICAL NOTES
Loads I Steel Stra la ct' 9 Y y y 9' 9'
Uninhabitable attics with limited storages g 20 Rafters having slopes greater than 3:12 with L/180 - P pied under altering any work ofany other contractor,and t1�1 Contractor shall do So without the prior written consent of the Owner, Any 1.Atl electrical work shaft be confined to he space and location allowed for 1 and shall be In Strict confor-
wi.d speed 3.secendaust lmphl finished ceiling not attached to rafters I sill plate CS2O costs caused by defective or III-timed work shall be borne by the party responsible therefore.
eo ss ton Cos Ito Its tin Ito teo tso fro t7o tau t9s 42. Contractor shall brace , p , g g g required for manse to the National Electric Code and governing municipality.
(see Plru.e t.11 Habitable attics and attics served with fixed �I I�_W 5/8"die.W/3"square washer ,shore reinforce and/or under in all stnndures Indudln net hborin structures,as 2.Provide separate circuits for all appliances,amperages based on manufacturer
Fastener spacing 30 Interior walls and partitions H/180 safe operation.The Contractor Is to take ail necessary and prudent steps to shore and brace existin structure rior to Sd hav ng the.
Raper stairs g p 3,Contractor o u verify with owner,a the owner 3N1{{be purchasing appliances and having them Installed b
Installation of headers for new openings. The proper and safe exetutlon of his work ls he sole respons161Hty of he Contractor. _ Y
R"rns panel '°parr,, a Floors L/360 43. Equipment and devices ota tam others prior to suDmltting a bid on the project
sheathing Location Uplift Load per Nail(lbs) Balconies(exterior)and decks 40 porary nature required for he construction processes and protection thereof,such as scat
a lin.1 Edges suppons folds,staging,platforms,runwa hoists,ladde 4.Contractor sing Install,85 per Owners rockin .Aany indeata l erco calarm,thermostat,tale hone and/or
IiA•1 1+•.1 t+"•t Ceilings with brittle finishes(including plaster Yes rs.chutes,temporary flooring,guards,railings,shaftway proted:tloln5,etc,for P
Fire escapes 40 L/360 the protectloln ofworkmen and ofthe public shall be provided,erected,and maintained In accordance with the requirements 5. Antenna wiring a walls prior to s ork o nfor All wiring shall be concealed l balsa floors,or ceilings.
6 u v 19 21 23 15 2a 30 15 a1 a7 s3 60 67 7a and stucco) of the New York State Building Construction Code,and all other laws, rules,or orcunaces of ail Governmental A 5.All veing shall lu copper and all work conform with NEC and NYBFU end shall be Board of Flre Underwriters
12 6 6 9 10 11 12 13 14 is Ili 21 24 27 30 34 3a Guards andhanirallSd 2oDn Ride Structural Ride urisdlCtion.Contradorshall rovld a gendeshaving approved andlndudethefollowing:
4 4 6 7 7 1 9 9 to 12 14 16 is 20 23 26 Ceilings with flexible finishes(including g g Rafter to Stud J P e, recta maintain those Items required for use,obtaining all necessary permits,Inspections a)all wiring for new switches,outiets,fixtures re-dreultln
and approvals,and remove those Items which have served their purpose and when directed by the Owner,unless otherwise exlstln g necessary to allow for all new work,all rewiring of
3 3 5 5 6 6 7 7 a 9 1O 1z 14 1s 17 m Guard In-fill components' 50n gypsum L/240 stipulated, _ g fixtures and labe{Ing of dreutt breakers to Indicate circuit use.
6 12 23 25 28 31 34 37 40 47 54 62 70 19 a9 I W board b)furnish NFBU certificate at completion of work.
16 6 6 12 13 14 16 17 19 20 24 27 31 35 ao 45 52 Passenger vehicle garages' 50' ) 4 rnRAr 44. Contractors shall make timely submissions to he Owner of hevarlous Items as set forth so as to allow reasonable and ace Carbon monoxide R314&R315
4 4 8 9 10 10 11 12 14 16 i8 21 24 27 30 1s �+- ls"� WM 8,STRAP quote time for review,possible correctioth,possible resubmission,and for approval of submission without delayin the fs.Furnish and Install dngte station smoke detecting alarm device In comp8anC4t with Sec.: of WlfS Buildlnq
3 3 6 7 7 s 9 9 10 lz 14 16 18 z0 23 z6 Rooms other than sleeping rooms 40 All other structural members L/240 » tt progress of the entire project or any phase of he project Code and shall be provided outside each separate steeping area,In each sleeping space and on each floor level.
InteriorIone 2 MITi. 12 M In. . 7.Contractor shall verily with the owner,location and quantity of lighting fixtures,switches,outlets,etc.prior
6 12 27 30 33 37 20 44 48 56 65 74 84 95 1m 12s Exterior walls-wind loads'with laster or to providing a bid on the project
Slee in rooms 30 p H/360 8 Provide a minlmum of one outlet in a halfway that exceeds 9'-0"In length.
19.2 6 6 7 IS 17 19 20 22 2a z8 33 17 42 as 54 63 p g . These plans are designed in accordance with the American Forest& Pa er
1 1 9 l0 11 u 14 75 16 19 22 IS 28 32 36 a2 stucco finish
3 3 7 B 9 9 10 11 12 t4 17 19 21 24 27 S2 $tails 4oc o ,
6 u 3a 37 41 «, so ss s9 7o SI 93 Jos u9 133 156 _ Exterior walls-wind Toads'with other brittle C$20 ° o ° - p -9.Provide one outlet In eecb room a minlmum of 6-0"from the entrance to tftat room.
6 6 17 19 21 23 25 IB 30 35 41 47 0 60 67 7R finishes
H/240 C'S20 Association Wood Frame Construction Manual for one and two-family dwellings 1o.Provlde aminlmumotoneGFloutietwlthln3'-0"ofanyslnkandaminlmumotonelneverybathroom
za TABLE R402.2 0 ° unless otherwise specified.
1 4 12 13 34 16 17 14 20 Id 21 31 35 40 4S 52 2018 Edition - „rescri tive method 11.Contractormustve
3 3 9 10 1t 1z n 1e is 1a z1 :4 z7 30 34 r/ MINIMUM SPECIFIED COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH OF Exterior walls-wind loads°with flexible °° o° M p _ rtfy with his Ilcensed electrician K an upgrade of eleCtrlCel service Is required for this
6 12 3z 35 39 di a7 S1 56 66 76 8) 99 112 125 la7 H/12D`{ LSU These IanS COm I Project priorto submitting a bld.
6 6 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 33 39 44 50 56 63 74 CONCRETE finishes p p y with all of the requirements of the following: 12.Contractor to verify locations of masts,meters,sub-panels,etc for relocation as required for the protect.
12 4 4 11 12 13 s 16 r7 19 22 26 29 33 18 az 49 e •2020 N.Y.S.Buildin C Contractor must also notify he Architect of locations If not shown on plans.
3 3 a 9 10 n u 13 1a n 19 a zs za 32 37 MINIMUM SPECIFIED Lintels supporting masonry veneer walls L/600 _ g ode •2020 N.Y.S. Mechanical Code
6 12 42 47 s2 s7 67 6R 74 67 101 116 132 149 167 196 COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH° •2020 N.Y.S.Residential Code •2020 N.Y.S. Fuel Gas Code 1.All lumbin
16 6 6 21 24 26 29 32 34 37 44 51 58 66 75 84 9x TYPE OR LOCATION OF CONCRETE Ir) p g work shall be in strict conformance with all state and local codes. .
4 4 14 16 18 19 21 23 25 29 34 39 44 50 56 66 CONSTRt1CTION ° • All roofs, ceilings, floors designed •• MTS30 •2020 N.Y.S.Existing Building Code •2020 N.Y.S. Property Maintenance Code 2.Hot water heater shall have a maximum temperature setting of 140 degrees F.
Perimeter Edge Zone 3 3 11 12 13 s 16 n 19 2z 26 29 33 3a 42 49 Weathering Potential° - --- - 3.Provide hot and cold water supply lines to a new refrigerator as required by manufacturers specifications.
6 12 so 56 62 6a 7s 82 a9 105 121 139 ua n9 200 2 J5 •2020 N.Y.S.Energy Conservation Code •2020 NFPA 70 National Electric Code 4.Provide Insulation on all new piping as required by code.
19.2 6 6 15 2g 31 34 3A 41 4S 53 61 70 5 4o f00 11A Negligible Moderate Severe For dead load of 10 P.S.F. 5.Remove and relocate all exdstlng piping as required to assure the proper execution ofthe woric
4 x7 19 21 23 25 z8 30 3S et e7 53 60 67 79 •2020 N.Y.S.Fire Code •2020 Uniform Code Su Cement piping. '
3 3 13 14 16 17 19 21 23 27 31 35 40 45 so 59 Basement walls,foundations and PP 6.Below grade waste Ones shall be XHCI
6 12 63 70 7a es 94 Ioz 111 i 31 152 174 198 223 250 294 other concrete not exposed to the 2,500 2,500 2,500° •2020 N.Y.S.Plumbing Code •2020 Supplement to the N.Y.S.Energy 7.Potable Imes shall be type"Lee copper.
6 6 32 35 39 43 47 51 56 66 76 97 99 u2 125 147 weather 8,All gas or oil ptping required shall be performed by the plumbing contractor.
24 4 4 21 24 26 29 32 34 37 44 St Sa 66 7s 94 98 Conservation Construction Code 9.Sanitary disposal system shall be County Department of Health Services approved for design and
3 3 16 19 20 zz 24 26 28 33 38 4a so s6 61 7a Basement slabs and Interior slabs - tnstatlation.The Owners surveyor shall be responsible for design and locations of these facilities as well as
Fastener Spacing on grade,except garage floor slabs 2,500 2,500 2,500° ForSI:1poundpersquareInch=6.895kPa. Column Cap Corner Holdown Floor to Floor Connection obtalningallpertnitsor
�cuT approvals
Uplift Load per Nail(Ibs) LENGTH 10.Contractor shall provide hotwater baseboard heat throughout at perimeter walls unless otherwise noted
Gable Endwall Rake or IIn•) Basement walls,foundation walls, a.Strength at z8 days psi. -
RakeTrusSwithupt09" 6 28 31 35 A 42 46 50 59 ba 7a 89 too 112 131 b.SeeTableR301.2(1)forweatherlgpotential. HDU LElEHNDTH GENERAL NOTES 11.Watermainmostbe7'-0"awayfromtheSanitarydisposalsystemand4'-0"deep. '
exterior walls and other vertical
Rake Overhang 4 19 21 23 fi 28 31 33 39 es 52 S9 67 7S 8R 2,500 3,000d 3,000d c.Concrete in these Iocatlons that Is subject to treeing and thawing during 12.In bearin walls or artitiort no stud s to be cut more than 1/31ts de to to receive
concrete construction shall be air-entrained concrete in accordance with Footnoted. eb 12" 1. The mechanical s tam shall be installed in accordance with chapters 12-24 of the g p s' P ptping,duct Or eleCtri-
3 1a 16 38 t9 21 23 25 30 34 39 47 50 56 66 I Residential Code of New York State. Cal work.
work exposed to the weather d.Concrete shall be airentrained.Total air domain(percem by voume of
concrete)shall be not less than 5 percent or more than 7percent. o 2. The plumbing system shall be installed In accordance with chapters 25-33 of the 13.All water service and distribution pipe and fittings to be copper alloy.
Table 3.11 Wall Sheathing and Cladding Attachment Expos u re B Porches,carport slabs and steps e.SeeSect on R402.2 for maximum cementltlous materials content. o e t CLEAR Residential Code of New York State.
exposed to the weather,and garage 3,500d• f.For garage floors with a steel-troweled finish,reduction of the total air content ° � SPAN 3. The electrical a ui ment and wirin shall be installed in accordance with chapters 14.All drain,waste and vent piping and fittings to be PVC-DWV
Requirements for Wind Loads 2,soo 3,000a,e,t q p g
floor e,t (percent by volume of concrete)to not less Man 3 percem Is permitted It the _ ° 34-41 Of the Residential Code elf New York State.
specified compressive strength of the concrete is increased to not less than o 4. Exterior windows and glass doors shall be installed in accordance with Section R609.
slabs l All glazing shall comply with section R308.
Wind Speed 4,000 psi. -
3-second gurt 90 9S 100 105 1.0 115 120 130 140 150 160 170 190 195 BCS '"' END 6. In all frame walls,floors and roof/ceilings comprising elements of the building thermal
�� LLNGTN envelope,a moisture vapor retarder shall be installed on the warm in winter side of the
(mph) TABLE OGRAPH CS20 '12" insulation in accordance with section R318.
See Fi ure 1.1 CLIMATIG AND GEOGRAPHIC DESIGN \\ . y 6. Wall and ceiling finishes shall have a flame spread classification of not greater than 200
STRUCTURAL SHEATHING CRITERIA v -''o. " with a smoked developed index of not greater than 450 in accordance with section
Stud Spacing x r GROUND SEISMIC WINTER ICE BARRIER AiR MEAN 7. Insulation shall have a flame spread index of not greater than 25 with a smoke developed
Sheathing Location' Maximum Nail Spac�g for 8d Common Nails or IOd Box Nails(inches,o.c.)
(inches,o.c.) SNOW Speech Topographic Special wind Wlyd-bome DESIGN Frost DESIGN UNDERLAYMEW FLOOD FREEZING ANNUAL SHEATHING index of not greater than 450 in accordance with section of the R302.10
12 6 12 6 12 6 12 6 12 6 12 6 12 6 12 6 12 6 12 6 12 6 12 6 12 6 12 6 12 LOAD° (mph} etteMsk region' debris zone'"CATEGORY'Weathering" line Termite' TEMP° REQUIRED^ HAZARDSO INDEX' TEMPI SIDING 8. Interior wall covering shall be in accordance with section R702 and exterior wall
depthb FLASHING FOR covering shalt be in accordance with Section R703. GD A SHEET TITLE
Interior Zone 16 6 12 6 12 6 12 6 12 6 12 6 12 6 12 6 12 6 12 6 12 6 12 6 12 6 12 6 12 G
24 6 12 6 12 6 12 6 12 6 12 6 12 6 12 6 11 b 12 6 12 6 12 6 6 6 6 6 6 20 Ib 130 Yes No » ° ° WATER TIGHTNESS GENERAL NOTE S
ABA44 9. Asphalt shingles shall be installed in accordance with section R905.2 f\p'
B Severe 36 M to H 15 Yes 150 4�j DECKING
12 6 12 6 12 6 12 6 12 6 12 6 12 6 12 6 12 6 12 6 1I 6 12 6 12 6 12 6 12 MANUALJ DESIGN CRITERIA" Or< ° ° C t` �� 5.SL'��OV_ PROXCT 1lMTE
Perimeter Edge Zone 16 6 12 6 12 6 IZ 6 12 6 12 6 12 6 12 6 12 6 12 6 12 6 12 6 11 6 12 6 6 tittatin a APPROVED JOIST HANGERS �� .N� �}d"
24 6 12 6 12 6 12 6 12 6 12 6 12 6 12 6 12 6 12 6 12 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 Ydintet Summer Altitude Design g 2'MIN. 'Wf f.81. ,
EievaDCn Latitude design temperature IN ACCORDANCE WITH TABLE R507.2 Y+e i f;
heating coating correction factor temperature cooling . . A Tm�TmH S�'1LTT TT ��A 1�T
BOARD SHEATHING or LAP SIDING temperature differeRCe - x L .L 11 lJ L till
Sheathing Size Rafter/Truss Spacing , FLOOR JOISTS AT4 LOOWN DEVICE MIN DIS RI CAPACITY .b�c..;,..)�.
Minimum Number of 8d Common Nails or loci Box Nails ?-='• :•.•, - 4•iJe
(inches,o.c.J Cool wind Wind veloe Coincident Dail winter Summer •t" ,•� END LF THE LEDGER.HOLD-DOWN DEVICES - AJZC.HIT�•r' ',p,(i,
Per Support 'n9 ttlf Y SHALL FULLY ENGAGE DECK JOIST PER (��•Q2Fi.xrw
tempetaturedifference velocity heating cooling wetbulb range humidity humidity HOLD-DOWN MANUFACTURER. 209 LYI`'N AVENLYE SGI4Et
Typical DTT1Z Deck-to-House r't",�1�.� E.NORTHPORT,N.Y. 11731 �.,
]x6orarg rSheamg 12.24 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 AFULLYTHRF.ADEDsl DIAMETER LAG r •L• �I•jAX.(63v 3�-cZi -�
lx 1 or Lai er eat rn 1 - 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 TO CENTER OF TOP PLATE,STUDS,OR HEADER.