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�� rr TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE �0 SOUTHOLD, NY BUILDING PERMIT (THIS PERMIT MUST BE KEPT ON THE PREMISES WITH ONE SET OF APPROVED PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS UNTIL FULL COMPLETION OF THE WORK AUTHORIZED) Permit#: 50672 Date: 5/14/2024 Permission is hereby granted to: S anos, James PO BOX 777 Cutcho ue, NY 11935 To: construct single-family dwelling as applied for with SCHD approval. At premises located at: 450 Main St, Green port SCTM #473889 Sec/Block/Lot# 34.-3-21 Pursuant to application dated 3/11/2024 and approved by the Building Inspector. To expire on 11/13/2025. Fees: SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING-ADDITION OR ALTERATION $2,711.50 CO-NEW DWELLING $100.00 Total: $2,811.50 Building Inspector TOWN OF SOUTHOLD —BUILDING DEPARTMENT _' Town Hall Annex 54375 Main Road P. O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971-0959 4'1 Telephone (631) 765-1802 Fax (631) 765-9502 lltt s:! vt sautholdto�� lilvm, o� Date Received APPLICATION FOR BUILDINGI I For Office Use Only I PERMIT NO. Building Inspector;. Applications and forms must be filled out in their entirety.Incomplete applications will not be accepted. Where the Applicant Is not the owner,an Owner's Authorization form(Page 2)shall be completed. DateG � ? ..._.�. OWNERS OF PROPERTY. Name: S T SSC7 s G TSCTM # 1000-3[f_ 3- 2/ Project Address: M ` o Phone#: — Email: 9 L A 21 Mailing Address; C—e-e—eo CONTACT PERSON: Name; r ' Mailing Address:01 «� Phone#: .0 � —&/0 Email; DESIGN PROFES IONAL INFORMATION: Name; Mailing Address: ^ I)' //J/41A �J � ZI 2f/z610 Phone#: 6 Emai ull CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: Name: Mailing Address: Phone#: Email; DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION New Structure ❑Aditlon ❑Alteration ❑Repair El Demolition Estimated Cost of Project: I ❑Other Will the lot be re-graded? ❑Yes 21q Will excess fill be removed from premises? ❑Yes o 1 PROPERTY INFORMATION Existing use of property: 1-0 7- Intended use of property: lrr�` Zone or use district in which premises is situated: Are there any covenants and restrictions with respect to this ❑Yes � t IF YES, PROVIDE A COPY. property? ❑ Check Box After Reading: The owner/contractor/deslgn professional Is responsible for all drainage and storm water Issues as provided by Chapter 236 of the Town.Code. APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE to the Building Oepartment for the Issuance of a Building Permit potsuant to the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold,Suffolk,County,New York and!other applicable Laws,ordinances or Regulations,for the cons iuction of buildings, additions,alterations or for removal or demolition as herein described.The applicant agrees to comply with all applicable laws,6rd16riceis,building code, housing code and regulations and to admit authorized Inspectors on premises and in building(s)for necessary Inspections.False statements made herein are punishable as a Class A misdemeanor pursuant to Section 210.45 of the New York State Penal Law. Application Submitted By(print name): ❑Authorized Agent wner Signature of Applicant ,'».- Date:3////Z,- "'.c/ CONNIE D.BUNCH Notary Public,State of New York STATE OF NEW YORK) No.01B U618 50 50 SS: Qualified In Suffolk County COUNTY OF Ccmmisslon EXPIres April 14, ............ being duly sworn, deposes and says that (s)he is the applicant (Name of individual signing contract) above named, tl�he is the (Contractor, Agent, Corporate Officer, etc.) of Said owner or owners, and is duly authorized to perform or have performed the said work and to make and file this application;that all statements contained in this application are true to the best of his/her knowledge and belief; and that the work will be performed in the manner set forth in the application file therewith. Sworn before me this day of � 20 .......... Notary Public (Where the applicant is not the owner) I, residing at do hereby authorize to apply on my behalf to the Town of Southold Building Department for approval as described herein. Owner's Signature Date Print Owner's Name 2 PROPOSED 2 STY FRAME DWELLING 24-43 LOT AREA 21,468 SQ-FT. ( 0.493 ACRES ) WITH 4 BEDROOMS DATUM NAVD 1988 1 st fl = 1,506 SQ. FT. 2nd fl = 1,415 SQ_ FT. 12.5' = existing elev. TOTAL = 2,921 SQ. FT. GARAGE = 518 SQ. FT. COVERED PORCH = 52 SQ. FT. MAP OF CHAMPLIN LOT NUMBER 36 I LOT NUMBER I 28 LOT NUMBER I LOT 29MBER DWELL/WELL DISTANCE TO WELLS GREATER THAN 200' 0.6'E S 23'23'40"E 134.37' chain link fence it Z fc 0.1'S fc 0'VE 1.5'E X—Tfc 3.5'E fc fc 0.3'E O ti 9.8• X— 03 Trion fd fence 9.5' Nfc 0.O'E Z 12 IUD man ^ 0.2'S Q LV Y � wd stockade fence 00 24' N PROPOSED POOL LO (0 c 0.2'N 20'x4O' O fd man fc 0.1'S fc 0.6'S wd Ionding �? and s N teps � La S lob3'x8ac ' c W cr _ 44.5 ^ Y 25' i a � 23,5' [188.76' W .6a PROPOSED 2 STY GAR W FR DWELL CI Z stoopnry 9 0, 7.0' 24v UN 4'x3.5 01 _0 14.0' 35' �Na PO test - ohol/ proposed driveway /0.O'N fd mon — 1.0'S fc 0.5'E 1 5, 11.2= fc 0.3'E 134.34 fd pipe ga[e N 23`41'30"W 134.34' o pole conc_ curbing + MAIN STREET + 12.5' 11.7' existing water main o, o �O w ry a 0 c FLAGGiN NOTE: #9 9-28-2023 SHAWN M. BARRON, M.S. FLAGGING DELINEATED AND FLAGGED THE FRESHWATER WETLAND BOUNDARYS \X #8 FLAGGING --- - #7 FLAGGING NOTE: .\#6 Location of water mains & adjoiners water supply by others and are not guaranteed. FLAGGING #5 • \ FLAGGING FLAGGING 4 TEST HOLE by \ FLAGGING #2 McDONALD GEOSERVICES DATE: 9/27/2023 \ I GGING TEST HOLE = 12.5' 3-23-2024 REVISED PROPOSED DWELLING and SHOW PROPOSE POOL 0' Brown Silty Sand THE OFFSETS (OR DIMENSIONS) SHOWN HEREON FROM THE STRUCTURES TO THE PROPERTY LINES ARE FORA SPECIFIC PURPOSE AND USE AND THEREFORE TWIT JOB No. 23-181 FILE No. 1085F SM INTENDED Ta GUIDE THE ERECTION OF FENCES, RETAINING WALLS, POOM PATS, 2' PLANTING AREAS, AMMON TO BUILDINGS OR MY OTHER CONSTRUCTION. SURVEYED FOR EVAN YERASIMOU UNAUTHORIZED ALTERATION OR ADDITION TO THIS SURVEY IS A VIOLATION OF SECTION 7209 OF THE NEW YORK STATE EDUCATION LAW. GUARANTEES INDICATED HERON SHALL RUN ONLY TO THE PERSON FOR WHOM THE Pale brown fine to SURVEY IS PREPA ,AND ON HIS BEHALF TO THE TITLE compAw.owumaNTAL SITUATED AT GREENPORT AGENCY AND LENDING INSTITUTION LISTED HEREON.AND TO THE ASSIGNEES OF THE coarse sand SW LENDING INSTITUTION. GUARANTEES ARE NOT TRANSFERABLE TO ADMITONAL INsmumNs TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, SUFFOLK COUNTY, N.Y. OR SUBSEQUENT OWNMS. COPIES OF THIS SURVEY MAP Mar BEARING THE LAND SURVEYOR'S INKED SEAL OR SCALE 1" = 40' DATE 10-09-2023 EMBOSSED SEAL SHALL NOT BE CONSIDERED TO BE A VAUD TRUE COPY. FILED MAP No. DATE CERTIFIED ONLY TO-.,_ TAX MAP No. 1000-34-3-21 DISK 2023 �— 10.9' HAROLD F. TRANCHON JR. P.C. Water in pale brown LAND SURVEYOR to coarse sand SW P.O. BOX 616 17' 1866 WADING RIVER—MANOR RD. WADING RIVER, COMMENTS: WATER ENCOUNTERED 10.9' NEW YORK, 11792 BELOW SURFACE t'Y. 1C 048992 631-929-4695 HA LD F: T�.NC�ON UR� PENN o. 2115—E TOWN OF SOUTHOLD —BUILDING DEPARTMENT Town Hall Annex 54375 Main Road P. O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971-0959 � n Telephone (631) 765-1802 Fax (631) 765-9502 flops://wNv v.soLitholdto\viiiir.Zo�v Date Received APPLICATION For Office Use Only PERMIT NO. Building Inspctor:.._......_. ....... . ...... ...ww.__.. .�_ Applications and forms must be filled out in their entirety.Incomplete applications will not be accepted. Where the Applicant Is not the owner,an Owner's Authorization form(Page 2)shall be completed. Date: OWNER(5 OF PROPERTY: .. �,... _._...._.�.�...._ .......,�.. Name:CA S T S,CT s G =CTM # 1000-3[f_ 3- 2/ Project Address: Phone#: Email L Z I L, Mailing Address: CONTACT PERSON: Name: r 1 ,' Mailing Address: ty Cp A � FE c� ail DESIGN PR Phone#: O G R ���.��.......�.M Em„ _ ...�.. �._.... � �.. S IONAL INF O ON Name: 112) 0 Mailing Address: Phone E _�.,. mai ____ __ 6 _..... � CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: Name; Mailing Address: Phone#: Email: DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION New Structure ❑Adritlon ❑Alteration ❑Repair ❑Demolition Estimated Cost of Project: 9 W, ❑Other._w. Will the lot be re-graded? ❑Yes 21q Will excess fill be removed from premises? ❑Yes 1 PROPERTY INFORMATION Existing use of property: 1-0 7- Intended use of property: l�w� Zone or use district in which premises is situated: Are there any covenants and restrictions with respect to this property? ❑Yes 5-4o IF YES, PROVIDE A COPY, ❑ Check Box After Reading: The owner/contractor/design professional Is responsible for all drainage and storm water Issues as provided by Chapter 236 of the Town;Code. APPt tcATloN IS HEREBY MADE to the Building Department for the Issuance of a Building Permit pursuant to the Building Zone ordinance of the Town of Southold,Suffolk,County,New York and other,applicable Laws,ordinances or Regulations,for the coniAiuction of buildings, additions,alterations or for removal or demolition as herein described.The applicant agrees to comply with all applicable laws,ortlinarices,building code, housing code and regulations and to admit authorized Inspectors on premises and in building(s)for necessary Inspections.False statements made herein are punishable as a Class A misdemeanor pursuant to Section 210.45 of the New York State Penal Law. Application Submitted By(print name): � � � S �1-� l�t ❑Authorized Agent 4DOWIner Signature of Applicant° Date: /Z, CONNIE D.13UNCH Notary Public,State of New York STATE OF NEW YORK) No-01BU6185050 SS: Qualified In Suffolk County COUNTY OF --....w_--._. -ommlSSlon Estplres April 14,iL" l_ being duly sworn, deposes and says that (s)he is the applicant (Name of individual signing contract) above named, Tl�he is the .� .�www.w..-........__www. ..... _w _ w w_caw_w..._. ...................... (Contractor, Agent, Corporate Officer, etc.) of Said owner or owners, and is duly authorized to perform or have performed the said work and to make and file this application;that all statements contained in this application are true to the best of his/her knowledge and belief; and that the work will be performed in the manner set forth in the application file therewith. Sworn before me this h day of 20 Notary Public PROPERTY OWNER Au"niORIZATM (Where the applicantis not the owner) i, residing at do hereby authorize �. -.--.to apply on my behalf to the Town of Southold Building Department for approval as described herein. Owner's Signature Date Print Owner's Name 2 PROPOSED 2 STY FRAME DWELLING 24-43 LOT AREA = 21,468 SOFT. 0.493 ACRES WITH 4 BEDROOMS 1st fl = 1.506 SQ. FT. DATUM NAVD 1988 2nd fl = 1,415 SQ. FT. 12.5' = existing elev. TOTAL = 2,921 SO. FT. GARAGE = 518 SQ. FT. COVERED PORCH = 52 SO. FT. MAP OF CHAMPLIN LOT NUMBER LOT NUMBER LOT NUMBER 36 29 28 LOT NUMBER DWELLIWELL 29 DWELLAVELL DISTANCE TO WELLS GREATER THAN 200' OL to, O.6'E S 23'23'40"E 134.37' chain link fence fc O.I'S f. 0.1'E ,fc 1.5-E fe 3.5'E fc 0.3'E 9.8' x x— Mon fd 9.5' 'fc O.O'E man 0.2'S CN wd stockade fence 24' 1 C" S Zb PROPOSED POOL tp h,0,2'N 20'.40' Id man t fc 0.1's f.0.6S >_ wd landing izz 8 and steps N w 25' TO 44.5' !a PROPOSED 2 STY zl� 7�R IAJ FR DWELL 0 Tosonry ZO v LL LL) 4-00%, U) 9.0 40 35' 0 CL COV,Aed porc, test Zi hole a elev-1 proposed driveway I/ LV Z O_O:N W man I.O'S 134.34' I L18.76' fc 0.5 E, 1 .5" 11,2' fc 0.3'E Id pipe sae N 23'41'30"W 134.34 a a1_0 cone. curbing MAIN STREET + 12.5 11.7' — existing water main FLAGGING NOTE: l/ #9 9-28-2023 SHAWN M. BARRON, M.S. FLAGGING DELINEATED AND RAGGED THE FRESHWATER WETLAND BOUNDARYS \x #8 FLAGGING X_#7 FLAGGING NOTE: #6 Location of water mains X< &adjoiners water supply by others and are not guaranteed. FLAGGING #5- FLAGGING FLAGGING X #4 FLAGG TEST HOLE by J21NG McDONALD GEOSERVICES X<, DATE: 9/27/2023 #FLAGGING �x 1 TEST HOLE = 12.5' 3-23-2024 REVISED PROPOSED DWELLING and SHOW PROPOSE POOL 0' Brown Silty Sand THE OFFSETS(OR S'a"HEREON FROM THE STRUMMES TO THE PROPERTY UNES ARE FOR A SIONFIC MRPOSE AND USE AND THEREFORE ME HOT Sm INTENDED TO WIDE THE V=nON OF FENCES,RETMING WAI1%POOtS.PATM JOB No. 23-181 FILE No. 1085F 2' PLWIING AREAS.ADDITION To BUIRIXIM OR ANY OTHER CONSIRLICRON. SURVEYED FOR EVAN YERASIMOU UNNJTHORIZED ALTERkTION OR ADM"TO THIS SURVEY IS A VIOIAVON OF SWOON 7209 OF THE NEW YORK SPATE EDUCATION UWI ou'"n"Es wo'com"am su"I"NUN ONLY To THE PERSON FOR mom THE Pale brown fine to SURVEY IS PREPARED.AND ON HIS BEH F 70 THE THE COMPANY,OOVEMM99AL SITUATED AT GREENPORT AGENCY AND JENMO 04SnPJTION USFED HEREON.AND TO YK ASSMOES OF THE coarse sand SW LENDING WSRUROIL GUARMnEES ARE NOt TRANSFERABLE TO ADDIR(KIL INSITMONS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD. SUFFOLK COUNTY, N.Y. OR SUBSIRRIMir OWNERS COPIES W MS SURVEY W NOT REWNG THE LAND SURVEYOR'S INKED SEAL OR SCALE 1" = 40' DATE 10-09-2023 B&MES SE&SHAM HOT BE CONMDERED TO BE A VAUD TRUE COPY. - FILED MAP No. DATE CERTIFIED ONLY M TAX MAP No.1000-34-3-21 DISK 2023 10.9' HAROLD F.TRANCHION JR. P.C. Water in pole brown LAND SURVEYOR to coarse sand SW P.O.BOX 616 17' 1866 WADING RIVER—MANOR RD.WADING RIVER, COMMENTS: WATER ENCOUNTERED 10.9' NEW YORK, 11792 BELOW SURFACE / N.Y. Nd.048992 631-929-4695 HAA�L F.'tNCHON JR. PENN.LC,No.2115—E GENERAL CONSTRUCTION NOTES TABLE P3201.7 TRAP SIZES FOR PLUMING FIXTURES '3 _ MIN. UNIFORMLY DISTRIBUTED LOADS FASTENING SCHEDULE 1. All construction shall conform to rile 2020 Residential Code NEW YORK STATE. 14a. Draftstoppping material R302.12 shall be as follows: as adopted by New York State May 12,2020, In combustible construction where there is usable space both above and below the concealed space PLUMBING FIXTURE TRAP SIZE USE LIVE DEAD BASED ON TABLE R602.3(1) NAILING SCHEDULE / Additional Code Compliance: of a floor-ceiling assembly, draftstops shall be installed so that the area of the concealed space does MINIMUM LOAD LOAD 2020 Energy Conservation Construction Code of New York State,the not exceed 1,000 square feet. Draftstopping shall the concealed space into approximately inches Uninhabitable attics without storage 10 NUMBER AND TYP 2020 Building Code of New York State;Plumbing code;Fire code;Mechanical code; equal areas.. Draftstopping shall be provided in the following locations: DESCRIPTION SPACING AND Fuel gas code;Existing building code;Property maintenance code. 1. Ceilingis suspended under floor framing. OF FASTENER LOCATION � P g• Bathtub (with or without shower head Uninhabitable attics with limited storage 20 10 ALL CODES shall supercede the drawings and shall be Incorporated into the 2. Floor framing is constructed of truss-type open-web or perforated members. and/Or whirlpool attachments 1-1/2 n drawings WHETHER they are indicated on the Plans or NOT. `f 15. No backfill shall be placed against the foundation walls Bidet 1-14 Habitable attics&attics served with fixed stair 30 10 ITEM ROOF FRAMING Additions,Alterations&Renovations:shall conform with Appendix J until the first floor framing is in place or brace the foundation Balconies(exterior)and decks 40 10 1 4-8d BOX (2-1/2")OR Clothes washer standpipe e 2 BLOCKING BETWEEN CEILING JOISTS OR RAFTERS TO TOP PLATE 3-8d COMMON EACH RAFTER,TOE NAIL 2. Written Dimensions take precedence over scaled dimensions Dishwasher on separate trap) - Fire escapes 40 20 CEILING JOISTS TO TOP PLATE 4-8d BOX (2-1/2")OR 16. Double joists under parallel partitions and under whirlpool tubs. 2 3-8d COMMON EACH JOIST,TOE NAIL 3. The contractor rior to the start of construction shall verify all Double around openings in floor and roof framing. Floor drain 2 Guards and Handrails per 1607.8,1.1 20D p Yg• P CEILING JOISTS NOTATTACHED TO PARALLEL 4-10d BOX (3")OR dimensions,existing or new and be responsible for field fit. Kitchen Sink (one Or two traps, With or 3 RAFTER LAPS OVER PARTITION TABLE R802.5.2 3-16d COMMON(3-1/2") FACE NAIL 17. Metal flashing shall be installed were concrete abuts wood, Guard in-fill components 50 CEILING JOISTS ATTACHED TO PARALLEL 4. The mechanical systems,electrical systems,plumbing systems and solar energy systems, and were decks abut house framing. without dishwasher and food waste disposer) 1-1/2 '4 RAFTER HEEL JOINT SEE TABLE R802.5.z FACE NAIL shall be installed in accordance under latest State approved Building Codes. Laundry tub (one or more compartments) - passenger vehicle garages 50 5 COLLAR TIES 4-10d BOX (W) OR UJ All systems are to be designed,installed,&specified by the general contractors; HVAC, - OR 1.114"X 20 a RIDGE STRAP 3-10d COMMON 3" FACE NAIL TO EACH RAFTER electrical or plumbing sub-contractors. 18, Install joist hangers at all flush structural load bearing conditions. Lavatory Roams other than sleeping rooms 40 10 P 9 6 RAFTER TO TOP PLATE 3-10d COMMON OR 2 TOE NAILS ON ONE SIDE AND Electrical certificates are to be provided the electrical contractor, Shower (based On the total flow rate thrcuh 19. All habitable rooms shall be provided with aggregate glazing area of not less 8 percent of the ( g Sleeping rooms 30 10 4-10d BOX 1 TOE NAILS ON OPPOSITE SIDE 5. All New Footings shall bear on Virgin,undisturbed soil with an assumed bearing capacity floor area of that room,and the minimum openable area to the outdoors shall be 4 percent of showerheads and bodysprays) Stairs 40 20 OF EACH RAFTER OR TRUSS Q of 2000 pounds per square Foot. All Footings shall be 36"below grade Minimum. It shall the floor area being ventilated. Refer to Residential Code section R303 Flow rate: 4-16d OR be the responsibility of the general contractor to verify the depth of all existing footings 7 ROOF RAFTERS TO RIDGE,VALLEY OR HIP Roof 3-10d COMMON TOE NAIL disturbed by construction. 20. All window and door headers to be 2-2xl0 unless noted otherwise. 5.7 gpm and IeSS 1-1/2 20 20 3-16d BOX OR TABLE R401,4.1 subscript b:Where the building official determines that in-place soils More than 5.7 gpm up to 12.3 gpm 2 2-16d COMMON END NAIL ry with an allowable bearing capacity of less than 1,500 psf are likely to be present at the site, 21. Vent dryers to exterior as per Section M1502 More than 12.3 gpm up to 25.8 gpm 3 ALLOWABLE DEFELECTION OF ALLOWABLE WALL FRAMING the allowable bearingcapacity shall be determined b a soils Investigation. Vent range hoods as per Section M1503 STRUCTURAL MEMBERS DEFLECTION O P Y v g More than 25.8 gpm up to 55.6 gpm 4 Bathrooms/mechanical ventilation as per Section M1507 16d COMMON 6. Cast-in-place concrete shall be air entrained;5%<7%total air content by volume and have I Rafters having slopes greater than 3/12 with 8 STUD TO STUD(NOT AT BRACED WALL PANELS) (3.5"x 0.162") 24"O.C.FACE NAIL per the Section 314 an ultimate compressive strength at 28 days of 3000 psi. Except exposed slabs, 22. Smoke Alarms: Shall be listed in accordance with UL 217, installed as no finished ceiling attached to rafters U180 STUD TO STUD AND ABUTTING STUDS AT 16d BOX p 9 16"O.C. FACE NAIL ♦/'� garage slabs and steps shall be:3500 psi. All work shall be in accordance with chapter 4. and NFPA 72 . Shall be provided in each sleeping Room outside of each separate sleeping INTERSECTING WALL CORNERS AT BRACED WALL PANELS 3-1/2"x 0.162" v, All Concrete shall conform to the:latest ACI standards. P p g P P g Interior walls and partitions HI180 16d COMMON area in the immediate vicinity of the bedroom and on each story of the dwelling, including 10 BUILT-UP HEADER is"O.C. FACE NAIL ALONG EDGES basement and cellars and not less than 3 feet from the bathroom door containinga Floors L/360 5-8d "x (2-1/) O R404.1.3.2 Reinforcement for Foundation Walls TABLE R302.6 5-8d Box(2-1/2"X0.113") Concrete foundation walls shall be laterallysupported at the to and bottom.Horizontal bathtub or shower. Alarms shall be interconnected and hardwired to a commercial source. 11 CONTINUOUS HEADER TO STUD TOE NAIL PP P All other structural memebers OR 4-8d COMMON reinforcement shall be provided in accordance with Table R404.1.2(1).Vertical reinforcement WHENEVER an alteration,addition,or conversion is made to an Existing Residence, DWELLING-GARAGE SEPARATION L/240 P 12 TOP PLATE TO TOP PLATE 16d BOX(3-1/2"x 0.162) 16"O.C.FACE NAIL shall be provided in accordance with Table R404.1.2(8) the smoke detection system of the ENTIRE residence must be brought up to code, SEPARATION MATERIAL Exterior walls with stucco finish H/360 hardwired and interconnected. 8-16d COMMON(3-1/2") FACE NAIL ON EACH SIDE OF END R404.; Reinforcement for Foundation Walls: Steel reinforcement shall comply with NOT LESS THAN 1/2"-INCH GYPSUM OR Exterior walls-wind loads/brittle finishes L/240 13 DOUBLE TOP PLATE SPLICE OR 12-16d BOX(3-1/2") JOIST(MIN 24"LAP SPLICE LENGTH FROM THE RESIDENCE AND ATTICS the requirements of ASTM A 615,A 706 or A 996. 23. Carbon Monoxide Alarms: Shall be provided in accordance with Section 915 EQUIVALENT TO THE GARAGE SIDE EACH SIDE of END JOINT) Minimum yield strength of reinforcing steel shall be:40,0000 psi(grade 40), Exterior walls-wind loads/flexible finishes L/140 16d COMMON )of the 2020 fire code of NY Shall be Installed outside of each separate sleeping area „ BOTTOM PLATE TO JOIST,RIM JOIST,BAND JOIST (3-112" OR 1s"O.C. FACE NAIL required reinforcement shall be i'n accordance with Table R404.1.2(1)thru FROM HABITABLE ROOMS ABOVE THE GARAGE NOT LESS THAN 5/8 -INCH TYPE X GYPSUM 14 Q /1 in the immediate vicinity of the bedrooms. combination carbon monoxide BOARD OR BLOCKING(NOT AT BRACED WALL) 16 BOX(3-1/2") 12"O.C. FACE NAIL J ty ry R404.1.2(9). L span length,H=span height � and smoke alarms Shall be permitted in lieu of Carbon monoxide alarms. BOTTOM PLATE TO JOIST,RIM JOIST,BAND JOIST 3-i6d BOX 3 EACH 16"O.C.FACE NAIL W 0 CM R404.; Location of Reinforcement: vertical reinforcement in basement walls STRUCTURE(S)SUPPORTING FLOOR/CEILING ASSEMBLIES R 0" .1 higher as per tables Reinforcement: 8 Vertical reinforcement in basement walls All CO alarms shall be connected to the lighting circuit with no intervening wall USED FOR SEPARATION REQUIRED BY IRC-R302.6 NOT LESS THAN 112"-INCH GYPSUM BOARD 15 OR BLOCKING (AT BRACED WALL PANELS) 2-16d COMMON 2 EACH 16"O.C.FACE NAIL ' w 7 4 g P O 9 9 9 TABLE R802.5.2 CO L shall be located to provide a maximum cover of 1-1/4 inches from the inside face. switch with battery backup. Battery-powered alarms are not allowed. 16 3-i6d BOX END NAIL M GARAGE LOCATED LESS THAN 3 FEET FROM A NOT LESS THAN 1/2 INCH GYPSUM BOARD RAFTER/CEILING JOIST HEEL CONNECTION TOP OR BOTTOM PLATE TD STUD 2-16d COMMON O R404.1.3.2;Concrete foundations shall have horizontal reinforcement as follows: DWELLING UNIT ON THE SAME LOT APPLIED TO THE INTERIOR SIDE OF O C'/ Z t= 24. WALL BRACING: Buildings shall be braced in accordance with EXTERIOR WALLS THAT ARE WITHIN THIS AREA ` o Based on Table R404,1.2(1)- (includes basement entrances and window wells) RAFTER RAFTER GROUND SNOW:20 PSF 17 TOP PLATES,LAPS AT CORNERS AND INTERSECTIONS 3-16d BOX FACE NAIL Less than 8 foot Wall Height:One#4 bar within 12 inches of the top of section R602.10.4.2 Continuous sheathing method. SLOPE SPACING z-16d COMMON wall and One#4 bar near mid-height of wall. End conditions for braced wall lines for the continuous sheathing shall conform OPENINGS IN GARAGE WALLS SHALL COMPLY WITH SECTION R302.5 ATTACHMENT OF GYPSUM BOARD ROOF SPAN 3-8d BOX O Greater than 8 foot Wall Height:One#4 bar within 12 Inches of the top of to Figure R602.10.7. Braced wall panel connections SHALL COMPLY WITH TABLE R702.3.5 ALL INTERIOR WALLS SHALL HAVE GYPSUM BOARD SHEATHING. 18 1" BRACE To EACH STUD AND PLATE FACE NAIL O W Z wall and One 44 bar near the third points in the wall story.R404. Wall Openings shall comply with nailing schedule and Figures R602.10.8(1)&R603.10.8(2) 2 8d COMMON 12 FT 20 FT 28 FT 36 FT RECESSED LIGHTING FIXTURES RATING WITH PENETRATIONS O r FLOOR FRAMING � R404, Wall Openings:Vertical wall reinforcement required by Section R404.1.3.2 25. WIND DESIGN: shall be as per R301.2.1 A continuous load path shall be SHALL MEET ASTM El19 AND FIRE STOPPING PER ASTM E814 OR UL 1479 NUMBER OF 16D COMMON NAILS that is interrupted by wall openings shall have additional vertical reinforcement of the same size provided to transmit the applicable uplift forces in section R80211.1 from the 4-8d BOX U placed within 12 inches of each side of the opening. roof assemblyto the foundation. 21 JOIST TO SILL, TOP PLATE OR GIRDER-PER JOIST 3-8d COMMON PER JOIST-TOE NAIL 0 CD � 3: 12 16"O.C. 5 8 10 13 R404. Support and Cover; Reinforcement shall be secured in the proper location RIM JOIST,BAND JOIST OR BLOCKING TO SILL OR TOP 8d COMMON PP P P 26. Asphalt Shingles: Shall comply with ASTM D 3462. Wind resistance of 4: 12 16"O.C. 4 6 8 10 22 PLATE(ROOF APPLICATIONS ALSO) 10d BOX 6"O.C.TOE NAIL in the forms with tie wire or other bar support system to prevent displacement during the concrete TABLE R301.2.1.2 Windborne Debris protection placement operation.Steel reinforcement in concrete cast against the earth shall have a minimum asphalt shingles shall be tested in accordance with ASTM D 7158 and classified y Fastening Schedule for wood structural panels 2-10d BOX cover of 3 inches.Minimum cover for reinforcement in concrete cast in removable forms that will be as per Table R905.2.4.1 of the NYS Residential Code. 5: 12 16"O.C. 3 5 6 8 23 BLOCKING TO JOIST EACH END E g 2-8d COMMON w c y exposed to the earth or weather shall be 11/2 inches or No.5 bars and smaller,and 2 inches Fasteners for asphalt shingles shall be galvanized or stainless steel,aluminum or for No.6 bars and larger.For concrete cast in removable forms that will not be exposed to the copper roofing nails, minimum 12 gage shank With a minimum- Fastener Panel Span Panel Span Panel Span 7:12 16"O.C. 3 4 5 6 a-isd Box D,u o c E earth or weather,and for concrete:cast In stay-in-place forms,minimum cover shall be 3/4 inch. ^ 24 BLOCKING TO SILL OR TOP PLATE 3-16d COMMON TOE NAIL �, t m m 2 ° a`= 3/8 inch diameter head. The fasteners shall penetrate through the roof sheathing Type Less than or less than or less than or w --" € r . -V °o The minus tolerance for cover shall not exceed the smaller of one-third the required cover or 3/8 inch. 9: 12 16"O.C. 3 4 4 5 u rn° c m c q and comply with ASTM F 1667.Minimum number of fasteners as per manufacturer a ual to 4 feet a ual to 6 feet equal to 8 feet `o- .__'t o T 4 q q 3-16d COMMON AT EACH BEARING,FACE NAIL »- y o ° c y ° c but not less than 4 per strip. 25 2" PLANKS(PLANK&BEAM FLOOR&ROOF) c c z a� c0 7. Base design value for visually graded dimensional lumber:Joists,studs Rafters and All p p' 12: 12 16"O.C. 3 3 4 4 4-10d BOX - $ y o w a a o Framing lumber shall be DOUG-Fir Larch 42 or better, E=1,600,000 No 8 Wood screw $ c y= Min. Fb for dimensional lumber 850 psi. 27. Flame Spread Index: R302.9 based anchor with 16 inches 10 inches 8 inches 26 BAND OR RIM JOIST TO JOIST 4-10d BOX PER JOIST 2 0.2 -a o °o Wood exposed to the weather shall be Pressure Treated Yellow Southern Pine#2 or better. wall and ceiling finishes shall have a flame spread index 5 200 on center on Center on center THIS TABLE APPLIES TO CEILING JOISTS LOCATED AT THE 3-16d COMMON a 6 °_c m 9 0 2 m 2 inch embedment BOTTOM OF THE ATTIC SPACE. FOR CEILING JOISTS •y 2 = `o 'm y Cr a c= 3 Including but no limited to:Deck Framing,Posts,Headers,Girders&Ledgers. Insulation material,vapor retarders within roof,floor,wall, ceiling assemblies 10d BOX 24"O.C.FACE NAILTO TOP&BOTTOM °'r .° 3 L c'E�'3 len ht LOCATED HIGHER IN THE ATTIC THE HEEL JOINT 27 BUILT-UP GIRDERS AND BEAMS a- caw a) 4 &attics shall have a flames read index s 25 g STAGGERED ON OPPOSITE SIDES 46 o 2 o o °L w 0 a= P CONNECTION SHALL BE INCREASED AS FOLLOWS: ° a c N aoi °= M 8. ALL EXTERIOR LUMBER Shall be ACQ requiring the following: 0 "N = m" � o O1 PP No 10 Wood screw 4-16d BOX M m c c c f0 ` vi o G a. a. All Fasteners shall be Hot Dipped Galvanized-ASTM A 153 class D Smoke-develo Smoke-developed Index: R302.10 28 LEDGER STRIP SUPPORTING JOISTS OR RAFTERS EACH JOIST OR RAFTER,FACE NAIL a m - o o 3 o E or stainless steel. P < HEEL JOINT AJDUSTMENT FACTOR 3 AlCOMMON c a= c° -n o ° o 0 wall and ceiling finishes having a smoke-developed index _450 based anchor with 16 inches 12 inches 9 inches H C/ H r c o ° 6 o w g t b.) Use Copper flashing Only against ACQ Lumber Sill Plates g 2 inch embedment on center on center 29 BRIDGING OR BLOCKING TO JOIST 2-10d BOX(3") OR °�j° o °1 c E 2� � n. c. All structural connectors i.e.Simpson strong-Tie or LISP,etc Insulation material,vapor retarders within roof,floor,wall, ceiling assemblies on center 2-Sd COMMON z-1/zl" EACH END, TOE NAIL c o �,. t= E o P g &attics shall have a smoke-developed index s 450 tested with ASTM E 84 or UL 723 1 / 3 1.5 ( ) B = - S E t C 9 c U = k shall be Hot-Dipped Galvanized or Stainless Steel. P lenght w� z:��' ¢ �, c� c m o 1 /4 1.33 WOD STRUCTURAL PANELS,SUBFLOOR, t c � a o c o S z E 28. SWIMMING POOLS. Shall conform to Section R326 1 / 5 1.25 ROOF AND INTERIOR WALL SHEATHING TO FRAMING AND o w m 5- F- ca E a c o a PARTICLE BOARD WALL SHEATHING TO FRAMING 29. SOLAR READY DWELLINGS: Shall conform to Section R324, including but not limited to: a.This table Is based on 180 ultimate design wind speed and a 45-foot mean roof height. 1 / 6 1.20 9. All Engineered Wood Products such as"Tres Joists, Micro-Lam,etc"shall be Solar ready roof zone area of not less than 300 sq.ft.Access and pathways, roof access points, DESCRIPTION OF NUMBER AND TYP SPACING OF FASTENERS z b.Fasteners shall be installed at opposing ends of the wood structural panel. installed in accordance with the manufacturers latest installation details, ground access areas. panels shall not be located less than 18"from a valley BUILIDNG ELEMENTS OF FASTENER INTERMEDIATE ROOF SHEATHING Q Framingconnectors,Allowable Hole diagrams,specifications,etc. Fasteners shall be located a minimum of 1 inch from the edge of the panel, PANEL EDGES _ 9 P TABLE 802,11 SUPPORTS GABLE END WALL FRAMING W "Micro-Lam"Design Stress: E=1.9, Fb=2,600 psi, Fv=285 psi A permanent certificate indicating the"solar-ready zone"and other requirements of c.Anchors shall penetrate through the exterior wall covering with an embedment length of RAFTER UPLIFT CONNECTION FROM WIND „- 6d COMMON(SUBFLOOR,WALL) U) ~ "C3 "Parallam PSL"Design Stress: E=2.0,Fb=2,900 psi, Fv=290 psi this section shall be posted near the electrical panel or water heater b the builder, P g g g 30 3/8 1/2 8d COMMON(ROOF) 6" SEE NOTE A 6" ~ Fb=3000 psi,Fv=300 psi P P Y not less than 2 inches into the building frame. Fasteners shall be located not less than W "Anthony Power Beams Design Stress; E=2.1, p p 2-1/2 inches from the edge of concret block or concrete. � W RAFTER ROOF EXPOSURE C „ 8d COMMON " ^ J The main electrical panel shall have reserved space for a dual pole circuit breaker 31 19132 - 1 6 SEE NOTE A 6 Z Z -� � � 10. R310.2 EMERGENCY ESCAPE AND RESCUE: Required in BASEMENTS, SPACING SPAN for future solar electric installation and labeled"for future solar electric". d.Where screws are attached to masonry or masonry/stucco,they shall be attached ULTIMATE WIND SPEED 0 J z Q N M each sleeping rooms in basement,habitable attics, and every sleeping room (FEET) �- shall have at least ONE operable emergency escape opening as follows: using vibration resistant anchors having a minimum ultimate withdrawal capacity of 1,500 pounds. ^ 1od COMMON NAILS Sill height of not more than 44 inches above finished floor. 30. EXTERIOR DECKS: Exterior wood decks Shall conform to Section R507 130 140 32 1-1/8 - 1-1/4 6 12 W Q � A. Minimum net clear opening of 5.7 square feet. Exterior glazing in buildings located in Wood-Borne debris regions shall ROOF PITCH ROOF PITCH = W V Q E 1/2"STRUCTURAL CELLULOSIC P 9 openings 31. NEW Construction/Additions&Alterations: Glazed protected from wind borne debris. < 1-112"GALV.ROOFING NAIL 3 6 = Except rode floor o enin s shall have a minimum net clear 5:12 z 5:12 <5:12 2 5:12 33 FIBERBOARD SHEATHING �� " V Glazed opening protection shall meet the Large Missle test ASTM E 1996 Z N opening of 5 square feet. It shall be the responsibility of the General contractor or his subcontractors to submit and the ASTM E 1886 as modified in IRC section 301. u- = d B. Minimum net clear opening height shall be 24 inches. 214 201 263 247 34 FIB STRUCTURAL CELLULOSIC 1-3/4"GALV.ROOFING NAIL ^ „ W C. Minimum net clear opening width shall be 20", in detail the design, calculations, drawings,written statements of the mechanical, Garage door glazed opening protection for wind borne debris shall meet 16"O.C. 12 7 7 � J air conditioning,ventilation. heating systems (new, existing or upgraded) ANSI/DASMA 115, Areas within hurricane prone regions: FIBERBOARD SHEATHING U) D. emergency escape and re__=.cue openings shall be operational (1). within 1 mile of the coastal high water line were the ultimate design 16"O.C. 18 277 259 342 322 112" GYPSUM SHEATHING 1-1/2"GALV.ROOFING NAIL from the inside of the room without use of keys or tools. stamped by a professional engineer if required by the Owner or Building Dept. ( ) 9 9 35 7 7 � wind speed is 130 miles per hour or greater. 5/8" GYPSUM SHEATHING 1-3/4"GALV.ROOFING NAIL 7" 7" WHERE Basement contain more than one or more sleeping rooms, 16"O.C. 24 340 318 422 396 an emergency escape opening shall be provided for EACH sleeping room. (2). In areas where the ultimate wind design speed is 140 MPH or greater. I Emergancy escape and rescue opening shall open directly to the outside 16"O.C. 28 348 358 476 446 EXTERIOR WALL WOOD STRUCTURAL PANELS•--- -+►I A. EXCEPTION: TO RESIST WIND PRESSURES TABLE R602.3(3) 6" DIAMETER EXCEPTION: Grade floor or BELOW grade floor openings shall have Wood Structural panels with a minimum of thickness of 7/16 inch and a maximum span a net clear opening of not less than 5 square feet, of 8 feet shall be permitted for opening protection.Panels shall be precut&predrilled to 16"O.C. 32 427 398 529 496 cover the glazed openings with attachment hardware provided in the table below, WALL ` 16"O.C. 36 469 438 538 547 MINIMUM NAIL MIN WOOD MIN.WOOD NAIL SPACING 11. STAIR HANDRAIL:R311.7.8 Provide Handrail on at least one side of each ONSTRUCTION TYPE Label all panels and store in a clean dry area of the house. STRUCTURAL PANEL STUD continuous run of treads .7 flight with FOUR OR MORE RISERS. "I", "II", "III", ION OR"V„ Attachments shall be provided in accordance with the table as follows: NAIL SIZE PENETRATION STRUCTURAL SPACING Handrail Height measured above stair tread nosing,shall not be less than 16"O.C. 42 535 499 664 622 PANEL SPAN RATING THICKNESS EDGES FIELD LLUU 34 inches and not more than 38inches. All Handrails shall be continuous 16"O.C. 48 599 559 745 697 6d COMMON NAIL ~ the full length of the stair from a point directly above the top riser of a flight REFLECTIVE RED IX 0113") 1.50 INCH 24/0 7/16 OR 1/2 16" O.C. 6" 12" CN Z to a point directly above the lowest riser of the flight.Handrails adjacent to PANTONE#187 20MX N a wall shall have a space of not be less than 1-1/2 inches between the wall 8d( 0131') 1.75 INCH 24/16 7/16"OR 1/2" 16" O.C. 6" 12" t~ 6 Q and the handrail.see code for exceptions.Refer to Coca for grip size specifications. DESIGN CRITERIA TABLE 507.9.1.3(1) 12. GUARDS:R312 Porches,balconies or raised floor surfaces located more than 30" DECK LEDGER TO BAND JOIST CONNECTION INTERIOR GYPSUM WALL BOARD TABLE R702.3.5 J above the floor or grade below shall have a railing not less than 36 inches REFLECTIVE Winds speed: 140 } Q in height. Railings shall have Top rails and Balusters and Bottom rails that are WHITE FIELD p JOIST SPAN Q Lu U CONNECTION GYPSUM BOARD GYPSUM BOARD FRAMING SPACING OF FASTENERS NO MORE THAN 4 INCHES APART. EXCEPT:the triangular openings formed _ __ NO Of stories: 2 � b the riser,tread and bottom rail of the guard rail at the open side of a stairway DETAIL <6' 6'1"TO 8' 8-1"TO 1Y 10'1"TO 12' THICKNESS APPLICATION ORIENTATION TO MEMBERS SIZE OF NAILS Y g P Y u TO WOOD FRAMING are permitted to be of such a size that a 6 inch sphere cannot pass through. 7/16 min. structural plywood Mean Roof Ht: 30 ft FRAMING SPACING NAILS SCREWS Open sides of stairs with a total rise of more than 30 inches above the floor or Roof itch: per plan 1/2"DIA.LAG SCREW 30" 23" 18" 15" P --► •-- Panel, Attached to p p p &1/2"MAX.SHEATHING CEILING EITHER DIRECTION 16"O.C. 7" 12" 5d COOLER NAILS grade below shall have guards not less than 34 inches in height measured 1/2 DESIGNATION FOR STRUCTURAL Frame in accordance Bldg Length per plan WALL EITHER DIRECTION 16"O.C. 8" 16" vertically from the nosing of the treads. " 112"DIA,THRU BOLT COMPONENTS THAT ARE OF 1/2 Bldg Width Per TRUSS TYPE CONSTRUCTION with Table R301.2.1.2 g plan 36" 36" 34" 29" CEILING EITHER DIRECTION 16"O.C. 7" 12" � •" &1/2"MAX.SHEATHING 5/8 7 12" 6d COOLER NAILS 13. WINDOW FALL PROTECTION: Were the top of the sill of an operable window STROKE WALL EITHER DIRECTION 16"O.C. " rV^ opening Is located LESS than 24 inches above the finished floor and GREATER "F" FLOOR FRAMING INCLUDING of the residential code bldg aspect ratio: 3:1 than 72 inches above the finished grade or other surface below on the exterior GIRDERS AND BEAMS of New York State Nailing Sched: Table R602.3(1) 21"TO 14'14'1"TO 16' 16'1"TO 18' TYPE"X" AT 1-7/8"LONG 6d COATED NAILS OR of the building,the window must be provided with a window opening control device „ GARAGE CEILING PERPENDICULAR 16"O.C. 6" 6" EQUIVALANT DRYWALL SCREWS. that compiles with R312.2.2 Window Opening Control Devices. "R" ROOF FRAMING 112"DIA.LAG SCREW 5/8 BENEATH SCRRC SECTION EWS SHALL COMPLY WITH &1/2"MAX.SHEATHING 13" 11" 10" HABITABLE ROOMS Ilk 14. FIREBLO e w th AND DRAFT3TOPPING: Fireblocking shall be installed in "FR" FLOOR AND ROOF FRAMING 1/2"DIA.THRU BOLT Where the ultimate design wind speed is 130 mph or less,nails for attaching wood structural panel roof sheathing to gable end wall framing shall be spaced 6"o.c. accordance with R302.11 thru R302.11.2 and Draftstopping shall be UNDER SECTION 602 OF THE BCNYS WINDOW UNIT &1/2"MAX.SHEATHING 24" 21" 19" installed per R302.12 thru R302,12.1 Where the ultimate design wind speed is greater than 130 mph,nails for attaching panel roof sheathing to Intermediate supports shall be spaced 6"'o.c.for W N Fireblocking materials R302.11.1 shall be as follows: TECHNICAL BULLETIN TITLE 19 NYCRR PART 1265.4 LEDGERS SHALL BE FLASHED minimum 48 inch distance from ridges,eaves and gable end walls;and 4"o.c.to gable end wall framing. ct 01 1. Two-Inch nominal lumber LAG SCREWS SHALL BE STAGGERED PER R507.2.1 1 2. 1/2"gypsum board NYS REQUIREMENTS WITH ENGINEERED STRUCTURAL WOOD ( ) P-i 3. Batts or blankets of mineral or fiberglas shall be permitted for compliance ~ with the 10 foot horizontal fireblocking In walls constructed using parallel Applicant shall provide engineered wood placard rA O rows of studs or staggered studs. on or adjacent to electrical meter box for field inspection. v .0 4. cellulose insulation installad and tested In accordance with ASTM E 119 or PLYWOOD STORM PANEL FI H tC O UL 263,for the specific applications Residential structures with Truss type construction, cz Pre-Engineered Wood Construction And/or Timber Construction SHUTTER DETAIL for new dwelling and/or any addition, alteration .b Refer to General Notes for Panel TABLE R401.4.1 PRESUMPTIVE LOAD-BEARING VALUES a sign or symbol designed in accordance with Title 19 NYCRR Part 1265 M U ^� cc OF FOUNDATION MATERIALS shall be affixed on or adjacent to any electric box attached to the exterior fastener requirements. o Xz of the structure for field inspection O A Rc Q ED � ix CLASS OF MATERIAL LOAD-BEARING Crystalline bedrock 12,000 psf Sedimentary and foliated rock 4,000 psf G Sandy gravel and/or gravel(GVVandGP) 3,00o psf CLIMATIC AND GEOGRAPHIC DESIGN CRITERIA TABLE R301.2(1) �E J H/Sand,silty sand,clayey sand,siity gravel and clayey gravel (SW,SP,SM,SC, GM and GC)1 2,000 psf WIND DESIGN SUBJECT TO DAMAGE FROM Clay,sandy clay,silty clay,clayey silt,silt and sandy silt (CL,ML, MH and CH) 1,500 psf o WIND WINTER ICE SHIELD AIR MEAN ¢ 2 GROUND SPECIAL SEISMIC FROST / SPEED TOPOGRAPHIC BORNE DESIGN UNDERLAYMENT FLOOD FREEZING ANNUAL SNOW WIND DESIGN WEATHERING LINE TERMITE a.When soil tests are required by Section R401.4, LOAD (MPH) EFFECTS REGION DEBRIS CATAGORY DEPTH TEMP REQUIRED HAZARD INDEX TEMP ; the allowable bearing capacities of the soil shall be part of the recommendations. ZONE s A- MODERATE M 3 MODERATE . 01 b.Where in-place soils with an allowable bearing capacity of less than 1,500 psf 20 LBS 130 NO NO NO B SEVERE -0 11 YES NO 1500 or less 52.1 `' are likely to be present at the site, the allowable bearing capacity shall be �� TO HEAVY t " determined by a soils investigation. M. In accordance with Section R301.2,1.2 the jurisdiction shall indicate the wind-borne debris wind zone(s).Otherwise,the jurisdiction shall indicate"NO"in this part of the table. �® - 0.[NY]The ground snow loads to be used in determining the design snow loads for roofs are given in Figure R301.2(6)for sites at elevations up to 1,000 feet. Sites at elevations above 1,000 feet shall have their ground snow load increased from the mapped value by 2 psf for every 100 feet above 1,000 feet. BUILDING DEPARTMENT STAMPS P. Basic wind speed for risk category 11 from ASCE 7-17 Figure 26.5-1 B Outside Elevation Extent of header(two braced wall segments) Extent of header(one braced wall segment) 1. TABLE 602.10.5 FOR MINIMUM LENGTH OF BRACE WALL PANELS ° e Side Elevation TABLE 602.10.3(1)FOR BRACING REQUIREMENTS BASED ON WIND SPEED a ° 0-3= ° r n CONT.IN000S RIM FULL HEIGHT BLOCKING fasten king stud to header with v • METHOD WSP: EXTERIOR SHEATHING CONTINUOUS RIM ADDITIONAL FRAMING FULL HEIGHT BLOCKING Min.3"x 11-ccu net header Header ; , , , , / 6-16d sinker nails ° ° ° ° ° 16"OC ALONG shall occur at to of wall 7 OR END JOIST CONTINUOUS ALONG LENGTH /� p L •�- - T .-• -. 1- •Z.-' -.�� PER TABLE R602.3(3)-FASTENERS 6" OF BRACED WALL PANEL OR END JOIST MEMBER DIRECTLY ABOVE @ 06° ° , ° , ° fasten top plate to header with ,I I•I ICI I, ON EDGE, 12"FIELD. INTERIOR SHEATHING BRACED WALL PANEL BRACED WALL PANEL F \ ! Header shall be Top plate continuity is a two rows of 16d sinker nails @ 3"o.c. •I I•I I•I PER TABLE R602.3(1)OR R602.3(2) o fastened to the required per R602.3.2 ° 1' 2-16d NAILS EACH SIDE king stud with Braced wall line VARIES BY FASTENERS `` 6-16d sinker nails continuously sheated Minimum 40001b header-to-Jack-stud .I ICI I.l METHOD CS-WSP: t ° ywith 1/2"wood a, x [F.atsten sheathing to header with 8d common nails in 3 In.grid strap on both side of opening W 19pattern as shown and 3 In.o.c.in all framing studs and sills structural panels ° •I I'I AS PER TABLE R602.3(3)EXTERIOR SHEATHING ATTACHED 8d @ 6"O.C.ALONG TOE NAIL 3-8d NAILS = a o, g( ) opposite side of sheathing I I,I " Sd @ 6"O.C.ALONG WITH 8d COMMON NAILS BRACED WALL PANEL 8d @ 6 O.C.ALONG c Minimum 40001b header-to-jack-stud strap •1 (0.131 X 2.5"LONG) BRACED WALL PANEL BRACED WALL PANEL 8d @ 6 O.C.ALONG AT EACH BLOKING MEMEBER b ° m ° BRACED WALL PANEL on both side of opening opposite side of o a Panel splice edges shall occur over •I AT 6' O.C.ON EDGE AND 12 O.C. o sheathing and be nailed to common blocking Q / INFIELD BRACED WALL PANEL within the middle 24"of the portal- BRACED I' e' "--Min.Double 2x4 framing covered with minimum ° BRACED WALL PANEL WALL PANEL s ° ° °T I, BRACED WALL PANEL BRACED WALL PANEL I, 1/2"thick wood structural panel sheathing ° ° ° leg height. One row of 3"o.c.Walling I I I BRACED WALL PANEL INTERIOR FINISH: m with 8d common nails @ 3"D.C.In all framing o is required in each panel edge. _ I' SHALL BE MIN. 1/2"GYP.BD FASTENED 3-16d @ 16"OC ALONG I° (studs,blocking,and sills)typical ° if needed r I I 3-16d @ 16' OC ALONG I L I I l' WITH NAILS R7 SCREWS IN ACCORDANCE BRACED WALL PANEL 3-16d @ W L ALONG BRACED WALL PANEL 3-16d 16"OC ALONG 3 16d @ 16"OC EACH I° W I'I I'I WITH TABLE R702.3.5 OR BRACED WALL PANEL @ I 2 to 18'(finished width) TABLE R602.3(1)FOR EXTERIOR WALL BRACED WALL PANEL BLOCKING MEMEBER I° Min Double 2x4 or ° I Min.length 16" 2x6 Kin &Jack stud O per Table R602.10.5 ° 9 9 1/2"min.thickness wood structural _ J. SHEATHING I J - - - -.- - - - .t-1. - - P ° panel sheathing CONTINUOUS RIM OR o I Min double 2 x ost -J ' - - ! - - - .trl - -• . 4� CONTINUOUS RIM OR p 'I I'I \ END JOIST ° I° No,of jack studs per ° Q •I II I'I \ 1' VERTICAL JOINTS IN PANELS SHALL OCCUR END JOIST °Z Ld i° Min.(2)2x4 typ. Table t602.7(1&2 ° OVER AND BE FASTENED TO COMMON STUDS. �_ o Min. (2)112"Diameter anchors HORIZONTAL PANEL JOINTS IN BRACED 2.16d NAILS EACH SIDE ° installed per section R403.1.6 I I 1'I WALLS PANELS SHALL OCCUR OVER with 2"x 2"x III I"plate washer O ,� INTERIOf AND BE FASTENED TO 1-1/2"x 5-1/2" FULL HEIGHT BLOCKING L/ SPACING THICK COMMON BLOCKING ON THE FLAT ADDITIONAL FRAMING LU ,1 NAILING 1,1 1 1 1� AGAINST THE OUTSIDE SHEATHING CONTINUOUS ALONG LENGTH MEMBER DIRECTLY BELOW FULL HEIGHT BLOCKING 1�1 1� 2 x 4 or 2 x 6 STUD WALL OF BRACED WALL PANEL BRACED WALL PANEL @ 16"O.C.ALONG W Z BRACED WALL PANEL •1 I•I I•I I• 2 X BOTTOM PLATE 'I 1 I I I l• METHOD CS- PF: CONTINUOUSLY SHEATHED PORTAL FRAME CONSTRUCTION - FIGURE R602.10.6.4 ;l ICI 11 I; •1 I.1 LI 1. NAILING EDGE FIGURE R602.10.8(1) Q �^ FIGURE R602.10.8(2) Attach Sheathing to v, N SPACING -6" BRACED WALL PANEL CONNECTION WHEN nail sole plat Attach Sheathing nail sole plate0 ' I' Band or Rim joist with •,_ _ _ _ i, _ _ _ Z. _,• BRACED WALL PANEL CONNECTION WHEN 8D common nials a;o to joist per Band or Rim joist wi oIo to joist per o • EXT.SHEATH'G PARALLEL TO FLOOR/CEILING at 3"o.c.Top an ° Sub-Floor nailing sched. L 8D common naals ° °° Walling sched.Joist �^ PANEL JOINT PERPENDICULAR TO FLOORICEILING Bottom at 3"o.c.To and 1 Z `r FRAMING FRAMING Bottom p per Plans V! o °� �° ° Rim Joist ° °� ` ° ° p FASTENING REQUIREMENTS FOR ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ,_ . nchorBoltsand O o BRACED WALL PANEL AS PER 1 TABLE R602.3.(31 2 Holdowns per plans W Z 3 METHOD CS-PF: PORTAL FRAME AT RAISED WOOD FLOOR OPTION - FIGURE R602.10.6.4 O W 0 r CEILING OR FLOOR JOIST � d- U DIRECTION Simpson ENDWALL-9• H2A Stud To Rafter 1-1/4" gale. x 20 gage ENDWALL ConnectorLJ coil strap with (5) 8d common Were the distance is SIMPSON H2A N between 9-1/4"to 15-1/4" nails in each end at each rafter. +� at each Rafter. Withto FLOOR AND CEILING JOISTS Typical Metal rovide blocking @ „ E DIMENSIONAL LUMBER OR ENGINEERED WINDOW HDR (5) 8d x 1-1/2 nails in Rafter 4 Ft Perimeter o o D,y A Strapping „ " PROVIDE@STRUCTURAL RIDGES a o� o 12 (JOIST S•SEE PLANS - braced wall panels �,-2 o E A at Openings N (2) 8d x 1-1/2 nails in plate 4 O.C. Zone Panel Field m eso. o � o aa-.oc Horizontally attached (5) 8d x 1-1/2" nails in Stud Nail spacing Nailing-See Nailing Simpson L-50 on each side of rafter o �, 0 a 0 T BLOCKING shall have Solid Blocking m d Fn rn w 0-2 s O plywood sheathing "- c c Z TYPICAL @ all Plywood Joints Schedule Dwg-1 G m =o c o `o d m `o AT 48"OC .o•°- $' ui " 0 SIMPSON HZA 2-BAYS IN c a� y� >•a � Q-�,G°o „ . ° CDtn .. co ,a �� oc3 �BLOCKING @ 48 INCHES ON CENTER Solid blocking between at each Rafter. With 1-1/4 x 20 Gage Metal Coil w�0 3 3 8 „ rafters attached to top (5)8d x 1-1/2 nails in Rafter o ; o a a a „ Strap with (5)-8d common nails „ 8 a� = y 00 +n-Z y �, plate with 8d nails @ 6 o.c. (2)8d x 1-1/2" nails in plate . ' w — _" -r SECTION A-A ++ in each end. catch jack studs ° t N ID a 3 o'E along length of braced wall (5)8d x 1-1/2 nails in Stud Look Out Blocks Corner Holdowns o �I • t a.D c iT ��t `o = c o and window or door Header. � o =�,.� „ g�, ,�o � panel. Less than J U .�y L E 2 o y for locations o plans p Typical each side and ALL Gable End Wall .Z c B M y = _L) _ for locations END WALL BLOCKING DETAIL If requiredR or E�ual FOR FLOOR AND CEILING BRACING windows and doors. U ?Em �o , agoa RIM JOIST BLOCKING BETWEEN RAFTERS � BRACED WALL PANELS 2 (1)8 10. . FOR 3 SECOND WIND GUST SPEEDS GREATER THAN 130 MPH NTS Sill Strapping 602. NTS RAFTER-TO-STUD CONNECTOR & See details on JACK STUDS TO HEADER TIE RAKE OVERHANG LIMITS - LOOKOUT BLOCKS BLOCKING AND CONNECTIONS SHALL BE PROVIDED AT PANEL this page. EDGES PERPENDICULAR TO FLOOR FRAMING MEMBERS TYPICAL ELEVATION NTS NTS RAFTER TO RIDGE STRAP R602.3(1) 'rnn rn IN THE FIRST TWO BAYS OF FRAMING AND SHALL BE SPACED AT IN LIEU OF RIDGE STRAPS -R602.4.6 v! V AMAXIMUM OF 4 FEET ON CENTER, NAILING REQUIREMENTS WALL TO HEADER STRAPPING PROVIDE MIN.2X4 COLLAR TIES @ 48"O.C. -fir PER NAILING SCHEDULE. LOCATED IN THE UPPER THIRD Z Z r^v! 45 N.T.S. 6 7 OF THE ATTIC SPACE AND ATTACHED WHEN ATTIC FLOOR,CEILING JOIST OR HIP ROOF IS USEC TO BRACE 8 9TO THE RAFTERS WITH 4-8D NAILS THE GABLE END WALL.DIAPHRAGM BLOCKING IS NOT REQUIRED. EACH END O Q CONTINUOUS FLASHING C) a EXTENDED 2X P.T.LEDGER; MUST BE ONE SIZE _J L"[. W PAST JOIST HANGER GREATER THAN DECK JOIST AND O 0 NO GREATER THAN THE DEPTH OF THE RIM JOIST SIMPSON BSC ALL THRESHOLD CAREFULLY ATTACH TO BAND JOIST WITH 1/2"DIA.HOT-DIPPED CUT FLASHED&CAULKED TO GALV LAG SCREWS PER TABLE R507.2 AND LENGTH PREVENT WATER INTRUSION PLACEMENT OF LAG SCREWS PER FIGURE R507.1(1) 12++ Min see Schedule on DWG-1 POST TO HEADER CONNECTOR EXTERIOR OR TIMBER TECH- i I TIMBER TECH- I I _RAILING POST, tip of lag screw shall fully extend beyond BEARING WALL OUTER THIRD "WEATHER TEAK" "WEATHER TEAK" MIN 4X4 WITH VINYL COVER the inside face of the band joist. SIMPSON ABU POST COMPOSITE ATTACHED PER DECKING ACOMPOSITETTACHED PER CKING 4"TREATED POS GALV.DECK HANGER ST I S CONCRETE BRACKET CLEAR DE COVER 2"MINIMUM NOTCH GREATER OF SPAN ONLY MANUF.SPECIFICATIO I I MANUF'.SPECIFICATIO I i SIMPSON LUS26 @ 2X6 THAN 50% 4 X 4 MIN.TREATED POSTS SIMPSON LUS28 @ 2X8 2-1/2"GALVINIZED CARRIAGE BOLTS (PERCENT)OF S THRU BOLTED BOLTED TO I SIMPSON LUS28 @ 2X10 OR SIMPSON SD STRUCTURAL PLATE WIDTH 16 GAGE(0.058 IN.)AND 1.5 IN.WIDE CONNECTOR SCREW METAL TIE FASTENED ACROSS AND 0 I I 1/2"DIA./GALV BOLTS W/ 2X LEDGER WITH FASTENERS IN ACCORDANCE GRADE TO THE PLATE AT EACH OF THE Use 1-1/4" Metal W T1'1/2" MIN. OCK WASHERS. WITH TABLE R507.2 ADHESIVE ANCHORS:HIGH-STRENGTH NOTCH WITH 8-10D NAILS EACH SIDE2 x JOIST �.I= EPDXY ANCHORING ADHESIVE FOR Coil Strap 20 Gage d MIN. SIMPSON DTT1Z W/(6)1/4"x 1-1/2"SD SCREWS USE WITH THREADED ROD-OR USE: -„- - " N 0 "MAX. : .0 2x RIM JOIST ATTACHED W/ ALLOWABLE LOAD PER TIE:840 LBS(MIN 750 LBS) Z MECHANICAL ANCHORS;SIMPSON 0 12 Min (5) 8d common nails CD Z T"MIN. (3)#10 X 3"WOOD SCREWS NOT LESS THAN(4)LOCATIONS SPACED EQUALLY WEDGE-ALL WEDGE ANCHOR D3 MAX. in EACH END at N (A co TOP PLATES AND TWO WITHIN 24"OF EACH END OF DECK �' 1' p Q s MAX. EACH Stud. cM IPE 2"MIN. „ �r 14 DIA.CAST-IN-PLACE 8d 6 oc Along = w W 2-1/2"DI R507.6.2 SIMPSON H2.5 AT EA.JOIST •� � � ��_ OR @ g (,) (_A 3 . CONCRETE FOOTING,DOWN THRU BOLTS BLOCKING •'•o e FOOTINGS MUST TO VIRGIN SOIL D3 MAX. Braced Wall Panel Q W/WASHERS OVER BEAM SIMPSON BC SIMPSON DTT2Z W/(8)1/4"x 1-1/2"SDS SCREWS BEAR ON (MIN 36"BELOW GRADE) Q W U • ALLOWABLE LOAD PER TIE: 1,825LBS UNDISTURBED FIGURE R602.10.8(1) to BETWEEN EACH POST GIRDER NOT LESS THAN(2)LOCATIONS WITHIN 24" SOIL PER R507.3 FOR DECK FOOTINGS JOIST CONNECTOR OF EACH END OF DECK: AXIMUM OVERHANG 24" ° SOLID SAWN JOIST AND RAFTER WALL TO WALL STRAP MIN THREAD 3/8"DIA.LAG SCREW PREDRILLED P.T. POST TO CONC. PIER & FOOTING NOTCHING AND BORING LIMITS. NTS U� PENTRATION TO CENTER OF TOP PLATE,STUD CONNECTION Ib PORCHES & DECKS FIGURE R602.6.1 R502.8 R507 EXTERIOR DECKS OR HEADER NTS TOP PLATE FRAMING TO NTS � DECK/ GIRDER �& RAILING DETAIL SIMPSON ABU INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE NOTE; 8d COMMON NAILS ARE r M� 10 NTS 11 LEDGER BOARD ATTACHMENT TO BAND JOIST 12 WITH SIMPSON SPECIFICATIONS AND DRAWINGS. 1 LONG WERE FLOOR JOISTS ARE PARALLEL TO DECK JOISTS FOOTING SIZE PER TABLE R507.3.1 FOR DECKS I H e G-185ag 1-1/4"x 20 gage G-185 1-1/4" x 20 g 1-1/4" x 20 gage G-185 � SEE TABLE Hot Dipped Galvanized Strap Hot Dipped Galvanized Strap Hot Dipped Galvanized Strap 507.9.1.3(1) STAGGERED with (5)-8d common nails with (5)-8d common nails DECK STAIR 507.9.1.3(2) " Z FASTENERS at each stud at each stud at each stud with (5)-8d common nails c� TOP PLATES N IN 2 ROWS Strap may be attached OVER Strap may TOP PLATE 5 be attached OVER a U the plywood OR directly to the Strap may be attached OVER » 5"MAX O O O 5.5"MIN FOR 2X8' Studs. Studs. OR directly to the plywood OR directly to r V O 6.5"MIN FOR 2X10 r-.�( STUD BORED HOLE MAX. STUD Studs. GRADE � BORED HOLE MAX. DIAMETER 60% 7.5"MIN FOR 2X12 _ ; �, DIAMETER40% (PERCENT)OF STUD O O O rap strap under sill STUD F DEPTH o DEPTH o " and attach to sill plates T C �� C �i•� �P... 3-16d @ 16 oc Along BLOCK SOLID (PERCENT)OF p .' _ Z 2"MINL . " c_ BETWEEN JOISTS �° �,,,� "b bA°O 5/8"MIN. 5/8"MIN. 5!8"MIN /8"MIN. LAG SCREW OR THRU-BOLT Braced Wall Panel - a e- h+� "" •-+ TO EDGE TO EDGE: TO EDGE TO EDGE LEDGER BOARD 3/4"MIN _ • ° . 5 N NOTCH MUST NOT I�Il-ill . `„`` N FIGURE R602.10.8(1) `- ' O ro ' U • o NOTCH MUST NOT III- EXCEED 25% o EXCEED 40% (PERCENT)OF (PERCENT)OF - I, • „ 0 0 aD AR STUD DEPTH STUD DEPTH 10"x LEN. BORED HOLES SHALL PLACEMENT OF LAG SCREWS AND BOLTS IN LEDGERS FOUNDATION-SILL-STUD c CAST I ; O ING IF HOLE IS BETWEEN UNDER R N 4D%(PERCENT)AND NOT BE LOCATED IN STRAPPING g � •� BORED HOLES SHALL ( THE SAME CROSS PER FIGURE R507.9.1.3 (1) 60%(PERCENT)OF _ '' Wra stra under sill ' NOT BE LOCATED IN STUD DEPTH THEN SECTION I THE CUT Applies to Garage Wall and — — +' p p )✓�- THE SAME CROSS STUD MUST BE DOUBLE OR NOTCH IN STUD «DISTANCE CAN BE REDUCED TO 4.5" =III=III =� TYPICAL STAIR FOOTII E ILA SECTION OF THE CUT NO MORE THAN TWO IF LAG SCREWS ARE USED OR BOLT Slab on Grade Construction =III= • ". and attach to sill plates „ - r_ OR NOTCH IN STUD ARE DOUBLED sruos 'SPACING IS REDUCED TO THAT OF -lal AND SO BORED LAG SCREWS TO ATTACH 2X8 LEDGERS I;` ., 1-1/4 METAL STRAPPING •#�� � TO 2X8 BAND JOISTS(1/2"STACKED NOTE;ALL STRAPPING SHALL BEAR MIN.12"ON STUD OR AT EACH JOIST '`' WASHERS NOT PERMITTED) RAFTER FACE TYPICAL FIGURE R602.6(1) FIGURE R602.6(2) NOTCHING AND FOUNDATION-SILL-STUD -/ 16 BORED HOLE LIMITATIONS FOR EXTERIOR NOTCHING AND STRAPPING IN CONTACT WITH CONCRETE OR MASONRY FLOOR FRAMING STRAPPING WALLS AND BEARING WALLS BORED HOLE LIMITATIONS FOR INTERIOR 17 18 SHALL BE HOT DIPPED GALVANIZED AFTER FABRICATION 19 STRAPPING 20 NON-BEARING WALLS OR MANUFACTURED FROM G185 OR Z450 GALVANIZED STEEL. AT CANTILEVER FLOOR JOIST Fireplace enclosure Thin profile structural insulated to top heathing R-50 Cover Box pushes Rigid insulation 2X ceilingjoists of second floor Sheet Metal Firesto up and out of the MANUFACTURED LIGHT ENCLOSURE p Full Thick Insulation thin profile structural glued together see plan wl ATTIC INSULATION ceiling line Exterior way for access CONTINUOUS BEADFill entire Cavity to sheathing as draftstop and lay on plywood Batt Insul CEIING FRAMING supportL Seal joint with Sheathing /eal, Insulation dams behind tub Tub attic hatch - R-val Non-combustable sealant OF SEALANT subfloor Base late prevent loose-fill Typical equal to the Ceiling Double Frame Attic blocking p exterior insulationre uiremen access opening Sealant or „ OR GASKETED TO RIM SUBFILOOR GLUED,CAULKED Sealed to'" Air Se I / insulation from Continuous wall /4 structural sheathing JOIST/RIM CLOSURE floor M Gasket falling through _ of Sealant or adhesive as enclosure liner sealed SEALANT Sealant J access .J SILL PLATE INSTALLED / solid blocking adhesive at perimeter and seams. ///4 or rigid insulation -� 1 min Rigid Weatherstripping Sealant g��' \ EXPANDING FOAM SEALANT Pre-Fab Fireplace OVER GASKER SILL g sealed around pp g Panel eal stairs W Adhesiuc� Casin 1/2" Gyp. Wall CONTINUOUS BEAD OF SEALANTR frame a / 1 x2 Stop RECESSED LIGHTING FIXTURE Refer to manufacturers SEALANT Insulation. Air four edges Board Sealed at perimeter g Pull-down with caulk Sealant 1/2" plywood DRYWALL CEILING specs for installation manual finish w/ soffit material staircase attic hatch or foam 0 (see plan for size) AIR SEALING AT PREMANUFACTURED Typical foundation & framing RECESSED LIGHTING FIXTURE See architectural plans DRAFTSTOP DETAIL (d), PULL-DOWN STAIRCASE DRAFTSTOP & SEALANT AT CANTILEVERED FLOORS INSULATION AND WEATHERSTRIPPING EXTER►OR WALL OF BATHTUB AIR SEAL DETAIL 01i PREFAP FIREPLACE AIR BARRIER AT FOUNDATION DETAIL ATTIC HATCH DETAIL TO BAND JOISTS This detail is for weatherstripping and draft sealing, NTS Battic Door Energy Conservation Products w O It Is not to be used as a guide for fireplace installation. 25x54 Attic Pull Down Stair Ladder Cover, :. ` Refer to Manufacturer for installation manual. R-50 Insulation R-50 Attic Stair Cover ENERGY NOTES I - Eave baffle installed 1. All design &construction in compliance and built accordingly to the 9a. R403.3.2: Duct Sealing (Mandatory) Ducts, air handlers and filter boxes shall be sealed. adjacent to Soffit and eaVe mow --" t.-t '� ." W >" 2020 Energy Conservation Construction Code of New York State. Joints and seams shall comply with Section M1601.4.1. vents. Baffle shall extend"J" , Table R402.4.1.1-Air barrier and insulation installation. The authority having jurisdiction shall be permitted to determine an approval by a third party(HERS Rater) using the Manual „S„ "& D submitted at CO. over f`n�•� y -..�,, ' � ,, .,,., --° , ; ti l of the attic insulation energy efficiency program to exceed the energy efficiency required by this code. the top 9b. R403.3.3: (Mandatory) Duct testing-Ducts shall be pressure tested to determine as per chapter 11 TYR ROOF CONST. TABLE R402.4.1.1 All HVAC, Plumbing& Electrical systems shall meet the chapter 11 Energy air leakage by an approved third party(HERS Rater) using the (R402.2.3) AIR BARRIER AND INSULATION INSTALLATION efficiency, NYS mechanical code, 2020 energy conservation construction code of NYS. manual "J" & Manuals "S"&"D"submitted at CO. 2 x CJ W/ INSULATION ry �- COMPONENT AIR BARRIER CRITERIAa INSULATION CRITERIAa cv 2. R401.3. A permanent certificate (Mandatory)shall be completed by the builder 9 p T Fascia/ AS PER DRAWINGS 9c. R403.3.5: Building cavities shall not be used as ducts or plenum. Typ t W O �i General A continuous air barrier shall be installed Air-permeable insulation shall not be used as a sealing material. Soffit See OR HERS RATER s - o and posted on a wall in the space where the furnace is located 1 k g requirements in the building envelope. 10. R403.4 Mandato Mechanical s stem i in insulation car In { ((Mandatory) Y piping 9 carrying Const. Dwgs $ v) cYi Exterior thermal envelope contains a 3. R402.1.2 Building thermal Envelope: meet the requirements of N1102.1.1 - N1102.1.5 fluids > 105 F degrees or< 55F degrees shall be insulated with R-3 Minimum. ; t - continuous air barrier. Building envelope (prescriptive)per table N1102.1.2 insulation & Fen. by Component. SEALANT O Q Z CCD Do 11. (R403.3.5) Building Cavities (Mandatory) ^^ Breaks or joints:in the air barrier shall be 4. R402.2. Specific Insulation requirements: (prescriptive)shall meet the requirements of Building framing cavities shall not be used as ducts or plenum. Typ. Exterior wall CL W o sealed. sections N1102.2 through N1102.2.13 See Const. Dwgs W Z Cavity insulation All cavities in the thermal envelope shall be filled with insulation.The 12. N1103.5.1 (R403.5.1) Heated water circulation and temperature maintenance systems (Mandatory) O ry installation density of the insulation shall be at the manufacturers'product 5. Installation -the components of the building thermal envelope shall be installed in Heated water circulation systems shall be in accordance with Section N1103.5.1.1. _ A t�L� recommendation and said density shall be maintained for all volume of accordance with the criteria listed in table 402.4.1.2 or required by code official, Heat trace temperature maintenance systems shall be in accordance with Section N1103.5.1.2. t j U each cavity. Batt type insulation will show no voids or gaps and or an approved third party using manual "J", "S" & "D". Automatic controls, temperature sensors and pumps shall be accessible. 'd" (D cli Manual controls shall be readily accessible. maintain an even density for the entire cavity.Batt insulation shall be - I installed in the recommended cavity depth.Where an obstruction in 6. R402.4.Air Leakage: (Mandatory)Air leakage in accordance with sections N1102.4 13. N1103.6 R403.6 Mechanical ventilation (Mandatory) RAFTER SEALING AT ATTIC EAVE cavity g g through N 1102.4.5 ( ) ( ry) .._ the cavi due to services blocking,bracing or other obstruction g The building shall be provided with ventilation that compiles with the requirements of �.s exists,the batt product will be cut to fit the remaining depth of the _ E 0 Air leakage shall be tested and verified b an approved HERS rater as having an Section M1505 or with other approved means of ventilation. Outdoor air intakes and EXTERIOR WALL AIR BARRIER SEALING EXAMPLE ° ° cavity.Where the Batt is cut around obstructions,loose fill insulation 9 Y Pp 9 shall be placed to fill any surface or concealed voids,and at the air leakage rate not to exceed three air changes per hour. A written report of the exhausts shall have automatic or gravity dampers that close when the ventilation system .6 m ° E In is not operating. w� �,E � 2 o manufacturers'specified density.Where faced batt is used,the test results shall be signed by the party conducting the test. 2 _ ° installation tabs must be stapled to the face of the stud. There shall be Refer to N1102.4.1.2 for testing requirements. LOW DENSITY SPRAY FOAM .,.. Cc:_ z a ° 8 O ° M N1103.6.1 (R403.6.1)Whole-house mechanical ventilation system fan efficacy -�._-; w 8 y o� ° 'o S `o no compression to the batt at the edges of the cavity due to inset INSULATION R VALUE IN - ;.,,.-.-<< ..__r-� 8 0 o= _ � N= 7. R402.4.2: Fireplaces; shall have tight fitting dampers or doors and outside Fans used to provide whole-house mechanical ventilation shall meet the efficacy requirements , f , ° ` ,u 8 8 8 0 stapling installation tabs. of Table N1103.6.1. Exception:Where an air handler that is integral to tested and listed HVAC Rigid Foam or ACCORDANCE WITH '4"C- Pr.. ' °' °.° ° combustion air. Factory built fireplaces shall be listed and labeled p g 9 ir. _ y >.r a ° Insulation that upon installation readily conforms to available space according to UL 127. equipment is used to provide whole-house mechanical ventilation, the air handler shall be Wood Blocking HERS REPORT C..:>f` w y o 3 t 3 U 3 powered b an electronically commutated motor, as backdam t - ~. o o =�o N @ 0 shall be installed filling the entire cavity and within the manufacturers p Y Y TYP. ROOF CONST. C. - 8 density recommendation. 8. R403; Systems: N1103.1.1 (Mandatory) programmable thermostats shall be '°"`-' 1 2 "' o w 14. N1103.7 R403.7 Equipment sizin provided for each separate heating and cooling system, Temporarily operate ( ) g and efficiency rating (Mandatory) s N 3 Ceiling/attic The air barrier in an dro ed The insulation in an dropped ceiling/soffit soffit shall be aligned with the p p g g Y p y pRoof underlayment y pp y pp the system from 55 F to 85 F. preprogrammed thermostats be manufacturer Heating and cooling equipment shall be sized in accordance with 2 X CJ W/ INSULATION ° y w ceiling/soffit shall be aligned with the air barrier. ACCA Manual S based on building loads calculated in accordance with ACCA sealed to drip edg -'� T - _ L s- E E' ° shall be max 70 F heating and 78 F Cooling. 9 AS PER DRAWINGS - 2 y f0 °L �; a i" c insulation and an.y gaps in the air barrier Manual J or other approved heating and cooling calculation methodologies. OR HERS RATER i cc Z c ¢ y = New r replacement heating Granth hne take-Offs and O its ,,, - `' c n'E m m f0 8 ts sealed. o n and cooling equipment merit shall have an efficiency s ° ° L = °' ° _ +v 9. R403.3: Ducts-Supply and return ducts in attics shall be insulated to an R-value p 9 9 q P Y i _. t- L) N m a P co E a._ ° o. Access openings,drop down stair or knee Batt insulation installed in attic roof assemblies may be compressed at of not less than R-8 for ducts 3 inches in diameter and larger and not less rating equal to or greater than the minimum required by federal law for the Typ Fascia//� wall doors to unconditioned attic spaces exterior wall lines to allow for required attic ventilation. than R-6 for ducts smaller than 3 inches in diameter. Supply and return ducts geographic location where the equipment is installed. Soffit see SEALANT .� - shall be sealed. in other portions of the building shall be insulated to not less than R-6 for ducts 3 inches Const. Dwgs in diameter and to not less than R-4.2 for ducts smaller than 3 inches in diameter. 15. N1104.1 (R404.1) Lighting equipment(Mandatory) non-ventedro Transt,?,se points(?g.S arid d-ro» r� Walls The junction of the foundation and sill Cavities within corners and headers of frame walls shall be insulated Not less than 90 percent of the permanently installed lighting fixtures shall ttnl,s an all tr,,r;;cn V plate shall be sealed. The junction of the by completely filling the cavity with a material having a thermal contain only high-efficacy lamps. r'0n9m ?" top plate and top of exterior walls shall be resistance of R-3 per inch minimum. Typ. Exterior wall '` sealed.Knee walls shall be sealed. Exterior thermal envelope insulation for framed walls shall be See Const. Dwgs 'd 2► `' ..;I Q _1 installed in substantial contact and continuous alignment with the air '''� ' - barrier. _.. .- Q W Windows,skylights The space between window/door jambs MANUAL J DESIGN CRITERIA TABLE R301.2('I) OPTIONAL- RAFTER SEALING AT ATTIC EAVE � L1J and doors and framing and skylights and framing WITH SPRAY FOAM INSULATION � � shall be sealed. INDOOR DESIGN HEATING DUCT SEALING REQUIREMENTS ELEVATION LATITUDE WINTER SUMMER ALTITUDE DESIGN TEMPERATURE TEMPERATURE < Rim joists Rim joists shall include the air barrier. Rim joists shall be insulated. HEATING COOLING CORRECTION FACTOR TEMP COOLING DIFFERENCE Floors(including The air barrier shall be installed at any Floor framing cavity insulation shall be installed to maintain above garage and exposed edge of insulation. permanent contact with the underside of subfloor decking or floor 40'N 12.5 DEG 84 DEG 1 70' 75'(db 63'wb) 57.5 cantilevered floors) framing cavity insulation shall be permitted to be in contact with the topside of sheathing or continuous insulation installed on the COOLING WIND WIND COINCIDENT DAILY WINTER SUMMER underside of floor framing and extend from the bottom to the top of all TEMPERATURE DIFFERENCE VELOCITY VELOCITY WET RANGE HUMIDITY HUMIDITY APPROVED WINDOW perimeter floor framing members. HEATING COOLING BULB OPENING LIMITING DEVICE Crawl space walls Exposed earth in unvented crawl spaces Where provided instead of floor insulation,insulation shall be 9 15 7.5 71.5 T M 30% 45-55% shall be covered with a Class I,black permanently attached to the crawlspace walls. �L.Li vapor retarder with overlapping joints FOR POST SCRIPT NOTATIONS- REFER TO THE RESIDNTAIL BUILDING CODE TABLE R301.2(1) N O taped. Shafts,penetrations Duct shafts,utility penetrations,and flue TABLE M1505.4.3(2) WINDOW N Q shafts opening to exterior or INTERMITTENT WHOLE-HOUSE MECHANICAL VENTILATION RATE FACTORSa,b LOCAL EXHAUST RATES TABLE M1505.4. 2 W unconditioned space shall be sealed. 24" U _� Li RUN-TIME PERCENTAGE IN EACH 4-HOUR (36"IN IBC UNITS) 4"SPHERE CANNOT APPROVED WINDOW J AREATO BE EXHAUSTED EXHAUST RATES 25% 33% 50% 66% 75% 100% PASS THROUGH FALL PREVENTION Lu < SEGMENT DEVICE CONFORM TO 0 Narrow cavities Batts in narrow cavities shall be cut to fit and installed to FINISHED FLOOR HEIGHT ASTM F 2090 HEIGHT ABOVE the correct density without any voids or gaps or KITCHEN 100 CFM IMTERMITTENT OR 25 CFM CONTINUOUS Factora 4 3 2 1.5 1.3 1.0 FINISHED FLOOR compression,or narrow cavities shall be filled by R312.2 WINDOW FALL PROTECTION DIAGRAMS HEIGHTABOVE insulation that on installation readilyconforms to the BATHROOMS-TOILET ROOMS MECHANICAL EXHAUST CAPACITY OF 50 CFM FINISHED GRADE a. For ventilations stem run time values between those given,the factors are permitted to be TOP MI THE WINDOW SILL SHALL FINISHED FLOOR available cavity space. Y g � P BE A MINIMUM OF 24"ABOVE THE FINISHED Garage separation Air sealing shall be provided between the garage and INTERMITTENT OR 20 CFM CONTINUOUS determined by interpolation. FLOOR AND GREATER THAN 72"ABOVE THE FINISHED ~ $ p g P g g GRADE OR OTHER SURFACES BELOW ON THE conditioned spaces. EXTERIOR SIDE OF THE BUILDING.SHALL FINISHED GRADE r h b. Extrapolation beyond the table is prohibited. COMPLY AS FOLLOWS: Recessed lighting Recessed light fixtures installed in the building thermal Recessed light fixtures installed in the building thermal N..� envelope shall be sealed to the drywall. envelope shall be air tight and IC rated. TABLE M 1505.4.3(1) 1.OPERABLE WINDOW WITH OPENINGS THAT WILL NOT ALLOW MT A 4-INCH DIAMETER SPHERE TO PASS THROUGH THE OPENING R312.2.2 WINDOW OPENING CONTROL DEVICES: hh��1l Plumbing and Batt insulation shall be cut neatly to fit around wiring and CONTINUOUS WHOLE-HOUSE MECHANICAL VENTILATION SYSTEM AIRFLOW RATE WHERE THE OPENING IS IN ITS LARGEST OPENED POSITION. WINDOW OPENING CONTROL DEVICE SHALL COMPLY WITH wiring plumbing in exterior walls.There shall be no voids or REQUIREMENTS 2.OPERABLE WINDOWS THAT ARE PROVIDED WITH WINDOW FALL ASTM F 2090. THE OPENING DEVICE AFTER OPERATION gaps or compression where cut to fit.Insulation that on PREVENTION DEVICES THAT COMPLY WITH ASTM F 2090. +C- C>1 installation readily conforms to available space shall NUMBER OF BEDROOMS ENERGY COMPLIANCE STATEMENT: TO RELEASE THE DEVICE SHALL THE WINDOW TO E••� c� extend behind piping and wiring. DWELLING UNIT TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE, BELIEF AND PROFESSIONAL 3. OPERABLE WINDOWS THAT ARE PROVIDED WITH WINDOW FULLY OPEN TO MEET THE CLEAR OPENING AS REQUIRE 4.1 FLOOR AREA 0-1 2-3 4-5 6-7 >7 JUDGEMENT, THESE PLANS AND OR SPECIFICATIONS ARE IN OPENINGS CONTROL DEVICES THAT COMPLY WITH SECTION R312.2.2 TO MEET EGRESS R310.2.1 Shower/tub on The air barrier installed at exterior walls adjacent to Exterior walls adjacent to showers and tubs shall be a� (square feet} Z exterior wall showers and tubs shall separate them from the showers and insulated. q Airflow in CFM COMPLIANCE WITH THE 2018 I.E.E.C. & 2020 N.Y.S.E.C.C. � v Z ,� tubs. N1101.14 (R401,3) Certificate (Mandatory) E-� Electrical/phone The air barrier shall be installed behind electrical or < 1,500 30 45 60 75 90 _ M box on exterior wall communication boxes or air sealed boxes shall be installed. __ ---------- A permanent certificate shall be completed by the builder or other approved party and posted on a wall w "a o HVAC register HVAC register boots that penetrate building thermal 1,501 -3,000 45 60 75 90 105 __1 in the space where the furnace is located, a utility room or an approved location inside the building. ,`��/ cc) boots envelope shall be sealed to the subfloor or drywall. li Caulk and seal Where located on an electrical panel, the certificate shall not cover or obstruct the visibility of the circuit Lj-.I x Ts `V CJ 3,001 -4,500 60 75 90 105 120 rough opening directory label, service disconnect label or other required labels. The certificate shall indicate the a/ ¢ oCt Concealed When required be sealed,concealed fire sprinklers shall \ predominant R-values of insulation installed in or on ceilings roofs walls foundation components FtV-D A sprinklers only be sealed inn a manner that is recommended by the 4,501 -6,000 75 90 105 120 135 ,\� \:� '�� � H Cy manufacturer. Caulking or other adhesive sealants shall not (' such as slabs, basement walls, crawl space walls and floors, and ducts outside conditioned spaces; tip+ J be used to fill voids between fire sprinkler cover plates and ,l - e c U-factors of fenestration and the solar heat gain coefficient oenesraon, an the results 6,001 -7,500 90 105 120 135 150 - I tSHGC( ) f fenestration, and l Q N walls or ceilings. from any required duct system and building envelope air leakage testing performed on the building. '!` . IC insulation contact. >7,500 105 120 135 150 165 Where there is more than one value for each component, the certificate shall indicate the value �; rl ~ - -_ covering the largest area. The certificate shall indicate the es an efficiencies g 9 d e c encies of heating, a In addition, inspection of log; walls shall be in accordance with the provisions of ICC-400. For SI: 1 square foot=0.0929 m2, 1 cubic foot per minute=0.0004719 m3/s. � � --�� ---- �p g' � n cooling and service water heating equipment. Where a gas-fired unvented room heater, Rigid insulation weather-Strip door electric furnace, or baseboard electric heater is installed in the residence, the certificate shall ` )recommended) opening and �� . Minimum R-5 threshold indicate gas-fired unvented room heater," "electric i,electric furnace�� "baseboard baseboard electric heater," Wall Access panel as appropriate. An efficiency shall not be indicated for gas-fired unvented room heaters, Detail Weatherstripping and insulation electric furnaces and electric baseboard heaters. D V BARS,GRILLES,COVERS R310.4 z R302.13 Fire protection of floors. BARS,GRILLES,GRATES Floor assemblies that are not required elsewhere in this code to DEVICES ARE PERhIITTED TO BE PLACED be fire-resistance rated,shall be provided with a T OVER EMERGENCY ESCAPE AND RESCUE 1/2-inch gypsum wallboard membrane, OPENINGS PROVIDED AS FOLLOWS:NET 1st FL. METAL STRAPPING TYP EXT.WALL %-Inch wood structural panel membrane, CLEAR OPENING SIZE COMPLYING REFER TO or equivalent on the underside of the floor framing member. WITH R310.1.1 TO R310.2.3 AND SHALL TOP OF FDN. DWG-2 FOR TYP EXT.WALL BE RELEASABLE OR REMOVABLE — — - — - — DETAILS Penetrations or openings for ducts,vents,electrical outlets, FROM THE INSIDE WITHOUT THE USE lighting,devices,luminaires,wires,speakers,drainage, OF A KEY,TOOL,SPECIAL KNOWLEDGE TYR FLOOR CONST piping and similar openings or penetrations shall be permitted. OR FORCE GREATER THAN THAT REQUIRED FOR THE NORMAL OPERATION OF THE #4 REBAR 12"FROM TOP Exceptions: ESCAPE AND RESCUE OPENING. SILL PLATE w 2x6 P.T.SILL PLATE W/MIN.2 1. Floor assemblies located directly over a space protected by an #4 REBAR NEAR THE — of ( ) automatic sprinkler system in accordance with Section P2904, Q THIRD POINTS TYPICAL ANCHOR BOLT -R403.1.6 Z ¢ NFPA 13D,or other approved equivalent sprinkler system. TYPICAL ANCHOR BOLT -R403.1.6 > MAXIMUM SPACING: 1/2"@ 72"O.C. MAXIMUM SPACING:1/2"@ 72"O,C. EMBEDMENT OF 7"WITH NUT&WASHER. 2. Floor assemblies located direct) over a crawl space not intended 8"4000 PSI al ; TYR EGRESS WINDOW EMBEDMENT OF 7"WITH NUT&3"x3"WASHER. r` d 2 BOLTS PER PLATE AND HOLD AT LEAST y p O WINDOW WELL R310,2.3 p•, for storage or fuel-fired appliances. CAST-IN-PLACE 2 BOLTS PER PLATE AND HOLD AT LEAST ONE BOLT-12"MAX AND 3-1/2 MIN OFF HORIZONTAL AREA SHALL BE CONCRETE WINDOW ' ; #4 REBAR NEAR THE ONE BOLT-12"MAX AND 3-1/2"MIN OFF °` ENDS OF PLATES, 3. Portions of floor assemblies MIN Y-0"SQ FT.WITH A WELL ' THIRD POINTS ENDS OF PLATES. a' 5HIELD&SILL SEALER TYP. HORIZONTAL DIMENSION ' shall be permitted to be unprotected where complying with the following: • 3.1.The aggregate area of the unprotected portions does not exceed OF MIN S-0"TO ALLOW FOR a i TYP.CONC.FOUNDATION TYR CONC. FOUNDATION' 80 square feet per story EMERGENCY ESCAPE AND ° TOP OF FTG 3.2. Fireblocking in accordance with Section R302.11.1 is installed along RESCUE. LADDER SHALL BE '- — - — - the perimeter of the unprotected portion to separate the unprotected O PREMITTED TO ENCROACH +L i ° b. co 2#4 REBARS CONT. NOT MORE THAN 6"INTO � p w M � portion from the remainder of the floor assembly. REQUIRED WINDOW WELL ANCHOR BOLT DETAIL ANCHOR BOLT DETAIL 4.Wood floor assemblies using dimension lumber or structural composite DEPTH. TYR BASEMENT SLAB g p TYP. FDN REBAR SECTION SCALE: 1/2"= V-0" lumber equal to or greater than 2-Inch by 10-inch nominal dimension, ' n — — SCALE: 1/2"= 1'-0" or other approved floor assemblies demonstrating equivalent fire performance. LADDER&STEPS R310.2.3.1 — -- SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" r WINDOW WELLS WITH AVERTICAL ry DEPTH GREATER THAN 44 INCHES r) CV SHALL BE EQUIPPED WITH PERMANENTLY AFFIXED LADDER OR STEPS USABLE CONCRETE EGRESS WINDOW WELL 70-9" W 0 o WITH THE WINDOW IN THE FULL OPEN �^ POSITION. RUNGS SHALL HAVE AN SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" v) M INSIDE WIDTH OF AT LEAST 12 INCHES 2'-9" 44'-5'/" Y3'_61/2" of 6 SHALL PROJECT AT LEAST 3 INCHES R310.2.3,2 Drainage O z 0 FROM THE WALL AND SHALL BE SPACED Window wells shall be designed for proper drainage by connecting T_ NOT MORE THAN 18 INCHES ON-CENTER to the building's foundation drainage system required by Section R405.1 TYPICAL DECK FOOTING 17'-10" 5'-8"/" In VERTICALLY FOR THE FULL HEIGHT OF or by an approved alternative method. 6 THE WINDOW WELL. Exception:A drainage system for window wells is not required where 2 x 6 DECK JOISTS @ 16"oc 14"ROUND CONCRETE POURED O W the foundation Is on well-drained soil or sand-gravel mixture soils in 2-2 x 6 P.T.GIRDER PIER FOOTINGS TO VIRGIN SOIL, O v g 4"TREATED POST ANCHOR a accordance with the United Soil Classification System,Group ISoils, -SEE DETAILS ON DWG 2 as detailed in Table R405.1. DECK LATERAL HOLDOWNS FOR STRAPPING AND OUTSIDE BASEMENT ENTRANCE n r^ U SIMPSON DTT2Z w/(8) UPLIFT CONNECTIONS. Li V 1/4"X 1-1/2"SDS 8"CONCRETE WALL ON MIN 16"X 8" WITHIN 24"OF EACH END FOOTING WITH 4"CONCRETE LANDING& SEE DETAILS ON DWG-2 �'-`� ,' `� 4"DRAIN TO DRYWELL,CONCRETE STAIR ° 17'-0" MEETING R311.7-STAIRWAYS, y `I-' 7'-0" ; ; `-I' HANDRAIL PER R311.7.8, 34"-38"ABOVE E c 14-2" " NOSING. 36"HIGH GUARD RAIL ON »- c E y 2X8 DECK LEDGER ' ' 4 TOP OF CONCRETE WALL. ° ° 1 � � 36X36 SLIDER �'- o E in SEE DET. ON DWG 2—�{� I I I (2) #4 REBARS ABOVE DOOR OPENING. m rn� o 8.o a, �( -' ' -----�-- ----------------------------------------------------------------- £ c w E r w wv o 0 •-------------------------------------- ----- I �L) co p U C V ,VF1 I= ` ° C U G ------------ c � 0 o `o <a 5 30�PIER I ABOVE i c a h 02 0 T �°o 1 , 12 BELOW 1 __ __ ____ m m c o m•-3. ffE Z"o c 3 4,_4„ DOOR 1 •- -------- o ' I GRADE w -- -- -- ---- -- -- _ Lo I I 2Zw I I e w C>w._ CV ° ° ° �'N tail 7•-. I �F-o V R5 WS/INSUL i c`Tc OZU� i z -1 F.D. -C n c a N�o o $t o W0. ; c� m -v O u cv a aT O of cJg ------- I 'OQ LL SMOKE ' 1 t.2 ° = E W�' co a 1 I w 0�1-W w ALARM O ' I . E_ L4 V M L)M = 0 U c U�wO o � I ALARM CoA-d 90uuimo- I-- ccEn�oo. rn �4 TYPICAL INT.FOOTING/COL 00-m0 iq LL •--------------------------------------------------------------- x I �Q 30"X 30"X 12"THICK,CAST-IN-PLACE ti a.(D Lu w UNFIN. BASEMENT � ' �O. I CONCRETE FOOTING W/3-#4 REBARS r �m o .4" CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE ' 10" ' of EACH WAY&4"O.D. o95 I I I I , N I i~ =)W U_W'4 SLAB INSTALLED IN 1= Ln ; ,a '00 DIAMETER STEEL COLUMN. Lo co o z W ACCORDANCE WITH CODE q, „ , '0 U' IJ CJ'�—� 3-0 F- ,CD I �_ ,L � 0 0�� SECTION R506 �'� ILL W ' co W W O I 1 I En I I I 1 1 9'-8" 9'-B" 9'-8" 9'-7'/�' 7' Y2" ' 22'-4" N (3)1-3/4"xl 1-7/8"LVL (3)1-3/4"xl1-7/8"LVL I UNEXCAVATED ' ' 4----_�--------- -- ----I---�------------------------1---�---I------ --------------�---L-----------------i--J---rUF1 --- -- ---- TYPICAL GARAGE SLAB co --- 1 ------- -- ---- --- ---�-------------}------ --- ---�------ ---------- -- ------------------------ -- UFO - ----- ; 4" CAST-IN-PLACE SLAB _' (typ) I I I 1 , , , 1 1 cli ' •_ `rrl.J ' �__---_-' _ '- ; W/6X6W4,OXW4.OWWM --- $eam �ocket N c ; I I `-------° `--" PITCH SLAB-1/4"FT TOshim a req d I PLUMBING NOTE: GARAGE DOORSN N__ __, I 1 N W 2X4 FRAME AROUNDM W STAIRCASEFROM FLOOR -__'ALL PLUMBING SYSTEMS SHALL BE ; Cn H 0 TO CEILING. TREATED SHOEINSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ; , XzW O 0 PLATE AND GYP.WALL BD =0 W=C j ■ INSIDE FACE OF WALL MIN. -------- PART VII-PLUMBING --- ---+ , 0 z O I_- 1 �° ATTACH RAILINGS.HANDRAILS 16 I to LLLL.O¢334"-38"ABOVE NOSING, LL ;ELECTRICAL NOTE: EXTERIOR PATIO SLAB n 0 a° �' I _J __--I ' O= 0 .4 R302.7 UNDER-STAIR PROTECTION 6"4000 PSI CAST-IN-PLACE SLAB ' ; O ' « Z¢Z LU LL , o o ENCLOSED SPACE UNDER STAIRS THAT >' '� O 0W F- -2 IS ACCESSED BY A DOOR OR ACCESS to ' ' ' LU ALL ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT W/6X6 w1.4/w1.4 WELDED WIRE MESH I ' o m g W - h PANEL SHALL HAVE WALLS,UNDER-STAIR nAND WIRING SHALL BE INSTALLED O 1-g > o o ,ON GRANULAR COMPACTED FILL. , 0 L) w O > o ih o SURFACE AND ANY SOFFITS PROTECTED T48' X 84' LANDING , IN ACCORDANCE WITH PART VIII-ELECTIRCAL °� PITCH SLAB AWAY TO DRAIN ' -' ' °o W t=n¢LU eo u_ ON THE ENCLOSED SIDE WITH x ; I ; ; OF THE NYS CODE. A MINIMUM OF 75%PF M I U. c A F-d m o to c 1/2-INCH GYPSUM BOARD. 7--0" O Z III PERMANENTLY INSTALLED FIXTURES eo ; ; `� I to 0o a LU� I io � , ; ; N tD MUST HAVE HIGH-EFFICACY LAMPS, i I ' W N m o c N i ; DROP TOP OF CONCRETE ti Q MECHANICAL NOTE: ( " LL w¢ M �' `° •-- AS REQUIRED FOR = w I 1 v o Z w T I I ' GARAGE DOOR,SEE PLAN ' ' U U) W ' -_-- FOR GARAGE DOOR SIZE--_---_--; ; Q W Q LO THE MECHANICAL SYSTEMS SHALL � o O_ co BE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH �CL0 ' ; - __ - ---------------------- ---- , U PART V&VI OF THE RC OF NYS. I `r tY U) ALL MECHANICAL SIZING PER ACCA 1 , MANUAL"S"BASED ON LOADS + CALCULATED PER ACCA MANUAL"J" 2'-9" ; ; I -1 VENTING OF EQUIPMENT GAS ' DUCT COMPLIANCE WITH MANUAL"D" " ; ; i -------- - i INSTALL IN COMPLIANCE NAVIN i i (2)ANCHOR BOLTS _____________ ___e _, ; W/PART V MECHANICAL BOILER fO 2 ANCHOR BOLTS IN EACH PORTAL WALL R303.4 MECHANICAL VENTILATION. in ; ; iv ' ' 9'-0"DWELLING IN EACH PORTAL WALL SECTION-SEE DWELLING UNIT SHALL BE PROVIDED ' ' ' 3"SLAB LEDGE ' --- ----------------------------- SECTION-SEE DETAIL 3 ON PG 2 WITH WHOLE HOUSE MECHANICAL ' `--'-'" ---'-'------"-'--_--- _ i iv I DETAIL 3 ON PG 2 VENTILATION IN ACCORDANCE WITH v SECTION M1507.3 ------------------------------- o- •--- -----------------------------------' h� __ _ MAINTAIN REQUIRED SEPA TION EXTERIOR PATIO SLAB DISTANCE FROM ALL HEAT ' PRODUCING EQUIPMENT T - 6"4000 PSI CAST-IN-PLACE SLAB COMBUSTIBLE MATERIAL A PER [T] "--- -------------------------- __ W/6X6 w1.4/w1.4 WELDED WIRE MESH MANUFACTURER'S SPECIFICATIONS ^ N ON GRANULAR COMPACTED FILL, AND LATEST MECHANICAL C ODE. PITCH SLAB AWAY TO DRAIN � U ; � o 14'-0" 9'-0" 14'-0" 6-6 11-0' > M V W U x+ ao O ..O 2'-9" 37'0" T-0" 24'-0" of Cq A 9'-0"FDN WALL HT TYPICALANCHOR BOLT -R403.1.6 ZB 9 MAXIMUM SPACING: 1/2"@ 72"O.C.EMBEDMENT OF 7"WITH1 N FOUNDATION PLAN NUT&3"SQ WASHER. 2 BOLTS PER PLATE AND HOLD AT LEAST 9 ONE BOLT-12"MAX AND 3-1/2"MIN OFF ENDS OF PLATES. it SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" 'I 1. Walls 24 inches total length or shorter connecting offset braced wall AREA SCHEDULE FIRE BLOCKING SHALL BE INSTALLED panels shall be anchored to the foundation with not fewer than one anchor bolt ) 1. s IN ACCORDANCE WITH R302.11 located in the center third of the plate section and shall be attached to adjacent !� 019Q NAME AREA THRU R302.11.2 AND DRAFTSTOPPING braced wall panels at corners as shown in Item 9 of Table R602.3(1). (Fastening Schedule) OF COVERED ENTRYAREA 61.9 sq ft. PER R302.12 THRU R302.12.1 2. Connection of walls 12 inches total length or shorter connecting FINISHED VESTIBULE AREA 119.7 sq ft. offset braced wall panels to the foundation without anchor bolts shall be permitted, The wall shall be attached to adjacent braced wall panels at comers as shown in UNFINISHED BASEMENT AREA 1241.7 sq 5 Item 9 of Table R602.3(1). (Fastening Schedule) V z • J J W , , , ' O , , , , 68'-0" OW > , � 44'-5Yz' 23'-6Y�' , � Wz 7'-6" 10'-2" ~ ; WOOD LANDING ; 0 ~ + &STAIRS& W V J N ' RAILINGS AS ; M ---------------; ---- PER CODE ' w 7 --------------- --- v, L_ ' z FRAMER TO VERIFY CENTERLINE OF O WINDOW OVER KITCHEN SINK WITH ; O KITCHEN LAYOUT PLAN PROVIDED `— ,; ; BY BUILDER. p WPW41046 O W Z TW3046-2 72X96 SL GL ; ; O 'LO ry (3)1-3/4"x 9-1/2"LVL (3)1-3/4"x 9-1/2"4VL 11'-0" V-5Yz' ; n r^ (3Pre-Fab/ Factory Built Fireplaces `^ 3%" 5Y=" li V cli o ' In accordance with chapter , 31'-sYz" L I. PANTRYIn N ; I. 10 10, factory-built fireplace inserts shall 2'-9„ + KITCHEN CO o E - be UL listed and labeled and shall be z " 0 \ ; .o o O 9'-0"CLG HT o ` 12 installed in accordance with the z 2'_s„ DEN BREAKFAST ul conditions of the listing. Factory-Built 9'-0"CLG HT NOOK _ .�' o fireplaces shall be tested in accordance y s'•o"CLG HT ; 2'2" U 4'-0" 2'-8 z" ' w y rn L Q° - o with UL 127. Hearths shall be installed in 0 i .3 ; aOcico� o `o � mao accordance with the listing of the UL LISTED GAS ; " ; y ; aY Y`o 0 0 Fireplace & in accordance with NYS code PRE-FAB FIREPLACE ' c °D ' °'y-`• 0 1°'- o o 3 N o o a U 0 0 for Hearths & Hearth extension. GLASS DOORS& HEARTH EXTENSION �O a CLOS \ 16,6 $a o w N y Cl) U, y f0 '— All Fireplace shall be equipped with an AS PER RESIDENTAIL c o INSULATED SOLID CORE r L E G 20 m v o• o E exterior air supply. Exterior air ducts CODE-CHAPTER 10 Co = o o VENT TO EXTERIOR STEEL DOOR OR �' CE = o shall be UL listed. Facto Built Chimneys 3/2" 20-MINUTE FIRE RATED DOOR. ; a�ci o = =E 2 0 CL Factory Y 7'-0" WS/INSUL S y m E = c cJ H , co EACH WEATHER STRIPPED , t 'w_-- m o W/SELF CLOSING DEVICE. , m 2 Z.E Q ,tn c 79 o m o shall be in accordance with chapter o .4 r- a E 8 w12 10 Section R1005 Factory Built Chimneys. MASONRYSTOOP ' 2T-6'/" O GARAGE &STEPS TO GRADE L►N ' ;of DWELLING GARAGE , ,n SEPARATION IN UL NOTE:GLAZING HAZARDOUS LOCATION:R308.4 CL _ (3)1_3/4"x11 7/8"LVL FLUSH___ (3)1-314x11-7/8 LVL DROP_ __ :> co ACCORDANCE WITH ;ACC A ------- INCLUDING BUT LIMITED TO THE FOLLOWING: 1'-s" -- ____ , - '_- ___ -- -- -' _ i t TABLE R302.6 c ; rn c "--"'--- 00(2)1-3/4"x11-7/8"LVL FLUSH SEE DWG-1 FORTABLE cm , r----------, -- -- +ao 6x6 a, co 6x6 '�` INSULATE WALLS SAFETY GLAZING(TEMP GLASS)IS REQUIRED N `� O ; POST „ c 00 POST R-21 BATT , AT GLAZING IN A BUILDING WALL ENCLOSING `.° WRAP o "' WRAP _ UP 16R DN 16R INSULATION COMMON WITH LIVING AREA. N N 13ATHTUBS AND SHOWERS WHERE THE `� '-6Y�' t2'-76" -0" co , , , IN AZEK IN AZEK BOTTOM EDGE OF THE GLAZING IS LESS (2)1-3/4"x11-7/8"ILVL FLUSH N __ __L_____ __ J , PROVIDE:HEAT ,THAN 60 INCHES ABOVE A STANDING -- ______-_- --= 3 i ! DETECTOR PER R314.2.1 i --- - - - ;SURFACEAND DRAIN INLET. FAN o FAN �, ; a "------------------------- r------_--_------------ --- WET SURFACES:R308.4.5 ® ® ! �= o _____ DROP TOP OF GLAZING IN WALLS,ENCLOSURES CONTAINING 3�_6 2,_6 9-0 ; ;� 0 0 ---- ; GARAGE 4" WALLS 11 WHIRLPOOL,BATH TUBS,SHOWERS, ' ' '•� SWIMMING POOLS,HOT TUBS WHERE TH BOTTOM 2 5Yz' M a, iv u r EEDGE OF THE GLASS IS LESS THAN 60" o ih '� r fO N MEASURED VERTICALLYABOVE ANY STANDING OR O N FOYER � Cl) ; OPEN , WALKINGALKING SURFACE SHALL BE CLASSIFIED AS Cl) t� Cl) 48"x 84"LANDING , PER TABLE R308.3.1(1)AND R308.3.1(2) 00 4 n, ABOVE r, , 'o 22'-6'r" r- 3'-6" 3'-6" i i 23'-1" EXCEPTION:GLAZING THAT IS MORE THEN 60" o ' ;� 5Ys 5'/i' ; y," IMEASUREDHORIZONTALLYANDINA STRAIGHT LINE, I ; FROM THE WATERS EDGE DINING h ( ROOM (3):1-3/4"A 1-7/8"LVL SAFETY GLAZING IS REQUIRED ADJACENT TO BEDROOM #4 3052 STAIRWAYS,LANDINGS, AND RAMPS WITHIN 9'-0"CLG HT M ; Y-0"CLG HT 4 J 0 36 INCHES HORIZONTALLY OF WALKING SURFACE to POST F3- 12 ; POST 0D 10SX96-4 PANEL-2 WINDOW 108X96-d PANEL-2 WINDOW� LU OR WITHIN 60 INCHES HORIZONTALLY OF THE BOTTOM HDR AT ; HDR AT c u" N O 'TREAD OF STAIRWAY IN ANY DIRECTION AND WHEN f CORNER CORNER CONTINUOUSLY SHEATHED CONTINUOI.ISLY SHEATHED EXPOSED SURFACE OF GLASS IS LESS THAN q PORTAL FRAME.SEE DIET 3 PORTAL FRAME.SEE DET 3 O Z 60 INCHES ABOVE THE NOSE OF THE TREAD 13'-1" 9'-0" + 13'-1" ' N ON DWG-2 AND ON DWG-2 AND OR WALKING SURFACE. 5/' + 5'/2' 6 FIGURE R602.10.6.4 FIGURE;R602.10.6.4 ti 0 Q � W (3)1-3/4"x 9-1/2"LVL c (3)1-3/4"x 9-1/2"LVL , = W Cl)cc U U) IR312.2 WINDOW FALL PROTECTION NOTE: COVERED PORCH r, — 6'-6" 11'0" 6'-6" > Q AREA;66 SQ FT , o Q Lu TW28510-3 " c , , i ; TW28510-3 , 0 'TOP OF THE WINDOW SILL SHALL x MASONRY ' 3_-2x10 _____ x `7 N N -------------- 1 N N NOTE: DROP GARAGE 13E A MINIMUM OF 24"ABOVE THE FINISHED ________________T__________ FLOOR AND GREATER THAN 72"ABOVE THE x6 POST WALLS 4" BELOW TYPICAL FINISHED GRADE OR OTHER SURFACES ' WRAP IN ; 13ELOW ON THE EXTERIOR SIDE OF THE AZEKTO BUILDING. SHALL COMPLY AS FOLLOWS: ' 8xs ___-_-__ " 4'4" ' 4'-6" Bh 1R312.2.2 WINDOW OPENING CONTROL DEVICES: WINDOW OPENING CONTROL DEVICE SHALL V COMPLY WITH ASTM F 2000. THE OPENING IDEVICE AFTER OPERATION TO RELEASE THE 1■� DEVICE SHALLALLOW THE WINDOW TO 7'-0" 7'-0" a'-s" 4'-6" 7'o" 7'-0" FULLY OPEN TO MEET THE CLEAR OPENING ; AS REQUIRE TO MEET EGRESS R310.2.1 14'-0" 9'-0" ' 14'-0" 40, w a 2'-9" 37'-0" 7'-0" 24'-0" r--� , W o ct w � o r i AREA SCHEDULE O SMOKE DETECTOR O ►� ;� �1 *� WINDOWS, EXTERIOR FRENCH &SLIDING DRS NAME AREA O CARBON MONOXIDE DETECTOR CO REFER DWG-1 GENERAL NOTES FIRST FLOOR AREA 1506 s Plans indicates ANDERSEN series 400 Tilit Wash q ft. O IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 915 OF THE Model Numbers and shall be In accordance with R609 GARAGE AREA 518 sq ft. 2020 IFC,R314,R315 OF THE RESIDENTIAL ��(�D AR To be designed & installed as per manufacturers 9'-1" PLATE HEIGHT SECOND FLOOR AREA 1415 sq ft. CODE of NYS specification for 140 ultimate design wind speed -( J H ���� and Table n for 12), ultimate 3) 1 ST FLOOR PLAN COVERED ENTRY AREA 52 sq ft. Provide HP LOW-E4 lass; U - .30, SHGC= .30 [NY]915.3.3 Residential Buildings and Commercial Buildings 9 - SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" With an Attached Motor Vehicle Related Occupancy / EGRESS: shall meet R 310 TOTAL GROSS FLOOR AREA: 3491 sq.ft. * .. WINDOW FALL PROTECTION: shall meet R312.2 ALLOWBLE SQ FT 3507 sq.ft. Carbon monoxide detection shall be Installed in a central or otherwise approved location In each occu fable space in a commercial building and within 10 feet of Substitutions made upon meeting Code. AREA CALCULATIONS: P P 9 O p 9 the entrance to sleeping areas and sleeping units in residential buildings See page one, general notes for additional LOTAREA =134X161 =21574 SQ.FT. and commercial buildings that: code requirements. IF M q TO TO ALLOWABLE SF =3350 X 10/0 OF 1574SF =157 SQ.FT. 1. Have a communicating opening with an attached motor vehicle related occupancy, TOTAL ALLOWABLE SF =3507 SQ.FT. 2. Share one or more common walls with an attached motor vehicle related occupancy,or 3. Are located one story above or below a motor vehicle related occupancy. R302.11 Fireblocking required. Fireblocking shall be provided to cut off all concealed V draft openings (both vertical and horizontal) and to form an effective fire barrier NOTE:GLAZING HAZARDOUS LOCATION: Z between stories, and between a top story and the roof space. Fireblocking shall INCLUDING BUT LIMITED TO THE FOLLOWING:NG: _ be provided in wood-frame construction in the following locations. SAFETY GLAZING(TEMP GLASS)IS REQUIRED J AT GLAZING IN A BUILDING WALL ENCLOSING 1. In concealed spaces of stud walls and partitions, including furred spaces and BATHTUBS AND SHOWERS WHERE THE BOTTOM EDGE OF THE GLAZING IS parallel rows of studs or staggered studs; as follows: THAN 60 INCHES ABOVE A STANDINGESS W SURFACE AND DRAIN INLET. 1.1.Vertically at the ceiling and floor levels. WET SURFACES:R308.4.5 GLAZING IN WALLS,ENCLOSURES CONTAINING Q 1.2. Horizontally at intervals not exceeding 10 feet. WHIRLPOOL,BATH TUBS,SHOWERS, SWIMMING POOLS,HOT TUBS WHERE TH BOTTOM 2.At all interconnections between concealed vertical and horizontal EDGE OF THE GLASS IS LESS THAN 60" spaces such as occur at soffits, drop ceilings and cove ceilings. MEASURED VERTICALLY ABOVE ANY STANDING OR WALKING SURFACE SHALL BE CLASSIFIED AS n/ 3. In concealed spaces between stair stringers at the top and bottom of the run. PER TABLE R308.3.1(1)AND R308.3.1(2) (�O Enclosed spaces under stairs shall comply with Section R302.7 EXCEPTION:GLAZING THAT IS MORE THEN 60" MEASURED HORIZONTALLY AND IN A STRAIGHT LINE, 4.At openings around vents, pipes, ducts, cables and wires at ceiling and FROM THE WATERS EDGE floor level, with an approved material to resist the free passage of flame and products of combustion. SAFETY GLAZING IS REQUIRED ADJACENT TO Co STAIRWAYS,LANDINGS, AND RAMPS WITHIN O 36 INCHES HORIZONTALLY OF WALKING SURFACE 1 , ' \— 5. For the fireblocking of chimneys and fireplaces, see Section R1003.19 OR WITHIN 60 INCHES HORIZONTALLY OF THE BOTTOM w >" TREAD OF STAIRWAY IN ANY DIRECTION AND WHEN 6. Fireblocking of cornices of a two-family dwelling is required at the line of EXPOSED SURFACE OF GLASS IS LESS THAN dwelling unit separation. 60 INCHES ABOVE THE NOSE OF THE TREAD OR WALKING SURFACE. 7. Fireblocking material: two inch nominal lumber, bats or blankets of mineral Q wood or glass fiber installed securely in place or 1/2"gypsum board. O N w M 0 Un 1 44'-5%" ♦ M 7'-7" 11' OQz Yz' 6'-11'/z' -4" 6'-5'/" CD12'-1 O VENT CLOTHES DRYER O W Z IN ACCORDANCE WITH X CHAPTER 15-CLOTHES O Q DRYERS EXHAUST. PROVIDE WATER-PROOF n �n (� PAN WITH CURB&DRAIN �J C6 r — — — — — — — — — — — — TEMP GL TW3046— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — TW3046-2 TW2436 TEMP GL TW3052-2EGRESS y N C I - 2-2x10 3 2x10 I a o y 6'-6" o - 6'-0 5'-6" 2'-0" 12'-0" of m $,o c o, 0 15'/� 3'/2 5'/2' 3'/z" 3Yi 5Y�"I L� i�rn E 0 2 v,v 4 o o a WALK-IN ¢ d I °� � ` ° � In ° _ CLOSET � °� za o2 ° � mm m FAN I N -� y rn w OZC `o 8'-0"CLG ® oo mo� oa omvl �� oY BEDROOM #3 ° c ° ° Nm ° BATHROOM10 o %° I aW y- c o m p a-e o F. c °3 o `'°to 8'-0"CLG 8 0"CLG cc �`r — — — " c o 3 s c c m 3 0 a, cc .- SEAL&INSULATE — -� — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — -I o o 9 Iv o � w m ai ij =� ATTIC STAIR PER BATHROOM 00 FU- 1 'n rn h °' `� N SECT.1102.2.4 , r U)W - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - L _ R N '� •3 o E U Cl) r SEE DET ON DWG-3 8-0"CLG w 0— - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I a c o o o I w F- 3 1- N U O (�ow o mt 1 w O I— - w Q' I \ O a t7.O m C 47 N ►- -' " " U Cl) 2X4 PLATE ON SUBFLOOR I r- --� t= E �' c a .- U. Z g oDD FAN 'll Down" o g u' B o = c U r„ O J O ® 1 1 Stair o o U OU I o I G7 c nE•m m f0 w E r LU U f•� 1 1 1 1 N O e{ O L O O 7 r C O y_ tV x U T 1 1 1 , x I CD I F- � rnmor I- mEn._ on N 00 X (D 1 1 / 1 fV N O (O I � 1 6'-6" N 6'-3Y�" 3'- " 1 1 1 1 0 5'-6" 12'-0" Cn 3Y' o , 1+ 1 4 3%" Q 31/7 5'/s"I U) �Cu I - N 0 O� I 2'-6" 2'8" 2'-4" V-6" 2'-8" I UNFINISHED c9 0: I 4 \ -� - - 7- TO RDi 2ND FLOOR STORAGE ONLY g 3/4"PLYWOOD SUBFLOORW (1)1-3/4"x11-7/8"LVL RIDGE BOARD -d I I_2-6— ly\ POST -- _/ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - POST- - - - - - I I TO „ co I \ RID I / 4 HALL RIDGE M ( DN 16R 8'-0"CLG 2'-8" N I (1)1-3/4"x 16"LVL RIDGE BOARD N co - — — - — - — - — - — - — - — - — - — - — - x I I N I 1 S I GUARDRAIL 4 5 0— — - I Q- ------ I N o I o I •�• I (2)1-3/4"x 9-1/4"LVL FLUSH S Z I o is I I D l -- ------ I I I CD Cn Bearing I o Zoo FCn - w wary tD o B9 earin I __ _ ___ Fes- w I I ,/ �' \♦ �� I Wall �/ o \♦ I w O W w 0 CO Ins I Of I ( I I U- 0� I N I % I OPEN w -I Xo I I I M o 00 I N 1 7'_0" I 5'-0" I O w 0 l N � A R I BLOW Qq Z5 o I / \ l e I cxv �vx I "N I i 1 11 ♦ _JJ i X F " c ♦ \ I I xN N �Y2x8 CEILING JOI TS @ 16"oc w O "� 2x4 COLLAR TIED @ 16"oc �♦ cxv x 'y 2x8 CEILING JOISTS @ 16"oc �M I 2-2x10 I I 3 2x10 5'_0' I O Z I I N N ( 2x4 COLLAR TIES @ 16 oc I � I I I N I 13' 1" \ 9'0" / 13'-1" TW3052 I I I \ I — — — Tw30210 3 — — f` Q r` / I '5Yz 5/" 5 '" 1 I '�" — _ I vBEDROOMM BEDROOM #2 ` — _____ _ Uj li.i i c oI 1 V-0"TRAY CLG HT 3-2x10 10i-0"TRAY CLG HT I I I L — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — OfW J \ — TW2842-2 / 2-2x10 \ I / I 2-2x10 \ I I I L. — — — — TW3052-21 —EGRESS — — L — — — TW3052-2 —EGRESS H 7'4" 7'-0" 4'-6" 4'-6" T-0" 7'.0" a � 14'-0" 9'-0" 14'-0" 3'-6" Y-11'/" 11'-6'/i' 12'-0" 37'-0" 7'-51/2" 23'-6'/z" UCZ OU 68'-0" ^ M V PIP R312.2 WINDOW FALL PROTECTION NOTE: b C .a 0 2ND FLOOR PLAN TOP OF THE WINDOW SILL SHALL A B O ,'~ N Q o �, BE A MINIMUM OF 24 SCALE: 1/4" = 11-0"ABOVE THE FINISHED 9 t.9 FLOOR AND GREATER THAN 72"ABOVE THE 8'-1" PLATE HEIGHT ♦ � �D ARC, FINISHED GRADE OR OTHER SURFACES Z IC [NY]915.3.3 Residential Buildings and Commercial Buildings Smoke Detector BELOW ON THE EXTERIOR SIDE OF THE With an Attached Motor Vehicle Related Occupancy T BUILDING. SHALL COMPLYAS FOLLOWS: Carbon Monoxide Detector AREA SCHEDULE .g i Carbon monoxide detection shall be installed in a central or otherwise approved CO Refer to DWG-1 General Notes NAME AREAI R312.2.2 WINDOW OPENING CONTROL DEVICES: location in each occupiable space in a commercial building and within 10 feet of In accordance with Section 915 of the SECOND FLOOR AREA 1418.0 s ft. WINDOW OPENING CONTROL DEVICE SHALL the entrance to sleeping areas and sleeping units In residential buildings q a and commercial buildings that: 2020 IFC, R314, R315 of the Residential COMPLY WITH ASTM F 2000. THE OPENING code of NYS DEVICE AFTER OPERATION TO RELEASE THE 1. Have a communicating opening with an attached motor vehicle related occupancy, OF DEVICE SHALL ALLOW THE WINDOW TO 2. Share one or more common walls with an attached motor vehicle related occupancy,or FULLY OPEN TO MEET THE CLEAR OPENING 3. Are located one story above or below a motor vehicle related occupancy. l� AS REQUIRE TO MEET EGRESS R310.2.1 TOP OF ROOF V z • J J 12 w 12 �8 S 12 Q 4 o 12 loo Top of Plate ry 12 12 12 r- Q w > co � wz Q Top of Subfloor Q ♦ ) r- �J N Top of Plate w O V, � d' o - z Q o wz Lr) r WOOD STEPS AND LANDING �{- (3 TO GRADE. HANDRAIL& V c w (A GUARDRAILAS REQUIRED BY CODE co Top of Subfloor N c — _ —SIC Topof n Foundatio m• o - - - - - m FINISHED GRADE y a m a a t c o m A-j uA �. F o « N C A.'� O O y f0 Q O = ais N o 3 RIGHT ELEVATION 3 O 0 p 0 o O O � C N C55 0_�+ C a,d; Nl{ y O1 SCALE: 1 /4" = V-0" % - ` a rt `�� 2 N � � °3a `_ � a o � �'� as o Et m a o'er� ,� �m �•�c a �20a) QNc0 a) 0 c m - m c a E M m o c a 8�5 12 _Lop of Footing H 5 o m a' f-- m E n.!=o a CONT.RIDGE VENT TOP OF ROOF CONT.RIDGE VENT ASPHALT SHINGLES 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 CONT,RIDGE VENT GUTTERS&LEADERS ASPHALT SHINGLES AS REQUIRED TYPICAL — _ — _ _ Top of Plate 0 N O o Z s N cl) •' co P�: p Q co = 2 W L11 Lui 11 11 11 11 11 H 11 1 -- 11 tD L) N J GUTTERS&LEADERS M Q W U AS REQUIRED to STANDING TYPICAL o SEAM METAL ROOF - Top of Subfloor j — - — - —Top of Plate H q °' rT w 1H E] E3 M ORDW � — _ _ Top of Subfloor H O ct — - - Tap of Foundation a V FINISHED GRADE t C 11 CONCRETE STOOP O AND STEPS TO � --+ GRADE FRONT ELEVATION o p: R Rch� SCALE: 1 /4�� + 1 -011 Top of Footingorl �.. __.. TOP OF ROOF ♦ n z CONT.RIDGE VENT J 12 12 8� 8 ASPHALT SHINGLES 0 ry Top of Plate O r� U) O Wry �- 0 ASPHALT SHINGLES t- To of Subfloor Q N Top of Plate W O �/� Z � ) 0— f OQz O n W ® ® O O ry O W z LO n n d- (D C/i (M i Top of Subfloor N c E o N o — _ — To�of Foundation .o w-_ c E 12 - - - - - D, m� E'� oapaD (V CV g c w E r y yv o p rn p v c $ c 0 o FINISHED GRADE c p f6 STRUCTURAL HANGERS ALL CONCRETE STOOP AND STEPS TO - o o °a $ ° " u GRADE H JOISTS TO HDR. ANCHOR - 2 ' c POSTS TO HDR WITH EMERGENCY o SO V. y 3 $ ESCAPE oo $ m $ ��N �� SIMPSON POST ANCHORS. AND RESCUE 41-011 L s N 3 E ATTACH POSTS TO FOOTINGS LEFT ELEVATION WITH GALV POST ANCHORS. _ = p o g c o o- o� o t REFER TO DETAILS ON DWG-2 SCALE: 1 /4" = 1 '-0" p c c U y r Y - oEc - E � pon U 2'U y M i L N M c V G p. Z;c < Ncdcmo d - Ncdl= l6 v� $ ` $wL� Top of Footing H $ $m u H m E a.5 o a CONT.RIDGE VENT TOP OF RO SPHALT SHINGLES CONT.RIDGE VENT GUTTERS&LEADERS AS REQUIRED PICAL Top of Plate LU - N O o z ASPHALT SHINGLES N � h Q Q ao LLI U (n W UTTERS&LEADERS Q UJ U AS REQUIRED TYPICAL 2 IY ot — _ — _ Two of Subfloor M Top of Plate CM H M a W CA � a � U En a Top of Subfloor — _ — Top Foundation p M W Myl U -0 "C� CD FINISHED GRADE O �+ r-O� I v R303.8 Exterior Stairway Illumination WOOD STEPS AND LANDING y O TO GRADE. HANDRAIL& GUARDRAILAS REQUIRED C J %�dEn Exterior stairways shall be provided with artificial light source BY CODE located at the top landing of a stairway.Exterior stairways WINDOW WELL c providing access to a basement from the outdoor grade TYPICAL �—�-f � level shall be provided with an artificial light source located at the bottom of the Stairway. REAR ELEVATION SCALE: 1 /4" = 1 '-0" EL 0 t, oA© y� f d)r To of— g Footin N —p- EB - - - - - - - - V Z J J TYPICAL ROOF CONSTRUCTION W Class AAsphalt Roof Shingles w/ fasteners per manufacturers specification and R905 OF THE NYS CODE. 0 Underlayment as per section R905.1.1 & installed per Table R905.1.1(1) R802.4.6 COLLAR TIES Ice & Water barrier as per section R905.1.2 n/ WHERE COLLAR TIES ARE USED TO CONNECT OPPOSING RAFTERS, (Note: Double underlayment is required O THEY SHALL BE LOCATED IN THE UPPER THIRD OF THE ATTIC SPACE for Roof slopes between 2 on 12 and 4 on 12) AND FASTENED IN ACCORDANCE WTABLE R602.3(l). COLLAR TIES SHALL BE NOT LESS IHAN I INCH BY 4 INCHES NOMINAL,TH ONTINUOUS RIDGE VENT Framing As per plans with 1/2" exterior grade SPACED NOT MORE THAN 4 FEET ON CENTER. RIDGE BOARD an rat ed ted structural plywood OSB Sheathing, RIDGE STRAPS IN ACCORDANCE WITH p p orrn TABLE R602.3(1)SHALL BE PERMITTED TO REPLACE COLLAR TIES. Nall to framing In accordance Fastener R802.4.6 COLLAR TIES Schedules & Strapping per detail sheet(s). SHALL BE NAILED with 4-10d Flashing per R905.2.8 0 W }- � BOX NAILS IN ACCORDANCE \� W WITH FASTENING SCHEDULE TYPICAL SOFFIT CONSTRUCTION. 5 12" overhangs-typical ry 12 6" fascia & 6" rake boards."azek" or equal r t- CONTINUOUS RIDGE VENT RAFTER/CEILING JOIST HEEL 12 2x4 CT @ 48"oc 8 Metal drip edge per R905,2.8.5 Q � ) JOINT CONNECTION 8� "MIN OPEN CELL Vented Vinyl or Azek vented Soffits 0 CM W v `y IDLE BOARD SHALL BE NAILED R-30 SPRAY FOAM 12 A35 @ EA.RAFTER TOGETHER IN ACCORDANCE INSULATION r^ 4 WITH TABLE R802.5.2 TYPICAL EXTERIOR WALL v, Z UNINHABITABLE ATTIC co 4 AIR BARRIER INTALLED (SEE DWG-1 FOR TABLE) WITH LIMITED STORAGE AGAINST UNDERSIDE 2x6 Doug-Fir Wood Studs @ 16" oc. o WITH SIMPSON N 12 RAFTER O STUD AAT EACH = OF RAFTERS PER Double top Plate and Single Sole Plate. O Q Z o 12 "MIN OPEN CELL R402.4 1/2" exterior Grade - Span RatedAAAAAAA W o Top of P►ate Continuous Structural plywood Sheathing. O W Z R-30 SPRAY FOAM INSULATION Toy of Plate _ - - `- - - - - - - - - - Fastened per Fastener schedule. RAFTER/CEILING JOIST HEEL R-38C BATT R802.5.2.1 APPED JOIST tyvec House Wrap or equal. JOINT CONNECTION INSULATION LAPPED NOT LESS THAN 3". Siding as per clients selection n SHALL BE NAILED ® ® SHALL BE NAILED 16d 1..1.E TOGETHER IN ACCORDANCE COMMON NAILS IN ACCORDANCE installed per manuf specs and NYS code. (n LEDGER FASTENED TO WALL STUDS i LEDGER FASTENED TO WALL STUDS 2 ON DWG-1 5. w/ (3)SIMPSON 1/4"SDS WOOD SCREWS i WITH TABLE R802.5.2 = w/ (3)SIMPSON 1/4"SDS WOOD SCREWS WITH TABLE R802. = Cont. load path strapping installed in accordance AT EACH STUD i :� (SEE DWG-1 FOR TABLE) AT EACH STUD with drawings. Provide Fire Blocking in accordance RAFTER FASTENED TO LEDGER w/ ' ap WITH SIMPSON H2AAT EACH ap RAFTER FASTENED TO LEDGER w/ (3)10-d EA.RAFTER&SIMPSON A35 RAFTER TO STUD. (3)10-d EA.RAFTER&SIMPSON A35 LAU N DRY ROOM g g with R302.11 & R302.11.1 and E @ EACH JOIST. @EACH JOIST. Y ENGINEERED Draftstopping per R302.12 & R302.12.1 ` o o o TYPICAL FLOOR CONSTRUCTION Z_ " °'° " M w T ENGINEERED N; EFLOOR o °'`t� � 2 o a�.c FLOOR 12 JOISTS R-21 BATT " '-"" L �, y v o JOISTS 3/4" B LOOR - - - - - 5 =N _ R-21 GATT j INSULATION _� _ 3/4" Plywood Span Rated Subfloor, o a _o = o To of Subfloor _ - _ _ M INSULATION - -- I _ _ - To of Subfloor Glued and Nailed in o u ` `o N m o 0 Top of Plate _ _ - - _ Top of Plate 'o.o c,n C w y c, - - - - - - - - accordance with the fastener schedule. c a y Y aY E o °.cw ° 3 •cc'c� 3 d N 2 c O m•2 Q' ° c 3 R-38 BATT � WRAP HEADER IN Floor joists and Bridging as per Code. .�� c'�o INSULATION AZEK BOARDS c m N� c -'.2 m 2 y N�N 4"AZEK BEADED 0 �' c c vi o FE GARAGE R-21 BATT PORCH SOFFIT ON TYPICAL FOUNDATION CONSTRUCTION L a� d "-t o � o ® ® INSULATION � c ` g � �6:S o I' FURRING STRIPS ® ® in accordance with chapter 4 �' s o-v ;> c o ayi c o DWELLING GARAGE p SEPARATION IN _ = 3000 psi Air Entrained cast-in-place concrete 2 2 N� t y c U ACCORDANCE WITH w y ¢ N c ° c ° ° TABLE R302.6 0 00 wall on cast-in-place Concrete Wall Footing per c o SEE DWG-1 FOR TABLE o FOYER LIVING ROOM R403. refer to Foundation Plan for footing size & " `° `° E a ° a INSULATE WALLS COMMON WITH LIVING thickness. Concrete Horizontal and Vertical AREA. ENGINEERED Reinforcement per Chapter 4. & gen note #6. PROVIDE:HEAT M �000S M Damproofing per R406. 2- 2x6 approved DETECTOR PER R314.2.1 Top of Subfloor r _ _ _ - _ Top of Subfloor treated Sill Plates, Sill Seal And Termite shield per Section R318. Anchor bolts per Foundation Plan TYR GARAGE SLAB _ Torof Foundation _ : of Foundation and R403.1.6 PITCH TO DOORS a ° �° R-30 BATT ° .p •o 4:29&999499i: I 10„ °s INSULATION 6eq INTERIOR WALL FINISH Pr R 2PROTECTION F FLOORS: OVId 1 2 m Wall r 30 .13 FIRE Oe / Gypsum a l Board d 0 ceilings 0 n II S yp ce g b°, q-o. ® ® quo, q•o. Q o. j 4a a a a a PROVIDE 1/2"GYPSUM BOARD ON ENTIRE a and walls except basement walls & clgs - unless BASEMENT °•°O TOILINGABOVE THE UNDERSIDE OF THE O STS.ED UNFINISHED a.° 10" noted. Min 1/2" Moisture Resistant Wall Board on 10" °°s 10° °' � s °'s BASEMENT ° Ceiling and all walls in Bathrooms (humid areas) '156 6 g db °' and 5/8" cement board on walls Aa, as Bottom of deck and ceilings in wet areas. a ° a pier Footing Provide 5/8" Fire Rated gypsum wall Board 0D 36"below n walls d ceiling located Grade Minimum o a s an ce oca ed as per code g TYP.BASEMENT SLAB ,'s manufacturers requirements and drawings. o, 6 L g To Footing - _ _ - _ _ d _ _ - _ Top of FootincL - - p p - - p LW r N O o Z INSULATION SCHEDULE 04 R302.13 Fire protection of floors. ti 6 Q Floor assemblies that are not required elsewhere in this code to shall comply with 2020 IECCNYS = W be fire-resistance rated,shall be provided with a V W SECTION B 1/z-inch gypsum wallboard membrane, SECTION - A /a-inch wood structural panel membrane, Location R-value Thickness Q ��j•I U or equivalent on the underside of the floor framing member. * " SCALE; 1 /4" = 1 '-0" SCALE: 1 /4" = 1 '-0" Flat CIg R-38c 10-1/4 Penetrations or openings for ducts,vents,electrical outlets, Vaulted CIg R-30c 8-1/4" ace lighting,devices,luminaires,wires,speakers,drainage, PROVIDE FIRE BLOCKING IN Floor unheated s R-38 12" R302.13 FIRE PROTECTION OF FLOORS: piping and similar openings or penetrations shall be permitted. Floor(unheated ) PROVIDE 1/2"GYPSUM BOARD ON ENTIRE ACCORDANCE WITH R302.11 Floor(outside air) R-38 12" CEILING ABOVE BASEMENT ATTACHED Exceptions: OF THE RESIDENTAIL CODE. TO THE UNDERSIDE OF THE JOISTS. Exterior 2x6 WaIIS R-21 5-1/2" M.y 1. Floor assemblies located directly over a space protected by an SEE DWG-2 FOR STRAPPING DETAILS air seal walls to pass 3 air changes per hour PROVIDE FIRE BLOCKING IN automatic sprinkler system in accordance with Section P2904, AND DWG-1 FOR NAILING SCHEDULE " ACCORDANCE WITH R302.11 NFPA 13D,or other approved equivalent sprinkler system. Above grade attic WaIIS R-15 3-1/2 OF THE RESIDENTAIL CODE, Foundation Rim Joist: R-30 10-1/4" 2. Floor assemblies located directly over a crawl space not intended All Glazing U - .30 SCGH: .30 SEE DWG-2 FOR STRAPPING DETAILS for storage or fuel-fired appliances. ° glazing U = .40 AND DWG-1 FOR NAILING SCHEDULE 3. Portions of floor assemblies Doors-less than 50/o° shall be permitted to be unprotected where complying with the following: Door-more than 50/o glazing U = .30 SCGH: ,30 [�] 3.1.The aggregate area of the unprotected portions does not exceed 8 square feet per story *If part or the entire attic will be decked over with plywood p, 3.2.Fi plywood, in accordance with Section R302.11.1 is installed along � rr ll � the perimeter of the unprotected portion to separate the unprotected the ceiling joists must be deep enough in order to fit the V portion from the remainder of the floor assembly. batt insulation SO that It IS not Compressed. If not then W U O U rU.1 4.Wood floor assemblies using dimension lumber or structural composite CIg Jsts will have to be built up or upgraded to the next size. O lumber equal to or greater than 2-inch by 10-inch nominal dimension, r .-+ ct or other approved floor assemblies demonstrating equivalent fire performance. •; M 9Other Specifications: • Windows: U<_ 0.30, SHGC< 0.30 W b ao R406.1 CONCRETE AND MASONRY FOUNDATION DAMPPROOFING • z 100% high efficiency lighting (GEC's or LEDs) U x , N ; EXCEPT WHERE REQUIRED BY SECTION R406.2 TO BE WATERPROOFED, • <_ 3 air changes per hour F;��D ARC o FOUNDATION WALLS THAT RETAIN EARTH AND ENCLOSE INTERIOR SPACES • z All Energy Star appliances -c H �� AND FLOORS BELOW GRADE SHALL BE DAMPPROOFED FROM THE HIGHER �� y, O OF(A)THE TOP OF THE FOOTING OR(B)6 INCHES(152 MM)BELOW THE p0 �'��J► TOP OF THE BASEMENT FLOOR,TO THE FINISHED GRADE.MASONRY WALLS R403.6 Mechanical ventilation shall be provided that SHALL HAVE NOT LESS THAN 3/8 INCH(9.5 MM)PORTLAND CEMENT PARGING APPLIED TO THE EXTERIOR OF THE WALL.THE PARGING SHALL meets the requirements of section M 1507 BE DAMPPROOFED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ONE OF THE FOLLOWING: ' BITUMINOUS COATING. R403.7 Heating and cooling equipment shall be THREE POUNDS PER SQUARE YARD(1.63 KG/M2)OF ACRYLIC MODIFIED CEMENT. 1 ONE-EIGHTH-INCH(3.2 MM)COAT OF SURFACE-BONDING CEMENT COMPLYING WITH ASTM C 887, Sized In accordance Wlfih ACCA manual J by a rF F NEB ANY MATERIAL PERMITTED FOR WATERPROOFING IN SECTION R406.2. certified third party rater. OTHER APPROVED METHODS OR MATERIALS. r VENTS: (D P3103.1 ROOF EXTENSION z OPEN VENT PIPES SHALL — EXTEND MINIMUM 6"ABOVE J THE ROOF OR 6"ABOVE THE ANTICIPATED SNOW ACCUMULATION. tlllllllj P3103.2 FROST CLOSURE: W WHERE THE 97.5%VALUE FOR OUT-SIDE DESIGN TEMP IS 0 DEG F OR LESS.VENT ROOF JL 4" VTR A ROOF OR WALL SHALLION NOT BEOUGH LESS THAN 3"IN DIAMETER. ANY INCREASE Q IN SIZE OF THE VENT SHALL BE MADE NOT LESS THE 1 FOOT INSIDE THE i THERMAL ENVELOPE OF THE BUILDING. T 1 , 2" ry •--- 1 1 1 :3" 1 1 , 1 Jwww. 0 / /\ 1 1/2" � 1 112" ;1 1/2" ; 1 1/2" ; 1 1/2" � 1/2" ; � 1 1/2" ; 1 1/2" � 2" 1 1/2" V II/■ WASHER o 1 1 T2-7 2- ; 211 t 1 1 Floor W z 2 ND FL. 1 311 Drain 2„ IJJ 3„ 2„ 211 31, � � VJ �^ �+ N 1 W 1 r-- -~_ o O 3,1 � 1 `-- r�„ 2 , 2 1 vv/♦ CD cf) oQz 2„ ; 2„ ; 2�� ^^ o ' 0. W ;1 1/2" 3" 1 1/2" 1 1/2" 1 1/2" 1 1/2" ; DW G W Z L 7 1 , 0 2 O „ F21- U-) I- 1 ST FL. L.L,. d- V 211 4" FAI 311 3„ 3" E. . c m cin -6o,%� Q M.c CO rn mm Boa o w E r y Inv `ow 411 7UOIO 2Ct17 = y0 f`0 C U O V > O— `t O C C'Z d O U C (0 f6 N 7 cve� Ct bw O To a New Suffolk County 2 c p U N , pp PLUMBING RISER DIAGRAM p p U y �� U Y = d O a 0 >� 7 0_� O m N � c o m•� a- o c 3 Approved Sanitary System w 3 = o= 3 � 0 8 8 p o a m 0.0 a 5 'A 0 Not to Scale =_= t oa o s o C U p 1. PIPING SHALL BE SUPPORTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION P2605 o = o °c i a 120 v 2. PIPING MATERIALS AND FITTINGS FOR WATER SUPPLY,WASTE AND VENTS s ,�� m 2_ E o a MUST BE IN COMPLIANCE WITH CHAPTERS 25 THRU 31 2 z c Q y c c m a a� caEm 'D co084i .L C f- U ,n f0 Cr E•• co .�.E a C O OO. N O N z ti 6 Q LLJ U u) LL1 Q Lu 0 U) V V H HH � Z w � -ccx � o p4 U o c) DaRC ROOF PLAN SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" 19010 OF NE`N CONTIPJ1 USLY SHEATHED BRACED WALL PANEL.a V ' BRACING METHOD CN TINU.^.USLY SNEAT4 EL eR cE vv LL ut.E ® CS-WSP CONTINUOUS SHEATHING PER PLAN BRACED WALL LINE 1 1 1-2 1-A 1 B 1-C 2-1 2 2 2 A 2-B .1� WOOD STRUCTURAL PANEL DETAIL #1 ON DWG-2 TABLE R602.10.4 page 185 BRACING METHOD CS-WSP CS-WSP CS-WSP CS-WSP/GB CS-WSP CS-WSP CS-WSP CS-WSP CS-WSP ® CS-P F CONTINUOUS SHEATHING BRACE WALL LINE SPACING(FT).b 25.66 25.66 23 39.166 39.166 25.66 25.66 35.5 35.5 PORTAL FRAME HOLD- DETAIL#3,DWG-2 TABLE R602.10.5 page 187 MINIMUM PANEL LENGTH(inches) 27" 27" 27" 27"/48" 27" 24" 24" 24" 24" RETURN DO:"JIJ PANEL DEVICE BRACED O."ALL PANEL AT GB GYPSUM BOARD TABLE R602.10.3(1)Page 180 REQUIRED BRACING LENGTH{FT) 10 10 9 17.5 17.5 5.1 5.1 7 7 ENC of -AC EC WAL L END OF BRACED WALL UNE EWC CF E?AC EC NiALL LIIrE END CONDITION 1 END CONDITION 2 CND CONDITIONED BRACED WALL NOTES: TABLE R602.10.3(2)Page 181 WIND ADJUSMENT FACTORS a,b,c �Uca.tiv ALL Lllit C�WTY.UQ¢S LY SNE�TI-E7 _,., REFER TO DETAILS ON DWG-2 FOR HOLDOWNS,STRAPPING,BRACED 1. EXPOSURE CATEGORY i i WALL DIAGRAMS AND DWG-1 FOR NAILING SCHEDULE. ALL BRACED 2. ROOF EAVE TO RIDGE HEIGHT i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 WALL PANELS SHALL BE FULL-HEIGHT SECTIONS OF WALL WITH NO VERTICAL O OR HORIZONTAL OFFSETS. 3. WALL HEIGHT .95 .95 .95 .95 .95 .9 .9 .9 .9 BWL BRACE WALL LINE 4. NUMBER OF BWL PER DIRECTION 1 1 1.3 1.3 1.3 1 1 1 1 FAN FL / 1 A7 NINIOF BRACED ALLLPAI:EL WALL 5. ADDITIONAL 6001b HOLDOWN DEVICE v, f"'ENO OF BRACE 0 WALL LINE WP.LL PANEL 'Sff RE^_UIP.d.IEtJTS O END CONDITION 3 END CONDITION 4 1. BRACING REQUIREMENTS AS PER TABLE R602.10.3(1) 6. GYPSUM BOARD OMITTED CCNTILU�USLV 91EATME REQUIREMENTS 2. MINIMUM LENGTH OF BRACED WALL PANELS AS PER TABLE R602.10.5 + n 10 MAX 3. BRACED WALL PANEL END CONDITIONS AS PER FIGURE R602.10.7 ' ( 1 Return panel:24"for braced wall lines sheathed with 4. EXTERIOR AND INTERIOR WALLS PARALLEL TOABRACED WALL LINE 7. GYPSUM BOARD FASTENING W wood structural panels SHALL BE OFFSET NOT MORE THAN 4 FEET. 22 32"for braced wall lines sheathed with 5. BRACED WALL PANELS SHALL BE FULL-HEIGHT SECTIONS OF WALL 8. HORIZONTAL BLOCKING IS OMITTED 2 2 2 2 THAT SHALL NOT HAVE VERTICAL OR HORIZONTAL OFFSETS. structural fiberboard 6. A BRACED WALL PANEL SHALL BEGIN WITHIN 10 FEET FROM EACH END OF A BRACED WALL LINE RESULT REQUIRED BRACED WALL LENGTH(FT) 9.5 9.5 11.2 21.6 21.6 9.2 9.2 13 13 ry Distance D: 24"for braced wall lines sheathed with 7. THE DISTANCE BETWEEN ADJACENT EDGES OF BRACED WALL IQ II1I wood structural panels PANELS SHALL BE NOT GREATER THAN 20 FEET AS PER FIGURE TABLE R602.10.5 page 193 ADJUSTED LENGTH 1.5 x ACTUAL (FT) 6 32"for braced wall lines sheathed with R602.10.2.2 W O M fiberboard 4 structural r�u:-cor;ta FIRSTBRACEC PER PLAN BRACING LENGTH PROVIDED (FT) 16 17 12 23 27,83 12 17.83 18.75 24 d- CE41LE rJAIL PANEL z END CONDITION 6 Hold-down 800 Ibs capacity fastened to the edge of the 6 device: braced wall panel closest to the comer and COMPLIANCE YES/NO Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y O Z CD to the foundation or floor framing below C) For Sh 1 Inoh-25.4 mm,1 foot-305 mm,11b-4.45N a.Linear Interpolation shall be permitted b.Where three or more parallel braced wall lines are present and the distances between adjacent braced wall lines are different, O FIGURE R602.10.7 the average dimension shall be permitted to be used for braced wall line spacing. O W Z END CONDITIONS FOR BRACED WALL LINES ABBREVIATIONS; BWL=BRACED WALL LINE, 0 ' ^ Ll O n/ WITH CONTINUOUS SHEATHING BW=BRACED WALL, CS-WSP=CONTINUOUSLY SHEATHED WOOD STRUCTURAL PANEL � n V CS-PF=CONTINUOUSLY SHEATHED PORTAL FRAME CONSTRUCTION v 13 N mI J I J ' to r- im I CO1 ' m I m I ° C ,y I ' rn4-0. " 4'.0" ° o 1236-5'/ NOTE:HORIZONTAL BLOCKING MAY BE OMITTED I, ° C L ° c t0 c AS PER THE WIND ADJUSTMENT FACTORS; I P'- o u�i ` a c c 4 5/16" ' 4.'0 c c Z .8. ° m v = m 1a TABLE R602.10.3(1),TABLE R602.10.5,TABLE R602.10.3.(2) 4,9,/8, 3'-313/16" , 4'-3 11116" I c u c 4 (au•=r.; ° ;yAmco 0,0` U' mo `o ' N O 2 tO.fl V y y u'U.X Y P.CS-WSP I CS-WSP , CS-WSP ' CS-WSP CS-WSP I CS-WSP I (1)r N o 3 M rr° o c 3 O-E.� 3 U N O H. U O O n V d b a ' CoCo c c C f OL cn I 4 Uc o � Ua oTIE M CD U 1 , V V V 1 C` 2 2 cc to C U C - - - - - - - - � I BWL 2-1 (I F-BWL 1-1 ¢ m c$ o - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - m 0 ° omHm 4'-0" c E a o n- - I� I M CS-WSP ' CS-WSP W ' I W a 0 I ' J ' OOfm 3 fn I mom ' I Qao C7 2 CO I I U N I z W p , I eo- I O=m I [V I --I-a Q to mal. w z Z M GB METHOD 00 ' I W N I 1 TABLE R602.10.4 ' U L6 0 to , 7"O.C.AT PANEL EDGES LL o =�w I INCLUDING TOP AND F-ni 1 I "w w °Q I , BOTTOM PLATES,7"IN FIELD 1 m ALL HORIZONTAL JOINTS LLI Ix N I - --- z a N N N BLOCKED AND o H FRAMING CONNECTIONS` I A P PER DETAIL2 ON DWG 2 ZZM ' (n I ' o ( 3 I I Q T I W - V 1 i I I C. W I O N O I (�q I 1 1 o Z Q F- I N '^ CL V J I I 1 , � � 1 > , I I I V W W U I ' U 1 I i i i I i Q U (n J ICONTINUOUSLY SHEATHED CONTINUOUSLY SHEATHED 4W ' PORTAL FRAME.SEE DET 3 PORTAL FRAME.SEE DEt 3 Q U I ' ON DWG-2 AND ON DWG-2 AND I (A 1 I FIGURE R602.10.6.4 I FIGURE R602.10.6.4 CS-WSP I - - -- - - - - - -F- - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - --- - - - - - - - - -•- - -I- - - -BWL22- -- - - _ - _ _ - 1 - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - ----- - _ - BWL 1-2 1 CS-PF CS-PF a ' a ' m rn 2'-0" I 4 rh vA U ' '-411/16" v v U 2._2 II Iv I CONTINUOUSLY SHEATHED I �/ PORTAL FRAME,SEE DET 3 1 CS-WSP CS-WSP CS-WSP CS-I SP CS-WSP CS-WSP ON DWG-2 AND ' CS-WSP ( S-WSP I FIGURE R602.10.6.4 1 I V-10 5/16" V-11 1/16" X-11 1/16" I 2'-917/16" 1 2'-9 7/16" 1 2'-9 7116" 11 2'-9 7/16" AK 7r _ I _ , " I _ _ 1 , ^ I , " 4'-0" 36'5/ 4'0" 4'C" I 39'-2/ z U _ I I I I M .@) NOTE:HORIZONTAL BLOCKING MAY BE OMITTED I o "r`�� "j }� y�� I `/ M 00 C AS PER THE WIND ADJUSTMENT FACTORS; �, �� (L�j� � W N TABLE R602.10.3(i),TABLE R602.10.5,TABLE R602.10.3.(2) �t-��O 'yam�j� NO �..j U * I e 1ST FLOOR WALL BRACING PLAN � 2ND FLOOR WALL BRACING PLAN �'T,�r o»o SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0 1' " SCALE: 1/4" = -0" OF N r ........ TOP OF ROOF V 12 12 W I _Top of Plate Q 00 — —_ Top of Subfloor —_—ToQof_Plate O ®® ® O 1 C) O Top of Subfloor O W —T�Of Foundation W z 72'-0" 51'-0" Q I-- LEFT ELEVATION W Cn N O M CD SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0" z o. 4 O z c) o 0 ......—_ TOP OF ROOF 0 Uj W Z O O � 0r � � O U5 —Tog Plate c N ® C O �O 2 N � rn m�i E'er a° m 50 £ , wE 22- °, o4, �� rna 2rs O V �.0'C ° C f0 U C _-- -- Top of Subfloor __— ---Togof Plate y o•o ° w° �' _ ° `° O Ui O O U�L C a U N > 8A.5 Y Q�Q �L..N•� 3 L C C�� ° N C y 80 O]fa E 5'' h L R, =1 m Oio•E CDO � �� oc ua,�° `oo � `o L= E �� oa __— — Top of Subfloor 2'Z c�, ¢N c W m o To of Foundation a E f a� ° m U 8= 1 - — — -p — - hc°� v°,m � � mEn `oa 35'-0" REAR ELEVATION 25'-0" SCALE: 1/8" = V-0" 12 12 12 _-- ---TogofPlate I� bo Top of Subfloor _. —Togof Plate M O O N Z 0 � N Q I _gfaubfloor N w _----T�of Foundation J W a W v 51'-0" RIGHT ELEVATION 72'-0" Q SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0" V1 H __—_—•—_ TOP OF ROOF SKY PLANE OF LOT -THE SKY PLANE IS FORMED BY IMAGINARY LINES STARTING AT ALL PROPERTY LINES PARALLEL OR ADJACENT TO THE BUILDING OR M.y P 2 12 � STRUCTURE AT TEN (10) FEET ABOVE THE AVERAGE ELEVATION OF THE NATURAL GRADE �12 IV 12 (PRIOR TO ANY GRADE ALTERATION OR FILL)AND EXTENDING INWARD TOWARD THE CENTER OF THE LOT AT A 45 DEGREE ANGLE. � W � __— _—Togof Plate � � U rn QUOBHJ 0 o of ubfloor rd - - -1 -S W _ —Togof Plate O o ®®®® ®U®M o �V% Arc+ s'�e- EEO ®®®® ®®®® _ To of Subfloor ���A� `� NZ y Tom of Foundation 12 35'-0" fit:r.Y•a ,� 25 -on FRONT ELEVATION SCALE: 1/8 = 1 -0