HomeMy WebLinkAboutHPC - Scofield - 2355 Village Ln (3) Laserfiche FileMariella Ostroski, Chairperson out un;qu, Town Hall Annex Anne Surchin,Vice Chair Ci.s`9 Y0- 54375 Main Road,NYS Route 25 Allan Wexler ym ' w PO Box 1179 Fabiola Santana a T°W Ct Southold,NY 11971SOUTHOLD Tara Cubie Telephone: (631)765-1809 Jeri Woodhouse z kimf@southoldtownny.govkunaaa ,y, o Kim E.Fuentes,Coordinator N09,0 Jisao y RESERVATION Town of Southold Historic Preservation Commission Certificate of Appropriateness DECEMBER 8,2022 RESOLUTION # Amended Owner: Frederic Scofield RE: 2355 Village Lane, Orient,NY SCTM# 1000-26.4-13 RESOLUTION: WHEREAS, 2355 Village Lane, Orient,NY is on the Town of Southold Registry of Historic Landmarks, and WHEREAS, as set forth in Section 56-7 (b) of the Town Law(Landmarks Preservation Code) of the Town of Southold, all proposals for material change/alteration must be reviewed and granted a Certificate of Appropriateness by the Southold Town Historic Preservation Commission prior to the issuance of a Building Permit; and WHEREAS, the applicant's architects Meryl Kramer and Marina de Conciliis submitted a proposal of alterations and additions to the existing single-family dwelling; and WHEREAS, the scope of work included the raising of the existing foundation and constructing two additions to the existing single-family dwelling. The two additions add a total of 212 square feet of space to the existing footprint of the dwelling, as applied for; and WHEREAS, the window, shutters, siding and roofing details are all described in the proposed plans, as applied for; and WHEREAS, the applicant's representatives presented to Commissioners with an outline of the project during two pre-submission conferences on October 22, 2020 and October 29, 2020, and, HPC—Scofield Page 2,December 8, 2022 SCTM No. 1000-26-1-13 WHEREAS, a public hearing was held on January 4, 2021, where the applicants and their architects submitted final drawings of the scope of work and outlined the project for the commission, and, WHEREAS, on January 4, 2021, the Commission granted the applicant a Certificate of Appropriateness; and WHEREAS, on November 14, 2022, the applicant submitted a set of plans and requested an Amendment to Certificate of Appropriateness in order to raise the foundation of the single family dwelling an additional six (6) inches; and WHEREAS,the applicant submitted floor plans and elevations prepared by Meryl Kramer, R.A., dated November 9, 2022; and WHEREAS, a pre-submission conference was held on December 8, 2022. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED,that the Southold Town Historic Preservation Commission determines that the proposed work as amended and detailed in the above referenced application meets the criteria for approval under Section 170-8 (A) of the Southold Town Code; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED,that the Commission approves the request for an Amended Certificate of Appropriateness. Motion made by: Commissioner Surchin Motion Seconded by: Commissioner Woodhouse AYES: Chairperson Ostroski, Surchin, Wexler, Santana, Cubie, Woodhouse RESULT: Passed Please note that any deviation from the approved plans referenced above may require further review from the commissipn. Signed: Kim E. Fuentes Coordinator for the Historic Preservation Commission Date: December 8, 2022 M E R Y L K R A M E R a r c h i t e c t 2 6 0 HORTONS LANE November 9,2022 aPOSTOFFICEBOX1600D SOUTHOLD, NY 11971 Kim Fuentes 2HistoricPreservationCommissionNOVC L22 6 3 1 - 4 7 7 - 8 7 3 6 PO Box 1179 Southold NY 11971mkarrhitPrtrnm TOWN of SOUTMOHISTORIOPRESERVAONGOWIMIS' Dear Kim, Attached please find amended plans and elevations for 2355 Village Lane, Orient.The proposed project received a Certificate of Appropriateness in January,2021. The reason for the amendment is that the owner wants to raise the house an additional 6 inches for increased flood resistance.The exposed stone foundation that will be visible above grade has increased by 3 inches.The siding has been lowered an additional 3 inches. We have enclosed 3 hardcopies of the drawings and sent a digital version via email. Please let us know when the next HPC meeting is so that I can attend and answer any questions. Thank you in advance, a4li- Meryl R. Kramer,AIA, LEED AP Fuentes, Kim From: Fuentes, Kim Sent: Monday, November 14, 2022 8:30 AM To: Hagan, Damon;Alan Wexler,Anne Surchin; Fabiola Santana;Jeri Woodhouse; Mariella Ostroski ;Tara Cubie Subject: HPC - Scofield - 2355 Village Lane - Amendment of January 4, 2021 C of A Attachments: 2355 Village Ln-HPC Amendment-Cover Letter(digital)_11.09.22.pdf, 2355 Village Ln-HPC Amend ment_Signed_11.09.22.pdf, Scofield - 2355 Village Ln (3).pdf Please see attached letter and set of plans from Meryl Kramer re: Scofield—2355 Village Lane for an amendment to the C of A to raise the foundation and add a-212 sq. ft. addition (see Laserfiche file attached). I can add this to the December 8, 2022 meeting as a pre-submission conference. Kim E. Fuentes Board Assistant Zoning Board ofAppeals Coordinator, Historic Preservation Commission 631-765-1809 kima southoldtowszny.gov Location:54375 Main Road Mail:P.O. Box 1179' Southold, NY 11971 From: Maraike Crom <maraike@mkarchitect.com> Sent:Thursday, November 10, 2022 6:51 PM To: Fuentes, Kim <kim.fuentes@town.southoId.ny.us> Cc: meryl kramer<meryl@mkarchitect.com>; Marina De Conciliis<marina@mkarchitect.com> Subject: [SPAM]-2355 Village Lane Dear Kim, Attached please find the amended plan and elevation for 2355 Village Lane,Orient. Hard copies of these drawings were also dropped off this afternoon. Please see the attached cover letter for details. Thank you, Maraike Maraike Crom Project Designer 1 Meryl Kramer Architect PC 631.477.8736 1 mkarchitect.com 260 Hortons Lane,Southold, NY 11971 Mailing Address: PO Box 1600 ATTENTION:This email came from an external source. Do not open attachments or click on links from unknown senders or unexpected emails. 2 Issue Date 92L 12.17.20 NPC 9.19.21 Amended DIWWoval 9/1521 ZBA 10/13/21 IntedgaSet 11,W2 HPC Amendment V LLJ ry Y 02a$p'L Drawing Legend: t======1 WallTOBe Removed r - WellTo Remain New Well Naw FoundationWall LinedAbove A`\ 22 7(;)7/7(;)7 BelowLinea GuMelinee Fence STOOP4'-0" O STOOPS'-0" tot DoorTeg J D tOt Window Teg 9 q a N HIM0 1b 1 ENTRY Sor, X, T P STOOPSF 66U D NEW STEPSGASDetailleg TOV DINING ROOMSTOVE All x Elevation Teg Ai HIM a 30 x O x InteriorElevation Tag x FROMROOM 1 1 Al 3 ENTRY HALL x IFin I I I I II M 4' WC E R v t K R A nIII NIII t WA f II A30" j' Itl I f 1., Z 260 HOftTO NS LANE ll REF. / '-- WC -4 } POST OFFICE 10 1600 0 D___ - l'•.' . a O g8'$"8.3? ' SOUTH NV 11971 6 3 4 7 WOOD 34717 - 8 7 6O E S STOOP 4 S C1 LVEST. e C', < EXISTING GARAGE m k a r c h I t e c t c o m 1S SFEL.+4.43' l STOOP 4`$" J CL. CL 2 Scofield ResidenceZO BEDROOM? E 13'-5"x10'•t0" O 2355 Village Lane W Orient,NY 11957W a &t Ci First Floor Plan D V SCALE:As Noted A 1V y 2022 1 Pro oSed First Floor Plan Scale:1/4"=1'-0"ss ON A-1 01 H`S oR S SEFNATION fly__( " 1 2020 Meryl Kremer ArchitectVNaw.e IssueData 12.17.20 HpC 8.19.21 AmendedDIBWMval 0/16/21 ZRA 10/1&21 Interferepet II/B/22 HPC Amendment NEWDOUBLEHUNG WINDOWTO REPLACE EXIST.w/TRIM TYPE'B'; NEWMETAL FLUE TO SEE SHEETA•201 VO A RC y REPLACE EXIST.MASONRYCHIMNEY r r7j r WHERE EXISTINGAND NEW SIDING MEET, NEWCEDAR SHINBLE ROOFING NEW ROOFVENT WEAVE NEW SIDING INTO EXISTINGAND ALIGN BOARDS OVER EXST.FRAMING TO.Rage etFxistbq to remain NEW WALL SCONCETO Ec:-WALLGeONAEi6 T REPLACEEXIST----c-=—REPLACE IXI8T.1 EL.+23.8 T.O.Rage etAddRbn —ALIGN NEWSIDINGJOINT NEN uT ERsa— ye N7ppOR-EMRDg----I DOWNSPOUTSTO sZ. v EL.+22.1' REPLACE EXIST.WINDWOWREPLACEIXI3T.Y REMOVEVENT----j I EXIST.DOOR TOREMAIN; I wlNEWDOUBLE HUNGSTYLE W/I SAND&REPAINT NEWTRIMTO I E EGRESS WINDOW&TRIMTYPE W MATCH EXISTING i i SEE SHEET A-201 1 yREMOVECOMPOSITEEAVE 12 I1' EXTTENSSIION,REPLACE.1NEW EXIST.TRIMTOREMAIN NEWCEDARSHINGLEROOF T OrL NEWCEDAR BRINDLE ROOF 10-EXISTINGPTD.WOOD CLAPBOARD SIDING O` TO REMAIN;SAND&REPAINT NEW-MAT PTD.WOOD FASCIA TO O C NEW PTD.WOOD FASCIATO NEW.PTD.WOOD -- ---- — MATCH EXISTING, MATCH SCIATG NEW GUTTERS DOWNSPOUT CORNERBOARD NEW DOUBLEHUNG NEN/PTD.WOOD BOARD SIDINGTO O NEWWOOD STEPS&WOOD 1 Al A7 Al _ C7 C1 C7 EXIST.WINDOW TOMATCH MATCH EXISTING,TVP.ATADDITION A - DOWELRAILINGAS PERNYSCODE SEESSHEET TYPE'S'; SEE SHEETA•201 NEWDOUBLE HUNGWINDOW TO f EXIST.DOORTO REMAIN;SAID&REPAINT, .-_ r NEWPTD.WOOD BOARD REPLACE EXISTINGw/TRIM TYPE'S' EWFULL-SASH WOOD SCREEN/STORM DOOR SIDINGTO MATCH EXISTING, Drawing Legend: SEE SHEETA-201 TYP.ATADDITION E_______t WeII To Be Removed WeII To Remain T.O.Proposed Releeh FloordFinish 4----__Y V'_ I---L--- New Well BFEAES+__2'Fre_ebo_&rd+S•--:T I New Foundation Well ILL.+8.5' T..-- ---_ — n ow u ec ova Exlet.Finleh fl1x+r N z 43 Bel LL- S.BB` Ouldelinee NEWWOOD STEPS&WOOD NEW PTD WOOD CLAPBOARD SIDING PTD.WOOD LATTICE ATSTOOPS,TVP.,T.B.D. NEW WOOD STEPS&WOOD EXIST.WINDOWS&SHUTTERS LNEW WOO STEPS&WOOD NEWRAISED FOUNDA ION wlGREY Fence IExist.Grade DOWEL RAILINGAS PERNYS CODE I TO MATCHEXISTING EXPOSUREAT DOWEL RAILINGAS PER NYS CODE TO REMAIN,SAND&REPAINT DOWEL LINGAS PER NYSCODE GRANITE STONE VEN -R,TVP. PROD J VILLAGELANE FACADE 101 Daor7ep VARIES ADDITION NEW DOUBLE HUNGWINDOW PROPOSED ADDITION TO REPLACE EXISTINGw/TRIM EXIST.FIXED DOOR&TRANSOM-- NEW RAISED FOUNDATIONw/GREY TYPE'B':SEE SHEET A-201 TO REMAIN;SAND&REPAINT GRANITE STONEVENEER,TYP.t01 Window Tap REMOVE EXIST. NEWRAISED FOUNDATION w/GREYGRANITE STONE VENEER,TVP.-- ------ --'Sectlon X LEAN-TO SHED heelA-X,XX Pro osed Building Elevation Willow Street=North 1 Pro osed Buildin Elevation-Villa a Lane-West L 2 Scale:1/4"=i0 DealTog Scale:1/4"=1'-0" ElevationTbg NEWWOOD SIDING 8TRIM: WHERE APPLICABLE): LIFESPAN SOLID SELECT OR EQUALWOOD SIDING,FASCIAAND TRIM NEWWOODSTOOPS&STEPS: x O x Interior Elevation Tag STOOP DECKINGAND STAIR TREADS TO BE IPE 5/4'X4"BOARDS x STAIR RISERS TO BE LIFESPAN SOLID SELECT OR EQUALPTD.WOOD, COLORT.B.D. RAILINGSTO BE PTD.2'X2'SQUARE PROFILEVERTICALS W/3-1/2"X 5/4"RAILING CAPAS PER NYS CODE e M E R r L x R A M 11 a r c h , t e c t 2 6 0 H O R T O N S LAN E T.O.Rage et E%Esting to remain RE?-KD:WOOD i-.- --.___` e____- POST OFFICE BOX 1600 F TO MATCH EXIST.EL.+23.8------ r__--- NEpp"METAL LUE TO REPLACE 5 o u T H O L D. N r l 19 7 T.O.Ragea[AddSlon ATNORTH FACADE _._ —— _-__-__ i I y I EXIST.MASONRY CHIMNEY 6 3 I - 4 7 7 - 8 7 3 6 qEL+22.1' — I I NEW WALL SCONCE I I 11 1 r c o mNEWCEDARSHINGLEmkachtect. REPLACE EXIST WINDOW I EXIST.DOOR RELOCATED I I l ROOFING OVER w/MEW DOUBLE HUNG STYLE E I I I FROM EASTELEVATION; I I j EXIST.FRAMING EGRESSWINDOW&TRIMTYPE W i SAND&REPAINT SEE SHEETA-201 EXIST.WINDOW TO 12 112 EXIST.TRIMTO REM REMAIN;SAND& 2 10 NEWCEDARSHINGLE ROOF 10D 11 1 REPAINT j REPLACE FASCIABOARD NEW PID.WOODCLAPBOARD SIDING TO MATCIH IXISTINGEXPOSUREAT NEWPTO.WOODFASCIATO T TOMATCH VILLAGELANE w/PTD WOOD FASCIA VILLAGE LANE FACADE MATCH EXISTING 1 r FACADEASCA&ADD NEW IIS i GUTTER NEW.PTD.WOOD I SII I NEWDOUBLE HUNG STYLE 1 I Scofield CORN-- uuu II I I C2 EGRESS WINDOW&TRIMTYPE'e' C1 C7 C2 111 I ID NEW DOUBLE HUNG Q n p2 C I II SEESHEETA-201A2F, III I I WINDOWTO REPLACE Ate+ B T II I II JAI I EXISTINGW/TRIMTYPE'S' Residence NEWDOUBLE HUNG WINDOWTO MATCH I I NEWDOUBLE HUNG J i SEE SHEET A-2EXIST.PTD.WINDOWS ATVILLAGELN. I I WINDOW&TRIMTYPE'S' FACADEw/TRIMTYPE'A', SEESHEETA-201 SHINGLE SIDING TO REMAIN,SAND&REPAINT 2355 Village Lane SEE SHEET A-201 NEWPTD.WOODBOARD SIDING TO I I Orient,NY 11957 T.O.Proposed Raised Finish Fbor IJ _ I I MATCH EXISTING,TYP.ATADDITION SIDING 1 .. y-F- 1T NEW SHINGLE TOMATCH EXIST. v BFEAE6+2'Freeboard+8' Y WOOD DOWELRAILING ASPER NEWWOOD STEPS& EL.+8.5' O E txlsl.Finish Fbor PREL.+5 98 NEW DOUBLE HUNG OPOSED ADDITION -_ PROP EW GABLEADDITION 0 EO BOARDS EIBVet10nS Exist.Grade WINDOWTO REPLACE NEWWOOD STEPS&STOOP) PROPOSEDADDITION IXISTING;WINDOWTOMATCH wlWOOD DOWELRAILING 1B EQ BOARDS 18 EQ BOARDS EXIST.DOORTO BE REMOVEDAND -- PTD.WOOD LATTICE VARIES WINDOWSAT VILLAGE LN. AS PERNYS CODE 18EQBOARDS RELOCATEDTOSOUTHELEVATION A78TOOP5,TVP.,T.B.D. FACADEw/TRIM 7YPE'A' p7p WOOD LATTICE PROPOSED NEW DOUBLE HUNG SME— ATSTOOPS,TYR,T.B.D. ADDITION EGRESSWINDOW&TRIMTYPE'B' EXIST.WINDOWTO8E REMOVED SEESHEETA-2011 NEW RAISED FOUNDATION w/GREY NEW RAISED FOUNDATION w/GREY GRANITESTONE VENEER,TVP. GRANITE STONEVENEER,TVP. Pro osed Building Elevation-South 3 Pro osed Buildin Elevation-East 1'-0" n SCALE:As Noted 4 Scale:1/4"=1'-0" L 1 I I, p k-L9 A-200 NOV 14 2022Q 2020 Meryl KramerArchitect TowN of sourHan HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION 14guFFN- Q z o y Edward Webb,Chairperson Town Hall Annex Anne Surchin,Vice Chair lQl .0 54375 Route 25 Robert Harper PO Box 1179 Joseph McCarthy Southold,NY 11971 Mariella Ostroski Fax(631)765-9502 Fabiola Santana Telephone: (631)765-1802 Tracey Dwyer,Administrative Assistant www.southoldtownny.gov Town of Southold Historic Preservation Commission January 04, 2021 RESOLUTION # Certificate of Appropriateness RE: 2355 Village Lane,Orient,NY,SCTM# 1000-26.-1-13 Owner: Scofield Frederic C Jr Tr RESOLUTION: WHEREAS, 2355 Village Lane, Orient,NY is on the Town of Southold Registry of Historic Landmarks, and WHEREAS, as set forth in Section 56-7 (b)of the Town Law(Landmarks Preservation Code) ofthe Town of Southold, all proposals for material change/alteration must be reviewed and granted a Certificate of Appropriateness by the Southold Town Historic Preservation Commission prior to the issuance of a Building Permit, and, WHEREAS, the applicant's architects Meryl Kramer and Marina de Conciliis submitted a proposal of alterations and additions to the existing single-family dwelling. WHEREAS, the scope ofwork included the raising of the existing foundation and constructing two additions to the existing single-family dwelling. The two additions add a total of 212 square feet of space to the existing footprint ofthe dwelling, as applied for, and, WHEREAS, the window, shutters, siding and roofing details are all described in the proposed plans, as applied for, and WHEREAS, the architects presented commissioners with an outline of the project during two pre-submission conferences on October 22, 2020 and October 29, 2020, and, WHEREAS, a public hearing was held on January 4, 2021,where the applicants and their architects submitted final drawings of the scope of work and outlined the project for the commission, and, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED,that the Southold Town Historic Preservation Commission determines that the proposed work detailed in the above referenced application meets the criteria for approval under Section 170-8 (A)ofthe Southold Town Code and, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED,that the Commission approves the request for a Certificate of Appropriateness. MOVER: Commissioner Harper SECONDER: Commissioner Santana AYES: Webb, Surchin,Harper,McCarthy, Ostroski and Santana RESULT: Passed Please note that any deviationfrom the approvedplans referenced above may requirefurther reviewfrom the commission. Signed: ILMM Tracey L.Dwyer,Application Coordinator for the Historic Preservation Commission Date: January 05,2021 Public comment: 1. Barbara Friedman suggested the use of a skirt board because the windows appear high when the foundation is raised. She also commented that the"floating door"was quirky. 2. Ellen McNeilly stated that the architects have done a spectacular job and wanted to express her appreciation