HomeMy WebLinkAboutLong Island RailroadSourhe!~ To:;~ Acco'~n:ing ~4~ RO~ Reeve CERTIFICATE OF INSURA~NCE CO.T~CT~:~SCmP=O.: 80081167301 : L[Z-1923; 14,300 Sar of land for Unrestricted CO.~m~CTNUMS~ Parking, Mattituck S0081568601 : LIZ-2037; 33,000 Sql of land for Unres;ric~ed Roy H. Reeve 'Agency Inc. 12~2~/01 ~3400 Main Road, P.'O. Box 54 ~O,E'NU~aa~attituck, New York .11952 : Town of Southold 53095 Route 25 P.O. Box 1 Southold, Ne~ York- HOLDER: ~E OF ~SU~NCE P~LIC¥ NUMBER 3Q I/1/03' OTHER 2 2001" $ FULl. CONTRAC~ VALUE - Southold Town Cleft NOT~ 2: NOTI~ 3: NOTE 4: NOT~ S: {Cor~nued) Page 2 (Check all ~a: The.$ubscfiblrig ~surance cumpauy{s), authorized ~0do 10u~lness fn ~ S~ of N~:YU~, ~lf~ th~ {nsu~n~ 0f~e kinds anO ~s and ~ l!m~ ~b~t~ n~n,s~t~ ~udn~R~Cp~ h~m~n~; h~ h~ ~m~ b~ end ~,~sn~ =n bshai~ of t~ n~r~ Can~a~or a~ ~r d~ol{~n a~ions un ~r ~i~ ~'tSO1 ~t of a ~ad ~s ~n vo~: an~ any ~pl=yer ~ ~dusbn whl~ ~y o~e~ o~m ~ The sUbscdi~km~ cu~npany{$) agrees that no {~ot[cy selected r~ hu~ein shah be changed Lot canceled unbl thirty (30) days wff, leri nu~ice h~s been to Long island Reload. De~t. 14v~5, 14~:01 ,e;~ner AVe. Jamaica. New ¥~q~ { t &3~5, Atient{~: MTA Standards EnfOrcz~rneut and claims Analyst. Buf:defs~ RiskJnsurance lnciude~ Lo~,i~iand P~iLRoad and Metrouoi[tan Tmnsoortati0n Authority a:{ Named ir~ure~ as their interests may a~l~esr. Ab'9"HORtZL=D [N~URI~R/PRODUCER ~ Jon E. Sheartn , Vice Presidont//~-~r~-~--~---~-----~ ~CHABD C. SMITH / t~a~ Public) NOTARY PUBLIC, STATE OF N~ YORK ~alified k Suffolk Co. No. 018M4510158 Members of tit e'B~l ~ ~"~'~ Richard Ravitch The Long Island Vice C.a,rmen Rail Road Jamaica Station Jamaica. New York 11435 Phone 212 JAmaica ~0900 Carol Be~lam¥ Stephen. Berger David %N. Brown Herbert J. Lib~~ Cons~e Si~amon -Er[stoff Rqbe[~ F~g~r. Jr. }k~mberl3, 1981 Dayid ~Z- Plain A~[~Fxe~JU~e D~rector Tewnef Southold To~Hall Southold, New York Att: Town Clerk 11971 .Re: LIZ-1923 (land south of r~o-~ of in Mattituok) To Whom It May Concern: Reference is made to the above captioned agreement, which provides for a rental to be paid to the railroad in the amount of One Dollar ($1.00) par ann~. In the interest of administrative efficiency, the railroad would like to waive payment of the $t.00 par year rentals, effec~cive January 1, 1981. In an effort to facilitate this matter, we have withheld the annual rent bills for these acoounts, pending receipt of the tenant's concurrence. If you are agreeable to waiving the $1.00 par year payments for tb~ above agreement, please so signify by signing the attached cop~ of this letter and returning it to this office. All other terms and conditions of the agreement will r~ain unchanged. ~ank you for your anticipated cooperation. Sincerely, Manager-Real Estate w/mb Attachment This is to ' That: The foflbwiflfl 4nsumbeo {including eedo -~~ Address: LOcation:, Description of Operation: ,.d below with fy that said;policy is ed, c[ufing ~,he ,period Company at thc, atkhess listed abovo. )rig tsland Rail Road '~[-~ C~I;~c~t~Ir iR ssued to,the.certificat~ holder in consideration of the agreement entered into with the named insured and ~t i~u~ders~qbd ~and,egr~ed that the certificate holder re es on the certificate as a bas $ for continuing such agreement or agreeh~ent~q~4th ihe na~i~l insured. . q~,~ M=~ ?nad no,:~h~,~d. NY 11971 Municipal itv Township Type of Insurance X Commercial Claim. 0 CommemiaJ/Occurrence Form [] Premises-Operation' [] Products/Corn pieced- Operations Hazard Additional Insumds: LIRR & MTA are included as repects the work being ped=ormed. Company Name Policy No. Made Inclmenity~Ins. Co. CRLG10066931 Effective & Exoiration Date 1/1/91 1/1/92 General Aggregate J Products Comp/ops Aggregate Personal & Advertising Injury Each Occurrence Fire Damage (Any One Fire) Medical Expense (Any One Person) *Contractual Liability Exclusion appScable to work performed within 50 ft of a railroad must be voided. $1000 $1000 $1000 $1000 $ 50 $ .5 Automobile Liability ~3 Owned [] Hire~ [] Non-Owned Excess Uabllit~ [] Umbrella Form E3 Other than Umbrella Form WORKERS COMPENSATION AND EMPLOYERS LIABILITY OTHER NAME AND ADDRESS OF iSSUING AGENT: Griffinq & Southwick, Inc. Bodily Injury {Ea. Pers~)n) Bodily tn un/ Ea. Accident} Property Damage Bodily Injury & Property Damage Combined Bodiiy Injury & Property Damag~ Combined Statutory $ $ $ Each Occurrence Aggregate $ $ 55 North Ferry Road Shelter Island~ NY 11964 AUTHORIZED AGENT 12/28/90 DATE The I ong Island IRoad Jamaica, New'~¥b~< 11435 Phone 23?2 JAmaica 6-0900 Justin N Feldman Harolo L. Fisher V]orUmer J. Gleeson E~n~N. Pyne~ Wdl[~ A. Shes ~ ,made to ag of each and ~ve~y year. im admini~terlng leases such as tO chang of annu~! rentals to January rent for me,barOnage 0f'197Z, aha ~uii year 1973 due ~o~ involved. ~'~ ye yo~ ne~ bill parle '~nu~ ~ual rehfAl~.~hich wilI co,er the entire calendar H the~I~egomg is acceptable to you, kindly s~ the or~gma! of ~h~ letter m th~ ~closed s~mped se~-a The Copy is 'f~r:yS~r file. Thin'letter Will then c0nst[[U~ fhe above zefe~e~eed lease with respect ~o the date on wJ ,All other provisions of the lease will remain the same. Your prompt response will be greatly appreqi~ - Accepted: If rrmre than one lessee, AEN: kap S~cerely, THE the first yea r. r nov( for the Le sn~all amount · 1, 1974 for the of1974 ~ and return to me 'ressed envelope. a~ amendment to ~ch rent is payable. RAIL ROAD COMPANY A. E. Nolte Manager Property Managemeht all must sign. Long Island Rail Road J AMA[CA .STATION January 17, 1967 LIZ 19Z$ Mr. Lester M. Albertson Tbwn of South~l~, New York Dear Mr. Alber~sen: Enclosed is futi% executed copy of lease agreement dated 3i~nuary 5, 1967, covering 14, 300 square feet of land, south of Main Line right-of-way~ west of Railroad Avenue, Mattituck, New York, to be used for the unrestricted parking of automobiles. Sincerely, RPiq:PL Enc lo s ur e Your MAIN LINE to the MAINLAND ~ Tmfi AGREEMENT, made the ~ -- day of ' A.D. 19 ~-~, bet_we, e/~ T~ LONG ISLAND RAIL ROAD COMPANY; a Cozp~ation of the fitme of New York, herelna~r referred to a~ Lfis~r, .'- ~.,.~.w;~,LL ~ ........ r~.,= .: L....,.....~-.~. r.....,.,,,<>Z--,.. . ..... ~ ~' :: ~ _ ., ':'~ -.~ . ~. ,~ .':~'~.~.~.':~;..:~:..,?,~:?,.:.~'~ ~"~.%,6,~'~.~. ~'. *~.., ~,.. ,?~ ~ · :.. '>' '.' '. .... , ~.',.' . ' ~..~'[~,~k%':. .. * .... , ..,. : .... . - ,~ , ,- ~.~, ........ .... ~ .... ~,~,;~ , ~. ~,~..,?,.r..,~.,~.... , ,,,,,. ~., '=,,,..~C,:i~ ~,:? .~7~:Tq:.q~&, ~?..,::o,r~1%-.:~: %,s, ~. .~'L~ .~,.. ,'~..~ ~ , ~.~ ~ ~' ~ :~ ~ '' ~ ~ '"~ ~ ' ~ ~":~'~ ....... '~ ~k~'~q ....... '" . >~. ,.,~9, ~:.~ ,.'.~,,','~L~'~% v.'~, .4. '~ .&-~:... ,,~ ...... ~. · .-, ............ .-~ ,~ ,,', ........ ;" ~ ,, . J .... .... . .r,,, ... ...... :.. ~.~...--,. - ................ ~ ........ ~, ....~..o~..~.~ .... . ........ "''~",".'.,' ,.~ ~ ~. :,~',,'~:, ~...,~.,.'~ r, ,'~ ~..,. .. '~ ....... '.}~;.. ~... ~.~;~,..~.:~., ?.' ~r .~ ,~,,:~...~> ~. na;~. ~ i~'w' er ,~ ~'b :~l,~,~e· s~¢, . 'e for the rent Room 4tl, Jamaica fimtlon Blfig.~ la,fica ~5, N. Y.. ot ~ such other place ~ Lessor m~/~ t~eto ~.~.']~" '.V :'." .,' ~" - r'--~--.' t~ffoh ~ofi ~fs ~e~s~ g~ven as fi~n~rer ~o~ded, Lessee, ar Lessee'& sole cost ~d expe~ will remove ~om said'p~m- ~ ~o~em~ts~ s~acmres ~ m~m~s, th~u, not ~ by Lessor, and an waste, r~b~sh and debris, mi, m aR holes , '~ .. .t,, ~bblsh and de~is. ~d make tke ~ - .., , . me~g[~tnr~s %~ ~me~s, r~a~ an& ~e same for its own proposes Le~ ~aay~o~ or e~omtio~ claim,s thwugh or under Lessee and ~,~ch · , · able we.-and t~ ~d' d~age-by accidental a~tce, proc~d~ o~ process ~hmsoevez. Levee, ~ eot li'e~ nu~"cc oi J!:i~ le,~e. Jo~ :'he purpose, of hisp~&cting, the same, ;;~9'~ e.5~,ar.~ :or II e sah.;.~ a~d pre~ery~t~b~ ~h~reof tb permit used fo~ e or t~aes durin~ she