HomeMy WebLinkAboutGriswold-Terry-Glover Post [GRISWOLD-TER~Y-GLOVER POST NO. 803, DEPARTMENT YORK - A~MERICAN LEGIC~.~, INC~, of Southotd, Suff6~lk County, New TO~ O~ SOUT~O~, a mummpal ~or~r~$~on of the State of New York} hamg Lis principal place of business at o3&o ma~n Street, Sout~[~;'Snffo*lk Coun~7~ ~ew parry of il~e second t ilness II , mat tM of first rt aFe to LET, and ~eby ~ es LET ~ t~ sa~ pa~y of t~ second pa~, and t~ t~ ~Pa~Ya~ of t~ sec~ pa~ ~s a~eed to T~E, a~d ~reby ~ es T~ ~rac;, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being at Southoldin in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and Slate of New York, generally bounded and described as follows: ~' z BEGINNING a~ a point formed by the intersection of the -~ouiherly line of Tucker Lane wii-h the easterly Hue of Griswold Road, from said point of begin~ng runni~g lhence easterly along said southerly ~ne of Tucker Lane, a distance of 111 feet more or less; thence southerly a~ right angles ~o said southerly line of Tucker Lane, a distance of 118 feet, more or less; thence westerly a~ right angles to said last des- cribed course, a distance'of 25 feet to a point, which said po~i is 90 feet easterly, more or less, on a line parallel to the southerly IiBe of Tucker Lane, from the easterly line of Griswold Street; thence southerly on ~:line:pa~allel with the easterly line of Griswold S~reet a distance of 190 ~eeq more or tess, Zo.tke soul~erly hue of land of the party of the first part; thence in a wes~hrly directi0n along said line of land of the party o~ the first part;, a disignce pg 90feet, mor~ or less, ~o the .---~ ~-~ - .:'- .... - easterly line of Griswold Street; thence n?rthegly atqn~. easterly line of Geis~vold Street a dislafice of 315 feet, more or less, to the pdiflt or place of beginning. TOGETHER w'iih the driveways and service drive !eading:~!~m the.above cribed premises in a generally easterly direciiofl',io'Tu~ker with the privileges and appurtenances for and during the term of one year from the lsl day of April, 1979, which term will end March 31, 1980. A~D~[ih~' s~id paFtfpf'the ~ecohd pffrt cov&n~ts th~t ii'~ill p~ to['{he*party of the DOLL~B, to be pard as follows: The sum of, $1,;Off to be pafd-.~pon ~'he execution of this:)ease-.and ~he further sum of $1. O0>om~he:~s~d~Aprll in each and every re r during ~he term of t'~s lease. Irovii eil Yurlher i/sa/a va, y of seeo a ~ ~II fail pa~ s~ ~nt, or any ~ t~r~f w~n q~ :,!~ firs~ :~, ~y. s~ : for t~ © · fo!iod oou~ansu~ £~!I!qw!I ~e~lE~Iq s%I aop~zn sos!~zead pos!~ep eq~ epnlou! lipA