HomeMy WebLinkAbout1772 Lieutenant's Commission to Jonathan Terry from Gen. William Tryon By his EXCELLENCY � WILLIAM TRYON Ef • q; Captain General and Governor in Chief, in and over the Province of Via)--york, and the Territories depending thereon in America, Chancellor and Vice Admiral of the fame. l I'O I N G of ecial Trull and Confidence, as �ve11 in the Care, Dili ence, and Circumf eion ` � p g p �; as in the Loyalty, Courage and Readinefs of You, to do his Ma jeffy goad and faithful Service ; `t R HAVE nominated, confituted and appointed • and I Do, by Virtue of the Powers and Authorities to e given by his Majefly, hereby nominate, conflitute and appoint You the faU kx," 'xz` _ � �� Cr �LiC2L!'ln- �`v"ji«GL Vf1/�», � ✓ t"��.^ �1�7,./ fl S40f !I2 1.1 -���i�f!/r/ You are therciore to take the faid 6,c, >�z,1 j- into your Charge 'id Care, as thereof, and duly to exercife both the O cers and�oldlers of that � �n y i� Arms. And as the are hereby commanded to obey You as their ��,<< fpo2 y=-. fo are y ou likewife to obferv�yand follow fuch Orders and Directions, from Time to Time., as you fhall receive from Me, or any other y_-r fuperior Oi cer, according to the Rules and Discipline of War, in Purfuanc:, of the Truft repofed in You ; :;nd for fo doing, this fhall be your Commiffion. GIVEN unde my I-1c7 d and Veal at An,ins, at tom-George, in the City of ;_env:yark, the �?w� Dag of in the ��.�,�P�l'�=— Y'ear of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord OCE)MOe. Ze ' �by the Grace of 00DI) of Great:10ritain, , rance and 3retam aii?o, Defender of the Faith, &-c. Anno?; Domini, 17 -2v Did erreffencV10 Commanti,