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TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE w SOUTHOLD, NY BUILDING PERMIT (THIS PERMIT MUST BE KEPT ON THE PREMISES WITH ONE SET OF APPROVED PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS UNTIL FULL COMPLETION OF THE WORK AUTHORIZED) Permit#: 50494 Date: 4/1/2024 Permission is hereby granted to: Fein, Lauren 416 Kent ..... _---- ........ ... ..........__ . ... .._ _ �.� __ ....... .. Ave Apt 1707 . .. Brooklyn, NY 11249 ... ..........—------- _ .. ....... - — To: Legalize "as built' finished basement to an existing single-family dwelling as applied for. Additional information may be required. At premises located at: 2915 Sty Rd, Mattituck _ _ SCTM # 473889.1.., --- „_.. .. -... —----- -- Sec/Block/Lot# 106.-8-71 Pursuant to application dated _2/26/2024 and approved by the Building Inspector. To expire on 10/1/2025. Fees: AS BUILT- SINGLE FAMILY ADDITION/ALTERATION $1,599.00 CO-ALTERATION TO DWELLING $100.00 Total: - $1,699.00 ..____.................... . ..............._..�._.. Building Inspector � TOWN OF SOUTHOLD—BUILDING DEPARTMENT Town Hall Annex 54375 Main Road P. O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971-0959 ' - Telephone (631) 765-1802 Fax (631) 765-9502 llttL)�.,�/vVl kr�.southoldtt)%v!I ��r Date Received APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT i.,w Lf C µs.. For Office Use Only 5 PERMIT NO. O Building Inspector: w� u r mp ;. ;9° g ' P Applications and forms must be filled out in their entirety. Incomplete applications will not be accepted. Where the Applicant is not the owner,an Owner's Authorization form(Page 2)shall be completed. Date:02/13/24 OWNER(S)OF PROPERTY: Name: Ross Fein SCTM # 1000-106-8-71 Project Address:2915 Stanley Rd., Mattituck, NY 11952 Phone#:954-260-4634 1 Email:rossfein.11 @gmail.com Mailing Address:2915 Stanley Rd., Mattituck, NY 11952 CONTACT PERSON: Name:Timothy Cloughen Mailing Address:3 ManorvieW Way, Manoville, NY 11949 Phone#:631-255-7845 Email:tm.cloughen@gmail.com DESIGN PROFESSIONAL INFORMATION: Name:Jeff A. Zahn Mailing Address:215 Roanoke Ave, Riverhead NY 11901 Phone#:631-727-0544 Email:Jazcad@msn.com CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: Name: NA Mailing Address: Phone#: Email: DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION ❑New Structure ❑Addition iRAlteration []Repair ❑Demolition Estimated Cost of Project: DOther Maintain existing finished basement $ 10,000 Will the lot be re-graded? ❑Yes *No Will excess fill be removed from premises? ❑Yes ®No 1 PROPERTY INFORMATION Existing use of property:Single Family Residence Intended use of property:Single Family Residence Zone or use district in which premises is situated: Are there any covenants and restrictions with respect to R80 this property? ❑Yes ®No IF YES, PROVIDE A COPY. RCheck Box After(Reading: The owner/contractor/design professional is responsible for all drainage and storm water issues as provided by Chapter 236 of the Town Code. APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE to the Building Department for the issuance of a Building Permit pursuant to the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold,Suffolk,County,New York and other applicable Laws,Ordinances or Regulations,for the construction of buildings, additions,alterations or for removal or demolition as herein described.The applicant agrees to comply with all applicable laws,ordinances,building code, housing code and regulations and to admit authorized inspectors on premises and in building(s)for necessary inspections.False statements made herein are punishable as a Class A misdemeanor pursuant to Section 210.45 of the New York State Penal Law. Application Submitted By(print name): Ross Fein ❑Authorized Agent ROwner Signature of Applicant: Date: STATE OF NEW YORK) SS: COUNTY OF 90.5-c.> being duly sworn, deposes and says that(s)he is the applicant (Name of individual signing contract) above named, (S)he is the (Contractor, Agent, Corporate Officer, etc.) of said owner or owners, and is duly authorized to perform or have performed the said work and to make and file this application;that all statements contained in this application are true to the best of his/her knowledge and belief; and that the work will be performed in the manner set forth in the application file therewith. Sworn before me this 23 day of � �Ie Ui4�-Y 20 ,Z-t_ Notary Public RUTH ESTHER HRNN13 NOTARY PUBLIC,STATE OF NEw"YO PROPERTY OWNER AUTHORIZATION Registration No.olBE6431033 (Where the applicant is not the owner) Qualified in New York County My Commission Expires v3- Ross Fein residing at 2915 Stanley Rd. I, Mattituck, NY 11952 do hereby authorize Timothy Cloughen to apply on my behalf to the Town of Southold Building Department for approval as described herein. Owner's Signature Date Ross Fein Print Owner's Name 2 Generated by Scheck-Web Software CN.� ] Compliance Certificate Project FEIN RESIDENCE MAINTAIN EXISTING FINISHED BASEMENT Energy Code: 2018 IECC Location: Southold, New York Construction Type; Single-family Project Type: Alteration Climate Zone: 4 (5572 HDD) Permit Date: Permit Number: Construction Site: Owner/Agent: Designer/Contractor: 2915 STANLEY RD Ross Fein Jeff Zahn MATTITUCK, NY 11952 2915 STANLEY RD Jeff Zahn Architect MATTITUCK, NY 11952 215 Ronoake Ave 954-260-4634 Riverhead, NY 11901 rossfein.11@gmail.com 631-727-0544 jazcad@msn.com Slla lb,oi n grad tirade(arf s afire no pu ngr r (:oru u1derrwap in the UA oir p erfor nua n en a.omprlHaQunce path in II1IIE":wu:linedle. II ach sllaali- oin- trued aassewimt)ly In the sp:Qe difia d cliirrnaQue^zorunw must rrnewe t t1hee irrulii ui°iirn urrn a inei7 7 a:o(h Insulation R Nf alluue and dep:al:hu ire quuire irrie nts, Envelope A e i fl ,5 Basement: Solid Concrete or Masonry Wall height: 7.0' 1,099 15.0 5.0 0.050 0.059 53 62 Depth below grade: 4.0' Insulation depth: 7.0' Door 3680: Solid Door(under 50% glazing) 20 0.280 0.320 6 6 Window: 2836: Vinyl Frame 7 0.280 0.320 2 2 SHGC: 0.26 Window: 2836: Vinyl Frame 7 0.280 0.320 2 2 SHGC: 0.26 Window: 2836: Vinyl Frame 7 0.280 0.320 2 2 SHGC: 0.26 Window: 2836: Vinyl Frame 7 0.280 0.320 2 2 SHGC: 0.26 Compliance Statement. The proposed wrt^iUng dasiaga dr:scrp")ed here is consistent with the building plans,specifications, and other calculations submitted with the p_rW.i�a,gplite tion. V-,e pnr,«'pos,,d building has been des n d to m the 2018 IECC requirements in REScheck Version : REScheck-Ua eh,`ei,nd to co rnply wl't'',the m n ,t n ry require a is Pd the F S ✓�etk Inspection Checklist, Jeff A. Zahn 02-26-24 -: Name-Title , Date na"ure Project Notes; Project Title: FEIN RESIDENCE l ja Mp, "�` IPI Exkl el r O FIN"S -D BASEMENT Report date: 02/22/24 Page 1 of 9 Data filename: FEIN RESIDENCE MAINTAIN EXISTING FINISHED BASEMENT2915 STANLEY RD, MATTITUCK, NY 11952 Project Title: FEIN RESIDENCE MAINTAIN EXISTING FINISHED BASEMENT Report date: 02/22/24 Data filename: Page 2 of 9 REScheck Software Version : REScheck-Web Inspection Checklist Energy Code: 2018 IECC Requirements: 100.0% were addressed directly in the REScheck software Text in the "Comments/Assumptions" column is provided by the user in the REScheck Requirements screen. For each requirement, the user certifies that a code requirement will be met and how that is documented, or that an exception is being claimed. Where compliance is itemized in a separate table, a reference to that table is provided. sectionw �ww _.__ �_��._.. �........ � _ ,,,, _........ m e-insp Plans Verified Field Verified Complies? Comments/Assumptions & Re ID ......... .. _. Value �., Value. 103.�, ;Construction drawings andeview ❑Complieise5 Requirement will mm be met. 103.2 documentation demonstrate ❑Does Not [PR1]1 energy code compliance for the building envelope.Thermal ❑Not Observable envelope represented on []Not Applicable construction documents. 103.1, Construction drawings and ❑Complies Requirement will be met, 103.2, documentation demonstrate ❑Does Not 403.7 energy code compliance for [PR3]1 'lighting and mechanical systems. ❑Not Observable �; Systems serving multiple ❑Not Applicable dwelling units must demonstrate compliance with the IECC Commercial Provisions. 3" 2.1, Heating and cooling equipment is Heat ing: Heating: ❑Campiies Requirement will be met. 403.7 sized per ACCA Manual S based Btu/hr Btu/hr ❑Does Not [PR2]2 on loads calculated per ACCA Cooling: Cooling: Manual J or other methods ❑Not Observable Btu/hr Btu/hr approved by the code official. ❑Not Applicable Additional Comments/Assumptions: g p Medium impact(Tier 2) 3 Low Impact(Tier 3) 1 Hi h Impact (Tier 1) 2 Project Title: FEIN RESIDENCE MAINTAIN EXISTING FINISHED BASEMENT Report date: 02/22/24 Data filename: Page 3 of 9 "ri Section p PlanValueHed Fiel Val uefied _ .._ p .. & Re ID m ......... ......... �.__. . .. ...,., n s Foundation section Complies? Comments/Assum tlo 402.1.1 'Conditioned basement wall R- R- Ocomplies See the Envelope Assemblies [F04]1 insulation R-value.Where interior! R_ R- ❑Does Not table for values. �nob. insulation is used, verification may need to occur during [-]Not Observable Insulation Inspection. Not ❑Not Applicable j required in warm-humid locations in Climate Zone 3. 303.2 Conditioned basement wall ❑Complies Requirement will be met. [FO511 insulation installed per ❑Does Not manufacturer's instructions. ❑Not Observable Location on plans/spec: A- 12 ❑Not Applicable 402.2.9 Conditioned basement wall ft ft ❑Complies See the Envelope Assemblies [FO611 insulation depth of burial or j❑Does Not table for values. 1 distance from top of wall. ;❑Not Observable El Not Applicable 303.2 1 A protective covering is installed ❑Complies Exception: Requirement is [FO11]2 to protect exposed exterior ❑Does Not not applicable. insulation and extends a minimum of 6 in. below grade. ❑Not Observable ❑Not Applicable 403.9 Snow-and ice-melting system ❑Complies Requirement will be met. [FO12]2 controls installed. ❑Does Not ❑Not Observable ❑Not Applicable Additional Comments/Assumptions: 1 High Impact(Tier 1) 2 Medium Impact(Tier 2) 3 Low Impact(Tier 3) Project Title: FEIN RESIDENCE MAINTAIN EXISTING FINISHED BASEMENT Report date: 02/22/24 Data filename: Page 4 of 9 Ve, Section 9 9 P Val uefied Fiel Value fled. .... .P.....lies?- .... ._....................m P .a....ID _ ._ __ ... ....._ ns .. a .. 02�.1#�1,� ,^DoomU factoou h In Ins ectlon U- ! U- ❑CompliesSee ommenelopeAssermbteos 402.3.4 ❑Does Not table for values. [FR1]1 ❑Not Observable ❑I' of Applicable 402.1.1, Glazing U-factor(area-weighted U- _ U- ❑Complies See the Envelope Assemblies 402.3.1, average). ❑Does Not table for values. 402.3.3, ❑ 402.5 � Not Observable [FR2]1 ❑Not Applicable 19�aPe' 303.1.3 U-factors of fenestration products ❑Complies Requirement will be met. [FR4]1 are determined in accordance ❑Does Not �y. with the NFRC test procedure or ,taken from the default table. ❑Not Observable ❑Not Applicable 402.4.1.1 Air barrier and thermal barrier ❑Complies Requirement will be met, [FR23]1 installed per manufacturer's ❑Does Not instructions. e a ❑Not Observable ❑Not Applicable 402.4.3 Fenestration that is not site built ❑Complies Requirement will be met. [FR20]1 :is listed and labeled as meeting ❑Does Not AAMA/WDMA/CSA 101/I.S.2/A440 ;q�y ❑Not Observable or has infiltration rates per NFRC ;400 that do not exceed code ❑Not Applicable __ _ j limits. IC-rated recessed lighting fixtures ❑Complies Requirement will be met. [FR1612 sealed at housing/interior finish ❑Does Not and labeled to indicate<_2.0 cfm leakage at 75 Pa. ❑Not Observable ❑Not Applicable 403.3 1 ,Supply and return ducts in attics ❑Complies Requirement will be met. 12]1 insulated >= R-8 where duct is ❑Does Not 3 inches in diameter and >_ R-6 where< 3 inches.Supply and ❑Not Observable return ducts in other portions of ❑Not Applicable ;the building insulated >= R-6 for diameter>= 3 inches and R-4.2 4or< 3 inches in diameter„. 403.3.2 :Ducts, air handlers and filter ❑Complies Requirement will be met. [FR13]1 boxes are sealed with ❑Does Not ;joints/seams compliant with ,International Mechanical Code or ❑Not Observable International Residential Code, as ❑Not Applicable applicable. 403.3 5 Building cavities are not used as ❑Complies Requirement will be met, [FR15]3 ducts or plenums. ❑Does Not t ❑Not Observable ❑Not Applicable 4 HVAC piping conveying fluids R- R- ❑Complies Requirement will be met. [FR17]2 above 105 °F or chilled fluids ❑Does Not below 55°F are insulated to>_R- 3 ❑Not Observable ❑Not Applicable 4 1 Protection of insulation on HVAC ❑Complies Requirement will be met. [FR24]1 piping. ❑Does Not ❑Not Observable ❑Not Applicable 403.5.3 Hot water i es are insulated to R- -' R- � P�P � ❑Complies .Requirement will be met. [FR18]2 >_R-3. ❑Does Not ❑Not Observable ❑Not Applicable (T�pact(Tier 1) 2 m ow Impact Mediu Impact(Tier 2) 3 L (Tier 3) 1 High Im Project Title: FEIN RESIDENCE MAINTAIN EXISTING FINISHED BASEMENT Report date: 02/22/24 Data filename: Page 5 of 9 ""T section ,.�.��� -------- plans Verifled Field Verlfled # Framing/Rough-In Inspection Value Value Complies? Comments/Assumptions &Re .ID a . ........... .. 403.E Automatic or gravity dampers are ❑Complies Requirement will be met. VR1912 installed on all outdoor air ❑Does Not intakes and exhausts. ❑Not Observable ,. ❑Not Applicable Additional Comments/Assumptions: 1F High Impact(Tier 1) 'Medium Imct(Tier 2) 3 Low Impact(Tier 3) Project Title: FEIN RESIDENCE MAINTAIN EXISTING FINISHED BASEMENT Report date: 02/22/24 Data filename: Page 6 of 9 Section n InP _. Pla V luefied FieIV luefled P , .. ......,,...__.���ww����m � �..a � ,.,. .. e.....e._e....... .... �.._ .....,,. � sumptlons &Re ID 1303.1� All installed ltnsulat onesctlabeled I ❑Compliese5. 'Requirement/ws...,. .,m..... be met. [IN1312 or the installed R-values ❑Does Not provided. ❑Not Observable ❑Not Applicable 402.1.1, Wall insulation R-value. If this is a R- R- ❑Complies See the Envelope Assemblies 402.2.5, mass wall with at least 1/2 of the ❑ Wood ❑ Wood ❑Does Not table for values. 402.2.6 wall insulation on the wall ❑ Mass j❑ Mass ❑Not Observable [IN311 exterior, the exterior insulation requirement applies (FR10). ❑ Steel ❑ Steel ❑Not Applicable 303.2 Wall insulation is installed per ❑Complies Requirement will be met. [IN411 manufacturer's instructions. ❑Does Not ❑Not Observable ❑Not Applicable Additional Comments/Assumptions: 1�High Impact(Tier 1) 2 Medium Impact(Tir 2) 3 Low Impact(Tier 3) Project Title: FEIN RESIDENCE MAINTAIN EXISTING FINISHED BASEMENT Report date: 02/22/24 Data filename: Page 7 of 9 Section P Value Value .... P _ P ns Plans Verified Field Verified o nts/Assum do 02.2.4 ,Attic access hatch and door R- R- ❑Compliese5 Requirement� # Final Inspection Provisions C Re ID will be met, [F13]1 insulation >_R-value of the ❑Does Not adjacent assembly. ❑Nat Observable ❑Not Applicable 402.4.1.2 Blower door test @ 50 Pa. <=5 ACH 50 = ACH 50 = ❑Complies ',Requirement will be met. [FI17]1 ach in Climate Zones 1-2, and ❑Does Not <=3 ach in Climate Zones 3-8. ❑Not Observable ❑Not Applicable 403.3.3 Ducts are pressure tested to cfm/100 cfm/100 ❑Complies Requirement will be met. [F127]1 determine air leakage with ft2 ft2 ❑Does Not j either: Rough-in test:Total leakage measured with a ❑Not Observable pressure differential of 0.1 inch ❑Not Applicable !w.g. across the system including the manufacturer's air handler enclosure if installed at time of test. Postconstruction test:Total leakage measured with a pressure differential of 0.1 inch w.g. across the entire system Including the manufacturer's air handler enclosure. 403.3.4 Duct tightness test result of<=4 cfm/100 cfm/100 ❑Complies Requirement will be met. [FI4]1 cfm/100 ft2 across the system or - ft2 ft2 ❑Does Not <=3 cfm/100 ft2 without air handler @ 25 Pa. For rough-in ❑Not Observable tests, verification may need to ❑Not Applicable occur during Framing Inspection. 403.3.2.1 Air handler leakage designated ❑Complies Requirement will be met. [FI24]1 by manufacturer at<=2%of ❑Does Not design air flow. ❑Not Observable ❑Not Applicable 1.1 Programmable thermostats ❑Complies Requirement will be met. [FI9]2 installed for control of primary ❑Does Not heating and cooling systems and initially set by manufacturer to ❑Not Observable code specifications. ❑Not Applicable ..... ....... ..... 403.1 2 Heat pump thermostat installed ❑Complies Requirement will be met. [FI10]2 on heat pumps. ❑Does Not ❑Not Observable ❑Not Applicable 403... .. .., . . . �� ..s.._ _ _.... o . 5.1 Circulating service hot water ❑Complies Requirement will be met, [FI11]2 systems have automatic or ❑Does Not accessible manual controls. ❑Not Observable ❑Not Applicable .6.1 All mechanical ventilation system ❑Complies Requirement will be met. I[F125]2 fans not part of tested and listed ❑Does Not HVAC equipment meet efficacy and airflow limits per Table ❑Not Observable R403.6.1. ❑Not Applicable 2 Hot water boilers supplying heat ❑Complies Requirement will be met. [FI26]2 through one-or two-pipe heating ❑Does Not systems have outdoor setback control to lower boiler water ❑Not Observable temperature based on outdoor ❑Not Applicable temperature. Y. Medium Impact(Tier 2) 3 Low Impact(Tier 3) 1 2 High Im act(Tier 1) m Project Title: FEIN RESIDENCE MAINTAIN EXISTING FINISHED BASEMENT Report date: 02/22/24 Data filename: Page 8 of 9 Final Inspection Provisions Section Field Verified # p A Value Complies? Comments/Assumptions Valuefied & Red LD. ..,.. P ins Ver �. : �... �..w..o ���,�... ... ...... 403.5.1.1 Heated water circulation systems ❑Complies Requirement will be met, [FI28]2 have a circulation pump.The ❑Does Not system return pipe is a dedicated return pipe or a cold water supply ❑Not Observable pipe. Gravity and thermos- ❑Not Applicable syphon circulation systems are not present. Controls for circulating hot water system pumps start the pump with signal for hot water demand within the occupancy. Controls automatically turn off the pump when water is in circulation loop is at set-point temperature and no demand for hot water exists. ........ ........ 403.5.1.2 Electric heat trace systems ❑Complies Requirement will be met. [F129]2 comply with IEEE 515.1 or UL ❑Does Not 515. Controls automatically adjust the energy input to the ❑Not Observable heat tracing to maintain the ❑Not Applicable desired water temperature in the piping. 3.5 2 Demand recirculation water ❑Complies Requirement will be met. [F130]2 systems have controls that ❑Does Not manage operation of the pump and limit the temperature of the ❑Not Observable water entering the cold water ❑Not Applicable _ piping to <= 104°F. 403.5.4 Drain water heat recovery units ❑Complies Requirement will be met. [FI31]2 tested in accordance with CSA ❑Does Not B55.1. Potable water-side pressure loss of drain water heat ❑Not Observable recovery units < 3 psi for ❑Not Applicable individual units connected to one or two showers. Potable water- side pressure loss of drain water heat recovery units < 2 psi for individual units connected to three or more showers. w... _w..... w....._.. 404.1 90%or more of permanent ❑Complies Requirement will be met„ [FI6]1 fixtures have high efficacy lamps, ❑Does Not ❑Not Observable ❑Not Applicable 404.1.1 Fuel gas lighting systems have ❑Complies Requirement will be met, [F123]3 no continuous pilot light. ❑Does Not w ❑Not Observable ❑Not Applicable ................ 401.3 Compliance certificate posted. ❑Complies Requirement will be met. [FI7]2 ❑Does Not ❑Not Observable ..... .., _�oso,., .__..� .. .......-. ❑Not Applicable303.3 Manufacturer manuals for ❑Complies 'Requirement will be met. [F118]3 mechanical and water heating ❑Does Not systems have been provided. ❑Not Observable ❑Not Applicable Additional Comments/Assumptions: 1 H6gh Impact(Tier 1) 2 Medium Impact(Tier 2) l 3 Low Impact (Tier 3) Project Title: FEIN RESIDENCE MAINTAIN EXISTING FINISHED BASEMENT Report date: 02/22/24 Data filename: Page 9 of 9 CertificateC 2018 IECC Energy Effidency�J( EMEEMEMEMINUMM= Above-Grade Wall 0.00 Below-Grade Wall 20.00 Floor 0.00 Ceiling / Roof 0.00 Ductwork (unconditioned spaces): EMOMMEMEMEMEMMEM. Window 0.28 0.26 Door 0.28 V Heating System: Cooling System: Water Heater:. Name: Date: Comments NJ�I�Lr L;10 LSL�Wl1Vg (n1oDo/",10 6, S D JLJ -i-N U E N G �, GN�\N MAINTAIN EXISTINOU a Ul 13 FINISHED BASEMENT 29 5 S AN Y RD u -N y MA f L l!L �L !L -1- 11952 P�Q d Q���p� MASONRY PATIO 02-22-24 ISSUED FOR OWNERS REVIEW GRAVEL w IN-GROUND SWIMMING POOL u. — Z_ m Q N S V .{G MASONRY PATIO to�aa MAINTAIN EXISTING FIN15HED BASEMENT IOG9 5F / Q "ZT,qL \ Q CONCRETE 5TEP5 ENC� rE 2 STORY FRAME TO CELLAR HOUSE d GARAGE uj z w z u PORCH = O 5'M PENCE 3 N �00\ N 13. 15'40" W 60.0' 57-,4NL,E�Y k'oJ4 Z �(D ks) LU CZ INFORMATION PROVIDED BY OTHER5 FOR REFERENGE ONLY. 5EE 516NED AND 5EALED SURVEY QW - � W W _ Q � � EXISTING PERCENTAGE LOT COVERAGE CFA < L EX. FIRST FLOOR 1215 5F FIRST FLOOR 1,767 5F I— EX. GARAGE 552 5F SECOND FLOOR 1201 5F EX. PORCH 241 5F LOT AREA 30,G31 5F ~ N I EX. GONG STOOPS 34 5F TOTAL eFA C1.65 z TOTAL ADDITION 4 ALTERATION 2042 5F . TOTAL LOT AREA 30,a31 5F PERCENTAGE LOT GOVERAGE 6.ro% N O O DWG• INITIAL LATEST ISSUANCE 1� NO. DRAWING TITLE 155UANGE REVISION NO. $ DATE N a T-1 TITLE SHEET 02-22-24 A-1 5GHEDULES, NOTES & DETAILS 02-22-24 pQ�e���l�#0 24-OOCI A-2 EXISTING BASEMENT PLAN 02-22-24 A-3 EXI5TING FIRST FLOOR PLAN 02-22-24 T01081 PROJEGT5 24-00Q A-4 EXISTING SECOND FLOOR 02-22-24 DG3LQ��[�C�#o 3- ml u mal I of 5 TABLE 5.1 FASTENER SCHEDULE FOR STUCTURAL MEMBERS JOINT DESCRIPTION NUMBER AND TYPE OF NAIL SPACING F A I N C==7 I ®7 5 : FASTENER SIMPSON LSTA 30-06A. J ROOF FRAMING 2" x 8" RR o 16" O.G. RIDGE STRAPS AT EA. Rafter to Top Plate Toe-nailed 3-8d per rafter I. ALL FRAMING LUMBER TO BE GRADE STAMPED DOUGLA5 FIR-LARCH RAFTER. Collin Joist to Top Plate Toe-nailed 3-5d 12er joist STRUCTURAL GRADE NO. 2 OR BETTER. TYP. ROOFING OR C,elling Joist to Parallel Rafter Face-nailed 4-I6d each lop 2. ALL EXTERIOR FRAMING TO BE STRUCTURAL GRADE GGA TREATED LUMBER. Gelling Joist Lal2s over Partitions Face-nailed 4-I6d each IoI2 3. ALL SHEATHING TO BE AP.A. RATED, EXPOSURE I, 1/2" MIN. THICKNESS. I" MIN. AIR SPACE " Gollor Tle to Rafter Face-nailed 4-bd er tie PERIMETER PANELS AT EDGE OF ROOF d WALL CORNERS TO BE NAILED @ 4" O.G. 2 x4 COLLAR TIES AT Blocking to Rafter Toe-nalled 2-bd each end ABOVE INSUL. Rim Board to Rafter(Toe-nailed) fled 2-I6d each end ALONG EDGE5 4 6" O.G. IN FIELD W/ SOLID BLKG. UNDER ALL SEAMS. 16" O.G. �" DOWN 4. USE I WALL FRAMING 5. PROVIDE DOUBLE FRAM Nb UN T MAX.DER ALL POSTS 4 PARALLEL PARTITIONS. SPACING. BETWEEN RIDGE AND ���� �e o �Q�� Q❑�❑Q❑ CEILING JOISTS. 9 Top Plate to Top Plate Face-nalled 2-I6d er foot 6. ALL FLUSH HD. CONNECTIONS TO BE FASTENED W/ RATED 6ALV. METAL Top Plate at Intersections Toe-nailed 4-I6d oints - each side CONNECTORS BY 51MP50N (OR EQUAL). Stud to Stud Face-nailed I6d 24 o.c. Header to Header Face-nailed 2-I6 I6 d " o.c, alongedges + + + + + + + + �� G30O Laf�]OO G3f G1C�I1 [n To or Bottom Plate to Stud End-nailed 2-I6d per 2x4 stud 6LAZI I 67 ® LAG BOLT NAILER W/ (2) G3�MCG3GiGGQD [v1�7 g m 0� 3-I6d er 2x6 stud I 3/8"cD x 4 I/2" BOLTS 32" O.G. VNJ LI 4-I6d er 2xb stud Bottom Plate to Floor Joist,Band oist,End oist or Blockln Face-nailed - per foot WINDOWS/5L.6L.DOOR5 A5 MANUF.BY MARVIN,INTEGRITY H/IN50L.6LA55, IMPACT TYP. EXT. __ TECO EA. R.R. TO 2"x8" NAILER ��p o FLOOR FRAMING RE515TANT it DE516N PRESSURE RATED AS REQb BY CODE OR USE: STRUCTURAL PANELS FOR WALL (2"x4" Joist to 5111 Top Plate or Girder Toe-nailed 4-bd 12or Joist 5TORM PROTECTION- IN ATTIC Brld in to Joist Toe-nailed 2-bd each end PROVIDE PRECUT,PREDRILLED PLYWOOD,7/I6'THICK. INCLUDE ATTACHMENT __- Blockin to Joist Toe-nailed) 2-bd each end HARDWARE: 2 1/2"N08 HP.SCREWS® Ib"O.G.F/SPANS UP TO b FEET,AND® SPACES) Blocking to 5111 or ToI2 Plate Toe-nalled - each block 12"O.G.F/5PAN5 BETWEEN b d b FEET. Led er 5trIp to Beam Face-nailed 3-I6d each Joist S U F? Joist on Ledcler to Beam Toe-nalled 3-bd 12er Joist BUILDER TO VERIFY d CONFORM TO ALL REGUIREMENT5.REVIEW OPTION5 WITH OHNER. Band Joist to Joist End-nalled 3-I6d I per joist Band Joist to 5111 or ToI2 Plate Toe-nailed 2-I6d 112or Joist OPTION: PROV. IW"PIGTiIR£-FRAME TRIM(ALUM.GLAD)TO ATTACH 5TRUGT. PANELS.PREDRILL HOLES ROOF SHEATHING F/HARDWARE,PROV.PLA5TIG INSERTS TO PROTECT FROM HEATHER,ETC.(VERIFY DETAIL5) Structural Panels I bd 6" edge / 6" field Plocional Board 5heathin 1"xb" or 1"xb" 1per support " 1"AO" or wider I per support MAINTAIN I" CLEAR FOP, VENTILATION.CEILING SHEATHING CL A7IC � ®O AFHIC o ; F; i.� NOTCH RR F/ G sum Wallboard Sd coolers 7 edge / 10 field WALL SHEATHING � 5 I �� II� � I T I A : 5HEATHING TEGO Structural Panels bd 6" ecicie / 12" field EA. JST. � 2- SIMPSON "112" Fiberboard Panels AMERIGAN FOREST AND PAPER A550GIATION (AF4PA) WOOD FRAME CONNECTORS o 16" O.G. 7/I6" bd 3" edge, /6" field (ONE EACH SIDE) 25/52" bd 3" edge /6" field GON5TRUGTION MANUAL FOR ONE AND TWO- FAMILY DWELLIN65. (2001 EDITION) sum Wallboard 5d coolers -V ed e / 10" field R-30 IN5UL. G.J. Hardboard bd 6" ed 2"x6"e / 12" field 02-22-24 ISSUED FOR Particleboard Panels ad 6" edge / 12" field OWNERS REVIEW Placional Board Sheathing GROUND SNOW LOAD 20 P5F 1"xb" or I"xb" 2-bd per support TYP. ROOF. TIES: I"xl0" or wider 3- WIND SPEED:50UTi�01 D 130 MPH (3 SECOND GUST) bd er support 51MP50N "H7" FLOOR SHEATHING WIND EXP05URE GATE6ORY B ( SUBURBAN, SEMI-WOODED) CONNEGTOR5 ® 16" O.G. U.N.O. "X4" Structural Panels SEISMIC DESIGN GATEGORY C I" or less ad 6" edge / 12" field reater than I" IOd 6" edge /6" field WEATHERING AREA SEVERE Diagonal Board 5heathing ICE SHIELD YES 1"xb" or I"xb" - per support 1'-O" x O or wider 3-ad per support FROST LINE DEPTH 3'-O" U.N.O. ROOF SHINGLES I TERMITE AREA MODERATE TO HEAVY Asphalt roof shingles Galy. stl., min. 12 ga. shank w/a min. 3/5" dla. head. fastener shall penetrate DECAY AREA SLIGHT TO MODERATE through the roofing materials and a min. of 3/4 into roof sheathing and shall WINTER DE51GN TEMP coaf Ing manufac-turer and provide. ne) lies-, than 4 f asteners per strip shincile. 11 Nailing requirements are based on wall sheathing nalled 6" on center at the panel edge. If wall sheathing is nalled 3" on center at the panel edge to obtain higher shear capacities,nailing requirements for structural members shall be doubled,or alternate connectors,such as shear plates shall be used to maintain the load path. ®� � " 2Nalling requirements are based on wall sheathing nailed 6" on center at the panel edge. If wall sheathing is nailed 3" on center at the panel edge to obtain higher shear capacities,nailing requirements for structural members shall be doubled,or alternate connectors,such as shear plates shall be used to maintain the load path. DOUBLE TOP PLATE R308 Glazing at hazardous locations shall have glazing protection In conformance with r308. In general, glazing in all doors and fixed side panels, Glazings less than 60" above surfaces of tubs showers, etc. blazing within 24" arc of doors in closed position with 51115 less than 60" NOTE: ALL CONSTRUCTION WORK SHALL BE DONE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE above floor. 6lazings over G square feet and less than 15" above finished floor. blazing near REQUIREMENTS OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD AND THE FOLLOWING: stairways/landings. See complete text of R305.4. blazing for specifics on locations and HEADER exceptions. THIS APPLICATION/ PROJEGT WILL GONFORM TO THE 2020 RESIDENTIAL R308.6 Skylights and sloped glazing shall comply with this section and have fully tempered z FULL HEIGHT ,ODE OF NEW YORK 5TATE glazing. _� STUD ENGINEERED STRUCTURAL COMPONENTS AS PER ASGE 7-10 R30Q Garage opening protection and separation required to be as noted and in conformance CODE GOMPLIANGE: toward 0the mains vehicle floor entry doorway) be sloped to facilitate the movement of liquids to drain I-J" x 18 GAUGE JACK STUD HEADER TO STUD: BY 5IMP50�N THESE PLANS HAVE BEEN PREPARED UNDER THE 2020 RESIDENTIAL CODE OF NEW STEEL GOLIED LSTA21 CONNECTOR W/ I6-IOD YORK STATE. ALL DETAILS AND INFORMATION HEREIN 15 CERTIFIED BY THE R310.1.1 All emergency escape and rescue openings shall have a minimum net clear opening of -fYP. FLOOR STRAP NO. C518 FASTENERS LISTED DE51ON PROFE55IONAL AND IN GOMPLIANGE WITH THE FOLLOWING: 5.7 square feet. 24" minimum clear opening height, 20" minimum clear opening width, 44" max still JOIST BY SIMP50N height. UNDER J015T(12" I. 2020 INTERNATIONAL RESIDENTIAL CODE FOR ONE AND TWO FAMILY HOUSES END LENGTH) 16" WINDOW SILL 2. 2020 NYS UNIFORM CODE SUPPLEMENT FINAL, INSTALLED STAIRWAYS, HANDRAILS, 6UARD5 SHALL BE INSTALLED IN FULL O.G. PLATE 5. 2020 IECG CONFORMANCE WITH THIER RESPECTIVE CODE SECTIONS. ARCHITECT 15 NOT RESPONSIBLE 4. ENGINEERED 5TRUCTURAL GOMPOi�ENT5 PER ASGE 7-10 FOR THESE INSTALLATIONS. BOX BEAM. STUD TO PLATE: 5. WOOD FRAME CONSTRUCTION MANUAL 2018 EDITION FOR ONE AND TWO STORY MATCH FJ SIMPSON "HDUS" UPLIFT FAMILY DWELLINGS R314 Stairways shall not be less than 36 inches in clear width at all points above the permitted handrail height and below the required headroom height. Handralls shall not project more than GONNEGTOR W/ g" DIA.. THERE SHALL BE NO DEVIATION IN CONSTRUCTION PRACTIGE FROM THE 4.5 inches on either 51deof the stairway and the minimum clear width of the stairway at and below TYPIGAL AT CORNERS REQUIREMENTS OF THESE DOCUMENTS. the handrail height, Including treads and landings, shall not be less than 31.5 inches where a OF BUILDING AND AT MATERIALS SHOWN AND SPECIFIED ON THESE PLANS HAVE BEEN GHOSEN BASED handrail is installed on one side and 27 Inches where handrails are provided on both sides. The BOTTOM PLATE ENDS OF SHEARWALLS. maximum riser height shall be &.25" and the minimum tread depth shall be q" in conformance with ON PERFORMANCE DATA AND MANUFACTURERS RECOMMENDATIONS. AND � SUBSTITUTIONS WILL BECOME THE BURDEN AND REASONABILITY OF THE R314.2. Min►mum headroom 6-8. All stairs shall be provided with Illumination in accordance with �- GONTRACTOR TO VALIDATE THE GOMPLIANGE WITH CODES AND TESTING Section R303.4. Enclosed accessible space under stairs shall have walls, under stair surface W Z _ PROGEDURES, INGLUDING THE PRODUGTION OF AN51 TEST RESULTS , AAMA TEST and any soffits protected on the enclosed side with 1/2-Inch gypsum board. r , Z W N RESULTS, ETG. / Lf� 1- R315.1 Handralls having a minimum and maximum heights of 34 inches and 38 inches, respectively, - �- LU measured vertically from the nosing of the treads shall be provided on at least one side of U ► LU _ Q 6ENERALI� I ® stairways. All required handrails shall be continuous the full length of the stairs with two or more w _ ` ) risers from a point directly above the top riser of a flight to a point directly above the lowest U tip riser of the flight. Ends shall be returned or shall terminate in newel posts or safety terminals. H I. All electric work shall comply with the National Electrice Code. Electrician shall Handralls adjacent to a wall shall have a spce of not less than 1.5 inches (35mm) between the I---I W m obtain fire underwriters certificate for all electric work and shall submit to owner. wall and the handrail. The handgrip portion of handrails shall have a circular cross section of CD � � 1U Provide all outlets and Junction boxes required for all appliances, pumps, equipment, 1-1/4 inches minimum to 2-5/5 inches maximum. Edge radius of 1/8". < O etc. Contractor shall review service requirements, all lighting, outlets, fixtures, phone, 1-�-i Jacks, T.V. cable Jacks, etc. with owner as required for the full installation and R316.1 Guards are to be a minimum of 36 Inches (cil4mm) in height. Open sides of stairs with a < f Z satisfaction of owners requirements and code compliance and shall provide same. total rise of more than 30 Inches above the floor or grade below shall have guards (each side) Architect is not responsible for electrical designs for this project in any capacity. not less than 34 inches in height measured vertically from the nosing of the treads. (Second 2. All plumbing work shall comply with the National Plumbing Code and all local codes. story guards are recommended to be higher.) Z LU U / Contractor shall review with the owner the requirements for plumbing installations H N including but not limited to fixtures, trim, accessories, etc. and requirements for water R317.1 Single and multiple-station smoke alarms shall be Installed in each sleeping room, outside TYP. FND. TIES: �W service and domestic hot water. Architect is not responsible for any plumbing systems of each separate sleeping area in the immediate vicinity of the bedroom, on each additional SIMPSON "HDU5" TYP. ANCHOR BOLT: Q in any capacity. Contractor shall provide sanitary system in accordance with the story of the dwelling, Including basements. The alarm devices shall be interconnected in such a GONNEGTOR W/ (2) 5/&"DIA. 45" O.G. LU owners approved site plan and shall coordinate all inspectlons required for approval manner that the activation of one alarm will activate all of the alarms in the individual unit. The T_ of same. And surveys indicating final tank locations shall be by owners surveyor. alarm shall be clearly audible In all bedrooms over backround noise levels with all intervening DIA. THRU BOLTS. COORDINATE PLACEMENT v Contractor shall provide surveyor with information as required. doors closed. All smoke alarms shall be listed and Installed in accordance with the provisions (TYPICAL AT CORNERS W/HOLD DOWN BOLTS. VERIFY 3. All H.V.A.G. work shall comply with Article 10 of the N.Y.S. Uniform Fire Prevention of this code and the household firewarning equipment provisions of NFPA72. OF BUILDING AND AT BOLT TYPE,EMBEDMENT,REBAR and Building Code and Energy Code. Gontrnctor shall review all mechanical systems ENDS OF SHEARWALLS) ETC. BEFORE CONSTRUCTION with owner for type of system to be provided (I.E. oil, gas, or electric hot water or R31q.1.2 Wall and ceiling finishes not Including trim, door, and window frames shall have a C0 N air, etc.) inc►uding air conditioning requirements. Architect 15 not responsible for flame-spread classification of not greater than 200. Wall and ceiling finishes shall have a o b z b z heating or air conditioning systems In any capacity. smoke-developed index of not greater than 450. EXIST. FLOOR 4. Owner shall obtain an and all required permits prior to allowing contractors to R322. A vapor retarder shall be installed on the warm-in-winter side of insulation. EXIST. FLOOR o m y q. P p g P JOIST proceed with any of the work. RIOOLI Masonry chimneys shall be constructed, anchored, supported, and reinforced as required JOIST @o 5. All site work including sanitary system, utilities, easements. setbacks, elevations, 1n this chapter and the applicable provisions of Chapters 3, 4, and 6 with applicable clearances L� draina e, retaining walls, etc. shall be in accordance with a site Ian prepared b the to combustibles and firesto in 1-4" x I8 GAUGE STEEL I- " x 18 GAUGE STEEL [� o 9 g P P p y pP 9 /� V owners surveyor. The Architect is not responsible for site designs of any type In any GOLIED STRAP WRAPPED / GOLIED STRAP WRAPPED tJl capacity. RbO7.1 Attic access. An attic access opening shall be provided to attic areas that exceed 30 UNDER SILL AND OVER 4e UNDER SILL AND OVER 6. All work shall be performed by licensed contractors whom are experienced with square feet and have a vertical height of 30 inches or greater. The rough-framed openinh shall EAGH STUD W/ 12" MIN. EACH STUD W/ 12" MIN. the type of work being performed. All contractors shall maintain liability insurance and not be less than 22 inches by 30 Inches and shall be located in a hallway or other readily STUD BEARING. NO. GS18 STUD BEARING. NO. GS18 pQO�M(Du#0 24-00a workers compensation insurance in connection with all work being performed in accessible location. A 30-inch minimum unobstructed headroom in the attic space shall be BY 51MP50N BY SIMPSON project. provided at some point above the access opening. See Section M1305.1.3 for access 7. All materials, systems, equipment, fixtures, etc. shall be installed in strict requirements where mechanical equipment is located in attic. R-50 INSUL. R-30 INSUL. compliance with the manufacturers written Specifications and installation instructions W/ VAPOR BARRIER UP W/ VAPOR BARRIER UP a ' ��° [P GFDLM' PROJEGT5 24-oOq including all clearances for service, etc. R808.1 Combustible insulation shall be separated a minimum of 3 Inches from recessed lighting • .Q z , 8. All contractors shall warrant their work in writing to the owner for a minimum fixtures, fan motors, and other heat-producing devices or separated in accordance with the FOUNDATION - z period of two years. conditions stipulated in the fixtures listing. Recessed lighting installed In the building thermal WALL FOUNDATION �. cf. The Architect shall not have control or charge of and shall not be res onsible envelope shall meet the requirements of Section N1101.3. _ GRADE OR e g p p q a . , - - -- WALL --- - - R - DG3Q Jai �I c'#o for construction means, methods, techniques, sequences, or procedures, or for safety programs in connection with the work or for acts or omissions of the contractor, I p PITCH FINAL GRADE PITCH FINAL 6RADE subcontractors or any person performing any of the work, or for the failure of any of D 5167 I N L.0 A 5: AWAY FROM WALLS TYP. ° AWAY FROM WALLS TYP. them to carry out the work in accordance with the intent of the contract documents in that said re5pon5iblity Is the sole responsibility of the contractor. LIVE DEAD 10. All exterior doors, roofing shingles, trim, siding, etc. shall be reviewed and 5NOw LOAD: approved by owner. 20 10 ROOF : FM ,12 PITCH ►I. All Interior finishes Including but not limited to walls, flooring, tile, etc. shall be 40 10 DECKS / PORCHES reviewed with and approved by owner. 12. All miscellaneous Interior Items Including but not limited to doors, trim, fireplaces. 40 10 ROOMS OTHER THAN SLEEPING ROOMS closet shelving, kitchen cabinets, shelving. hardware, etc. shall be reviewed with and 30 10 SLEEPING ROOMS approved by owner. 13. Where existing walls, posts etc, are removed it Is the responsibility of the 20 10 ATTICS WITH STORAGE contractor to provide temporary support, shoring, bracing, etc. a5 required. 10 10 ATTICS WITHOUT 5TORA6)E �Gi]C�C�4 GlOoo 2 of 5 24'-4" ;Ie14'-8" -l'-5 1/2" 17'-10" 6'_6 � dC�GG� G10 �GIGi][�9 Lao�oLQo -I I $_ I _I 3 I 11 �5 ( — — — — — — I 1 I I I A — — — — — � INSUL ��� a0O La[�OCC.�C� LQMCRG`:]MR - - -� I L - - -J L- -- I A-2 _ � ( � — — � I I HR FIRE EXISTING D9a'�� ��g0il 6 3�.w2w.0944 5TOPPIN5 GIRDER 6 I m I I G I I MINERAL WOOL — � �- - - -� L- -- -- - - -- - - - --- - - ---- - - - - - - - - � �- - - --� L — -I 15T FLOOR I� nn ❑ EL. 0'-0„ Q3 LSQ I�❑ IYBI EX. FJ TO REMAIN VENT TO I I 34'-O" — — — I i '&-t7 OUTSIDE - 100 5F OF 5/8," GONG PLAT AND 5TEP5 -� I O TYPE "X" GYP I PER NY5BG R311 GYP BD PAINTED J I BD. ABOVE EX. 10GONG L- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- __ _ , .�.ti ,�r% UND � MEGH. EQUIP. FOUNDATION WALL — _ TYR— O I = xr-- 36 HAD IL 118]oYWELL 5 5�� II� I I I I I I m I5 INSUL BATT yEX. REG. ROOM — _ — O MIL VAPOR BARRIERHR SELFCLOSINGI RS RIGID -I - -- --- - - - - - - - -�DOOR �- - - - -- ---- - - - - - - - I � b a, i �c����A I _ (30-1.75x1 &5 LVL GDR El I I — GLA55 (ENGINEERED DE516N) EXISTING � � ❑ A-2 I DOOR AN I ( 02-22-24 ISSUED FOR BEAM I PANEL 4'-2" 3'-II" 7'-l0" 5'-7" I I I EXISTING 8" GONG FINISHED BASEMENT POCKET I F r — 1 I I I FOUNDATION AND OWNERS REVIEW p I T11 4-1 ( iFOOTING TYP. IL T NINEIx CHINEELLAR J L J A-2 I EX. 4" GONG. SLAB ON (3) x FL. I F (E (3)-2 SD UNDeyp ER BD — I I I GRADE O O �NYSBG EX. UNEXAGATED i �0 BASEMENT 00 EL. -7'-61/2�, X =x (21 2" x 10" o cv m � 3-2 c� l P STAIR PER I - ® I I I I 3'-2° NY58G R311 � '01 - - - - - � I LL a'-2° x I I BATHROOM �+ 14'�" 5'-O" X 68 b � = b+ + L_ - - - IE-p- EX EX• CL• X I ACCESS I I DROP FOUNDATION BELOW SLAB DROP FOUNDATION BELOW SLAB �— —— — — PANEL — — J L — —— — —� DOOR OPENING — _ — DOOR OPENING — — — — r -- - -- -- - -I _ E) (2)-2x10 FLUSH —— —— — — — — —— (2 -2x10 FLU I OUTSID VENT � A _ — o - - � L — - - - - - J �- - - — - - - - - - - - - - - - -- — - - - -- - - - - - -- - -J = N I I A-2 - - o ----- - - - -- - - - - DECK(ABOVE) — — — — — —— — — — — — 4" V. THRU ROOF 2'-q" q'-2" 2'-cl 8'-O" 2'-q" I- —— -1 1- —— -I f — — �- — — -I 1- — — 7 i I I (2)-2xlO GDR ATTIC L - - J L _ _ J L _ — J L _ _ J _ _ 1— ——— — — _ — _ � L I L — — J O (E) 28x36 CASEMENT P.G. FTC. I EGRESS WINDOW VENT I 4" 501E BASEMENT NOTES: BATHROOM BASEMENT ARE NOT TO BE USED _ W (� 2" FOR SLEEPING OR COOKING. ___-- ---- T I � -_ --_._ -____ --__ -____ r , �.J � ` N BASEMENT CAN NOT BE USED `.J AS A SEPARATE LIVING UNIT. I Q Lh �'-o" 7'-0" BASEMENT USE FOR APPROVED I C/ Z USE ONLY I 11 1/2" 1 1/2"I I 1 1/2" W v ' Lu I I/2 2 I 2„ 11/2 I 1 1/2"I WASHER I � — I LAV. LAV. I x < W Z (— SHOWER W.G. I W.G. TUB �TUB Z Z � Z .� � w SECOND FLOOR 11 W G.O. I 4 501 < 4 G.O. 4" 410 4" I, XX V POWDER W V\ N (IJ ROOM KITCHEN Z NOTE: GENERAL NOTES: LL - SMOKE ALARM TO CONFORM WITH R514 OF THE 2020 IRO. GAR13ON MONOXIDE I I I �2 X DETECTORS TO OF THE 2020 IRG AND SHALL COMPLY WITH SECTION q15 OF THE 2020 Il �,/. FLOOR PLANS 5HOWIN6 AS BUILT CONDITIONS AND COMPLETED To O x NOTE: 1® I THE BEST OF OUR KNOWLEDGE AS PER FIELD MEASUREMENTS. I L�l(,�" I SINK WINDOWS TO CONFORM WITH R310.2 OF THE 2020 IRG WHERE APPLICABLE 211 allN THESE PLANS WERE DRAWN TO REPRESENT EXISTING CONDITIONS. I Q — — — —— — EX. 8" POURED CONCRETE GOMPONENT5 SHOWN WERE BASED ON A VISUAL NON DE5TRUCTIVE o I F.A.I. C� FOUNDATION WALL TO "CLOSED WALL" INSPECTION W.G. DISH � _n013 — — — — — — REMAIN I SHE 0 d — —— — JEFF A ZAHN A.I.A. ARCHITECT WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY FIRST FLOOR a — NEW 8 POURED CONCRETE HIDDEN DEFECTS OR FAULTY CONSTRUCTIONS PRACTICES WHICH ARE �k`•'c'.: FOUNDATION WALL 70 NOT DIRECTLY V15113LE RESHGEGK GOMPLIANGE — — — ——— REMAIN JEFF A ZAHN A IA. ARCHITECT AND CONSULTANTS HAS NOT BEEN WET BAR 4 5ANITARY LINE INSULATION VALUES 5HOWN ON SECTION ARE USED EX. 2"x6" OR 2"x4" WV RETAINED FOR THE SUPERVISION OF THI5 PROJECT OR TO FILE ANY TO EXISTING pG30dC��4#o 24-ooa FOR RESGHEGK COMPLIANCE ALL VALUES MEET FRAMED WALLS @ 16 BATHROOM APPROVED G.W.B. O.G. w/ OTHER APPLICATION RELATED OR REQUIRED TO THIS PROJECT. � �' T-- ---__ --` SEPTIC SYSTEM MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS 1/2" . EA. SIDE TO REMAIN IT 15 THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE OWNER TO FILE FOR AND OBTAIN ANDERSEN 400 SERIES WINDOWS TO CONFORM WITH NEW 2"x4" HD FRAMED All REQUIRED APPROVALS AND PERMITS FROM ANY AND ALL I 1 1/2"I I HOUSE TRAPCMG° ����o PROJECTS 2400q R510.2 OF THE 2020 IRG WHERE APPLICABLE. GOVERNING A6ENCIE5 HAVING JURISDICTION OVER THIS PROJECT. I 1 I/2 WALLS I6 O.G. w/ I/2 SINK LAV I f �_ BACK U-FACTOR AND SHGG USED PER MANUFACTURES G.W.B. EA. 51DE JEFF A ZAHN A.I.A. ARCHITECT ASSUMES NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR FLOW VALUES. I W G ICE BARRIER TO 13E 05D SMOKE DETECTOR PRE-EXISTING VIOLATIONS, CODE/ZONING DEFICIENCIES AND I OR EXTERIOR HALL LL L L INSTALLED MININE OF THE BUILDI DNG INSIDE THE NON CONFORMING USAGE'S SHOWER PREVENTER GO CARBON MONOXIDE JEFF A ZAHN A.I.A. ARCHITECT ASSUMES NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR BASEMENT DETECTOR DELAYS IN APPROVALS BY THE BUILD. DEPT. OR OTHER AUTHORITIES INVOLVED. F EXHAUST FAN MIN 75 GFM ALL BUILDING PERMITS REQUIRE AN INSPECTION BY AREA — INSPECTOR. 4" SANITARY LINE 4" 2 I EJECTOR PITA j*/�` AN ELECTRICAL CERTIFICATE MAY BE REQUIRED. HOMEOWNER IS �IA I - RESPONSIBLE TO PROVIDE AGGORDINGLY. SCALE: NT5 niia[E4 mas of eJC�[�L,� G.10 �LaG,7[v19 CQo�oG�Qa LQI3C�G��S�[�C�4 ��� G30O Lal�]OC3� LQM[�[nllMC� G3�MC5L�G�CEGQD9 [nl�`I �� ° o� 6�3fl"aka°0�° 14'-5" 8'-O" 14'-II" 17'-6" 6'-10" � I; A. ol + " Wa�+" ��_,.;,�Y Jam✓' WINDOW WINDOW WLOPO STOOP (13E o4 (BE D M M Cs o I D WEX. al 42ON 02-22-24 ISSUED FOR 6'-0' SLIDER OWNERS REVIEW SI�I KITCHENI 14'-4"xl5'-6" uj FAMILY ROOM 000 n 22'-4"xl5'-6" U p z n n s E 000 EP KITCHEN 14'-4"xl5'-6" V' REF. O N POWDER m a+`� ROOM 0 pz O GARAGE m N� p 22-O x22 O H m N� SD O X6 � O GO N LIVING ROOM UP DINING ROOM 14'-O"xl2'-O" 11'-&"xl2'-2" FOYER FOVERHEAD DOOR OVERHEAD DOOR I � �0��� J Z < i i i U .7 CL -A sk Q X � LU ° Lu EX. WINDOW EX. WINDOW I'� C L— COVERED PORCH Z < I— W C � LL ® ® ® ® ® ® Z N w Z Z L X LJ 15'-2" 'I'-O" 15'-2" 24'-4" r O 00Ir N � O m O � a � a Lr'UilONJLS��#o 24-00q @MD PNLEEo PROJEGT5 24-00q X 1571 N6 � I 57 F::L®® FL-AN SCALE: I/4" = I'-O" MAIN FLOOR = 1,215 5F GARAGE - 552 SF TOTAL FIRST FLOOR = 1, 5F mmmu ma-0 4 of rp �JJ�G�� Lao �La[�[�19 Lao�oLao LaG3C�G[1�4�C�4 nowi G3mmFoo mw m 6�3�oa��7o0�44 STOOP E O u�?QuM EX. WINDOW EX, WINDOW EX, WINDOW EX. WINDOW 02-22-24 ISSUED FOR OWNERS REVIEW o � 3 TUB La BEDROOM BEDROOM co z 10'-8"xl2'-2" q'-WW2'-2" 0 `'J Io F w O i 0 CIL LAV. OR LAY. - 6a 5D ro CO Q N.y C CtL ry Go 5'-0" BI-FOLD LU m 6a X lU � SD SD m LU MASTER BEDROOM - BEDROOM C� CL ro 14'-0"xl2'-0" _ a in _jN - sV ---- -- ROOF w 2-q cl-2 2-q 8-O 2-q a-2 2-q 24-4 LU r i � O m O � 0 a � a pQOe���l1#0 24-OOGI X 15 7 I N C-7 5 C®N �= ®® PLAN CMG°.DD GNU IBC o PROJECTS 24-00q SCALE: 1/4" = I'-O" TOTAL SECOND FLOOR = 1201 SF DG3QIt 0 MCA#o A � 4 gm[EC�4 ma.0 5 0f 'BP-# 50lgq - So AMENDMENT 5T-4 24'-4 11 J o 3-a4 r bK- - �� — — — — — — — — — NJ�IrI� 4�o LL"�LftJLN9 L 1o�oLzlo 4'-6" I I F - - � - - � R2 - - - - - - -I I Q_ I -I �I - - - - - - � INSUL G239d aa�QDaG�rl�f�l9g U� I I I I A i I - I FIR FIRE EXISTING - - -1 L - - .J L - - J A-2 I �- - - I 6�go���7o�ge STOPPING GIRDER G I I MINERAL WOOL m - J �- - - -I L - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - J L- - - J I- - 1 IST FLOOR EL. O O EX. FJ TO REMAIN - - zz VENT TO I I 34'-0" I ,s OUTSIDE I = � (^` A. ar I 100 SF OF 5/8" I GONG PLAT AND 5TEP5 R O TYPE "X" GYP �t I PER NY5►3G P311 GYP BD PAINTED . , J i BD. ABOVE EX. ►000NG - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -MECH. EQUIP. FOUNDATION WALL ❑ TYP. I I J O I 36 HAD IL 1311 8]fi � � —I— �-- - - - - - - - - � ��'� �y = O I rq 15 1 N5UL BATT O I = m I DRYWELL 5 T EA 5 11' m " AI I I HW 0 ,- ' t I I I I I I I 2x4 STUDS 0 tb O.G. -- _ m 10 MIL VAPOR BARRIER EX. REC. ROOM RS RIGID I " HR SELF CLOSING - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - � cl DOOR r I b m n n I (30-135x11.&15 LVL GDR /A'k I I =— GLA55 (ENGINEERED DE51GN) `� I I EXISTING A-2 I � DOOR AN I I IEXISTING FINSHED 02-22-24 ISSUED FOR PANEL 4'-2" 3'- I FOUNDATION AND CONG BASEMENT OWNERS REVIEW PBEAM OCKET FOOTING TYP. 05-23-24 ISSUED FOR OWNERS REVIEW o m I I I t o WINE I IL — J L _ _ J L - - m m — J N ZAA CELLAR I�'-4" q I I GRADE ONC. 5LAB ON u) I I(E) (3) x FL. F F �) (3)- O IFL H u-' SD UNDER GYP BD I I I - 3'-g" P o 0 STAIR I EX. UNEXACATED I I BASEMENT — J - I EL. -T-6 1/2" x Gp oNYSBC I I N o _ I - I © /�� UT31 _� I J( 2 � 10 STAIRI'ER L - - - - - J NY5BG R311 m o x Q'-2" (— +6 +6 - BATHROOM a I kN A L L 5 710 N m I I I SCALE: 1/2" = I'-O" F I +`0 +8 I I 1 I PULL NEH EX,� fy s\+ N_E I BOXUTIL E� I €P. AG S I I DROP FOUNDATION BELOW SLAB DROP FOUNDATION BELOW SLAB DISCONNECT � — — —_ _ — — — — — — PANEL DOOR OPENING © DOOR OPENING ME R I L _ I VENT TO E) (2)-2x10 FLUSH E) (2 x10 FLU OUTSIDE — — — J - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ _ - -1 A - - � �- - - O Ex. RP I A I I N - - - - - -� PECK(ABOVE) - - - - - - - - - - - - 4" V. THRU ROOF 2'-G" 8'-O" 2'-Q" G'-2" 2'-q" 2'-5" F- (_ -1 f-1 (- F- I �I — I —❑ I (2)-2x10 GDR I —❑ I I —❑ I — I ❑— I — I❑ I I I I I I I I I I I I I ATTIC L - - J L - - J L - - J L - - J L - - J L - - J O (E) 28x36 CASEMENT r- — — — — G. — — — EGRESS WINDOW VENT 4" 501E I P.G. FTC. I— — — — — — — — — J BASEMENT NOTES: BATHROOM BASEMENT ARE NOT TO BE USED _ _ v FOR SLEEPING OR COOKING. 2 O 2 --- BASEMENT CAN NOT BE USED T AS A SEPARATE LIVING UNIT. I FF—�i _ Z lo, 8' p BASEMENT U5E FOR APPROVED I I }-I I/2" I I/2"I I I I/2" W USE ONLY 11 1/2" 2" I 2" 1 1/2" 11/2"I WASHER I Q x Lu Q LAV. LAY. I I I---i LU < � Z 5HOWER W.G. I W.G. TUB TUB < � � ~ SECOND FLOOR 4" 501 T Ln � < ,A 11 411 411 411 Y I POWDER < z Z ROOM KITCHEN LL � _� -- •--__ _ In GENERAL NOTES: I X NOTE: SMOKE ALARM TO GONFORM WITH R31z- OF THE 2020 IRG. GARBON MONOXIDE I I/2" r- DETEGTOR5 TO OF THE 2020 IRG AND SHALL COMPLY WITH 5EGTION C115 OF THE 2020 FLOOR PLANS SHOWING A5 BUILT CONDITIONS AND COMPLETED TO00 i� THE BEST OF OUR KNOWLEDGE AS PER FIELD MEASUREMENTS. I �,1(�°I 211 I SINK N NOTE: WINDOWS TO CONFORM WITH R310.2 OF THE 2020 IRG WHERE APPLICABLE O THESE PLANS WERE DRAWN TO REPRESENT EXISTING CONDITIONS. I o I F.A.I. - — — — — - EX. 8" POURED GONGRETE COMPONENTS SHOWN WERE BASED ON A VISUAL NON DE5TRUGTIVE In CLOSED WALL INSPECTION W.G. DISH In " FOUNDATION WALL TO SHE @ � - - - - - - REMAIN JEFF A ZAHN A.I.A. ARCHITECT WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY FIRST FLOOR a v - — — — — - NEW 8" POURED GONGRETE HIDDEN DEFECTS OR FAULTY CONSTRUCTIONS PRACTICES WHICH ARE FOUNDATION WALL TO NOT DIRECTLY VISIBLE - — — — — - REMAIN WET BAR 4" SANITARY LINE TO RESHGEGK GOMPLIANGE JEFF A ZAHN A.I.A. ARCHITECT AND CONSULTANTS HAS NOT BEEN I— BATHROOM APPROVED G pG30JCC�4#o 24-ooq EX. 2 x6 OR 2x4 WD RETAINED FOR THE SUPERVISION OF TH15 PROJECT OR TO FILE ANY SEPTIC SYSTEM INSULATION VALUES SHOWN ON SEGTION ARE USED FRAMED WALLS @ 16" O.G. W/ OTHER APPLICATION RELATED OR REQUIRED TO THIS PROJECT. T' -- FOR RESGHEGK GOMPLIANGE ALL VALUES MEET 1/2" G.W.B. EA. SIDE TO XHGI (� °�� HIM,,, PROJECTS 24-o0a MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS REMAIN IT 15 THE RESPON5IBILITY OF THE OWNER TO FILE FOR AND OBTAIN I I/2 All REQUIRED APPROVALS AND PERMITS FROM ANY AND ALL I I HOUSE TRAP ANDERSEN 400 SERIES WINDOWS TO CONFORM WITH NEW 2"x4" WD FRAMED GOVERNING AGENCIES HAVING JURISDICTION OVER THI5 PROJECT. I I I/2"R310.2 OF THE 2020 IRG WHERE APPLICABLE. WALLS @ 16" O.G. w/ 1/2" SINK LAV I f ( BACK U-FACTOR AND SHGG USED PER MANUFAGTURES G.W.B. EA. 51DE JEFF A ZAHN A.I.A. ARCHITECT ASSUMES NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR I FLOW e o W.G. ( DG3Q�M�L�IC�a# VALUES. QSD SMOKE DETECTOR PRE-EXISTING VIOLATIONS, CODE/ZONING DEFICIENCIES AND I OR SHOWER PREVENTER ICE BARRIER TO BE INSTALLED MIN 24" IN51DE THE NON CONFORMING USAGE'S BASEMENT EXTERIOR WALL LINE OF THE BUILDING GO GARBON MONOXIDE JEFF A ZAHN A.I.A. ARCHITECT ASSUMES NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR DETECTOR DELAYS IN APPROVALS BY THE BUILD. DEPT. OR OTHER AUTHORITIES INVOLVED. EXHAUST FAN MIN -75 GFM ALL BUILDING PERMITS REQUIRE AN INSPECTION BY AREA 4" SANITARY LINE 4" INSPECTOR. EJECTOR PIT ,a � r_ � �� AN ELECTRICAL CERTIFICATE MAY BE REQUIRED. HOMEOWNER IS RESPONSIBLE TO PROVIDE ACCORDINGLY. SCALE: NTS OCT 1 2024 �Bmi v a0oo of 5 a.,rn g�T'ffi'"T T*�,` a ,.T:... :'�!'�Q T""3. 1 •-•