HomeMy WebLinkAbout2024 Suffolk County Department of Health Services Office of Ecology Pu blic Health PERMIT To Operate a Bathing Beach This is to certify that Town of Southold Recreation Dept. the operator of NORMAN KLIPP PARK / GULL POND J.,:gat;-{ �s 3925 M-t), A", SET AVENUE - EE PY' T = ti. ..�u..:.f�.1-ri.;l ,7°�h't •? V,^: :rk y170j�J1r71 HO'L}'Is]r�' J'"Jr:`'P .....,.,;a.v�3 ,,ls`'S"` ...:�`;:, •'�+ 1• q li. -�'�:'�F�.'7:. Located'yid,tfi4 TOWN of SOUTHOLD ili SUF. OL-KnC'ounty is granted permission to=operate,said establishment in colnp nce_with,the provisions ''.,;•f of Subpart 6=2,of the,State Sanitary Coade>Arid under'the'followiri =conditions: `y (1) This permit is grafttp.&r,s,ub�ect,to;any and all app_lida6le`'State;-Local and IV h—'i_cipa�l Laws, Ordinances Code R s, ule's�and`jRegulations. _ (2)Maximum Capacitys.-225 Bathers' :.: 7 Av Effective Date May 15,2024 Permit is NON-TRANSFERABLE Gregson HPigott,MD,MPH Permit Issuing Official This permit expires on September 30, 2024 and maybe revoked or suspended for cause. THIS PERMIT SHOULD BE POSTED CONSPICUOUSLY Facility Code 51SO20 Permit Number 51SO20 Operation ID 689589 18-1725:09/09kk DOH-1320 (2/92) (GEN-129) i Suffolk County Department of Health Services Office of Ecology PERMIT Public Health Prevent.Promote.Protect. To Operate a Bathing Beach . This is to certify that Town of Southold Recreation Dept. the operator of SOUTHOLD TOWN BEACH _;y'S".,Lkp9'.;;3°�T•r"r1U,','+. i'.i:3 !, ' 4.-a - Y�53005'�ROT7VT'E�4;8°`���-• OUTHOIJs), NY;=:1, �971=a: g ; Located"iri fi6,TOyTW of So THOLD in VFFOLK:;County is granted pe=,siori;to-oi3g,"rate,,said establishment in compliance witlijhe provisions of`Subp'art 6-2.Yof the State Sanitary Co&''and`- y" underie follgwirig-conditions: r I (1) This permit is granted subject::to an and all:a' ft&b'Ie.Stafe--16Zal and IVluii_ic'ipal Laws, _ Y PP., ; Ordinances Code a s,Rul'e`s, an&lteglx_lations. (2)Maximum Capacity"=`2'S0 Bathers. op Effective Date May 15,2024 Permit is NON-TRANSFERABLE Gregs\dli HPigott,MD,MPH Permit Issuing Official This permit expires on September 30, 2024 and may be revoked or suspended for cause. THIS PERMIT SHOULD BE POSTED CONSPICUOUSLY Facility Code 51SO44 Permit Number 51SO44 Operation ID 689590 18-1725:09/09kk DOH-1320 (2/92) (GEN-129) Suffolk County Department of Health Services Office of Ecology . Public Health To Operate a Bathing Beach This is to certify that Town of Southold Recreation Dept. the operator of KENNEY'S BEACH =4,7°5yLE'EPO`N=R0_AD ; ;n',Via' '''C.^:> sy:�'�J'•'='^-''.*, D KY4'1,14 f i� g:• : S'Oi7TH;OL ,, �.. J- � .4x,' ,fly ' .'+• :.> Locafed iri`the TT-0� T'N of SOUTHOLD in SU FOL-aKz,County is granted permiss.ioi 6--o eiatetsaid establishment in comp., nee with;;the provisions i'--1 'of 3 uhpart 6-2,;of the Sate Sanitary . S Code underu`the'fo'llowin conditions: g~ ;._.: (1) This permit is grantied s'ubjec'41o;any and al ' 1 r>. .{t Lapp: c'ab, ,le S'tate0;66cal and Mun�icipal':Iaws, Ordinances,Codes,Rwles an&Regu•lations. (2)Ma)amum Capacity=:15.0 Bathers:;- Effective Date May 15,2024 Permit is NON-TRANSFERABLE Gregson HPigott,MD,MPH Permit Issuing Official This permit expires on September 30, 2024 and may be revoked or suspended for cause. THIS PERMIT SHOULD BE POSTED CONSPICUOUSLY Facility Code 51SO18 Permit Number 51SO18 Operation ID 689584 18-1725:09/09kk DOH-1320 (2/92) (GEN-129) 1 Suffolk County Department of Health Services Office of,Ecology 1P � blPr Health PERMIT To Operate a Bathing Beach This is to certify that Town of Southold Recreation Dept. the operator of, GOOSE CREEK 2575 NO,-T1H`BAYVzIE ROAD _ � „ _ -��;SOUTHOIID�NY�lrla 7�1������y ' = Located'iPi nthe'3T0`tii'N of SOUTHOLD m SIIFF'OLX=.-;Uounty is granted perriis sion•toioperate, said establishment in colripliance wth;;fhe provisions of`Subpart 6-i".,ofthe State Sanitary C6del-'4hd_ . - under'"th following=c'oriditions. "4; '''i,J• . '.:�_•,, ,° e irX3'• .:..:s'?51% ., :.::� (1) This pemut is granted s�ubject�'to-,any and a'll_'4pplica'b,le.State;,"..cal and Munic'ipa1 I aws, Ordinances,Codes,Rules and`°Regul'ations. 2 Maximum Capacity—50 Bathers'', =: O P Y' _ - -- Effective Date May 15,2024 Permit is NON-TRANSFERABLE Gregson H Pigott,MD,MPH Permit Issuing Official This permit expires on September 30, 2024 and may be revoked or suspended for cause. THIS PERMIT SHOULD BE POSTED CONSPICUOUSLY Facility Code 51SO57 Permit Number 51S057 Operation ID 689582 18-1725:09/09kk DOH-1320 (2/92) (GEN-129) Suffolk County Department of Health Services Office of Ecology � blPc Health To Operate a Bathing Beach This is to certify that Town of Southold Recreation Dept. the operator of MCCABE'S BEACH 8.67,O:HORTON�rS'UAN�E. ,,,;.r:/ .h.w;,Y,r .nm. r;2'�'^ ';."a`.....�.:.';^+;;r"sue.•, lz=�SOUTHOL'D, n� .�.1'1971 �� ,. '.: aSOVT'HOIJD,:' y.z Locai&44iAe'TO:WN of SOUTHOLD in`SIIFFOOLK�C6unty is granted perrri ss gig`p operates said establishment in co plianee wlt rChe provisions a+' of Sul3part 6-2'of the State Sanitary Code;;and'=; •= underahe"fo`llowirigeonditions: a: . y> e (1) This permit is grarfied subject:Jo..,any and alLapplicabae.State ;Iocaland Mu lcipaleiA'ws, _l n; Ordinances,Codes,Reifies,and-Reg.u:lations. (2)Maximum Capacity=`1OOV Bathers,' :\; ; Effective Date May 15,2024 Permit is NON-TRANSFERABLE GregsA HPigott,MD,NWH Pennit Issuing Official This permit expires on September 30, 2024 and may be revoked or suspended for cause. THIS PERMIT SHOULD BE POSTED CONSPICUOUSLY Facility Code 51SO69 Permit Number 51SO69 Operation ID 689586 18-1725:09/09kk DOH-1320 (2/92) (GEN-129) Suffolk County Department of Health Services Office of Ecology 1P PERMIT Public Pr Health To Operate a Bathing Beach This is to certify that Town of Southold Recreation Dept. the operator of NEW SUFFOLK BEACH 2.650 JAC S„ONr S41 TREET r ,ice, ::w w: Wi NE ¢;SU Fz t,- V� FOLK;;NrY 1 WIZ." '�-:� Located' n=Atlie'TO,i'N of SOUTHOLDr in SUFF0'5County • , :,,•'ply-r;�, :r r...r".�_ is granted permissio%t e�o"irate_said establishment in colnpl, nce whKlhe provisions gf`SO,. art 6- fthe State Sanitary Code tand,, :f':.'. l 1'1`h' `y a'• `� - - °� under:_theYfgll".q•,wir conditions: __ ",r��-r (1) This permit is granted subj6ct'to.any and all.., caNe State;4T al and Munic;ipal",S, Ordinances,Codes,Rules and`Regulations. (2)Maximum capacity=;7,5 bathers~- „ r Effective Date May 15,2024 Permit is NON-TRANSFERABLE Gregs\ojn H Pig ott,MD,MPH Pemtit Issuing Official This permit expires on September 30, 2024 and may be revoked or suspended for cause. THIS PERMIT SHOULD BE POSTED CONSPICUOUSLY Facility Code 51S032 Permit Number 51SO32 Operation ID 689588 18-1725:09/09kk DOH-1320 (2/92) .(GEN-129)