HomeMy WebLinkAboutBailey Investment Group II, LLC Glenn Goldsmith,President COGy Town Hall Annex A.Nicholas Krupski,Vice President <* 54375 Route 25 Eric Sepenoski ,01 ? P.O.Box 1179 Liz Gillooly �y • �� Southold,NY 11971 Elizabeth Peeples �Cl , r Telephone(631)765-1892 Fax(631)765-6641 Southold Town Board of Trustees Field Inspection Report Date/Time: 311-,1.12A Completed in field by: D PCQ)n Peter DiClementi on behalf of BAILEY INVESTMENT GROUP II, LLC requests a Pre- Submission Inspection to discuss what can and can't be done in the 25' non- disturbance buffer and 15' non-turf buffer, and discuss removing dead trees, hanging dead limbs in these areas to clean up the buffers. Located: 910 Glenn Road, Southold. SCTM# 1000-78-2-27 Type of area to be impacted: Saltwater Wetland Freshwater Wetland Sound Bay Part of Town Code proposed work falls under: Chapt. 275 Chapt. 111 other Type of Application: Wetland Coastal Erosion Amendment Administrative Emergency Pre-Submission Violation Notice of Hearing card posted on property: Yes No Not Applicable Info needed/Modifications/Conditions/Etc.: Sho rr l4y, pro t4 WA V%AAwo,0 s h0?jMa In. aVY4 McAh&accn is i^o be &dRNW., r7ne- }iuwe clergy, �n � was a i ` Vl V� Y Rm�u►�.wv_.�1—� Present Were: G. Goldsmith x/ N. Krupski E. Sepenoski L. Gillooly V E. Peeples PROPOSED LOT COUERA'GE SURVEY OF PROPERTY PROPOSED HOUSE tl933 Sq.Fl. AT SOUTHOLD PROPOSED SUPS =96 Sq.Ft. PROPOSED POOL&EQUIP. = 5 q. t. Ft. TOWN OF SOUTHOLD � PROPOSED PQOL EOUlP.=25 Sq.Ft. TOTAL PROPOSED COMRAGE 366E sq.Ft. SUFFOLK COUNTY, N.Y. BUILDABLE AREA OF LOT- LANDWARD OF WETLANDS-271J3 4FG 1000-78-02—27 2JI33/3666= 0.158 or 18.8X SCALE. 1= 30' a JUNE 2, 2022 Lot Nas ore From Nap Of West pack JULY 18, 2022(PROP. HOUSE&SEP77C) Estates 57ad with the S,rf/olk Ca perk AUGUST 3 20.z2__(FLAG fR£7LANDS on Aug. 19, 196J,File No.J648 AUGUST 22, 2d22 pR v/S/0NS&COR, CAONS) SEPIEMBER 7, 2022(REVISIONS PER 7RUS7EES) DECE41BER 9, 2022(FOUNDAAON LOC4770N) MARCH 7,'2023(PROP. POOL) MARCH'20, 2023(REVISE LOT COVERAGE) NO WELL ff1TH/N f5O'OF SUBJECT PARCEL APR/L 13, 2023(15'NON-7URF BUFFER) POLETY CLENN GOAD xc�a+D.D -0 x�4z 9 g, PUBLIC WATER IN STREET EOP 6q tZp�xw� '�*•9p NL'E Eta.i ch U7QUY ¢.fa END.JEST KIL R=129.83 L=100.00' EL al. TEST HOLES s•xw > 2 mb, EL as, co EX EA o N � W iRq��OAV• n W.5 AW Isr c cfc CURB ,,lq sM,r av Comm ,a.a• I BAW 'BB r FpUNaRiWH LM Cl , CURB FE EL u� „I COR I 11; CCUR URB 5 E a O/L FRAME p V eaz• 0.9' SHEDoompumir 2 j x— ti :S,Q. 4Y PPOL a M ' u,SEry 2 Z TV O er� a nv COVD }Sn� 2 � GA p m av movo�o � `Q ZEBO j POOL POP FOOL copwa � D. x-:.%` E RAIN RUNOFF CONTAINMENT- �. v6 WG,U'xos six PROPOSED HOUSE 2956 Sq.Ft. A J� 2956 x 0.17 x f=503 CuFl. �»' ,E LOT 11 r in N O N 603142.2=iL9 VP W Pmvfde 3 OW 810 x 4'Deep= 12 VF. p 4'ACCESS 70 DOCK 3 Connected by Gutters&Leaders � SD'OC DE90N N BY GUM BEERY NVS LILIIYSW ARa61ECr 15 NM TURF BUFFER z rn RWALL 25'NON O/S7URBANCE\ )EST HOLE DATA NON TURF BUFFER A M.DWA CEDS IITCE 0 END LD O5/17/27 11.20 Au 7 .�,anA niN pE9'E EL as 7UP OF BAN/(; E T3 � _ �.�M�""' 'CAW aaoKfv LOAN cr yam. MAL was OF M� w�Q aivps' M�WM�� �TN'AUt eRou1•r sdlr SAW sN LWAMDAYRQMT x,FY, ANOMM 3 PAfE EDiOIW R1TE SAND SP PXY� 2022 ZfyJ LL Go*— WEST cRE WA MR IN PALE&WW FIVE SAND SP KEY ?8B 110.00' _ Euc /ke? 1, W F`pBn► rr 0 'RMAR 40 fy S78.05�'9ULKNE/� 4rc�o�•m ARR&WOUNIMM ® =fim LOOT It �.v�' ITSV/WACE 0 sTANE of lest C[ae9 DaveloPm�• 1 o.t. B =IEST HOLE L� •T1a Co.Bile No.It O >PIPE 5„bdiviSv4Soll, y.p E -MONUARNr •,•,• �II -UTILITY PIME G' nv.es+ Y..S LfC. N0. 051132—01 ELEVARONS&CONTOUR UNES ARE REFERENCED TO NAVD 68' CERTFICATSON 'N. Roberts Premier Development LLC NYS. LC. NO. 49618 ANY ALTERATION OR A0171770N TO THIS SURVEY IS A WOCADON Prime Merldlan Abstract Inc. PECONIC SLWEYORS, P.C. XTm 2 90SFC THKE W 9MN9E DUC 170MRWCTINS Stewart TWO Insurance Company (631) 70-5020 FAX(631) 765-1797 HEREON ARE VALID FOR 7N/S MAP AND COPIES TNLFEOF ONLY IF P.O. BOX 909 SAID MAP OR COPIES BEAR RUE IMPRESSED SEAL OF THE SURVEYOR 1230 TRAVELER STREET r)�_012 WHOSE SIGNATURE APPEARS HEREON. AREA= 29,348 Sa F`T. SOUTHOLD, N.Y. 11971 rG l Bailey Investment Group II, LLC. PO Box 692 Milldale, CT 06467 EF 12 2024 hold Town February 8, 2024 of Trustees I Peter DiClementi give g permission to the Board of Town Trustees,Town of Southold to enter our property located at 910 Glenn Road Southold NY. I have included our Certificate of Organization for Bailey Investment Group II, LLC stating Manager/Member information. I would like to discuss the existing Dock and eroding bulkhead area. I would also like to better understand what can and can't be done in the 25' Non disturbance buffer and the 15' non-tun`buffer areas. There are dead trees and hanging dead tree limbs that pose a danger to our neighbor, our house and to us personally and we would like to address them and make the area safe. Please consider acceptance of our pre-application request for Tuesday March 12,2024. AeteriC men ' Cell#860-919-7771 T I ID ( 'OV1�/NER " r STREET " r VILLAGE �DIS -- --SUB: ' ' LOT '��j . a r Asa^ tj N{e'ni j 5..t `, # k- tJ I//���s�.3' ✓ t ? rAy c = c . .{e:,. FORMER OWNER, N E ACR. 'ry,r01r to h k' e!F's_ If, t S W TYPE OF BUILDING �'` Tie F S �' ® G-` rS' tES. j0VV SEAS.t... L VL.,' `� FARM COMM. CB. MISC. Mkt. Value FER _ �! � -r,L.- _ 1 `� LAND IMP. TOTAL DATE-" REMARKS J :'.t,3 - \(r ✓ 1/�f 1!,! f t! /'�;, eS— —' C� I ._`i - f/-7q-- 41 j 3100 AGE BUILDING CONDITION :N•EW NORMAL BELOW ABOVE , s-k-- e \tom FARM Acre Value Per— Value _ Acre rillab1e T 1 � e -!_�.�3.1 ' �I- �r � + i '✓+ i m, V, Tillable illable 3 Voodland iwompl•and FRONTAGE ON WATER 3rushland FRONTAGE ON "ROAD -louse Plot DEPTH BULKHEAD "otal DOCK COLOR - TRIM 1 14 Bldg. Foundation Bath Dinette :xtension Basement Floors K. Extension Ext. Walls Interior Finish LR. Extension Fire Place Heat DR. Type Roof Rooms 1st Floor. BR. Porch Recreation Roorr Rooms 2nd Floot FIN. B. Porch Dormer Breezeway- Driveway Garage Patio 0..B:_ Total I Secretary of the State of Connecticut yya Certificate of Organization 5° Domestic Limited Liability Company Filing Details Filing Number: 0010571996 Filed On: 4/28/2022 2:17:48 PM Primary Details Name of Limited Liability Company:Bailey Investment Group II LLC Business ALEI: US-CT.BER:2548157 Business Email Address: sandie@beaconelec.com _ NAICS information: Residential Property Managers (531311) Business Location Principal Office Address: 298 Clark Street, Milldale, CT, 06467, United States Mailing Address: 298 Clark Street, Milldale, CT, 06467, United States Appointment of Registered Agent Type: Individual Agent's Name: Peter DiClementi Business Address: 298 Clark Street, PO Box 692,.Milldale, CT, 06467, United Residence Address: States 513 Seaside Ave , PO Box 1043, Westbrook, CT, 06498-1810, United States Mailing Address: 298 Clark Street, PO Box 692, Milldale, CT, 06467, United States Agent Appointment Acceptance Agent Signature: Peter DiClementi This signature has been executed electronically Manager or Member Information Name Title Business Address Residence Address Peter D. DiClementi Managing 298 Clark Street, PO 513 Seaside Ave, PO Trust dated Member Box 692, BOX 1043, 03/29/18 * Milldale, CT, Westbrook, CT, 06467, 06498-1810, United States United States Filing Number., 0010571996 Filed On:4/28/2022 2:17 PM Pagel of 2 Secretary Of the State of Connecticut Qy Certificate Of Organization $ Domestic Limited Liability Company Peter D. DiClementi Manager 298 Clark Street, PO 513 Seaside Ave, PO Box 692, BOX 1043, Milldale, CT, Westbrook, CT, 06467, 06498-1810, United States United States Daniel DiClementi Member 298 Clark Street, PO 298 Clark Street, PO Box 692, Box 692, Milldale, CT, Milldale, CT, 06467, 06467, United States United States Sandra E. Member 298 Clark Street, PO 513 Seaside Ave, PO DiClementi Trust Box 692, BOX 1043, dated 03/29/1 - Milldale, CT, Westbrook, CT, 06467, 06498-1810, United States United States Brandon DiClementi Member 298 Clark Street, PO 298 Clark Street, PO Box 692, Box 692, Milldale, CT, Milldale, CT, 06467, 06467, United States United States Acknowledgement I hereby certify and state under penalties of false statement that all the information set forth on this document is true. I hereby electronically sign this document on behalf of: Name of Organizer: Peter D. DiClementi Organizer Title: Manager Filer Name: Ania Macri Filer Signature: Ania Macri Execution Date: 04/28/2022 This signature has been executed electronically Filing Number 0010571996 Filed On:4/28/2022 2:17 PM Page 2 of 2 ,t.T-ee ...�.., i .-_,-_• : } :�`'L _ `•If-_;.r' •!a ,»t }'y .. � �• .,....... �,-1 N�EO ECi DJ-19-0 _ '9 ..�'(2 .,:�:. •SEE SEG�NO Di0�•`' �`i ,:.fi3-:L .. ..s,. f ,_..,,y_•_-_..-....5..,:ate,_...,... ___ _ '4. e' GAiCH , - a LNE r � ` cata-ot s nexxwa.m ..:�: OBat-PL 1...?: - Nxstr .� . PY HOLLOW... }'.,..:�.• .::i. i0.10-p3 .,✓^••..��G 4 5 )2w _._ ___ €.. .. __ y f,013 owl) , �] ��e��« y_i „�,e+ � • y/J SLE r M-ISN @ A?rr i .i :•, tDA °,�� 13.] �H,9 as ..., ry`?�;AA7c1 •'y., .. F`•f. 3 A:.. ,.a� ..: 1. 1923 i _a'• _. D5-^.SAS ;• .I�• �".° :4 4'. •4:�aP. a, _ � , `. a 1,-paa5 '�+'<�: •?_%NvG��.y a F -._ .. 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L .,,,en'W.° , ,., x..u.Y+,.w,a9.r«r rK,e.,.n• �,,,, _ --- � COUNTY OF SUFFOLK© N' ra�r!ce � E ^*° �'�_ „s�,� loco sEcnoNw Real Property Tar:Sen'ice Agenry w:NTcwvcE.xreu,TmN sue cw r J.� m /p E a L__ —_ _— __ H. —__ ,ro �'. J00 h•,nPrt,B,ofiad M}}Wf iv s:IsrOIFWMYT wnl5 rtsrml5n '•1 ICJ, riaov 80UTNOLD 078 D ^"�-�__.—_ lax _ ..--— „" ____ w,w� (11) ..°�,.. •. vm,cxrt lMltlQa vENi,SrSI KtrF A ]b• NfAlPMe9DY TA%SBiV'6]ABLY tt