HomeMy WebLinkAboutC. Meskouris 2020 Revocable Trust Glenn Goldsmith,PresiaeniS�FFO(�cp Town Hall Annex G A.Nicholas Krupski,Vice President .-,01 y� 54375 Route 25 Eric Sepenoski y ? P.O.Box 1179 Liz Gillooly �y • Opp Southold,NY 11971 Elizabeth Peeples ,3 Telephone(631)765-1892 Fax(631)765-6641 Southold Town Board of Trustees Field Inspection Report Date/Time: 31 12 t2.14 Completed in field by: Peter Halpin on behalf of C. MESKOURIS 2020 REVOCABLE TRUST, c/o ALEXANDER MESKOURIS requests a Pre-Submission Inspection to discuss the eastern boundary line of the property and the encroachment issue, and to install fencing along the eastern part of the property at the end of Sound Beach Drive. Located: 1940 Central Drive, Mattituck. SCTM# 1000-106-1-27 Type o rea to be impacted: Saltwater Wetland Freshwater Wetland Sound Bay Part of Town Code proposed work falls under: Chapt. 275 Chapt. 111 other Type of Application: Wetland Coastal Erosion Amendment Administrative Emergency Pre-Submission Violation Notice of Hearing card posted on property: Yes No Not Applicable Info needed/Modifications/Conditions/Etc.: Present Were: G. oldsmith N. Krup i �E. Sepenoski L. Gillooly Peeples SURVEY NO: 24-0001 SURVEYED: 12-11-23 STAKEOUT: 1-15-24 5001111 � / APPARENT �I-{IGH WATER MARK I ON 1.2-11-23 N 5775100"E 41.69' IP SET \� \ "LLS 051099" s �o TACK & HUB SET oo� ON LINE N\ .0' W, \ PATH IN/SAND K NA SET ONLINE \4.0' W-,�"n. pSPNp�� TACK & HUB SET \ +- 26' IMF \ x ON Llol � APPROX. B TTOM OF N'57'30'00"E \\ BLUFF 12.00- o ,\/ GUY POLE \`. z \ IP FOUNul \ \ LOT 3 \\ LOT 4 \ / LOT 5 \ / <--_APPROX. / TOP OF BLUFF \ CONC. MON. \ FOUND \\ DWWAY \\ 5.0' W �QO:Y L=187.14 \\ \\t,\ R=176.79 w � R Z\ \co r �\ CONC. w1 i 55 64L� 5�ol10�p61 ON. - 5 g\ FOUND 12Q0� CONC. 2p0R.I0V0E W� pY \• �^•26 LON. !$ 7 � UN - ER oI„Vw.E CENTRAL — OHW.i OHW. `-0 50, oHW �OHW' SCALE: 1"=60' BOUNDARY SURVEY SITUATE AT MATTITUCK TOWN- OF SOUTHOLD COUNTY OF SUFFOLK LAND SURVEYING STATE OF NEW YORK FILED'MAP: CAPTAIN' KIDD ESTATES SURVEY PREPARED FOR AND.CERTIFIED TO: FILED: JANUARY '19th, 1949 FILE NO: 1672 MASSAPEQUA ♦ NEW YORK OT($): 4 GERARD D. LENZE L.S. PRESIDENT TAX MAP ID: 1000-106.00-01.00-027.000 PHONE: (516)967-3028 - NYS LICENSED LAND SURVEYOR EMAIL: LENZELANDSURVEYING@GMAIL.COM PROPERTY AREA (TO TIE LINE)= 1.62 ACRES/ 56,322 SQ. FEET LICENSE NO. 051099 SURVEY NOTES 0 UNAUTHORIZED ALTERATION OR ADDITION TO THIS SURVEY IS A VIOLATION OF.SECTION 7209 OF.THE NEW YORK STATE EDUCATION LAW 0 COPIES OF THIS SURVEY NAP NOT BEARING THE LAND SURVEYORS INKED SEAL SHALL NOT BE CONSIDERED TO BE A VALID TRUE COPY•GUARANTEES OR CERTIFICATIONS INDICATED HERON SHALL RUN ONLY TO THE PERSON FOR.WHOM THE SURVEY IS'PREPARED,AND ON HIS.BEHALF TO THE 717LE COMPANY,LENDING INSTITUTION,AND GOVERNMENT'AGENCY LISTED HEREON•GUARANTEES ARE NOT TRANSFERABLE TO ADDITIONAL INSTITUTIONS OR SUBSEQUENT OWNERS•ENCROACHMENTS BELOW GRADE AND/OR SUBSURFACE FEATURES IF ANY,NOT LOCATED OR SHOWN HEREON•OFFSETS SHOWN ARE FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSE ONLY. THEY'ARE NOT INTENDED TO ESTABLISH PROPERTY LINES FOR THE ERECTION OF FENCES STRUCTURES,OR ANY 07HER IMPROVEMENT SURVEY IS SUBJECT.TO ANY STATE OF FACTS WHICH AN UP-TO=DATE TITLE EXAMINATION MAY DISCLOSE SURVEY PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE EXISTING'CODE OF PRACTICE FOR LAND SURVEYS' ADOPTED BY THE NEW YONX STATE ASSOCIATION OF PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYORS•PROPERTY CORNERS WERE NOT SET AS PART OF THIS SURVEY itWYLY R0: 2•f-000I SURVEYED: 12-11-23 . STAKEOUT:1-15-24 INFO ADDED: 2-15-2• 4p11 / S / APPARENT ON 12-f1=23 / N 5775'00'E• V SET as 051090 \� <jq \ TACK k RE SET, CON. $' ON LINE', 'I ON, 99'S CF-77E ONE FOUND •0 W; 1'ur td'T.t:/;gDACTi4'tTf 1 \\PAS NO �'`�' N M ON UNE rttlsTl TAC3t 8.1fU13 SEh IOtE vCly 'JJi � � a� 50 .5. \+-26 ya V •sr - AT'ome. N 5730'00•E %MART 4'il'1 Pt%E .•� r n \ IP F.OU. L�. \ \ • `w \\ \ 1Of 3 // \ LOT 4 \\ / LOTS \ / �• \ /<,APPROX •. OP O,8LUf F ; Se \ . \ F W'.D \ \. % A. \ D'WAY \\ 0'W C L \ \\ t=)0Z1{ f \ w�• R=YJ&79% OQ(\ LIAR - 5 2024 Flaw 'f -� Southold TownF° ��~Lr�_. ctr� ji RE Board of Trustees '�1Z0'p0 SCALE 1"=60' BOUNDARY SURVEY e F NEW SITUATE AT ��P� t00.4 MATTITUCK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD .i COUNTY OF SUFFOLUFFOLK STATE OF NEW YORK G a� FILED MAP-. CAPTAIN KIDD ESTATES SURVEY PREPARED FOR AND CERTIFIED TO: � 051099 FILED. 14NUARY 19th• 1949 �LAND LAND SURVEYING S� FILE N0: 1672 BLOCK: MASSAPEQUA 4 NEW YORK :4 cERARO 0.Cum Ls. PRESIDENT 028 TAX MAP ID: 1000-i06.OD-01.00-027.000 NYS LICENSED LAND SURVEYOR PHONE-- ENZEL67-URV EkIA4: LENZELANDSURu<YiNOOGMAiI C01A a>tiwtRtt AREA(TO IT Lr4)=162 aG+Es/56.322 5G.FEET LICENSE N0.05iC99 srt�•ras•r+<•.wo.w•wwexvieenaM.n•.vswaaca r.�oa.am caa uz.+u.•ws.a.ra.zen.a.:.ua.r.mxawr>h ow+nr.-nces�rsnn...omacn•or..rawm.r+m.+Y.v.uawar rr.n.c rycx„ .<•.cn,n py�:,9P wai rW,4rk f-it+•?r.uan rrn.-v�•YWtr•w,mra+2..n:asna.rownh w•Kr r»msu uuaaau rrymn Y+N avGx•�.nn ww S.e+a ana...•Ilemnsrut wrtxssm Dc++.ac.7•.ors9r.�K �rw,+,max�,o.i x..mKr.•ca�nn•.wa,•nmw.r;n.ars:xnonk+a ansrxx.a•»u•..a+mx+..r•s..,n aua n.n rn Nnen.+ayµ..a,�a:ss•uwwwraru.nri.n.uaae msu..t.r,u.cx•wtorvrcxasiw_ar�c- Na✓n 4un•>•:n•RK V'MYT,Y.n rm®.•K,a•Y•,.n+irrwr.»rn n(a•a Owi v M ge•.ts Alexander Meskouris 1940 Central Dr, Mattituck, NY 11952 F-03/04 2-02-4-�- -� _-- �1 --, _� C �_ 7 E - - + -- Dear Southold Town Board of Trustees, MAR. � 2024 SOuihold, iObUn I am writing to you, as I would like you to meet with.my real estate agent at my ! P)oard of Trustees property, 1940 Central Drive in Mattituck. It is a waterfront vacant lot, and we had an encroachment issue, which has been kindly dealt with by the Town's attorney, Mr. Paul Dechance. Please see attached, the fully executed boundary line agreement. My real estate agent's name is Peter Halpin with Douglas Elliman Real Estate, and his direct a telephone number is 646.651.8875. I would like you to discuss with my real estate agent, the eastern boundary line where the encroachment issue occurred. I wish to fence off the eastern part of the property at the end of Soundbeach Drive. However, I do not want to upset the natural sand dunes, and/or the sea grass. I want everything done right and in line with your rules and regulations. Perhaps it is possible to fence the section where the asphalt exists, right across the parking lot. Right now, the public are walking directly onto my property, given the position of the entrance to the beach. With your consent, I would like to have the access point moved slightly to the east, to avoid this happening in the future.The bumper rail will need to be removed, and Michael Orientale has been very . helpful in this regard, as he has already removed 3-4 bumper/guard rails from my property in the past few months. I have also attached a copy of the new survey, which I created recently for your review.If you have any questions or want to speak with rime about my property, please call me directly on 917.741.4296. Your sincerely, Alexander Meskouris i BOUNDARY LINE AGREEMENT AGREEMENT made this,day of .2024 between,Town of Southold, ("Adjoining Road Owner")with an address at 53095 Main Road,Southold, New York 11971 and Meskouris C 2020 Revocable Trust, by Alexander Meskouris,sole trustee, ("Owner")at 1940 Central Drive, Mattituck, NY 11952. WITNESSETH WHEREAS, Owner is currently in contract to sell the premises known as 1940 Central Drive, Mattituck, NY 11952, more specifically Tax Map 1000-106-1727. The Adjoining Road Owner, owns the road, more specifically known as Sound Beach Drive, Mattituck, NY,which is located near the northeasterly portion of Owners property. The parcel and road are both situated in the Town of Southold,County of Suffolk; WHEREAS,Adjoining Road Owner unknowingly and accidentally paved a portion of Owners property running along the northeast portion of the Owners property, northeast of the bottom of the bluff. Said paved encroachment is approximately 265 square feet; WHEREAS, a survey certified by Lenze Land Surveying, dated 12-11-23,depicts the northeasterly property line of Owner with the road,Sound Beach Drive,owned by Adjoining Road Owner. Said survey is attached hereto as Exhibit A and made a part of this agreement. WHEREAS,the parties now desire to definitely establish the property line between the parcel and road mentioned above and respectively owned by them; NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the sum of one dollar by each of the parties hereto,the parties,for themselves,their successors or assigns,covenant and agree that the boundary line be established as the existing boundary line and the approximate shaded 265 square feet of pavement is the property of Owner; The Adjoining Road Owner acknowledges the approximately 265 square feet paved area belongs to Owner and they agree that the Adjoining Road Owner shall make no claim of ownership of the 265 square feet encroachment that lies along the northeasterly property line of Owner, despite having accidentally and unknowingly paved said portion of Owners property; That Adjoining Road Owner is not in possession of any portion of the 265 square feet area and the Adjoining Road Owner hereby attests that they do not have an easement, license,or any other right,title, or ownership interest in same; ® EC E V E MAR - 5 2024 Southold Town Board of Trustees IT IS MUTUALLY AGREED AND COVENANTED that this agreement shall run with the land and be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the successors in interest of said parties. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the parties have set their hands and seal on the day and year written above. Meskouris C 2020 Revocable Trust TOWN OF SOUTHOLD By By Alexander Meskouris, Sole Trustee Albert J. Krupski,Jr.,Supervisor STATE OF NEW YORK ) COUNTY OF j n /�� n the �'� day of F�(' 72a ( , before me the undersigned, personally appeared /f'[ kD''lopersonally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence,to be the individual(s) whose name(s) is (are) subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that (he) (she) (they) executed the same in (his) (her) (their) capaci,ty(ies), and that by (his) (her) (their) signature(s)on the instrument,the individual(s)or the person on whose behalf of which the individual(s) acted,executed the instrument. L-41/ L�- Notary Public LAWRENCE J.SILBEHM,t,:;, Notary Public,State of New 7101-K No.02S16108478 Qualified in New York�G ,unt STATE OF NEW YORK ) Commission Expires. J �t n� COUNTY OF ) On the day of 20 , before me the undersigned, personally appeared personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence,to be the ® E C EE W- E MAR - 5 2024 I I Southold Town -- r— -_ i individual(s) whose name(s) is (are) subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that (he) (she) (they) executed the same in (his) (her) (their) capacity(ies), and that by (his) (her) (their) signature(s)on the instrument,the individual(s)or the person on whose behalf of which the individual(s) acted,executed the instrument. IbD MAR ® 5 2024 Southold Town Board of Trustees 0203-90 p� `. `'•<� '! ... \mot SEE 6EG.NO.V99 •�(r' .0. �` i J �+ `f.n fd•. Na,i LPvE 12-06o-99'• ` s? 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Q� °i• OPEx Sw:cE1 3.zAlc1 '-� �°`..6�� 14�t �`', _f'. . +�' 'i h'�� TT\s'l' ✓;`/ , , xaw -- •t'- \+I�,aetcV-a`, `{_: t .ja.�,\,.y�,6{,\ '�`a `.4,jA- •iNYT �LV,TCry +LWE: ' �.i �\', 6 s]zJTa .kt, '� 1 '"� 1-`l'e tt , ��'",o^ t�"`, yl\•.! SEESEC.N0,13': •\ ,3 l ''iA COUNTY OF`SUFFOLK O N NOTICEK ',- `'cT' 'y 'wuw 1000 SECfI(ri PD D .,c=�-- __ '�"'`�_ __ O �,•,� Real Properly Tax Service Agency u.,wrways.ntmnna.a era E 'p N w�)_--.__ __�__ " —_— ^"• " �a •• IUO G'n,er Pna'.A,nhul.tY llMlf inl SIIifDU DJ.MTT N/Pt 64 O�931F0 M :a 7� a'0 SODTMOLD 1UC (21) >...�. .. A• r 1 VV _____ 3