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TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT � x TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE SOUTHOLD, NY BUILDING PERMIT (THIS PERMIT MUST BE KEPT ON THE PREMISES WITH ONE SET OF APPROVED PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS UNTIL FULL COMPLETION OF THE WORK AUTHORIZED) Permit#: 50413 Date: 3/11/2024 .._.. Permission is hereby granted to: 345 Old Cove Blvd LLC c/o Nickart Realty Corp 775 Brooklyn Ave Ste 100 Baldwin NY 11510 To: Install roof-mounted solar panels to an existing single-family dwelling as applied for with flood permit. Solar panel equipment is proposed in the AO-2 flood zone, equipment must be located 2' above the average natural elevation of the property grade. At premises located at: 345 Old Cove Blvd,Southold SCTM # 473889 Sec/Block/Lot# 52.-2-13.2 Pursuant to application dated IT2/6/2024 and approved by the Building Inspector. To expire on m 9/10/2025. Fees: SOLAR PANELS $100.00 CO-ALTERATION TO DWELLING $100.00 ELECTRIC $125.00 Flood Permit $150.00 ........................—....,, Total: $475.00 ... - _._... .......... ........ Building Inspector ffRd TOWN OF SOUTHOLD—BUILDING DEPARTMENT Town Hall Annex 54375 Main Road P. O. Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971-0959 Telephone (631) 765-1802 Fax(631) 765-9502 htt� s://ww southoldtownn . o�w Date Received APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT For Office Use Only PERMIT NO. Building inspector:,_� Applications and forms must be filled out in their entirety. Incomplete applications will not be accepted. Where the Applicant is not the owner,an Owner's Authorization form(Page 2)shall be completed. , Date: OWNER(S)OF PROPERTY: Name:345 Old Cove Blvd. LLC/Nicholas Paleos SCTM#1000-52-2-13.2 Project Address:345 Old Cove Blvd., Southold, NY 11971 Phone#:516-429-1065 --FEm ail:npaleos@hotmaii.com Mailing Address:345 Old Cove Blvd., Southold, NY 11971 CONTACT PERSON: Name: Evelyn Polvere/Sunation Solar Systems Mailing Address: 171 Remington Blvd., Ronkonkoma, NY 11779 Phone#: 631-750-9454 ext 346 Email:permitting@sunation.com DESIGN PROFESSIONAL INFORMATION: Name:Michael Dunn, Graham and Associates Inc.. Mailing Address:256A Orinoco Drive, Brightwaters, NY 11718 Phone#:631-665-9120 Email:glenn@grahamassociatesny.com CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: Name:Scott Maskin/Sunation Solar Systems Mailing Address: 171 Remington Blvd., Ronkonkoma, NY 11779 Phone#: 631-750-9454 Email:permitting@sunation.com DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION ❑New Structure ❑Addition FOAlteration ❑Repair ❑Demolition Estimated Cost of Project: ❑Other $ Will the lot be re-graded? ❑Yes RNo Will excess fill be removed from premises? ❑Yes ®No 1 PROPERTY INFORMATION Existing use of property:Residential Intended use of property: Residential Zone or use district in which premises is situated: Are there any covenants and restrictions with respect to this property? ❑Yes WNO IF YES, PROVIDE A COPY. ❑ Check Box After in The owner/contractor/design professional is responsible for all drainage and storm water Issues as provided by Chapter 236 of the Town Code. APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE to the Building Department for the issuance of a Building Permit pursuant to the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold,Suffolk,County,New York and other applicable Laws,Ordinances or Regulations,for the construction of buildings, additions,alterations or for removal or demolition as herein described.The applicant agrees to comply with all applicable laws,ordinances,building code, housing code and regulations and to admit authorized inspectors on premises and in building(s)for necessary inspections.False statements made herein are punishable as a Class A misdemeanor pursuant to Section 210.45 of the New York State Penal Law. Application Submitted By(print name): Sco Maskln RAuthorized Agent ❑Owner Signature of Applicant: Date: ( (3 I I A� iYNN VITA STATE OF NEW YORK) Notary Public, State of New York Registration #01V15068399 SS: Qualified ,n Suffolk County COUNTY OF Suffolk illy Commission Expifes OcL 28,20_::��o Scott Maski n being duly sworn,deposes and says that(s)he is the applicant (Name of individual signing contract)above named, (S)he is the Contractor (Contractor,Agent,Corporate Officer,etc.) of said owner or owners, and is duly authorized to perform or have performed the said work and to make and file this application;that all statements contained in this application are true to the best of his/her knowledge and belief;and that the work will be performed in the manner set forth in the application file therewith. Sworn before me this day of 20a i' Notary Public PROPERTY OWNER AUTHORIZATION (Where the applicant is not the owner) I Nicholas Paleos residing at 345 Old Cove Blvd. Southold, NY 11971 do hereby authorize Scott Maskin to apply on y ehalf t the T n So Id Building Department for approval as describ77? ) 23 in. Owner's Sig re Date C— , � � C 0 Print OwnerI Name 2 f` Suffolk County Dept.of Labor,Licensing&Consumer Affairs HOME IMPROVEMENT LICENSE Name SCOTT A MASKIN Business Name e $er��is s drat SUNATION SOLAR SYSTEMS INC ur�?r duty licensed .bar County of Suffolk License Number:H44104 Rosalie Drago Issued: 03106J2008 Commissioner Expires: 3/1/2024 N d y i I 1, ti ,I Suffolk ou Dept. o a �or, Licensing & Consumer Affairs 9 MASTER ELECTRICAL LICENSE Name SCOTT A MASKIN Business SUNATION SOLAR SYSTEMS INC This certifies that the bearer is duly licensed License Number ME-33412 by the County of suffolk Issued: 06/24/2003 R& � �• Drago- Expires: 06/01/2025 Commissioner PORK workers'STATE Compensation CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE COVERAGE Board NYS DISABILITY AND PAID FAMILY LEAVE BENEFITS LAW PART 1.To be completed by NYS disability and Paid Family Leave benefits carrier or licensed insurance agent of that carrier 1 a.Legal Name&Address of Insured(use street address only) 1 b.Business Telephone Number of Insured SUNATION SOLAR SYSTEMS 631-750-9454 171 REMINGTON BOULEVARD RONKONKOMA,NY 11779 1c.Federal Employer Identification Number of Insured or Social Security Number Work Location of Insured(Only required if coverage is specifically limited to certain locations in New York State,i.e.,Wrap-Up Policy) 753118816 2.Name and Address of Entity Requesting Proof of Coverage 3a. Name of Insurance Carrier (Entity Being Listed as the Certificate Holder) ShelterPoint Life Insurance Company Town of Southold 54375 Route 25 3b.Policy Number of Entity Listed in Box"'I a" PO Box 1179 DBL631187 Southold, NY 11971 3c.Policy effective period 10/01/2022 to 09/30/2024 4. Policy provides the following benefits: © A.Both disability and paid family leave benefits. ❑ B.Disability benefits only. ❑ C.Paid family leave benefits only. 5. Policy covers: © A.All of the employer's employees eligible under the NYS Disability and Paid Family Leave Benefits Law. ❑ B.Only the following class or classes of employer's employees: Under penalty of perjury,I certify that I am an authorized representative or licensed agent of the insurance carrier referenced above and that the named insured has NYS Disability and/or Paid Family Leave Benefits insurance coverage as described above. Date Signed 9/26/2023 By �Jda 4t (Signature of insurance carrier's authorized representative or NYS Licensed Insurance Agent of that insurance carrier) Telephone Number 516-829-8100 Name and Title Richard White Chief Executive Officer IMPORTANT: If Boxes 4A and 5A are checked, and this form is signed by the insurance carrier's authorized representative or NYS Licensed Insurance Agent of that carrier,this certificate is COMPLETE. Mail it directly to the certificate holder. If Box 4B,4C or 5B is checked,this certificate is NOT COMPLETE for purposes of Section 220,Subd.8 of the NYS Disability and Paid Family Leave Benefits Law. It must be emailed to PAU@wcb.ny.gov or it can be mailed for completion to the Workers'Compensation Board, Plans Acceptance Unit, PO Box 5200, Binghamton, NY 13902-5200. PART 2.To be completed by the NYS Workers'Compensation Board(only if sox 4B,4C or 5B have been checked) State of New York Workers' Compensation Board According to information maintained by the NYS Workers'Compensation Board,the above-named employer has complied with the NYS Disability and Paid Family Leave Benefits Law(Article 9 of the Workers'Compensation Law)with respect to all of their employees. Date Signed By (Signature of Authorized NYS Workers'Compensation Board Employee) Telephone Number Name and Title Please Note:Only insurance carriers licensed to write NYS disability and paid family leave benefits insurance policies and NYS licensed insurance agents of those insurance carriers are authorized to issue Form DB-120.1.Insurance brokers are NOT authorized to issue this form. DB-120.1 (12-21) 111�I I 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 C CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE °A (M°I°°I "Y) 2/9/2023 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER.THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S), AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER,AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IMPORTANT: If the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED,the policy(ies)must have ADDITIONAL INSURED provisions or be endorsed. If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED,subject to the terms and conditions of the policy,certain policies may require an endorsement. A statement on this certificate does not confer rigtlts to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). PRODUCER C ACT The Horton Group PNONC 10320 Orland Parkway E-MAIL_ 708 845 3000 boron ro PAX ) t sioerttftoates the 9 p Dan IArc p Orland Park IL 60467 lnlsaagsFORrrrrczaIt _ tq tna!R ._Evanston Insurance CAD pa( 35378 INSI�URED...,,�.,..- ..,, .._..... ...._- _ _-�.......... ............ __....,........... .,-.... �. - SUNASOL•01 Th Continental Insurance Com n.1! 35289 SUNation Solar Systems,Inc. Mt 17 Remington 111779 Ir1SURE IC Ax6s SµiJ lus lns nre o _ .P...__ _ —2ssz0 IN511R rp Ronkonkomao „Ewa o Travelers 6�ro ert Cas�rat.tom ant America 267 _-, AN IuRERe erns&" tcnx Ltd S'URE'R r, COVERAGES CERTIFICATE NUMBER:703220016 REVISION NUMBER- THIS is TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT,TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN,THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES.LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. ._ ...... ....,.,LTR TYP'SOFINSURANC..�.....,.._........_ X .... ... ... ._....,.,.�. ,... ... LIMITS { POLICY NUMBER ImWo X LIABILITY V V 121 CTR 0212775 00 2I11/2023 2/1112024 DA"fX OCCURRENCE 51 1,00 0,000 A �X 4 COMMERCIAL GENERAL d'TArwTAt'E YO_1 "i�iT6l� F I OCCUR { PR NtI $Igo ggcgqrcg�crp) 5 300 000 CLAIMS-MADE J f MED E.XP i+"q+f one pares) S 10 000 P ,....,..,....,. .. --f RSONAL 8 ADv gNJURY ^51 000 000,_. ,-._ p'AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER NERAL AGGREGATE S2,000.000 OENPOLICY i X ,I JR� LOC ;.. GECYDJC"GS-CCNMFdOPAGG 52000000.... P�.. ...�.,, ._..._ ..,� _ a_...�_...,. .... ......... OTHER.. � S COMBINED SINGLE LtlM1T B AUTOMOBILELIABILI Y Y Y 7018308202 2/11/2023 2/11/2024 17 , _ '7 4�qr 41.XANY AUTO BODILY INJURY(Per person)XOWNED r SCHEDULED ' Y t& .....�nlX ( BODILY INJURY Peraccide )�AUTOS ...HIIRREDSONLY NON-OWNED-.AUTOS ONLY AUTOS ONLY ..te C X UMBRELLALIABv ITX OCCUR Y Y P-001-000795195-02 2/11/2023 2111/2024 EACH OCCURRENCE 53OOD000 r EXCESS LIAB p/,q.S,„rypy)m AGGREGATE S'3 000_B00 L. C 0Fi0 U RE'GENT947N5 S WOIERSCOMP �SA1ION PER ¢kTH AND EMPLOYERS'LIABILITY YIN i ANYMOPFUFTORMARTNEWE.XECWTMNtE ❑ N/A EL,iEA�.4kACCIDENT S OFFICEMMEAIBEREXCLUDED7 I ... .. (Mandatory in NH) E.L. ISEASE-EAEMPLOYEEI s pf yap*dascrlRPa under ,... .._ ....v .... .,,,� .�... ....,,,m... t�E'8CdiM7tONOFOPEW, ON�Sbelow E.L.OVSE'.ASE-POLICY LIMIT $ D Builders Risk Y Y QT-630-2TO10874-TIL-23 2111/2023 2/11/2024 Urn't 500,000 E Prelessionalj di WonUablity 1000704865 2/11/2023 2111/2024 U. $1,000,000 D Leas enteo Equipment QT-63D-2T010874-TIL-23 2/11/2023 2l1112024 Urrut. $250.000 I DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS I LOCATIONS I VEHICLES(ACORD 101,Additional Remarks Schedule,may be attached If more space Is required) Additional Named Insureds:SUNation Service Inc;SUNation Electric Inc;SUNation Commercial Inc;SUNation Cares Inc Additional insured on a primary and non-contributory basis With respect toeral Iiabill Automobile and Pollution Liabilit coverage When required by written contract.Waiver of subrogation applies to general liability,Automobile andgen tution Iiabl,Iy to favor of the stated additional insureds when required by Written contract.Excess follows form. Town of Souttlold is included as an additional insured as required by written contract and the CG 2012(Stale,Governmental agency,or Political subdivision permits or authorization)is included on the policy. CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. Town of Southold 543755 Main Road AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE Southold NY 11971 r ©1988-2015 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights reserved. ACORD 25(2016/03) The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD /7"N*N1�1 YS I PO Box 66699,Albany,NY 12206 New York State Insurance Fund I nysif.com CERTIFICATE OF WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE A A A A A A 753118816 GCG RISK MANAGEMENT INC im AN NFP COMPANY 100 CHURCH STREET-SUITE 810 a NEW YORK NY 10007 SCAN TO VALIDATE AND SUBSCRIBE POLICYHOLDER CERTIFICATE HOLDER SUNATION SOLAR SYSTEMS INC TOWN OF SOUTHOLD 171 REMINGTON BOULEVARD 54375 ROUTE 25 RONKONKOMA NY 11779 SOUTHOLD NY 11971 POLICY NUMBER CERTIFICATE NUMBER POLICY PERIOD DATE Z 2160 670-2 43689 01/01/2024 TO 01/01/2025 12/11/2023 THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICYHOLDER NAMED ABOVE IS INSURED WITH THE NEW YORK STATE INSURANCE FUND UNDER POLICY NO. 2160 670-2, COVERING THE ENTIRE OBLIGATION OF THIS POLICYHOLDER FOR WORKERS' COMPENSATION UNDER THE NEW YORK WORKERS' COMPENSATION LAW WITH RESPECT TO ALL OPERATIONS IN THE STATE OF NEW YORK, EXCEPT AS INDICATED BELOW,AND,WITH RESPECT TO OPERATIONS OUTSIDE OF NEW YORK,TO THE POLICYHOLDER'S REGULAR NEW YORK STATE EMPLOYEES ONLY. IF YOU WISH TO RECEIVE NOTIFICATIONS REGARDING SAID POLICY, INCLUDING ANY NOTIFICATION OF CANCELLATIONS, OR TO VALIDATE THIS CERTIFICATE, VISIT OUR WEBSITE AT HTTPS://WWW.NYSIF.COM/CERT/ CERTVAL.ASP.THE NEW YORK STATE INSURANCE FUND IS NOT LIABLE IN THE EVENT OF FAILURE TO GIVE SUCH NOTIFICATIONS. THIS POLICY DOES NOT COVER THE SOLE PROPRIETOR,PARTNERS AND/OR MEMBERS OF A LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY. THE POLICY INCLUDES A WAIVER OF SUBROGATION ENDORSEMENT UNDER WHICH NYSIF AGREES TO WAIVE ITS RIGHT OF SUBROGATION TO BRING AN ACTION AGAINST THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER TO RECOVER AMOUNTS WE PAID IN WORKERS' COMPENSATION AND/OR MEDICAL BENEFITS TO OR ON BEHALF OF AN EMPLOYEE OF OUR INSURED IN THE EVENT THAT, PRIOR TO THE DATE OF THE ACCIDENT, THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER HAS ENTERED INTO A WRITTEN CONTRACT WITH OUR INSURED THAT REQUIRES THAT SUCH RIGHT OF SUBROGATION BE WAIVED. THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS NOR INSURANCE COVERAGE UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICY. NEW YORK STATE INSURANCE FUND 4 DIRECTOR,I SURANCE FUND UNDERWRITING VALIDATION NUMBER: 601025760 1111111111111111 IIIII IIII 1 Hill Hm Hill Hill Hill Hill Hill Hill Hill Hill N Hill 111111111 IIIIIIIIII II 00000000000122055844 Form WC-CERT-NOPRMT Version 3(08/29/2019)[WC Policy-21 6 0 6 7021 U-26..3 64 [00000000000122055844][0001-0000216067021[#tl2][16282-08][Cert_NoP-CERT 11[01-00001] Graham Associates 256 Orinoco Drive, Suite A Brightwaters,NY 11718 Building Consultants & Expeditors (631)665-9619 January 30, 2024 Town of Southold Building Department 54375 Rt. 25 Southold, NY 11971 Re: Paleos Residence 345 Old Cove Road Southold, NY 11971 Proposed 19.32 KW PV Rooftop Solar System To Whom It May Concern, Please be advised that I have analyzed the existing roof structure at the above-mentioned premises and have determined that it is adequate to support the additional load of the solar panels and a 140 mph wind load and 20 psf snow load without overstress, in accordance with the following: The 2020 New York State Uniform Fire Prevention and Residential Building Code; Town of Southold Local Code, Long Island Unified Solar Permit Initiative, (LIUSPI); and 2020 National Electric Code NFPA 70/2020 National Electric Code including ASCE7-16 If you have any further questions, do not hesitate to call. Sicc U c� 4t LU z €a' Y T Cy N �0 --�, ;_`�'\,•'y''S`(LAY� {• �i ' � � , • ,f y • .� �,, t I r" Lea R 4 u . ;o �� - - i cil Q <m Ln t .14 - 5 too : - .3 � y t,. 0 mLn },�r _ ��l� _ 'I�..'3r' •t(4 i��l�,t"jE ',7t'�;"r_q �m �z x..v a - � j n 0 y _0 m ._.,.... S m O .0 Yr " D O i x m O D � � m m m D ► }it n D z =� z z n = m rf, i l m }* m o Z N m -i m Y REE ALPHA • • \`` , REC PRODUCT 1 . SOLAR'S MOST TRUSTED t GENGENERAL DATA - ~- _ - ,730 2.516a,x°.,1 GENE E -_-.._.-----' ----- - - -- - --I a80[34.61 425 n6.71 Cell type: 80 half-cut REC bifacial,heterojunction cells with lead-free,gaplesstechnology IN I� 4 Glass: 0.13in(3.2mm)solarglasswithanti-reflective surface treatment in accordance with EN 12150 roe.:onn Backsheet: Highly resistantpolymer(black) - 1700[671 17W 1671 - Frame: Anodized aluminum(black) 4-part,4 bypass diodes,lead-free = + Junction box: IP68 rated,in accordance with IEC 62790 Connectors: Staubli MC4 PV-KBT4/KST4(4 mmz) in accordancewith IEC 62852,IP68 only when connected 1o43:a.6,1 Cable: 12 AWG(4 mm2)PV wire,67+67 in(1.7+1.7 m) :os.65 in accordance with EN 50618 ± loato ozl - Lorem ipsum ❑ Dimensions: 68.1 x 44.0 x 1.2 in(20.77 ft')/1730 x 1118 x 30 mm(1.93 m2) }� 5W33[23.420.1 21 45nB] I2510.9] Weight: 47.4lbs(21.5 kg) Origin: Made in Singapore Measurements in inches[mm] ELECTRICAL DATA _ Product Code':RECxxxAA PURER _ I LCERT_ I ATIONS Power output-PMAX(Wp) 400 410 420 430 IEC61215:2016,IEC61730:2016,UL61730 Watt Class Sorting-(W) 0/+10 0/+10 0/+10 0/+10 IEC62804 PID IEC 61701 Salt Mist Nominal Power Voltage-VMpp(V) 48.8 49.4 50.0 50.5 IEC62716 Ammonia Resistance Nominal Power Current-IMpp(A) 8.20 8.30 8.40 8.52 UL61730 Fire Type Class 2 to Open Circuit Voltage-V°C(V) 58.9 59.2 59.4 59.7 IEC62782 Dynamic Mechanical Load Short Circuit Current-Isc(A) 8.73 8.81 8.89 8.97 IEC61215-2:2016 Hailstone(35mm) IEC62321 Lead-freeacc.to ROHS EU 863/2015 Power Density(W/ftz) 19.26 19.74 20.22 20.7 15014001,ISO 9001,IEC 45001,IEC 62941 Panel Efficiency(%) 20.7 21.2 21.8 22.3 v os Power Output-PMAx(Wp) 305 312 320 327 �NOr ❑ Lead-Fme e-V (V) 46.0 46.6 47.1 47.fi g Mpp TEMPERATURERATINNGS oNominal Power Volta Nominal Power Current-IMpp(A) 6.64 6.70 6.78. 6.88 Nominal Module OperatingTemperature: 44°C(±2°C) Z Open Voltage (V) 5S.5 S5.8 S6.0 56.3 ° P g oc Temperature coefficient ofPMAx: -0.26/o/°C Short Circuit Current-Isc(A) 7.05 7.12 7.18 7.24 Temperature coefficient ofV°c: -0.24%/°C Values at standardtestconditions(STCair mass AM1.5,'vradiance10.75W/sgft(1000W/m').temperature77°F(25°C),based onaproductionspread Temperaturecoefficientofl 0.04%/°C with a tolerance ofPN,,V�&IXt3%withinonewattclass.Nominalmoduleoperatingtemperature(NMOT:airmassAM15,irradance800W/m', sc temperature 68'F(2 Q-vcindspeed3.3ft/s(1m/s).`Where)oxindicatesthenominalpowerclass(P,.)atSTCabove. 'The temperature coefficients stated are linear values 'MAX UMMI RATINGS -� u j WARRANTY DELIVERY INFORMATION - a Operational temperature: -40...+85°C Standard REC ProTrust Panels per pallet: 33 0 Systemvoltage: 1000V Installed byanREC No Yes Yes Panels per40ftGP/high cube container: 858(26pallets) Certified Solar Professional r Test load(front): +7000Pa(1461bs/ftz)' System Size All s25kW25500kW Panels per 53 ft truck: 858(26 pallets) Test load(rear): 4000 Pa(83.S Ibs/ftz)' product Warranty(yrs) 20 25 25 r- LOW LIGHT BEHAVIOUR 1 0 Series f use rating: 25A Power Warranty(yrs) 25 25 25 1._._,__-_ Reverse current: 25A Labor Warranty(yrs) 0 25 10 Typical low irradiance performance of module atSTC: a 'See instaflation manual for mounting instructions. Power in Year 1 98% 98% 98% m Design load-Test load/1.5(safety factor) Annual Degradation 0.25% 0.25% 0.25% c ` Power in Year 25 92% 92% 92% g ' 8 5ee warranty documents for d eta its.Conditionsapply w ac ------------_.------------------------------------�-,----•--- } Irradiance(W/m2) Avallablefrom: N I N m o � m , ❑r. '❑r. o 1 ry N Founded in 1996,REC Group is an international pioneering solar energy company dedicated to empowering consumers with clean,aff ordable solar power.As !v Solar's Most Trusted,REC is committed to high quality,innovation,and a low carbon footprint in the solar materials and solar panels it manufactures. a Headquartered in Norway with operational headquarters in Singapore,REC also has regional hubs in North America,Europe,and Asia-Pacific. www.recgroup.com Data Sheet Enphase Microinverters Region:AMERICAS IQ7X Microinverter The high-powered,smart grid-ready IQ7X Microinverter dramatically simplifies the installation process while achieving the highest system efficiency for systems with 96-cell modules. Part of the Enphase Energy System,the IQ7X Microinverter integrates with the IQ Gateway, IQ Battery,and the Enphase Installer App monitoring and analysis software. The IQ Series Microinverters extend the reliability I tandards set forth by previous generations and undergo over a million hours of power-on testing, enabling Enphase to provide an industry-leading warranty of up to 25-years. Easy to Install • Lightweight and simple Faster installation with improved,lighter two-wire cabling Built-in rapid shutdown compliant(NEC 2014,2017&2020) Efficient and Reliable • Optimized for high powered 96-cell*modules Highest CEC efficiency of 97.5% • More than a million hours of testing • Class II double-insulated enclosure • UL listed Smart Grid-Ready • Complies with advanced grid support,voltage and frequency ride-through requirements 1 - Remotely updates to respond to changing grid requirements • Configurable for varying grid profiles Meets CA Rule 21 (UL 1741-SA)and U` IEEE 1547:2018(UL 1741-SB,311 Ed.) *The IQ7X is required to support 96-cell modules. To learn more about Enphase offerings,visit enphase.com E P H�1S E.. IQ7X-DS-0099-EN-US-12-27-2022 ion a. a IQ7X Microinverter INPUT DATA(DC) IQ7X-96-2-US Commonly used module pairings' 320W-460W Module compatibility 96-cell PV modules Maximum input DC voltage 79.5V Peak power tracking voltage 53V-64V Operating range 25V-79.5V Min/Max start voltage 33V/79.5V Max DC short circuit current(module Isc) 10A Overvoltage class DC port II DC porf backfeed current . OA PV array configuration 1 x 1 ungrounded array;No additional DC side protection required; AC side protection requires max 20A per branch circuit OUTPUT DATA(AC) @ 240VAC @ 208VAC Peak output,power. 320VA Maximum continuous output power 315VA Nominal(L-L)yoltage/rangez .N0V%211-264V ' 208V/183-229V Maximum continuous output current 1.31A(240VAC) 1.51A(208VAC) Nominal frequency_ 60 Hz Extended frequency range 49-68 Hz AC short circuit fault current over 3 cycles 5.8 Arms Maximum units per 20A(L-L)branch circuit' 12(240VAC) 10(208VAC) Overvoltage class AC port III AC port backfeed current 18 mA Power factor setting. 1.0 Power factor(adjustable) 0.85 leading...0.85 lagging EFFICIENCY @240VAC @208VAC CEC weighted efficiency 97.5% 97.0% MECHANICAL DATA Ambient temperature range_ -400C to+60°C Relative humidity range 4%to 100%(condensing) Connector type(IQ7X-96-2-US) . MC4(or Amphenol H4 UTX with optional Q-DCC-5 adapter) Dimensions(WxHxD) 212 mm x 175 mm x 30.2 mm(without bracket) Weight 1.08 kg(2.38 Ibs) . Cooling Natural convection-No fans Approved for wet locations Yes Pollution degree PD3 Enclosure Class 11 double-insulated,corrosion resistant polymeric enclosure Environmental category/UV exposure rating NEMA Type 6/outdoor FEATURES Communication Power Line Communication(PLC) Monitoring Enphase Installer App and monitoring options Compatible with IQ Gateway Disconnecting means . The AC and DC connectors have been evaluated and approved by UL for use as"the load-break" disconnect required by NEC 690. Compliance CA Rule 21 (UL 1741-SA),IEEE 1547:2018(UL 1741-SB,V Ed.) HEI Rule 14H SRD 2.0 UL 62109-1,FCC Part 15 Class B,ICES-0003 Class B, CAN/CSA-C22.2 NO.107.1-01 This product is UL Listed as PV Rapid Shut Down Equipment and conforms with NEC 2014, NEC 2017,and NEC 2020,section 690.12 and C22.1-2015 Rule 64-218 Rapid Shutdown of PV Systems,for AC and DC conductors,when installed according manufacturer's instructions. 1.Pairing PV modules with wattage above the limit may result in additional clipping losses.See the compatibility calculator at hitps7//Iiiik.eni)hase.com/module-compatibilit . 2.Nominal voltage range can be extended beyond nominal if required by the utility. 3.Limits may vary.Refer to local requirements to define the number of microinverters per branch in your area. To learn more about Enphase offerings,visit enphase.com Co 2022 Enphase Energy.All rights reserved.Enphase,the Enphase logo,IQ7,IQ7+,IQ Battery,Enphase Installer App,IQ Gateway, 0M C N PHASE, u A S E and other trademarks or service names are the trademarks of Enphase Energy,Inc. � G r f 0/'1 IQ7X-DS-0099-EN-US-12-27-2022 : -H-ED-L F:LAS • • T KIT . •l R- • - •� o • • line of solar mounting 4 ':'`'' The Snap • �v,, ,, �.._��:-�.- �c;� �:.a�_��:•::.:-,,. Tom•o, _: ���" systems is designed to reduce totalf = a-x� Y== installation costs. The system features ; ;; -^ ; 41-1 technical innovations proven on more ri i "x than 20OMW of solar projects to simplify installation and reduce costs. - Flashed L Foot Simplified SnapNrack Series 100 Flashed L Foot Kit is an innovative solution to provide a long lasting watertight seal over f1. r the life of the system.The flashed L Foot-provides a single fastener flashed to an attachment composition Flashed L Foot in 3 Simple Steps: shingle roof with no required cutting of shingles.The L 1) Locate the rafter and drill the pilot hole Foot is engineered for maximum adjustability for a clean I . I 2) Prep and attach the base level installation. 3) Set the flashing and attach the L Foot • 1"slotted bolt connection i • 1"spacers available for increased adjustability • Clear or Black anodized aluminum components Place order through your SnapNrack distributor, which can be found at (both available with black flashing) www.snapnrack.com/contact • No Cutting of shingles SnapNrack- Patent Pending - - --- - I I Flashed L Foot Kit Assembled(1'spacer sold separately) Flashed L Foot Kit Parts(1-spacer sold separtely) Flashed L Foot Kit Assembly Flashed L Foot Kit Dimensions ISNAPNRACK CHANNEL NUT -SNAPNRACK 92 DEGREE L-FOOi,CLEAR ,-511618 FLANGE NUT -5116-18 X IIN BOLT WRH i SRIT LOCK WASHER o -SNAPNRACK COMPOSITION FLASHING \\ i 3.43 �SNAPNRACK L-FOOT BASE .88 SnapNrack Flashed Foot Materials 6000 Series Aluminum L Foot&Base Stainless Steel Hardware Galvanized Steel Flashing Material Finish Clear and black anodized aluminum Weight 0.16 Ibs Design Uplight Load 200 Ibs Uplift Design Ultimate Load 1,000 Ibs Uplift Warranty 10 Year material and worksmanship Snaph4ack- FiV, Nqt uu Uno, syslar"na (877) 732-2860 www.SnapNrack.com Cj Printed on recycled paper using soy based inks. ©2013 by SnapNrack PV Mounting System.All rights reserved. s lar • s The SnapNrack line of solar mounting solutions is designed to reduce total installation costs. The systenn's technical innovations have been proven to drive ; down costs and improve installation - quality on more than 350 MW of solar installations. Pitched Roof Arrays Simplifi ed The SnapNrack Series 100 UL Roof Mount Syste ~� -` ri:'° '" V `�" e m is an efficient, visually appealing, photovoltaic module installation system. Series 1o0 UL is Listed to the UL Standard 2703 for Bonding, meaning that all system components have been Certified by UL for electrical continuity, eliminating the need for additional ROOF$ - If ystem in 4 SimPle Steps: grounding hardware.The System's components provide ' �) Go to the online an adequate bonding path which has eliminated the i Tool (confi Series lOp Configuration need for grounding lugs and washers at each module, or UL 2703 apnrack.com) and select "Yes"f 2703 -- —and bonding jumpers between splices. The UL � Listed _- 2703 i 2) Identify Listing ensures that SnapNrack partners can provide Height, Site Conditions (Arra the best in class installations in quality, safety, I Roof TYpe Y Tilt, Building Y and wind a Loads efficiency. j 3) Build array in the nd Snow ) Tool and online Configuration • All bondinghardware is full automatically generate a Bill of y integrated into the Materials. components 4) Place order with • No grounding lugs required for modules material for your distributor. a single Project or Purchase I • Rail splices bond rails together, no rail 'um j for additional savings ro ec order in bulk required jumpers I • Proprietary SnapNrack grounding lug snaps channel, no drilling of rail or reaching for other tools II I I required (One Lug per individual row of modules) • Class A Fire Rating Type 1 and 2 modules Patent Pending (@USTED PV MOUn#ing 2703 System ti SwmapNradSondling SnapNrackStarrdamlltail Stainless Steel Splieelnsrt with Bolt withSiolit- her Stainless Bolt Lock Washer —� Vice ack Split-Lock Washer slice k Bonding SnaPNrack lase SnapNrack SnapNrac Bonding Adjustable End Mid Clamp BDMding Stainless Channel Nut Clamp Top i r SnapNrack Bolt with SnapNrack Bonding Bonding Stainless @ lardutae with •lit Lock Adjustable End Channel Nut Split-Coale WasFns Washer Clamp Bottom SnapNrack Bolding SnapNrack SnaPNrack Bonding SnapNrack Bonding Standard Rail glice Ground Lug 10-6 AWG Adjustable End Clamp Mid Clamp Copper Wire SnapNrack Groavrjqd W9 Assembly (ONE REQUIRED PER ROW OF MODULES) SnapNrack Bonding Universal End Clamp(UEC:)Wave UECPu1l Strap UECWedge Stainless Steel Bolt -- _- with Flat Washer SnapNrack Bonding Universal End Clamp SnapNrack �, Bonding Standoff Clamp Assembly SnapNrack SnapNrack Bonding Channel Nut Serrated Stainless Bonding Stainless SnapNrack Steel Flange Nut Channel Flange Nut Rubber Nut Stainless Rain Collar Serrated Stainless SnapNrack Flange Steel Flange Bolt o® 92 Degree Bolt SnapNrack L Foot an, Mill Finish i x SnapNrack Standoff All Purpose L Foot SnapNrack SnapNrack Mill Finish SnapNrack Metal Roof Standoff SnapNrack L Foot Base Assembly Base 0-Hole m Mill Finish Flashing Base Shown) L Foot Base SnapNrack Metal SnapNrack Bonding Roof Base with SnapNrack Bonding L Foot Base with Flashing Bonding L Foot Standoff Assembly • • • 6000 Series aluminum Materials • Stainless steel • Galvanized Steel and Aluminum Flashing •Clear and black anodized aluminum Material Finish .Mill Finish on select components .0uick and efficient mounting Installation .Adjustable hardware to ensure clean and level finish • ents bonded to ground with integrated bonding features All compon Certifications • Listed to UL Standard 270pe 1 an�TGrounding/Bonding and Fire Classification Calcs.& . Class A Fire Rating • Stamped Structural Engineering Reports for all 50 States , • SnapNrack Grounding Lug (One Lug per individual row of modules) Grounding 10 Year material and worksmanship(download full details at snapnrack.com) • Warranty Snap"',"i",racl- {� l fl, soia.t' (877) 732-2860 www.SnapNrack.com ,j Printed on recycled paper using y All based reserved. ©2015 by Snap Nrack PV Mounting System. rights ' PLAN KEY ®-UTILITY METER o-BETiYICE DISCONNECT PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL ®PV1=0 COVER SHEET -SUPPLY SIDE CONNECTION N U I�Al-1 PARTIAL ROOF PLAN M-AUTOMATIC TRANSFERSWITCRP , 10T0 ■ 0L.TAIC— SYS JE L1 Al-4 ROOF ACCESS PLAN ©-GAS METER A2-5 FLOOD ELEVATION ®:MAIN SERVICE PANEL Si-1 STRUCTURE M-SUB PANEL SUNATION SOLAR SYSTEMS NYSERDA (10)PROPOSED PV MODULES (4)PROPOSED PV MODULES (4)PROPOSED PV MODULES (9)PROPOSED PV MODULES 171 REMINGTON BOULEVARD INSTALLER 4355 _ M-WIRELESS ROUTER E1-1 ONE-LINE DIAGRAM RONKONKOMA,NEW YORK 11779 NUMBER ®-INVERTER. E2-1 PV LABELS. ®. -ENPHASE IO COMBINER " ' ❑•.t- a eos Residen ceG1-1 PV PHOTOS (E-PANEL PHOrovo rac ELECTRIC VEHICLE CHARGER 345OIC Cove BIVd: Southold, NY 11 971 ®-ENPHASE ENVOY O D. _ - �/� !� 17 -SENSE CONSUMPTION MONROfl DraWn By. M. Danzlger�01/30/2024 ®-AC DISCONNECT — — r QD) TESLAGATEWAY ACCESS. E. W W - ROOF > > v ROOF �� PEL �O ®-TESLA POWERWALL ❑ _ _ ACCESS a �v�-ENPHASE IO SYSTEM CONTROLLER ®-ENPHASE 10 LOAD CONTROLLER -ENPHASE 1010 BATTERY ®-ENPHASE 10 3 BATTERY .. _ -GENERATION PANEL BACKED UP LOADS CENTER 18":-VENTILATION VENTILATION-- a-VENT PIPE 029 -EXTERIOR LOCATION \— {�- V' ----- ®F em-1ST FLOOR LOCATION Bu ild i n BASEMENT LOCATION _ O _ z z - Town building examiner has received the enclosed document for minimum acceptable c-GARAGE LOCATION O o _ plan submittal requirements of_the town as specified in the building and/or Residential a Code of the State of New York. This review does not guarantee compliance with that code. that responsibility is guaranteed under the seal and signature of the New York PROPOSED PV SYSTEM w Z. 10 State licensed design professional of record. That seal and signature has been interpreted as an attestation that,to the best of the licensee's belief and information osc Module Type/Qty: (46)REC420AAPureR the=work in this document is: (G) EV • Accurate iv • Conforms with governing codes applicable at the time of submission Module Dimension: 68.1"x 44"x 1.2" SS = • Conforms with reasonable standards of practice and with view to the MSP (ExT) safeguarding of life,health,property and public welfare is the responsibility of the Module Weight/PSF: 47.4 Ibs/2.27775108121096 PSF licensee. Micro Inverter: (46)Enphase IQ7X-96-2-US Structural Statement System DC Rating: 19.32 kW (5)PROPOSED Pv MODULEs FRONT OF HOUSE-FACING STREET OR DRIVEWAY (6)PROPOSED PV MODULES •System AC Rating: 14.4624 kW/AC (4)PROPOSED PV MODULES (4)PROPOSED PV MODULES The existing structure is adequate to support the new loads imposed by thephotovoltaic module system including uplift and shear. The existing rafter sizes Aurora Estimated AC Production: 19,586 kWh/yr and dimensions conform to RC-NYS 2020 table R802.4.1(2)-Rafter Spans. PV Notes 1. This PV system has been designed to meet all current and.applicable fire prevention setback pathways per 2020 NYS Residential Code. Proper ground clearance,roof access points,access pathways and ventilation systems shall be 39, provided where necessary. An in depth description of each applicable code p„SEA RESERV=D FOR AHJ: reference and exception for any codes is depicted on the PV-1 plate of this drawing package. 2. Roof shall have no more than a single layer of roof covering in addition to the solar equipment. 3. Installation of solar equipment shall be flush-mounted,parallel to and no more than 6-inches above the surface of the roof. 4. Weight of the installed system shall not exceed more than 5-psf 5. Any plumbing vents are not to be.cut or covered for solar equipment installation. Any relocation or modification of the vent requires a plumbing permit and FULL HOUSE ROOF PLAN I inspection. SCALE:N.T.S. This PV system has been designed to meet the minimum design standard for building and other structures of the ASCE 7-16 and.the 2020 New York State Residential Code. I PV.1 =0 COVER PAGE JOB# 23848. REVISION # N/A SUNATION ENERGY REVISED BY N/A I 2� zo••s•ROOF6 ROOF ROOF AREA- :7 \ PHOTOVOLTAIC MODULE \ - 19'�Y2° 19'-0• (TYP-) A - CIRCUIT 9 CIRCUIT 4 C29 1 �Q By. By' nF \ CIRCUIT 2 ;l �T 5y„.} CIRCUIT 3 / 1. #, 77 w - • • • RIDGE CAPPING ❑ ° (TYP) SUNATION z RLLIIDGE `. RIDGE w ° ENERGY (7 'o.. ' T'-sYz° �' I❑ SUNation Solar Systems C V-CIRCUIT3 171 Remington Blvd. XO Ronkonkoma,New York 11779(631)-750-9454 CIR 2 CUIT a o' / / • • \ \ NYSERDA CIRCUIT 1 \ \ INSTALLER 4355 20� NUMBER / p 5 JOB NUMBER i . 23848 ROOF ROOF 5 GU l!,,,may l .. 3' GUTTER TTER rn v J W 13'•t0y° .O ROOF 2 .::1:: l.. `❑ `:.` ROOF 2 Z r N cc 01 C) F-a c�0 o cc a iv O N N U. 1-0 cu Z oZ ❑ 19-0y° By° W m .. 0.. p >, coN U ROOF ROOF 0 O � L O v m Attachment Spacing: Portrait Attachment Spacing: Landscape Roof# Roof Description Modules Azimuth Tilt Pitch Interior Edge Corner Interior . Edge Corner 39, 1 Southwest Roof 10 2310 34° 9.1/12 6411 32" 16" 64" 48" 48" 2 FOH Southeast Roof 11 1410 340 9.1/12. 6411 3211 1611 64" 4811, 48" 3 Southwest Roof 4 231° 36°.. 9.6/12 48" 32" 16" 64" 4811 4811 4 Northeast Roof 4 51 360 9.6/12 4811 32" 16" 6411 48" 48" VV 5 Northeast Roof 9 -510 34° 9.1/12 64113211 16" 64" 4811 4811 1/8" = 1'-0" 6 Southwest Roof 4 2310 360 9.6/12 48" 3211 16" 6411- 48" 4811 7 Northeast Roof. 4 510 360 9.6/12 481.' 32" 16" 64" 48" 4811 Al PARTIAL ROOF PLAN SOLAR ENERGY SYSTEMSED (NY)R324.6 Roof access and pathways. Roof access, pathways and C setback requirements shall be provided in accordance with Sections �/G Cif° EL kQ yam: R324.61.through R324.6.2.1. Access and minimum spacing shall be required to provide emergency access to.the roof,to provide pathways * to specific areas of the roof, provide for smoke ventilation opportunity areas and to:provide emergency egress from the roof. CA Exceptions: 1. Detached, nonhabitable structures, including but not limited to OF r bN detached garages, parking shade structures, carports, solar 1.0 PROPOSED PV MODULES 4 PROPOSED PV MODULES 4 PROPOSED PV MODULES 9 PROPOSED PV MODULES- roofrequired to access.. 2. Roof access, pathways and setbacks need to be provided where the building official has determined that rooftop operations will not be employed. 3. These requirements shall not apply to roofs with slopes of two SUNATION units vertical in 12 units horizontal(17-percent slope)or less ENERGY [NY] R324.6.1 Pathways: Not fewer than two pathways, on separate z0 z SUNation Solar Systems roof planes from lowest roof edge to ridge and not less than,36 inches. — (914 mm)wide,shall be provided on all buildings. Not fewer than one ~ ¢ Ron koma,New York 11779 171Blvd. Ro on pathway shall be provided on the street or driveway side of the roof. g ~ (s91)-7so-sasa For each roof.plane with aphotovoltaic'array, a pathway not less than ACCESS > CESS ROOF 36 inches (914 mm)wide shall be:provided from the lowest roof edge ACCESSNYSERDA to the ride on thee same roof lane as the photovoltaic array, on an "" INSTALLS 9 P P Y, ;co. ao ROOF .. NUMBER R 4355 . adjacent roof plane, or straddling the same and adjacent roof planes. r r. Pathways shall• be over areas capable: of supporting fire fighters- accessing the roof. Pathways shall be located in areas with minimal ;: JOB NUMBER obstructions such as vent pipes, conduit, or mechanical equipment. Pathways.on opposing roof slopes shall not be located along the same : :: 23848 plane as the truss,rafter, or other such framing system that supports - the pathway. Exception: -18"_VENTILATION '18".-VENTILATION 1. Access pathways shall not be required on roof slopes containing O photovoltaic modules, panels, or an array where the opposing V �^, or adjacent roof slope is an access roof. N O o V Z m Access Roof-A roof surface that: 2! z F �,v O O Q c 6 o 1. Can be-accessed from the ground by the fire service. Q ¢ v o a 2. Is capable of providing fire service access to the ridge or peak F- :� 0O a Con N of an opposing or adjacent roof surface that contains :z z I(� AC U- " 0 m photovoltaic modules,panels,or an array. > W. -- SD C Z �m - 3.. Is relatively free of vents,skylights,conduits,mechanical . _:- FW. a > equipment and other such obstructions. co coV (G) EV 0V Co 4. Does not contain photovoltaic modules,.panels or an array,or is _ �' -o 3 a single ridge roof where the maximum edge to edge width of SS IMP (EXT) LO the photovoltaic panel system does not exceed 33 percent of �,, the ridge length. [NY] R324.6.2 - Setback at ridge. Photovoltaic arrays shall not be located less than 18 inches(457 mm)from a horizontal ridge. (5) PROPOSED PV MODULES FRONT OF HOUSE - FACING STREET OR DRIVEWAY (6) PROPOSED PV MODULES [NY] R324.6.2.2 - Emergency escape and rescue opening. Panels 39° (4) PROPOSED PV MODULES (4) PROPOSED PV MODULES and modules installed on dwellings shall not be placed on the portion of the,roof-that is below and emergency escape and rescue opening: A pathway not less than 36 inches(914 mm)wide shall be provided to the emergency escape and rescue opening. N.T.S. Al 4 ROOF ACCESS PLAN RED'�+ ERC, Typical Attachment Method Z c: -A I RIDGE SNAP'N'RACK ULTRA RAI��� 29 V PHOTOVOLTAIC 201-611 L-FOOT AND RAIL ASSEMBL E�It,I MODULE m 3/4"-MODULE SPACING BETWEEN ROWS AND (2)S.S.304 5.OMM X 60MM COLUMNS(TYP.) WOOD SCREW FASTENER I SUNATION ENERGY RT-MINI ROOF ATTACHMENT SUNation Solar Systems RAIL MOUNTED TO 171 Remington Blvd. RAFTER Ronkonkoma,New York 11779 (631)-750-9454 RAFTER (1.)LAYER SHWGLE(TYO ASPHALT � NYSERDA 2" x10" / 16" O.C. o / NUMBER R 435 5 JOB NUMBER 23848 PLYWOOD DECKING (TYP.) SOFFIT WOOD FRAMING EXTERIOR (TYP.) WALL ATTACHMENT TYPE APPLIED TO-ROOF"TYP" 15'-911 ROOF SECTION (TYP.) ROOFS 11-8' r N SCALE: N.T.S. '- O z C). z a) o SOLAR MODULE FRAME 0 75� NOTE:3/4''.SPACING �- BETWEEN MODULE ROWS Q � Roof# Rafter Size'/Spacing Max Span Material Layers Sheathing •ass•) �s°� ° I T AND COLUMNS. 2 0 0) 1 2"x 10"/16" O.C. 15'-7.5 Composite Shingles 1 Plywood ;o 5'I5" HEIGHT ADJUSTABLE LL 0 M � _ C _ _ L-FOOT(TYP.) z (n > Q 2 2"x 10"/16" O.C. 15'-9" Composite Shingles 1 Plywood END CLAMP 1 0 CO"3 2"x 10"/16" O.C. 14'-5 Composite Shingles 1 Plywood , (TYP.) a—) Q Q SNAP'N'RACK a 6.0" ULTRA RAIL O m 4 2"x 10"/16" O.C. 14'-6.5" Composite Shingles 1 Plywood (TYP.) C) ;; 5 2"x 10"/16" O.C. 14'-9" Composite Shingles - 1 Plywood HEIGHT OFF OF O ROOF SURFACE i 6 2"x_10"/16" O.C. #REF! Composite Shingles 1 Plywood ''n RT MINI 2 I' (TYP.) C� 7 2"x 10"/16" O.C. 14'-4.5" Composite Shingles 1 Plywood Typical.Module PEST WRAP CUT AWAY FOR Side-Profile CLARITY CLIMATIC AND GEOGRAPHIC-DESIGN CRITERIA- TABLE R301.2(1) WIND. DESIGN SUBJECT TO DAMAGE ICE BARRIER SEISMIC DESIGN_ WINTER DESIGN MEAN ANNUAL GROUND SNOW SPEED(MPH.) TOPOGRAPHIC SPECIAL WIND ZONE WIND BORNE DEBRIS CATEGORY WEATHERING FROST LINE DEPTH TERMITE TEMPERATURE UNDERLAYMENT FLOOD HAZARD AIR FREEZING INDEXTEMPERATURE S1 , 1 LOAD EFFECTS ZONE REQUIRED MODERATE TO SEE PLANS 20 PSF 140 B YES 2 B SEVERE 3'-0" HEAVY 15 DEG N/A EXAMINER 599 51. STRUCTURE • G\��ER �qR o fi 29 17 ®lt- EV Enphase A/C Branch Circuit(typ.) UTILITY SERVICE N N Enphase Microinverter(typ.) Existing 173829 n n SUNATION . i COMBINER nt#-Utility Meter 1 V 1 �ENERGY Account#-9670122201 0 (� , Module J-Box(typ.) PANEL Meter#-92o24oV SUNation Solar Systems SUPPLY SIDE CONNECTPnnli 171 Remington Blvd. Ronkonkoma,New York 11779 (631)-750-9454 PV Module(typ.) IN SERD ALLE 4355 1 INSTALLER EGO Attached To Rail(typ.) MAIN J NUMBER ENPHASE GATEWAY JOB NUMBER (Na loads,monitoring only) 5 .. .2P20A 2P16A 23848- Circuit#1 Enp—,G-may CONDUIT AND CONDUCTOR SCHEDULE ENPHASE BRANCH CIRCUIT#1 2P20A 80A �- circuit#2 MAIN TAG CONDUCTOR CONDUIT RUN ENPHASE BRANCH CIRCUIT#2 2P20A ENPHASE BRANCH CIRCUIT#3 ' ( Circuit#3 TYPE GAUGE QUANTITY TYPE SIZE LENGTH ENPHASE BRANCH CIRCUIT#4 2P2oA Combiner 2P20e 1 Enphase Q-Cable 12 8 N/A N/A 15' circuit#a IQ Combiner Sense. EGO ENSE MONITOR 2 Type NM 10 8 N/A N/A 30' G G (No loads,mamtoringomy) G MAIN r 3 HWN-2 10 8 PVC SCH:80 1.25" 15' 1 2 3 ENPHASE A/C SERVICE' ROOF ATTIC EXTERIOR IQ COMBINER DISCONNECT PANEL r N GC 10 1 PVC SCH.80 1.25 15 r O 4 HWN-2 4 3 PVC SCH.80 1.25" 10, SERVICE RATED IL N GC 8 1 PVC SCH.80 1.25 10 4 ENCLOSURE 6 z O „ , MIN.60A I MIN.22k AIC Z a) -0. r 5 HWN-2 4 3 PVC SCH.80 1.25" 10' EXTERIOR O 0 DISCONNECTING MEANS BUILDING 6 EC 6 1 N/A N/A 10 GROUNDING a ELECTRODE F N O - LL Z O Circuit# PV Module QtY• Micro-Inverter Qty. Maximum AC Operating Current F m CD 1 REC420AAPureR 11 Enphase,IQ7X-96-2-US 11 14.41 A N a > p >, Enphase IWX-96-2-US m 2 REC420AAPureR 12 P 12 15.72 A 3 REC420AAPureR 11 Enphase IM-96-2-US O Cz 11 14.41 ALID 4 REC420AAPureR 12 Enphase IQ7X-96-2-US 12 15.72 A co Maximum AC Operating Current(Total) 60.26.A E I Nil ONE-LINE DIAGRAM - 3G`ObC0Ve9h4,.S0o'JielO,N\X Q ', _ �/� REb A . 7CE ASCE Hazards Report \S -=AEC c" vefw,svmorenerauRs Address- Standard: ASCEISEl7-is Latitude: 41.088794 �- Y 345 Old Cove Blvd Risk Categoryi II Longitude:-72.a13265 > Southold,New York Sail Class: umlermil Elevation: 6.5713872673710005 0 G ^ 11971 `, T.p"FHL FIRWh.o Fdl FIRI1. /' (NAVD 88) I I a¢k,hepf,mw,and did oe tl Aepm place Mo '.r`• e `nRK Z J 2)CRaa�maaumaprin,.s1m FRvTiotle or lull-,� - , - - - en 3)P.oss'Eea,o•-Th.p,?--ymke upbi. mv,eto• .. L e T�M.F,,'-� L^" �`' � l] O -W9G FRd ME .'T.I _ Tom!, - - - ;� 1VE - Fh Fo.mar SUNATION l + ' ENERGY SUNation Solar Systems . , . 171 Remington Blvd. � ���j .,�.��ry; � _ I-•" Ronkonkoma,New York 11779 I r (•l' Yt,t 3jli rye i (631)-750-9454 YZ NYSERDA INSTALLER NUMBER 4355 JOB NUMBER 23848 it •�i{ if J' �`'� ( rd;� r��'��''• ~�=.�..._.. •Y •< , ,•l f�l,A(11 i, f ��;<;aF" _ fir,{` �r` y -':�.- oy;,, s i 71L _ ill .�:y="�. n-rf• "�:. _ =iva j..,.v.?, _ ', __ T ; -- c N .. r r:l� ✓r ,••� T � f y':.l,�i' },-ti<:.'•1',,,T�,-.`��^•-'�,T i• -- �p .. t . ..a' c{ �I . t� �LatY�s�3�Z .n3•?.._. :tom: .: ti-5':.i'�--=�. .,� �Sr .:Y- �. _.. ��;� .yam. ` I -�.,';• r-- :=.•:4•g r w.' 1 "• x•�„„.�` `'-' -�``"'�,' �. __ '-3 � 61 '% � ���--' .�'•�'� � �� u3:1::�-"`..__k'^.Irr=:•Gi`_ _e �- �,c.7.: -:�r. rv-\J x''.� F' N •o--' i t' .., YS;'._g.,.�t."s� T '�a_"_-_"`mob'=""7 ,.., •�� =,,"'' -�-_., f�-` -ice O Q) ^A: t r}.:�.<- _ - �'�:',aLGZ=:.1�:�r'.'•i:,..'k.c'A,!7_3ya.� •y�V��ti^•F..�..--.., -a'T+ ®rSMI ICE �p?rzzK'a- s s LL V ' ;.;;=:.�="".`"�. _ `t°'A,,3>`"'l-`•i'=u.z - -•J,,,.._.� rb..>�g7;:k','."rS.v,Cf" c..:r.: _ - - Z O LLI CO co O to to 3_ ..dw.<s n •4;,<. 'I =.sue _ = I N.T.S. A i.2-5 __ FLOOD ELEVATION S�FRED LABEL LOCATION: LABEL LOCATION: ��lG\GNAE �Cti PHOTOVOLTAIC • O MAXIMUM AC OPERATING CURRENT. SOURCE CIRCUITS:. 1'AT EACH AC DISCONNECT,COMPLETE VOLTAGE AND S-ervice Disconnect MAIN DISCONNECT PANEL: 1 AT EACH AND AT BUILDING MAIN SE VC G m CURRENT VALUES ON DISCONNECT LABEL. DISCONNECT IF APPLICABLE:NOMINAL AC OPERATING CURRENT: NEC 2017 690.54/NEC 2017 690.13(B) of NEC 2017 705.10 �� t f Second Disconnect „ O � Located - • Meter Pan DisconnectService of ELECTRIC SHOCK HAZARD DO NOT TOUCH TERMINALS NOTE:ATTENTION STICKER GETS PLACED ON UTILITY METER IN ADDITION TO TERMINALS ON BOTH THE LINE AND - DisconnectE A T T N WTI Q NZ THE BUILDING MAIN SERVICE DISCONNECT. LOAD SIDES MAY BE ENERGIZED This building is equipped with an IN THE OPEN POSITION • • in Main Service Panel Interconnected Electric POWe q9 SUNATION PHOTOVOLTAIC MODULES PRODUCE DC VOLTAGE Production Source ENERGY WHENEVERTHEYAREE(POEDTOSUNUGHi - DO t,O T REMOVE THIIS TAG SUNation Solar Systems Source TiYpe 171 Remington Blvd. Ronkonkoma,New Ydrk 11779 Solar Photovoltaic (631)-750-9454 D'fsconnect is Located: In error: Basement:_ Garage._ Exterior: IN S A 4355 Front:_ Rear:_ LH Si e:_ INSTALLER RH Side:_ Other Location: NUMBER WMITIMM Sol-ar Sy .gems ISOLAR SYSTEM IEQUIPPED JOB NUMBER wsw,,use sa5o WITH RAPID SHUTDOWN TURN RAPID SHUTDOWN 23848 SWIICHTOTHE PHOTOVOLTAC SYSTEM "OFF"POSITION TO P SHUTDOWN PV SYSTEM EQUIPPEDANDREDUCETHE SHOCKHAZARD SHUTDOWN INARRAY Lu T 0) T— T— O N z O: z -0 O o v (D +� i -0 a) a) m U) IV 0 0 CZ z U) LLI F- m U) a. > �. O �+ 0 . 0o O ca 10 ❑ cY . E2wl PV LABELS ee!! ERED G,G AAEt f�0 C'y r ?.' -�V .-. 'Q.c,•t�, rt;=�`�r"'c�,g-•;a - _ �c='�'•':..'�:. 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