HomeMy WebLinkAboutTB-02/27/2024 PH 1 1 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD COUNTY OF SUFFOLK : STATE OF NEW YORK 2 ------------------------------------------- X 3 TOWN BOARD 4 REGULAR BOARD MEETING 5 ------------------------------------------- X 6 7 Southold, New York 8 February 27 , 2024 9 4 : 30 P .M . 10 11 12 13 14 15 B E F 0 R E : 16 17 ALBERT KRUPSKI JR, SUPERVISOR 18 LOUISA P . EVANS , JUSTICE 19 JILL DOHERTY, COUNCILWOMAN 20 BRIAN 0 . MEALY, COUNCILMAN 21 GREG DOROSKI , COUNCILMAN 22 ANNE H . SMITH, COUNCILWOMAN 23 24 25 FEBRUARY 27, 2024 REGULAR MEETING 2 1 PUBLIC COMMENTS 2 SUPERVISOR AL KRUPSKI JR . : All 3 right . And now before we go into the 4 agenda, is there anyone like to speak on 5 any agenda item before we start? 6 ROBERT DUNN : Robert Dunn, Peconic . 7 I don ' t know if this is the right time, 8 but it ' s related to 182 , the extension 9 of the moratorium. I ' m fine with that . 10 I have no problem with that . But I 11 think we need to have a parallel 12 discussion on lithium ion batteries . I 13 mean, there seems to be -- Southampton 14 did the same thing this week . They 15 extended their moratorium . But 16 nationwide , there seems to be a problem 17 with lithium ion . And maybe we should 18 be talking about that . That we ' re never 19 going to accept lithium ion batteries 20 till the industry comes up with a better 21 technology . Maybe there is a better 22 technology for lithium ion to make them 23 safer or maybe it ' s time to move on to 24 something else . And maybe in doing 25 that , the cause -- the batteries will FEBRUARY 27, 2024 REGULAR MEETING 3 1 last a little less or a won ' t drive as 2 fast or whatever, but I ' d rather drive 3 slower or walk, than die . So -- 4 COUNCILMAN GREG DOROSKI : Me too . 5 ROBERT DUNN : Good . I ' d rather see 6 you do that too . So anyway ' s , this may 7 be a point to begin a parallel 8 discussion of that, because that ' s not 9 going to happen till somebody -- even if 10 it ' s just little old Southold on the end 11 of Long Island, brings that issue up . 12 That maybe it ' s time to turn our back or 13 change our approach to lithium ion 14 entirely . 15 SUPERVISOR AL KRUPSKI JR . : Thank 16 you . Thank you . I appreciate that . 17 And just to give you a little story on 18 this 192 , is that, the last Town Board 19 and Supervisor launched the moratorium. 20 They formed a very competent task force 21 to address this issue, as a land use 22 component . And the moratorium is set to 23 expire in April . So because of the 24 timing of public notices and hearings 25 and what not, we have to start this FEBRUARY 27, 2024 REGULAR MEETING 4 1 process now in order -- if we ' re going 2 to extend the moratorium, it had to be 3 started today . The task force hasn ' t 4 met this year, I don ' t believe . So 5 they ' re still working on it . There was 6 an uncertainty whether they would have 7 recommendations in time for the 8 moratorium to end and the Town Board 9 would be then unprepared to pass 10 legislation . Somehow regulating the 11 placement of these battery storage 12 units . 13 ROBERT DUNN : Again, the discussion 14 has been about holding up or, you know, 15 I don ' t know that anybody ' s brought up 16 the discussion of maybe we should walk 17 away from lithium ion . And I just think 18 that it ' s a discussion that should be 19 had, and looked into . There ' s certainly 20 people that know a hell of a lot more 21 than I do . But it just seems to me to 22 be obvious that it ' s a consideration . 23 COUNCILWOMAN JILL DOHERTY : I agree 24 with you, and I know there ' s a lot of 25 technology on the rise that, you know, FEBRUARY 27, 2024 REGULAR MEETING 5 1 we could wait for . 2 JUSTICE LOUISA EVANS : We do have 3 New York State coming down on us . 4 SUPERVISOR AL KRUPSKI JR . : No . 5 We ' ll see, and we ' ll see what New York 6 State, how they ' re going to try to 7 impose regulations on municipalities 8 also . 9 COUNCILMAN GREG DOROSKI : And we 10 do, on the next Work Session plan, at 11 least tentatively, to have an update 12 either from me, as the new liaison to 13 the BESS Committee, the Town Attorney or 14 the committee itself . So we ' ll get back 15 to you on that . 16 SUPERVISOR AL KRUPSKI JR . : And 17 once the committee is done with their 18 report, then there ' s going to be a 19 series of hearings if there ' s any 20 proposed changes to anything . So we ' ll 21 have plenty of time for the public to 22 weigh in . I don ' t think anybody ' s got 23 their mind made up here . The moratorium 24 was not a formality . 25 ROBERT DUNN : I don ' t think FEBRUARY 27, 2024 REGULAR MEETING 6 1 anybody ' s got their mind made up 2 anywhere . Obviously . I just think that 3 if we ' re going to be discussing, let ' s 4 discuss everything . 5 SUPERVISOR AL KRUPSKI JR . : Thank 6 you . 7 COUNCILMAN BRIAN MEALY : And Mr . 8 Dunn, your safety concern was brought up 9 at -- Jill and I attended the 10 preliminary meeting of our BESS , and 11 that was one of the first order of 12 discussion . So as Councilman Doroski 13 said, we look forward to the update . 14 But what you just said was brought up at 15 the first preliminary meeting . And as 16 you said, many municipalities are 17 dealing with the technology aspect , and 18 many more people are smarter than we . 19 We just want to make sure we get the 20 facts together before we make our 21 decision as Supervisor Krupski said . 22 SUPERVISOR AL KRUPSKI JR . : Thank 23 you . Would anyone else like to address 24 the Board on anything that ' s on the 25 agenda? FEBRUARY 27, 2024 REGULAR MEETING 7 1 GLENN GOLDSMITH : Good evening, 2 Glenn Goldsmith, Southold Town Trustee . 3 Just like to comment on Agenda Item 211 4 regarding the appointment of a Nicholas 5 Krupski position of Solid Waste 6 Coordinator . I know that you ' ll be 7 voting on that tonight , and I just want 8 to express my support for Nick and 9 encourage you to vote in favor of him . 10 I ' ve had the privilege of working with 11 Nick on the Trustees for the last nine 12 years . I know firsthand his leadership, 13 his knowledge , his commitment to the 14 Town, his dedication to protecting the 15 environment, and the Town . All traits 16 that I know that will serve him well in 17 this new position, if you appoint him . 18 I know there ' s been some debate or 19 hesitancy on appointing him due to his 20 current role as a Trustee . I ' d like to 21 counter that, and say that I believe his 22 role as Trustee makes him an even better 23 candidate for this position . As a 24 Trustee , Nick has proven his commitment 25 to protecting the environment, our FEBRUARY 27, 2024 REGULAR MEETING 8 1 wetlands , our waterways , and the 2 position of Solid Waste Coordinator is 3 just an expansion of that commitment to 4 the environment . I believe there ' s been 5 some concern about potential conflict of 6 interest, if Nick is appointed as a 7 Solid Waste Coordinator, while still 8 holding his position as Trustee . As you 9 are well aware, as Trustees , we have a 10 very limited scope within Town Code . 11 Basically Chapters 275 , 111 , and 96, as 12 well as , a limited jurisdiction of 100 13 feet from the wetland . Last time I 14 checked, there are no wetlands within 15 the 100 feet of the landfill . So as far 16 as I see it, there ' s absolutely no 17 conflict or overlap between the two 18 positions . We Trustees , as well as , the 19 Town Board, are part-time positions . 20 All of us Trustees have full-time jobs 21 outside of being Trustees , regardless of 22 what we do or who we work for . We all 23 have to take time off of work on 24 occasion to fulfill our responsibilities 25 as Trustees . Fortunately for us , it ' s FEBRUARY 27, 2024 REGULAR MEETING 9 1 usually just once a month when we 2 conduct field inspections . Other than 3 that , we were able to do our things 4 outside work hours , after work, at 5 nights on weekends , in our free time . 6 So I believe that Nick does get this 7 job, it will actually give him more 8 time , not less to fulfill his 9 responsibility as Trustees , because he 10 is literally right up the road after 11 work . It ' s 4 : 00 o ' clock . Lights still 12 out . He can conduct field inspections . 13 He can get down to the office, sign 14 permits or things like that . So I think 15 it ' s better for the Trustees and for the 16 Town if Nick does get this position . As 17 you guys know, we are currently short 18 staffed in the Trustee Office . Normally 19 we have two full-time positions . We are 20 down to one . The majority of our Board 21 has a little over two years of 22 experience on the Board . So any extra 23 time that Nick can give to the position 24 of Trustee , the better it is for the 25 Trustees , and the better it is for the FEBRUARY 27, 2024 REGULAR MEETING 10 1 Town, which to me is what it ' s all 2 about . What is in the best interest of 3 the Town? You, the Town Board, have 4 conducted the interviews . You ' ve 5 reviewed candidates . You ' ve seen the 6 resumes . I think it ' s a fairly simple 7 choice . After doing the research, is 8 Nick the best candidate based on his 9 experience , his knowledge , his 10 education? And if he is , all the rest 11 of that is just outside noise, and 12 really irrelevant to this conversation . 13 Is he the best candidate and is that the 14 best for the Town? I know that having 15 Nick on the Trustees makes the Trustees 16 and myself better . And I believe that 17 the Town and the landfill will be better 18 off if he ' s appointed to that position . 19 So I encourage you to vote in support of 20 Nick for that position . Thank you . 21 SUPERVISOR AL KRUPSKI JR . : Thank 22 you . 23 COUNCILMAN BRIAN MEALY : Thank you 24 for your testimony . 25 SUPERVISOR AL KRUPSKI JR . : Would FEBRUARY 27, 2024 REGULAR MEETING 11 1 anyone else like to address the Board 2 before we start the agenda? 3 (No Response ) . 4 (Whereupon, the meeting continued 5 on with the agenda at this time . ) 6 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 7 PUBLIC HEARINGS 8 LOCAL LAW CHAPTER 148 FLOOD 9 COUNCILMAN GREG DOROSKI : Okay . So 10 the purpose of tonight ' s Public Hearing 11 is to -- it ' s in relation to amendments 12 to Chapter 148 , Flood Damage Prevention . 13 And just to summarize, this is a map 14 revision to include with this . And it ' s 15 pretty standard . So in the Public 16 Hearing folder here , I have an Affidavit 17 of Publication in the Suffolk Times . 18 Along with a copy of the Legal Notice . 19 It was published in the Suffolk Times . 20 I have an affidavit that the Public 21 Hearing Notice was posted on the 22 bulletin board in the back, signed by 23 our Town Clerk, Denis Noncarrow . And I 24 have a copy of the certified resolution 25 setting this Public Hearing . That ' s FEBRUARY 27, 2024 REGULAR MEETING 12 1 what I got . 2 SUPERVISOR AL KRUPSKI JR . : Thank 3 you . 4 Is there anyone who would like to 5 know that the Public Hearing has been 6 open, and speak on the Proposed Local 7 Law change to the Local Law Amendments 8 to Chapter 148 Flood Damage Prevention? 9 (No Response ) . 10 JUSTICE LOUISA EVANS : Motion to 11 close the hearing . 12 COUNCILMAN GREG DOROSKI : I ' ll 13 second that . 14 SUPERVISOR AL KRUPSKI JR . : All in 15 favor? 16 COUNCILWOMAN JILL DOHERTY : Aye . 17 COUNCILMAN GREG DOROSKI : Aye . 18 COUNCILMAN BRIAN MEALY : Aye . 19 COUNCILWOMAN ANNE SMITH : Aye . 20 JUSTICE LOUISA EVANS : Aye . 21 SUPERVISOR AL KRUPSKI JR . : Aye . 22 23 (Whereupon, the meeting went back 24 to the Regular Agenda at this time . ) 25 FEBRUARY 27, 2024 REGULAR MEETING 13 1 C E R T I F I C A T I O N 2 3 I , Jessica DiLallo, a Notary Public 4 for and within the State of New York, 5 do hereby certify : 6 THAT , the within transcript is a 7 true record of said Board Meeting . 8 I further certify that I am not 9 related either by blood or marriage to 10 any of the parties to this action; and 11 that I am in no way interested in the 12 outcome of this matter . 13 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto 14 set my hand this day, February 27 , 2024 . 15 16 17 ( Js is Lallo ) 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25