HomeMy WebLinkAbout50409-Z TOWN OF SOUTHOLD � Rm BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE SOUTHOLD, NY BUILDING PERMIT (THIS PERMIT MUST BE KEPT ON THE PREMISES WITH ONE SET OF APPROVED PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS UNTIL FULL COMPLETION OF THE WORK AUTHORIZED) Permit #: 50409 Date: 3/8/2024 Permission is hereby granted to: Rozen Danielw .�..... _.._.._ .................... .�._ �,._._ ... .. www.....�.M... . .....�.www.w.....�...ww.. ...............�w_......_........-....,......_. 301 W Olive St _. �www...ww_._._...._ �w........... ._.w__._ .....w.........__....___-_.�.._ Lon Beach NY 11561 .._____...�...._ .�.�..._ www.....ww._-...._.___ww�.�.....w...............___� _�_.._�..�...�_ww�. .._.�....... ___................... .. ........ To: construct single-family dwelling as applied for per SCHD approval. At premises located at: 600 Dogwood Ln, Mattituck .. _ _ ....... SCTM # 473889 Sec/Block/Lot# 106.-8-50.5 Pursuant to application dated 1/25/2024 and approved by the Building Inspector. To expire on 9/7/2025. Fees: SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING-ADDITION OR ALTERATION $5,543.00 CO-NEW DWELLING $100.00 Total: $5,643.00 Building Inspector TOWN OF SOUTHOLD—BUILDING DEPARTMENT ro. Town Hall Annex 54375 Main Road P. O. Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971-0959 �� Telephone (631) 765-1802 Fax (631) 765-9502 htts:/,�www. ot.�ttho)dtowno r , Date Received BUILDINGAPPLICATION FOR For Office Use Only E 0 VE 41 :::�� , I PERMIT NO. Building Inspector: __ Applications and forms must be filled out in their entirety.Incomplete JAN 2 5 2024 applications will not be accepted. Where the Applicant is not the owner,an Owner's Authorization form(Page 2)shall be completed. Stilldfirtg Doparfrnarjf wt o otl�ol Date: 1-25-24 c OWNER(S)OF PROPERTY: Name: Daniel Rozen SCTM#1000-106-8-50.5 Project Address:600 Dogwood Lane (vacant land), Mattitcuk NY 11952 Phone#:c/o 631-765-4330 Email: pcmoore@mooreattys.com Mailing Address: 301 W Olive Street, Long Beach NY 11561 CONTACT PERSON: Name: Pat Moore Mailing Address: 51020 Main Road, Southold NY 11971 Phone#: 631-765-4330 Email:pcmoore@mooreattys.com DESIGN PROFESSIONAL INFORMATION: Name: Patricia ONeill RA Mailing Address: 257 Circle Drive, Manhasset NY 11030 Phone#: 516-365-1799 Email:patriciaoneillarchitect@gmail.com CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: Name: TBD Mailing Address:.. Phone#: Email: DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION IONewStructure ❑Addition ❑Alteration ❑Repair ❑Demolition Estimated Cost of Project: ❑Other $ 500,000 Will the lot be re-graded? ❑Yes RNo Will excess fill be removed from premises? RYes ❑No 1 PROPERTY INFORMATION Existing use of property:vacant Intended use of property: new house Zone or use district in which premises is situated: Are there any covenants and restrictions with respect to r-80 this property? Dyes �No IF YES, PROVIDE A COPY. 1:1 Check Box After Reading: The owner/contractor/design professional is responsible for all drainage and storm water issues as provided by Chapter 236 of the Town Code, APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE to the Building Department for the issuance of a Building Permit pursuant to the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold,Suffolk,County,New York and other applicable Laws,Ordinances or Regulations,for the construction of buildings, additions,alterations or for removal or demolition as herein described.The applicant agrees to comply with all applicable laws,ordinances,building code, housing code and regulations and to admit authorized inspectors on premises and In building(s)for necessary inspections.False statements made herein are punishable as a Class A misdemeanor pursuant to Section 210AS of the New York State Penal Law. Application Submitted By(print ),am, tricia C. Moore IRAuthorized Agent DOwner Signature of Applicant: Date: STATE OF NEW YORK) SS: COUNTY OF Suffolk Patricia C. Moore being duly sworn, deposes and says that(s)he is the applicant (Name of individual signing contract)above named, (S)he is the attorney (Contractor,Agent, Corporate Officer,etc.) of said owner or owners, and is duly authorized to perform or have performed the said work and to make and file this application;that all statements contained in this application are true to the best of his/her knowledge and belief; and that the work will be performed in the manner set forth in the application file therewith. Sworn before me this day of 20Z No 01*04#Q lic,State of New York No.01 PE6130636 Qualified In Suffolk Coun PROPERTY OWNER AUTHORIZATION Commission Expires July 18, (Where the applicant is not the owner) Daniel G Rozen residing at 301 Olive Street, Long Beach (per contract of sale) do hereby authorize Patricia C. Moore to apply on my behalf to the Town of Southold Building Department for approval as described herein, K10 Owner's Signature Date 1--j (=,-- 22-owl Print Owner's Name 2 IA/C)WTS Fuji Clean SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES PERMIT FOR APPROVAL OF CONSTRUCTION FOR A SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE ONLY 023 H.S. RE 3-1616 �'. NO. R-2 .... . DATE 12/20/2 N-Ir-1 APPROVED FOR AIMUM OF 8 BEDROOMS `"". EXPIRES FIREE `FEARS FROM DATE OF APPROVAL ' Tax Lot ' 21 IMPROVED t Tax Lot PUBLIC 20/ 6 WATER * �► ' , IMPROVED ENGINEERIs CERTJF@CAT!oN RE00 RE M. r pare Fe, Splt. Fe, Suerm IT P.E. Op FZ.A- �CRTIrICATION E 53,0 PUBLIC F'c.R IN97ALLAT--50N AND CONS`RUCTICI 3 WATER of IA/OVVrS F*R FNA L A PPFto V AL, / t ° C> Spit. Fe. / On Line± -'---- ----------� i11 W O ---� __ 01 r N G O w Tax Lot GRODE PROPOSED DR18 DRAINAGE/SANRARY `}0•(� T PIPE W/ NO.Pd,TWtS FOR A LENGTH li� " / OF 10' ON tk�,'.91' "S OF WATERLINE ' BOTRG 2 2 IMPROVED PUBLIC �\ cn WATER WAYER SERVIM PUsea WULer service TX LOt `� L I Tax d sanitary facilities. \ 46 ' IMPROVED sed sanitary IMPROVED WATER IPUBLIC not occur in paved � PUBLIC ` �3 WATER „ W ` g53'�r E w Spit. 0.1'w ' Tax Lot ��• ` 50 I 50.3 �Q Tax Lot ` 45 44 IMPROVED c.a #p .;_' w;re / o. 0 e IMPROVED PUBLIC �� \ 4.2' /{ PUBLIC WATER e WATER _� 01 erc 232- Spit. Fe. -� --� —F` _ C• kp "PROPOSED LEACHING POOL BORING 18' X 10' DIA. PLUS DOME PROPOSED 18' EFF. DEPTH #WATER SERVICE Q. Y 50% ANSI T PROPOSED FUJICLEAN ON CEN-10 1000 GPD ALTERNATE grade "IW domc ._ TREATMENT SYSTEM 22.2 p—ost rr PROPOSED / 7--d - -.. �\ „/-`- - -� 3/4" AIR LINE - -3 . TE -- PROPOSED RLO7#">o-RI 1 0 I HOUSING " 25' rno)" e_ m 1 DRYWELL rnst aoncrale PROPOSED nnn�drainage 3, ( $ — "\- �\ 'I DRYWELL - ' - V = \ 175.9 °; L�� DRYWELL A *` ¢;I im.coarse Band& - backTdl under and 14F 1 O �` Scott A. Russell SUPERVISOR N\1 AN A\G IEAM[]EN IF SOUTHOLD TOWN HALL-P.O.Box 1179 53095 Main Road-SOUTHOLD,NEW YORK 11971 �� "� Town of Southold FORM " � REFERRAL� . CHAPTER 236 - STOR.��V� I ER MANAGEMENT TO BE COMPLETED APPLICANT INFORMATION.a......,, _ _... ._.... _ . . ... � .....~_ .. ... �. BY THE APPLICANT . ....... ...... .� ..... _..._ E ACRE .CN...�RE..A OR LARGER. ) R PROPERTIES ON .. .. _. ..�... .... ....ONLY.FO.. ...� I APPLICANT: (Property Owner, Design Professional, Agent, Contractor, Other) I�IAN(E: , , _ Date: ft�� ui � 011 Contact �11f01rllat rIL°\Aad gtele GY0lrrn@ IWr yrt7r � P e r..tyAddress / Location of Site: ... ..... , ; __. S.C.T.M x 0 J50.0 io ""k r � __ .....__.. ..m......... _.. ..... . ............._. Secticrn Block, Lot TO BE COMPLETED BY SOUTHOLD TOWN ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT Area of Disturbance 93 less thanj Acre Nto S P.�.�_�_ESw�.�..Pe rmt is Fte.���,titt.�.d_'_ w Project e��>es ,, ,� ­ �� -P c`f .�,toint r\a�er Ru�cifff�tsc�l�araeS�Dtliec� Not Dv schar.e to wa[ei .Y of L:LF �tatc Nc� � P .. y Area �:rf Dust:�tt Eattce t.7 Greater eater tltK,t l Acre- CAN' _.,M.�''ST OE�TAIN a S P D,E�.`� Pet mit to Water l of the Mate ol,' New York ly "FfF APPLICAN I _ _. _ _�..__....._...w._ DIRFt�:���FLY II:'turn N.Y.S DEC Pr-ioi to Issuance of a i utldrt7�� F'E��c77tt. Arcaof Di,.atu .__..._ �� ibance is &-eate, Char; l ct_e � �7trr, �� r�r E�'imof�f Flovv/,; �Ck�r�7ucykt Sauthc�l� _ State S t a t _ f _w-�,m_....... ....�..... .. _� & CJ C.' `� P�rr�.,rt Wal�r (,�t the �t�lte �7f� w Yet k CF{L APPLICANT. MUST`C?��T-AI. 6 c w �8 4 ter, r acyktCf k)Ik! f'r vt k tri t� R s a D .��ltmr ei t _.w... e .,. .�......tea. c=I ..... F�tuE�� � to .�� ��.�..._..�...��.!:4.L.f rt I nq._I 'f'.w�.tw w. Re k i eev�ed fa y .. ._.... . m,� .. ..� . .... _.. ,,,.... w.. j � t, ( ( f _.. L/ f eon Town Hall Annexe �� Telephone(631)765-1802 54375 Main RoadA : Fax(631)765-9502 P. O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971-0959 r m /JJ BUILDING DEPARTMENT NOTICE OF UTILIZATION OF TRUSS TYPE CONSTRUCTION PRE-ENGINEERED WOOD CONSTRUCTION AND/OR TIMBER CONSTRUCTION Date: 1/24/24 Owner: _ D DEMI PSYLLOS MICHAEL AN...................._...M.M...._._.................ww...... ... ��w. ...wv....M... ... .......�.._._._ Location of Property. ........ K 600 DOGWOOD LANE, MATTITU Please take notice that the (check applicable line): X New commercial or residential structure w mmmmmmmmmmm Addition to existing commercial or residential structure Rehabilitation to an existing commercial or residential structure to be constructed or performed at the subject property reference above will utilize (check applicable line): ww_____.........................._ Truss type construction (TT) _wwwwX Pre-engineered wood construction (PW) Timber construction (TC) in the following location(s) (check applicable line): X m Floor framing, including girders and beams (F) _................................._...... Roof framing (R) Floor and roof framing (FR) Signature: Name (person submitting this form): PATRICIA O'NEILL ARCHITECT Capacity (check applicable line): Owner X...._........ Owner representative TrussRegl5.docx Effective 1/1/2015 Generated by REScheck-Web Software Compliance Certificate Project The Psyllos Residence Energy Code: 2018 IECC Location: Mattituck, New York Construction Type: Single-family Project Type: New Construction Orientation: Bldg. faces 0 deg. from North Conditioned Floor Area: 5,888 ft2 Glazing Area 11% Climate Zone: 4 (5331 HDD) Permit Date: Permit Number: Construction Site: Owner/Agent: Designer/Contractor: Dogwood Lane Michael and Demi Psyllos Patricia O'Neill Mattituck, NY 11952 Patricia O'Neill Architect, P.C. 257 Circle Drive Manhasset, NY 11030 516-365-1799 patriciaoneillarchitect@gmail.com a. m Compliance: 14.7%Better Than Code Maximum UA: 913 Your UA: 779 Maximum SHGC: 0.40 Your SHGC: 0.26 The%Better or Worse Than Code Index reflects how close to compliance the house is based on code trade-off rules. It DOES NOT provide an estimate of energy use or cost relative to a minimum-code home. Stab-on-grade tradeoffs are no longer considered in the UA or per6orTnance cornIpfiance path in R Scheck. Each slab-on-grade asservnbly in the specified r;limate zone must rneet:the minimum energy mode insulation 8-value and depih uegUire vents. Envelope Assemblies, Gross Area Cavity Cont. Prop. Req. Prop. Req. Perimeter Roof Rafters: Cathedral Ceiling 4,161 49.0 0.0 0.022 0.026 92 108 Front Wall:Wood Frame, 16"o.c. 1,784 20.0 0.0 0.059 0.060 92 94 Orientation: Front Office French Door: Glass Door(over 50%glazing) SHGC: 0.21 27 0.300 0.320 8 9 Orientation: Front DH Windows:Wood Frame SHGC: 0.27 190 0.300 0.320 57 61 Orientation: Front Right Wall: Wood Frame, 16"o.c. 1,305 20.0 0.0 0.059 0.060 73 75 Orientation: Right side DH Windows:Wood Frame SHGC: 0.27 58 0.300 0.320 18 19 Orientation: Right side Casement Windows:Wood Frame SHGC: 0.29 4 0.290 0.320 1 1 Orientation: Right side Rear Wall:Wood Frame, 16" o.c. 1,557 20.0 0.0 0.059 0.060 73 75 Orientation: Back ...........e. Project Title: The Psyllos Residence �-_ www_......�......_...._�.ww.w_.e_ p �WW �Report date: 01/15/24 Data filename: Page 1 of11 Gross Area Cavity Cont. Prop. Req. Prop. Req. Perimeter Sliding Patio Doors: Glass Door(over 50%glazing) SHGC: 0.23 119 0.300 0.320 36 38 Orientation: Back French Door and Sidelights: Glass Door(over 50% glazing) 91 0.300 0.320 27 29 SHGC: 0.27 Orientation: Back DH Windows:Wood Frame SHGC: 0.21 87 0.300 0.320 26 28 Orientation: Back Casement Windows: Wood Frame SHGC: 0.29 16 0.290 0.320 5 5 Orientation: Back Left Wall:Wood Frame, 16"o.c. 1,008 20.0 0.0 0.059 0.060 56 57 Orientation: Left side DH Windows:Wood Frame SHGC: 0.27 50 0.300 0.320 15 16 Orientation: Left side Casement Window:Wood Frame SHGC: 0.29 4 0.290 0.320 1 1 Orientation: Left side Left Wall:Wood Frame, 16"o.c. 1,008 20.0 0.0 0.059 0.060 56 57 Orientation: Left side DH Windows:Wood Frame SHGC: 0.27 50 0.300 0.320 15 16 Orientation: Left side Casement Window:Wood Frame SHGC: 0.29 4 0.290 0.320 1 1 Orientation: Left side STORAGE ABOVE GARAGE:All-Wood joist/Truss 1,224 38.0 0.0 0.026 0.047 32 58 FRONT FACING Basement Wall: Solid Concrete or Masonry Orientation: Front 780 0.0 23.0 0.032 0.059 25 46 Wall height: 10.0' Depth below grade: 9.0' Insulation depth: 10.0' RIGHT SIDE Basement Wall: Solid Concrete or Masonry Orientation: Right side 570 0.0 23.0 0.032 0.059 18 33 Wall height: 10.0' Depth below grade: 9.0' Insulation depth: 10.0' CANT ESCAPE Window:Wood Frame SHGC: 0.29 8 0.290 0.320 2 3 Orientation: Right side REAR Basement Wall: Solid Concrete or Masonry Orientation: Back Wall height: 10.0' 780 0.0 23.0 0.032 0.059 24 45 Depth below grade: 9.0' Insulation depth: 10.0' CSMT Window: Wood Frame SHGC: 0.29 24 0.290 0.320 7 8 Orientation: Back LEFT SIDE Basement Wall: Solid Concrete or Masonry Orientation: Left side Wall height: 10.0' 395 0.0 23.0 0.032 0.059 12 22 Depth below grade: 9.0' Insulation depth: 10.0' CSMT Window: Wood Frame SHGC: 0.29 24 0.290 0.320 7 8 Orientation: Left side www���................�.... ........._.__. ...�. www_......�_....�w......._.�_�..._.... ... _.....�....___...... .. Project Title: The Psyllos Residence Report date: 01/15/24 Data filename: Page 2 ofll Compliance Statement: The proposed building design described here is consistent with the building plans,specifications, and other calculations submitted with the permit application„The proposed building has been designed to meet the 2018 IECC requirements in REScheck Version : REScheck-Web and to comply with the mandatequirement':s listed in tl�e REScheck Inspection Checklist. PATRICIAO'NEILL, REGISTERED ARCHITECT pir'4� 1/15/24 Name-Title Si jnnK6ie Date ... .-...... ............_. ............ ��w_....�.�w..._.�_�..... �_.. Project Title:The Psyllos Residence Report date: 01/15/24 Data filename: Page 3 ofll REScheck Software Version : REScheck-Web Inspection Checklist Energy Code: 2018 IECC Requirements: 0.0% were addressed directly in the REScheck software Text in the "Comments/Assumptions" column is provided by the user in the REScheck Requirements screen. For each requirement, the user certifies that a code requirement will be met and how that is documented, or that an exception is being claimed. Where compliance is itemized in a separate table, a reference to that table is provided. Section Plans Verified Field Verified Comments/AssumPtion s # Pre-Inspection/Plan Review Value Value P _, .. _. ..... Com µhes...... . ........ 103.1, Construction drawings and ❑Complies 103.2 documentation demonstrate ❑Does Not [PRI]1 energy code compliance for the ❑Not Observable building envelope.Thermal ❑Not Applicable envelope represented on construction documents. _ .. ....... _.www..... w..._... .__...... ........_ _........ ..103.1 Construction a drawings � _ .... ..... .__.M_.w._.......� ,. w.__.,_._ ... ....__.,,.,_,Hw._ g and ❑Complies 103.2, documentation demonstrate ❑Does Not 403.7 energy code compliance for ❑Not Observable [13113]1 lighting and mechanical systems. Systems serving multiple ❑Not Applicable dwelling units must demonstrate compliance with the IECC Commercial Provisions. 302.1_......, Heating and cooling equipment is Heating: Heating: OComplies 403.7 sized per ACCA Manual S based Btu/hr w._..... Btu/hr__„_. ❑Does Not [PR2]2 on loads calculated per ACCA Cooling: Cooling: ❑Not Observable Manual J or other methods Btu/hr. mm Btu/hr_,,,. ❑Not Applicable approved by the code official. Additional Comments/Assumptions: 1 _..._..............._. µ__...... :....,_.w..w........._.._c.....t.ryTier l) 3 Low Impact(Tier 3)Hi h IMPE 2Mediummpact(Tie 2) w_.............................. .......... .... _ .. Report Project Title:The Psyllos Residence Re p date: 01/15/24 Data filename: Page 4 ofll &R# .ID p PlansValue Value " FieldValuefied complies? Comments/Assum W'ons Section .,_L� � Foundation Inspection Ps See the Envelopeslssemb6e 402.1.1 Conditioned basement wall R- R- ElCoryipli s [F04]1 insulation R-value.Where interior R-. ."...._. R- _.w. ❑Does Not table for values. insulation is used,verification "" " ` "' ❑Not Observable may need to occur during Insulation Inspection. Not ❑Not Applicable required in warm-humid locations in Climate Zone 3. 303.2_,Conditioned basement wall ❑Complies [F05]1 insulation installed per ❑Does Not manufacturer's instructions. []Not Observable ❑Not Applicable 402.2 9_......._Conditioned basement wall ft ft ❑Complies See the Envelope Assemblies [F0611 insulation depth of burial or .__., ❑Does Not table for values. 4 distance from top of wall. ❑Not Observable ❑Not Applicable 303.2.1 A protective covering is installed ❑Complies [F011]z to protect exposed exterior ❑Does Not insulation and extends a ��; ❑Not Observable minimum of 6 in. below grade. ❑Not Applicable 403.9 Snow-and ice-melting system ❑Complies [FO12]2 controls installed. ❑Does Not ❑Not Observable ❑Not Applicable Additional Comments/Assumptions: 1 High Impact(Tier 1) Medium Impact(Tier 2) 3 Low Impact(Tier 3) Project Title:The Psyllos Residence. ..................w... _w .. _........... __. --_..w ..._.........m. Report date: 01/15/24 Data filename: Page 5 ofll �Se_ction Plans Verified Field Verified VV Com hes? Comments/Assumptions R# ID Framing/Rough In Inspection 4 Value ._.. Value .. ...a ,........ See the Envelope Assemblies 402-1.1, � 1, Glazing U-factor(area-weighted U- U-___ �..�SC.orrtplies pe les 402.3.1, average). ❑Does Not table for values_ 402.3.3, ❑ . Not Observable 402.5 402.5 ❑Not Applicable 303.1... are determinenes accordance prod.........w� �_,..... _. _._.. ❑Do s 303.1.3 U-factors of fenestration products plies 1 Not with the NFRC test procedure or ❑Not Observable taken from the default table. ^ ❑Nat Applicable 402.4.1.1 Air barrier and thermal barrier ❑Complies [FR23]1 installed per manufacturer's ❑does Not instructions. ❑Nat Observable 4O2.4µ. ....._..... _. ..........._ ... .. ......... _...... .....:.,..��....,...�,.,.__.M....,,....,..:............ .. ❑Nat Applicable .3 Fenestration that is not site built ❑Complies [FR20]1 is listed and labeled as meeting ❑Does Not AAMA/WDMA/CSA 101/I.S.2/A440 ❑Not Observable or has infiltration rates per NFRC 400 that do not exceed code ❑Not Applicable limits. .. 402.4.5 IC-rated recessed lighting fixtures ❑Complies [FR16]1 sealed at housing/interior finish ❑Does Not and labeled to indicate s2.0 cfm ❑Nat Observable leakage at 75 Pa. ❑Not Applicable 403.3. Supply and r tur where duct ❑Do„._._ 403.3.1 5u I and return ducts in attics ❑Complies 1 es Not '40 >=3 inches in diameter and >= ❑Not Observable R-6 where< 3 inches. Supply and' return ducts in other portions of ❑Nat Applicable the building insulated >= R-6 for diameter>= 3 inches and R-4.2 for< 3 inches in diameter. 403.3.2 Ducts,air handlers and filter E_JComplies [FR13]1 boxes are sealed with ❑Does Not _i joints/seams compliant with International Mechanical Code or ❑Not Observable International Residential Code,as ❑Not Applicable applicable. 403.3 ...._ducts or .not used as ❑ ... _,,. _.._w_.�w.., _,.,._.._...,w. .. ...._.._.,....,_, ..,,_ ...._....,.,, .....,_...., .... w ...,,.._.... ..w..... _ g cavities reComplies ❑Does Not ❑Not Observable ❑Not ........... .. ...a . ...__..., . ,,.....A_pplic able above 403.4 HVAC pi rngconve m fluids R- -. R. EComplies [ 05 F or chilled fluids oes Not below 55°F are insulated to zR- ❑ Nat Observable 3 ❑Not Applicable 403.4.1 Protection of insulation on HVAC.. _...._-w .....,v..._ ❑Comp _. lies [FR24]1 piping_ ❑Does Not ❑Not Observable _ .... _. , .._... ❑Not Applicable _ ..... 403.5.3 Hot water pipes are insulated to R- R-. ❑Complies [FR18]2 aR-3_ ❑Does Not ❑Not Observable ❑Not Applicable 403.6 installed on r gravity outdoor air re _,,... ..._ �.,...-.. ........... .. „_.,... _ _., _.... 403.6 � Automatic or rave dampers a ....... Complies z Does Not intakes and exhausts. ❑Not Observable ❑Not Applicable .......,1. cli.0 ��.ry..µ ..........,, _.�... j 1 Hi h impact Tier 1) 2 Medwm!m act(Tier 2} 3 Low Impact(Tier 3) _.......................................................... _...............................,..-._....,............,...,,..,,,.,.................._.,..._,,.�_,. ..w...............__........._.,,,, w__...,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.....,...,,,... ,,...,,,...a..wv_.. _....... Project Title.The Psyllos Residence Report date: 01/15/24 Data filename: Page 6 ofll Additional Comments/Assumptions: ...................... �-cov�-,m- pact ...rie-r 31 Tier 1) 2 Impact I I_Hq, Impact .......... —------- Project Title:The Psyllos Residence Report date: 01/15/24 Data filename: Page 7 of1l section Plans Verl 8d Field Verified Co Comments/Assumptions e # insulation Inspection a Value Value mplies? ........... 303.1 All installed insulation is labeled ElComplies [IN13]2 or the installed R-values E]Does Not provided. [:]Not observable E]Not Applicable ... ........ ............. 402.1.11 Floor insulation R-value. R-- E]Complies See the Envelope Assemblies 402.2.6 F� Wood wood DDoes Not table for values- JIN111 E] Steel ❑ Steel ❑Not observable E]Not Applicable 303.2, Floor insulation installed per ElComplies 402.2.8 manufacturer's instructions and E]Does Not [IN211 in substantial contact with the E]Not observable underside of the subfloor, or floor ONot Applicable framing cavity insulation is in contact with the top side of sheathing, or continuous insulation is installed on the underside of floor framing and extends from the bottom to the top of all perimeter floor framing members. 402.1.11 mass R-value. if this is a ElComplies See the Envelope Assemblies 402.2.5, mass wall with at least 1/2 of the Wood F-I Wood ❑ E]Does Not table for values_ 402.2.6 wall insulation on the wall El Mass E] Mass EJNot Observable [IN311 exterior,the exterior insulation requirement applies(FR10). Steel E] Steel E]Not Applicable . .. .......... 303.2 Wall insulation is installed per ElCornplies [IN4]1 manufacturer's instructions. E]Does Not FINot observable E]Not Applicable Additional Comments/Assumptions: .... ............. —------------- Hi h Impact(Tier 1) 2 Medium Impact"(Tier,2) 3 Low impact(Tier ............. Project Title: The Psyllos Residence Report date: 01/15/24 Data filename: Page 8 of 11 Section Plans Verified Field Verified ...Value_...._. va.�.ue. ...... P. .. ...,.spe mplies X vComments/Assum Mons # Final Inspection Provisions i Co & R .1D G 402.1.1, Ceiling insulation R-value. R- R- ❑Complies See the Envelope Assembles 402.2.1, ❑)Wood F] Wood ❑Does Not table for values. 402.2.2, ❑ Steel ❑ Steel ❑Not Observable 402.2.6 ❑ [FI1]1 Not Applicable .... ......._.w,w... __,, ....... _... ........... . 303.1.1.1, Ceiling insulation installed per ❑Complies 303.2 manufacturer's instructions. ❑Does Not [FI2]1 Blown insulation marked every ❑Not Observable 300 ft2. ❑Not Applicable 402.2 insulation include baffle rmacent_-.. . ,.._,...w_._..�._....ww..a,_w, ....., ....._,._, ... .._ ElCo.. _.lies __....._... . 402.2.3 Vented attics with air permeable , omplies z oes Not to soffit and eave vents that extends over insulation. ❑Not Observable ❑Not Applicable 402.2.4 insulation access hatch of the R-_ .., o.Do..........._........_ ....... _........ .... Attic and door R- mplies 1 es Not adjacent assembly. ❑Not Observable ❑Not Applicable ... ...... ............__ ......._.... . . ....... _.... ...... .._ ..... ..... ......... 402.4.1.2 :Blower door test @ 50 Pa. <=5 ACH 50 ACH 50 ❑Complies [FI17]1 ach in Climate Zones 1-2,and ❑Does Not <=3 ach in Climate Zones 3-8. ❑Not Observable ❑Not Applicable [03] 3 determine air leakage with. ... .... ft w_. ❑ ......._ .....w_....... ___. _ -,........., Ducts are pressure tested to cfm/100 cfm/100 ❑Complies 1 oes Not either: Rough-in test:Total ❑Not Observable leakage measured with a pressure differential of 0.1 inch ❑Not Applicable w.g. across the system including the manufacturer's air handler enclosure if installed at time of test. Postconstruction test:Total leakage measured with a pressure differential of 0.1 inch w.g.across the entire system including the manufacturer's air handler enclosure. 4033.4. ...Duct tightness test result of<=4 _ cfm/100 cfm/100 ❑Complies [FI4]1 cfm/100 ft2 across the system or ftz ft2 ❑Does Not <=3 cfm/100 ft2 without air handler @25 Pa. For rough-in ❑Not Observable tests,verification may need to ❑Not Applicable occur dur i Framrra.p..Ins ion .. 403.3.2.1 Air handler leakage designated ❑Complies [FI24]1 by manufacturer at<=2%of ❑Does Not design air`flow. ❑Not Observable ❑Not Applicable .wwwww_ 403.1.1ingletermostats � m. p...l.i..e..s z stalled for control of rima ry Does .. .........,.. . . ...... ..._.,m .. Not heating and cooling systems and ❑Not Observable initially set by manufacturer to code specifications. ❑Not Applicable ....._.� eat um thermostat .... ......_„ ..... ._.,.._...._.�,.._,.....�.._._.M...w,._w_ ..._... ..__„ _�„__.._. 403.1.2 H pump ostat installed ElComplies [FI10]2 on heat pumps. ❑Does Not ❑Not Observable ❑Not Applicable 403.5.1 Circulating service hot water ❑Complies [FI11]2 systems have automatic or ❑Does Not accessible manual controls. ❑Not Observable ❑Not Applicable j1 High Impact(Tier 1) 2 Medwm Impact(Tier 2) rr 3 Low Impact(Tier 3) L... ............. ....w.. ... _.__.. Project Title:The Psyllos Residence _w._..... �.__ Rep -....._.�.�w._._. ......_,�w..w.. ort date: 01/15/24 Data filename: Page 9 of 11 Section Plans Verified Field Verified # Final Inspection Provisions complies? Comments/Assumptions eco mIU �... _._ ........ ....... ....w R:.�. .... ... ............n. .. ... ............ ......... _..Value Value .. , ........... 403.6.1 All mechanical ventilation system ElComplies [F125]2 fans not part of tested and listed ❑does Not HVAC equipment meet efficacy ❑Not Observable and airflow limits per Table R403.6.1. Applicable 403.2 Hotwater boilers supplying heatat ❑Complies [F126]2 through one-or two-pipe heating ❑does Not systems have outdoor setback ❑Not Observable control to lower boiler water temperature based on outdoor ❑Not Applicable temperature. 403.5.1.1 Heatea water con lation systems The . ..m_..... _ _. . ......., ElDo plies [ . ..... _ ....... F12812 have pump s Not system return pipe is a dedicated ❑Not Observable return pipe or a cold water supply pipe. Gravity and thermos- ❑Not Applicable syphon circulation systems are not present.Controls for circulating hot water system pumps start the pump with signal for hot water demand within the occupancy. Controls automatically turn off the pump when water is in circulation loop is at set-point temperature and no demand for hot water exists. 403.5.1.2 Electric heat trace systems E)Complies [F129]2 comply with IEEE 515.1 or UIL ❑does Not 515.Controls automatically ❑Not Observable adjust the energy input to the heat tracing to maintain the ❑Not Applicable desired water temperature in the PP9 _.. 403.5.2....._.. water Demand recirculation w _._ .. �. ......,_w_ _... _.. ElCompl ies [F130]2 systems have controls that ❑Does Not manage operation of the pump []Not Observable and limit the temperature of the ❑Not Applicable water entering the cold water piping to<= 104°F„ __....rv, _ .:..._. _ ....... 03.5.4 Drain r ........ 4 ._.... .... .. .......... ......._ .... �.. . ...:.....�.._...�__..._.....�..w.,,, ...w,. ww_..........._._.. 403.5. ain water heat recovery units ❑Complies tested in accordance with CSA ❑Does Not B55.1. Potable water-side ❑Nat Observable pressure loss of drain water heat ❑Not Applicable recovery units< 3 psi for individual units connected to one or two showers. Potable water- side pressure loss of drain water heat recovery units< 2 psi for individual units connected to three or more showers. or more of 4041 90[FI6]i .. ........fixtures have.,.h.l-p e.... . /o rmanent V.:.:�Con�[.rlies g efficacy lamps. ❑Does Not ❑Not Observable ❑Not Applicable ["".]complies _.......__.. 404.1:......... ...Fu continuous pil..:....s .....� �. .._...... _. ...,. . 404.1.1 Fuel gas lighting systems have P s s of light. ❑Does Not ❑Not Observable ❑Not Applicable 401.3 Compliance certificate posted. t or�rPl°es [FI7]2 ❑Does Not ❑Not Observable ❑Nat Applicable .. 1 Hi h impact(Tier 1) 2 Medium Impact(Tier 2) .3 Low Impact(Tier 3) _:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:...........v_.................._..:.:.:.:.:.:.:.��..,Ilos Residence.__.__.....�..�w..�................_....M:_.. ..ww......:.:......................:.:._....................... Project Title:The _..:.:.: __......_........_.....:.:.:......�.. .:.:.:.:.:.:._ww.v .... y � Report date: 01/15/24 Data filename: Page 10 of 11 2018 IECC Energy Efficiency Certificate NONE= Above-Grade Wall 20.00 Below-Grade Wall 23.00 Floor 38.00 Ceiling / Roof 49.00 Ductwork (unconditioned spaces): MOMM i • • Window 0.30 0.27 Door 0.30 0.23 Heating System: Cooling System• �w Water Heater• www_ Name: _. Dates_...... wwwww Comments C -s-D 'S,� �f yg�yso I�s BLUESTONE PATIO AND WALKS SOLID BLOCKING CERAMIC TILE AND STONE PLUMBING ENERGY NOTES Bluestone indicated on the plans to be New York State, Solid block all concentrated loading down to steel beam Provide allowances to supply and install all ceramic and Install all fixtures. �J 1, GENERAL DATA or foundation wall. stone tile shown on the drawings. Wall tile is to be 111 random rectangular po#ten. Expose edges to get 2�" with GAS EQUIPMENT AND APPLIANCES BUILDING SUMMARY rock face. Provide samples for approval. THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR IS SUPPLY A CONSTRUCTION rock STUDS AND RAFTERS installed thin set with latex - Portland cement on I"Duroc. Floor the is to be set by mortar method, with Boiler FENCE AS PER THE TOWN REQUIREMENTS. Are to be doubled at all openings. Headers at all minimum mortar bed, in accordance with "The Stove INSULATION SPECIFICATIONS IRRIGATION SYSTEM openings are to be (2) 2 x10 's unless noted. All flush Family Room fireplace Not included in this contract. Handbook for Ceramic Tile Council of America, Inc. Prior THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR IS TO SUPPLY A SITE connections are to ave Simpson type metal hangers. all Exterior fireplace CELLAR WALLS DUMPSTER AS PER THE TOWN REQUIREMENTS. flush girder connections are to be securely bolted with to installing, ensure that the surfaces are clean and level, BBQ Exterior DRIVEWAY PAVING steel angles. Provide all headers, furring or enclosure for with maximum variations of J" in 10'. Carefully plan tile 2" R10 Rigid Foam - continuous ANY CHANGE TO THE APPROVED PLANS MUST BE As perSite Development Plan. all exposed duct or piping. layouts and verify with the Owner before starting the All plumbing fixtures shall be installed with clearances in Interior SUBMITTED TO THE TOWN FOR AMENDMENT REVIEW AND work. Allow tile to set 48 hours before grouting. accordance with Table P2701.1 LANDSCAPE 1.9 R13 Closed cell spray foam - continuous APPROVAL. NO EXCEPTIONS. Drilling and notching of exterior wall and bearing partitions Not included in this contract. shall comply with code. Provide solid stone threshold at doors adjacent to tile The maximum water consumption flow rates and quantites EXTERIOR WALLS - Wood Framed Any unauthorized alteration or addition to these drawings areas. for all plumbing fixtures and fixture fittings shall be in " is a violation of section 7209(2) of the New York State GRADING Drilling and notching of top late shall comply with code. accordance with code. 2.4 R20 Closed cell spray foam cavity insulation. Education Law. Re-grade to provide drainage away from the house. The PAINTING ROOF RAFTERS grade adjoining all new foundation walls shall be sloped at Provide fire blocking as per code. Not part of this contract. Provide a separate price to Both tubs with shower heads and shower compartments a minimum of six inches 6" within the first ten- oor fi.8 R49 Closed cell spray foam cavity insulation. The General Contractor is to visit the site and verify all ( ) f paint and stain any paintable / stainable parts of the floors and walls shall be furnished with anon-abosrbant conditions and dimensions prior to bidding. (10') distance from the wall. WALL SHEATHING exterior and interior of the house. Include all closet surface extending to a height of not less than 6' above MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS Install " CDX exterior standard sheathing grade plywood. interiors and millwork noted as pointed / stained. the floor. Written dimensions take precedence over scaled ��`�NCRETE Leave �" space at the ends and J" space at the edges � 85% AFUE Boiler dimensions. DO NOT SCALE THE DRAWINGS. Le all sheets. Nail the fi" clan edges and t clan BATHROOM ACCESSORIES Showers and tub/shower combinations shall be equipped 9 9 9 13 SEER AC Equipment Provide a separate allowance for toilet paper holders, with control valves of the pressure balance, the FOOTING AND FOUNDATION intermediate supports using 6d common or threaded nails. Mechanical Ventilation > 155 CFM No work is to commence until permits have been �> towel bars, recessed soap and shampoo niches and robe thermostatic mixing or the combination pressure balance obtained. The owner is to apply and pay for building At corner bracing, nail 4 along edges and at 8' along Z One Energy Star bath fa with an electronic SOIL BEARING hooks. / thermostatic mixing valve types with high limit stops. r permit. Supplying information for on obtaining building intemediate supports. programmable timer Soil bearing assumed as two tons per square foot, permit and all other appropriate permits is to be the subject to actual test and verification by General FASCIA AND TRIM 10, SPECIALTIES All potable water openings and outlets shall be protected OTHER SPECIFICATIONS General Contractor's responsibility. Contractor. See exterior materials list. by an air gap, atmospheric type vacuum breaker, pressure CLOTHES CLOSETS type vacuum breaker or hose connection backflow Windows: All work shall conform to the 2020 Residential Code of MINIMUM COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH OF CONCRETE SOFFITS AND EXTERIOR CEILINGS New clothes closets,and storage closets are to have birch preventer. U< 0.30, SHGC < 0.30 New York State (2020 RCNYS) and to the laws and See exterior materials list. veneer shelves - configuration to be approved by the Separate shut-off valves will be r Regulation of The Town of Southold. Basement walls, foundations, and other concrete not p provided for each exposed to the weather: 2 500 PSI owner. Clothes closets are to have chrome clothes pole P EXTERIOR WINDOW AND DOOR CASINGS and two fixed shelves. bathroom and kitchen. Z 100% high efficiency lighting - LED's THE ARCHITECT IS NOT RESPONSIBLE OF SUPERVISION OF THE CONSTRUCTION. Basement slab and interior slabs on grade: 2,500 PSI See exterior materials List. BATHROOM FIXTURES AND ACCESSORIES All connections to the potable water shall conform Ventilation: Ps 9 The General contractor is to performance of his work and shall selected by the Owners, by Old World Moldings or approved to placing order. Appliances: make continuous observations Porches, patios and garage slob: 3,000 PSI INTERIOR TRIM Supplied by the owner and installed by the GC. The the P2902.5.1 through 2902.5.5 S 3 nir than per hour P of the structure during perf Ail interior trim is to be paint grade poplar, unless noted, contractor is to review order and provide quantities prior Boilers shall conform to P2902.5.1 notify the Architect if he becomes aware of any situations No footing is to be placed in bog, clay or in weter. equal. All joints are to be coped. Trim is to be mitered Heat exchangers shall conform to P2902.5.2 > All appliances must be Energy Star certified, that require further investigation, {i.e. cracks, deflections, Poured-in-place concrete footings at least 3 below and returned to the wall or other surface at all ends. CLOTHES CLOSETS g structural instabilities, etc.) grade. Trim includes all casings, aprons, stools and bases. New coat closets, clothes closets, linen closets, and Lawn irrigation shall conform to P2902.5.3 GENERAL NOTES The General Contractor shall coordinate all work and shall Reinforcingsteel shall conform to ASTM A-615 rode 60. storage closets are to have birch veneer shelves, g INTERIOR STAIRS configuration to be approved by the owner. Clothes All exterior wall/floor/ceiling joists should be air sealed be responsible for division of work between the various Interior stairs are to be custom. Stair is to comply with closets are to have chrome clothes Automatic sprinklers systems shall conform to P2902.5.4 p y poles and two fixed and insulated in accordance with Table R402.4.1.1 subcontractors. Use wood forms for all concrete work. Place concrete as code. See drawings for requirements. Submit shop shelves. A soil or waste pipe, or building drain passing under a one continuous operation until pour in place is complete. drawings for approval. P P ' g P g Apply a fresh bead of caulk to the top plate, immediately The General Contractor shall furnish the usual trade Do not lace partially hardened concrete or lace footing or through a foundation wall shall be provided with P P y P SMOKE DETECTOES. prior to installing the interior wall board, to reduce the guarantees, guaranteeing all materials and workmanship concrete contaminated b foreign materials. Do not a relieving arch: or there shall be built into the masonry 9 9 P Y 9 As per code. wall a pipe sleeve tow pipe sizes greater than the pipe airflow inside the wall cavity. against original defects and against injury from proper, re-temper or re-mix concrete after initial set. Z. THERMAL AND MOISTURE_PROTECTION_ passing through as per pipe sizes usual wear, when used for the purpose intended, for a CARBON MONOXIDE DETECTORS MANDATORY COMPONENTS period of one year after completion of the work of this GENERAL CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL TOWN WATERPROOFING As per code. Piping shall be installed in trenches so that the piping contract. The period of one year begins on the date of INSPECTION OF EXCAVATION, FOOTINGS AND FOUNDATIONS. P 9 P P 9 Waterproof exterior side of all concrete walls with an rests on solid and continuous bearing as per P2604 R401.3 final payment. Defects appearing during that year shall ARCHITECT WILL NOT SIGN OFF ON WORK NOT INSPECTED g be made good b the General Contractor at his own AND APPROVED BY THE TOWN BUILDING INSPECTOR. elastic coal tar base, self priming bituminous plastic CENTRAL VACUUMING SYSTEM Permanent Certificate shall be completed by the builder or 9 Y expense. cement. Provide 2" rigid foam insulation board. Provide a separate price quote to supply and install. Drain, waste and vent piping and fitting materials shall registered design professional and posted on the utility Apply waterproofing asphalt coating on all exterior comply with P3002.1(1) room or other approved location inside the building. Perform all work in accordance with the highest standards foundations before backfilling as per code and shown on SEALANTS 11. EQUIPMENT of workmanship and established practices of the trade. the drawings. Install sealants as required to provide a positive barrier Building sewer piping and fitting materials shall comply R402.2.4 No previously used materials will be accepted. against air and moisture penetrations. Where expose dot TELEVISION AND AUDIO SOUND SYSTEM with Table P3002.2 Attic or crawl space access - Shall be weatherstrippped Provide 2" R10 rigid foam insulation over the below grade view, submit sealant colors for Architect's approval. For HDMI cable for TV's and sound system and speakers not and insulated to a level equivalent to the insulation on The General Contractor shall keep the premises from portion of the exterior foundation prior to backfilling. interior applications, use paint-able, primer-less, included in this contract. The water supply for dishwasher shall be protected by an the surrounding surfaces. accumulating waste material. Remove all rubbish, non-sagging type with backer rod. For exterior air gap or integral back flow preventer in accordance with R402.4 implements and surplus material at the completion of the The contractor is to backfill against the foundation walls application, use silicone type with neutral backer rod. EXTERIOR FIREPLACE P2717. work. The remises are to be left broom dean on a with clean earth, Core shall be taken to brace walls as Gas - Supplied by owner Air Leakage - Building thermal envelop shall be P The discharge from clothes washingmachine shall be constructed to limit air leakage to < 3 air changes per trash, wood, etc. g daily basis. required to prevent cave-ins. Backfill shall be free of THERMAL INSULATION FAMILY ROOM FIREPLACE through on air break in accordance with P2718. hour. Refer to notes and specifications for information not ROOF RAFTERS Gas - Supplied by owner shown on the drawings. Re-grade to provide drainage away from the house. The 6.8" R49 closed cell spray foam insulation The entire plumbing system shall be tested in accordance R402.4.1,1 grade adjoining all new foundation walls shall be sloped at 12, FURNISHINGS with P2503. Installation - The components of the building thermal envelope shall be installed in accordance with the criteria Temporary storage and protection of tools, equipment, a minimum of six inches (6') within the first ten-foot WALLS SHOWER RECEPTORS listed in Table 402.4.1.1. Where required by code official, and materials shall be the General Contractors (10) distance from the the wall. 2.8' R20 closed cell spray foam insulation RECESSED MEDICINE CABINETS responsibility. Verify and coordinate all recessed medicine cabinets with All new shower receptors shall be vinyl lined, mud approved t ce. party shall inspect all components and verify Provide keyed control joints at cellar floor slab and CELLAR WALLS owner. Owner is to provide size and location. GC is to receptors. verify compliance. The General Contractor is to provide a Porta-Potty for MAXIMUM 20' x 20' areas. 2" R10 Rigid Foam at exterior frame as required. R402.4.1.2 the duration of the project. Verify location with the Town 1.9 R13 closed cell at interior concrete walls. RECESSED SHELVES Testing - Building shall be tested and verified as having of Southold. � 13. SPECIAL. CONSTRUCTION See plans for built-in seats and other features that need Provide I' premotded expansion joint filler at perimeter of to be incorporated into the design and waterproofing. All < 3 ACH50. Testing shall be conducted by an approved concrete floor slab. Insulation contractor is o provide Certification for_gill showers to have recessed shampoo / soap niches, with third party. INSECTS / VERMIN insulation. STEAM SHOWERS The General Contractor is to notify the owners Finish grading is part of Landscape pricing. Verify with owner, stone back, sides and shelves. Stone supplied by owners. R402.4.4 immediately of any insect or vermin infestation. ACOUSTIC INSULATION Size and configuration of niches supplied by owners. Combustion Closets - Rooms containing fuel-buring Extermination and clean up are not part of this contract. 4. MASONRY Acoustic insulation by Ownens Corning "Quiet Zone" or SECURITY SYSTEM FAUCET SETS appcliances require special care. approved equal. Install in al interior partitions and Verify with owner. Exception: Direct Vent appliances with both intake and ENVIRONMENTAL TESTING Supplied by the owner and installed by the GC. ceilings accessible during construction. exhaust pipes installed continuous to the outside. The General Contractor is to notify the owners STONE COMPUTER NETWORKING PLUMBING FIXTURES immediately of any environmental condition that needs See exterior material list. FLASHING Verify with owner. R403.3.2 further testing. Testing and reports are not part of this Provide separation between dissimilar metals. Provide Provide a separate price allowance to supply and install all Duct Sealing - Ducts, Air Handlers and filter boxes shall contract. copper flashing at window and door heads and chimney. 14, CONVEYING SYSTEMS plumbing fixtures shown on the drawings. be sealed. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION / OCCUPANCY 5, METALS GUTTERS AND DOWNSPOUTS N/A HOSE BIBS R403.3.3 The General Contractor is to maintain record and Provide a minimum of 4 freeze proof hose bibs on the STRUCTURAL STEEL See exterior materials list. Duct Testing - Ducts shall be pressure tested to MECHANICAL exterior of the house. inspection reports, obtain UL Certificate and provide all Supply as shown on the drawings. 5, determine air leakage paperwork needed to obtain Certificate of Completion / All steel shall be ASTM A-36 FY 36ksi. Locations shown ROOFING New heating and cooling systems throughout the house. Exception - Duct leakage test is not required where Occupancy at the completion of the project. The Owner on the drawings. All beams are to be joined for See exterior materials list. Provide detailed specifications for all equipment and 16. ELECTRICAL the ducts and air handlers are located entirely within the ro is responsible for providing a final survey. continuitity when inline an all connections are to be proposed zones. building thermal envelope welded or bolted as per AISC specifications. Provide "Ice Shield" underla All work is to be as per 2020 RCNYS and performed b a p p yment consisting of at least P P Y REVISIONS D E S C R IPT I O N RELEASE OF LIENS two layers of underlayment cemented together or of a Provide a minimum of the following zones: licensed electrician. R403.&5 t floor Fir st rs oor Building The General Contractor is to furnish a "Release of Liens" STEEL GIRDER self-adhering polymer modified bitumen sheet in lieu of Zone 9 Cavities - Shall not be used as ducts or 09 26 23 REDUCED SO. FOOTAGE for all his subcontractors and major material suppliers at Steel girders to have I" bolt holes at 4'-0" O.C. normal underlayment and extend from the eaves edge to Zone 2: First floor primary suite and office The minimum load for underground service conductors and plenums. the completion of the project, pre-drilled in top flanges. a point at least 24" inside the exterior wall line of the Zone 3: Second floor service devices that serve 100% of the dwelling unit load 10/12/23 REDUCED FOOTPRINT shall be computed in accordance with Table E3602.2 R403.4 10/18/23 UPDATED AS PER COMMENTS building. Provide radiant heating at all new tiled floors. Mechanical System Piping Insulation - Carrying fluids > INSURANCES / LICENSES All steel connections, supports, etc. to be sized by steel Ys P 9 N 9 The General Contractor is to maintain current insurances fabricator in accordance with approved standards. ROOF VENTS The new hating system is to be hydronic, Buderis high / /Wiring methods shall be in accordance with Table E3801.2 105 degrees F or < 55 degrees F. insulation to R-3 min. 10 31 23 CLIENT COMMENTS and licenses required by The Town of Southold for the Roof is unvented. efficiency wall hung unit, with a separate hot water Allowable applications for wiring methods shall be in R403.6 01 12 24 PROGRESS, ISSUED FOR REVIEW duration of the project. Steel to be shop fabricated, holding tank. Raidont heat is run off this system. accordance with Table 3801.4. Mechanical Ventilation - The building shall be provided / / HOUSEWRAP with ventilation that meets the requirements of IRC/IMC 01/19/24 CONSTRUCTION DWGS FOR PERMIT REVIEW RENEWAL OF PERMITS Steel girders to be shimmed with steel plates only. Blueskin house wrap. Install as per manufacturers Locate all mechanical equipment and ductwork in an General installation and support requirements for wiring The General Contractor is to be responsible for renewing Fabricator to provide steel shims. instructions. organized manner. Run through structure wherever methods shall be in accordance Table E3802.1 The mechanical ventilation rate shall be no grater than permits if required. possible. If soffits ore needed, locate tight to structure 0.01 x CFA + 7.5 x of bedrooms + 1 See floor plans for steel sizes. $, DOORS AND WINDOWS along perimeters with minimum intrusion into finished The contractor shall provide receptacles as shown on the �o ) UNINSURED WORKERS SUBCONTRACTORS (CFA = Conditioned Floor Area) / CELLAR ESCAPE LADDERS spaces. Provide access panels as required. drawings and also so that no point along the floor line in Uninsured workers and subcontractors are not allowed on Metal, fastened to wall, as per code and as shown on the ACCESS DOORS any wolf space is more than 6' measured horizontally R403.7 the jobsite. Provide labor, materials and equipment as required for a from an outlet in that space. drawings. Provide all access panels for services not shown on the complete and functioning heating and cooling system. P Equipment Sizing - Per ACCA Manual S, based on loads DESIGN LOADS drawings. calculated per ACCA Manual J CELLAR WINDOW WELL COVERS. All both, toilet, and garage outlets shall be ground-fault The General Contractor is to review the desired zoning interrupter protection approved devices as R404.1 Metal, as per code and as shown on the drawings. INTERIOR DOORS p P pp per E3902. 1st. FL 2nd, FL Attic Raof and the thermostat locations with the owner. The See door schedule Lighting - A minimumof 75% of permanently installed mechanical contractor shaft obtain all permits required and Provide receptacles per E3901.2.1 so that no point along fixtures must hav high-efficiency lamps. Design 20 20 20 20 6. WOOD AND PLASTIC pay all fees in connection thereof. The Mechanical the floor in an walls ace is more that 6 feet measured FIRE RATED DOOR y P Low-voltage lighting exempt. FPatricia O' Neill , AIA Live 40 30 10 45 (Snow) See door schedule Contractor is responsible for providing any further detailed horizontally from an outlet in that space. Total 60PSF 50PSF 3OPSF 65PSF WOOD BLOCKING information required in order to obtain permit. Install To be provided as required, fir kiln dried, or equal. Not system according to ail State and Local regulation The electrician is to review all equipment specified and /�Execute the work in a careful and orderly manner with previously used materials shall be used in new DOOR HARDWARE agencies. verify all electric loads. A r e h e C the least possible disturbance to the neighboring construction. 1 pair hinges per door. properties. All heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems ani General Contractor is to provide all fixtures unless other WINDOWS & PATIO DOORS work shall be installed in accordance with Cha terss 13 fixtures and 257 Circle Drive Manhasset NY 11030 WOOD JOISTS AND BEAMS P specified. Provide all electrical outlets, See exterior materials Remove all debris as the work progresses. Maintain the Shall be minimum of No. 2 and better Doug Fir / Larch through 24 of 2015 IRC. All local rules and regulations switching as per code if no indicated on the drawings. Tel: 516-365-1799 premise in a neat and clean condition on a doily basis. (Fb= 875 min.) All header, trimmers and beams running and as specified by the latest edition of the National Fire parallel to and under partitions shall be doubled. All exterior windows and glass doors shall be designed to Protection Associations. DIMMERS �. SITE CONS.i.RUCTION resist the design wind loads specified in Figure R301.2(4) All lights are to be controlled by dimmers. Electrician LVL BEAMS adjusted for height and exposure per Table R301.2(3). All mechanical systems, equipment, appliances etc, must price is to include dimmers. FPROJECT DATE: 08/14/23 Verify locations of existing under ground services. Engineered wood beams by Truss Joist McMillan, sized as Unites shall be tested by an approved independent be listed and labeled and installed in accordance with the Disconnect as required, relocate and bury as per drawings. per drawings. Deliver beams in manufacturer's original laboratory, and bear a label identifying manufacturer, manufacturer's specifications, listing label as per Section Receptacles and dimmers are to be approved by the packing containers and bundles with identification intact performance characteristics and approved inspection M1303. owners. Mounting heights and locations as shown on the CONSTRUCTION : DRYWELLS g P P agency to indicate compliance with the requirements of drawings. Tandem switches shall be used where more and legible. Store protected from the weather and dam g As per approved Site Development Plans prepared by Do not cut drill or notch. Install in accordance with AAMA/NWWDA i01/1.S.2. All fuel, gas space heating appliances shall be equipped than one is shown close together. All switches are to be ' with a flame safeguard device, which will shut off the fuel level. The Psyllos Residence NorthCoast Civil Engineering.. Verify locations with the manufacturers recommendations. Town Building Inspector if locations vary from what is 9. FINISHES supply to the burner when the flame or pilot light is indicated on the drawings. General Contractor is to make WOOD STUDS extinguished. INTERIOR STAIRWAY ILLUMINATION Interior stairways shall bel provided with an artificial light 600 Dogwood Lane arrangements for all inspections and sign-offs. Install 2"x4" and/or 2"x6" at 16" O.C. Na. 1 Doug Fir and GYPSUM board be manufactured in the USA. Install All equipment shall perform in accordance with Table source to illuminate the landings and treads. The light No. 2 alternating and or as shown on the drawings. YP N1103.7 source shall be capable of illuminating treads and landings See drawings for size, locations and other clearances. Double at corners and at all exterior walls. J" gypsum board at all walls and J" at all ceilings. Use M a t t i t u c k NY 11952 Connect leaders and utters underground to dr elNs as to a level of not less than 1 foot-candle (11 lux) as � 9 9 Yw standard ASTM C36 type "X" fire retardant, and J" Duroc All HVAC piping shall be insulated in accordance with measured at the center of treads and landings. There per drawings. HEADERS in wet areas. Section N1103.3 As shown on the drawings and shall be a wall switch at each floor level to control the Provide strip drains and area drains as shown on the At exterior door: 2 2"x4" min. All joints are to be taped and receive 3 coats of joint light source where the stairway rehas six or more risers. ( ) 1 P J Domestic hot water heating equipment shall be subject to Exception: A switch is not required where remote, central DWG No. drawings. At standard windows: 2 2"x6"min. compound. Finish and polish to a smooth and even the minimum federal standards as per G2448. ( ) P or automatic control of lighting is provided. [� At double windows: MIN. surface ready for painting. Painting not part of this � �` r1Rc SEPTIC SYSTEM contract. BATHROOM & POWDER ROOM EXHAUST FANS UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC SERVICE 0\5 As per approved Site Development Plans prepared by SUB FLOOR Vent to the exterior. Bury the electric service from the pole. Coordinate with NorthCcast Civil Engineering. See drawings for size, WOOD FLOOR all utilities. location and other clearances. Install new min. plywood sub floor as per code. Install a sub floor cover of 151b. asphalt felt with edges KITCHEN EXHAUST FAN lapped 4" laid loose before flooring is installed. Wood Vent to the exterior General Contractor is responsible for arranging all AT11C FLOOR floors as per owner. w inspections, reports and sign-offs by the Town of Install " min. plywood floor in attic. AO jl�� Southold and Suffold County departments. CLOTHES DRYER FAN Vent to the exterior l 2- 9j, ?0556 y0p op r.1 ESN THESE DRAININGS AND ACCOMPANYING SPECIFICATIONS, AS INSTRUMENTS OF SERVICE, ARE THE EXCLUSIVE PROPERTY OF THE ARCHITECT AND THEIR USE AND PUBLICATION SHALL BE RESTRICTED TO THE ORIGINAL SITE FOR WHICH THEY WERE PREPARED. REUSE, REPRODUCTION OR PUBLICATION BY ANY METHOD, IN WHOLE OR IN PART, IS PROHIBITED EXCEPT BY V,RITTEN PERMISSION FROM THE ARCHITECT. TITLE TO THESE PLANS SHALL REMAIN WITH THE A.RCHITECT.ViSUAL CONTACT WiTH THEM SHALL CONSTITUTE PRIMA FACIE EVIDENCE OF ACCEPTANCE OF THESE RESTRICTIONS. CS20 WALL TO WALL (14) 1 Od x 1 1/2- FASTENER M TS16 C ° MTS20 ° ° ° b b s ° e G e ° ° RAFTER TO WALL (14) 10d x 1 1/ " FASTENER ° ° ° + ° e 0 ° s ICI II MTS12 1 'II � ICI' N ••`:.,e D10 Simpson Strong—Tie HDU HOLD DOWN) Simpson Strong-Tie TIPICALRTHROUGHOUT LU S 1ST & 2ND FLOOR WALL TO WALL CONNECTIONS FACE MOUNT HANGER CORNER HOLD DOWN RAFTER TO WALL_ _'�Ji SCALE: N.T.S. SCALE: N.T.S. SCALE: N.T.S. SCALE: N.T.S. SIMPSON STRONG—TIE (CS20) INSTALL ® 16" O.C.) Ridge Beam CS16 STUD TO BAND JOIST ° (20) 10d x 1 1/2" FASTENER a p • 0 ffI ° MTS16 D35 '° Specifications for Openings Greater Than 8' ° LS70 23/32" APA span—rated 48/24 sheathing grade plywood l 11 Sil'•1.1pSon Strong Tie with 2x strong—bakcs @24" o.c. ° p Strong—Tie CEILING COLLAR TIES 032 O.C. Ass1. Preassemble plywood # ( � ) ° Simpson Stron —Tie CS-20x18 MIN. WITH (7) 10d COMMON NAILS pl ood to 2x4 s: 10x3 w washers PER RAFTER INSTALLED OVER PLYWOOD galvanized or stainless steel screws © 12 o.c. ° 2. Attaching structural panel: Fasten to building with LTP4 LTP4 #100" (w/washers) galvanized or stainless steel wood H I P R A F T E R RIDGE STRAP TIE screws ® 16" o.c. Uplift connectors shall SCALE: N.T.S. SCALE: N.T.S. bypass each other to Alternate fastener for shutter to building: LTP4, spacing as required for I prevent cross—grain grain # tee nuts attached to building with #1Ox1 J (w/washers) shear. SSP spacing for uplift. tension of band joist. machine bolt @ 12" o.c. SILL TO RIM JOIST Fasterners by Hillman (12) 8d x 1 1/2" FASTENER Tee Nut #4148 Panhead machine screw #4040 LSSU28 _~`--- Screw base #59018 REVISIONS DESCRIPT I O N Screw cover #59027 01/19/24 CONSTRUCTION DWGS FOR PERMIT REVIEW 4 + e MSTA LSTA 18 Simpson Strong—Tie i I # LSSU28 Simpson Strong—Tie I I Simpson Strong—Tie PHD5-SDS3 ADJUSTABLE HANGER ADJUSTABLE HANGER (Minimum double stud) r atricia O' Neill , AIA_ SCALE: N.T.S. SCALE: N.T.S. '��� I �' I A r c h i t e c t 1 257 Circle Drive Manhasset, NY 11030 ° I MULTIPLE SECTION ASSEMBLY Tel: 516-365-1799 1/4" THICK BOLTS @ 2" O.C. FLOOR TO MASONRY A II �1/2" ANCHOR BOLTS PROJECT DATE: 08/14/23 � I I•( I I•I- I I I ap ® 23" O.C. MAX, I' - I # 5 REBAR (min.) 1 I I I I I I ! I -- __ I l j I I I I I•f;E= NEW CONSTRUCTION : LTP4 SPACING AS REQUIRED FOR SHEAR & UPLIFT i± 11 I III ; ja I I•}- e Psyllos Residence HCP I I I I I e I I`rq I ABU44 600 Dogwood Lane �::.', ��� I•f' � � ICI I I l I I I �I�. III I II I II, Mattituck, NY 11952 .� 11 � I I.1, I I•T D39 COVERDWG No 0 ' Simpson Strong—Tie I,i a� Q�G,c` A�0� J � HIP CORNER PLATE POST TO CONC. FOOTING `' SCALE: N.T.S. SCALE: N.T.S. '4J'O555O 0Q THESE DRAWINGS AND ACCOMPANYING SPECIFICATIONS, AS INSTRUMENTS OF SERVICE, ARE THE EXCLUSIVE PROPERTY OF THE ARCHITECT AND THEIR USE AND PUBLICATION SHALL BE RESTRICTED TO THE ORIGINAL SITE FOR 14fiIICH THEY WERE PREPARED. REUSE, REPRODUCTION OR PUBLICATION BY ANY METHOD, IN LkHOLE OR IN PART, IS PROHIBITED EXCEPT BY WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM THE ARCHITECT. TITLE TO THESE PLANS SHALL REMAIN WITH THE ARCHITECT.VISUAL CONTACT WITH THEM SHALL CONSTITUTE PRIMA FACIE EVIDENCE OF ACCEPTANCE OF THESE RESTRICTIONS. Ak 101'-1 2'-0" „ _ _ - * Eo F1 COLUMN AND FOOTING I N S U LAT10N: CELLAR WALLS I I O P.C. footing with (3) #5 Bars both ways. 2" R10 RIGID FOAM EXTERIOR _ _ - - -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .- F2 COLUMNS AND FOOTING¢ 1.9 R13 CLOSED CELL SPRAY FOAM Z CONTINUOUS 1 ' l o 0 6" X 6" standard steel column and (2) 3J"0 CELLAR P L A N o .318 steel columns on 36 x48 x18"D P.C. footing EXTERIOR WALLS 2.8" R20 CLOSED CELL SPRAY FOAM 1 - - - _ with {3) #5 Bars both ways. SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" CAVITY INSULATION UJ I Z I X ® F3 COLUMN AND FOOTING I I I I I " 46'-8�" ROOF RAFTERS 13-0" 31'0 .312 steel column on 24 x24 x12'D P.C. footing 17-g' with o ways. 6.8" R49 CLOSED CELL SPRAY FOAM CAVITY INSULATION N I l t 1 j ESCAPE WINDOW WELLS 1 ELOOR ABOVE GARAGE I I I FOOTING AND FOUNDATION I 9.6 R38 CLOSED CELL SPRAY FOAM I I CAVITY INSULATION FOOTING j _ 8" x 1s" Reinforced concrete. (3) #5 bars. I PATIO, FRONT PORCH MUDROOM ENTRANCE, I _ _ _ I FOUNDATION FOOTING AND FOUNDATION I 8" wide with following reinforcing: I I - _ Vertical Reinforcing: #5 hooked rebar at 24" OC FINISH Bluestone with stone face / risers Top of wall reinforcing: (2) #5 continuous, 3" from edge Bottom of wall reinforcing: (2) #5 bars, continuous. I N 8" x 16" reinforced concrete. (3) #5 bars. I I I L_ _ - _ 3 from edges. I I Horizontal reinforcing:#5 bars, continuous at 2'-0" OC I FOUNDATION rn� I — — — — UP li li I IFr I i Reinforced with #5 hooked rebor 0 24" Q.C. SLAB CV 4" reinforced slab with WWF 6x6 W2.Ox2.0 HOUSE FOOTING AND FOUNDATION 1 � I I I u II I - - - - - - - -- - - -- -- - -- - - I — z I L_� ! (" 2 FOOTING I I � I 0 I 1 14'_81" I I A9 12"x24" poured concrete with (3) #5Bors on chairs. Hold O _ ( I LL I I NUMBER OF STEPS 2'-0" I I= 3" from edges. a l TO BE DETERMINED 2 "' - - - - -- -- - — ""- -- - - - N -�' I I U I I 36" HIGH RAIL ON SITE qg I ( I FOUNDATION 01 I N I I I I I ( I I I 12" wide o I 1 I RECESSED I I ! I I I I Vertical reinforcing: #5 hooked rebor at 24" OC I I I I I STEP LIGHTS I� I I I I I I Top of wall reinforcing: (2) #5 continuous, 3" from edges. I I Bottom of wall reinforcing: (2) #5 bars, continuous. 3" I I WELL COMPACTED I I I I from edges I I ( I ' POROUS FILL ► ( I I Horizontal reinforcing: #5 bars, Continuous at 2'-0" O.C. I I I (RAISED PATIO)N I N I I REINF. SLAB HAUNCH FOOTING AT HOUSE TRAP / I I � I I ON GRADE SEPTIC THIN STONE I 1 I 3 CAR I ^ I ( I I I Locate as required to connect to low-line septic. GARAGE I WALL J I I i I I I I o 1 I I I I _I CELLAR SLAB a 4 M HANI L m SLAB W8x35 AREA 4" reinforced concr ete slab with WWF 6x 6 W2.Ox2.Oa 1 0_3 Q UNEXCAVATED over 4 mil. vapor barrier over 4" gravel.U1 l w� I i i 1 PROVIDE 1HR RATED 5 f8" I o Control Joint: locate maximum 20' x 20' area.zwp X . . 0 M ON CEILING ABOVE FURNACE Li U_0 I I I I FOR AT LEAST 3'-C" I I Expansion Joint: Provide " pre-molded expansion joint Z ( 3 I I I I I & ON ALL SIDES I I filler at perimeter of slab. 1 W 6" NWC OVER ( W8x35 I I I i I a 3" VULCRAFT METAL DECK I I ( CE LTIO LA — — — — — — —— — — — — — — — — — — — — — - - - - --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --i - - - - - - - - - - - I I CONCRETE 5,000 PSI N ( I W/6X6 WWM I ( 1 rI I I I 1 Ir- -- - - - - - - -- - - - - - -- -- — - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - — - - - - - -- -I - - - - - -- -- I THIN STONE 6) #5 BARS Mo ( II 6 W835 OVER WINDOW � I I (SEE DETAIL SHEET Al2) — -' STEEL BEAM NOTE: = I I ( FOOTING ( K I ! o I _ ° I ALL STEEL BEAMS TO HAVE 1 36 BELOW—}- 1 ( a: a p cn II 1/4" BOLT HOLES AT 4'-0" O.C. ' I I m z 1 cn i l a I I , PRE-DRILLED IN TOP FLANGE °D I I I ( W8x35 GRADE I ( •• I w I I I L _ _ _ _ I DOUBLE UP JOIST UNDER I o=° LO I I - - - - - - -- KITCHEN ISLAND AND ALL 14" TJI 360 F.J. o 1 w I L X I AREAS WITH TILE FIN. L` c3 ! ® 16" O.C. ` ( ¢ I I _ P FLOOR. o NI- WINDOW & D0-0R ip � 1 FSTEP FOOT1NG I I 8'-0" HDR. HT. (6) ►�- r- 4- 3'-0'ov C E L L A R 1 L- — — —— — — 1 _J ( (TYP ) EE DETAIL) I 5! N I I I O I AK 0'-0" CIO. Ht. dJ-1 ' X' - - - - - - - - - -I— - - - i_=_. " - - - - - -- -I I j I to I i REVISIONS DESCRIPT ION s"11-3" 09/26/23 REDUCED SQ. FOOTAGE I i 5' i ! I I 10/12/23 REDUCED FOOTPRINT S10 D CM ! I ;1 10/18/23 UPDATED AS PER COMMENTS A9 I 11-3" 1'-0„ 1 12'-11J" �' 16 -5 i --j-1'-0" A9 10/31/23 CLIENT COMMENTS L--� - -------------- - I----- EQ. ____ E0. r__ - EQ. EQ. I -- - I----J 01/12/24 PROGRESS, ISSUED FOR REVIEW I = " r � r I Ili--71 I o 1 I 14 TJI ,360 F.J. \\ F2 I IJ�'12x40 DROP I F1 I W12x40 DROP F1 I W12x40 DROP I F1 I W12x40 DROP I F2 ' I I I 01/19/24 CONSTRUCTION DWGS FOR PERMIT REVIEW I I L�=J I I 116 O.C. I --}---------------- -�-- --- — — -�._ -- IF-- L I I ----J I I I J I I I L----� I I I I� 3'-0" 8 3 I 1 j j L— -� - t� i i L_-I--1 I _ _ �0 1 _ 8" I I I I r'- -I I I I rr--� I a a z l >- d o0 I 0 r a � 31 , L--F3i ( �' Z o_I 1-.� I L o N I 12'-0" -� (�) 1x14 I CO °o ° ¢ I I I I ! � i LYL FLUSH ( 5'' M! _ ! ! i �! " _ . I = Patricia O'Neill AIA (n I •- I 12 REINF. I i L - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -�_ , � ® I UP � I '�' POURED CONCRETE I-- - - - -' /� • I 17R - �'! ! (SEE DETAIL & NOTES) ( o I I A r C h t e C t 11-3" _ _ _ _ _ I ( I _ 1 a 257 Circle Drive Manhasset, NY 11030 - - - - - - - - - - - i I `� LVL FLUSH �: - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - 1 •' Tel: 516-365-1799 N 1 , X ! x ! I I - - — — — — —— - - - - - IL-J I N - - i - - - I I PROJECT DATE: 08/14/23 WELL COMPACTED 1 ! i ! I 1 I I o _ I I POROUS FILL I L - - - _ - - - I - - _L_ _ NEW CONSTRUCTION . I 1 (RAISED PATIO) I - - - -- - - - - - - -�- -� I I- --�- - - - - - I I I I I I ' I The Psyllos Residence = I L - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -I 1- - - - L- - - - - - - - - - - - J (- - - - - - - - T - - - - - - - - - - - - _ 1 Q j l N 600 Dogwood Lane -- - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - ► _ L - - - J I M attitu ck , NY 1 1 952 I- - - - - - - - - --- - - - - I 4 ' 11'-6" 2' 0" 2• 0" 2' 0" = 2, 0" 10 V-61. - - - - - - - - -16'-9 - - - - - - - - - DWG No. ., F-1 23'-0„ I I 13'-71 16'-04" 15'-3" 1s'-D ,. I I 17, 1 '',,. h _ �� r-- ED A. c - - - - - - - -' �_ 1- - - - - - - - - - - - - ! r-� 1- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ! -� L - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -� L _ .' r I I L-J L-J ^ L_J L-.J L_J L J LOCATION L-J - - - - - L - - - - - t_-J L-J - - - - - - - - L—J - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - L—_ I SEPTIC SYSTEM u n - - - ._- II— II - - - - - - - -11 u - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - II -II- - - - - - - - - - II 101'-1" THESE DRAWINGS AND ACCOMPANYING SPECIFICATIONS, AS INSTRUMENTS OF SERVICE, ARE THE EXCLUSIVE PROPERTY OF THE ARCHITECT AND THEIR USE AND PUBLICATION SHALL BE RESTRICTED TO THE ORIGINAL SITE FOR V,HICH THEY VERE PREPARED. REUSE, REPRODUCTION OR PUBLICATION BY ANY METHOD, IN WHOLE OR IN PART, IS PROHIBITED EXCEPT BY WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM THE ARCHITECT, TITLE TO THESE PLANS SHALL REMAIN WITH THE ARCHITECT.VISUAL CONTACT WITH THEM SHALL CONSTITUTE PRIMA FACIE EVIDENCE OF ACCEPTANCE OF THESE RESTRICTIONS. I 1OV-1" 10 23'-74„ 13'-0' 46'_82., 3�"xg j" LVL (2)-2x6 POST 20 (TYP.) i 22'-41" FIRST FLOOR PLAN SHOP/ r -- -I � ' STORAGE I HEATER ELECTRIC I CEILING MOUNTED 220 SCALE: 1/4 ! I IN CEILINGI CIRCUIT FOR HEATER w = 1 -0 -i ob t10'-2" CI . Ht. I- - -1 s Y cO L- _ u METAL STAIR I (o to Ud n m W/BL ESTONE 4 TREADS1 & OP N RISERS I ' Q ou- w )0<C) I r 31"0 .226 I _" .D)4 25 co STL. COL. i N STONE VE14EER RISER (TYP I _ -Wl2x-16 �BOP- - - _ _ -- p raid — -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- '--4x4DP ....L..- o POST 4x4 STL. COL. LL BEAR ON FD r--- - - (3)-1x11 I LVL _-- W/(2)-J" SITL PLT p SLAB TO SLOPE DN. BLUESTONE 2 C 0 VIE R E D j 1/4"/FT. TO DOORS P C I R C H I i (TYPICAL) Q A9 AZEK SJ' = BEADBOA�RD CEILING I = KV NUMBER OF 5TE S 3 "x9 LVL 23 - D000�4ATIC TO BE DETERMIN D ELECTRIC = o c 36" HIGH T ON SITE I ( I L--_ -- 16_�"_ ---- _ _--_ -� o0 x OPENER BLACK ME.AL RAIL I I HEATER I - M ' M LO IN CEILING r GAS CONNECT 0 14"®TJII 3600 F.J. RE D N FOR 880. p ( I 9 i I 3 G1 A2 DN. J �G A R A G E P A T 1 0 �' I FAN -1N I I �k _ L �6" Hf R. IL (_to I � Z ,r, f11'-2" Cig. Ht. f N BLUESTONE FINISH 'X I - o I M A S T E I+ �+ �i m 13 4" REINF. POURED CONCRETE i2 a ` B E D R O O M m O SLAB ON GRADE I sD V Nco 1HR. RATED =� W/WWF 6x6 W2.OxW2.0 I Y � I � /8" TYPE X SHEETROCK I .- WALLS & CEILING a RECESSED Q I -1 10'-0" CIa. Ht. J 1^lALL STEP AZEK z I I ELECTRIC J � fGHTS PANEL FACE I HEATER > r - - -i AUTOMATICI ELECTRIC I o �' �IIN CEILINGI I I 6'-0 22 �«� � DOOR HEATER F- o0 ( X' OPENER I IN CEILINGI w I L- - - J � p I TRAY CEILING I n- CEILING MOUNT D 220 m p I HEIGHT & SHAPE I = CIRCUIT FOR H ATER PILASTER I L-T.B.D.- - - - -- - - - - - - _ FLOOR ( N OA C1 DRAIN RECESSED 3 'x9 LVL 3 x9 LVL p — — — — — — — _ � ;MALL STEP O O O t, 1„ ,. " 1„ W - -- - - - -- - OPEN TO 1�1/1" STL. PLT. HDR. VI/1 STL. PLT.I HDR. BELOW _ __- -- ----- � �r � 4" REINF. POURED CONCRETE LIGHTS H - SLAB ON GRADE --- - - - - " d r, W/WWF 6x6 W2.OxW2.0 J - J p'$ I I L O ( 12 -2 BIER 4 MIL. VAPOR BARRIER PASS OWTHR I 1 I I II WINDOW uNtO r-fN I 3 „� 6 I x_10 C.J. ® 16" O.C _ Ln I STL COL. W.I. o `° 16'-1 '. BEAR N FDN. ' (TYP.) CLOSET 13 1 OL' J AUTOMATIC z „ r K I C a ¢ x w 3 a DOOR 13'-0 I 7) _ w 3'-0" Q �o o ao °7 OPENER ' 7 O I S L A N D 10� '-0" CI9. Hi. � z d r»iaQu `Kv r� STEP ,7 o o I p Q w W m 3 a® -4 8 I I 18 (2 -2"x10" - � ____-•-10-0"__ _ � > Ft I _ _ _ _ - =I- _ 3 HO FPSC 19 C U B B I E S T ® - O r-� ~ z 8-10" - 22--44" D R FRAME MUD I o L �J 3 0" M= `� - - 12 w E CLOSING a, I W.C. r�l<t S I H'N R 0 0 M EF 1n N 0 (2)-2°'xio'1 (2)-2"xto" I o �-� 0 1 11 ®EF N ( O REVISIONS DESCRIPT I O N 14 TJI 360 F.J. = f � G - -- ® 16" O.C. ; � 30-7 r S T R 09/26/23 REDUCED SO. FOOTAGE OB ®sD®cM x = i A T H Ln 10/12/23 REDUCED FOOTPRINT B I , o o 3,_0„ 6'-0" I '- " PILASTER s'-o" ` 17 W ovENs REF. FRZ. T'° a 1O `� 10/18/23 UPDATED AS PER COMMENTS i N 10'-9' 1 I I 19 10 W YI o F 10/31/23 CLIENT COMMENTS I - ISSUED FOR REVIEW A9 •�" (_ BUTLER U 1_ O P WDER ® rN Q 1 01/12/24 PROGRESS, R M " o I x 0- PANTRY I o w o I 1 2' 3'-3" I s'-0 " 13'-1 _ 3'_9 " ;r, 15'-6 to N o 1 f' \4- 5'- 2'-2 " 9 01/19/24 CONSTRUCTION DWGS FOR PERMIT REVIEW ------ - ---- ------ -----I - -- -t_---- - ------------- - -0.. ; V 0" E 5'- - - -J I- 0" I N I LVL 3 "xt 4" LVL 1 , ATH 3 "xg " LVL DROP -I j '71 1 3'-6" (2)-2x6 0 1 W I ' 4x4 POSTG 16 N ` a) L. 3 ; (TYP.) N o E 14 0 o POST END „ 1 2'x1 O C.J. ® 16" O.C. i r ir 15 ( O F F I C E _ Q N r� a ,1� LAUNDRY m °I -Z �sD cM I I' SD o N Patricia O' Neill AIA @• FLOOR N J ! o DINING N = z u- a� , L I V I N G 10'-0" CI . Ht. N Q 1' N II DRAIN w ROOM OPEN A r c h i t e c t 7T, 13'-1" m ( "' - SD N W °" TO ( NI 0 - ------ R 0 0 MSD o— 1s'-s" _ I - -co 19 ABOVE _ '� ,��-I -- —"� `�'�' BLUESTON cAP 257 Circle Drive Manhasset, NY 11030 w 12'-0" (2)-2"x10" �►{ _ - - w ® Vl H f�- W/STONE RISER W- ---- 10'-0" CIO. Ht. J uP ='f J = ® �, 10'-0° cis. Ht. _ J & METAL COVER Tel: 516-365-1799 wILL! 2"x10;' R.R. % OC �C = I 17R � `� I �— '� EGRESS WINDOW > O *- 0 CELLAR (TYPICA ) Z o ' ® 12' O.C. / I = I I , --3 j"x9 j' LVL—_— PR PATE: o W j 0 FOYER ( (2)-2x6 PROJECT os/14/23 I . N Z— LIS POST Q I O LNOWSTEPNEW CONSTFRUCTION : 15-6 L_ - - - x14 LVL - --I L_ 15 6io l -j / TYPICAL THROUGHOUT I J PO5T5 2' 8' I The Psyllos Residence � v (TYP.) � ' nice / Li O FAN 2 -2'x10' 3 t- 4 { 2 -2"x10" /' _ = o r- _ o 600 Dogwood Lane iv ® �/ U N 31„xg�„ LVL O `� p i Mat-tituck, NY 11952 N -------- o N / BLUESTONE FINISH I � (3 THIN STONE VENEER ---- DWG; No. I / 4" REINF. POURED CONCRETE I � o @ ALL EXPOSED RISERS � � D A� ,_-- SLAB ON GRADE I o= TYPICAL 'C�'R` W WWF 6x6 W2.OxW2.0 .- 8'-4 BLUESTONE STEP (TYPICAL) �� n A1• EQ. EQ. 7'-8" EQ. EQ. I 7'-8" I c41 ® EQ. EQ. <' �5� �nr ` � 4x4 POST L •' � F F � 4 (TYP.) 3 "x11 " LVL 34"x11 j" LVL 3�"x11 A" LVL 34"x11 J" LVL 3�"x11 A" LVL 14 A4 � BLUESTONE STEP �t'��" 1 17'-11" �,,O. N �0 23'-0" 15-3" _.. ., THESE DRAWINGS AND ACCOMPANYING SPECIFICATIONS, AS INSTRUI:IENTS OF SERVICE, ARE THE EXCLUSIVE PROPERTY OF THE ARCHITECT AND THEIR USE AND PUBLICATION SHALL BE RESTRICTED TO THE ORIGINAL SITE FOR RICH THEY WERE PREPARED. REUSE, REPRODUCTION OR PUBLICATION BY ANY METHOD, IN WHOLE OR IN PART, IS PROHIBITED EXCEPT BY WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM THE ARCHITECT. TITLE TO THESE PLANS SHALL REMAIN WITH THE ARCH]TE CT.VISUAL CONTACT WITH THEM SHALL CONSTITUTE PRIMA FACIE EVIDENCE OF ACCEPTANCE OF THESE RESTRICTIONS. L_ _LINE OF RAL CEILING } - - -- 12 -- " - - - ASPHALT ROOF �. 14 I (TYPICAL THROUGHOUT) ASPHALT ROOF ! - -- 97 ASPHALT ROOF � -- - I O O 4 ROUND ALUMINUM GUTTERS (TYPICAL THROUGHOUT) _ r 9'-0" PLATE HEIGHT 9'-0" PLATE HEIGHT 7'-0" T.O. WIND0WS I ASPHALT ROOF a TE P. I ( I SEE TYP. 0 0, ono � WINDOW & DOOR SURROUND DETAIL I 12 I _ STA ING SEAM METAL ROC7 T.O. SECOND FLOOR T.O. SECOND- FLOOR f3 I I 11'-2" PLATE HEIGHT I � I I ------ ------- 10-0 CLG. HEIGHT I I I I ! -—-—-— I I a a I i— 8'-0" T.O. N1INDOU+S ----� I \ - - I - - - ------ I I aCC) CC) o \\ IFil // \\ HARDI-PLANK HARDI TRIM I i 1 \ I I / \ 7 SMOOTH SIDING & _ BOARD & BATTEN ! I \ I I / \ HARDI TRIM o j' j / D ; \ SMOOTH CORNER BD. = o .5" a i 12"� \ Q / (TYPICAL THROUGHOUT) I I \ / (U.O.N.) -- -—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-— - ---._—_—_._.__—_._.__—.--------- - - --- / --- - -------------__ —_— -—-—-—- ------- � /... _—_—_— T.O. FIRST FLOOR T.O. GARAGE SLAB `v --- 2_1 - - - -- --- - _ - - - - - - - - _ - - - - -- - - --- -- - - 7- - - - - - - - - r— r - - ------- --- ---__._-_.---- - - - - - - = _ _ � F 10'-0"-CLG_ HEIGHT - THIN STONE VENEER HB&G DERMA CAST — — — @ ALL EXPOSED RISERS (TYPICAL) COLUMONS (TYP�)OOTH FRONT ELEVATION __ - - - SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" a ! o N � ( THIN STONE 12 F� VENEER 00 Q 7 T.O. CELLAR SLAB -__-=---_-- UG REVISIONS DESCRIPT ION 09/26/23 REDUCED SO. FOOTAGE Y _ _ 10/12/23 REDUCED FOOTPRINT 9'_0_' PLATE HEIGHT- 10/18/23 UPDATED AS PER COMMENTS 8'-0" T.O. W'INDoti:rs 10/31/23 CLIENT COMMENTS 01/12/24 PROGRESS, ISSUED FOR REVIEW 01/19/24 CONSTRUCTION DWGS FOR PERMIT REVIEW o I I 00 12 3 P T.O. SECOND FLOOR 10'-0" CLG. HEIGHT - - ---------- Patricia O' Neill , AIA 8'-0" T.O. WINDOWS _,__ F IL 257 Circle Drive Manhasset, NY 11030 Tel: 516-365-1799 TEMP. TEIAP. o `� I � 12" °° PROJECT DATE: 08/14/23 — — — — — — — — — — NEW CONSTRUCTION : ! - T.O. FIRST FLOOR The Psyllos Residence 10'-0"-CLG. HEIGHT THIN STONE VENEER I I I I I I I I I 600 Dogwood Lane @ ALL EXPOSED RISERS I I ! I I I I II TI II 17'-0" ( I 8'-0" T.O. WINDOWS M a t t i t u c k, NY 11952 I I III � III I ! I I III � II! I I I I I I III III I I I I III III I I I I 1 1 III I 1'I I I I I !II I III I I I I I I III ! III I I I I DWG No. I I Ilf 1 III I I o \�~""�-f�,Q,�'�• RIGHT SIDE ELEVATION L'--=-==-'=1 I I o L-= =JJ I I i i ��` �u� II. `f� I I 4'-0" I I 13'-8" CO I I 4'-0" 1 1 1 1 00 t ^ SCALE: 1/4" - 1'-0" I ` - � ----- �, d L__J' L—J y L—J n — L—_J __ ___ _________ _ ____ ___ T.O. CELLAR SLAB ------------------- -------- ------------------------ ----- -- -- -- --------- - -- --r�-I, -) - - L__J r.. THESE DRAWINGS AND ACCOMPANYING SPECIFICATIONS, AS INSTRUMENTS OF SERVICE, ARE THE EXCLUSIVE PROPERTY OF THE ARCHITECT AND THEIR USE AND PUBLICATION SHALL BE RESTRICTED TO THE ORIGINAL SITE FOR WHICH THEY WERE PREPARED. REUSE, REPRODUCTION OR PUBLICATION BY ANY METHOD, IN VWHOLE OR IN PART, IS PROHIBITED EXCEPT BY WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM THE ARCHITECT. TITLE TO THESE PLANS SHALL REMAIN WITH THE ARCHITECT.VISUAL CONTACT WITH THEM SHALL CONSTITUTE PRIMA FACIE EVIDENCE OF ACCEPTANCE OF THESE RESTRICTIONS. I 11 I / I / \ \ u 0 C HED AL EILI / I \ I A t i c / / \/ I t tis A t t i c i I i i i I 21! 1!3 2k, I 143 I I k i I 8'-0" PLATE HEIGHT -- 8'-0" PLATE HEIGHT 7'_0" T.O. WINDOWS // � // --------- — LAUNDRY w HALLWAY // HALLWAY HALLWAY ATTIC STAIRS B A T H / / 3 a z Attic 0 m I \ CO \\ 0 f ' \ i 12 \ 1 31,fx 4" LVL \\ FLUSH SECOND-FLOOR T.O. SECOND FLOOR T.O. � � \ i \ 11'-2" PLATE HEIGHT 14" TJI 360 F.J. 9, 16" O.C. _—_—_—_ �'' 10'-O" CLG. HEIGHT 8'-0" T.O. WINDOWS _ 7'—_0" T.O. w9ND0W5 --------- -` OPEN OPEN // POWDER OPEN HALL \\ PANTRY < N j B A T H / ROOM OAS o BATH \\ W.C. 0 1 BUTLER / I REPL ACE j BE OND o 2 \ 1 I \ a / co 00 \ / T.O. FIRST FLOOR T.O. GARAGE SLAB I = =I II=III=III-III-11l I 14" TJI 360 F.J. @ 16" O.C. '------ I- —10-'--0" CLG. HEIGHT —HEI-G—HT - '" I ICI I I=11T I f I� 8 31xl4 LVL FLUSH 3 14 LVL FLUSH a Z III=III=11' I; 8'-0_' T,O. WINDOWS------ I `. o I / (6) #5 BARS .. // OVER DOOR & WINDOWS I ° (SEE DETAIL SHEET Al2) Q E L L A R I I O WINDOW & DOOR \ 1 8'-0" HDR. HT. \\ (TYP.) \ I T.O. CELLAR SLAB L__J C R O S S S E C T 1 0 N 1 SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" REVISIONS DESCRIPT ION 09/26/23 REDUCED SO. FOOTAGE '-0" PLATE HEIGHT 10/12/23 REDUCED FOOTPRINT 8 ' '-0" PL—'—"— 10/18/23 UPDATED AS PER COMMENTS 8'_0" T.O. WINDOWS -. ----- -.-_.- - 10/31/23 CLIENT COMMENTS 01/12/24 PROGRESS, ISSUED FOR REVIEW 01/19/24 CONSTRUCTION DWGS FOR PERMIT REVIEW 00 Eli .I o m I T.O. SECOND FLOOR •xv 10'-0" CLG. HEIGHT KN___ -_ ----i FLAT CEILING ------ 8'-0" T.O. WINDOWS Patricia O' Neill , AIA 0 F- A r c h i t e c t MASTER I I 1 257 Circle Drive Manhasset, NY 11030 B E D R O O M ! I i i Tel: 516-365-1799 a I I 4iLiJ PROJECT DATE: 08/14/23 Co a 14L tLL:9LLi NEW CONSTRUCTION : —1.0_F6RSTFLOOR The Psyllos Residence - 10'_0_' CLG. HEIGHT L 600 Dogwood Lane 8'-0' T.O. WINDOWS 8" M o t t i t u c k , NY 11952 __—_—_— 9 O 0 Q _.. �.s,-...� DWG No. 00 Z4 CROSS SECTION 2 SCALE: 1/41f = 1'-0" T.O. CELLAR SLAB---- --- 20 , , � = a� rP- 1 THESE DRAWINGS AND ACCOMPANYING SPECIFICATIONS, AS INSTRUMENTS OF SERVICE, ARE THE EXCLUSIVE PROPERTY OF THE ARCHITECT AND THEIR USE AND PUBLICATION SHALL BE RESTRICTED TO THE ORIGINAL SITE FOR WHICH THEY WERE PREPARED. REUSE, REPRODUCTION OR PUBLICATION BY ANY METHOD, IN WHOLE OR IN PARE, IS PROHIBITED EXCEPT BY WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM THE ARCHITECT. TITLE TO THESE PLANS SHALL REMAIN WITH THE A.RCHITECT.VISUAL CONTACT WITH THEM SHALL CONSTITUTE PRIMA FACIE EVIDENCE OF ACCEPTANCE OF THESE RESTRICTIONS. i i 8'_0" PLATE HEIGHT_ 8'-0" PLATE HEIGHT 8'—O" T.O. WINDOWS T—O" T.O. WINDOWS �------- - - - - - � � — EDPM FLAT ROOF `�\ A T T I C STORAGE o I PITCH AWAY FROM HOME I o _ AZEK DECK ATOP 00 I rn 1` I 36" HIGH RAIL TAPERED SLEEPERS I o0 I I 12 —I 3 T.0_ SECOND FLOOR i ( T.O. SECOND FLOOR —" ( 14' TJI 360 J. 1 161 O.C. I I I I I I I I 1 10'-0" CLG, HEIGHT 117/8" TJI 360 F.J. C 16" O.C. - I I SEE DETAIL I _ I SHEET A13 W12x1fi DROP --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - H11 SHOP IN! 3 CAR \\\ G A R A G E a 1HR. RATED 1HR. RATED b � °D 5/8" TYPE X SHEETROCK 5/8" TYPE X SHEETROCK WALLS & CEILING WALLS & CEILING � i I —-—-—- Ll lo -—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—- -—-—--- I T.O. FIRST FLOORJ__,_ 00 10'-0" CLG. HEIGHT S $'-0" T.O. WINDOWS D• v , _ a O I v CROSS SECTION 3 � a 00 •4 SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" .. T.O. CELLAR SLAB J \` i - 12 --_--'---- -- 7 - �CT. -- - - J - � A t t I C REVISIONS DESCRIPT ION 09/26/23 REDUCED SO. FOOTAGE 10/12/23 REDUCED FOOTPRINT ' - 10/18/23 UPDATED AS PER COMMENTS j10/31/23 CLIENT COMMENTS j01/12/24 PROGRESS, ISSUED FOR REVIEW 01/19/24 CONSTRUCTION DWGS FOR PERMIT REVIEW i B E D R O O M CLOSET ATTIC CLOSET B E D R O O M I 2 STAIR 3 g 5. I I I k k a3 10'-0" CLG. HEIGHT ' 8'-0" T.O. bViNDO'J�;S �� Patricia O'Neill , AIA WW1f11" S L 3 "x9 " LVL A r C h i 1 e C 1 TL. PLT. HDR. 257 Circle Drive Manhasset, NY 11030 o TV TV o L I V I N G o 1 OPEN ROOM Tel: 516-365-1799 I _ u ILI u PROJECT DATE: 08/14/23 F NEW CONSTRUCTION : T.O. FIRST FLOOR = The Psyllos Residence R 10 600 Dogwood Lane z Mattituck, NY 11952 C E L L A R DWG NO. C.1 'A CROSS SECTION 4 SCALE: 1/4" - 1'-0" ' p i F THESE DRAWINGS AND ACCOMPANYING SPECIFICATIONS, AS INSTRUMENTS OF SERVICE, ARE THE EXCLUSIVE PROPERTY OF THE ARCHITECT AND THEIR USE AND PUBLICATION SHALL BE RESTRICTED TO THE ORIGINAL SITE FOR VMICH THEY WERE PREPARED. REUSE, REPRODUCTION OR PUBLICATION BY ANY METHOD, IN WHOLE OR IN PART, IS PROHIBITED EXCEPT BY V,'RITTEN PERMISSION FROM THE ARCHITECT. TITLE TO THESE PLANS SHALL REMAIN WITH THE ARCHITECT.VISUAL CONTACT lMTH THEM SHALL CONSTITUTE PRIMA FACIE EVIDENCE OF ACCEPTANCE OF THESE RESTRICTIONS. r--------------- ------------------ -� I - I I I DN. --i I I � I I I Li I � I 0 I 60 MIL. I 00 ROOF PLAN EDPM RUBBER ROOF I I Q MEMBRANE j SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" I J Q � I I d r I I I I I ----------------------------------- ---------I --------------------------- 2"x12" R.R. i f LLJJ �_ f I @ 16" O.C. I ------------------------- I I w � � I I ' rY o i � � I x 0 I x I { N ® I I C14 I 1 f I I ICE & WATER SHIELD I 1 2"x12" R.R. Q 2"x12" R.R. © 1 x 14 RIDGE EXTEND 24" © 16" O.C. m ® 16" O.C. PAST INTERIOR WALLS I w I (TYPICAL THROUGHOUT) o 10 � ------ -----------s— ------------------------- I xN I --------------------------- - I I -" "' I I t I N ( I f I I ( I o I I I i C5 I x � I I 1 I o ; j � o f _ _ -----1------------- 2, ,,I GAS _N I FLUE x IYo N � I N N i i -- -- - f N ® I I f u I C3 0 ICE & WATER SHIELD 00 N I I L-----------------I— — —I " N I EXTEND 24" x to I v I t I x r I PAST INTERIOR WALLS N ® I C7 1 x 14 RIDGE REVISIONS D E S C R I P T I O N t " ® I (TYPICAL THROUGHOUT) - - 09/26/23 REDUCED SQ. FOOTAGE 00__ __ _ __ x r"� __ __ __ __ __ __ __ _ __ _ ( 10/12/23 REDUCED FOOTPRINT I I I xI Cri- I -I-I @ 10/18/23 UPDATED AS PER COMMENTS j I 1 j x 14 R DGE j _ _ _ _ 3 X 4 RIDGE _I I I _ ON. Ia I 10/31/23 CLIENT COMMENTS ' I � 01/12/24 PROGRESS, ISSUED FOR REVIEW IL 01/19/24 CONSTRUCTION DWGS FOR PERMIT REVIEW I I I I I 2"x10" R.R. ( I I I I I � @ 16 O.C. I � � { I 0� o I cl� o I I I I I I cV N I r--�-------------'r—{ I�T------------7 I N c0 f x I I �q Q x I x zx, I t;r (3 N N CN ' U N N (N NI ( O I IN NI I t " " ' ' ' ' Patricia ONeill ,' AIA � � x � I t � i � o I .x @ N ® I � o I t I A r c h i t e c t I I -------------------- I N ® 1 }� + j " ® j 257 Circle Drive Manhasset, NY 11030 Tel: 516-365-1799 I I I I I ' ---------------------- -� CO I I O O I I PROJECT DATE: 08/14/23 ( I I ___________J L--------------J I R.R. EW C O N S TF2 U C TI O N v t 2"x10" R.R. 2"x10" I + ® 16" 16" The Psyllos Residence oIL------------------------ _-_-_--__---_-______-_--r x N j 0 j j COO Dogwood Lane L----------- -— --------------J I - Mottituck, NY 11952 I � I � 1 I DWG No. < A C Pt ——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— -----J 055 THESE DRAhINGS AND ACCOMPANYING SPECIFICATIONS, AS INSTRUTAENTS OF SERVICE, ARE THE EXCLUSIVE PROPERTY OF THE ARCHITECT AND THEIR USE AND PUBLICATION SHALL BE RESTRICTED TO THE ORIGINAL SITE FOR WHICH THEY WERE PREPARED. REUSE, REPRODUCTION OR PUBLICATION BY ANY METHOD, IN WHOLE OR IN PART, IS PROHIBITED EXCEPT BY WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM THE ARCHITECT. TITLE TO THESE PLANS SHALL REMAIN WITH THE ARCHITECT.VISUAL CONTACT WITH THEM SHALL CONSTITUTE PRIMA FACIE EVIDENCE OF ACCEPTANCE OF THESE RESTRICTIONS. TABLE R402.4.1 EXTERIOR MATERIAL LIST AIR BARRIER AND INSULATION INSTALLATION ROOF Type: Certainteed Landmark Color: Moire Black AIR BARRIER CRITERIA FRONT & REAR PORCH ROOFS ASPHALT ROOFING CEILING / ATTIC Type: Standing Seam Metal FIRST Aligned with insulation Color: Black FLOOR WALLS �O i 1ST FLOOR OPERABLE GRILLE Junction of foundation and sill plate to be sealed SIDING — HOUSE ��`� ; " " Junction of to late and exterior walls to be sealed. Type: Nardi—PLANK 7" Exposure, Smooth BLUE5KIN HOUSEWRAP BLUE STONE P P Color: Arctic White ICE & WATER SHIELD EXTEND �P �3/4 PLYWOOD SHEATHING 4" REINF. P.C. SLAB �` RIM JOIST ,� 24" PAST INTERIOR WALL � Gc,�' ' W/4�,'WF 6x6 W2.OxW2.0 � R a a e _ Rim joist shall include the air barrier CORNER BOARDS \ 6.8" R49 CLOSED CELL SPRAY FOAM STONE W/4 WW VAPOR BARRIER �\\ Type: Nardi-TRIM, Smooth, " x 5" ; VENEER FLOORS (Including above garage a cantilevered floors) Color: Arctic White ; CAVITY INSULATION Air barrier installed at any exposed edge of insulation DRIP EDGE =I I I'I III I I II I I —I 4' STONE LEDGE z SHAFTS / PENETRATIONS GARAGE SIDING ' _f _ _ Type: 9 I �—III—� I I—) I=I J Duct shafts, utility penetrations, and flue shafts T e: Nardi—PANFt_ Vertirnl Siding hasp material _ _ `t Y with Nardi—TRIM Board & Batten - o_ opening to unconditioned space to be sealed. Color: Arctic White I —III=III=I — ESCAPE WINDOW III= SF T & FILLED (EGRESS COMPLIANT) M CELLAR o RECESSED LIGHTING CHIMNEY & STAIR / STEP RISERS STONE I 2x12 CEILING JST. —III— _ Sealed to the drywall LADDER 0 Type: Connecticut Stone, Thin Stone, Square Cut GUTTERS 4 I I—I I I CELLAR w HVAC REGISTER BOOTS LEDGE _I I — Register boots that penetrate thermal envelop to be Color: Colonial Blue 4 0 FRONT PORCH & PATIOS 2'-Q" - 3 `0 w sealed to subfloor or drywall. Type: g 5/8" GYP. BD. _ i INSULATION CRITERIA T e: Bluestone, NYS, Random Rectangular with SPRAY FOAM Rock Face finish THIS VOID ICE & WATER SHIELD 4 c ILING 1/2" GYP. BD. -FOUNDATION WALL o < a o 1 �i ^I Q Aligned �th air barrier FRONT DOOR, SIDE AND REAR MUDROOM DOORS � � O X Type: Simpson #7504 "Traditional" �_ ON 8"X16" P.C. FOOTING TO 50 GAL. r M Color: Paint - Black TO 3' BELOW GRADE, MINIMUM FLO-WELL WALLS Cavities within corners and headers of frame wails FRONT DOOR SIDELIGHTS I (TYPICAL) shall be fully insulated with material having min. Type: Simpson, #37802 "Traditional" thermal sash, °' 4" CONC. SLAB, R-3 per inch. 2"x6" WD. STUDS OVER VAPOR BARRIER ° b Color: Paint - Black SPRAY FOAM INSULATE 2.8" R20 CLOSED CELL SPRAY FOAM OVER 3" GRAVEL BED RIM JOIST ALL BUTT JOINTED SHEATHING CAVITY INSULATION Rim joist shall be insulated GARAGE ENTRY DOORS & CELLAR ENTRY DOOR Type: Therma-TRU, Fiberglass, Smooth S8311 SPRAY FOAM (Including garage Color; BlackF 3/4' PLYWOOD FLOORS Includin above ara e & cantilevered INSULATION 3/4" T&G 0 floors) / Maintain permanent contact witht he underside of GARAGE DOORS (CAR) _ subfloor Type: Clopay, Cedar Canyon Ridge Series - or 1/2" PLYWOOD SHEATHING Hl M A S O N R Y P A T 1 0 D E T A I L A R E A W A Y D E T A I L RECESSED LIGHTING Equal W DRAINABLE HOUSEWRAP Color: White / BY BENJAMIN OBDYKE 14" TJI FL JST. SCALE: N.T.S. SCALE: N.T.S. Air tight and IC rated GUTTERS TAPE SEAMS W/HYDRO TAPE HVAC REGISTER BOOTS Type: Round, Aluminum See complete Table R402.4.1.1 in 2015 IECC Color: White }` �• CEDAR CLAPBOARD SIDING ` 5/8 GYP. BD. LEADERS Type: Round, Aluminum Color: White �-- Ceilings - Covered Porches Type: Ipe Wood - 1 x6 "V" Groove �— 0 Color: Natural Oil Finish SPRAY FOAM FASCIA, TRIM, CASINGS INSULATION Material: Azak or equal CAULK ADHESIVE Color: White TOP OF FOUNDATION WALL SEALANT (TYP.) „ 8" MIN. ABOVE GRADE MIN. R-21 3/4 FIN. WOOD FLOOR SOFFITS 2"W' ACQ SILL PLATE SPRAY FOAM INSULATION 3/4" PLYWOOD Material: Azek or equal W/TERMITE SHIELD 0 RIM BOARD SUBFLOOR � Color: White COLUMNS Material: HG&B Square, PERMA Cast - Plain with 14" TJI FL JST. G A R A G E poly Tuscan Cop and Base - 12" Color: White 5/8"x18" ANCHOR BOLT 14" TJI 360 F.J. WINDOWS ® 23" O.C. �,—@ 16" O.C. Manufacturer: ANDERSEN OR PELLA - Simulated G R A D E C E L L A R REVISIONS D E S C R I P T I O N divided light, clad 4" BRICK LEDGE PRESSURE TREATED 09 26 23 REDUCED SQ. FOOTAGE Color: Black #5 HOOKED REBAR ,,. SILL. 5/8 sb ANCHOR BOLTS, / / C� 16" O.C. VERTICAL. (GRADE 60) -- -------- { CONTINUOUS TERMITE SHIELD 10/12/23 REDUCED FOOTPRINT LIGHTING - HOUSE FURR OUT WALLS. Manufacturer: Visual Comfort "Darlona" or equal #4 BARS @ J POINTS IN WALL 2.8" CONTINUOUS 10/18/23 UPDATED AS PER COMMENTS Color: Black (HORIZONTAL) (GRADE 60) CLOSED CELL SPRAY FOAM o (6) #5 BARS OVER EXPANSION R20 @ EXIST. I WINDOW OPENING JOINT 10/31/23 CLIENT COMMENTS LIGHTING - ABOVE GARAGE DOORS 2" R10 RIGID INSULATION At\ & NEW FDN. WALLS. (2 ROWS OF 3 BARS) 01/12/24 PROGRESS, ISSUED FOR REVIEW Manufacturer: Visual Comfort "Barn Light" Extra Large OVER " (3mm) CEMENT BASED �. 2x4 WD. STUDS z - J GRADE 01/19/24 CONSTRUCTION DWGS FOR PERMIT REVIEW Color: Black FIBER-REINFORCED @ 16" O.C. W/J" S.R. (TYP.) ca F -- T_ DOOR HARDWARE WATERPROOF COA-ING 0 z y 4" POURED CONCRETE Manufacturer:EMTEK "Mills" Mortise set or equal OR APPROVED EQJAL 1/2 PREMOLDED 17 q PVC WATERSTOP a p O OVER 6 MIL. Finish: Black 12 THERMAL EXPANSION o0 I- I z VAPOR BARRIER 2"x4" KEYWAY JOINT o n OVER 4" GRAVEL BED DRIVEWAY CURB: z Type: Belgium Block a 4 ad a Q 00 U. DRIVEWAY Type: Asphalt - Iav DRIVEWAY 9m Block OVER APRON � "' d• ° 4 a a • a POURED CO POR BARRIER T #5 BARS CONTINUOUS OVER 3" GRAVEL BED FPat rr c a O' N e l l , AIA HOUSE NUMBERS ON CHAIRS (GRADE 60) Type: Neutra Modern Numbers or equal 2'-0' Color: Black A r c h i t e c t 257 Circle Drive Manhasset, NY 11030 REINFORCING FOR Tel: 516-365-1799 TYPICAL WALL SECTION DETAIL CELLAR WINDOWS & DOORS GAR AGE S L A B D E T A I L PROJECT DATE: 08/14/23 SCALE: 3/4" = 1`-0" SCALE: N.T.S. SCALE: N.T.S. NEW CONSTRUCTION : The Psyllos Residence_ 600 Dogwood Lane Mottituck, NY 11952 DWG No. v ' THESE DRAWINGS AND ACCOfIPANYING SPECIFICATIONS, AS INSTRUMENTS OF SERVICE, ARE THE EXCLUSIVE PROPERTY OF THE ARCHITECT AND THEIR USE AND PUBLICATION SHALL BE RESTRICTED TO THE ORIGINAL SITE FOR VMICH THEY WERE PREPARED. REUSE, REPRODUCTION OR PUBLICATION BY ANY METHOD, IN WHOLE OR IN PAP,', IS PROHIBITED EXCEPT BY WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM THE ARCHITECT. TITLE TO THESE PLANS SHALL REI•.1AIN VvITH THE ARCHITECT.VISUAL CONTACT WITH THEM SHALL CONSTITUTE PRIMA FACIE EVIDENCE OF ACCEPTANCE OF THESE RESTRICTIONS. AZEK'S HISTORIC RAMS HEAD EDPM FLAT ROOF PITCH AWAY FROM HOME 14 TIMBER TECH DECK DRAINAGE ATTACHED TO PRESSURE TREATED 4" SNOW STEP SLEEPERS TAPERED TO OFFSET THE 3/4" PLYWOOD ROOF PITCH. W/METAL FLASHING Crosshead Pediment AZEK FINISHED DECK TO BE LEVEL --+- 6" HIGH RAIL (AZM-6216) AMCP04216 36" HIGH METAL POST do RAILS BOLTED TO ROOF' FRAMING II WITH SOLID BLOCKING II PITCH POCKET II 60 mIL EDPM RUBBER II ROOFING MEMBRANE I _ COPPER FLASHING i i T.O. SECOND FLOOR II 2x12 SLEEPERS TAPERED AZEK Casing 5/4X4 C, �Y'J •.,' •.�•�' 4 �:f. ••�.:;..i. •.�. ..i 1', N,• i.• '�„' '•'s h .Z... '•1."��. '.t�'.•y's,• .+• �t: Jc 5" OGEE ALUMINUM GUTTER ,.:.;.,• :•�...•`s.: '�.' t . >':; . +,;: Y `• ::' SOLID BLOCKING TRIM-FASCIA BOARD DOWN TO BEAM ® SLEEPERS. INSULATION MAINTAIN DRAINAGE GAP W12x16 STL BEAM DROP NOTE: HEIGH OF BEAM/ROOF TERRACE DETAIL TO BE FIELD VERIFIED S H 0 P G A R A G E 1HR. RATED o 1HR. RATED 5/8" TYPE X SHEETROCK I 5/8" TYPE X SHEETROCK WALLS & CEILING WALLS & CEILING Historic Sill AZEK (AZM-6930) AMHS02192 AZEK Casing 5/4X4 TYP. WINDOW ELEVATION AZEK Casing 5/4X4 Ul PLAN SECTION LATERAL SECTION R 0 0 F TE R R A C E D E TA I L SCALE: 1/2" = 1'-O" WINDOW & DOOR CASING DETAIL 41" SCALE: N.T.S Maximum Handrails shall be Projection provided on at least one side of the stairway with two or more risers. All 1 „ required handrails shall Max. 2" be continuous the full Min. 1 Min. length of stairs from a " Clearance point directly above the top riser of a flight to a point directly above the lowest riser of the flight. Ends shall be J REVISIONS D E S C R I P T I O N returned and terminate 09/26/23 REDUCED SQ. FOOTAGE in newel post or safety terminals. CONTINUOUS 10/12/23 REDUCED FOOTPRINT HANDRAIL 10/18/23 UPDATED AS PER COMMENTS 10/31/23 CLIENT COMMENTS 01/12/24 PROGRESS, ISSUED FOR REVIEW HANDRAIL DETAIL 01/19/24 CONSTRUCTION DWGS FOR PERMIT REVIEW SCALE: N.T.S. �4 MI DOUBLE HEADER 1 " FIRESTOP Water Closet /or Bidet 1'-3" = rn c Wall Wall Wall = o z Maximum Nosing Radius 9/16" O Patricia O'Neill , AIA O I 60 Maximum o N TUB I Nosing Radius " /� r C h e C 5hcwer Aid N 25 7 Circle Drive Manhasset, NY 11030 2 2'-6" '-0" _ °; TERMINATE Tel: 516-365-1799 ) IN SAFETY Open Risers ° MIN. Clearance I ° TERMINAL in front Less Than 4" c� of opening = PROJECT DATE: 08/14/23 • Riser < 71 10 Openings for required • Tread > 10" I Floor of Landing guards shall not allow a • Variance < Min. F 41"'o Sphere to Pass NEW CONSTRUCTION :Ll _t+- Tread Through • Nosing Projection J"-1j" Depth The Psyllos Residence- SolidTUBSolid Oak Treads &Rires (typ.) Nosing projection required 600 Dogwood Lane 2Q f _ Nosing projection required Minimum i" STAIR FABRICATOR M a t t i t u c k , NY 11952 LWall Minimum " Maximum 1i" TO PROVIDE SHOP DRAWINGS Maximum 1 " SOLID PINE FOR FINAL APPROVAL DWG No. STRINGERS & RISERS C, `ova N1. 0A , BATHROOM FIXTURE CLEARANCES STAIR TREADS & RISERS S T A I R D E T A I L SCALE: N.T.S. SCALE: N.T.S. SCALE: N.T.S. , a" THESE DRAWINGS AND ACCOMPANYING SPECIFICATIONS, AS INSTRUMENTS OF SERVICE, ARE THE EXCLUSIVE PROPERTY OF THE ARCHITECT AND THEIR USE AND PUBLICATION SHALL BE RESTRICTED TO THE ORIGINAL SITE FOR WHICH THEY WERE PREPARED. REUSE, REPRODUCTION OR PUBLICATION BY ANY METHOD, IN WHOLE OR IN PART, ►S PROHIBITED EXCEPT BY WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM THE ARCHITECT. TITLE TO THESE PLANS SHALL REMAIN WITH THE ARCHITECT.VISUAL CONTACT WITH THEM SHALL CONSTITUTE PRIMA FACIE EVIDENCE OF ACCEPTANCE OF THESE RESTRICTIONS. 2'-0" 23-7j ~ INSULATION: 0Ell COLUMN AND FOOTING °` LL ° ° I 0 6" x 6" standard steel column on 36"x36"x18"D a _ - __ - - ° p - - - = v a 2 CELLAR R10 RIGID ALLS FO M EXTERIOR P.C. footing with (3) #5 Bars both ways. • r _ - - - - - - - z 0 1.9 R13 CLOSED CELL SPRAY FOAM l 0 F2 COLUMNS AND FOOTING CONTINUOUS 0 6" X 6" standard steel column and (2) 3j"O C E L L A R P L A N z 3 .318 steel columns on 36"x48"x18"D P.C. footing EXTERIOR WALLS with (3) #5 Bars both ways. 2.8" R20 CLOSED CELL SPRAY FOAM I I SCALE: 1/4 = 1 -0 w ® 46,-8 CAVITY INSULATION 13'-0" F3 COLUMN AND FOOTING 17'-9" = I I 68o R49 CLOSED CELL SPRAY FOAMS see column on x x footing OF I I with (3) #5 bars both ways. CAVITY INSULATION 4 FLOOR ABOVE GARAGE ESCAPE WINDOW WELLS 1 I I ( FOOTING AND FOUNDATION I 9.6" R38 CLOSED CELL SPRAY FOAM CAVITY INSULATION C , I - - FOOTING '� I I I f— -_ _ 8" x 16" Reinforced concrete. (3) #5 bars. I PATIO, FRONT PORCH MUDROOM ENTRANCE, _ _ _ _ FOOTING AND FOUNDATION FOUNDATION I I ( 1 8" wide with following reinforcing: I 1 1- - - - - » I FINISH I I - - - Vertical Reinforcing: #5 hooked rebar at 4 OC 36" BELOW GRADE I Bluestone with stone face / risers Top of wall reinforcing: (2) #5 continuou , -\\ COLUMN LOAD f 3" from edge 8" W x 18"D P.C. (TYP.) FOOTING TRENCH FOOTING Bottom of wall reinforcing: (2) #5 bars, ontin�us. f 8" x 16" reinforced concrete. 3 5 bars. 3" from edges. ­ F SEE DETAIL ( ) # - - - ( - - -' - - - "-' -' - - "- - - - - � I orizon a r In orcln ars, co inuous a - • , • • ° ��� .° • ° _� ANCHOR AND BOND TO EXISTING FOUNDATION ° 0 - _ - up, 9 q ; U ,h WITH #5 REBARS 012" O.C. VERTICAL Reinforced with #5 hooked rebar @ 24" O.C. N 1 I J = (TYPICAL) I ( I I I �^�^" .._..^�^ i•- -sl -- -----'-------------- I ------------------------ ------I 4LABinforced slab with WWF 6x6 W2.0x2.0 Z I I I L���L. ° _ - - -- - - -- - - - - -- -- - - - .1 2 HOUSE FOOTING AND FOUNDATION i 14'-8 I , ° .a ^ ° d ° • I A9 FOOTING O� I I NUMBER OF STE S 2'-0" I '° ° I 12"x24' poured concrete with (3) #SBors on chairs. Hold = I 0_ TO BE DETERMIN-D 2 - - -" --' -"'- "-- - - - -- -- -- - ` `� 3" from edges. 1 i I � I �° I 36" HIGH RAIL ON SITE FOUNDATION • I I I I I ° I 12" wide 0 I I R CE SED 1 I ( ° I STEP LIGHTS q! I I I i I Vertical reinforcing: #5 hooked rebar ot*24" OC in I I I 18" I WELL COMPACTED I I I Top of wall reinforcing: (2) #5 continuous, 3" from edges. I I I I o f I I I Bottom of wall reinforcing: 2 " i POROUS FILL I I I I I from edges t ) #5 bars, continuous. 3 M I 1 4 I I ° Horizontal reinforcing: N (RAISED PATIO} I I I I g: #5 bars, Continuous at z'-o" O.C. CV I ( ° I I I I I I j I I ON GRADE B HAUNCH FOOTING AT HOUSE TRAP / 3 CAR THIN STONE ^ I i I i SEPTIC I I WALL ( ( I . ° G A R A G E I I I 1 I I I I o Locate as required to connect to low—line septic. I < Z I • I I I I M H AN I L a N CELLAR SLAB m SLAB I W8x35 f AREA Z<o UNEXCAVATED I I I P I .4" reinforced concrete slab with WWF 6x6 W2.0x2.0 N ( LO I ( I I PROVIDE 1HR RATED 5/8" ( I over 4 mil. vapor barrier over 4 gravel. ! Z w o I I n UP I I I TYPE "X" GYP. BD. I ° I w 5 g 5 I ° (y ( I I ON CEILING ABOVE FURNACE Control Joint: locate maximum 20' x 20' area. a O Z I ' I I I I I FOR AT LEAST 3'-0" 1 I I & ON ALL SIDES I I Expansion Joint: Provide re-molded expansion joint l 0 0 6" NWC OVER W8x35 I I f I a p p p 1 CELLAR - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- _ -I ! I filler at perimeter of slab. 3 VULCRAFT METAL DECK I I PATIO ° - � I ( ;r, I CONCRETE 5,000 PSI a ° a d I I I I W/6x6 WWM I I I • d ° ° C a ° ° ° ° ° r� N I I I ( Ie-- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - -- - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - -1 - - - - - - - -- - - I r THIN STONE I _1 (6) #5 BARS I o I I I I W8x35 WALL I OVER WINDOW ( ° 6'-0" (SEE DETAIL SHEET Al2) I ( — I A-/ I I co —4 I FOOTING I T✓ ! ' _ STEEL BEAM NOTE: I I w o s I ALL STEEL BEAMS TO HAVE M I I I 36" BELOW--{- I W8x35 GRADE I I ' o=v im 1 af I 1 1 PRE-DRILLED4" BOLT OIN TOP FLANGE C L - - - - - - - -- � ' 14 TJf �360 F.J. L DOUBLE UP JOIST UNDER o . 4 � I KITCHEN ISLAND AND ALL ra-! FAREAS LOOR. WITH TILE FIN. oo = @ 16 O.C. a I a r - WINDOW & DOOR _ ca = I o TING I 8'-0" HDR. HT. {6) BARS I I ° . = I I I TYP. OV DOOR C R @ i'_i 3'-0' 8» L - - - - - - �- - - - - _ - --� I ( ) EE DETAIL} I - - - - - - I i 90»C Ht.ot I °,4 ° x ►- - - - - -- -- -I- - - -M - - - - - - -, ° I D � �� J 11 -0" I 8" 1'-4" I I �- I 1 I REVISIONS D E S C R I P T I O N i i • I 09/26/23 REDUCED SQ. FOOTAGE SD CM I I °D 10/12/23 REDUCED FOOTPRINT A 1'_0, 1 " I ® I " I I 1 10/18/23 UPDATED AS PER COMMENTS » 12'-11 '" M' 16 -5 I 1 -0 A9 10/31/23 CLIENT COMMENTS -0 ( I EQ. EQ. E0. EQ. " I I r "I r-` --I r—` 11 I I I I 01/12/24 PROGRESS, ISSUED FOR REVIEW 14 TJI 360 F.J. F2 I F1 I I F1 I I F1 I F2 ' ( ° ( @ 16" O C —+—_-W12x40 DROP -`- - -i _- W12x40— DROP — _ W12x40_DR_0P_� - - — -W12x40 DROP -_—+- I I W CV I i a . I I I I I I I I I>- T 1 I I I I 06/18/24 1 AMENDMENT L----J - t-tJ I I I-----J I I I 3-0" 8" I \-ANCHOR & BOND TRENCH FOOTING ( I -�--� - _ W/#5 REBA S @12" O.C. VERTICAL I I I I L--I--� (TYPICAL) I ( I I (-" , I I I�'r_� ( ^ <0 MZ I I a 0 d o0 Cn z I UJ l (� L o a a N 12'-0" ! I I F�L(2) 1x14 I--F31 i�I t_ o o Q I I ° i LL- LVL FLusH i I I I 8"w x18"D P.C. I I "' M = _ ' X ,� cn cn .-�►� 12 REINF. Patricia O'Neill AIA TRENCH FOOTING i L — — ——— — — — — — -- -- - -�_ -> ® i u R 'n i POURED CONCRETE r- - - -' 7 SEE DETAIL ° ° ° ° • ° I r R ( i FOUNDATION WALL ( =o I + + • 4 , �; (SEE DETAIL & NOTES) I M I ° ° A r C h 1 1 e C 1 • - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - 1 I - - -- - - - - - - - -- - - J (2) 1x14 ' - - I 257 Circle Drive Manhasset, NY 11030 ANCHOR AND BOND TO EXISTING ( I X LVL FLUSH I X ( °, ° , 4 ° ° ° .y I Tel: 516-365-1799 ' I °` d° ° ` o WITH #5 REBARS ®12" O.C. VERTICAL I ° ( ' ' 1 I ° ;.� N (TYPICAL) ( I v N I I .. (- - - - - -- - - - - - --- - - - - - 36 BELOW GRADE I a I ( ( I ! I = PROJECT DATE: 08/14/23 COLUMN LOAD 8» (TYP.) 4 I °,d — —— — — — — — — —— — — — — — — __ _ _ _ _ - -L- - - -- - - - _ J NEW CONSTRUCTION . The__ PsyllosResidence WELL COMPACTED I ° .ti ° • ° 4I °POROUS FILL L _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ L _ _ _ �_ _ - - - - - - - _ - - - - - - - - T - _ - - - - _ _ _ _ - - 4. °d N (RAISED PATIO) I ° ° < � ° ` ' • `d ° �. °4 I I 0 600 Dogwood Lane 9 Z. I Mattituck, NY 11952 1 ° 2' 0 1 2, 0" //�� 2. 0" 2' 0" 1 3'-74- 16'-04" O 16'-0l" 16'—g�" 23'-0' L GGGGGG 15'-3" LLLLLL 17-1 DWG No. ANCHOR & BOND TRENCH FOOTING �GF�D = W/#5 REBARS @12" O.C. VERTICAL = 8" W x 18"D P.C. Gw �\ o Fr.-71 o Fr: v :�. o �::�. v ( ) r; o TRENCH FOOTING ��-- F rr. I TYPICAL �:- , �- u � , �, } ° ° a a _� � ' cv SEE DETAIL LOCASEPTTION 1. �� : l _ l.! V L-, 4 ld f 101 � 20556 yp� LLM D NG DErT. OP N E� THESE DRAWINGS AND ACCOMPANYING SPECIFICATIONS, AS INSTRU1,1ENTS OF SERVICE, ARE THE EXCLUSIVE PROPERTY OF THE ARCHITECT AND THEIR USE AND PUBLICATION SHALL BE RESTRICTED TO THE ORIGINAL SITE FOR WHICH THEY WERE PREPARED. REUSE, REPRODUCTION OR PUBLICATION BY ANY METHOD, IN WHOLE OR IN PART, IS PROHIBITED EXCEPT BY WRITTEN PERh3ISS10N FROM THE ARCHITECT. TITLE TO THESE PLANS SHALL REMAIN WITH THE ARCHITECT.VISUAL CONTACT WITH THEM SHALL CONSTITUTE PRIMA FACIE EVIDENCE OF ACCEPTANCE OF RE TRICTIONS. \ LINE OF CAI RAC CEILING 12 - - ASPHALT ROOF 14 (TYPICAL THROUGHOUT) I -- ASPHALT ROOF ASPHALT ROOF �- - - ROUND - - - — -— - -- -.—.. --- -- —_ ALUMINUM GUTTERS (TYPICAL THROUGHOUT) 9'-0" PLATE HEIGHT 9'-0" PLATE HEIGHT 7'-0" T.U. WINDOWS a SFF TYP. TE 4P. ASPHALT ROOF o a) o WINDOW & DOOR co I SURROUND DETAIL 11 .LL I I 12 I STA ING SEAM METAL ROC- T.O. SEC I T.O. SECOND FLOOR,, FLOOR I t3�— — ------ ------ —i— — -- — — — — ---- ------ —a--- ------ ----- — — — 11'-2" PLATE HEIGHT - I -0" -'1�-------- - - - --- ------ - —�� -- =T ---------- --- - - -- - -- --_- -_---- - - - - � _ 10 CLG. HEIGHT I i I I I 0 E`-d �, / I \ HARDI-PLANK HARDI TRIM I J I \ \ ► i / \ 7" SMOOTH SIDING & N BOARD & BATTEN j \ k �/ Do \\! - HARDI TRIM o I SMOOTH CORNER BD. o I I i J%5.5" 1 - I 1 I i I I I o ! I 12"1 (TYPICAL THROUGHOUT) 00 (U.O.N.) 1-1 -- -—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—- - --------------------------- --- / --- --------------------------- ------ \ / ------- T.O. FIRST FLOOR T.O. GARAGE SLAB `� --- -- - - - - -- — — - — - - - -- -- - - -- -- - - - - - - -- - _ - 1 — — — --—- r —r — —t — — --_—__-- --_—..-_..____—_...__— - - _ - - _ _ 9'-0" CLG. HEIGHT y - _ — ----- THIN STONE VENEER HS&G PERMA CAST CAD ALL EXPOSED RISERS 12" SQUARE SMOOTH 8'-0" T.O. 4'uTNDOWS FRONT ELEVATION {TYPICAL) COLUMNS (TYP., — — ---- ESCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" I (V O cl, THIN STONE 12 , VENEER 00 �7 T.O. CELLAR SLAB ------------ -- REVISIONS DESCRIPT I O N - 09/26/23 REDUCED SO. FOOTAGE ---_-----__ 10/12/23 REDUCED FOOTPRINT 9'-0_' PLATE HEIGHT- 10/18/23 UPDATED AS PER COMMENTS 8'-0" T.O. W9 D0',^:S 10/31/23 CLIENT COMMENTS 01/12/24 PROGRESS, ISSUED FOR REVIEW 06/18/24 1 AMENDMENT c4 O ( 00 12 3 T.O. SECOND FLOOR — — — - 10'-0" CLG. HEIGHT Patricia eiII , AlA - - 8'-0" T.O. W9ND0V,'S -------. -- ----1 ----- ---------- A r c h i t e c t c I --- - 257 Circle Drive Manhasset, NY 11030 0 Tel: 516-365-1799 TEMP. TEMP. o I a, PROJECT DATE: 08/14/23 NEW CONSTRUCTION : I T.O. FIRST FLOOR The Psyllos Residence 9'-0" CLG. HEIGHT THIN STONE VENEER I I I I 1 1 I ( I 600 Dogwood Lane @ ALL EXPOSED RISERS 17'-0" (TYPICAL) I I I I I I I i i 8'-0" T.O. WlNDOGti'S M a t t i t u c k, NY 119 ,52 I I li! ,rt1 111 l I ( I II' /-,t1 III i I II;—I——111 I I I l I H' i lil I I I I II! ( III I I I I _ O1^,+G No. — i i Dsv-A-&%CR I G H T S I D E E L E V A T I O N I _—A 1�I�\ ra pi t 4'=0" I ro 4' 0" 00 SCALE: 1 4" 1'-0" — 0 rEL�-r ---�,si-, 0 �T- --- � I I iz � L—Jamc0 L_J It L—JiD L_J _ _ _ _ _ _ ___________ _ __ ___ _ _ T.O. CELLAR SLAB —————————----------------------------- ------------- -- -- ---- --- ------ —--�- , ,J-I L__J THESE DRAWINGS AND ACCOMPANYING SPECIFICATIONS, AS INSTRUMENTS OF SERVICE, ARE THE EXCLUSIVE PROPERTY OF THE ARCHITECT AND THEIR USE AND PUBLICATION SHALL BE RESTRICTED TO THE ORIGINAL SITE FOR WICH THEY lh`ERE PREPARED. REUSE, REPRODUCTION OR PUBLICATION BY ANY METHOD, IN WHOLE OR IN PART, IS PROHIBITED EXCEPT BY WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM THE ARCHITECT. TITLE TO THESE PLANS SHALL REMAIN WITH THE ARCHITECT."SUAL CONTACT VATH THEM SHALL CONSTITUTE PRIMA FACIE EVIDENCE OF ACCEPTANCE OF THESE RESTRICTIONS. E THIN STONE VENEERASPHALT ROOF ASPHALT ROOF ASPHALT ROOF (TYPICAL THROUGHOUT) ---—-—-—-—- 4 9'-0" PLATE HEIGHT -- ---- 8'-0" T.O. WINDOWS 9'-0" HEIGHT 7'-0" T.O. WINDOWS 0 OG G ±G JG 0 ASPHALT ROOF rn 00 Co LL -1-111111 1 111 177 _TT_rTTTTT­T_j__I_j_I I III IITTT --MirtlA*IIT-FTTFT-T'1'1'1Ir-l-FI-1- STANDING '.,EAM META . ROOF T.O. SECOND FLOOR --- T.O. SECOND FLOOR 10'-0" CLG. HEIGHT 11'-2" PLATE HEIGHT 8'-0" T.O. WINDOWS 0 0 0 0 0 7'-0" T.O. AINDUS -PLANK HARDI C1 7" SMOOTH SIDING 0 0 ED HARDI TRIM J) _1;A__ SMOOTH CORNER BD. C14 -1 J'x5.5" 00 (TYPICAL THROUGHOUT) I I Lj (U.O.N,) 1 j ----------- 0 — HARD] TRIM OUTDOOR BBQ- BOARD & BATTEN T.O. FI RST FLOOR H7� I r7�771 'r' �= 11747 9'-0" CLG. HEIGHT T.O. GARAGE SLAB HB&G PERMA CAST THIN STONE VENEER 12" SQUARE SMOOTH @ ALL EXPOSED RISERS 8'-0" T.O. WINDOWS COL UMNS (TYP.,) (TYPICAL) 8'-0" HEADER HT. 0 - 01 REAR ELEVATION 1 1 �'c 0 SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" 0 1 11 LL--_LJ1 00 ^00 CELLAR SLAB T.O. CELLAR SLAB El❑ --- --------------------- L J L J REVISIONS D E S C R I P T ION 09/26/23 REDUCED SO. FOOTAGE 1012/23 REDUCED FOOTPRINT 10/18/23 UPDATED AS PER COMMENTS 10/31/23 CLIENT COMMENTS 01/12/24 PROGRESS, ISSUED FOR REVIEW 06/18/24 1 AMENDMENT ---------- 9'-0" PLATE HEIGHT 8*-0" PLATE HEIGHT 7'-0" T.O. WINDOWS Lr- T P. 0 0 I Patricia O'Neill , AIA Co 00 _ ___ _____ _j 12 257 Circle Drive Manhasset, NY 11030 SECOND FLOOR STANC NG SEAM ETAL ROO v 25 Tel: 516-365-1799 T.O. SECOND FLOOR ---tM--]E _tl ------ 10'-0" CLG. HEIGHT 7_77- 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 HARDI TRIM 0 ThePsyIlosResidence BOARD & BATTEN 7 c' FT7 600 Dogwood Lane Co Mottituck, NY 11952 _Oi - ----- L 1)VIG No. T.O. FIRST FLOOR UA I h KC 4jt- Ld ��A _O" CLG. HEIGHT THIN STONE VENEER HB&G PERMA CAST @ ALL EXPOSED RISERS 12" SQUARE SMOOTH (TYPICAL) 8'-0*' T.O. WINDOWS LEFT SIDE E L E V A T 1 0 IN COLUMNS (TYP.) .?055ro 0 SCALE: 1 /4" For r t4c-\O ? THESE DRAVYINGS AND ACCOfIPANYING SPECIFICATIONS, AS INSTRULIONTS OF SERVICE, ARE THE EXCLUSIVE PROPERTY OF THE ARCHITECT AND THEIR USE AND PUBLICATION SHALL BE RESTRICTED TO THE ORIGINAL SITE FOR WHICH THEY vvERE PREPARED. REUSE, REPRODUCTION OR PUBLICATION BY ANY METHOD, IN WHOLE OR IN PART, IS PROHIBITED EXCEPT BY WRITTEN PERI'JISSION FRCII THE ARCHITECT. TITLE TO THESE PLANS SHALL REMAIN WITH THE ARCHITECT ASUAL CONTACT WITH THEM SHALL CONSTITUTE PRII,1A FACIE EVIDENCE OF ACCEPTANCE OF THESE RESTRICTIONS. D 0 0 R S C H E D U L E No. SIZE TYPE HAND HARDWARE COMMENTS 3080 A R MORTISE LOCK _ 12 (0'��� �" Q 8080 B R MORTISE LOCK 7 03 2080 C L PASSAGE 2080 C R PASSAGE �. 2880 C L PASSAGE --- - ----_ �, ----------- '� 8'-_O" PLATE HEIGHT 2680 C R PRIVACY 8'-_0" T.O. WINDOWS 2680 D R PASSAGE C$o 5080 E R/L POCKET DOOR HEAVY DUTY SELF CLOSE �J 2680 C R PRIVACY 0 I 10 2680 C L PRIVACY 0 36" HIGH RAIL 11 2680 C R PRIVACY 12 2680 F - POCKET DOOR HEAVY DUTY SELF CLOSE T.O. SECOND FLOOR 13 2680 C R PASSAGE - - - _ 10'-0" CLG. HEIGHT 14 2680 C L PRIVACY 15 2680 F - POCKET DOOR HEAVY DUTY SELF - CLOSE 8'-0" T.O. V_dINQO_VVS 16 2680 C L PASSAGE � - - 1] 3080 G R MORTISE LOCK 0 18 3080 H L HEAVY DUTY SELF JHR FPSC DOOR HARDI TRIP, aI CLOSE AND FRAME BOARD R BATTEN f 1 g 3080 G R MORTISE LOCK co 20 3080 G L MORTISE LOCK 21 8080 ► O/H 22 8080 1 O/H = T.O. FIRST FLOOR— _= 9'_0_' CLG. HEIGHT - 23 8080 1 O/H MORTISE LOCK = -_ _ 24 METAL STAIR 33080 G L �_� J o o `- o - oo W/BLUESTONE TREADS 8'-0" T.O. wINDo^es & OPEN RISERS. 25 30a0 H L HEAVY DUTY SELF JHR FPSC DOOR oo �o _ T - - 0o CLOSE AND FRAMEo r o-�` J� `� �LJ�0"1� {NUMBER OF STEPS T.B.D. 26 2670C L PRIVACY o1�_ �/`� 0000 ON SITE} 27 DUMMY / MAGNET/L r t✓ t AZEK PANEL ( o � I IN �� oo-o � r I � STONE RISERS. 0 5070 J R o W (NUMBER OF STEPS T.B.U. 0 2470 C R PRIVACY I I ON SITE) wl 29 2670 C L PASSAGE I "o P�o i �o I I 30 2670 C R PRIVACY I` oo5_ Jt�o�l` �o� 1 I T.O. CELLAR_ SLAB_ 31 5070 J R/L DUMMY / MAGNET 32 2470 C R PRIVACY 33 2670 C R PASSAGE 34 2670 C R PRIVACY 35 2670 C R PASSAGE 36 2670 F _ POCKET DOOR HEAVY DUTY SELF rE1 T R U E E L E V A T 1 0 N 26T0 C L PRIVACY CLOSESCALE: 1/4" 1'-0" 3$ 2670 C R PRIVACY REVISIONS DESCRIPT I O N 39 26i'0 F _ POCKET DOOR HEAVY DUTY SELF 09 26/23 REDUCED SQ. FOOTAGE CLOSE 4Q 2670 F - POCKET DOOR HEAVY DUTY SELF 10/12/23 REDUCED FOOTPRINT CLOSE 10/18/23 UPDATED AS PER COMMENTS 41 5070 J R/L DUMMY / MAGNET 10/31/23 CLIENT COMMENTS 42 2870 C R PASSAGE 01 12 24 PROGRESS, ISSUED FOR REVIEW 43 28-70 C L PRIVACY 06/18/24 1 AMENDMENT W I N D O W & P A T 1 0 DOOR S C H E D ULE E Q U I P M E N T S C H E D U L E ALL WINDOWS BY ANDERSEN — 400 SERIES, SIMULATED DIVIDED LIGHTS ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT MAKE MODEL SIZE REQUIREMENTS No. CATALOG No. ROUGH OPENING T Y P E COMMENTS 0o WASHER WDH 210510 3'-OY" X 6'-0�/8" DH 2/2 EGRESS COMPLIANT i i o2 DRYER Patricia O' Neill , AIA E B B* WDH 2i0410 3'-OYB�� X 5'-0�/8" DH 2/2 g* TEMPERED L SS 3 REFRIGERATOR A r c h i t e c t WDH 210310 3 -O� X 4 -0j OH 2/2 i cc REFRIGERATOR Circle Drive Manhasset, LJoo FWH 6080 6'-0" X 8'-0' FRENCH DOOR 2/2 257 Di Mh t NY U05 OVENS 11030 AWX 31 3'-0�" x 3'-0j" AWNING 2W/2H Tel: 516-365-1799 DISHWASHER of F* WDH 28510 2'-10Y8" X 6'-07/8" DH 2/2 F* TEMPERED I j1 PROPANE STOVE PROJECT DATE: 08/14/23 TruStile TS2060 POCKET DOOR O AW 251 2'-4j" X 2'-4j" AWNING 2W/2H with square sticking, oD O TruStile are sticking, O EXHAUST NEW c �✓ flat panel. with square sticking, O N S T R U C T I O N ` flat panel. O WDH 24310 2'-6A" X 4'-0j" DH 2/2 O U/C WINE � of WDH 21042 3'-0A" X 4'-4j" DH 2/2 COORDINATE WfKITCHEN The Psyllos Residence DESIGN 10 ICE MAKER OFWG 12080 11'-94" X a'-O" GLIDING PATIO DOOR 2W/2H 11 PROPANE FIREPLACE 600 Dogwood Lane CX 24 5'-3j" X 4'-0j" CASEMENT 2/2 EGRESS COMPLIANT 12 PROPANE FIREPLACE M a t t I t u C k , NY 11952 CX 14 2'-8" X 4'-04" CASEMENT 2/2 EGRESS COMPLIANT PROPANE BBQ FWH 3180 S 3'-1" X 8'-0" SIDELIGHT 2/2 WITHOC ROOF TERRACE OWG No. i o 00 j cap ,�\0. N1. O- 3/4 HOUR FPSC DOOR & FRAME TruStile TS2060 � 0 o TruStile TS2060 0 o with square sticking, �YT 2 o55 POCKET DOOR with square sticking. flat pone[. �OF flat panel. THESE DRAWINGS AND ACCOMPANYING SPECIFICATIONS, AS INSTRUMENTS OF SERVICE, ARE THE EXCLUSIVE PROPERTY OF THE ARCHITECT AND THEIR USE AND PUBLICATION SHALL BE RESTRICTED TO THE ORIGINAL SITE FOR V,"ICH THEY WERE PREPARED. REUSE, REPRODUCTION OR PUBLICATION BY ANY METHOD, IN WHOLE OR IN PART, IS PROHIBITED EXCEPT BY WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM THE ARCHITECT. TITLE TO THESE PLANS SHALL REMAIN WITH THE ARCHITECT.ASUAL CONTACT V,1TH THEM SHALL CONSTITUTE PRIMA FACIE EVIDENCE OF ACCEPTANCE OF THESE RESTRICTIONS. i� \ 8'-0" PLATE HEIGHT --.8'-0" PLATE HEIGHT 8'-0" T.O. WINDOWS 7'-0" T.O. WNDOWS - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- EDPM FLAT ROOF A T T I C S T 0 R A G E PITCH AWAY FROM HOME 0 o AZEK DECK ATOP 00 /36- HIGH RAIL TAPERED SLEEPERS 12 I,C_ SECOND FLOOR I T.O. SECOND FLOOR 14 TJI 360 F.J. 16 O.C. —0 10 CLG. HEIGHT 117/8" TJI 360 F.J. @ 16" O.C. SEE DETAIL_/ SHEET A13 W12x16 DROP — — — — — — — — — — — -- — — SHOP rcq CV 3 C A R I C) G A R A G E IIHIR. RATED -44 1HR. RATED 00 5/8" TYPE X SHEETROCK 5/8" TYPE X SHEETROCK WALLS & CEILING WALLS & CEILING T.O. FIRST FLOOR -—-—-—-—- -—-—-—--- -W-----] W 9'-0" CLG. HEIGHT IF 8'-0" T.O. WINDOWS CROSS SECTION 3 SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" T.O. CELLAR SLAB N 12 7 CT. Ell REVISIONS DESCRIPT ION 09/26/23 REDUCED SQ. FOOTAGE I—11m 10/12/23 REDUCED FOOTPRINT 10/18/23 UPDATED AS PER COMMENTS 10/31/23 CLIENT COMMENTS 01/12/24 PROGRESS, ISSUED FOR REVIEW Q ED R 0 0 M ATTIC Q E D R 0 0 M 06/18/24 AJAMENDMENT 2 CLOSET STAIR CLOSET 3 12 —A 10'-0" CLG. HEIGHT 8'-0" T.O. WINDOWS Patricia O' Neill , AIA 3 W/1" STIL. PLT. HDR. -�'�31-xgj" LVL J'x9j" LVL A r c h i t e c t 257 Circle Drive Manhasset, NY 11030 0 TV 0 TV 0 L I V I N Q .1 0 .1 .1 OPEN ROOM Tel: 516-365-1799 .1 00 u PROJECT DAM 08/14/23 NEW CONSTRUCTION : 0. FIRST FLOOR 4- The Psyllos Residence 600 Dogwood Lane Mattituck, NY 119S2 Q E L L A R L) "Aix U "A DWG No. tx �.A CROSS SECTION 4 e SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" 5 5 ' 10 1:- THESE DRAWINGS AND ACCOMPANYING SPECIFICATIONS, AS INSTRUMENTS OF SERVICE, ARE THE EXCLUSIVE PROPERTY OF THE ARCHITECT AND THEIR USE AND PUBLICATION SHALL BE RESTRICTED TO THE ORIGINAL SITE FOR VMICH THEY WERE PREPARED. REUSE, REPRODUCTION OR PUBLICATION BY ANY METHOD, IN WHOLE OR IN PART, IS PROHIBITED EXCEPT BY WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM THE ARCHITECT. TITLE TO THESE PLANS SHALL REMAIN VY'ITH THE ARCHITECT.VISUAL CONTACT VATH THEM SHALL CONSTITUTE PRIIAA FACIE EVIDENCE OF ACCEPTANCE OF THESE RESTRICTIONS, TABLE R402.4.1 EXTERIOR' MATERIAL LIST AIR BARRIER AND INSULATION ROOF INSTALLATION Type: Certainteed Landmark Color: Moire Black ASPHALT ROOFING AIR BARRIER CRITERIA REAR CEILING ATTIC Type:T & Standing OSeam Metal FIRSTFIRST Aligned �th insulation Color: Black FLOOR WALLS SIDING — HOUSE ��F�-� �„ " 1ST FLOOR OPERABLE GRILLE Junction of foundation and sill plate to be sealed Type: Nardi—PLANK 7" Exposure, Smooth ��,5 � , BLUESKIN HOUSEWRAP Junction of top plate and exterior walls to be sealed. Color: Arctic White ICE & WATER SHIELD EXTEND P BLUE STONE j 3/4" PLYWOOD SHEATHING 4" REINF. P.C. SLAB RIM JOIST 24" PAST INTERIOR WALL \Oc, W/WWF 6x6 W2.0xW2.0 0 R A 0 E Rim joist shall include the air barrier CORNER BOARDS 6.8" R49 CLOSED CELL SPRAY FOAM STCNE W/4MIL. VAPOR BARRIER Type: Hardi—TRIM, Smooth, J" x 5" ; VENEER FLOORS (Including above garage & cantilevered floors) Color: Arctic White ; CAVITY INSULATION ` ! Air barrier installed at any exposed edge of insulation DRIP EDGE ; —' ' 4" STONE GARAGE SIDING —� ; =III=III=III=III— — LEDGE z SHAFTS / PENETRATIONS Type: Hardi—PANEL Vertical Siding base material •� ; `'I I (—III-I I (—III—I _ < Duct shafts, utility penetrations, and flue shafts with Hardi—TRIM Board & Batten ' a opening to unconditioned space to be sealed. Color: Arctic White ' —III=III=I — ESCAPE WINDOW i (EGRESS COMPLIANT) o CELLAR RECESSED LIGHTING I I� T & FILLED U CHIMNEY & STAIR / STEP RISERS STONE ; 2x12 CEILING JST. Sealed to the drywall Type: Connecticut Stone, Thin Stone, Square Cut 4"� III=III— LADDER GUTTERS LECGE C E L L A R w HVAC REGISTER BOOTS Color: Colonial Blue _ a o✓ "— Register boots that penetrate thermal envelop to be FRONT PORCH & PATIOS 2'-0" — — — — — — — — — — 3 —0" w sealed to subfloor or drywall. Type: Bluestone, NYS, Random Rectangular with SPRAY FOAM �5/8" GYP. BD. a` Rack Face finish THIS VOID ICE & WATER SHIELD I — — — — —_ _ — — — INSULATION CRITERIA 1/2 GYP. BD. 8" RF- A - -EIN. P.C. c � x l Q CEILING /th TICair barrier FRONT DOOR, SIDE AND REAR MUDROOM DOORSION + + 1 X Type: Simpson #7504 "Traditional" ^� OONU8DX16" P.C. FOOTING TO 50 GAL.WALL t �O ) 2 Color: Paint — Black - TO 3' BELO^�+ GRADE, MINIMUM WALLS �, FLO—WELL FRONT DOOR SIDELIGHTS Traditional thermal sash I (TYPICAL) Cavities within corners and headers of frame walls " �- a' 4" ICAL)CON SLAB, d a shall be fully insulated with material having min. Type: Simpson, #37802 , OVER VAPOR BARRIER a R-3 per inch. I 2 x6 WD. STUDS SPRAY FOAM INSULATE 2,8 R20 CLOSED CELL SPRAY FOAM Rim joist shall be insulated Color: Paint — Black �° OVER 3" GRAVEL BED RIM JOIST ALL BUTT JOINTED SHEATHING GARAGE ENTRY DOORS & CELLAR ENTRY DOOR CAVITY INSULATION Type: Therma—TRU, Fiberglass, Smooth S8311 SPRAY FOAM 3/4" PLYWO FLOORS (Including above garage & cantilevered Color: Black flors INSULATION 3/4" T&G OM Maintain permanent contact witht he underside of GARAGE DOORS (CAR) subfloor Type: Clopay, Cedar Canyon Ridge Series — or 1/2" PLYWOOD SHEATHING M A S O N R Y P A T 1 0 D E T A I L A R E A W A Y D E T A I LEqual RECESSED LIGHTING Color: White W/DRAINABLE HOUSEWRAP ` 14" TJI FL JST. Air tight and IC rated BY BENJAMIN OBDYKE SCALE: N.T.S. SCALE: N.T.S. GUTTERS TAPE SEAMS W/HYDRO TAPE HVAC REGISTER BOOTS Type: Round, Aluminum See complete Table R402.4.1.1 in 2015 IECC Color: White „ ' LEADERS CEDAR CLAPBOARD SIDING 5/8 GYP. BD. Type: Round, Aluminum " Color: White 4— Ceilings — Covered Porches Type: 1pe Wood — 1 x6 "V" Groove r'j Color: Natural Oil Finish SPRAY FOAM o INSULATION FASCIA, TRIM, CASINGS Material: Azak or equal CAULK ADHESIVE Color: White TOP OF FOUNDATION WALL SEALANT (TYP.) 8" MIN. ABOVE GRADE MIN. R-21 3/4" FIN. WOOD LOOK SOFFITS 2"W' ACQ SILL PLATE SPRAY FOAM INSULATION 3/4" PLYWOOD Material: Azek or equal W/TERMITE SHIELD ® RIM BOARD SUBFLOOR Color: White COLUMNS — G A R A G E Material: HG&B Square, PERMA Cast — Plain with 14" TJI FL JST. poly Tuscan Cap and Base 12" Color: White 5/8 x18 ANCHOR BOLT 14" TJI 360 F.J. C� 23" O.C. �' � ;� 16" O.C.Cc? N WINDOWS Manufacturer: ANDERSEN OR PELLA — Simulated GRADE C E L L A R REVISIONS DESCRIPT I O N divided light, clad 4" BRICK LEDGE � PRESSURE TREATED g #5 HOOKED REBAR SILL. 5/8"0 ANCHOR BOLTS, 09 26 23 REDUCED SQ. FOOTAGE Color: Black @ 16" O.C. VERTICAL. {GRADE 60} �' — -------- LIGHTING — HOUSE FURR OUT WALLS. CONTINUOUS TERMITE SHIELD 10/12/23 REDUCED FOOTPRINT Manufacturer: Visual Comfort "Darlona" or equal #4 BARS b POINTS IN WALL 2.8" CONTINUOUS 10/18/23 UPDATED AS PER COMMENTS Color: Black (HORIZONTAL) (GRADE 60) �— CLOSED CELL SPRAY FOAM C (6) #5 BARS OVER EXPANSION R20 @ EXIST. I WINDOW OPENING JOINT 10/31/23 CLIENT COMMENTS LIGHTING — ABOVE GARAGE DOORS 2" R10 RIGID INSULATICN & NEW FDN. WALLS. (2 ROWS OF 3 BARS) Manufacturer: Visual Comfort "Barn Light" Extra Large OVER (3mm) CEMENT BASED 2x4 WD. STUDS z G R A D E 01/12/24 PROGRESS, ISSUED FOR REVIEW Color: Black FIBER—REINFORCED �. Q 16" O.C. W/j" S.R. (TYP.) z Q �� DOOR HARDWARE WATERPROOF COATING OR APPROVED EQUAL 0 z 4" POURED CONCRETE 06/18�24 AMENDMENT Manufacturer:EMTEK "Mills" Mortise set or equal PVC UVATERSTCP 1/2 ' PREMOLDED I w z k 0- 0 o OVER 6 MIL. Finish: Black 12 THERMAL EXPANSION Co O f= 1 z VAPOR BARRIER 2"x4" KEYWAY JOINT • o � � � � OVER 4" GRAVEL BED DRIVEWAY CURB: 11 a ° z Type: Belgium Block / a4 ° CL n a 00 DRIVEWAY a ' a ~ Type: Asphalt - ° ° N DRIVEWAY APRON r a• 4" POURED CONCRETE Type: Belgium Block "' OVER 6 MIL. VAPOR BARRIER (3) #5 BARS CONTINUOUS OVER 3" GRAVEL BED Patricia O'Neill , AIA HOUSE NUMBERS ON CHAIRS (GRADE 60) A r C � ' � e C Type: Neutra Modern Numbers or equal 2'—0' Color: Black 257 Circle Drive Manhasset, NY 11030 REINFORCING FOR Tel: 51 fi-3fi5-1799 TYPICAL WALL SECTION DETAIL CELLAR WINDOWS & DOORS G A R A G E S L A B D E T A I L PROJECT DATE: 08/14/23 SCALE: 3/4" = 1'-0" SCALE: N.T.S. SCALE: N.T.S. NEW CONSTRUCTION The Psyllos Residence_ 600 Dogwood Lane Mattituck , NY 11952 DWG No. n 0 r. 20 5 y0 CIF Nf�� THESE DRAWINGS AND ACCO1,IPA.NYING SPECIFICATIONS, AS INSTRUMENTS OF SERVICE, ARE THE EXCLUSIVE PROPERTY OF THE ARCHITECT AND THEIR USE AND PUBLICATION SHALL BE RESTRICTED TO THE ORIGINAL SITE FOR WHICH THEY WERE PREPARED. REUSE, REPRODUCTION OR PUBLICATION BY ANY METHOD, IN V11OLE OR IN PART, IS PROHIBITED EXCEPT BY WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM THE ARCHITECT. TITLE TO THESE PLANS SHALL REMAIN WITH THE ARCHITECT.VISUA.L CONTACT WITH THEM SHALL CONSTITUTE PRIMA FACIE EVIDENCE OF ACCEPTANCE OF THESE RESTRICTIONS.