HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004 .� Lt 0 MATTITUCK - CUTCHOGUE UX.S.D. CENTRAL ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICES RECEIVED May 18,2oo4 MAY 18 204 U i3 eb th fl nn Nev i.l.le Sa�$Il°Id Town Cier�C Southold Town C.leah Town //all P.O. Box 1179 53095 Main Road Southold, New Yonh 11971 bean lea. NevLl.le: 4t the annual Aattituch-Cutchogue School biataict Meeting held on May 18,2004, the voting indicated the �o.l.lowing: 2004-05 Budget failed and the �0110wing were elected to weave on the Boaad o� Education e�4ctive Yu.lg 1, 2004 �on a team o� three cyeaaa: An. Richard Aenand and Mn. Chaltlea 4ndnaon. Sincerely, lhomaa 9 Roa.lah biataict C.lenh 385 Depot Lane Cutchogue,New York 11935 Ph: (631)298-4242 • Fax: (631)298-8520 kTCE-1VE® JUN 3 2004 SCHOOL REPORT Report by a School District Clerk, to the Town Clerk of the Town in which his/her Dist'r'H0 ated, of the names and post office addresses of the School Officers of their District. STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF SUFFOLK Atty, 31 20_g4_ SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. ldattttuclh-Cutchoaue ll.f.S. TO: ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE Town Clerk of the Town of Southold TAKE NOTICE, That at the Annual School Election,held on A a 6 20aL, in the School House in District No. , in said Town,the following was duly elected a member of the Board of Education of said District beginning July 1, 20 04 : MEMBER POST OFFICE ADDRESS TERM ENDS SUCCEEDS l�Lchand Aena/nd 385 /depot Lane Cut 11935 lune 30/07 Zncumbant r�inn/on dndea4-on g 6F e 07 �unv- 36105 gune 30 05 INCUMBENTS MEMBER POST OFFICE ADDRESS TERM ENDS SUCCEEDS 6evenc y Wowah gune 30/06 // n Ane. - 9 /)0/1 n�nn �ni�non an/n/ rl tchaeL Cng.Lehar�dt 385" Depot Lane Cut 11935 6/30/04 TREASURER POST OFFICE ADDRESS TELEPHONE NO. APPOINT. ENDS /AnmaA nAlaR /./935 DISTRICT CLERK POST OVFICE ADDRESS TELEPHONE NO. APP OINT. ENDS Clerk of S d District