HomeMy WebLinkAboutHPC - Leung - 265 Orchard Street, Barn Application 2024.03.05LYNCH EISINGER DESIGN Architects 265 Orchard Street Barn Darien Leung, Owner Town of Southold Historic Preservation Commission Application 5 March 2024 LYNCH EISINGER DESIGN Architects 265 Orchard Street Barn The subject structure is a barn standing at the north-west corner of the property at 265 Orchard Street, behind and to the left of the Samuel Watson Youngs Grand House. The house itself is listed on the Southold Town Register of Historic Places as having been built “Before 1858.” The barn’s south façade is visible from Orchard Street, and in winter the west façade is partially visible from Village Lane, across the side-yard of the old Orient Methodist Church. The north and west facades are not visible from any public street. The south eleva- tion has been recently repainted and the cedar shingle roof is in reasonable condition, but the structural frame is in extremely poor condition and the entire structure rests precariously on a few stones placed at grade under each structural post. The present proposal seeks to stabilize and weatherproof the structure, repurposing a portion of the ground floor for use as a cabana. No change to the interior area is proposed, although the exterior dimensions will increase approximately 3” at each surface with the addition of rigid insulation and weather- proofing. All exterior materials ae to be replaced in kind. Structural and interior materials are to be preserved where feasible, and replaced in kind where necessary. LYNCH EISINGER DESIGN Architects LYNCH EISINGER DESIGN ArchitectsHistoric Preservation Commission - Page 2– Building Design and Materials HPC – Application, Building Design and Materials 11_15_2023 (Revision #3) 2 | Page TOWN OF SOUTHOLD HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSIONCHECKLIST Instructions for “Certificate of Appropriateness” Applicationrequired for Building Permit on Registered Landmarks Items to be included: 1. Application 2. HPC Standard Q & A 3. Notice of Disapproval: Issued by the Building Department, dated within 60 days 4. Agent Authorization Letter: for owner’s consent when using a representative 5. Photographs of building, surrounding area and adjacent buildings, labeled 6. Property Survey and Site Plan: showing existing structures and proposed addition. 7.Complete set of construction documents, as submitted to the Building Department, including window and door schedules, materials, dimensions, locations on the façade (top of sill and dimensions on elevations and on building sections, as well). This document must be prepared by licensed design professional, dated, stamped, signed: Three (3) print sets and (1) digital set of proposed improvements at 1/4” scale, to include: BUILDING PLANS AND ELEVATIONS: ✓✓Provide elevations of all sides affected, with building heights noted. ✓✓Indicate location of all finish materials on plans and elevations. ✓✓All pages of architectural/engineered plans shall be numbered, signed by a licensed design professional and indicate the date prepared and/or last revised date prepared. CHECKLIST:Please Provide Building Design and Materials below. Samples, supporting materials may be requested: Roof: Existing Form and Material:_________________________________________________________ Proposed Form and Material:_________________________________________________________ Siding: Existing Form and Material: _________________________________________________________ Proposed Form and Material: _________________________________________________________ Cedar Shingles Cedar Shingles, 5" exposure Vertical planks, c. 9" wide, with various degrees of white paint Vertical planks, c.9" wide, unpainted Historic Preservation Commission - Page 2– Building Design and Materials HPC – Application, Building Design and Materials 11_15_2023 (Revision #3) 2 | Page TOWN OF SOUTHOLD HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSIONCHECKLIST Instructions for “Certificate of Appropriateness” Applicationrequired for Building Permit on Registered Landmarks Items to be included: 1. Application 2. HPC Standard Q & A 3. Notice of Disapproval: Issued by the Building Department, dated within 60 days 4. Agent Authorization Letter: for owner’s consent when using a representative 5. Photographs of building, surrounding area and adjacent buildings, labeled 6. Property Survey and Site Plan: showing existing structures and proposed addition. 7.Complete set of construction documents, as submitted to the Building Department, including window and door schedules, materials, dimensions, locations on the façade (top of sill and dimensions on elevations and on building sections, as well). This document must be prepared by licensed design professional, dated, stamped, signed: Three (3) print sets and (1) digital set of proposed improvements at 1/4” scale, to include: BUILDING PLANS AND ELEVATIONS: ✓✓Provide elevations of all sides affected, with building heights noted. ✓✓Indicate location of all finish materials on plans and elevations. ✓✓All pages of architectural/engineered plans shall be numbered, signed by a licensed design professional and indicate the date prepared and/or last revised date prepared. CHECKLIST:Please Provide Building Design and Materials below. Samples, supporting materials may be requested: Roof: Existing Form and Material:_________________________________________________________ Proposed Form and Material:_________________________________________________________ Siding: Existing Form and Material: _________________________________________________________ Proposed Form and Material: _________________________________________________________ Cedar Shingles Cedar Shingles, 5" exposure Vertical planks, c. 9" wide, with various degrees of white paint Vertical planks, c.9" wide, unpainted LYNCH EISINGER DESIGN ArchitectsHistoric Preservation Commission -Page 3–Building Design and Materials HPC – Application, Building Design and Materials 11_15_2023 (Revision #3) 3 | Page Doors: Existing Form and Material: _________________________________________________________ Proposed Form and Material: _________________________________________________________ Garage Doors/Basement Door: Existing Form and Material:_____________________________________________________________ Proposed Form and Material:_____________________________________________________________ Windows: Existing Form and Material:_______________________________________________________________ Proposed:__________________________________________________________________________ Manufacturer:__________________________________________________________________________ Exterior finish:_________________________________________________________________________ Style: ____________________________________________________________________ Types of Sash:____________________________________________________________________ Lites: ____________________________________________________________________ Muntins:____________________________________________________________________ Trim & Ornamentation: Existing :____________________________________________________________________ Proposed:____________________________________________________________________ Chimneys: Existing Form and Material:_____________________________________________________________ Proposed Form and Material: _____________________________________________________________ Porches-Decks: Existing Form and Material: _____________________________________________________________ Proposed Form and Material: _____________________________________________________________ Vertical planks matching adjacent siding Vertical planks matching adjacent siding 4-pane wood sash, sliding in interior-mounted wood track 4-pane wood sash, awning. Exterior details to match existing (frameless with 3/4" sill). Custom. Existing windows repaired or rebuilt to match. Painted. Barn Horizontal sliding 4 One horizontal, one vertical. No ornamentation. No ornamentation. NA NA Wood shower enclosure NA Wood to match adjacent siding with exposed frame and cross bracing, (1) slidingon exposed track, (1) pair carriage doors. Wood to match adjacent siding with exposed frame and cross bracing, slidingon exposed track. NOTE: Glass doors and side-lights on east side and behind sliding door are paintedwood-framed Swing Doorsby Green Mountain Window Co. Historic Preservation Commission - Page 3– Building Design and Materials HPC –Application,Building Design and Materials 11_15_2023 (Revision #3)3 | Page Doors: Existing Form and Material: _________________________________________________________ Proposed Form and Material: _________________________________________________________ Garage Doors/Basement Door: Existing Form and Material: _____________________________________________________________ Proposed Form and Material: _____________________________________________________________ Windows: Existing Form and Material: _______________________________________________________________ Proposed: __________________________________________________________________________ Manufacturer:__________________________________________________________________________ Exterior finish:_________________________________________________________________________ Style: ____________________________________________________________________ Types of Sash: ____________________________________________________________________ Lites: ____________________________________________________________________ Muntins: ____________________________________________________________________ Trim & Ornamentation: Existing :____________________________________________________________________ Proposed: ____________________________________________________________________ Chimneys: Existing Form and Material: _____________________________________________________________ Proposed Form and Material: _____________________________________________________________ Porches-Decks: Existing Form and Material: _____________________________________________________________ Proposed Form and Material: _____________________________________________________________ Vertical planks matching adjacent siding Vertical planks matching adjacent siding 4-pane wood sash, sliding in interior-mounted wood track 4-pane wood sash, awning. Exterior details to match existing (frameless with 3/4" sill). Custom. Existing windows repaired or rebuilt to match. Painted. Barn Horizontal sliding 4 One horizontal, one vertical. No ornamentation. No ornamentation. NA NA Wood shower enclosure NA Wood to match adjacent siding with exposed frame and cross bracing, (1) slidingon exposed track, (1) pair carriage doors. Wood to match adjacent siding with exposed frame and cross bracing, slidingon exposed track. NOTE: Glass doors and side-lights on east side and behind sliding door are paintedwood-framed Swing Doorsby Green Mountain Window Co. LYNCH EISINGER DESIGN Architects Historic Preservation Commission - Page 4– Building Design and Materials HPC – Application, Building Design and Materials 11_15_2023 (Revision #3) 4 | Page Fences Existing Form and Material: _____________________________________________________________ Proposed Form and Material: _____________________________________________________________ Canopies/Awnings: Existing Form and Material: _____________________________________________________________ Proposed Form and Material: _____________________________________________________________ Gutters/Downspouts: Existing Form and Material: _____________________________________________________________ Proposed Form and Material: _____________________________________________________________ Solar Panels –Please provide Engineered Plans Proposed Form and Material: _____________________________________________________________ Foundation: Existing Form and Material: _____________________________________________________________ Proposed Form and Material: _____________________________________________________________ •FAILURE TO SUBMIT DRAWINGS AND REQUESTED MATERIAL WILL RESULT IN DELAYIN THE APPROVAL PROCESS. •IT IS STRONGLY SUGGESTED THAT THE APPLICANT REVIEW THE HPC HANDBOOK athttp://www.southoldtownny.gov/DocumentCenter/View/320/LPC-Handbook-Final-Draft?bidId= •ALL APPLICATIONS MUST HAVE A REPRESENTATIVE AT THE CONFERENCE AND PUBLICHEARING TO BE REVIEWED. •A PRE-SUBMISSION CONFERENCE WILL BE SCHEDULED PRIOR TO A FORMAL PUBLICHEARING. PUBLIC HEARINGS REQUIRE POSTING AND MAILINGS BY THE APPLICANT ASDESCRIBED IN CHAPTER 55 OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN CODE. •SECTIONS OF LOCAL LAWS AUTHORIZING REVIEW BY THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION OF PROPOSED WORK ON DESIGNATED TOWN LANDMARK PROPERTIES CAN BE FOUND IN CHAPTER 170 OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN CODE NA NA NA NA NA NA Sub-grade concrete footings and partial slab-on-grade (at extension) All existing fencing to remain. Additonal fencing for pool enclosure to be 6' ht wire mesh in 6' ht privet hedge with 6' ht solid wood gate to match existing. 4' ht Natural wood picket fence, 6' ht solid wood stockade fence, wire mesh in privet hedge, 6' ht solid wood gates, Wrought iron gate at street. LYNCH EISINGER DESIGN ArchitectsHistoric Preservation Commission - Page 5– Building Design and Materials HPC – Application, Building Design and Materials 11_15_2023 (Revision #3) 5 | Page AUTHORIZATION FOR REPRESENTATIVE I, ________________________________residing at __________________________________ (print property owner’s name) _________________________________do hereby authorize ___________________________(Agent) _________________________________to apply on my behalf to the Historic Preservation Commission. _____________________________________________________________ Owner’s Signature:Date: ____________________________________ Print Owner’s Name • Darien Leung 265 Orchard Street, Orient, NY 11957 Simon Eisinger / LYNCH EISINGER DESIGN Architects Historic Preservation Commission - Page 5– Building Design and Materials HPC – Application, Building Design and Materials 11_15_2023 (Revision #3) 5 | Page AUTHORIZATION FOR REPRESENTATIVE I, ________________________________residing at __________________________________(print property owner’s name) _________________________________do hereby authorize ___________________________ (Agent) _________________________________to apply on my behalf to the Historic Preservation Commission. _____________________________________________________________Owner’s Signature:Date: ____________________________________Print Owner’s Name • Darien Leung 265 Orchard Street, Orient, NY 11957 Simon Eisinger / LYNCH EISINGER DESIGN Architects LYNCH EISINGER DESIGN Architects HPC Standard Q&A 1. When was your [barn] first built? The age of the barn is unknown. The original structure was a classic 3-bay English hay barn design, with a primary door centered on the long south side. The gabled roof shape and dimen- sions are typical of barns built prior to the 1860s. The original 8-post frame was of mortise and tenon construction, but the unused mortises and extra timbers left on the floor suggest reuse of the frame from an earlier construction, or modification of the structure over the years. Secondary structural elements use a variety of nails including cut nails, in use throughout the 19th century. At some point, the barn appears to have had a shed-roofed extension of about 5’ on the west side, as evidenced by the drip-edge over the connecting doorway and the infill siding still visible on the upper portion of the primary structure’s west facade. The shed was replaced by the current gable roof extension apparently at some time in the early 20th century, judging from timber dimensions and details. The gabled extension has a dirt floor, and was almost certainly used for parking vehicles or other wheeled equipment. The east side of the barn (not visible from the street) has been reclad with horizontal shiplap sid- ing, with an attached outdoor shower enclosure. The original vertical siding, severely decayed, remains visible from the interior. Portions of the rear (north) wall have also been replaced. The structure is included in the Appendix of Mary Ann Spencer’s book “Barns of the North Fork,” (Quantuck Lane Press, NY, 2005) where it is identified on page 160 as: Orient, Orchard Street White vertical plank double barn. 2. Do you klnow if your building is within the Historic District? The main house is listed on the Southold Town Register of Historic Places, and the property is within the Historic District. 3. Are you familiar with Chapter 170 of the Southold Town Code (Landmark Preserva- tion) which applies to this application? Yes. 4. How is the design of your project sympathetic to the surrounding neighborhood? The proposed renovations ensure that the existing barn can remain in use and in good condition for years to come. The changes proposed for the exterior are minimal, with the scale unchanged and the materials and details of the existing structure replicated. A number of changes made to the structure in more recent years will be reversed, and the modern paint scheme on the front facade will be eliminated in favor of traditional unpainted wood barn siding. 5. How do your plans and elevations show adherence to the historic district man- dates in Chapter 170? The proposed design shows adherence to the historic distrct mandates and is consistent with the criteria for approval of alteration of historic facades as described below. LYNCH EISINGER DESIGN Architects a. The project converts a portion of the barn (350 sf) to be repurposed as cabana for the in-ground pool (filed under a separate permit). The balance of the work is to ensure that the existing structure (used for storage) remains standing by remediating the severe state of structural decay and foundation failure and protecting the entire stucture against further deterioration. b. The design restores some aspects of the original building which had been al-tered, replaces exterior materials with new ones to match, maintains or replicates existing details, and adds new featuresso as to ensure continued functionality, as follows: i. Removal of retrofitted sliding barn doors in the left and right bays of the front facade, and replacement with vertical wood siding to match existing. A semi-concealed personnel door is proposed in the left bay, consistent with that currently found in the west wall, and with others found on local barns. ii. Replacement of existing center bay sliding barn door with taller one of similar design, extending upward to cover the existing removable wall hatch above the door. This will allow for a window to replace that hatch, safely allowing light into the loft, and obviating the need to add a skylight or dormer. New door hardware will match the ex- isting, too deteriorated for re-use. iii. Removal of added-on outdoor shower and horizontal siding (east side). iv. Replacement of sliding garage door on west extension with carriage doors of matching detail. Door opening to be shifted 3’ away from corner of building, a position more consistent with other local barns of the period. v. New 9” (nominal) wide vertical plank siding over 1 ½” rigid insulation to be in- stalled over existing siding. This will ensure that the interior of the barn remains as existing, while the exterior will retain its existing appearance, albeit growing by approx- imately 3 ” on each side. New siding and trim material will be cedar or larch, allowed to weather naturally. The existing barn siding had a faded white paint finish until the front façade was recently repainted with opaque white paint and black trim. This articulated trim is not unique, but is atypical of barns in the region, where doors are most com- monly clad and finished to match adjacent siding. The proposed approach will provide weather proofing and moderate insulation to the unconditioned interior space for sea-sonal use of the cabana and year-round use of the storage areas. The existing upper siding overlaps the lower siding. This detail will be maintained. vi. New cedar shingle roof with 5” exposure over 1 ½” rigid insulation over plywood sheathing to replace existing shingle roof, installed over existing roof rafters and (where applicable) purlins. This will preserve the exterior and interior appearance of the roof and structure, providing weatherproofing and moderate insulation. The thick- ness of the insulation will replace the thickness of layers of previous roofs which are being removed. Exposed rafter ends will be modified to replicate the existing dimen- sions of the exposed roof edge. vii. The lower siding on the east side, not visible to the street, has been covered with modern horizontal siding. This will be removed and replaced by a set of wood-framed glass doors, set in a painted steel frame. viii. There are 5 existing windows: 2 east, 2 west, and one on the north (rear) side. All are 4-pane wood sashes set into interior horizontal wood tracks without weather-proof- LYNCH EISINGER DESIGN Architects ing. There is no frame, but a 1” thick sill is articulated for each. Proposed replacement windows will match these details and dimensions, while hinging outward from the top edge (ie. awning windows). On the east side, a window frame was added at the time horizonatl ship-lap siding was installed over the original. This window will be restored to its original detail. ix.New wood-framed glass doors are proposed behind (ie. inside) the sliding barndoor, to provide weatherproofing without affecting the exterior appearance and function of the sliding door. 6. Have you supplied images of the neighboring residences? Images of the existing barn and adjacent house are provided herein, along with reference imag- es of other local barns. 7. How does this renovation illustrate compatibility in terms of scale and massing with neighboring structures? There is no substantive change to the scale and massing of the existing structure. Exterior cladding will move outward ~3” as a result of exterior insulation, a dimensional change of approxiamtely 1% across the front facade. 8. & 9. What is the square footage of the original and renovated building? Existing and proposed square footages are as follows. Interior ExteriorExisting square footage: 772 sf 833 sf Proposed square footage: 772 sf 869 sf Notes: a. Existing building has additional 39 sf shower enclosure (not reflected above) which will be removed.b. Existing storage loft area of 335 sf not reflected above. 10.& 11. What is the height of the original and renovated building? Existing height: 21’-6”Proposed altered height: 21’-6” 12. What are the materials you are using for windows/doors, foundation walls, trim and siding? Barn Doors: Wood to match siding Inner Doors (behind barn door): Wood framed glass Windows: Wood Foundation walls: N/A (buried concrete footings)Trim and Siding: Wood (copper flashing at grade) 13. Do these materials match, “in kind,” those of the original structure? All materials match “in kind” those of the original structure. Proposal is to leave siding and trim unpainted. LYNCH EISINGER DESIGN Architects LICENSED LAND SURVEYOR - NEW YORK AND CONNECTICUT REGISTERED JOHN M. ABRUZZO PLS. Property Survey by John M. Abruzzo, PLS LYNCH EISINGER DESIGN Architects Proposed site plan showing in-ground swimming pool and fence, filed under separate application. LYNCH EISINGER DESIGN Architects Existing barn front (south) elevation - note doors added in east and west bays Existing barn east elevation with modern siding and shower Existing barn west elevation LYNCH EISINGER DESIGN Architects 265 Orchard StreetOrient, New York Existing Site Conditions- West Side of Property View toward existing barn from Orchard Street View toward existing barn from Village Lane LYNCH EISINGER DESIGN Architects 265 Orchard Street Orient, New York Existing Site Conditions- Front of Property Views towward house and driveway from Orchard Street LYNCH EISINGER DESIGN Architects Built up layers of decaying roofing Typical sliding window detail - note lack of frame or hardware Lapped vertical siding detail LYNCH EISINGER DESIGN Architects Views of rotted out and provisationally repaired primary structural posts resting on stone and debris Decayed siding and purlin detail LYNCH EISINGER DESIGN Architects Existing conditions at base of structure. Posts rest on individual stones at grade. LYNCH EISINGER DESIGN Architects 265 Orchard Street Orient, New York Existing Site Conditions- East Side of Main House 265 Orchard Street Orient, New York Existing Site Conditions- Eastern side of Property 265 Orchard Street Orient, New York Existing Site Conditions- Back side of Property Cottage on east side of property East side of house Barn and backyard from house LYNCH EISINGER DESIGN Architects A Barn in Bayview with double-height door and unpainted vertical siding A Barn in Greenport - Note double-height barn doors and unpainted siding. REFERENCE - Barns of the North Fork LYNCH EISINGER DESIGN Architects A Barn in Bayview Cutchogue barn with larger and smaller barn doors REFERENCE - Barns of the North Fork LYNCH EISINGER DESIGN Architects Barn in Greenport with unpainted vertical siding and personnel door Restored Barn in Greenport REFERENCE - Barns of the North Fork LYNCH EISINGER DESIGN Architects Existing conditions of sliding barn door hardware Proposed sliding barn door hardware Proposed garage door strap hinge L5 WD-02 105 1ST FLR.21'-8 3/4" 103101102 WD-01 WD-02 L4 PT-01 LOWER ROOF36'-1 3/4" UPPER ROOF41'-7 3/4" L3 L3 L1 L2 WD-02 1ST FLR.21'-8 3/4" L6 WD-01 WD-02 PT-01 LOWER ROOF36'-1 3/4" UPPER ROOF41'-7 3/4" © 2023 LYNCH EISINGER DESIGN ARCHITECTS PC - All Rights Reserved LEDARCHITECT:LYNCH EISINGER DESIGN ARCHITECTS PC319 Grand Street, 2nd Floor, New York City, NY 10002212.219.6377 www.LED-NYC.com SCALE:JOB #:REV. #: PROJECT ADDRESS: A201 Orchard Street Barn 265 ORCHARD STREETORIENT, NY 11957 EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS 1/4" = 1'-0"2201 FINISH LEGEND TAG DESCRIPTION PT-01 PAINTED STEEL - COLOR TBD WD-01 NEW RED CEDAR R&R #2 SHINGLES, 5"EXPOSURE WD-02 NEW 1X9 CEDAR OR LARCH VERTICAL T&GSIDING, UNPAINTED (TRIM TO MATCH) REV. #DESCRIPTION DATE SUBMISSION NO.DATE 1/4" = 1'-0"3 EAST ELEVATION 1/4" = 1'-0"2 SOUTH ELEVATION (FRONT) 1/4" = 1'-0"1 WEST ELEVATION 1/4" = 1'-0"4 NORTH ELEVATION (REAR) L5 WD-02 105 1ST FLR.21'-8 3/4" 103101102 WD-01 WD-02 L4 PT-01 LOWER ROOF36'-1 3/4" UPPER ROOF41'-7 3/4" L3 L3 L1 L2 WD-02 1ST FLR.21'-8 3/4" L6 WD-01 WD-02 PT-01 LOWER ROOF36'-1 3/4" UPPER ROOF41'-7 3/4" © 2023 LYNCH EISINGER DESIGN ARCHITECTS PC - All Rights Reserved LEDARCHITECT:LYNCH EISINGER DESIGN ARCHITECTS PC319 Grand Street, 2nd Floor, New York City, NY 10002212.219.6377 www.LED-NYC.com SCALE:JOB #: REV. #: PROJECT ADDRESS: A201 Orchard Street Barn 265 ORCHARD STREETORIENT, NY 11957 EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS 1/4" = 1'-0"2201 FINISH LEGEND TAG DESCRIPTION PT-01 PAINTED STEEL - COLOR TBD WD-01 NEW RED CEDAR R&R #2 SHINGLES, 5"EXPOSURE WD-02 NEW 1X9 CEDAR OR LARCH VERTICAL T&GSIDING, UNPAINTED (TRIM TO MATCH) REV. #DESCRIPTION DATE SUBMISSION NO.DATE 1/4" = 1'-0"3 EAST ELEVATION 1/4" = 1'-0"2 SOUTH ELEVATION (FRONT) 1/4" = 1'-0"1 WEST ELEVATION 1/4" = 1'-0"4 NORTH ELEVATION (REAR) R-80MII R-40R-80R-80 R-40 R-40 MIIMIIMIIMIIMIIMIIMIIMIIMIIMIIMIIMIIMIIMIIMIIMIIMIIMIIMIIMIIMIIMIIMIIMIIMIIMIIMIIMIIMIIMIIMIIMIIMIIMIIMIIMIIMIIMIIMIIMIIMIIMIIMIIMIIMIIMIIMIIMIIMII R-200 R-400 R-80 R-40 MIMIMIMIMIMIMIMIMIMIMIMIMIMIMIMIMIMIMIMIMIMIMIMIMIMIMIMIMIMIMIMIMIMIMIMIMIMIMIMIMIMIMIMIMIMIMIMIMIMIMIMIMIMIMIMIMIMIMIMIMIMIMIMIMI B B HB MIMIMIMIMIMIMIMIMIMIMIMIMIMIMIMIMIMIMIMIMIMIMIMIMIMIMIMIMIMIMIMIMIMIMIMIMIMIMIMIMIMIMIMIMIMIMIMIMI R-40 R-40 R-80 R-40 R-40 B HDHDHDHDHDHDHDHDHDHDHDHDHDHDHDHDHDHDHDHDHDHDHDHDHDHDHDHDHDHDHDHDHDHDHDHDHDHDHDHDHDHDHDHDHDHDHDHDHD RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR R-80 HBHBHBHBHBHBHBHBHBHBHBHBHBHBHBHBHBHBHBHBHBHBHBHBHBHBHBHBHBHBHBHBHBHBHBHBHBHBHBHBHBHBHBHBHBHBHBHBHB R-40 MIIRR RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR R-80 R-40 HD R-40 LBLBLBLBLBLBLBLBLBLBLBLBLBLBLBLBLBLBLBLBLBLBLBLBLBLBLBLBLBLBLBLBLBLBLBLBLBLBLBLBLBLBLBLBLBLBLBLBLB MII R-80MII 80 THREE WATERS LNLATHAM LNEND RDPOINT RT 25 LAND'S END RDN RYDER FARM LNUHL LN PLUM ISLANDLN PRIV ATE RDCEDAR BIR CH SEA DR SOUND VIEW RD PARK VIEW LN OLD N SEA DR MAIN RDPRIVATE RDPRIVATE RD RD MAIN RDPETTY DRMULLFORD CT GRAND VWGHT BIHEATHDRHILL CREST DR VIEW DRNORTH HOG POND RD PLAT T RDNARROW RIVER RDKIN G ST HALYOAKE D OLD FARM R VIEW DR VIEW HILL RD HILL EST NC R BRO WNS SOUTH DR SOUND ROUTE 25EDWARDS LN NECK DOUG LAS PETER'SRDMAWIL LOW TER RACE RWE O JOR'S POND PAHARBOR KING ST VILLAGE LA ORCHARD STNAVY STOYSTERPOND SKIPPERS TABOR RDMAIN ST PETE HILL RD YOUNGSSTNORTH DIE DERICKS RD MAPLE PRIVATE OLD MAIN STATE ST LN LN EAS T SOUTHEDASTARS RDPINE DRCRPRIV ATEBAY AVOLD ORCHARD RD TR UMAN'S PARABBIT LN RDCEMETE RY IN CIR BEACH PEL LKNONORTH SYLVA N PRSAON DREW BAYVICEDAR DRMAPLE OAKROCKY POINT RDWLOW DR LI KAYLEIGH'S CTSHIPY ARD LNGILL ETTE DRCE DAR LNEAST GILLE TTEDAWN DRPRIV ATE RD MARINA MARINE HARBOR SN UG CHIOS AQUAVIEW SOUTHERN BL AV DR CIRCLE TER STRATMORS RD WOOD INLET LNH H OSSWAY THE SHORT CRE CRESCENTT SALANDING AC B YDN E BEACH PL LNWIGGINS MAPLE GULL POND LNFIDDLER THE LHE GREENWAY THE TS TRAND ONG WAYMANHASSET AVSR 25 HAMPLIN PL Town of Southold Section 3 of 4 New Zoning Map Adopted by Southold Town Board on November 30, 2004 as Local Law No. 23 of 2004 Scale: 1 inch = 1000 feet Suffolk County Real Property Tax Service Agency AREIS and Tax Map COPYRIGHT 2013, County of Suffolk, N.Y.See Section 2Zone Description AC Agricultural Conservation (2 acre) R-40 Residential Low Density (1 acre) R-80 Residential Low Density (2 acre) R-120 Residential Low Density (3 acre) R-200 Residential Low Density (5 acre) R-400 Residential Low Density (10 acre) HD Hamlet Density Residential AHD Affordable Housing District RR Resort Residential RO Residential Office HB Hamlet Business LB Limited Business B General Business MI Marine I MII Marine II LIO Light Industrial Park LI Light Industrial ABBREVIATIONS Adjustable Above Finish Floor Above Finish Slab Aluminum Approved Audio Visual Angle At And Baseboards Building Block Bottom Of, By Owner Bottom Cabinet, Cabinetry Centerline Ceiling Clear Opening Concrete Condition Conditions Construction Continuous Coordinate Dimension Each Equal Existing Finish Floor Field Finish Fire Rated Face Of Fire Proof Fixture Fluorescent General Contractor Grade Gypsum Wall Board Handicapped Hardwood Height Line Of Lighting Location Manufacturer Medium Density Fiberboard Marine Grade Minimum Maximum Not In Contract Not To Scale On Center Opposite Plywood Paint Painted Reference Required Requirements Supply Air Signal Conduit Similar Specification Stainless Steel Steel Structural Suspended Thick Top And Bottom To Be Determined Top Of Top Of Finish Floor Top Of Slab Typical Under Side Under Cabinet Verify Vertical Verify In Field Wood Waterproof ADJ. A.F.F. A.F.S. ALUM. APPD. A/V < @ & BBRDS. BLDG. BLK. B.O. BOT. CAB. CL. CLG. C.O. CONC. COND. COND'S CONST. CONT. COOR. DIM. EA. EQ EX'G. F.F. FLD. FIN. F. RTD. F.O. FP FIXT. FLUOR. G.C. , GC GRD. GWB HC HRDWD. HT. L.O. LTG. LOCA. MANUF. MDF M.G. MIN. MAX. N.I.C. NTS O.C. OPP. PLY'D PT. PTD. REF. REQ. REQ'S. SA SC SIM. SPEC. S.S. STL. STRUCT. SUSP. TH. T&B T.B.D. T.O. T.O.F.F. T.O.S. TYP. U.S. U.C. VER. VERT. VIF WD. W.P. GENERAL NOTES 1. ALL WORK SHALL BE DONE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE LATEST APPLICABLE EDITION OF: 2020 RESIDENTIAL CODE OF NEW YORK STATE NYS ENERGY CONSERVATION CONSTRUCTION CODE NYS FIRE CODE NYS PLUMBING CODE NYS MECHANICAL CODE NYS FUEL GAS CODE APPLICABLE SUFFOLK COUNTY HEALTH REGULATIONS AND STANDARDS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD REGULATIONS 2. DRAWINGS ARE NOT TO BE SCALED. USE DIMENSIONS ONLY. ALL DIMENSIONS AND CONDITIONS SHOWN AND ASSUMED ON THE DRAWINGS MUST BE VERIFIED AT THE SITE BY THE CONTRACTOR BEFORE ORDERING ANY MATERIAL OR DOING ANY WORK. ANY DISREPANCIES IN THE DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS SHALL BE REPORTED TO THE ARCHITECT. NO CHANGE IN DRAWINGS OR SPECIFICATIONS IS PERMISSIBLE WITHOUT THE WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE ARCHITECT/ENGINEER. NO WORK SHALL PROCEED UNTIL SUCH DISREPANCY HAS BEEN RECTIFIED. 3. THE ARCHITECT HAS INDICATED AND ESTIMATED CERTAIN CONDITIONS EITHER NOT SHOWN OR NOT CONSIDERED RELIABLE ON OLDER DRAWINGS FURNISHED TO THE ARCHITECT, OR NOT MEASURABLE DUE TO ABSENCE OF DRAWINGS, OR INACCESSIBLE TO VERIFY IN THE FIELD PRIOR TO PREPARING THE DRAWINGS. 4. COORDINATION OF ALL WORK UNDER THIS CONTRACT SHALL BE MAINTAINED TO ENSURE THE QUALITY AND TIMELY COMPLETION OF THE WORK/PROJECT. 5. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PATCH AND REPAIR ALL DAMAGED OR EXPOSED SURFACES DUE TO CONTRACT WORK. ALL NEWLY INSTALLED, PATCHED WORK AND ALL AFFECTED AREAS SHALL BE FINISHED SO THAT THE ENTIRE HORIZONTAL OR VERTICAL SURFACE TO THE CLOSEST CORNER IN ALL FOUR DIRECTIONS MATCHES SCHEDULED CONDITIONS. 6. FURNISH ALL NECESSARY NEW MATERIALS AT NO ADDITIONAL COST TO THE CLIENT FOR THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: a)ANY ALREADY COMPLETED WORK THAT HAS BEEN REMOVED OR DAMAGED IN ORDER TO PERFORM THE CONTRACT WORK. b)TO FURNISH THE WORK OF THIS CONTRACT IN WORKMANLIKE MANNER. 7. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ADEQUATELY BRACING AND PROTECTING ALL WORK DURING CONSTRUCTION AGAINST DAMAGE, BREAKAGE, COLLAPSE, DISTORTIONS AND OFF ALIGNMENTS ACCORDING TO CODES AND STANDARDS OF GOOD PRACTICE. 8.DETAILS NOT SHOWN OR SPECIFIED BUT NECESSARY FOR PROPER AND ACCEPTABLE CONSTRUCTION INSTALLATION OR OPERATION OF ANY PART OF THE WORK AS DETERMINED BY CLIENT OR ARCHITECT SHALL BE INCLUDED IN THE WORK THE SAME WAY AS IF HEREIN SPECIFIED OR INDICATED. 9.WHERE MANUFACTURER'S NAMES AND PRODUCT NUMBERS ARE INDICATED ON DRAWINGS, IT SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED TO MEAN THE ESTABLISHMENT OF QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE STANDARDS OF SUCH ITEMS. ALL OTHER PRODUCTS MUST BE SUBMITTED TO THE ARCHITECT FOR APPROVAL BEFORE THEY SHALL BE DEEMED EQUAL, 10.FIRE STOPPING SHALL BE INSTALLED AT ALL PENETRATIONS OF FIRE RATED CONSTRUCTION AS PER SPECIFICATIONS. 11.SIZE OF MASONRY UNITS ON PLANS, BUILDING ELEVATIONS AND SECTIONS ARE SHOWN AS NOMINAL SIZE. 12.PROVIDE GUARDS, RAILS, FENCES, CATCH PLATFORMS, DECKING, NIGHT LIGHTING, ETC., AS REQUIRED BY THE REGULATING AGENCIES TO PROVIDE ADEQUATE PROTECTION. 13.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL KEEP WORK SITE FREE FROM DEBRIS AND ACCUMULATED REFUSE, AND SHALL HAVE SOLE RESPONSIBILITY FOR PROTECTING ALL DANGEROUS AREAS FROM ENTRY BY UNAUTHORIZED PARTIES. SITE WILL BE LEFT BROOM CLEAN AT THE END OF EACH WORKING DAY 14.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL MAINTAIN FREE AND UNOBSTRUCTED ACCESS FROM ALL SPACES AND ADJACENT SPACES THE EXTERIOR OF THE BUILDING AT ALL TIMES. INSPECTIONS CONTROLLED INSPECTIONS AND TESTING AS REQUIRED BY THE DOCUMENTS, CLIENT AND THE SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT SITE SAFETY AND PROTECTION NOTES 1.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL SITE SAFETY ISSUES, MEETING ALL JURISDICTIONAL AND OSHA REQUIREMENTS. 2.SITE SAFETY PROTECTIONS SHALL INCLUDE, BUT SHALL NOT BE LIMITED TO, EGRESS, SCAFFOLDING, FIRE PROTECTION, TRIP HAZARDS PROTECTION, ETC. THEY SHOULD ADDRESS ANY POTENTIAL INTERACTION BETWEEN THE EXISTING USE, GENERAL PUBLIC AND EXPOSURE TO THE CONSTRUCTION PROCESS. BUILDING DEPARTMENT NOTES 1.ALL WORK SHALL BE EXECUTED IN FULL COMPLIANCE WITH THE APPLICABLE PROVISIONS OF ALL LAWS, BY-LAWS, STATUTES, ORDINANCES, CODES, RULES, REGULATIONS, AND LAWFUL ORDERS OF PUBLIC AUTHORITIES BEARING ON THE PERFORMANCE AND EXECUTION OF THE WORK. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROMPTLY NOTIFY THE TOWN AND ARCHITECT/ENGINEER OF ANY PORTIONS OF THE WORK IN THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS THAT ARE AT VARIANCE WITH THE ABOVE. 2.ALL MATERIALS, ASSEMBLIES, FORMS METHODS OF CONSTRUCTION AND SERVICE EQUIPMENT SHALL MEET THE FOLLOWING REQUIREMENTS: a)THEY SHALL HAVE BEEN ACCEPTABLE TO THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BUILDING DEPARTMENT. b)THEY SHALL HAVE BEEN ACCEPTED FOR THE USE UNDER THE PRESCRIBED TEST METHODS BY THE REGULATING AGENCIES. 3. MATERIALS OR ASSEMBLIES REQUIRED TO HAVE A FIRE RESISTANCE RATING SHALL COMPLY WITH ONE OF THE FOLLOWINGS: a)THEY SHALL CONFORM WITH EITHER THE APPLICABLE CODES OR b)THEY SHALL HAVE BEEN TESTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM E119, STANDARD METHODS OF FIRE TESTS OF BUILDING CONSTRUCTION AND MATERIALS AND ACCEPTED BY THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BUILDING DEPARTMENT (OR) c)THEY SHALL HAVE BEEN ACCEPTABLE PRIOR TO THE EFFECTIVE DATE OF THE CODE. 4.ALL MASONRY UNITS SHALL CONFORM TO THE BUILDING CODE. 5.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL OBTAIN EQUIPMENT USE PERMITS REQUIRED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE BUILDING CODE. 7.ALL NEW INTERIOR WALL AND CEILING FINISHES SHALL HAVE A FLAME-SPREAD CLASSIFICATION OF NOT GREATER THAN 200, SMOKE-DEVELOPED INDEX OF NOT GREATER THAN 450, AS PER SECTION R302.9 NYS 2020 RESIDENTIAL CODE. 8. ALL NEW THERMAL AND SOUND-INSULATING MATERIALS SHALL COMPLY WITH SECTION R302.10 OF THE NYS 2020 RESIDENTIAL CODE. 9. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR FILING APPLICATIONS AND OBTAINING PERMITS FOR SCAFFOLDING, ANY OTHER CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT OR PUBLIC PROTECTIVES REQUIRED TO ENSURE SAFETY OF OPERATION. NOTES ARCHITECTURAL A001 TITLE SHEET AND SITE PLAN A101 EXISTING AND PROPOSED FLOOR PLAN A201 EXISTING ELEVATIONS A202 PROPOSED ELEVATIONS A301 WALL SECTION TITLEDWG DRAWING LIST SYMBOLS A 0000 000 ALIGN 3/4" Align Center Line Diameter Dimension to or from a surface Drawing # Level, Elevation Room # Wall type Ex'g Const. to remain New Construction Ex'g Const. to be removed Gas shut off valve Smoke / CO detector Millwork # Fixtures / Appliance # Door # Window # Lighting Circuit CL ASC 1 A 1 1 1 SCOPE OF WORK RESTORATION AND RENOVATION OF EXG BARN TO INCLUDE STORAGE AND 350 SF OF "POOL HOUSE" AREA. SCOPE OF WORK TO INCLUDE STRUCTURAL AND FOUNDATIONS REPAIR, NEW DOORS AND WINDOWS, NEW EXTERIOR FINISHES THROUGHOUT, AND NEW INTERIOR FINISHES WHERE REQUIRED. IN GROUND SWIMMING POOL FILED UNDER SEPARATE APPLICATION. ELECTRICAL WORK FILE UNDER SEPARATE APPLICATION. ZONING ZONE:R-40 LOT AREA:37,653 sf LOT WIDTH:202'-10" LOT DEPTH:218' BARN AREA: POOL HOUSE:350 sf STORAGE: 520 sf TOTAL: 870 sf LOT COVERAGE:5811 sf (15%) HEIGHT IN FEET:20'-6" TO PEAK OF ROOF HEIGHT IN STORY:1.5 LIVABLE FLOOR AREA: - FLOOD ZONE: N/A CODE COMPLIANCE USE AND OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION: POOL HOUSE AND STORAGE HEIGHT AND FIRE AREA:HEIGHT 20'-6", FIRE AREA N/A TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION:TIMBER FRAME STRUCTURAL DESIGN CRITERIA:PER 2020 NYS RESIDENTIAL BUILDING CODE SECTION R301 FRAMING ELEMENTS:EXISTING TIMBER FRAME GLAZING PROTECTION: REQ'D (WIND SPEED 130 MILE ZONE; 0.6 MILE (<1 MILE) TO COAST LINE) PROVIDE HURRICANE RESISTANT RATED WINDOWS AND/OR PROTECTION PANELS LOAD PATHS FROM ROOF TO FOUNDATION: SEE DRAWINGS FRAMING DETAILS: N/A MEANS OF EGRESS: SEE FLOOR PLAN PLUMBING AND RISER DIAGRAM: N/A SMOKE DETECTORS: SEE FLOOR PLAN ENERGY CALCULATIONS:N/A HEALTH DEPARTMENT: N/A CODE: 2020 RESIDENTIAL CODE OF NEW YORK STATE CONSTRUCTION AND WINDOW NOTES 1.ALL WORK IS TO CONFORM TO ALL APPLICABLE REQUIREMENTS OF LOCAL GOVERNING CODES, NYS. DEPT, OF LABOR, INDUSTRIAL LABOR CODE, RULE 21, HEALTH CODE, FIRE DEPARTMENT REGULATIONS, NBFU AND UTILITY CODES, OSHA CODES AND NYS BUILDING CODES. 2. ALL STRAPPING AND CONNECTION DETAILS SHALL BE AS PER 2020 NYS RES CODE. 3. SMOKE ALARMS AND HEAT DETECTION SHALL COMPLY WITH NFP72 AND 2020 NYS RES CODE R314.I 4.ALL EXTERIOR WINDOWS AND GLASS BLOCK TO MEET LARGE MISSILE IMPACT TESTING AND 130 MPH 3 SEC. GUSTS OR SHALL BE PROTECTED WITH PLYWOOD PANELS PER R301.2.1.2 OF THE NYS RES CODE. 5.SAFETY GLAZING MUST COMPLY WITH R308 OF 2020 NYS RES CODE. 6.INTERIOR WINDOW SILL STOOLS AND APRONS SHALL HAVE CLOSED END CAPS, SAME GAUGE AS STOOLS. LOCATION MAP PROJECT SITE MINIMUM UNIFORMLY DISTRIBUTED LIVE LOADS ARE CALCULATED PER 2020 NYS RES CODE TABLE R301.5: USE LIVE LOAD UNINHABITABLE ATTICS WITHOUT STORAGE: 10PSF UNINHABITABLE ATTICS WITH LIMITED STORAGE: 20PSF HABITABLE ATTICS AND ATTICS WITH FIXED STAIRS: 30PSF BALCONIES (EXT) AND DECKS: 40PSF FIRE ESCAPES: 40PSF GUARDS AND HANDRAILS: 200PSF GUARD IN-FILL COMPONENTS: 50PSF PASSENGER VEHICLE GARAGES: 50PSF ROOMS OTHER THAN SLEEPING ROOMS: 40PSF SLEEPING ROOMS: 30PSF STAIRS: 40PSF GEOGRAPHIC AND CLIMATIC CRITERIA: WIND SPEED:130 MPH WIND SPEED GROUND SNOW:20 PSF SEISMIC CATEGORY:B WEATHERING:SEVERE TERMITES: MODERATE-HEAVY I TITLE SHEET AND SITE PLAN A001.00 X OF XX OF X EXISTING CONSTRUCTION NEW CONSTRUCTION LEGEND 319 Grand St., Fl 2 New York, NY 10013 T 212.219.6377 DATE: JOB #: DWG #: SCALE: REV#DESCRIPTION DATE PAGE: 2307 DOB BSCAN: studio@LED-NYC.com www.LED-NYC.com ARCHITECT: Orchard Street Barn 265 ORCHARD STREET ORIENT, NY 11957 LYNCH EISINGER DESIGN ARCHITECTS PC © 2024 LYNCH EISINGER DESIGN ARCHITECTS PC - All Rights Reserved PLAN NORTH W W MON. 0.8644 Acres 37653 Sq. Feet 20.8 17.2 C.E.MON. DECKWOOD BLOCK WALL AT GRADE PRIVIT HEDGEPRIVIT HEDGE42" GATE PRIVIT HEDGE 36" 36" 24"12" 12" 12"21.7 FF 22.2 21.2 21.621.4 21.1 20.0 20.7 20.0 19.4 18.7 10.1' 22.2 21.7 21.822.0 22.0 21.8 21.5 21.621.4 21.521.3 20.9 21.0 21.1 21.4 21.1 21.5 21.721.0 20.7 20.6 20.0 20.7 21.1 20.8 17.2 17.9 19.5 18.6 17.8 15.4 17.3 18.4 19.0 19.2 20.0 20.4 19.617.6 15.8 GATEGATE3.1'1.6'8.3' 41.8' 48.0'56.5'48.2'44.0'40.5'10.2' 10.3' 10.1' 10.6'4.0'3.8'0.2'SWL.0.0'NWL.GRAVEL O.H. WI RES0.3'NFE.0.9'NFE.0.5'EFE. 0.7'EFE.6' WOOD FENCEWIRE FENCE21.8WELL HEAD WOOD PORCH ENCLOSED O.H. WIRESO.H. WIRES4' CHAIN LINK FENCE GENERATOR AC AC 6' WD. FE.STONE RETAINING WALL 1.3'E4' WOOD FENCE 4' WOOD FENCE GRADE ENCLOSEDWOOD DECK1.3' ABOVE WOOD DECK1.3' ABOVE GRADE CELLAR ENTRANCE ROOFEDWOOD PORCH ROOFEDWOOD PORCH 19.3 WELL GRAVEL DRIVEWAYGRAVEL DRIVEWAYAPRON ASPHALT CONCRETE WALK STREE T 202.94'N26°19'30"E 193.05'N66°57'59"W 85.93' N85°56'30"W 135.01'S11°28'00"W 184.10'S78°59'00"E 49.60'S77°13'50"E 119.00' RIDGE 37.2FF 23.2 RIDGE 35.2 FF 22.5 RIDGE 44.7 FF 22.9 1 STORY FRAME COTTAGE 1 STORY FRAME COTTAGE 1 STORY APRONASPHALT EDGE OF PAVEMENTVILLAGE LINE2 STORY #265 FRAME RES. ORCHARD 23.7'19.8'27.4'1.0'15.3'19.9'7.5'22.5' 21.7'17.1'15.1'26.5'20.3'28.3'7.6'6.2'12.7'34.4' 34.4'24.4'34.4'24.4'40.9'20.2'20.2'40.9' AREA OF WORK RENOVATED ACCESSORY FRAME STORAGE BARN SITE PLAN Scale: 1" = 20'-0" 1 A001 IN GROUND POOL FILED UNDER SEPARATE APPLICATION SITE PLAN BASED ON SURVEY 23-077 BY JOHN M ABRUZZO, PLS, DATED APRIL 23, 2023 20 FEB 2024FILING SET EXISTING AND PROPOSED PLANS A101.00 X OF XX OF X EXISTING CONSTRUCTION NEW CONSTRUCTION LEGEND 20 FEB 2024FILING SET 319 Grand St., Fl 2 New York, NY 10013 T 212.219.6377 DATE: JOB #: DWG #: SCALE: REV#DESCRIPTION DATE PAGE: 2307 DOB BSCAN: studio@LED-NYC.com www.LED-NYC.com ARCHITECT: Orchard Street Barn 265 ORCHARD STREET ORIENT, NY 11957 LYNCH EISINGER DESIGN ARCHITECTS PC © 2024 LYNCH EISINGER DESIGN ARCHITECTS PC - All Rights Reserved PLAN NORTH PLAN - EXISTING GROUND FL Scale: 1/4" = 1'-0" 1 A101 PLAN - DEMO GROUND FL Scale: 1/4" = 1'-0" 2 A101 PLAN - PROPOSED GROUND FL Scale: 1/4" = 1'-0" 3 A101 EXG STORAGE RM 101 EXG SHOWER RM 102 EXG STORAGE RM 103 STORAGE RM 102 POOL HOUSE RM 101 STORAGE RM 103 41'-8 1/2" 13'-4 7/8"2'-6 1/2"5'-2 1/8"18'-6"20'-1 1/2"20'-10"19'-0 1/2"7'-6"7'-11 1/2"12'-2 3/4"103 102 101A 102 B 102 101 UPCLOSET B 101 A 8'-8 7/8"8'-11 1/2"9'-9 1/4"8'-1 1/2"4'-10 3/8" PLAN - EXISTING ATTIC Scale: 1/4" = 1'-0" 4 A101 EXG STORAGE RM 201 7'-4 1/2"PLAN - PROPOSED ATTIC Scale: 1/4" = 1'-0" 6 A101 EXG STORAGE RM 201 DN 3'-0" 3'-0"8'-9"3'-0"7'-11 1/2"20'-1 1/2"22'-8"PLAN - DEMO ATTIC Scale: 1/4" = 1'-0" 5 A101 20'-10"27'-11 1/4"14'-9"8'-9 3/4"3'-0"3'-0"2'-6"9'-11 3/8"4'-4 3/8" 1 A202 2 A202 3 A202 4 A202 1 A202 2 A202 3 A202 4 A202 350 SF165 SF 270 SF 9'-8"9'-6"2'-2 1/4"2'-10"6'-4 1/4"8'-2 1/2"2'-11 5/8" NEW CONCRETE SLAB EXG DOOR TO BE FIXED IN CLOSED POSITION PATCH FLOOR TO MATCH EXISTING 201 A 201 B 201 C 201 D 103 A 103 B 1 A30120'-3"13'-4 7/8"20'-1 1/2"18'-11 1/4"8'-8 1/2"18'-8 3/4"2'-5"2'-0 1/2"17'-1 1/4"6'-2 1/2"7'-4 1/2"9'-2 1/2"3'-8"6'-9 1/2"5'-11" 8'-11 1/2"9'-9 1/4"8'-1 1/2"4'-10 3/8" 41'-1 1/2" 8'-8 7/8"20'-3"18'-11 1/4"8'-8 1/2"18'-8 3/4"2'-5"2'-0 1/2"17'-1 1/4"9'-2 1/2"3'-8"8'-11 1/2"9'-9 1/4"8'-1 1/2"4'-10 3/8" 41'-1 1/2" 8'-8 7/8"18'-11 1/4"8'-11 1/2"9'-9 1/4"8'-1 1/2" 26'-10 1/4" DNUP 1 A201 2 A201 4 A201 3 A201 1 A201 2 A201 4 A201 3 A201 DEMO SIDE SHED DEMO STAIR REMOVE FLOORBOARDS REMOVE PART OF EXTERIOR SIDINGS. SEE ELEVATIONS REMOVE BARN DOORREMOVE BARN DOORREMOVE BARN DOORREMOVE BARN DOOR EXG STORAGE RM 101 EXG SHOWER RM 102 EXG STORAGE RM 103 REMOVE FLOOR FOR NEW STAIR OPENING 3'-5"3'-0"7"8'-9"7'-11 1/2"2'-0 1/2"2'-5"8'-10 3/4" 14'-9"28'-9 3/4"22'-8"27'-7 3/4" 8'-1 1/2"9'-9 1/4"8'-11 7/8"18'-11 1/4"20'-1 1/2"27'-6" 26'-2"20'-3"41'-1 1/2" 8'-1 1/2"9'-9 1/4"8'-11 7/8" 27'-6" 26'-2"18'-11 1/4"20'-1 1/2"2'-0 1/2"2'-5"8'-10 3/4"20'-3"9'-2 1/2"7'-4 1/2"3'-8"6'-2 1/2" DEMO STAIR EXG STORAGE RM 20120'-3"ALL DIMENSIONS SHOULD BE VERIFIED IN FIELD TO ACCOUNT FOR SETTLEMENT OF EXISTING STRUCTURE NOTE EXISTING ELEVATIONS A201.00 X OF XX OF X EXISTING CONSTRUCTION NEW CONSTRUCTION LEGEND 319 Grand St., Fl 2 New York, NY 10013 T 212.219.6377 DATE: JOB #: DWG #: SCALE: REV#DESCRIPTION DATE PAGE: 2307 DOB BSCAN: studio@LED-NYC.com www.LED-NYC.com ARCHITECT: Orchard Street Barn 265 ORCHARD STREET ORIENT, NY 11957 LYNCH EISINGER DESIGN ARCHITECTS PC © 2024 LYNCH EISINGER DESIGN ARCHITECTS PC - All Rights Reserved PLAN NORTH WEST ELEVATION - EXISTING Scale: 1/4" = 1'-0" 1 A201 SOUTH ELEVATION - EXISTING (FRONT) Scale: 1/4" = 1'-0" 2 A201 EAST ELEVATION - EXISTING Scale: 1/4" = 1'-0" 3 A201 NORTH ELEVATION - EXISTING (REAR) Scale: 1/4" = 1'-0" 4 A201 T.O. UPPER ROOF + 20'-6" EXISTING GRADE + 0'-0"GROUND FLOOR + 0'-10" LOFT FLOOR + 9'-3 3/4" T.O. WALL + 13'-3 1/2" T.O. LOWER ROOF + 15'-0 3/4" T.O. UPPER ROOF + 20'-6" EXISTING GRADE + 0'-0"GROUND FLOOR + 0'-10" LOFT FLOOR + 9'-3 3/4" T.O. WALL + 13'-3 1/2" T.O. LOWER ROOF + 15'-0 3/4" 20 FEB 2024FILING SET PROPOSED ELEVATIONS A202.00 X OF XX OF X EXISTING CONSTRUCTION NEW CONSTRUCTION LEGEND 319 Grand St., Fl 2 New York, NY 10013 T 212.219.6377 DATE: JOB #: DWG #: SCALE: REV#DESCRIPTION DATE PAGE: 2307 DOB BSCAN: studio@LED-NYC.com www.LED-NYC.com ARCHITECT: Orchard Street Barn 265 ORCHARD STREET ORIENT, NY 11957 LYNCH EISINGER DESIGN ARCHITECTS PC © 2024 LYNCH EISINGER DESIGN ARCHITECTS PC - All Rights Reserved PLAN NORTH SOUTH ELEVATION - PROPOSED (FRONT) Scale: 1/4" = 1'-0" 2 A202 WEST ELEVATION - PROPOSED Scale: 1/4" = 1'-0" 1 A202 NORTH ELEVATION - PROPOSED (REAR) Scale: 1/4" = 1'-0" 4 A202 EAST ELEVATION - PROPOSED Scale: 1/4" = 1'-0" 3 A202 101 B 103 102 101 A T.O. UPPER ROOF + 20'-6" EXISTING GRADE + 0'-0"GROUND FLOOR + 0'-10" ATTIC FLOOR + 9'-3 3/4" T.O. WALL + 13'-3 1/2" T.O. LOWER ROOF + 15'-0 3/4" T.O. UPPER ROOF + 20'-6" EXISTING GRADE + 0'-0"GROUND FLOOR + 0'-10" ATTIC FLOOR + 9'-3 3/4" T.O. WALL + 13'-3 1/2" T.O. LOWER ROOF + 15'-0 3/4" 201 B 102 103 A 103 B 201 C 201 D 001 MATERIAL LEGEND NEW 1X9 CEDAR OR LARCH VERTICAL T&G SIDING, UNPAINTED (TRIM TO MATCH) 002 NEW RED CEDAR R&R #2 SHINGLES, 5" EXPOSURE 003 NEW SOLID GRANITE STEPS, WARM FINISH 001 001 001 001 001 001001 001001001 001 002 002 002 002 003 003 003 003003 WINDOW SCHEDULE WINDOW #WIDTH HEIGHT DESCRIPTION 101 A 9'-0"7'-2"CUSTOM WOOD FRAME WINDOW WITH CLEAR GLAZING 101 B 19'-0 1/2"7'-2"CUSTOM WOOD FRAME WINDOW WITH CLEAR GLAZING 102 1'-11 1/8"2'-3 1/4"CUSTOM WOOD FRAME WINDOW WITH CLEAR GLAZING TO MATCH EXG WINDOW IN EXG WINDOW OPENING 103 1'-10 1/8"2'-3 1/4"CUSTOM WOOD FRAME WINDOW WITH CLEAR GLAZING TO MATCH EXG WINDOW IN EXG WINDOW OPENING A 103 1'-7 1/2"1'-1 1/2"CUSTOM WOOD FRAME WINDOW WITH CLEAR GLAZING TO MATCH EXG WINDOW IN EXG WINDOW OPENING B 201 6'-0"3'-0"CUSTOM WOOD FRAME WINDOW WITH CLEAR GLAZING TO MATCH EXG WINDOW IN EXG WINDOW OPENING A 201 1'-7 1/2"1'-1 1/2"CUSTOM WOOD FRAME WINDOW WITH CLEAR GLAZING TO MATCH EXG WINDOW IN EXG WINDOW OPENING B 201 1'-6 1/2"1'-2 1/2"CUSTOM WOOD FRAME WINDOW WITH CLEAR GLAZING TO MATCH EXG WINDOW IN EXG WINDOW OPENING C DOOR SCHEDULE DOOR #WIDTH HEIGHT DESCRIPTION 101 9'-6"11'-9"CUSTOM WOOD SLIDING BARN DOOR TO MATCH EXG 102 2'-10"7'-0"CUSTOM WOOD HINGED DOOR TO MATCH EXTERIOR SIDINGS 103 8'-8"7'-3"CUSTOM WOOD HINGED BARN DOOR TO MATCH EXG (2 LEAVES) 20 FEB 2024FILING SET SECTIONS A301.00 X OF XX OF X EXISTING CONSTRUCTION NEW CONSTRUCTION LEGEND 319 Grand St., Fl 2 New York, NY 10013 T 212.219.6377 DATE: JOB #: DWG #: SCALE: REV#DESCRIPTION DATE PAGE: 2307 DOB BSCAN: studio@LED-NYC.com www.LED-NYC.com ARCHITECT: Orchard Street Barn 265 ORCHARD STREET ORIENT, NY 11957 LYNCH EISINGER DESIGN ARCHITECTS PC © 2024 LYNCH EISINGER DESIGN ARCHITECTS PC - All Rights Reserved PLAN NORTH WATERPROOFING MEMBRANE ON CONCRETE FOUNDATION FOOTING CAPILARY BREAK OVER FOOTING GRAVEL ON COMPACTED SOIL REINFORCED CONCRETE FOOTING NEW WOOD VERTICAL SIDING BOARDS NEW 2" RIGID FOAM INSULATION EXG SIDING BOARDS EXG WOOD FRAMING 3/4" TH. PLYWOOD SUBFLOORING ANCHOR BOLT FINISH WD FLOORING BATT INSULATION EXG WOOD FLOOR FRAMING FINISH WD FLOORING NEW WOOD SHINGLES NEW 2" RIGID FOAM INSULATION EXG SHEATING EXG WD RAFTERS NEW WOOD VERTICAL SIDING BOARDS NEW 2" RIGID FOAM INSULATION EXG SIDING BOARDS EXG WOOD FRAMING SECTION DETAIL - WALL Scale: 1 1/2" = 1'-0" 2 A301 EXG FINISH CEILING SECTION Scale: 1/4" = 1'-0" 1 A301 102 B 2 A301 20 FEB 2024FILING SET