HomeMy WebLinkAboutHPC - LEUNG, DARIEN - 265 Orchard Street Fence ApplicationHistoric Preservation Commission - Page 2– Building Design and Materials HPC – Application, Building Design and Materials 11_15_2023 (Revision #3) 2 | P a g e TOWN OF SOUTHOLD HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION CHECKLIST Instructions for “Certificate of Appropriateness” Application required for Building Permit on Registered Landmarks Items to be included: 1. Application 2. HPC Standard Q & A 3. Notice of Disapproval: Issued by the Building Department, dated within 60 days 4. Agent Authorization Letter: for owner’s consent when using a representative 5. Photographs of building, surrounding area and adjacent buildings, labeled 6. Property Survey and Site Plan: showing existing structures and proposed addition. 7. Complete set of construction documents, as submitted to the Building Department, including window and door schedules, materials, dimensions, locations on the façade (top of sill and dimensions on elevations and on building sections, as well). This document must be prepared by licensed design professional, dated, stamped, signed: Three (3) print sets and (1) digital set of proposed improvements at 1/4” scale, to include: BUILDING PLANS AND ELEVATIONS: ✓ Provide elevations of all sides affected, with building heights noted. ✓ Indicate location of all finish materials on plans and elevations. ✓ All pages of architectural/engineered plans shall be numbered, signed by a licensed design professional and indicate the date prepared and/or last revised date prepared. CHECKLIST: Please Provide Building Design and Materials below. Samples, supporting materials may be requested: Roof: Existing Form and Material: _________________________________________________________ Proposed Form and Material: _________________________________________________________ Siding: Existing Form and Material: _________________________________________________________ Proposed Form and Material: _________________________________________________________ N/A N/A N/A N/A Historic Preservation Commission - Page 3– Building Design and Materials HPC – Application, Building Design and Materials 11_15_2023 (Revision #3) 3 | P a g e Doors: Existing Form and Material: _________________________________________________________ Proposed Form and Material: _________________________________________________________ Garage Doors/Basement Door: Existing Form and Material: _____________________________________________________________ Proposed Form and Material: _____________________________________________________________ Windows: Existing Form and Material: _______________________________________________________________ Proposed: __________________________________________________________________________ Manufacturer: __________________________________________________________________________ Exterior finish:_________________________________________________________________________ Style: ____________________________________________________________________ Types of Sash: ____________________________________________________________________ Lites: ____________________________________________________________________ Muntins: ____________________________________________________________________ Trim & Ornamentation: Existing : ____________________________________________________________________ Proposed: ____________________________________________________________________ Chimneys: Existing Form and Material: _____________________________________________________________ Proposed Form and Material: _____________________________________________________________ Porches-Decks: Existing Form and Material: _____________________________________________________________ Proposed Form and Material: _____________________________________________________________ N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Historic Preservation Commission - Page 4– Building Design and Materials HPC – Application, Building Design and Materials 11_15_2023 (Revision #3) 4 | P a g e Fences Existing Form and Material: _____________________________________________________________ Proposed Form and Material: _____________________________________________________________ Canopies/Awnings: Existing Form and Material: _____________________________________________________________ Proposed Form and Material: _____________________________________________________________ Gutters/Downspouts: Existing Form and Material: _____________________________________________________________ Proposed Form and Material: _____________________________________________________________ Solar Panels – Please provide Engineered Plans Proposed Form and Material: _____________________________________________________________ Foundation: Existing Form and Material: _____________________________________________________________ Proposed Form and Material: _____________________________________________________________ • FAILURE TO SUBMIT DRAWINGS AND REQUESTED MATERIAL WILL RESULT IN DELAY IN THE APPROVAL PROCESS. • IT IS STRONGLY SUGGESTED THAT THE APPLICANT REVIEW THE HPC HANDBOOK at http://www.southoldtownny.gov/DocumentCenter/View/320/LPC-Handbook-Final-Draft?bidId= • ALL APPLICATIONS MUST HAVE A REPRESENTATIVE AT THE CONFERENCE AND PUBLIC HEARING TO BE REVIEWED. • A PRE-SUBMISSION CONFERENCE WILL BE SCHEDULED PRIOR TO A FORMAL PUBLIC HEARING. PUBLIC HEARINGS REQUIRE POSTING AND MAILINGS BY THE APPLICANT AS DESCRIBED IN CHAPTER 55 OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN CODE. • SECTIONS OF LOCAL LAWS AUTHORIZING REVIEW BY THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION OF PROPOSED WORK ON DESIGNATED TOWN LANDMARK PROPERTIES CAN BE FOUND IN CHAPTER 170 OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN CODE N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A See attached for description and images of existing and proposed fencing. 2021-08-24 Welcome to the Historic Preservation Commission. Our goal is to help you achieve your objectives with preservation of the exterior remaining true to its original design, assuring that the continuum and continuity essential to a historic district or property is maintained. There is a process to achieving the best outcome. • All applicants are encouraged to have a Pre-Submission Conference whereby the application and renderings are reviewed, questions are asked, and recommendations made that will guide the applicant to a successful outcome. • If things are very straight forward and clear, a recommendation to go to a Public Hearing will be scheduled. • If it is necessary to better understand the project, a Site Visit may be suggested. This is a special accommodation, whereby one Commissioner or more will visit your property and have eyes on the ground able to assess your plans within the context of its location. • The Commissioners will report back to the Commission, share their newfound knowledge and recommend either another Pre-Submission Conference or a Public Hearing. The Administrative Assistant to the HPC will contact the Applicant and make scheduling appointments. • If there is a Public Hearing, where the Commissioners believe a Site Visit is necessary, the Public Hearing will remain open until it may be resumed at a subsequent date. • Decisions are made because of research and negotiation that lead to a motion to grant a Certificate of Appropriateness. If the motion is not made, further work needs to be done to accomplish a mutual goal. • In the case of the granting of a certificate of appropriateness, the Historic Preservation Commission shall be empowered to impose reasonable conditions upon the applicant to ensure that the activity is conducted in a manner which is consistent with the spirit and intent of Chapter 170 of the Town Code. Incomplete or partial applications are not recommended. They lead to incorrect thinking and a lack of continuity. Town of Southold Historic Preservation Commission Standard Q&A for Historic District and Landmarked Properties 2021-08-24 The HPC is required to have an architect on the Commission. This is the greatest benefit to an applicant. Their knowledge, perspective and experience often lead to the best outcomes that the applicant can have. Please consider this mandate as your best investment. In anticipation of your meeting with the HPC, listed below are standard questions you may wish to be prepared to address: 1. When was your house first built? 2. Do you know your building is within the Historic District? 3. Are you familiar with Chapter 170 of the Southold Town Code (Landmark Preservation) which applies to this application? 4. How is the design for your project sympathetic to the surrounding neighborhood? 5. How do your plans and elevations show adherence to the historic district mandates in Chapter 170? 6. Have you supplied images of neighboring residences? 7. How does this renovation illustrate compatibility in terms of scale and massing with neighboring structures? 8. What is the square footage of the original building? 9. What is the square footage of the renovated building? 10. What is the height of the original building? 11. What is the height of the proposed alteration, addition or new building? 12. What are the materials you are using for windows/doors, foundation walls, trim and siding? 13. Do these materials match, “in kind”, those of the original structure? The proposed materials and style of fencing are in kind with the pre-existing conditions on-site and in-keeping with the character of the neighborhood. Natural wood fence to match existing on site, proposed wire mesh behind Privet hedge The proposed fencing, gates, and hedges are to match existing on site. NA (no change proposed) NA (no change proposed) NA NA yes NA yes yes Prior to 1858 The proposed wood fence + gate will match existing fencing + gates on site. The proposed wire mesh for the required pool enclosure, will be placed behind the privet hedge so that it is not visible. 265 Orchard Street Orient, New York Existing Site Conditions- Front of Property 265 Orchard Street Orient, New York Existing Site Conditions- West Side of Property 265 Orchard Street Orient, New York Existing Site Conditions- East Side of Main House 265 Orchard Street Orient, New York Existing Site Conditions- Back side of Property 265 Orchard Street Orient, New York Existing Site Conditions- Eastern side of Property 265 Orchard Street Orient, New York Existing Fencing + Gate Conditions to Remain Private Hedge + Iron Gate at Street Front 265 Orchard Street Orient, New York Existing Fencing + Gate Conditions to Remain Existing Wood picket fence + gate at side yard 265 Orchard Street Orient, New York Existing Fencing + Gate Conditions to Remain Existing Solid wood enclosure to remain 265 Orchard Street Orient, New York Existing Fencing + Gate Conditions to be Matched Existing natural wood gate and privet hedge to be matched (required pool enclosure). 265 Orchard Street Orient, New York Proposed Fencing + Hedge Proposed 6’ ht. black wire mesh fence (required pool enclosure) to be hidden behind Privet hedge Proposed Privet hedge to match existing on site. Hedge to hide wire mesh fence behind. 265 Orchard Street Orient, New York Existing Fencing + Gate Conditions to be Matched Existing 6’ ht. natural wood fence to be matched Proposed 6’ ht. natural wood fence to match existing on site 265 Orchard Street Orient, New York Fencing + Gate Conditions at Neighboring Properties Privet Hedge 265 Orchard Street Orient, New York Fencing + Gate Conditions at Neighboring Properties Wood Fencing/Gate 265 Orchard Street Orient, New York Fencing + Gate Conditions at Neighboring Properties Wood Fencing/Gate LICENSED LAND SURVEYOR - NEW YORK AND CONNECTICUT REGISTERED JOHN M. ABRUZZO PLS.