HomeMy WebLinkAboutHaz Wast Assist Prog STOPJAMES BU1NCI-IUCK P.O. Box 962
SOLID WASTE COORDINATOR Cutchogue. New York 11935-0962
Tel: (631) 734-7685
Fax: (631) 734-7976
Gus Ribeiro
New York State DEC
~u~ea~J of Waste Red~t~tioe at, t1 Recycl~g
Di~sibn of Solid ~d H~dous Mat~s
625 Broadway
Alb~y; ~ 12233-7253
De~ ~. Ribeiro:
~clo~d pl~se fred The Town of Sou~old's application for ~d ~d~ ~e Household Haz~dous
Waste State Assistance Pro.am. The application covers pro~ costs d~ng fiscal ye~s 2001
~fi 2002. The ~o~ aid ~quested i~ $66,306,
A copy of ~s ~plication has Mso been founded to Mr. TonyCava, DEC Region 1.
Pl~se let me ~ow if you have any qnes6ons.
l~es B~chuck
cc: Sup~sorHo~on(letteronly) ~ ~¢~
~ettyNevitle,T6~ Clerk
To complete the appl ca~tlop~ ~ubml~all.~ ,, documentation below, and place a check (/) In each box
Include this ch~cldist With your appllCat on.* A handwritten Cop~ is acceptable.
Peraort oomplefing eheckl st (print) . J~mes Bunchuck Phone n~ber ~ 31 )~734- 7685
~eck b~ below ff item Is ~mpteted
App~lcetion cover Signed by~Authorized Represent~tlve
Ce~ified Resolutions - R~ (5) Co~s subm ~ed with
X ~ i
'lease answer alt que~ions
x b~low, They won't ta~ mom than
~ Whet ar~ ~e number and 10c~n of ~l[ecfio~ days or ~ci~ties ~
.__~ .... :What~p~ 0f ~stes ~e colle~ed ?
___~ .... What ~h0d~ am used ~manange the colle~ed HHW ?
_~_~ ..... Briefl~ d~ibe y~r educ~on~ a~ promot onal activ ties.
~.,__~ .... De~Cdbe any coordi~~lid~a~hg municipalities ? '
DeS~ibe ~r us~ ~: an inQo~afl~e or cost-effective methods
___~___: Ty~e ~s~n[e~e stafl~ that the proje~ meets all appli~ble taws and regulations.
___~ .... ~Scfibb; a~ effOrt,you ,made to secure other financial assistance.
Dep~b~any,~eces~ nter- ovemmental or non-governmenta arrangements
~,~:~ x :(d~ ~u~ co~es of al{ ~o~rg corr~Pondence)
x ~udgetW~k~h~~ ..... ~ ~ ' [{nclu~ing '~tem~zed' ~sts)
and ~iliZation Plan Form
X ~0 in hmdi,g)
x Send one copy ~f application to DEC Regional Office
Don t fmg~ ~0~ ~ur~OEC B~al Office for a collection day approval leRer ;; [~hl~as~ do so at lea~, ~ days prior to the HHW day)
Note: If you pa~ed ~ rese{~tion ina prev~us year it may be usable in the current year. Call
DEC at (5t8), ~57~8~ to determine if your previous resolution is acceptable.
DO NOT send all of yQur H~ plans and specifications used to obtain an HHW colle~ion day
approval leper, or permit. J~st send the Information required by this Application Package.
If you're b~liding a faCili~, Please call 518~57~829 ~r additional inst~ctions.
D~NOT bind your application. It needs to be separated for review.
New York State Department o! Environmental Conservation
Division of Solid & Hazardous Materials
Household Hazardous Waste State Assistance Program
1. Applicant Town of. Southold 2. County su rfc, 1 lc' 3. DEC Region 1
4. Type of Applicant: [ ] County [x] Town [ ] City [ ] Village [ ] Local public authority
[ ] Public benefit corporation [ ] School district [ ] Supervlsonj district ~ ] Native Amedcan tribe or nation
5. Name and Title of
Contact Person: .Tames Bunchuck, Solid Wam~P Coordinator
(print or type information] The Contact Person should be someone with specific knowledge about the HHW project.
Address: Southotd Town Dep't. of Solid Waste Phone 63t-734-7685
P.O_ Bow 969
Cutchoque, NY 11935
6. Type of program: (check all that apply) [ ~[ Collection Day(s) ~ ] Collection and Storage Facility [ ] Mobile Facility [ ] Educational (only eligible if done with a collection program)
7. Population of municipality ?~, 000+ [ ~ total population or [ ] households
8, HHW collection day date(s) ¥¥ 2001: 4/14/01; 6/23/01: 8/25/01; 10/13/0'1,.12/15/0
FY 2002: 4/t3/02; 6/15/02; 8/17/02; 10/19/02; 12/14/02; ;~/8/03.
9, Total HHW prolect cost $ 132,6'12 10. State Assistance Request (50%} $ .6..6,306
CERTIFICATION: I do hereby certify that the Information In this application end in the attached certified
copies of resolutions, other statements, and exhibits is true, correct and complete to the
best of my knowledge and belief.
Signature of Author'~d ~
Representative ~ /[;~-~-~--~ ~' Date ~.- ~, - ~ ~
NameandT~le James Bunchuck~ Southold Town SOlid Waste Coordinator
Address: p.o. RO~.962, Cu¥~,hng~P Ph°ne631 73/] 7685 NYSDEC-ReceivedStamp
NY 11935
Attach itemized lists ~of lndivid~al cosJ~'~{i~ed to calculate these ameunts.
Miscellaneous amounts will not be approved;
Period covered., April 1, 2001 - March 31, 2003 il ] (one year)
[:~ (two years)
[ ] (three years)
1. HHW Management Contractual Costs
Contractor Cost of Collection and Disposal $ 127, 697
Sublr, ac[.Cost of Unacceptable Wasl~es
$ 4~10
~ CESQG/farm wastes
Subtotal ~IHW ,Maqagement Contractor Costs $~ 127 257
2. Public education/promotion Include,items. used to reach out to the public.
newspaper/radio/TV advertising ' $ 5; 355.00
brochures, flyers
mailing costs
other promotional items
Documentation of actual costs will be necessary for payment purposes.
In-house reproduction costs qualify only if billing documentation is available.
Subtotal Public Education Costs $ 5; 355
~ 3. Supplies and Materials
Must be.necessary for carrying out HHW collectiqn
(example: disposable containers, tarps, safety gear, etc.) $ I
.coBtrac~or co~t
Please include an itemized list ~or m~s category.
4. Equipment Costs
(example: durable containers, can crushers, carts, etc.) $( included in
o ract o t
Please include an itemized list and justifications for eacCl~ ~m re~l%~s~ )
(Turn over page)
BUDGEI WVI~I[~I-IEI:. I [cot~%mUeUl
5. Construction Costs (only if building a permanent facility) ~
Please call 518-457-8829 for additional requirements $ -0-
Total Cost of the Program (add items from previous page)$ 132 .. ~12
Total State Assistance Requested (50% of total costs) $ 66,306
Write these amounts on the Cover Page
Indicate the amount of outside assistance or cost recovery
that the municipality has received or expects to receive $ -0-
for the HHW collection program activities.
Please provide an explanation of this assistance pn a separate page.
some types of cost ~recovery do not need to be subtracted from the eligible
cost. If you do not describe the type of cost recovery, it wihl be subtracted
from your eligible costs.
Please provide the following Information
(estimates are OK, if necessary)
Number of collection days
Expected Total Attendance
Total volume of HHW collected
(include the units of measure) 609 55-gallon drums .(~,-~ o4q~ qallons
(not including 2 asbestos drums~
Per person cost of collecting HHW $ 86.50 /person
I[dNIde total cost by total attendance)
Per unit cost of collecting HHW $ .3.96 /cja 1 lon. (units of measure)
(dlvlde lolal cost by total volume collected)
August Z002
=Application of
This Application by the To*wa of SouthoM under the New York State Household Hazardou~ Was(e State
Assistance Program seeks fending for eligible HHW expenses Incurred by the To~vn 6f $outhollt tn NFS
Fiscal Years 2001 and 2002_ Below is a description ofSouthold's HHWprdgralm, organized as shown on
page 8 of the Application Packag~
1. The number and location of collection days or facilities.
Sottthold's program consists of 6 HHW drop-off or 'S T.O.P' days per year, T~hey are held every
two months~0nla saturday, A total,of 12 dates ai~e inelude~ in'ihis applicatibn." in FY 2001, the
dates Were-i/14/01; ~23/01; 8/25/01; 10/13/0t~ I2115/01; and 2/9/02. In FY 2002, the dates are
as follows: 4/13/~02 ahd 61t~/02 (already hetd)~ The remaining FY,2002 dateszre scheduled for
8/17/02; t0/19/02; 112II4/02; aud 2/8/03.
All ~W day~ate lield~ at the Sonthold Town Solid Waste Transfer Station on County Rt.,#48 in
2. Types of wastes collected.
Wastes accei~t~d at Southold's tlBW days, the amounts collected to date, and estimates for future
collections inFY 2002 axe as follows:
Amount Collected (# of 55-gal drums)
Est. in
Waste T'qpe Actual thru 6/15102 Remainin~ Dates Total
* Bulk flammable paint 17 8 25
· Bulk flammable liquid 21 12 33
· Lab pack flammable liquid 198 100 298
· Lab pack flammable solid 2 I 3
· Lab pack pesticide l!quid 37 19 56
· Lab pack pesticide solid 49 25 - 74
· Lab pack corrosive - acid 10 5 15
· Lab pack corrosive - base 15 8 23
· Lab pack flammable aerosols 20 10 30
· Lab pack non-regulated 21 11 32
· Bulk waste anti-freeze 9 5 14
· Lab pack0xidizer 4 2 6
· Lal~ pack asbestos .... I ' 1 ' 2
Totals: 404 207 611
August 2002
3. Waste Manat,ement methods, includinv amount of HItW mused or recycled.
The Town's contractor handling materials received at all but one of the HHW chop-offdays
in~luded in this application is Cam Environmental Corporation of Landing, NJ. (The Town seeks
bids for managing the HHW days on a calendar year basis. Bids for 2003 will be solicited this
fall. Thus. there is no contractor yet selected for the event planned for February 8, 2003.) Cafe's
disposition of HHW collected is as follows:
· Bulk waste flammable paint, bulk waste flammable liquid, lab pack waste flammable
liquid, and lab pack waste flammable aerosols are used in fuels blending, for an
expected total of 386 drams [63% of the total).
· Lab pack flammable solids, lab pack pesticide liquids, and lab pack pesticide solids are
treated and incinerated, a total of 133 drums (22 %).
· Lab pack corrosive acids, lab pack corrosive bases, and lab pack oxidizers are treated
and disposed (44 drams, 7% of total).
· Lab pack asbestos is disposed of in a secure landfill (2 drums).
· Lab pack non-regulated batteries and bulk waste anti-freeze are recycled (46 drums, 8%
of total).
4. The educational and promotional slxatenies utilized to promote particil~ation.
The Town promotes the HHW chop-off days prior to each event with advertisements in each of 2
local weekly newspapers and through radio advertisements on a local station. The print and radio
ads go into specific detail on the types of material accepted, the date and time of the event, and
whom to call with additional questions. The ads always present the dates oftbe next two
scheduled events.
5. The coordination/consolidation of collection Drov. rams amone ruunicioalities.
The Town of Southold does not coordinate its HHW events with any other municipalities.
6. Any use of innovative, cost-effective methods.
The Town requires its HI:IW contractor to combine, or 'bulk', all flammable liquid paints, dyes,
and thinners. It is estimated that this effort saves approximately 10 - 15' 55-gallon drums per
event. The area used for the event days is the Town's existing recycling drop~off center. It is
conveniently sized and h~eated and is protected from the elements. The recycling bins normally
located at the center are moved by Town staffthe evening prior to an event to an alternate location
on the site in an area convenient for- but out of the way of - those attending the HHW event. No
separate structures or special arrangements with other facilities or 3~ parties are necessary.
7. Assuranc~ that the project will meet all an~lieable laws and regulations.
The Town assures that all applicable federal, state, and local regulations are met in connection
with its HHW drop-offdays.
8. Intergovernmental and non-s,overnmentaI arrangements.
No such arrangements are made with respect to Southold's HttW program.
9. Other financial assistance.
The Town has not received other financial assistance in the past for its HHW program and does
not anticipate receiving such assistance in connection with the expenses noted within this
Household Hazardous WaSte (HHW) State Assistance Program
Bureau of. Minority ~ni:! Women's Business Programs
The applicant {3amRd abo~e, in. their state assistan.c,e.,application, as a recipient
of state assistance Uhd~ the Environmental ~onservatio~ Law, is Committed to carry
out the intent of New York State Executive Law Article t5-A. The applicant
acknowledges its obligations, to- develop a comprehensive Minority/Women's Business
Enterprise and Equal' ~nployment Opportunity (M/WBE-EEO) pr(~gram which, assur.e.s
the mean ngful partidpafion of minorities and women in the work force associated w~th
the project to be financed or assisted.
The applicant will~ make ~very effort to secure .meaningful participation of
M/WBEs on the !Contrac~.~ Thins will be done by notifying M/WBE firms ,by mail,
advertisements, ~nd; ;~lephone contact to inform those firms of the availability of
contracting and .subcontracting opp0~tunities on the State assistance, contract,
~The applicant Will document its[efforts by keeping copies of advertisements a~nd
affida~vits of Publ~cat~ ns,~ cor[espond'.ence, telephone logs%and other documents which
reflect their efforts tc meet tl~e [~/WBE-EEO program requirements.
S i~ n-'E~ur e o f ~c~:~r Ol a~* ~anidpal F~epresentative
.3~m~ ~Rh~n~ ~recko~ of Co99unitv Servi~hone NO.( )
Typed, Name and ~t!e of AppropmateMunlc~palRepresentabve
Please return a copy,, of this signed statement with your application for State