HomeMy WebLinkAboutLettieri, Andrew & Bernice PUBLIC H]~ARINO IV[AY 21, 2002 1:33 P.M. , ONTHE~p~? FEE TITLE AS@UISITION OF THE PROPERTY OF PECONIC LAND TRUST AT DAM ?7~0ND. SCTM # 1000-23~1-3.4 & 20 AND SCTM # 1000-31-5-1.2 Present: Supervisor Joshua Y. Horton Justice Louisa P. Evans Councilman William D. Moore Councilman Craig D. Richter Councilman Thomas H. Wickham Town Clerk Elizabeth A. Neville Town Attorney Gregory A.'Yakaboski Absent: Councilman John M. Romanelli COUNCILMAN WICK}tAM: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to the provisions of C~,apter 6 (2% Commtmity Preservation Fund) of the Code of the Town of Southold, the Town Board df:the Town of Southold hereby sets a public hearing at the Southold It~h School Auditormm, Oaklawn Avenue. New York on the 21 dav of May. 2002 at 1.33 I).m as the time and place for a public heating on the question of the fee title acquisition by the Town of Southold of the property of Peconic Land Trust at Dam Pond, at which time all interested persons will be heard. Said property is comprised of 3 tax parcels totaling approximately 15.55 acres, (subject to survey), located on the north side of Main Road, and the north side of Dam Pond, East Marion, New York, identified as SCTM# 1000-23-1-3.4 & 20 and SCTM# 1000-31-5-1.2. The purchase price is $950,000 (nine hundred and fif[y thousand dollars.) Said property is to be purchased either outright by the Town of Southold, or acquired totally or partly under joint partnership with Suffolk County. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that the property in question is approximately 15.55 acre property includes three (3) separate tax parcels: SCTM# 1000-31-5-1.2 is approximately 14.995 acres in area and is located on the north side of Main Road, approximately 1900'east of the intersection of Starts RJ6ad and Main Road, and SCTM# 1000-23-1-3.4 and 23-1-20, are beach parcels, each approximately 0.:2j6 acres in area, located between Dam Pond and Long Island Sound. © 2 © 3:'more detailed description of the above mentioned parcel of land is on file in Land Preservation · _ ~rl~0artment, Sonthold Town Hall, Feather Hill Annex, Southold, New York, and may be examined by any interested person during business hours. :Dfited: May 9~ 2002 ~B~order of the Southold Town Board of the Town of Southold, May 9, 2002. Elizabeth A. Neville, --S~old Town Clerk. C. QUNCILMAN WlCKHAM: I have before me a notice that this official notice has been published in the Suffolk Times newspaper and st has also been pubhshed on the bulletin board of the To,wa Clerk so that everybody Can have access re the information in this public hearing. SUPERVISOR HORTON: At this point if there are any questions about this purchase, I would offer '.the floor to anyone who would like to address the Town Board. Melissa, do you have anything that yog would like to set forth? Just to give you a little insight into what this particular portion is, this is MOlissa Spire, she is the Coordinator for Land Preservation or Community Preservation Fund of which is basically a bank of money that we utilize to purchase open space within Sonthold Cpiro'is in charge of that. She is the director and does all the coordination with the .,~ ' necessary, to accomplish these goals of open space preservation and ~ '¢¢~-ge' talldng al)our this afternoon is the purchase of a Imece of property that will be in Town of Southold and Suffolk County in East Marion. I don't know ffyou are ~ : Pond area but if just as soon as you get on the Causeway heading east on the it's that piece of property just to your left, that large pond in the heavijy wooded area Sowe are in the midst of purchasing that piece ofproperiy m a parmership with the County. COUNCILMAN RICHTER: I think just to add one little better location mark. You may know where S~cret Beach is. I know in Greenport that was pretty well known years ago, so it is just east of Secret Beach. SUPERVISOR HORTON: Councilman Richter is dating himself because Secret Beach has been ~10~sed for about 20 years. ~LISSA SPIRe: Good Afternoon, Supervisor Horton and members of the Town Board. First I ~uld like to apologize for the map. You can t see the map because I put ~t so that the students could ~ I also' apologize because it seems like the base lines are not so dark, I'm not sure why but you can l~i~d~'of make out where the property is due to the colors. The property that is the subject of today's li~rari~'is part of the Dam Pond area that has been on the Towns priority acquisition list for many ~S. There are two different properties involved in the acquisition. One tax parcel is approximately 1'~799 acres hi area and is located on the north side of the Main Road approximately 1900 feet east of tI~e'intersectinn of Stars Road and Ma'm Road. This property is the large red rectangle shown on the map. There is another parcel that is the beach parcel and that is the very small red parcel and that to~ls about .54 acres. It is located between Dam Pond and Long Island Sound. It is actually a beach parcel. Tiffs parcel was formally two separate parcels, SCTM #1000-23-1-3.4 & 23-1-20 that were combined recently due [o a change in ownership. The hearing notice and the prior resolutions in regard to this purchase refer to this beach parcel as two separate parcels but as I explained they are now combined to one parcel. The purchase is important because it is located within an area of land already preserved through Town, County and private easement efforts. In 1999 the Town and County jointly p~served the adjacent 21 acre p~ula area shown in the light blue on the map. The Town has already started developing trails in this area. The access to the existing preserved property ~s over the property that is the subject of today's hearing. In addition to being adjacent to the existing preserved Dam Pond property the subject property is adjacent to nearly 100 acres of property to the west on which there is a private conservation easement to the Peconic Land Trust and that property is shown in the sandy color and I can see that that is really hard to see that but it kind of surrounds the blue and the red parcel. The acquisiffon of the subject land allows for the establishment of a nature preserve, a passive recreational area and limited parking for access purposes ali in conjunction w/th the peninsula ,land currently owned jointly by the Town and the County. In November of 2001, the Town Board held a:public hearing in regard to the purchase of the subject parcels and elected to purchase them in p ~artne~hil~ Wi~ the County as tenants in common for $950;000. Due to new considerations, the ~p~ has ch,anged a bit or ac~tmlly the project has changed a bit, the p~rollerty stayed' the same, ~cess~ng ~:~fiev~-publie he~ and that is what we are ha~ing today. The current proposal is to 'buy the same amoant of land but for the Town to purchase the I&99 acre the la~ge red parcel m p~ersl~, w~th tt~e County as ~s i~ common for $~46~00¢ anti for the T0wn to p~urchase on its ~ witho~ tl~e, ~?m~, parmers.~ ~the beach parcel for $~000. The Land P~.~erva~?n ~ommittee ~' re~dew~d t~e ~op0sed putel~j~ and the Committee. and I both support tt~e~ aoqmsflion of tiffs ~ortant ~p.e~t~ y hnd recomme~d~j;~t the Town Board proceed with the proposer~ acqnis~fien. I ~6uld als0 l~t~e, to;~ the Pe~ L~and Trust and especially Tim Caulfield for his dedication and ~ work 0~er the .years, really lo~gLa lot of time, in help/ng make this purcl~se become a reality. Y~ank-you. SUPERVISOR HORTON: Would anybody else from the public care to address the Town Board on thi~ public t~earing? ~0AN EGAN: Good Afternoon everybody. My name is Joan Egan, I think that I know most of you- gq~ hear me honking my horn quite frequently-giving you a wake-up. Good Afternoon Josh, Mr. ?d~hte~, Mr. Moore, Miss Evans, Mr. Wickham, Mr. Romanelli and Mr. Yakaboski. Did I get it fight? ¥{~, as far as if we are talking about the same thing this is the parcel there by the school where you ~t to...I went to that public meeting in Orient. Now I may be wrong here so stop me if I am. Where they want to put the ball field? g~ERVISOR HORTON: I don't mean to interrupt you but you are speaking about a different parcel. JO~N EGAN: Oh, that is what confused me because I understood that you were going to rent part of it or ... SUPERVISOR HORTON: No, this is an entirely different property, Mrs. Egan. JOAN EGAN: Okay, well then I will go further on to say that any park any property that the Town acquires is a site for children to be on and to walk and explore, correct? And with what is going on in our Town which ~s getting worse and worse and worse you are going to need security. Our Police Fdj~ce is way, way down we have a number of people out, there are vacations. I think that I addressed ~!f~ct that you were sending someone away in Jone, which is wrong in my estimatton. So I think that i! i~ great the Town acquires, I think it is great that the County supports it but I think that you have to lo0k into it very carefully for the protection of the people that use it. That regard for insurance for anything. We do not have enough Police to protect these places and we are in trouble. We don't want any of you to get into any further trouble, do you? Thank-you. S~ERVISOR HORTON: Thank-you, Mrs. Egan. Is there anybody else who would like to address :tl/:~ Town Board on the Dam Pond purchase? Well, I am excited about this purchase. Th/s is one that ~ been in the works for quite some time, and thanks again to Melissa and Tim with the Peconic Land ~st for hanging in there and working w~th the County to make that possible. !~ · · · . · Southold Town Clerk LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF PIYBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to the provJ~sions of Chapter 6 (2% Community Preservation Fund) of the Code o£the Town o~ Southold, the Town Bo'ard of the Town of Southold hereby sets a public hearing at the Southold High School Auditorium. Oaklawn Avenue. New York on the 21~[ day of May. 2002 at 1:33 I~.m as th~ time and place for a public hearing on the question of the fee title acqu/sition by the T~own of Sonthold ot'the property of Peconic Land Trust..at Dam Pond, at which time all interested persons w'fll be heard. Said property is comprised of 3 tax parcels totaling approximately 15.55 acres, (subject to survey), located on the north side of Main Road, and the north side of Dam Pond, East Marion, New York, identified as SCTM# 1000-23-1-3.4 & 20 and SCTM# t000-31-5- 1.2. The purchase price is $950,000 (nine hundred and fifty thousand dollars.) Said property is to be pnrclmsed either outright by the Town of Southold, or acquired totally or partly under joint partnership with Suffolk County. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that the property in question is approximately 15.55 acre property includes three (3) separate tax parcels: SCTM# 1000-31-5-1.2 is approximately 14.995 acres in area and is located on the north side of Main Road, approximately 1900'east of the intersection of Starts Road and M~m Road, and SCTM# 1000-23-1-3.4 and 23-1-20, are beach parcels, each approximately 0.26 acres m area, located between Dam Pond and Long Island Sound. A more detailed description of the above mentioned parcel of land is on file in Land Preservation Department, Southold Town Hall, Feather Hill Annex, Southold, New York, and may be examined by any interested person during business hours. Dated: May 9, 2002 BY ORDER OF THE SOUTItOLD TOWN BOARD ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE SOUTHOLD TOWN CLERK PLEASE PUBLISH ON MAY 16, 2002, AND FORWARD ONE (11 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION TO ELIZABETH NEVILLE, TOWN CLERK, TOWN HALL, PO BOX 1179, SOUTHOLD, NY 11971. Copies to the following: The Suffolk Times Town Board Ma~nbers Town Attorney John Cushman, Accounting Land Preservation Committee Department of Land Preservation Town Clerk's Bulletin Board © STATE OF NEW YORK) SS: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE, Town Clerk of the Town of Southold, New York being dulyswom, says that on the ~ dayof ~t']c~ .2002, sheaffi~eda notice of which the annexed printed notice is a true copy, irt a proper and substantial manner, in a most public place in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, to wit.- Town Clerk's Bulletin Board, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING FOR MAY 21, 2002: Dam Pond property A. Nevi{lc Southold Town Clerk Sworn before me this_ G~ daY of )Q/]~ ,2002. LYNDA M. BOHN I~OTARY PUBLIC, State of New ¥0rk No. 01BO6020932 Quatified in Suffolk Count~_ Term Expires March 8, 20~..~ STATE OF NI-=W YO~IO ~.,.',o,',,'~:m',,m.tcttt.:,m\(; '_.:.=.~_~_;'./..'~_~.~_~_~_.~.,/~/'_-~_.~'~'_/~_'_-.-:-____of Mattituck, in said ,. ,. \(){ ICi, IN I ll,,l{I.I{'t' (;1~, I,:~. '..,:~ ,r:".:'.,'. ,,, '.,.' ~,., ,~,,,,,., (':,~,,,t~.,.,county, being duly sworn, says that he/she is Principal m,. ,;,,,,. ,..~,,, ,,,,.,,:. ,h,. clerk of THE SUFFOLK TIMES, a weekly newspaper, pub- ~, i~,,.., :, n,.,.'l;,,~., ,, ,~,,,,~!.:,;,~ lished at Mattituck, in the Town of Sou~old, County of i licit ~;L'h*,el Amlil{~rilul*. SUffOlk and State of New York. and that the No:ice of which ; ,,l'.~,,>, m, ~,=, ~:.~.~ ,,. ~. the annexed is a printed copy, has been regularly pub- ; '" :, ;~'.,,'.~,: [:.'.,,,,,- lished 'in said Newspaper once each week ~'~' '.i:' ,...";....i ;",'":!'~,'~,.+:.,~.,~,,,,.~,.,,J.,',,'.~l,,, for ........_/_ ...... weeks successively: commencing ,,, ,,,' ~,,..,,,,i~. ~.,~,,~,,;:,,,..,~ n.,,,, on the ....... _/_~_-.. ........ day ~, *~ ~',.r,.. of ,,~__ ...... 20~_'~'_ . :,,,,, ,,,,. ,,,,,,,, '.~ ,~-'.:.',,,,I..';(.','w'. :l,~-.~:l.-~. n.' ,' Sworn to before me ti~is. / ~,,,~:~',.,:. ~,..: ',' n, , ~.~ ,,J .i, '.,.. day of c'uL'-,,..~ / 20 u d--- llul~h¢lhl, llr~l~'lllni'l,lt!lmllh ~lr i~lrI. LAURA c E, ONUARC~uK ~u(t.lk { ,~ ; . Notary Public. State of Ne~; York · . · ' I',1o 01B06067958 ~. ' f.', ~ '; .,.~'. -~ . ,' ~ · : · ,: OIJ~JJJJ~'-,.J in SU ~0 k Coun,~ .,.. ,-'..- ELIZABETtt A. NEVILLE Town Hall, 53095 Main Road TOWN CLEItI~ P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 REGISTRAR3/LA~RiAGEOF VITALoFFicERSTATISTICS %~ Fax (631) 765-6145 ttECORDS ~M-kNAGEME2qT OFFICER ~ Telephone (631) 765-1800 FREEDOI~I OF INFORIVikTION OFFICER southoldtown.northfork.net OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD FAX TRANSMITTAL TO: SUFFOLK TIMES - ATTENTION: Joan Ann FROM: LYNDA M. BOHN DATE: 5/14/2002 RE: LEGAL NOTICES FOR PUBLICATION IN 2002 Number of pages being faxed 2 including cover page If total transmittal is not received, please call 631 765-1800. fax 631 765-6145 One (1) Public Hearing Notice PLEASE ACKNOWLEDGE RECEIPT OF THIS LEGAL NOTICE WITHIN ONE (1) HOUR BY SIGNING BELOW AND RETURNING BY F. AX TO 765-6145. ATTENTION: BETTY NEVILLE. THANK YOU. Received By Date LEGAL NOTICE© NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 6 (2% Community Preservation Fund) of the Code of the Town of Southold, the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby sets a public hearing at the Sonthold Iti~h School Auditorium. Oaklawn Avenue. New York on the 21~ day of Mav. 2002 at 1:33 as the time and place for a public heanng on the question of the fee title acquisition by the Town of Sonthold of the property of Peconic Land Trust at Dam Pond, at which time all interested persons will be heard. Saidproperty is comprised of 3 tax parcels totaling approximately 15.55 acres, (subject to survey), located on the north side of Main Road. and the north side of Dam Pond, East Marion, New York, identified as SCTM# 1000-23-1-3.4 & 20 and SCTM# 1000-31-5- 1.2. The purchase price is $950,000 [nine hundred and fifty thousand dollars. ~ Said property is to be purchased either outright by the Town of Southold, or acquired totally or partly under joint partnership with Suffolk County. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that the property in question is approximately 15.55 acre property includes three (3) separate tax parcels: SCTM# 1000-31-5-1.2 is approximately 14.995 acres in area and is located on the north side of Main Road, approximately 1900'east of the intersection of Starts Road and Main Road, and SCTM# 1000-23-1-3.4 and 23-1-20, are beach parcels, each approximately 0.26 acres in area, located between Dam Pond and Long Island Sound. A more detailed description of the above mentioned parcel of land is on file in Land Preservation Department, Southold Town Hall, Feather Hill Annex, Southold, Ne~v York, and may be examined by any interested person during business hours. Dated: May 9, 2002 BY ORDER OF THE SOUTttOLD TOWN BOARD ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE SOUTHOLD TOWN CLERK PLEASE PUBLISH ON MAY 16, 2002, AND FORWARD ONE (1) AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION TO ELIZABETH NEVELLE, TOWN CLERK, TOWN HALL. PO BOX 1179, SOUTHOLD, NY 11971. Copies to the following: The Suffolk Times Town Board Members Town Attorney John Cushman, Accounting Land Preservation Committee Department of Land Preservation Town Clerk's Bulletin Board ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE ~m Town Hail, 53095 Main Road TOWN CLERK ~l[ P.O. Box 1179 REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS ~ Southold, New York 11971 MARRLtGE OFFICER ~ Fax (631) 765-6145 RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER ~ Telephone (631) 765-1800 FREEDOM OF INFOt~f~ATION OFFICER southoldtown.r~orthfork, ne~ OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT T~ FOLLOWING RESOLUTION NO. 309 OF 2(102 WAS ADOPTED AT THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD ON MAY 7, 2002: WI~,REAS, on the 8e" day of November, 2001, the Town Board held a public hearing and ele,,cted to purchase the property identified as SCTM# 1000-23-1-3.4 & 20 and SCTIv~ 1000-31- 5-L2, comprising approximately 15.55 acres of property at the price of $950,000, pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 6 of the Code of the Town of Southotd; and Wl~,REAS, the approximately 15.55 acre property includes three (3) separate tax parcels: SCTM# t000-3 I-5-1.2 is approximately 14.995 acres in area and is located on the north side of Main Road, approximately 1900'east of the intersection of Starts Road and Main Road, and SCTlvI~ i000a: 1~23.1 3.4 and 23-1-20, are beach parcels, each approximately 0.26 acres in area, located beW~en Dam Pond and Long Island Sound; and WHE~REAS, the purchase was to be in partnership with Suffolk County as tenants in common and the purchase price and all costs associated with the acquisition were to be shared 50%/50% between the Town of Southold and the County of Suffolk; and WHEREAS, due to certain time constraints, the Town may wish to purchase the property in total, without the 50% partnership participation with Suffolk County, or in partnership with Suffolk County but,at a partnership percentage other than 50/50, or may wish to p ~ur/chasethe 14~995 acre property (SCTM# 1000~31-5-1.2) in partnership with the County and the beach parcels (SCTM# 1000-23-1-3.4 and 20) without partnership participation from the County; be it therefore RESOLVED that pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 6 (2% Community Preservation Fund) of the Code of the Town of Southold, the Town Board of the Town of Sonthold hereby sets a public hearing at the Southold High School Auditorium, Oaklawn Avenue, New York on the 21st day of MaY, 2002 at 1:33 o.m as the time and place for a public hearing on the question of the fee title acquisition by the Town of Southold of the property of Peconic Land Trust at Dam Pon& Said property is comprised of 3 tax parcels totaling approximately 15.55 acres, (subject to survey), located on the north side of Main Road, and the north side of Dam Pond, East Marion, New ~rk, identified as SCTM~ 1000-23-1-3.4 & 20 and SCT1V~ 1000-31-5-1.2. The purchase price iS~$950;000 (nine hundred and fifty thousand dollars.) Said property is to be purchased © © either outright by the Town of Southold, or acquired totally or partly under joint partnership with Suffolk County. A more detailed description of the above mentioned parcel of land is on file in Land Preservation Department, Southold Town Hall, Feather Hill Annex, Southold, New York, and may be examined by any interested person during business hours. Elizabeth A. Neville Southold Town Clerk ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE Town Hail, 53095 Main Road TOWN CLERK P.O. Box 1t79 REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS Southold, New York 11971 M~RIAGI~ OFFICEI~ Fax (631) 765-6145 RECORDS M~kNAGEME~T OFFICER Telephone (681) 765-1800 FREEDOM :OF INFORMatION OFFICER OFFICE OF TI-IE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD THIS IS TO CERTIFY TI~T TltE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION NO. 786 OF 2001 WAS ADOPTED AT THE REGULAR MEETING OF rile SOUTtlOLD TOWN BOARD ON' NOVEMBER 8, 2001: WHEREAS, the Town Board of thc Town of Southold held a public hearing on the question of fee title acquisition of property from the Pcconic Land Trust as contract vendee with owners Andrew and Bernice Lctticri on thc Sa day of November 2001, pursuant to thc provisions of Chapter 6 (Commlmity Preservation Fund) of the Town Code, at which time all interested parties wcrc given thc opportunity to be heard; and WltEREAS, the approximately 15.55 acre property includes three (3) separate tax parcels: SCTM7 1000-31-5-1.2 is approximately 14.995 acres in area and is located on the north side of Main Road, approximately 1900' east of the intersection of Stars Road and Ma'm Road, and SCTM# 1000-23-1-3.4 and 23-1-20, are beach parcels, each approximately 0.26 acres in area, located between Dam Pond and Long Island Sound; and WHEREAS, SCTM# 1000-31-5-1.2 includes an approved subdivision of two lots, one approximately 2.66 acres in area and the other approximately 12.32 acres in area including the area of a 50' right-of-way; and wm~REAS, the 50' right-of-way provides access to the adjacent 21 acre Dam Pond property purchased under joint partnership by the Town and County in 1999; and © © WHEREAS, in addition to being adjacent to the preserved Dam Pond properW, the subject property is adjacent to nearly 100 acres of property to the west on which there is a conservation easement to the Peconic Land Trust; and WHEREAS, the Town Board deems it in the best public interest that the Town of Southold purchase the subject property together with the County of Suffolk, for open space preservation purposes in conjunction with the existing Town/County owned land, which may include the establishment of a nature preserve or passive recreational area, including limited parking for access purposes; and WltEREAS~ the Peeonic Land Trust is in contract to purchase the subject property from Andrew and Bernice Lettieri and the Town and County will then purchase the property from the Peconic Land Trust; now therefore be it RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby elects to purchase the property identified as SCTM# 1000-23-1-3.4 and 20 and SCTM# 1000-31-5-1.2, comprising approXimatelv 15.55 acres of property at the price of $950,000, pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 6 of the Code of the Town of Southold. The properties are to be purchased in partnership with Suffolk County as tenants in common. The purchase price and all costs associated with the acquisition to be shared 50%/50% between the Town of Southold and the County of Suftblk. The exact area of the property to be purchased is subject to survey. Elizabeth A. Neville Southold Town Clerk RESOLUTION NOVEMBER 8, 2001 V ~ 786 WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Southold held a public hearing on the question of fee title acquisition afproperty from the Peconic Land Trust as contract vendee with owners Pmdrew and Bernice Lettieri on the 8t~ day of November 2001, pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 6 (Community Preservation Fund) of the Town Code, at which time all interested parties were given the opporumity to be heard; and WHEREAS. the approximately 15.55 acre property includes three' (3) separate tax parcels: SCTM# 1000-31-5-1.2 is approximately 14.995 acres in area and is located on the north side of Main Road, approximately 1900' east of the intersection of Stars Road and Main Road, and SCTM# 1000-23-1-3.4 and 23-1-20, are beach parcels, each approximately 0.26 acres in area, located between Dam Pond and Long Island Sound; and WHEREAS, SCTM# 1000-31-5-1.2 includes an approved subdivision of two lots, one approximately 2.66 acres in area and the other approximately 12.32 acres in area including the area of a 50' fight-of-way; and WHEREAS, the 50' fight-of-way provides access to the adjacent 21 acre Dam Pond property purchased under joint partnership by the Town and County in 1999; and WHEREAS, in addition to being adjacent to the preserved Dam Pond property, the subject property is adjacent to nearly 100 acres of property to the west on which there is a conservation easement to the Peconic Land Trust; and WHEREAS, the Town Board deems it in the best public interest that the Town of Southold purchase the subject property together with the County of Suffolk, for open space preservation purposes in conJunCtion with the exist'rog Town/County owned land, which may include the establishment ora nature preserve or passive recreational area, including limited parking for access purposes; and WHEREAS, the Peconic Land Trust is in contract to purchase the subject property fi:om Andrew and Bernice Lettieri and the Town and County will then purchase the property from the t)econic Land. Trust; now therefore be it RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby elects to Imrehase the ~)rol)ertv identified as SCTMJg 1000-23-1-3.4 and 20 and SCTM# 1000-31-5-1.2, comprisinff al)l)roximatelv 15.55 acres of I~rol)ertv at the 1)rice of $950.000, pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 6 of the Code. of the Town of Southold. The properties are to be purchased in partnership with Suffolk Coumy as tenants in common. The purchase price and al/costs associated with the acquisition to be shared 50%/50% between the Town of Southold and the County of Suffolk. The exac! area of the property to be purchased is subject to survey. o ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE Tayto I-Ial], 53095 Main Road TOWN CLElgK ~x ~ ~-. P.O. Box 1179 ~ ~ Southold, New York 11971 REGIST~ OF VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER ~ lCax (631~ 765-6145 RECOt~DS 1VI~AGEMENT OFFICER Telephone (631) 765-1800 FREEDOM OF tNFORIVIAT~ON OFFICER ~ southotdtovvm.northfork.nec OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLO~ING RESOLUTION NO. 788 OF 2001 WAS ADOPTED AT THE REGULAR MEETING aY THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD ON NOVEMBER 8, 2001: WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Southold wishes to purchase the property from Peeonic Land Trust as contract vendee with owners Andrew and Bernice. Lettieri identified as SCTM# 1,000-23-1-3.4 and 20 and SCTM# 1000-31-5-1.2, comprising approximately 15.55 acres of property aithe price of $950,000, pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 6 of the Code of the Town of Southold. The purchase price and all costs associated with the acquisi~on to be shared 50%/50% between the Town of Southold and the County of Suffolk. The exact area of the property to be purchased is subject to survey; and WHEREAS, the Town Board deems it in the best public interest that the Town of Southold purchase the subjec! property together with the County of Suffolk, for open space preservation purposes.in conjunction with the existing Town/County owned land, which may include the establisl~nent of a nature preserve or passive recreational area, including,limited parking for access purposes; now therefore be it RESOLVED by the Town Board of the Town of Southold that this action be classified as an Unlisted Action pursuant to the SEQRA Rules and Regulations, 6NYCRR 617.1 et. Seq.; be it fuller RESOLVED by the Town Board of the Town of Southold that the Town of Southold is the only involved agency pursuant to SEQRA Rules and Regulations; be it further RESOLVED by the Town Board of the Town of Southold that the Short Environmental Form prepared for this project is accepted and attached hereto; be it further RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby finds no si~nfficant impact on the environment and declares a neaative declaration pursuant to SEORA Rules and Reflulations for this action. Elizabeth A. Neville Southold Town Clerk I -, ,Appendix C PART' ~--PROJECT INFORMATION (To be completed by Applicant m' Project sportsor), 3. PRO~IECT LOCATION:~ 4. PRBISE~LOCATION [Street ~dd~ess and road intersections, prorainent laadraarks, etc. o[ provide map~ 9. WHAT IS PRESENT LAND USE IN ¥1CINITY OF'PROJECT? ~ 10. DOES'ACTION INVOLVE A PERMIT APPROVAL OR FUNDING, NOW OR ULTIMATELY/:ROM ANY OTHER GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY (FEDERA~ STATE OR LOCAL)? ~0 If yeS, list agency(s} and ~emait/approvals Yes ( DOES ANY ASPECT OF THE ACTION HAVE A CURREr~fLy VALID PERMIT OR APPROVAL? b-'l'ye~ ,~ If yes; list agency name and permit/approval 12. [] Yes ~o . EXISTING PERMIT/APPROVAL REQUIRE MODIFICATION? A~ A RESULT OF ROPOSER ACT ON W LL I Ct=~fit=Y THAT THE INFORMATION PROVIDER ABOVE IS TRUE TO THE B~ST OF MY KIqOWI.EE~,~E If the action is in the Coastal Ama, and you are a. state agency, complete the Coastal Assessment Form before proceeding with this assessment OVER 1 PART Ill--DETERMINATION OF SIGNIFICANCE (To be.completed by Agency) INSTRUCTtON~: For each adverse effect idectified above, determine whether it is substantial, large, important or otherwise significant. Each effect should'l~ assessed in connection with its (a) earring (i.e. u~bsn or rurat);, (b) prob~bitity-of.eacerrin~ (c)'du.r~ddor~; (cB irreversibility; (s) geographic scope; and (f) magnitude. If necessary, add attachments or reference supporting r~teda(s. Ensure that explanat~or~ co~t~in suffieiect detail to show that ali relevant adverse impadts have ~en identified a~d ad~luatety addressed, tf question Dot Part II was checked yea, the d~terminaQon and signif'~'~ce must evalcat~'the potential impact of the proposed action on the en¥ironmental characteristics of the CEA. ~/ Check this box if you have identified, one or'mom potentiaJly large or significant adverse impacts'which MAY Ch,our. Then proceed directly to the FULL EAF and/or prepare a positive declaration. eok this box if you have '.determined based on the information and analysis above .and any supportirk9 documentatlori, that the proposed action WiLL NOT result in any signifiCant adverse enviresmentat impacts AND provide'on attachments as necessary, the masons supporting this determination: / 2 PUBLIC HEARING November 8, 2001 4:37 P.M. ON THE PURCHASE OF CERTAIN PARCELS OF PROPERTY FROM THE PECONIC LAND TRUST AS CONTRACT VENDEE WITH OWNERS ANDREW AND BERNICE LETTIERI. SCTM #1000-23-1- 3.4 AND 20. AND SCTM #1000-31-5-1.2. Present: Supervisor Jean W. Cochran Justice Louisa P. Evans Councilman William D. Moore Councilman John M. Romanelli Councilman. Brian G. Murphy Councilman. Craig A~ Richter Town Clerk Elizabeth A. Neville Town Attorney GregoW A. Yakaboski SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: We have another heating. Brian, why don't you read it? COUNCILMAN MURPHY: "NOTICE IS I-IEREBY GIVEN that it has been presented to the Town Board of the Town of Southold the possibility of acquisition by purchase of property from the Peconic Land Trust as contract vendee with owners Andrew and Bernice Lettieri. NOTICE IS ]?URTFIER GIVEN that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby sets Thursdav. November 8. 2001.2001 at 4:37 p.m.~ Southold Town Hall, 53095 Ma'm Road, Southold, New York as the tune and place for a Imblic hearin~ for the I)urchase of certain l)areels of larol)ertv from the Peeonic Land Trust as contract vendee with owners Andrew and Bernice Lettieri. Said property is identified as SCTM# 1000-23-1-3.4 and 20 and SCTM# 1000-31-5-1.2. The parcels total approximately 15.55 acres. The purchase price is $950,000.00 (nine hundred fifty thousand dollars). The properties are to be purchased in partnership with Suffolk County, the total costs of the acquisition to be shared 50%/50% between the To~cn of Southold and the County of Suffolk. The parcels are located on the north side of Main Road, approximately 1900' east of the intersection of Stars Road and Main Road and on the north side of Dam Pond, in East Marion. FURTHER NOTICE is hereby given that a more detailed description of the above mentioned parcel of land is on file in the Southold Town Clerk's Office, Southold Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York, and may be exam'med by any interested person during business hours. Dated: OctOber 23, 2001. By Order of the Southold Town Board. Elizabeth A. Neville, Southold Town Clerk." I have a notice that it was published in the paper, and a notice that it was on the Bulletin Board of the Town Clerk. Other than that there is no correspondence in the file. sUPERVISOR COCHRAN: Thank you, Councilman. You have heard the reading of the public ' notice m relation to the purchase of certain parcels in the Orient area down by Dam Pond, and at this time we would like any pros and cons. Before I go to the general public I would l'Lke call on Melissa Spko, w~o is our department head for Land Preservation and if you would explain to the public what we are doing. MELISSA SPIRO: Good afternoon, Supervisor Cochran and members of the Town Board. The property that is the subject of todafs hearing is part of the Dam Pond area that had been on the Town's priority acquisition list for many yews. The 15.55 acre proposed purchase area includes three separate tax parcels. The main area is approximately fifteen acres m area, and is located on the' north side of Main Road near Dm Pond in East Marion. It is the large red area on the map. In the early 1980's this parcel was subdivided into two l~ts, one approximately 2.6 acres in area, and the other 12.3 acres. The subdivision:included a fi ~f[y-.fo'm fight of way for access to the Tovm and the Colmty. There are two smaller beach ~ are ~e smaller/ed parcels it- is~ located withi~ an area Of lai~ct-already nd Cotm~,~ jointly a s to the te the as Brian total' purchase, price is purchase. The Town Tim Caufield and.~ ~ p-dtting this if Tim has a~ything else;to say. TIM CAUFIELD: Good afternoon. My name is Tim Caufield. I am with the Peconic Land Trust. Melissa has~ pretty much covered the specifics of the project. I really just want on behalf of our Board of Directorg to say, thank you to this Board for your patience and commitment to this important conservation effort. As you know some of these projects are years in the making. This one falls into that categoU. Our involvement in it goes all the way back 1989, when the ToWn Board at that time, and Jean, you might recall. [ think you were on the Town Board then. SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: Yes, I was TIM CAUFIELD: The Town Board focused on this area, made it a priority. They authorized the Peconic Land Trust to start working on conservation alternatives. That led to the private acquisitions of easements that Melissa referred to, the major acquisition of the peuinsula two years ago, and now we have this oppommity to get the last major piece of the puzzle. So, we are just looking forward to closing the book on it, and thank you again for sticking with it. SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: Come and show us the properties that are now protected. I know we have different colors there. TIM CAUFIELD: The whole Dam Pond area is really this whole region, priorities, New York State ~riorities~ and the environmental organizations. The private easements are this area in the back. There :Ss about a 96 acre property: That is of course is the number of private (unintelligible,) That really came lout of the i~fial work with the Town Board, and with perseverance on the Town's part we were able to ~finally put this partnership acquisition on the peninsula part, which to me is the most important visual ifr0m ~he State road./mfintelligible.) SUPERVISOP( COCHRAN: That is wonderful. We would like to thank the Trust in the part that they !pl~yec!/n trfiS~: and, MeIissa, all the work that you have done in your committee and department. Thank .you. It is afi'~portantPUrchase. Anyone else like to address the Town Board? lim? JIM MCM ~Ax~ ON: l~m McMahon private cffizen, Sunthold Town Just one little thing, over the s0.mmcr the Peconie La/id Trust on a volunteer day went down there, one day went down there with a group o~'kid~;from AmerieCorp: There is a tr~l down there th0t they have fashioned which was part of an existing f~ road. The accluisition of this red parcel will give 'off street parking for maybe three or four cars, and t think fei the people who haven't beer out there, i~t is a wonderful, wonderful Vista frum the b~e parge], and tiffs, o~uher parcel, with a little work will be~ certainly be a great addition to that Whol~ Dam'Pond preserve. SUPERVISOR COCI-IRAN: Tim took me on a h'tke one day, and we walked the blue parcel, and I thought~I was going to ~it and rest for twenty days, but he didn't let me. He made me keep forging on, but it is absointely ma .grfifi' cent. JIM MCMAHON: There is a trail aro.und there now that has been brushed hogged, and it probably needs to be done. You can see it now with the trail. SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: It is beautiful, beautiful. Anyone else Y~ke to address the Town Board? COUNCILMAN RICHTER: Melissa, isn't there two parcels up on the Sound that come with that also? MELISSA SPIRe: Yes. The two little red parcels. SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: That is at the small pan of that causeway. We would love to see all of the causeway preserved, you know, like a little barrier beach, but I would like to see that some day added re the cache. Anyone else like to address the Town Board? ( No response.) If not, [ will close the hearing. ~Ne~ll' e~ Southold Town Clerk © ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE _~~~ Town I-Iatl, 53095 Main Road TOWN CLERK ~ P.O. Box 1179 REGISTRAR OF VITAL S~ATISTICS Southold, New York 11971 MARRIAGE OFFICER Fax (631) 765-6145 RECORDS MAiqAGEMENT OFFICER Telephone (631) 765-1800 FREEDOM 017 INFORMATION~ OFFICEE OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD TillS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING ~SOLUTION NO. 744 OF 2001 WAS~ADOPTED AT THE REGULAR NiEE~G OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD ON OCTOBER 23, 2001: RI~SOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold bereby sets 4:37 o.m., Thursday. November 8. 2001. Southold Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, Sonthold, New York as the time and pla~ for a oubHe hearin~ for the lmrchase of certain oarccls of prooertv from the Peconic Land Trust as contract vendee with owners Andrew and Bernice Lettieri. Said property is identifie~l as SCTM# 1000-23-1-3.4 and 20 and SCTM# 1000-31-5-1.2. The parcels total approximately 15.55 acres. The purchase price is $950,000.00 (nine hundred fifty thousand dollars). The properties are to be purchased in partnership with Suffolk County, the total costs of the acquisition lo-be shared 50%/50% between the Town of Southold and the County of Suffolk. The parcels are located on the north side of Main Road, approximately 1900' east of the intersection of Stars Road and Main Road and on the north side of Dam Pond, in East Marion. Elizabeth A. Neville Southold Town Clerk - © RESOLUTION OCTOBER 23, 2001 V - 744 'RESOLVED,that the Town Board,of the Town of Southold hereby sets 4:37 p.rm, Thursday. November 8, 2001. Southold Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, Soulttold, New York as the time and place for a oublie:hearin~ for the ourchase of certain oarcels of ~ronertv from the Peeonie Land Trust as contract ~endee with 0wners Andrew and Bernice Lettieri. Said property is identifie6 as SCTM# 1000-23-1-3.4 and 20 and SCTM# 1000-31-5-1.2. The parcels total approximately 15.55 acres. The purchaseprice is $950,000.00 (nine hundred fifty thousand dollars). The properties are to be purchased in parmership with Suffolk County, the tota~ costs of the acquisition to be shared 50%/50% between the Town of Southold and the County of Suffolk. The parcels are located on the north side of Main Road, approximately 1900' east of the intersection of Stars Road and Main Road and on the north side of Dam Pond, in East Marion. $,()'ll('l I% Ill'll.l.ll~ {il~.i'.',, ~ !,,,..~ ~,,. :,!,,,' ~,~ !, ,~ ,~ ,,', ,~,,,, ~,,,~., STATE OF N~ YO~ :,~. ?,,..,'i,,,¥ ,,' ',~; ,,-,:,.,': ',~ ,,~?'- )SS: ~ =.,,,.: ~,~,.~ .,...,.',.., ',,,,,~., ,,i,, ~U~ OF SUFFO~ , ~,~i~ l%iil~'l'~H'l~(,~l'~ ~ ~ of Makita, in ~d ~..~:',,,;,, ~,,',,' ...... r[.,,.,,~=,>. ~un~, ~ing duly s~m, ~ ~at ~/~e is Pdnd~l ~.,,..,~,,.,. ~; ~i~. ,,~ ~:.w ,,.. ~oITHESUFF~K~MES~awee~y~r, pub- ~<,, ,~. ~-..,,,,,.,. ~.~ ~,,,~ . ~,,, lish~ at Ma~ in ~ T~n of ~oM, ~ of ~ ,,~:,, ..,. ?,.,,.,~ ~,~ ,, ~.~,~. ~..~i.~ Suffolk ~ S~te~ NewYo~. ~tt~ ~of~ ~lull.l,~ ltllll ik.l-ii~c~, I~,llk. l'i.~,~,',. lished in said New~r once each week ,,,,,,,.,~,, ,. :,~.,,;,n .,,, =,. ~('~. ~r / ~eks s~ss~ely, ~mmenclng ;~i,~ ?-f,-!.2. li~: ~,,,~;,.I- I(.~.1 O~ ~ ~ ~y .'h=~,~ ,,,',~,' i. "~',U.~,.~.~: ..,,, '~,~= Of 20 ~ .. I', " ': h. I'~h'- ...... ~,. ,,.:,,,,, ,,.,,.,,, ,,,.,., .., ,,. ~y Of ~' ~ ~ ~ , ~(."~ ,I...~ ~,~t l.. ,'.. ',.',.'",. ~ ~~ ~ Public, State of New y~ ~ ,,~, ,h~,. ,~ .,~,., ~::,~,.,, ,.~,,.,~ /~ /~ No. 02OL6020974 / ~ ' Qualified in Suffolk Coun~ ~ "/ Oemmission Expires Mar~ 8, 20 ~ / LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE.IS HEREBY' GIVEN that it has been presented to the Town Board of the Town of So'athold the possibility of acquisition by purchase of property from the Peconic Land Trust as contract vendee with owners Andrew and Bernice Lettieri. NOTICE IS ~RTHER GIVEN that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby sets Thursday. Nove:mber 8, 2001, 2001 at 4:37 p.m., Soathold Towa Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York as the time and place for a oublie hearine for the purchase;of,certai~ oare~ls of'orooertv from the Peconic Land Trust as contract vendee with owners 2~ndr .e~ ~tnd Bernice Lettieri, Said property is ideatified as SCTM#. 1000-23- [-3.4 and 20and SCTM# 1000-31-5-1.2. The parcels total approximately 15.55 acres. The purchase price is $950~00,00 (nine hundre~ fifty thousand dollars). The properties are to be purchased in partnership with Suffolk County, the,total costs of the acquisition to be shared 50%/50% between the Town of Southold and the County of Suffolk. The parcels are located on the north side of Main Road, approximately 1900' east of the intersection of Stat~ Road and Mtfm Road and on the north side of Dam Pond, in East Marion. FURTHER NOTICE is hereby given that a more detailed description of the above mentioned parcel of land is on file in the Southold Town Clerk's Office, Southold Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York, and may be examined by any interested person during business hours. Dated: October 23. 2001 BY ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE SOUTHOLD TOWN CLERK PLEASE PUBLISH ON NOVEMBER 1, 2001, AND FORWARD ONE (1) AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATIOlX* TO ELIZABETH NEVILLE, TOWN CLERK, TOWN HALL. PO BOX 1179, SOUTHOLD, NY 11971. Copies to the following: The Suffolk Times Town Board Members Land Preservation Committee D*partment of Land Preservation Peconic Land Trust Andrew & Bernice Lettieri Town Cl~rk's Bulletin Board STATE OF ]NEW YORK) SS: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE, Town Clerk of the Town of Southold, New York bdmg duly sworn~s~ays that on the c,~~4 day of (~ .2001, she affixed a notice of which the armexed printed notice is a true copy, in a proper and substantial manner, m a most public place in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, to wit: Town Clerk's Bulletin Board, 53095 Main Road, So~/thold, New York. Public Hearing: Letteri Property November 8, 2001 4:37 pm Southold Town Clerk Sw~ before m/exthis ~_. ~day of I.~2~..~ LYNDA M. BOHN NOTARY PUBLIC, State of New-York NO. 01B~6020932 Qualified in Suffol~ County' Term Expires March 8,