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~lbert J. l~xupskL~ President James Eiug, Vice-President Artie Foster Ken Poliwoda Peggy A. Dickerson Town Hail 53095 Rtoute 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southo]d. NewYork 11971-0959 Telephone (631) 765-1892 Fax [631) 765-1366 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MINUTES Wednesday, December 17, 2003 7:00 PM Present were: Albert J. Krupski, Jr., President James King, Vice-President Artie Foster. Trustee Kenneth Poliwoda, Trustee Peggy Dickerson, Trustee E. Brownell Johnston, Esq. - Assistant Town Attorney for Trustees Lauren Standish. Secretarial Assistant CALL MEETING TO ORDER PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE NEXT FIELD INSPECTION: Monday, January 19, 2004 at 8:00 AM TRUSTEE KING moved to Approve, TRUSTEE POLIWODA seconded. ALL AYES NEXT TRUSTEE MEETING: Wednesday, January 21, 2004 at 7:00 PM WORKSESSION: 6:00 PM TRUSTEE KING moved to Approve. TRUSTEE POLIWODA seconded. ALL AYES APP ROVE' fvllNUTES: Approve Minutes of November 19, 2003. TRUSTEE DICKERSON moved to Approve, TRUSTEE FOSTER seconded. ALL AYES MONTHLY REPORT: The Trustees monthly report for November 2003. A check for $5 719.36 was forwarded to the Supervisor's Office for the General Fund. Il. PUBLIC NOTICES: Public Notices are posted on the Town Clerk's Bulletin Board for review. 2 III. APPLICATIONS FOR AMENDMENTS/VVAIVERS/CHANGES: 1. Garrett A. Strang, R.A. on behalf of NANCY CARROLL requests a One-Year Extension to Permit #5481. Permit is to modify and reconstruct the existing deck with a new configura'don~ increasing the setback from the existing bulkhead, to construct a second-floor addition over the existing dwelling, and for an addition of a new garage on the northeast corner of the premises. Located: 350 West Lake Dr., Southeld. SCTM#90-1-21 TRUS-EEE KRUPSKI: Does the Board ha,v,e any comment? TRUSTEE KING: Nothing has changed. It s just a simple extension. T~$1T. ~EE;.,KRU~sKI: 1'1[ make a~ motion to ,~,pprove the One-Year Extension~ T-~Si~EB~ NG: Secdnded. ALL AYES Richard MacMurray on behalf of CROSS SOUND FERRY SERVICES, INC. requests, a One-Year Extension to Permit #5408 to corn plete the work required unc~er,per;mit,.,Located: Route 25, Orient. SCTM#15-9-15.1 TR~S~FE.E FOSTER ooked at this and it is substantially underway. I don't know.wh~it they want the extension for. I would say there is no problem. I11 make ~a~, ~otion. RU~E POLIWODA: Seconded. ALL AYES 3. STEVEN T. & ANDREA KOLYER request a Transfer of Permit #5672 from Helen DidrikSon to Steven T. & Andrea Kolyer to construct a fixed dock, ramp, and~flOat. Located: Robinson Rd., Southold. SCTM#81-1-9&10 TRUSTEE POLIWODA: We approved the original application so I don't see how we coutd derby it right now. I'll make a motion to Approve it. TRUSTEE P©LIWODA: Seconded. ALL AYES PETER COSOLA requests an Amendment to Permit #5798 to add a 3'X 30' extension to the front of the house based on the footprint of the previously gr..a, ntedl permit. Note: application to install a new septic system has been ~Vitt'Jd'ra~n. Located: 2880 Minnehaha Blvd., Southold. SCTM#87-3-43 TRUSTEE DICKERSON: Did anyone see this? TRUSTEE KRUPSKh Wasn't there some sort of a controversy over this? LAUREiN STANDISH: It was Tabled last month because of the septic system, but he withdrew that request. TRUSTEE KRUPSKh Okay. TRUSTEE D/CKERSON: The CAC recommends Approval. Does anyone else have a~y comment? , TRUSTEE F~STER: What s the disposition of the septic system. Is it just w~t-rdra.,~n or' s ii going to b,e applied for in another location? TRU~EE Di[CKERSON: It s just withdrawn. TRUSTEE KRUPSKh Do they show drywells? TRUSq-EE DI, CKERSON: ['s a wetland permit to construct a second-story addition ,to the existing dwelling with the condition gutters and drywells are nSt~l ecl to contain the roof run-off and silt fence. TRUSTEE KRUPSKh Is there a stamped plan in there that shows the gutters and drywells? TRUSTEE DICKERSON: Yes, October 9, 2003. TRUSTEE KRUPSKh Okay, good. TRUSTEE DICKERSON: I'll make a motion to Approve. 7'RUSTEE KING: Seconded. ALL AYES BARBARAA. BRUNJES requests an Amendment to Permit #5194 to remove and reconstruct in same location 70' of existing bulkhead. Located: 975 Arshamomaque Ave., Southold. SCTM#66-3-5 ~at is the amendment? has a bow in it. I was just concerned with the bow, and I it back and make it in-line with the neighbors' when they amending it? KRUPSKh Right. was something like 14'X 14' also. Maybe that was the .;KER: Kenny, if you need any in-sight on that, I did the work. POLIW0DA: Okay. KRUPSI~I: W hat is the amendment for? She had originally gotten permits...actually her DEC permit Caoin§ the entire bulkhead. The original permit you gave her is for which has been replaced. At the time, she didn't have the dic[n~t think the rest of the wall was a big enough problem to do he would like to replace the rest of the wall. It's not 70', it's about TF (UPSKh Can you straighten that belly out when you do it? ~K~R: What belly are you referring to? (RUPSKI: It shows as a straight line on the drawing but Ken :1 it a~nd saw there was a belly in it. POLIWODA: It was in the 14'X 14' area. (talking) The two neighbors ~ether. It might be part of the neighbor's wall because it seems an 55'. ~udible)...it will be straight. ~ake a motion to Approve the amendment. Seconded. ALL AYES 6. MaEk',K~.$ichwartz, AIA on behalf of AGNES S. COMBS requests an Amendment to F~err~it#5646 for the proposed additions and alterations to the existing single- famiiy dW;,elling. Located: 6525 Indian Neck Lane, Peconic. SCTM#86-6-24 TR0~-CE~ KIS, UPSKI: The original permit was for a corn plete reconstruction. The originalipermit was October 16, 2002 to remove the existing dwelling and con.s~ct a new dwelling, etc. and this I believe is just to amend that to add onto wh~ath.w,duid be south side, the landward side of that. TRiJS'ItEE D~CKERSON: It's very minor compared to what it was. 4 TRUSTEE KRUPSKh I just want to look and make su re we included drywells. I'll make a motion to Approve the amendment with the Condition that drywells and gutters be added to contain the roof run-off and then...how is the DEC permit written? D© you need a silt fence or a barrier., or hay bales? MARK SCHWARTZ: We don't have a permit from DEC yet. We applied. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Okay, I guess a rowof staked hay bales near the top of the bankduring construction. TRUSTEE POLIWODA: With the amendment, where is the septic system in relation to the wetlands? TRUSTEE K~UpsKI: Good question. ~K'sCH~A~T~Z: To the south of the house, *¢R~iS-:TEE K~I;~KI: It's more than 100'. You can just draw it in on one of the -F~EE'PoLI~/ODA: Seconded. ALL AYES Proper-T Permit Services, Inc. on behalf of GREGORY MAZZANOBILE requests an Ameddment to Permit #5631 to allow the new proposed location of the sen ,ge d[spdsal system and the necessary fill and retaining wall. Located: 1460 Lai Dr., S0utlhold. SCTM#59-1-21 6&21 7 TR ~TEE KP~UPSKI; Did you see that memo in there Artie? .~TEE FOSTER: No. TR .~EE KR~IPS~KI: It's a memo fr(~m Mark Terry. TRI .~TEE FOSTER: Oh, I met Mark out there on site. Do you want me to read thi~? TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Yes. TR~TEE FOSTER: As we discussed, I had a telephone conversation 1~/19/03 w~t[l.~Greg Mazzanobile regarding the setback to the septic system. Mr. M~nobile questioned my recommendation that the setbacks be set to the ma~.mum extent, possible, I explained to Mr. Mazzanobile that the community he has,choSen to build within is adjacent to and most likely within; is in a rare com[~un!ty and that all mitigative measures to reduce impacts, habitat loss, eroSiOn, water quality impacts, and so forth will be taken. Mr. Mazzanobile that the community is unique. He proceeded to his situation with the neighbor's well. The well location is unknown and an~ attempt to meet SCDOH standards, has requested that the wetlands. I explained to him that the have afready compromised the setbacks and the distance to the well is ' ur~derSCDOHjurisdiction and a Board of Appeals variance from that ~ be sought. He agreed. I pointed out to him that he already Valid permit for the septic system in the front yard from the Trustees and ba~ed upon the sensitive nature of the community, it would be difficult to justify a deccease in setbacks. The house could be resized or re-orientated. He indicated that he t~ouldr, pursue the SCDOH route. Based on such, I would recommend that the ~rusiees t~ot produce an ~mpact assessment report for the septic system at thi~ ~jme. I wouid recommend that the Trustees issue a letter to the agent referencing ~his telephone conversation and verifying the intent of the applicant. TRUSTEE KRUPSKh I read that and I didn't see why it was the Town's responsibility to make contact between the applicant and his agent. So, I didn't respond as Mr. Terry suggested that we respond. TRUSTEE FOSTER: The Health Dept.? TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: No, he suggested the Trustees issue a letter to the agent referencing this telephone conversation verifying .. E. BROWNELL JOHNSTON: His own agent. TRUSTEE FOSTER: Oh, I'm sorry. T~STEE KRUPSKI; I thought the applicant should be responsible. -f'RUSTEE FOSTER Wel the Board's pos t on s, f understand t correct y, in Jiscussing it as we had, that it wasour position that e he has a permit from our agen'cy / wanted something from a professional den~ied. understand. kr~ov¢ if Mr. Fitzgerald has any comments on this didn't hear a word either of you said. So, I'm kind of at a you hear the letter? Can everyone else hear us? We hear you fine. First of all, I would like to indicate that Mr. Mazzanobile was y to eliminating our application for an amendment. He conversation with him and I would ike for us to do our 'the two of them on the telephone. Secondly, with report, I assume you are all familiar with the Natural Hont~..~ge. Manu~l and where all that stuff came from that he's talking about. No? Tho'!l~lat~ral Heritage Manual, which is a thing issued bythe DEC in 1990, has a ;r method for selecting a particular community in this case, a~nd it says is it, and I'm just making things up, is it wet or go to "B" and if it's wet you go to "C" and then there are it:keeps going further and further down, until you fin~ you look up in the manual a list of descriptions of a nut rent communities and you pick out the one that looks right. The om the community that he has indicated has a global significance of ~ ~r~d a state significance of two, indicates that it must be wet soil mainly by hydrophobic plants. Now, I don't think at that soil. I don't think it was looked at which regard to the t think he's chosen the proper community and therefore I don't he state values, state ranking, is valid. It might be as I said, I think he's got the wrong community. The ~ their wetland delineation manual indicates that there are ¢ of, indiCators; vegetation, the soil, and the hydrology. As far as I ,¢~ng tha[we heard anything aboutwas cranberries. The mere 6 presence of a cranberry bush does not a wetland make, in my humble opinion. So, I think what I'm saying is that the Trustees are protectors of our wetlands and not .ust our cranberries and I think you ought to take that into account. I think also that the fact that the sanitary system we are proposing now is 50' from the edge of the wetland, which I'm sure Kenny is not thdlled about, or Peggy, but I thihk it's far enough away so that it would be difficult for us together, the Trustees and Jim Fitzgerald, to figure out what would be the adverse affect on that wetland, if indeed it is a wetlands, if the septic system were put where we're proposing it. Do you think it would die? Would the cranberry bush die? I don't think so. That's why I don't understand t~e concept of protecting itby staying velJands urth.e.r away from the. wetlands, where affect on tile wetlands wo're moving it fid I chan'cos dl [h0ro ~g an suggesting ~s iL would r.eally be I'RUS'I'~=E RRUPSt~I: Lot me t the. lbtter ~ f sent to us that we recc,.ivo~J on N'ovombor 1 JIM FITZGE,RALD; ~f you're ~eading itfor my benefit, I have a copy of it. TRUS'r EE ~,RIOP, SKI: No. (Trustee Krupsld read letter dated November 18, 2003 so I have a point with regard to the letter. I'm going to read what and then I'm going to read where the quotation o do with the state ranks. S2-typically 6 to 20 occurrences, ua!s, acres or miles of stream, with factors demonstrably ~b[e in New York State. The quotation in the manual is occurrences, few remaining individuals, acres or miles of erable to extirpation in New York State for other reasons". 'for other reasons is a separate and unspecified magical 4nts th~at you ought to take into. account is these rankings New York State. This community would be very ~fzo lived in Buffalo, or Albany. There is a lot of New York State are so that the rari.ty of this particular community is spread state, and ends u;p with an S2 rating. So again, what I'm d~)nCt think he has any reason to say it is locally rare, or are. I don't[hat's so. or I don't think he has any basis for I: Thank you. Does the Board have any comment on this? My comment is, I denied the original permit application why I would change my stance on this project and anybody on the Board be comfortable telling me what area of wetland, that cranberry bush, if we 50' away from it? What would happen to it? Would it die? Would it get sick, turn yellow, stop giving cranberries? That's what I don't understand. I agree that you should protect the wetlands but don't think requiring that the distance between the septic system, and in this particular case, thiswetlands, is going to afford'any more protection than putting it 100' away. TRUSTrEE FOSTER: Well let me ask you something now. What doyou think the difference between putting that septic system 75' from that neighbor's well as opposed to 100'? JIM FITZGERALD: Personally, I don't think there would be any difference at all TRUSTEE FOSTER: Then how come it can't be done? It can be done. If you deny this amendment, it wB be done. , the amendment I would like to knowwhat the reason is. Not at. on? Well our concern here is...if we make a decision on this going to be based specifically on this site, and not ;ite. This is a very unusual site and I d orCt want to say, ( shouM be here and then it should be the same dress what Artie .ust said. You said, well what's the you think this septic system is going to impact the ranberry bog, but I don't understand...what do do I base what on? You said you thought the septic system is going [o affect more than the cranberry bog. upon not anything that I am familiar with, other than :)ept. gets very itchy about things like that and I would ~would, but on the other hand, it's not your thin§, the think given a choice between putting a septic system to a wetlands area, that most people would chose to if it's not going to harm it. I have a septic that's been 60' away from the well for 20 years and I'm So, I don't think it's a significant thing. I think we should go with what our Environmental Je've got Mark Terry's rational behind the denial When we request the opinion of a qualified person and you you something. Th:at's why we asked for it. 'i'RU~S.'.'-FE, KREIPSKI: Make th~ motion. ~ R~.TB FOSTER: Any fu.rther discuss on on this application for an amom!'rf '~t? 111 make ~,~ motion to Deny the amendment. ]'RI~!T.'F P6.)~.IWODA: Seconded. ALL AYES TR~S".'i:~ KRQIPSKh Give a few reasons why. r RU~'¥~ FOSTER: Well the Board discussed this and the reasons we decided lo t')eqF ~[lis w,'~s boca uso of all the things you've heard tonight. We had an onvi~)r~ ,n!,~)nta! .consullant Io0k at it, made his recommendation, and we did a ):>~Ov(,"',~i'~o §o:[)tic svsLem in the orig nally requested position. At that particular un.o ~z m~ all. ol our crm;r~ a and It was Domed because the amendment wanted ~o m~ve*~bcloser, which was going to infringe on our rules and regulations and we decided not to allow that. They have to make an application to the Board of Review for the Health Dept. I did speak with the owner of the property who has the well on it and he's not opposed to having his well moved if somebody wants [o pay for it or even hook up to public water. He said he would be acceptable to [hat~ ,JIM FITZGERALD: Which neighbor was that Artie? TRUSTEE FOSTER: There is one well involved that's too close to the septic system. That man was in the office one day when I was in there and wanted to know the disposition of this and I'm not sure if the gentleman is here tonight. I don't see him here. But, he was not opposed to hooking up to public water, as Io~ r~g a~ he dMn't ha~e to pay for it, He!ust spe~;' $3,p00 plus dollars having that ~ff'puHn there nor. long ago and di~dn';~ feel he should have to. sacrifice that ~oney,ar~d then have to pay for. publio water. En-Co, nsultants, Inc. on behalf of SANDRA & FRANK CURRAN requests an Amendment.to Permit #4666 to install a 3~X 12' double-hinged ramp and 5'X 12' Iow-profife kayak float off existing fixed dock. (No pilings to be installed.) Located: 560 FiSherman's Beach Rd., Cutchogue. SCTM#111-1-16 MORATORIUM TRUSTEE DICKERSON moved to go offthe Regular Meeting and onto the Public Hearings, TRUSTEE FOSTER seconded. ALL AYES IV. PUBLIC HEARINGS: THIS IS A PUBLIC HEARING IN THE MATTER OF THE FOLLOWING APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS UNDER THE WETLANDS ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD. I HAVE AN AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION FROM THE TRAVELER WATCHMAN. PERTINENT CORRESPONDENCE MAY BE READ PRIOR TO ASKING FOR COMMENTS FROM THE PUBLIC. PLEASE KEEP YOUR COMMENTS ORGANIZED AND BRIEF. FIVE (5) MINUTES OR LESS IF POSSIBLE PETER'S NECK ASSOCIATION requests a Wetland Permit to replace, in-kind, approx. 560 linear ft. of old and decayed wood bulkheading on both sides, on a raised access read. Fill on each side of roadway to be removed, stored on site, then re-installed. Located: Peter's Neck Rd., Orient. SCTM#32-1-3 TRUSTEE FOSTER: Is there anybody to speak in reference to this application? RITCHIE LATHAM: I'm Ritchie Latham for the Peter's Neck Association. It's all a family compound there and mostly old people, real old people, like me, and we need the access road. It's the only access we have to get out and in, for emergency trucks and everything. I think we made a slight error. It's 540'. made the error. It's a little less. Other than that, I think you've seen it and I think we've done everything we were supposed to do and we just await your pleasure. TRUSTEE KRUPSKh We asked to plans and we received a cross-section, which is in the file. TRUSTEE FOSTER: I think it was the general feeling of the Board...we all .looked at this and felt that the method in which it was going to be done, as well au the project itself, was something that we agreed upon. Do we all agree with that?. TRUSTEE POLIWODA: I agree with that statement. I just appreciate the Iow- prOfi!eness of the project. 'R]~ 3HI'E LATH,~Jvl- Well-we're going, to replace it in exactly the same place. 'FF~I~,<STEE POLIWODA: it would be the same height. F~T~ a.y TR R~ di~~ m,~ HIE LATHAM: It would be the same height. We're not going to change ng. TEE POLIWODA: That's fine then. ,HIE LATHAM: All the work would be done from the roadway. We won't go in !eadows or in the water. It wou Id be done right on the road. ~'¢EE POLIWODA: Okay. ~[E LATHAM: We're hoping not to disturb anything at all. The less the f~,ance the better for us. ~TEE FOSTER Any other Board comments? Any public comments? I II a motion to close-the hearing. ~EE DICIC, ERSON: Seconded. ALL AYES ~_T,;EE FOSTER: I'll make a motion to Approve the application. ¢]~EE KING: Seconded. ALL AYES JO~. wet dwe apl: PHI TRU =~PH P. ULRICH, DOROTHY C. ULRICH & SUSAN B. ULRICH request a and Permit to construct a second-floor addition to the existing sing le-family ing. Located: 2345 Mill Creek Dr., Southold. SCTM#51-6-39 ~TEE POLIWODA: Is there anyone who would like to comment on this ;atton? ULRICH: I am Dorothy and Joseph's son. This is my sister Susan. SYEE POLIWODA: Would you like to comment? ULRICH: We wish to install a dormer on the second floor of the existing attic location, just so we could have some additional living space in the house. The footprint of the house is unchanged as this is a second-floor. TRU;ST, EE POLIWODA: Any other public comments? As for Board comments, I visited the site and fo,u_nd this to be very minor in nature, as stated. It doesn't Cha~ge the,, footprint. It s just a simple dormer with no environmental impact. With'~hat, II make a motion to close the public hearing. ~R~TE~E DICKRESON: Seconded. ALL AYES YRB~'~EE POLIWODA: I'll make a motion to Approve the application to construct a secood-floor addition. T.R~IS~EE KING: Seconded. ALL AYES ]0 HENRY HUECKER requests a Wetland Permit to expand the existing cesspool system landward of the existing system. Located: 3300 Deep Hole Dr., Mattituck. SCTM#115-17-12 POSTPONED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE AS PER THE APPLICANT'S REQUEST 4. JOHN HURTADO, JR. requests a Wetland Permit and Coastal Erosion Permit to re-shinglethe roof, replace wood siding with new wood siding, replace windows and re-build bluff stairs. Located: 19725 Soundview Ave., Southold. SCTM#51- 4-1 TRUSTE ,E DI:CKER~ON; Is there anyone here who would line to speak to this? CHUCK, BOWMAN: I'm from Land Use Ecological Services representing Joh~ Hu~rtado; Jr. This is a simple application. Under A~cle 34, the Coastal Erosion Ha~rd regulations, the recon~ruction, or maintenance of a dweBng iS co, inly a-~r~itted activity. The dw~ling is not goi~ to be expanded. New roof, new si~g~ new wind's, and o~her [eBdvatbn ~pe w~rk. Mr. HUAad0 is here to ah~;~r any'question and Fd':be happy to an~wer.~em as well. TRUSTEE DICKERSON: ~e ~here any other comments from the public? Any com.mohLs Irom tbo Board? CHUCk BOWMAN: Mr. Hadado is here. ~EL J~H~r~ON: For the record would he indicate that you're C~ ~';~ ~'~ I'~ sure he will. JO thai F~O~l.m ~ohn HuKado, Jr. Thats fine. TR T~ ~GK~ON: The CAC recommends Approval of the application with the [~at ~ the:~tairs are rebuilt in-kind and with no treated lumber. Do yo~'E~ a Jr~l~ with that? CH ~CK. ~OW MAN: None wha~oever. TR~STGE KRUPSKh It I~ked pre~y straight-fo~ard to me. T~ST~E DICKE.RSON: I'~ make a motion to close the hearing. TR~ST~E FDLIWODA: Seconded. ALL AYES T~.~T~ BI~EE;RSON: t'11 make a motion to Approve the application. TR~ST~E POE. I.WODA: Seconded. ALL AYES Lane Use Eco[o.g. jcal Services, Inc. on behalf of JOHN HURTADO, JR. requests a ~tland Per~iE to cut and remove existing vines that are killing mature trees, red, Ye .d'ead 6r diseased shrubs, and non-native species, in order to improve the hea~th o.fthe, vegetation located within the buffer area. Located: 2670 Grand Vie~v Dr., O¢,ent: SCTM#I 4-2-3.6 TF~ST~ ~II~,G: '~s there anyone here that wishes to comment on this CHEICK BOWMAN: Th s app cat on, and the subd v s on, certainly most properly e~es(ed-that a buffer be estab shed at the top of the bluff. The purposes of buf[4~rs ere get, orally to keep intrusion to the bluff edge to keep fertilizers from ru,:n;'~ibgi~dOwn t;he bank and to prevent erosion to the bluff itself. In the case of the veget~ti~:within this bluff, there are certainly a lot of native plants and trees. I1 however, there are some evasive species that are adversely affecting especially some of the mature trees, Virginia Creeper primarily, and Bittersweet. With very close supervision, because I know the Board probably has concerns on how this iS done, and it would only be under close supervision, the vines wouldbe cut, some of the non-natives, there's privet in there, there's a few other species, .would be removed by hand. There would be no mechanical equipment, no bulldozers, if you will, and it would be .ust some pruning of dead trees, removing .the vines, removing some of the non-natives, and that way, arid if you look at the project ~ on, there is a type-0 on it. It saYs it would increase the rearer Ii ~ get ft. I havx~ no probJpm doing it., we're gl)lng to pick the trees. fierc;...it's !join(.] to be supervision. I about actu.atl'y geeing an arboris'L or r~ysoll and we mark and su.per~i~e the work that was going to be done a problem. I to supervise it? qualified arborist would have to supervise · all the lime. Specifically, ~e this dead limb off In fact, I think, yO~J're going to end up with a / other comments? The Conservation Adv4sory Council that non-turf zones be maintained be removed. can just tell you from my own experience, it has to be [,you get into trouble because then the guys from the with chainsaws and that's a problem. But, if it's ;, we, re going to end up with a better buffer. I'm sure. of~the permit. n the Board? ~bout the integrity of the buffers and . ' :r i! . ~ buffers on a creek, where you're really buffering the .. ::'~ :~ . ..:,h : .'4.' ~i:., ha:bitat ofthe native species of the plants and animals ...... ": uffer to the wetland itself. In this case, the top of the :~ .... ;~ L . it was about 100' from the high water mark and so the iud ts. The buffer here is more of a coastal erosion issue ;' diffe~'eMt than any kind of a buffer that we address on the let it is freshwater or inter-tidal. So, in this case, when ~Ve looked at this buffer, I know I did, as a buffer to the ; f~e.Shwater v~et and area, which this really isn't and as long as ~ pruning for a view, as ong as that pruning is as not to damage the ntegr ty of the bluff, then it would maintaining the bluff, and two, providing a wew. 12 CHUCK BOWMAN: You have to understand the topography goes up from the house up to the bluff so we don't have a drainage problem. It's all going the other way and I really do believe that with the selective pruning, you're going to get a better under-stow and you're going to get a better habitat. You're going to get rid O'f some of these invasive species and it's pretty innocuous. You're actually going to add to the stability of the bluff by promoting better root growth. TRUSTEE KING: I'll make a motion to close the hearing. TRUSTEE FOSTER: Seconded. ALL AYES TRUSTEE KING: I'II make a motion to Approve the application with the ~t~lation tt~at al! the trimming is done by hand, no machinew in there, and it's ~'o~itored~ s~ it's: do~ne~correctly. ~R..~S~ K~:~PSKI: We'!J we can put in for one inspection at the end. Do you i~ S~o~ld be done during the dormant season. :~S~,E ~PS~(~: S~y ~ow until April lsd? C"I-II~CK BOWBAN: April 1¢. is great. E. B'ROWNELL JOt INSTON: An inspection on April 1st? CHUCK! BOWMAN: ThaL's fine. TRbl, STEE D'ICKERSON: Seconded. ALL AYES 6. Jonathan S. Foster, AIA on behalf of SANDRA SCHPOONT requests a Wetland Permit te construct a second-floor addition to the existing single-family dwelling. bocateci; 630 RucI~ Lane, Southold. SCTM#52-2-26 TRM~T'EE KRUPSI;(h lS,t'there anyone here who would like to speak on behalf of the application? JO,NATHAN FOSTtER: What we've proposed is a one and a half stow house wbere ~ere is now,a presently a one-story house. A half stow means that the rd~. stai~s exactly where the roof starts now with a one-stow house and t comes up so, yqu don~ ha~e a whole second-stow of vertical walls going up. The house iS a'l:~oUt betwe~n 23' and 24' tal and we've taken some p ctures of other houses on'~he s~re,e,t. ~h. is ~bouse is probably about 32'. Th~s is a one and a half stow heft.se at 24. -~his ,house right next door is about 20'. It's sort of a one and a qa~er ,and at ~he end Of the street there is a 30' house and a 25' house nearby ~1~, T~-ese h,ouses are on a street where basically they were cottages and c0t~g,es worse bear each other and they are all being upgraded. Almos? evew one ~f t~ese houses has been upgraded or started out to be a taller house. So, th~ des;here~ t~ a friendly neighbor on the street, and to have a sensitive ho~,se. I also at the orientation of the house and we have a survey here, whibh s~ows of the house. North is at the top of this board and smith of course. Where it's yellow is the summer sun from sun this blue part is, this is the winter sunrise until winter noon. gest day of the year, June 21% and this is the sh( December 21% So. on December 21st the sunrise comes r here. By sunrise it means that the sun is at water level and it's not ~oing t¢ hit ~anything. It's going to hit the ground and the trees. By 8:00 AM, the sun is~dght here at this angle coming in at 14 degrees from the so-called 13 level. At 8:00 AM the sun comes in and hits the front of the house and hits back into this back area. At sunrise, the sun is right here. So from sunrise when the sun starts to hit something, it will always be hitting this house, even on December 21st, the shortest day of the year. At noon, sundse just happens to be at 8:00 AM here. At noon, which is just four hours later, it's coming in at 28 degrees, which is twice this and :is going [o be hitting everything. So what I'm Saying is even at ~undse, it will hit the whole southeaStern part of the house, also did a little Sketch, which you didn't get earlier of the one and a half story dwelling This is ~st the idea si~etch and i~'s got more detailing t0 go. But, sh,0wing the nature of ho~ use, the roar starts,, exact y n the same place, and n actua it, y,, we moved, it back. on th~$ side~5, so the roo~,, aCtt~ally stifles 5 further away fr~m the.property !ne. T~S ]~ttle adfl ti~o~ Stays, That S a I I have t~say for now. TR~¢.~E KRUIPSKI:; TIi~nk you. Any of. herc~nle'nt? AN~4 CLE. MEI'~J'FS: [ a'rh'the immediate next door n~,¥ghbor at 560 Ruch Lane. I feel sure that,the reason for Mr. FosLor's presonLaLion abouL the light was my comments to ~;andy not to long ago when, she~ [n,for,.'~'e~ me of what their plan was. and~that' I w.as very concerned it: was g, eiag: ~ [~t~: k my light. What I've done. you shmJId [:m, in possossion ol' a fa~ ~h,~ l''s~ni ~ :48 PM on December 10'. Do you h~ve that? Do you wan~ me to read ~,n~o, the record or do you want ~F~,~ST~! K~PSKI: Go right ahead. A~ ~E~'I-s: Dear Board Members: This letteris in reference to the ~a,d~j~n. my ir~mediate neighbor is planning. In speaking with Ms. a~s:~eil as re[fiewing architectural drawing she suppfied me with, I have .s'~'~.~S:~.~ce~ns regay~ng this addition, ff a second'story is added to her small cdllagg, rh2 homo will suffer a significant decrease in eastern morning light as wol) as my view of the pond. the pond, which both homes are located, Both of my bedr()o(~,~, are, Iocaled on the eastern side of my home and this wonderful mo~h'ir!g li(jht is a big part of why I enjoy this home so much. It's also of major wd~.'/e t~ t't'~b pr. opody and would be very important where I to sell this home. I.O$ing tfi[~ lig~)t'and' ha'ving a large home within a few feet would significantly doc.'rease~my p~ropedies marke~ value. Our homes are only 30' apart. In fact, the lan'.d u~)ot? yzh~h Iho Schpoo,,nt cottage is Iocate(~ was until 1974 my cottages side yard. 7')~b. ,pr~.vious ow/ler sold off ti~is land in 1974 and their boat house was pull, ed up,fi'om tho pond and tumed into what is now t, he Schpoont cottage. I will attend ibc ;Docember 17": meeting and provide photographs which clearly show how closO Ihcse homes are. The proposed addition t,e their cottage Will reach a conl¢;r, rid)j'~-Iibe height, of approximately. 24; signifiCantly blocking my. light, Most of tha hoi~'~s on Ihis side of the private road are tow ~bungalow type Structures and the.[ ~ one and a half and two-story homes tha~have been built, have large from their neighbors. ~ closing, I would tike to say upsetting my, neighbors, as I~m sure this is, I must z in it and I re.spectfully be cfenied, I They are a cleary;labeled. The houses are I!m not really sure, techmc~flly Mr. Foster, you qua ~ty at 14 one and a half story even though there is a full bedroom, full bath fireplace, everything up there, and that is not a half a story, that's a story. JONATHAN FOSTER: A full story means that they are going from edge to edge and you're taxed as a full story. If you don't build inside, if you don't build all the way to the edge, which ~ye're not, we're maintaining the roOf-line, the actual usable space is taxed....it's a percent less (inaudible). ANN CLEMENTS: My concern is that the houses are so close together and there are six.cottages right in a~ row. There's mine and then there are five more. (inaudible) There are si×little tiny cottages right ina row and if theirs go up it will be. ve~ odd Io~0king, especially with the fireplace in the front. J0~'~A~HAN, FOSTER:.Tbere is .r~O fireplace. ~[~ ~M?~ZS: Well if,~es~ aren't ~e correct plans, well then '11 have to get the (x)rre,0t l~lans. TRUS..T,,.iEE KRUPSKh I'm going to ask Trustee Poliwoda, who clams regularly in front of these houses if he thinks this change is going to have any kind of an a~ff~ ~'~e ;e;.B~i'ronment. -¢R~.~E'~'¢(~IWODA: I don't believe there would be much of an environmental rnp~ci, upon 6ro'aling an addition to this home. ANN C~ME~TS: Envif;'onmentally I'm not addressing that. 'f RI~S'¢¢~E FOSi'ER: Well that's why we're here. ANN. C~.;j~rd,E[:~ITS: The BUilding Dept. said I had to come to this if had a prob].en~,~.;,ith i:t being b~]t. I was notified by certified letter with the plan so what's ;0bl~ODA: Well we g~ve an environmental decision. A~I ~N~tS: Well where do I take it from here? ~BiPSKI: I don't know. I would imagine they would have certain ~i~... ,~/~ i~ Certain size structure on that certain size land through the oning C0~/¢ J~OeCn is how any change here would affect Arshamomaque Pond. A, NN:Cb,'~ i~NTS: That's fine. was just doing what I was told. There's got to be a redf'es'~ somewhere. What if my neighbor decided to cover their house with ~"*=~TBE KING: Do you need any k'nd of a var'ance from the Zon'ng Board? J.~,~t~N FOSTER: INot yet. -~A.. ~,, , ''~ :~' FOSTER'.. . What's the projected ncrease percentage w sea. ,.(0:,{~' .'NA[~I FOSTER: The percentage increase is less than 50% of usable probably have to go before the Zoning Board of night have to go there but we just deal with environmental issues. I apologize for taking up your time but the Building Dept. I should go. This is very confusing. Ct create any environmental issues with us. not my concern either. That's fine. So when you guys I wish you would'va called me and tell me I didn't have to come. But we don't know. That's why we have the public hearing all Id'ntis of things come up. Lot's of things come out at the headng. We don't bother coming. ANN CLEMENTS: What about setback and stuff? TRUSTEE FOSTER: That's the Zoning Board of Appeals and Building Dept. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: I'm going to ask the applicant to provide us with drywells and guEers to contain the roof run-off. You can just put them on the plans later. I don't know of you want hay bales here. JONATHAN FOSTER: The DEC suggested hay bales or something during construction. TRUSTEE KRUPSK[: If there is no other comment, do I have a motion to close the'~hearing? TRUSTEE KING: So moved. TF~US~,EE"'~ POLIWODA: Seconded. ALL AYES ~S~;~,i~RUPSKI: I'll make a motion to. Approve the application with the o0n('Jiti~h ghat drywells be instailed f~o contain the roof run-off and that the, line of hay bales be placed al. the top of'the bluff during construction. -FRU;S~EE.POL/WOD,~: Seconded. ALL AYES 7. Agnieszka Drozkowska on behalf of JOHN F. BETSCH requests a Wetland Permit and~ Coastal Eros[on Permit to construct a two-story single-family dwelling ~. fn place of the existiog one-story, two-car garage and built on wood pilings, Located: 2325 North Sea Dr., Southold. PSKh Would anyone like to speak in favor of the application? n John Betsch. At the November 17th meeting, had to rebuild and replace my 55 year-o~d summer bungalow , residence and that meeting you had Tabled it for additional ggested I contact the DEC, which I contacted the DEC y Brook and they provided me with an aerial map )cation of the Coastal Erosion line. I annotated with the present lies to make it easier for you to see. You can see that the ag~ is basical!y the road, North Sea Dr., ~eaCh atthe other end of my prope~y, and ;tradually cross into some of the Sea Dr. beCOme¢[n a n~ore southerly direction. As shown 2! h0uses and four u.ndeveloped lots on what I ;~ide of North Sea Dr. Of thbse12;1Lhouses, 20 are on the tha:[~c0a!Stal er0sibn line on that m~tp S nce that map was "s Beach have been ~re the location of the my I~ my pre~ent spot though, since my house r~y summer h as faced numerous hu.rricanes and storms. 960 and the good: old perfect storm in 1991. There has ) m.y house or property to spea~ of and while it entto the Bparl..,d, I would like to note that'just due to the age this ~5 ¢~ar-old bu, ng¢low is in. neeU of signlificant from it's o~igi, nal owner, andis also built on a which makes the o¢ion of building on this Str, uctUre not 16 an option or a consideration can consider. Of these 20 houses I spoke of, I am aware of five that have been built, re-built, or considerably altered in recent history as late as being worked on today down the road. I enclosed in that booklet some pictures of these houses as well as the Southold Town tax records todoCUment the increase in percentages of those rebuilding. I discussed the definitions of the coastal management regulations provided by the DEC, and they gave me this blue book, which I believe the Southold Town Code is based upon, With Rob McDonough of the DEC in Albany. There are several definitiQ~is that are pertinent to my request but in discussion with Mr. McDonough, he sa'rd it appeared thatthearea that my house is in, is more cfi a bluff area, rather tharL.a~d we~ hC~d d'.[SCUSsed at the last rneefing~ cal!ir!g;it a, dun~, mo~e.0f a bluff area ra,'the~r thart a~ dane'., men though tbe(e is no prec'i¢itous or steep bluff like HbrfOn ;S PoinEL~htheose drop. I woUi~ li;,l~.to~read just the definitions from th~ Code. Blurt moans ¢ny b. ank or cliff Wi(h pr.~qTip~ous or steeply faced slope facing the adjoining beach or property. M~D, eno~r~h' said 'that does iqot ~e[:eSs~rily have Lo he. The limit el:the blu'll is the la~;wj;ar~ldimi!, of the sea,ward pro[',ec'tivo IoaLuro. W'horo [ho~o.aro no bcac)~os pre;sehlt,, the seaward limiL o~ tho bluff is t'o mean Iow W§ter. SO. to m¢--Jk¢ 'it e~si.er to d;e~i~e, / art) going te say th.ere is no beach in 'l:ront of my house, just'to make it eas~er to understand. Therefore, the land.ward limit is 25' landvdard, o.i' thof,blull's roce¢irlg edg~e, or ir~ cas~be;e tt~ere is.'~ irte of erosion.to i~le,Rti~' the .repeding edge 25 I~n~va:~d' to4h? po~ of:infle~l~n at the Lop of the bJuff, ~tn.d tta¢,l/define ~epoint all,inflection along Lho top.of tho bluff. wrc.bro tl~9 ti:en~ of lan~l.~lope ch~n, ges th.~; ¢issenL to Lh.e be~ch. So tho bluff bo(]ins whe're my .~eg,eta-'t'ion endb~ ~yhere' a3¥ sea-grass ends. B'asod,On [his d,~f,~mt on. , '-,&,n(~.d~sduss~ng, ,'." - ~t vwth ~' f McDodpugb., . ~t apFears LhaL my house, s no1 within a bluff, n ~d, t~bR yosLorq~,a7 receded a etter from the NYSDEC D v s on of Environhiieat, af ,P'brm t"Region '1 a~d 1 ~/(~l~'t bother reading !.ho ondro lctLor except for one .s9.. r~l, .c~.¢~; which i[s per[ir finds the prepdsed, p~roje~'.ct to ;e to of a lot ,ft. I because I ha. vb a .2,6t0b¢ sq. F£. lot and have one mor~ sc',! qt pj.'.d!..ures, which copies, ~vh~h .~hO~tb~;~/ogoLaLion in th~ as well as the McCabes Bea¢h~ i~a~k~ng Io!.. dowr~ !.ewa'rd~.~h'(~ b'eac.t~ than my ,you might ha~e I woul~ be,~nof~e ttian happy to. 'I'RiUS'¢EE K~F~KI: Thank you. Gould I get a copy of that DEC letter?. Thank yo~. E~, BROW~ELI~ JO, .H~NSTON: If you don't have an extra copy I can make one. TIMJST~EE~KRUPSKh Thank you. I have a fax I received today from Robert MdDon'0ugh a,nd l.~a~e 'not read that yet. The DEC has revie'wed your client's re(luest for,a tidal wetlands non-jurisdiction determination for the above- reC,,bre'nced PropertY an~'.We have the following comments. The department staff h~s ~n&pe~ed.~he i'Sit¢ and has determined that due to the dynami~ nature of this cfiangi~g shor¢ti~e~ it catmot be determined if the 10' elevation contour line is t? permanent. Therefore, if your client wishes to further pursue a non-jurisdiction determination, winter elevations must be added to the project plan. Be advised that a non-jurisdiction letter may not be approved even after the submission, however the department finds the proposed project to be generally approvable Should your clientchose to pursue a permit. In order to pursue a permit, the following :information must be submitted. Please provide the percent adjacent area coverage for the existing and proposed structures and paved area& As you are aware, pursuant to the development restrictions of 6N¥CRR Part 661.6A4, Tidal Wetland Regulations, not more than 20% of a for may be covered existing and new ~tructures. Ti~erefore ensure thai the Show /is 'i'he fax,J received to;day from. Robert MbDonough I m repres, e~.7l'ii~g the Town of S'az~.lt~ok! rega/'di!~g th.e ~le,~igr~alion of Iho -hazard ar~£~ within lite Tow~, She indicated that you wo/~ inloros :o~[t ~zRfch':CO~f~f¢,~h¢~,~isted as the ba~;s fer tho n~Jut'~l protective feature azea de~ignatioJ~ for tho Slrp'lch of land alohg Nbzlb Sea D~:. Iocalpdjusl west of the Town;Be~mh ¢1~g ar~, Tho ¢fO~fe~n~/ ~e~'~i¢ s~etch of coastl#~e a¢o bo~dQz~by..lhe Loz~9 Island SO¢~t~n~ f~ O~a.~t~l Erosion Hazard line~ which'rur),~ ~lBia~t.tO¢;'~ig~ of NoRh Sea Dc: I I'~a~o reviewed area photography and.filos .fOr thb T~n' o¢ ~outhold in an al~nlpl' 1o idonti[y diJti~guishing cha~t~cl~rislibs.o[ a cDr[ab) ar~a:. I ffound it diffic~J~ lo as~rtafi]. ~vlTibh nal'ucal prolocli~u fo~]~fre e$}~, A~e~,'.leqk¢~g al aon~l phelbgrcphy flora 1.983 lo 2001. it a~pears that' fl~e prim~zry ~tune. In the ca¢o. lhal ii was ~fetem'#ned to 5e a p!'it~)~ d~¢~o, lhe O¢¢¢~l~Erogo~ N~'/d A¢~ li¢~o would'ye been eslab, ligl)ed ~: fium, the I,md¢/a~d toe of'the, duno. ff the feaCure .is cons(derbd.a E~osTon Hazard Area hne ~o~M ve boon os[abhslied .1~ fbi dv~ard"~-b~ the plaice kvhete tl~e~o cs ma~ked eM ~ge ~n matet~al ofph, ~.s~oe[,~...,, .. ~ tc fpm.., fron the cn, which ¢s moro seqwcrd. ~¢g~ffi~qtip~7 of.~bo nalural Cetermined it:~ such fim~ .thOle. an ~g~j i~ n' ade by an ~alleng~ng thal tho subjd~t atear,¢zab ¢~one¢ )sly ~¢t~ve fealu[o aroa ~s' ~Vritt~:fi~i6~¢RR Pa[t 505 10, Tent Rogulaho¢~s. If an appeal is ])~ed .fl~o dODurm~ent ~der to detet, m~ne Iho has boon ptope4'ly ~ldced: pl~lm~"/ise I will next occas/o~ th~ d~a~?aenl slaE /s /t~ the the prepo[~y adjacent to the ~ea¢~'pa~:~i/.}~ area has ~ed ~ha/ ho was interestbd r~? receT~shuclfi~g a larger house on this site and wanted to know more about the specific natural protective feature that exists on his property and how the associated regulations might affect his development plans for the proper~y. I discussed some aspect of ,the CEHA regulations w~th him, including how the CEHA line was mapped and a aeconstruction or an increase of 25% or greater in ground coverage is prohibited and would require a variance, I explained to him that any addition to the pre- iex]st~ng structure, including a minor addition lesS than 25% would have to meet the standards of issuance for a CEHA permit, which would likely locate the addition away from the seaward side ofthe house, in the least damaging location, in terms of prqtectin the natural protec~ve feature A recpnstruction or ~?~or.adcrlti~ would require a variance and woqld haYe t¢7 rnee~ all'the variance f~:s lnej/~ding fo~. hard~ip. A variance could 'be issued for rece~s~,U~on of a slruclu[o p[ovidod'lhal the fo!l(~Wi~ efi~;gfi~ are; ~e.,,t: '~) no reCso~!e,,P~rudent, alternative site is available. 2) afl re'spo¢~si~¢e it~eai~ al~ fi~e~S~'es ~d miiigalo adverse impacis on naluml Syslems and Ihe, [unclions and proloclivo values ha.vo boon inco/~oral~d.inlo the projecl desig~ and will'be in~plemented at the d~¢¢ e;~e~e, ~} the de ve~opme~ ~ w~ff be. r~ ~ [~; ~oa and e ~a~ge ~) ~e. vanance requested,is the n~/nW~/~ ovorco~e tho pmclical difficully or hard¢hi~, which is 'lh~ basis fo~, /'equesfing it, an~] ~) v~ho¢~ pubEc [ut~ds are utilized, public b¢ne~J~ cfear,~'~ut wei91) ¢]e long lor4n' ,(Ivory. ~f[ects of any proposed a¢ti~it[es and de~elo~:?rents. Upon roqudSti~lg a .w~riqt'~ce' the applicant will need 10 p~ovide,~o~;/~o Town. i~fformation r¢¢V~rit {o n~e~/n~ t/Te variance criteria. W~e d~arhno~.l 'lpq~¢ [o/~E~t to the o¢~b~uTffty ¢ cbn~inuing, to work wilh and a;gsi¢~'l/~ TS, wn;o~ ~outhold. ., .....~?, ~ .' . . ' ,..~ . . . . · , ~ -- ~ '..' .. ' . . aS~q,~ms~/ /n(~ lhe Coastal Eros/on Hazard ~ rea regula~{qns :~nd prolc~bnq lhe TS~n~ e¢a~l ~e~urees. If you have any a~djho/'f~l q~¢i,m aboubth/s or any etcher ¢easial~na~i~ago/~onl p/ease co~ tae~ me NoW ~ad a conveasa~ on w th M'r. ~ll¢~nough also a'~d he was under tho ~mPrO~ oe, as f~ sa d nthe e~er tha~ it ~,4~s ei[her a Iow ~une or tho beach, bu[ jn eJther'ca~e Jt'wbald fesul[ in the same soT[ el res[ricti~r.~ on rebuilding, 5iiber or. whichever t~o S'[~[o arfd [he Bo'a~.~ ~3cidad lo, classify it as it J~f~ BETSCH Except that n try n~ ~ ~¢~n6 the d~ltens of pr ma~ ( ua~labd se.~ondery dune t ta ks a~oa~,~,~W~rd ~. I~ tW~o understand w~8~,tdam'~nt, and ho sa~d Lbo land~{~e~,where ~t begins to go down on the I~a~war~.s~do. TR~,~B~EE ~RMPSKI. Yes. a~ the end of where b gpes de~. J~41~ B,ET~6H: Implying that it comes from the beach, it goes up to a dune. and st~s '[~¢o. dp,~n again. T~ ~I~E ~RMRSKI: Which would be about the road. J~[4,~ETS~H: Ex(,ept m5 properLy, on the su~ey supplied, it comes up from the b~e~h a~ goes slraighL across. In our discussion, he said it's probably a T~E KBUPSKh I think it s either a dune or a beach, but it's kind of a subtle d~,'(eo~. . J~:. ~. ,,BE~SCH'. hadfaxedhmmystesu~eytoshowthetop g po ra hca m~ng On' it to see if he could tell from those marMngs where things began and t9 where things ended but he did not come back to me with an answer. He said he had to respond to the Town. We also had discussed about whether or not the Coastal Erosion Hazard line is proper. He said could appeal to have it moved, -but to have a Coastal Erosion Hazard line moved, I would have to have all of North Sea Dr. moved because there is no way it's goi.ng to go like this and ge back in. The likelihoodof them saying or changing something is....l think that's moot. If there are any other additional quest[ons:,.there are several houses~ and I showed some pictures, some have been...and I tried to underStand how the /¢atiorial so what was done to have them approved or no~ particularly the One next doort, o me, Mr. Pearlstein,, which is very close to me, dght next.door, what ~a~ 8plp~ogbc~ vs. m]ne, to see ~fl could, foll'o~v his logic to get the Boa~d's FI-RUSTEE KRUPSKI: I don t remember Mr. Pearlstein for some. reason, but did revtew¢lree others along the stretch there on North Sea Dr and erie I: don't ~ir~l~, v~pZ~b, en maybe, seemed to be a substantial house t0 S~irt ~th. t don't .t't~ri~¢l'Cer'e was Substanta chang6in, fdotpr nt ¢¢H;~ ¢~SOH(Mj'. V0nZuben's fio~. se did primarily stay with the same f¢Ot~,~i~t, if~you ~ili. He caritllevered So much it was a little bit off on each side, h~Ver~did bud a garage, wh ch was proposed as a 300 sq ft. garage, and 588 sq. ft. garage from hissite plans, which is withir~ the on the wrong side, so I didn't know...I was trying to ...the plans, say eno thing...the numerics on the pi:an say ~t~look at tJheir footage they have down there, it's, really 588 He also presehted to me that maybe ['- co?d move ,.it easier to brirzg ~ny footprint down smalle~ to pet ~[ n front of qborheod, don't think i.t's.a proper thing t~,.~ Ise to reduce the square" footage bebause the such that the ,OOde~ says I shotZld be so far ~pon pilings. As 1, guess ~t gees down and that those houses are up 15 up, can put a garage u~erneath. So that's the ratbrial of bow we The other ones rewewed in the office. The Coastal ¢ were substantially behind the Coastal Erosion line and it cut ~uses. moved. The three houses, from the time, next to Kenny's me the aerial photograph was taken, before I was a resident ~ved. But, those properties are considerably longer than mine. : Now I did have a discussion with Mr. McDonough and one of I ,/vas that, and I never had any discussion with the Board yet becau ~ right after lunch, but what is the square footage of your current heuse? JOHN BETSCH: The present square footage is 1152 sq.ft. TRUSTEE KRUPSKh And then if you put a second story sddition on that and aUded 25% it would st represent a substant a increase n s ze and wou d that not be adequate for you? , T;RUSTEE COSTER: What s the size of the proposed addition? 20 JOHN BETSCH: 1800 sq.ft. The square footage that I'm in now, you've seen the house, I have to change it and put it on pilings, so it would have to be torn down to do that. The house was explained, to leave a little bit and it becomes an a teration vs. a new h,ouse...that's playing games. The house is not worth it to iStart with. To build the garage in the front, I thinkthat hurts the neighborhood ,aesthetics, If you Ioekat the pictu res of Mr. VonZuben's house, there have been ma~]y, many comments from the neighbors about what he is going to dc with 'that. It appears very close to the road. He must have gotten a Z. BA appr~)val for that. It, s juSt: not a, esthetically proper, Maybe it meets the rules and the intent of 'the .re~t~latj?0~rrs ~Ut it is a ve!ry I~rge...Mr. ~onZUben did go very high end on e~/er~'ng in,h~S ~duse. I'll d~f~r~ely sa~j that., TRU;>TEE KRU ~SKI: Okay, what~ the Beard's feeling on this? JOFIN Bb'i;SCH: Just two other pOi~ts [w~[d like to make. The letter from the DEC talked aboqt th..e scale being wrong. Wfiat had happened, just to clarify it, thc'survey was created and then a second survey was crCeated by John Ahlers ad~!in(; lh¢; s~,ptic sv'stem plan 8p~ he red,ced the draWi~ng without reducing the s(.~ale'markiniis on il. That was j~st an o~/er$i§ht. I'have both (Jrawings with dr.y?~r;lls and. such. There was on.¢ O-ther'~iof~. I did ;talk to ihe p~i'mit advisor to dr,dersla[~d tho dii.l'ecencos between r~dla,j~ri~.dictio~n and a permit to see if there were pros or cons either way and i('~-~lly just: ~n'administrative technique r~ which way'to go with you. We bad coPtOu;..rs put on ~and~.l dO'n;'~ think the con:Lours have cl~aoged. The only thjng;th~t!s ~hang~..o.:;? my. beach with this !aLes't ',~inter stori,~, there has be6n some reda~ed s~d' that's all blown up onto my property. I o~d go do~,,n today and.the wa:~ her,e jqst to measure out of curi~osity and my vegetation still i~ 76' f~em~.~t9 ed6e ~ ¢n¥ deck,, so i~, still has not cha..nged at all. It's really just cut fnto th~. be'ach-ar~. '~Bh the change of season's, iL really' just comes and ;goes. TR',IU.S'I:EE KING: Ely comment isl'm very symoathetic to him because I look at Lhis. aroa and th.e si/e df tho houses that are here. JOFIN BETSCH: T, his is a picLuro~ of another house on my block. (inaudible) I RU'$ i El:. KRUi~SKI: W.o wouldn't have jurisdiction in 1991. Mr. Betsch I don't so(; wh(;ro wo can: d(;vi~Lo really from the 25% and whether we classify this as a as a beach...before we go any further with new ~ on our decision for coastal ard', so if you wanted to, appeal that decision, but I with y~)u and I don't want to get you into a run around So, you ~t of you. J[d!! ask you to potentially research the house next door to Ihan 25% increase too? h Pearlstei.n, yes. JO the Trustees information that I copied, notes that It was~ just an approval. TI year was that? 17. Yes, we will look into that. JOHN BETSCH: The resolution is dated June 25, 1997. TRUSTEE KRUPSKh I'll make a motion to Table the application. JOHN BETSCH: Before you close it, I'm not sure...what would you like me to do? TRUSTEE KRUPSKh You have to consider ali you're options. We'll take another ook at. this in the f(eld in January just,t? familiarize ourselVes again with the dunes or the bluff, or whatnot, but we il also look into, the Pearlstein file as well. In the meantime, I suggest you look into your options. Take a look at the fax we just got, that I read tonight, you can get a copy of that from the office, and get a copy of the Code and take a look through that. You can see your options as far as aDPeali.ng ~ the Tow~. Board. ,JOHN:' BET'SE;H: Not fo. be facetious but he just reiterated the Code back into the let~r. That ~¢n*t eZ.a, ctly-our coflversation the way he explained it to me about the WO¢~¢~ we had v~SJ'What tie read back but I appreciate it. T~;~.E '~MPS61;~ Thank you. Do I have a motion to Table? ': ;!;. ~':,'!; B~.O~: Seconded. ALLAYES J,M,O. Environmental Consulting Services on behalf of GEORGE KAYTIS requests a Wetland Permit t,o, res,heathe, on th,e, la,n,d,,ward side, 125' of timber bulkhead, to ~onstruct a2 X 15 stairway, a 4 X 8 6' stairway, an 8'X 14'6" deck ano shed, and'?to construct a 10'X 15' deck landward of the bulkhead. Located: Po;'mt Rd., Southold. SCTM#81-3-28 '[RUSTBE s there anyone here who would like to comment on this ,mment because I visitee thesite this past week. couidn' ~,reason to deny, other than the shed, it actually sticks out It's Uncharacteristic corn pared to the neighboring the shed pulled back behind the bulkhead. to bring that up tonight. I actually got a phone ca] and he said the same thing, if the shed and the decl ~ bulkhead.. Actually they had suggested thai; a 4~× 4'. landing sea. ward of the bulkhead for the stairs down the beach, if we p;ul]bd e~erythi~§ b~ck. 1 was agreeable tO that but I wanted to speak to you guys tonight. -FROSTEE POL[WODA: That's fine. We'll stipulate that. If there are no other comments, I'll make a motion to close the public hearing. TRUSTEE D CI~RSON: Seconded ALL AYES TRUSTEE POL WODA: make a mot on to Approve the app cat on to rest~eathe on the la~ndward side, 125' of timber bulkhead, to reconstruct a 2'X 15' stairway, and a 4'X 8'6" stairway, an 8'X 14' deck and the shed, as well as deck will be oonstructed behind the bulkhead, with a 4'X 4' platform with stairs leading to t~e beach for access, and all on a new set of plans. TRUSTEE FOSTEr: Seconded. ALL AYES 9. J.M;O. Environmental Consulting Services on behalf of CHRISTOPHER PlA requests a Wetland Permit to reconstruct in-place, 937' of timber bulkhead 22 Litilizing vinyl sheathing, to reconstruct in-place, two 50' timber groins utilizing wnyl sheathing, to reconstruct in-place, two timber jetties (60' and 50') utilizing wnyl sheathing, and to dredge an existing 55'X 115' boat basin to -4 ALW. The resultant spoil, $00 cy. of sand, shall be utilized as backfill for the reconstructed bulkheading as needed, and to reconstruct in-kind/in-place, 4,000 sq.ft, existing ;timber walks. Located: 5900-6000 Vanston Rd., Cutchogue. SCTM#118-1-2 TRUSTEE DICKERSON: Is there anyone who would like to speak on behalf of :this application? TRUSTEE KRUPSKh For the record, I'm recusing myself on this. he her Pla and also have Eugene Burger from groenh0use Lha[ we in.~Lead and Mr. FCia and TI~USTEE KING: G'LENN JUSt: 1'64' is Lhe '~RU.$~F:F.. KING,: So iL woul remodeling of the week, Mr. the use rock timber bulkhead? ' 'NN GI.i. ,. E.x; actly. T..P,D ¢:,t'EE P~t.I~/~/;ODA: When we took a walk to the entrance of the channel, to LJ~o n~(~l:~.;sidot. Lba'L pioco... G~E~N JUST: Ch. there was a 25' return that angl~ back and it had been in d[srd¢~ina~i, inL~pLidal marsh had gro~ behind it and Ken had asked when we w~rked oe~ there Cleat day tr we ~uld replace it with rock, but on the landward si~'~[fo'~nLOr~LM'~l, marsh, there would be no problem with that either. The one thi~:¢~ '1-Cid: ~¢t~incJ~de in the plans isthat when we were at the site along the side of'~,.. ~¢aL~b~sin., Lh0rc ,;as some old bulkhead that was totally non-functional, iL;s[ju~e rb~ ~d deadmen, and they don't want to reconstruct that but they Ob~i~ ~; Ibw be v, th you tomorrow t's at the pr nter now ~$'~ K(NG: And the old remnants of the old bu khead, whatever is there, ~vill~bo ~o 3ovid? ~U}~I ~~-~,., ' ~G.: It will jus[ be a single row of stone along the toe? GE~.'~ ~:' ~es. And there also had been an application for a duck blind on '(~,,wn~;h I had spoke to Ken when we walked out on the sp~t out there. v3~.~a~a;!¢~ ~Fin~s worn Kon? It wouldn t even be a permanent blind. It s on T~.~B~ P~LIWODA: ['s a st~cture so t shou d be nc uded , ~O~E.I¢. 13 CKc RSON And you wanted to do the roof of the boathouse E.M¢~E~¢B~GER: it just needs to be re-shingled. 'i-R~J~b~ D CKFRSON: Does that need to be on here also? ~[~;BN~' ~S~: l think tha[ was the quest ons we had nthefed don't know if t~a~ ~sO~;thmg thai would come under the Trustee's jurisdiction or not. If ndede& ~:ca'n includo it in a modified project description tomorrow. 25 TRUSTEE KING: Just include it in the description to re-roof the shed. GLENN JUST: And as discussed on site, they're going to remove that one section of the walk and just relocate it on the other side. We'll show that on the plan TRUSTEE KING: There'was a lot to look at. Indicate everythi ng on the plan. TRUSTEE DJCKERSON: Is there anyone else here who would like to speak to thisapplication? I'll make a motion to close the heanng. TRUSTEE' KING: SeCOnded. ALL AYES TRUSTEE DICKERSON: I'1| make a motion to Approve the application as per revised de~cri[otion and plans. TRUSTEE KING: Seconded. ALL AYES 10. J.M.O. Environmental Consulting Services on behalf o,f W.L; LYONS BROWN III requests a Wetland Permit to construct a sunroom (14 X 14 ), a screened porch (13'X 14') and an open deck (10'X 16') onto an existing single-family dwelling. Located: Hedge St., Fishers Island. SCTM#10-7-12 TRU~ STEE KING: .Is there, anyone here who wishes to comment on this project? GLENN JUST: I.dldn't k;now if you were going to put this one on hold until you can do a site iRspeCtion or not, to be honest with you. Jim, don't think you've ever been to t~.lS sit'e. !t;s right next tO Tom Doherty's h,ouse. TRUSTEE KING': Okay na, I haven t seen this. If there s no rush on it, I would like. to Iookat ft. GLENN JUST:' No, that's fine. They would have no problem with that if you have to take a look at it. TRUSTEE KING: I'll make a motion to Table this until we make an inspection on it. TRUSTEE DICKERSON: Seconded. ALL AYES 11 .William A. Kelsey on behalf of BARBARA S. KELSEY & ELIZABETH CORYDON-APICELLA requests a Wetland Permit to install a foundation und er the existing residence. Excavation spoil will be par[ially spread on site and the remainder to be removed to an approved site. Located: 4000 Peconic Bay Blvd., Laurel. SCTM#128-6-2 TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Is there anyone who wouldlike to speak in favor of or against the application? TRUSTEE KING: I looked at this. They're going to raise it and lower it back down on the new foundation. There really isn't much change ~n grade at all. I didn't have a problem with any of it. Any other comments? TRUSTEE KRUPSKh Drywells and gutters. TRUSTEE KING: If there is no other comment, I'll make a motion to close the hearing. TRUSTEE DICKERSON: Seconded. ALL AYES TRUSTEE KING: The only thing is I'd like to see a row of hay bales atthe tcp of the bluff during construction and drywells for the roof run-off, I'll make a motion to Approve with those conditions. TRUSTEE POLIWODA: Seconded. ALL AYES 24 12. EmConSultantS, inc. on behalf of DOROTHY FARNBACH requests a Wetland Permit to resheathe approx. 103 linear ft. of existing timber bulkhead (including return); backfill with approx. 15 cy. of clean sand to be trucked in from an upland source; and remove tree behind bulkhead. Located: 2600 Ole Jule Lane, Mattituck. SCTM#122-4-13 TRUSTEE KING: Is there anyone here who wishes to comment on this proposal? ROB HERRMANN: I'm here if the Board has any questions regarding the ISTEE KING.' I didn't have a problem with anything there, Rob. The people I told the lady that we'd like to see a 10' buffer. was even talking about, to her. it. It really pitches down there. u'red out what it was, she had no problem with it. grass to mow. I have a copy of a letter from the over-runs the property. Just so you have Th~ CAC recommended Approval. They wanted a 15' buffer ~k :10' is enough. I~ s not t6at'~b'g of a yard. E. I~ROWNELL JOHNSTON: Did4hey have a problem with taki ~g the tree out? TR~.~..T.I~E K'ING: 'No. I['s the only t~e¢ in the yard, and they're really not going to be .able to de mu6h behind the bulkhead unless the tree is removed, It's right in the :.',~=~,~' of construction. Any other comments? l'll make a motion to close the T'~E FOSTER Seconded ALL AYES T~ K!Nio: I';ll make a motion to Approve the application with the condition t~:~ t0' npn-turf buffer. ~E Di~KERSON: Seconded. ALL AYES 13. an buJ Inc. on behalf of JOHN MORSE requests a Wetland Permit to approx. 81 linear ft. of existing timber bulkhead with vinyl and, backfill with approx. 30 cy. of clean sand fill to be trucked in from Replace existing one-story dwelling with two-story dwelling ~nd porch; construct second-story addition, shed and landing garage; and install a drainage system of drywells. Located: SCTM#144-5-15 : Comments? Again, .ust if the Board has any questions regarding either ~ptand portion of it is basically just a vertical expansion e. The newly constructed house will, with the proposed be ~ithin the footprint of the existing house. It will be a two-story mailer house. There is a drainage system proposed, dryweHs, with ~ual conditions and that section of timber bulkhead 3 the garage is being proposed to be replaced within 18". It!s really a developed piece of property. t:l I had a hard time finding a place to put the notice. 25 TRUSTEE KING: I had a hard time finding it after I found the notice. The CAC recommends Approval with Stipulations. The bulkhead should be replaced in- place only with no treated lumber, alterations to the dwelling should be within the existing footprint, slope all land away from James Creek and installatio'n of roof ;drains and drYwells installed on the landward sideof the dwelling. ! th'ink it's goingto be tough to put, that:bulkhead in 'n-place. i~OB HE,R?MANN; Basically all' those stipulations are being met. The only part of t that isn t i.s the in place on the bulkhead.. There is a section of octagonal deck proposed but I th~,n,k that's pretty minor. But yeah, that was why I actually asked Tom to CO case there is any discussion about that because I think it would ¢ with the garage right there. f will still be behind both.the massive concrete oulkhead so there is really no intrusion on the area. wetlands. is so developed. about this and we had this conversation and I s¢id. iL would bo better il you put it in in-place. TREI~qT,'E'E KING: IL's so Light in this area, I don't know. TF~:~.'($T.~,F' KRUPSKI: You said Tom Samuels could do anything. R.¢B ,I .I~ERRM~,NN: 'l'hat's what you said, Al. TRICi.S'~.F_~ K4NG: Any comments from the Board? TI~S'~EE. KRUPSKh If you don't think it can be done. TR~ST/¢~ KING: I think it would be diffiOult. I would like to see you keep it as can. I be framed from the bulkhead, as close as we can get it. ,'re showing the existing pilings to be taken out, correct? ;: Yes. Try and maintain a 10' non-turf buffer, but it's impossible where the wherever you can keep a 10', keep a 10' buffer. Did you show garage? Yes, John Ehlers designed a drainage system for the whole _, _, ~.x_site. ft~,-i'EE K~NG have noth ng e se on my m nd TR~$~E POLIWODA: I just have one comment on the non-turf buffers. I know we i~r.,e, allowing decking, planking of certain types, just for your benefit, in the nev~;code change, we are having the angle of repose installed on it so that any · landward rather than straight over the bulkhead and into the There is no decking proposed here but...point taken. If:there are no other comments, I'll make a motion to close the FOSTER: Seconded. ALL AYES KING: I'll make a motion to Approve the application with the there is a non-turf buffer, 10', that can be maintained wherever it can b8 26 TRUSTEE DICKERSON: Seconded. ALL AYES 14.J. Kevin McLaughlin, Esq on behalf of JOHN & JOYCE SAMPIERI requests a Wetland Permit to construct first and partial second-story additions to the existing one-story residence and construct a 3.5 car garage at the easterly end of [he property. Lpcated: 1380 Bayberry Rd., Cutchogue. SCTM#118-2-12 TRUSTEE KRUPSKh Is there anyone here who would like to speak in favor of the application? KEVIN MCLA;UGHLIN: I'm here on behalf of the applicants, John & Joyce ~ have the site plan from Busch Associates, which is fairly mostly a se~0nd,sto~ additi, qn b~t [here isa Small first- ocatedabout 70 from th;",e, existti,dg b¢lkhead. We do leaching basl~, roof ga:~t, ers,,and liters, and a row of I'm here to. answer any questic;n;s, as is Mrs. SKI: Thank you. I think Mrs. Sampieri ans~vered all our If there is no other comment, I'il make a motion to close the RSON: Seconded. ALL AYES ; KRUPSKh 1'11 make a motion to Approve the application. -' KING: Seconded. ALL AYES 15. Cos~tel!o Marine Contracting Corp. on behalf of MONTE REDMAN (AS CONTRACT VENDEE) requests a Wetland Permit to construct 100' of bulkhead (wi~.h C-Loc Series 9000 vinyl sheathing) 15" face-to-face in front of existing buJEbead. Located: 4510 Peconic Bay Blvd., Laurel SCTM#128-4-21 TR~;SiTEE FOSTER: Comments on the application? JOBN CQSTELLO: We are the agents for Mr. Redman and he is in contract to pu;rchase the property and he wants to be assured that the maintenance of the pr~y~is a:ble to be done. Any questions the Board may have? It's quite a si~le ~apPlication where the existing bulkhead is failing and what we're trying to do ~ remove the piling, in order to keep it as close as possible, and re-build the bu.l~ead immediately in front of it. TR~TEE KING: The only comment had John, because looked at this, is thet'e~s a real'whoopee in the bulkhead. It goes way out. I'm hoping he can dig behiOd it an'd push it back and straighten it out. JO. ~':N COS%ELLO-. ; . f you see the pans on page 3, t shows that we are e~c~..~..aUng behind it to relieve the pressure in order to get it in a straight line, wh'l~li s n~)~ma ly the way we try to bud them TR'O,;S-EEE KING: That was the only comment I had. JOB~ Cost~ELLO: It will be constructed in a straight line. TR~STF_E KING: The CAC recommends Approval with the Stipulation the bu~ead is i:epJaced in-place only and a 10' non-turf buffer installed behind the bul, k~eaci. There is no sod or anything there. It's typical bay front. Just one bump-out and that's it. Any other comments? ['11 make a motion to close the hearing. 2? TRUSTEE FOSTER: Seconded. ALL AYES TRUSTEE KING: I'll make a motion to Approve the application. TRUSTEE POLIWODA: Seconded. ALL AYES l'6.Costello Marine Contracting Corp. on behalf of THOMAS J. APREA, JR, reqUests a Wetland Permit to dredge the existing basin to a depth of 5' and deposit'the spoil (approx. 160 cy.)onto the beach. Remove 88' of the offshore end of the southern most jetty and trim the remaining portion to beach level height and remove the top 6"X 6" timber from each of the eight/8) jetties. ~_ocated: 3~140 Gardiners Bay Estate, East Mark)n. SCTM#37-7~9.1 RU,STEE DI~KERSON: Is there anyone, here who would like to~s~p,eak to this Again, my name is John Costello with Costel[o Marine and we are the agents fOr Tom Aprea on this application and I'm ~ certainly be helpful ill tried to explain the.job i.n a little more detail. ..a sma ! baCon, which we re going to dredge, It s filhng lrtbecause the ~y cha~ne has not been dred ed n rede t ears ~lfi~lte is a erm t g RY ,. ,, P wil~ be dredging it and at that f~ime~ M~ Ap,rea ~ents to remove net on ,:site with ~ on top order ~bove ttla~water will ~t~ich ; that what we all discussed? This doesn't say does it? it does. : Nowwhat about the jetty number...I guess starting from the 88' from one. Okay, so it's the #7 one. It seems kind of high. Was there or is that sand going to fill that corn partment? all of them down, aren't they? COSTELLO: We're just taking the 6"X 6" off. Now the only thing that make~ ~e 7' "one appear ~t little higher is the starvation of fill. There is no littoral drift o~f fill.rill By entering and p ac ng spo , you w have that e evation immediately. TRUSTEE KRUPSKh Okay. Aisc, when you look at that little road ending to the north of his dock, there are all of these floats and docks and stuff sitting there. Is that all of his stuff? JOHN COSTELLO: No. That is a community...like a natural launch'ing ramp. They're winterizing floats right there. I don't know whose they are. TRUSTEE KRUPSKh Okay. We gave them permission last Spring to dig that out. TRUSTEE DfCKERSON: Any other comments from the Board? I'll make a meticn, to close the hearing. TRUSTEE POLIWODA: Seconded. ALL AYES TRi~ST~EE:~- Bf~ERSQN: I'll make a motion to Approve the application for Mr. Apre,a, T~¥EE FOST, ER: Seconded. ALL AYES 17. Costello Marine Contracting Corp. on behalf of RAYMOND B. STRONG 111 requests a Wetland Permit to construct a 3'X 30' fixed timber dock beginning at ALW wbh an 18' inshore ramp and 32"X 20' aluminum ramp to reach the existing float. Located: 2205 Bayview Ave., Southold. SCTM#52-5-2 TR, U,Si-EE POLIWODA: Would you like to comment on this application? JoH'N COSTELLO: Yes I would. There has been a previous permit issued by the Trustees and Mr. Strong. is presently the new owner of the property. The only thing basically remaining except for a couple of stubs that are out in the water, they are like small, I believe they are probably almost like trap stakes, that are broken off ~nd in the water, I don't know if you went there at Iow tide, but you can see.-a couple of them la~ing there. What he wants to do is to be able to get out to the existing float, don t know what research was done on the application but you 'ti firtd", o~it that th sis very similar. I told him he probably should reduce the size .in,~order to try to get:a permit to 3' width, try to use untreated materials, and do the mf;nimum. That'~ why he could do the aluminurn ramp, so he can take it off. TRUSTEE POLIWODA: We all looked at this. With that in mind, he probably could secure some kind of a float and a docking facility there, but we were looking at,the neighbors to the south, and that's what we would like to see. JOHN COSTELLO: Personally, I think the 3' width, where you're not a handicapped person, or an age whe,r,e you feel insecure, I think that, plus I think that al,so using the untreated small 6' diameter oak pilings,..you know that it's not going to be ~] ~,tationery structure. They are not using it. TRUSTEE POLIWODA: Did you take the dimensions down? JOHN ,COSTELLO: I 6an tell you the dimensions of the float. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: They are in the file. TRUSTEE POLIWODA: We found that the neighboring dock's total length was 62'. JOHN COSTELLO: This one is going to be basically 48' I believe. TRUSTEE POLIWODA: The float itself, what is that float out there? JOHN COSTELLO: 16'. TRUSTEE POLIWODA: 16' long. We would appreciate it if you would cut it down. JOHN COSTELLO: I think he would. He said he didn't need it that wide but he wanted me to go out and inspect it and when it needs rebuilding, he said he would more than certainly would allow to have it reduced because it's not .:necessary. 'TRUSTEE POLIWODA: We measured 84' total. J,OHN COSTELLO: 84' total? TRUSTEEPO'~IWODA: Yeah, the 18', 30', the 48', plus the 20' ramp, and 16' float. That comes out to~ 84' less the 2' overhang. The neighbor is 62'. Maybe you overall, back to say, 70'. You can knock 4' off the offshore. ps right off. There is good water there. I certainly could Now how do you want to work that float? you want to turf it into a 6'X 16'? Personally I think a 6'X20' would benefit him much more and leDA: The reason I say 6'X 16' is because he is likely to store up there. He can leave it right out in the water. The Real floats are not ::)DA: Okay. That's a good idea. Would a 12' ramp work? about 18' fixed on the upland side and how about to a 14' ramp... because it's 8' on center. --: POLIWODA: Then a 6'X 20' float. LO: Right, a 12' space and a 6'X 20'. It would be 3' wide. So what's the dimension you worked out down there? leDA: A 3'X 18' inshore ramp, a 3'X 24' fixed dock, a 14' ramp, float, reducing from 12'X 16'. So it breaks it down to 72' Can we actually do this now. under the moratorium? There is a permitted dock and part of it is still there. That's the difference. For the record lhis application nas a valid permit from permit application, which meant that the dock was ] year of construction re-built in 1979 and this will replace the permitted in 1986 with a structure that's smaller and shorter. The existing 30' section, which is going to be a 24', is going They'll be a ramp to it. Technically there is no spartina in that location Not in that pathway. 3O TRUSTEE POLIWODA: Okay, let me read what I have. If there ~s no other comments, or no other Board comments, I'll make a motion to close the public hearing. TRUSTEE KING: Seconded. ALL AYES TRUSTEE :POLIWODA: 1'11 make a motion to Approve the application to construct a 3'~ 2~' fixed, timber dock beginning at apparent Iow water with a 3'X 1~8' inshore r'amp~ and a 32'.'x 14' aluminu~ ramp to r~ach the existing float and the existing fl(~a{:.~ll b~ ct-~ang~d to a 6'X 20' flo~t. I'll stipulate tha;~ it be no higher than 3' above grade and?~he pilings be all made of 6' diameter br less construction. Do 1 ha~ea second? T~ICSTbE~ Di~KERSON: Seconded. ALL AYES ,18. Richard ~La.rsen on behalf of JOHN DICARLO requests a, Wetland Permit to construct 150'of timberbulkhead, 18" in front of existing bulkhead, except for 50' of return to be removed and replaced inkind/inplace, and backfill with 50 cy. of fill fror Southold. SCTM#64-3-13 THE AGENT'S REQUEST 19. Harvey A. Amoff, Esq. on behalf of JEFFREY HALLOCK requests a Wetland Permit to cut into ground of right-of-way for installation of underground utilities, permission to cut base of existing dirt roadway to upgrade with stone materials, and ff)rthe proposed driveway landward of the right-of-way. Located: Diachun Rd. baure SCTM#~I27 3 9.1 Posi'poNED UNTIL JANUARY AS PER THE .AGENT S REQUEST 20. Patricia C. Moore, Esq on behalf of PECONIC DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION CORP. requests a Wetland Permit for selective pruning and planting of native wetland species. Located: 57908 Main Rd,, Southold. SCTM#66-2-2.2 POSTPONED UNTIL JANUARY AS PER THE AGENT'S REQUEST 21. Flower Hill Building Corp. on behalf of HELEN RUST FAMILY PARTNERSHIP requests a Wetland Permit to construct a 13'X I6' addition to the existing boathouse. Located: 4680 Wunneweta Rd., Cutchogue. SCTM#111-14-36.5 APPLICATION WITHDRAWN AS PER THE APPLICANT'S REQUEST TRUSTEE KRUPSKI moved to go off the Public Hearings and back to the Regular Meeting, TRUSTEE POLIWODA seconded. ALL AYES V. MOORINGS/DUCK BLINDS: 1. CHRISTOPHER PlA requests a Duck Blind permit to place a duck blind on land facing out to the bay. Located: 1455 Inlet Way, Southold. SCTM#118-1-2 (See Public Hearing #9.) JAMES P. :SWEENEY requests an onshore/offshore stake off his own property, for a 12' boat, on Corey Creek. Located: 2950 Minnehaha Blvd., Southold. SCTM#87-3-42 TRUSTEE POLIWODA moved to Approve the application, TRUSTEE DICKERSON seconded. ALL AYES Meeting adjourned at 9:45 PM. Res pectfully submitted by, Lauren M. Standish Board of Trustees RECEIVED ~ 2 2 2O04