HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-11/19/2003Albert J. Krupski, President James KinE, Vice-President Artie Fester Ken Poliwoda Peggy A. Dickerson Town Hall 53095 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Telephone (631 765-1892 Fax (631) 765-1366 BOARD OFTOWNTRUSTEES TOWN OFSOUTHOLD MINUTES November 19th, 2003 7:00 p.m. PRESENT WERE: Albert J. Krupski. Jr., President James King, Vice-President Artie Foster. Trustee (Absent) Ken Poliwoda, Trustee (Absent) Peggy Dickerson, Trustee E. Brownell Johnston, Esq., Town Attorney Charlotte Cunningnam, Clerk CALL MEETING TO ORDER PLEDGE OF ALLEG lANCE NEXT FIELD INSPECTION: Wednesday, December 10th, 2003 at 8:00 a.m. TRUSTEE DICKERSON moved to Approve. TRUSTEE KING Seconded. AYES NEXT TRUSTEE MEETING: Wednesday, December 17th, 2003 at 7:00 p.m. WORKSESSION: 6:00 p.m. TRUSTEE DICKERSON moved to Approve. TRUSTEE KING Seconded. ALL AYES ALL APPROVE MINUTES: Approve Minutes of October 22, 2003 TRUSTEE DICKERSON moved to Approve the Minutes. TRUSTEE KING Seconded. ALL AYES I1. III. MONTHLY REPORT: The Trustees monthly report for October 2003. A check for $6,634.06 was forwarded to the Supervisor's Office for the General Fund. PUBLIC NOTICES: Public Notices are posted on the Town Clerk's Bulletin Board for review. AMENDMENT/~NAIVEPJCHANGES: PETER COSOLA request an Amendment to Permit 5798 to install a new cesepOo[ system and add a 3'x30' extension to the front of the house based on the footprint of the above referenced previously gratlted permit. Located: 2880 Minnehaha Blvd. Southold, NY SCTM#87-03-43 TRUSTEE. KRUPSKI: The CAC recommends approval of the applicatiOn. However suggests the. planS be revised in order to avoid ~emova:l of a larg~e tree. This is not a public hearihg but anyone is welcomed to speak. )resent the applicant? I am'not here to represent the applicant I, am a [ live across the street. My name is Blvd, Mr. far has requested a ot e~en~ibn abc requ; est for ~ )roVed. NOW he, wants to ,~d Foot (for se to waffte, as' he h'as nm Cenetructio'r yet. Board Membr~r '[hz~[ vlsi[od ti~e silo. Since it :tion to i. ho pormi[-.- 98 '1:oo[ Irom the high water 4 .,., , K,N~, ::~: · ~isit.thesite. · 4. ,4...~ K 4! ', ~t.;,(: ?,.;;mod that it was a m~nor since it was 98 feet .'. :'. "! .' .... ? =".~,.,: '. pet'mit te the addition and we are unaware of ..' .. ~,.;,,.' .... :...' -' ! would ask Mr. Johnston about the set backs from ~h~ teaC!' T~a~euld no[ be our issue it would be a Planning De~i~rd~i~,ue. ~e has t~ try to get our permit first. Just because we iss. ~L~, l'a, Perm'i~ it d~e§ 'no~ mean that quite often he has to go on to get oth~r aCpro~r~ s from other, age'ncies and quite often other ~genc es d'sal e~ wh~t the a~p cant has.prop0sed. Then they have to come back to us for an amendment. If we approve this it does not necessarily'going to happen. Our only concern is the environment with respect to the 3x30 addition. ROBERT HOLZMAIER: I saw that there was a Permit on the front of the house and if anyone had any objections. To appearand am appeadng. want to be correct to assume that there is someone taldng minutes and my name will be here objecting to this. TRUSTEE KRUPSKh I would advise you to pursue this with the Planning Department because of the set backs and a vadance from the ZBA, But they have to come to you first. approve these additions to houses. allow it and then they have tic, come back. ~ it is out of our ju'dsd!ction. my name again? Just ~he spelling of it. Holzmaier Rebert a~d my address 2765 ~kyou anyone like to make a Motion? I. will make a motion to Approve the Amendment to the I~i~,~ERSON: Seconded. I~-¢,UPSKI: All in favor. ALL AYES TRUS'FEE KRUPSKI: We are going to hold the permit for Cosola until weget the cesspool system indicated on the plans. TRUSTEE KING: It just slipped by I was concentrating on the road. Proper-T Services on behalf of STEPHEN MATTEINI request an Amendment to Permit 5787 to raise the existing house from the foundation, demolish the existing foundation and construct a new foundation within the same proposed footprint to include proposed additions - demolish two one stow portions of the existing structure and rebuild them. Located: 3855 Bay Shore Road, Greenport, NY SCTM#53-6-19 TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: We issued this permit in July for an addition to a single-family dwelling and stake row of hay bales. I do not see gutters and drywells on this? TRUSTEE DICKERSON: What are the CAC comments? TRUSTEE KRUPSKh CAC approved During construction the foundation was discovered to need a new foundation underneath it and I did not have any problems with it. They are 9oing to raise the house up and proceed with the construction. If there are no other comments. I will make a 3 Motion to Approve the application of Stephen Matteini and just a note for the records the drywells and gutters with the roof run-off be on the plans. Be included in the written description for the new permit. All in favor. TRUSTEE DICKERSON: Seconded. TRUSTEE KRUPSKh All in favor. ALL AYES PROPER-T PERMIT SERVICES on behalf of GREGORY MAZ7-ANOBILE requests an Amendment to Permit 5631 to allow the location of the sewage disposal system and the necessary fill and retaining wall. Located: 1400 Lake Avenue, Southold, NY SCTM#59-1- 21.6 & 21.7 TRUSTEE KRUPSKh Is there anyone here to speak on this? We just got a. I~tter from Mark Terry Senior Environmental Planner yesterday. The Bbard: haS:,nnot had time to review. We are marking on ~fifferent Wetland -forms fro.rd the site and the ~mportance and so ~n th s case would lust withhold 9ur con~r~ents until the Board can take a look at ~t. The report ,c.a"~e in late, I Will make a,, Mot[on to Table the application. J'~M' FI~'ERAI~D: I am J;~m Fitzgerald representidg Mr. Mazzanobile. The, rePO~lthoagh it arrives at ti~e conclusion that there are wet ands in the'a(~ .t[i0t nre~d,'tb be protected. I am nor sure thatHi u;nderstand how he g~rt~ier, e 'FOr. rt'stance, you probab y knowwhat a G3 and a G4 are I n~yreb¢~a rd o~;t~ern T.'~EE~KJ!~(~: ~t~, I do not have the slightest idea.. TR~Ei~R.~S~I: No that ts why we do not want to rush into any ;tl~, '.~, ,,P~G~-~' RALD ment on th s because t maybe you, can ta k to Mr T'~,r.i~'b~O~ we gel back together. Because there s no nd cat on how ~arly Of fl~e§e thing~ were arrived at. He says that there are Martine fresh ,.¢atSr. i~[0r-~dunal swalos and those things someplace are listed as G3 and G4. br S~ rrrd wo have no indication of what that means. Either good or our standpoint that it is bad. I think it needs a lot mment applies he asks specifically but in before the Board. We got to the the wetlands. But no one says why it is bad for the ~ case. He is saying that it is bad 'for the that it is going, to Idll the cranberries. Since :crop in this,area for the, local people. So that is and. I think it should. absolute y riqht and that is why we have to Because tl~ese are sensitive areas. not very environmentally sensitive. tt ~s all 4 TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: I made a Motion to Table this application. Are there any other comments? All in favor. TRUSTEE DICKERSON: ALL AYES. En-Consultants, Inc. on behalf of MADELINE PISCIOTTA requests a One Year Extension to Wetland Permit #5257 to conStruct a two-story, one family dwelling to be raised on pilings, deck, pervious driveway, two (2) drywells, drinking water well and sanitary system to be placed on approx. 380 cy of clean sand fill and contained with concrete retaining walls (this will be the final one year extension). Located: 8554'Main B~yV[9~ F(oad, Southold¢ ~'4Y SCTI~t87-5-23.7 & 23.8 TR'uST~-I~RUPSKI: Take any comments if anyone has any? Permit was iSsued.three years'~ago. Anyone wants to take a 10Ok. ~RUiSTE,E, KIN~,: Nothitlg has. changed. TRUSTEE'KRUPSKh Do l hav'e'a ~'otion? TRUSTE~_ KI'NG; I will make a motion for a final one-year extension for the permit. TR .U~TBE DIOKERSON: Seconded. TR.U'S'T~E KING: All in favor. ALL AYES Cross Sound Ferry Services, Inc, requests a One Year Extension to Permit #5408 for the proposed re-grading and the application of stone/gravel to the snack bar parking area, along with proposed installation of curb stops and guard rail fence, for the installation of Iow intensity safety lighting, within the snack bar parking area, and for the installation of a berm southward of the Coastal Erosion Hazard Area line, said berrh to be planted and stabilized with a double row of Rosa rugosa and a staked snow fence. The location of the berm shall be as depicted on the revised site plan dated August 29, 2001 and last revised October 9, 2001 and shall be located at the following coordinates, about 52' south of the CEHA line at the west boundary of SCTM#15-9-15.1 and about 90' south of the CEHA line at the east boundary of the aforesaid lot. TRUSTEE KRUPSKh Did anyone take a look at this? CHARLOTTE CUNNINGHAM: It only came m yesterday. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: I am going to table this application, because we did not have the time to look at it. CHARLOTTE CUNNIGHAM: The problem with it, if it goes into the next month meeting they will have to reapply. TRUSTEE KRUPSKh We will talk it over. It was physically in before the meeting but without time for an actual review, will make a Motion to Table with that condition. 5 TRUSTEE KING: Seconded. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: All in favor. ALL AYES TRUSTEE KRUPSKh This is the public portion of the meeting. MOtion to go off the regular meeting. TRUSTEE KING: So moved. TRUSTEE KRUPSKh All in favor .ALL AYES needa IV. PUBLIC HEARINGS: THIS IS A PUBLIC HEARING IN THE MA TTER OF THE FOLLOWING APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS UNDER THE WETLANDS ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD. I HAVE AN AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATIONS FROM THE TRA VELER-WA TCHMAN; PERTINENT CORRESPONDENCE MAY BE READ PRIOR TO ASKING FOR COMMENTS FROM THE PUBLIC. PLEASE KEEP YOUR COMIVIENTS ORGANUZED AND BRIEF FIVE (5) MINUTES OR LESS IF POSSIBLE TRUSTEE KRUPSKh Two Public Hearings have been postponed. Henry Huecker Wetland Permit has been postponed Jeffrey Hallock Wetland Permit has been postponed. HENRY HUECKER request a Wetland Permit to expand existing cesspool system landward of existing system - additional pool to relieve existing system. Located: 3300 Deep Hole Drive, Mattituck, NY SCTM#115-17-12 POSTPONED AS PER APPLICANT'S REQUEST JEFFREY HALLOCK requests a Wetland Permit to cut into ground of right of way for installation of underground utilities and permission to cut base of existing dirt roadway to upgrade with stone materials as required by Southold Zoning Board - to locate dwelling with attached garage and sanitary system at least 110-115 ft from nearest edge of tidal wetlands Located: Diachon Road/Peconic Bay Blvd. Laurel, NY SCTM#127-3-9.1 POSTPONED AS PER APPLICANT'S REQUEST 6 WILLIAM & PATRICIA BRENNEN request a Wetland Permit to construct a 3'x35' stairway with 6'x3' landing on the property down the slope to Marion Lake. Located: 1050 Truman's Path, East Marion, NY SCTM#31- 12-5.1 TRUSTEE KRUPSKh Would anyone like to speak in favor of or against the application? Do I have a Motion to close the hearing? TRUSTEE KING: So moved. TRUSTEE KRUPSKh Do have a seconded? TRUSTEE KING: Seconded. TRUSTEE KRUpSKh All in favor. I ,~tli r~ake a Mo~iton te A~prove the applioation. ~O~]TEE ~?NG: Seconded. ~UCTEE KRU!PSKI: ,~]1 in favor. ALL AYES. ANTHONYPALUMBO requests a Wetland Permit for a single-family residence with attached garage. Located: 3550 Grathwohl Road, New Suffolk, NY SCTM#110-8-3 TRUSTEE DICKERSON: Would anyone like to speak to this application? TRACY PALUMBO'r Good evening, my name is Tracy Palumbo I am here with my husband Anthony Palumbo who is the applicant. I am actually a co-applicant but my name is not on the application.. This project consists of a one family dwelling, with approximately 2800 feet of living space including a garage. The lot is presently improved with the septic system and awel., which were installed by the pnor owner. The septic system was installec in the late 80's. Based upon a permit that was issued but expired. The septic system has been inspected by the Health Department and wewere issued a permit from the Health Department on July 9~h of this year. We are here before you tonight asking your permission to build our home. Based upon the fact that the DEC has flagged the wetlands boundary - 83 feet from the closest point from our proposed dwelling.. There is a paved road between the proposed hou~se and the wetlands boundary W~e.have already covenanted to maintain a twenty-foot wide buffer between the corlstruction and the road. We were issued a DEC permit On April 21st, of this year. We were also granted a variance from [he ZBAon July 3rd of this year. The location of the house was deferred based ?orr the,Odd shape of the lot as well as the town set back requ~ire~er~s. '¢'~/e had to go to the ZBA for the set back requirements ba~sed ~pen the:issue~ That is about it. If the Board has any questions? T~US~E DICI4ERSON We went out on inspection and th~ ~esspools were located. MR. JOHNSTON: Did you find the well also? T~USTEE KRUPSKI: No we will have to take the surveyor's word for it. TRUSTEE KING: It looks to me that the cesspools have to be upgraded. There is a big tree in there. 7 MR. PALUMBO: I am Anthony Palumbo I am the co-applicant. When they were originally installed I believe it was 1985 or 1986. They were approved of course that was pursuant to the permit with the Health Department had granted. As well as a Building Permit from the Town of Southold. It was just a little sapping tree. They were backed filled and all the piping was completed. ;TRUSTEE KING; But things grow. did not have a big problem with it. :TRUSTEE DICKERSON: Gutters and drywells for roof run off? MRS. PAEUMBO: Yes there will be. Do they need hay bales? , are across the street. ff~ is an asphalt street. It lo~ks like hay bales. Are you- an~iclpatihg hay bales for the twenty-foot buffer. Yes. Any other comments from my other two Board. Anyone else here to speak against the make a Mot[on to close the headng. Seconded. All in favor. All AYES. Approve the applicant's request for the Wetland residence with attached garage with gutters and and hay bales as indicated on the plans. All in What you need to do is have your surveyor draw it Which will show the drywells. It will be the description on Okay certainly. Thank you very much Eh-Consultants, Inc. on behalf of ROSEMARY & SEBASTIAN AVOLESE request a Wetland Permit to cc ~struct a second story - addition over- a two story house/garage addition to an existing one story, one family dwelling remove existing brick patio and construct attached deck, clear and establish four foot wide landscape path to existing dock, modify existing driveway, install a drainage system of drywells, and establish plantings. Located: 4150 Wunneweta Road, Cutchogue, NY' SCTM#111-14-24 TRUSTEE KING: Is there anyone here to comment on this application? ROB HERRMANN: Good evening, [Rob Herrmann of En-Consultants on behalf of the applicant's Rosemary & Sebastian Avolese. Rosemary and 8 Sebastian are here and also their architect, Fairly straight forward application. The only thing that I would note on the project description it should say to construct a second stow addition over and a two stow house/garage addition to the existing one stow, one family dwelling. As per the Beard's requirements there has been a system of drywellsto be fed by leaders and gutters to serve the entire residence. There has been a drainage calCUlation dOne by Bush Associates, that isthe architect included on the site plan and there is also a notation on the site plat~ indicating gutters an(] lead:ers to serve the on:tire residence and Connect tO these new catch basins, There is a project-limiting fe, nce, which is ~°nstructiOn, whiOh would gE arour~d ~e ~ti~'~.Froj'ect site. ~ ten-foot contour because.much Of th~s prrjeof v~ili be diction or Now Stale DEC. E~ Boated b~Sany would be happy lo answor [he~, Oth~bt~i:~ iris a fairly I do not think that,we had a problem That new addition is that going to have a full underneath it? I am just wondering about excavation. Also Well, it actually is a good point that you raised. We a project limiting fence without haybales. It would be a g for that vew reason. We want to tw to maintain contour. Both because after that pie, down and also for DEC. There was no way. We fence down lower that makes more sense. Actually use the silk screening which would: run along the assumed the Board would actually prefer that. For the y, ou just mentioned. What about the existing cesspools? A good question? Rob, do you know where the the just looking on the existing survey. Do you know shd, w the Board. On the survey it actually shows 3fthe house. ;now if they have to be upgraded? ]at is being proposed is a three bedroom. The Of'the heuse will be changed. The number of bedrooms will So, therefore, we do not have to go to the Health So the only reason we would have to have an upgrade if t requested it. But we are not increasing the do not suspect that they will. Unless the system is it is not. y other comments on this application? Any I make a Motion of close the headng. DICKERSON: Seconded. , I TRUSTEE KING: All in favor. ALL AYES will make a Motion to Approve the application as submitted. TRUSTEE DICKERSON: Seconded. TRUSTEE KING: All in favor. ALLAYES ROB HERRMANN: Thank you. Eh-Consultants, Inc. on behalf of ADELAIDE KNOWLES requeSts a Wetland Permit to replace within 18" and raise 6" approximately 51 linear feet of existin~g, timber bulkhead and backfill with approximate!y 15 cubic yards clean sand fill to be trucked in from an upland source - exiSting stairs and deckto be removed and replaced in kind ~n place as neceSSitat~ by bulkhead construction. Located: 2152 Park Avenue, M~tti~ck, NYS~TM#123-8-9 ROB ~EP~VIANN; IF~_.ggy do you want to do the next one as wetl as this of~e, ~tth~ S¢m~.time. T~iey are actually adjourning. They are all Dart of the:s~esf¢8Cture. TRU~EE KRUPSKI: Go ahead So we will do both 6&7. En-Consultants, Inc. on behalf of N. SUE MUELLER TRUST request a Wetland Permit to replace within 18" and raise 6" approximately 50 linear feet 0f eXisting timber bulkhead and backfill with approximately 15 cubic yards clean sand'fil[ to be trucked in from an upland source - existing stairs and deck to be removed and replaced in kind in place as necessita~d by bulkhead construction. Located: 2200 Park Avenue, Mattituck~ NY SCTM#123-8-10 ROBHE~RM~NN: Rob Herrmann on behalf of both applicants, N, Sue Muell'er T~ust~and Adelaide Knowles. This is also a very straight forward ¢ repair and maintenance to existing bulkhead from the moratorium. If the Board has any be happy to address them on the two They are effectively one bulkhead structure that spans both I be done at the same time. CAC has an approval with: Stipulations. The approval of the applicatiop with the following should be place¢ in place only. No treated on the new structures. The fill area should be ~ r~atiMe grasses. There shoald be no increase in the size of lock. RO ~' ~E~RMANN: I can respond to each of those. The easy one no in~ase,jn the'size of the deck. There is no increase in the size of the d~(,tha,~.is Proposed. What was the fourth one, Peggy? -I-~ST~ I~IOI~ERSON: That was the fourth one. Theithir~ene was the fill area should be planted with native grasses. ROB',HER,RMA~NN: Which is not a problem. That area is vegetated now. It woa,ld erd[nanly be re-vegetated. Regarding their comments regarding 10 inkind/in place. We certainly have visited this topic befbre. There is a relatively steep embankment, Basically it is going to be less disturbance and destabilization, If the bulkhead is replaced out in front. Then if it is removed in it's entirely. Where you are going to have more excavating and stockpiling the soil involved. In this case, it is the originally bulkhead and it has never been stepped out before. The step out will occur over dry beach. So there is ne disturbance and there is no disturbance in Town Water. There is no constdctien or other effect on navigation. The structure will remain completely landward of the adjacent bulkhead to the east, Which is already located s,e~eral feet seaward, of this bulkhead. So going out i~n front ~r¢ilf'deCrease th-e Project Cost to the applica~b ati~d will There will be~rlo ¢ S,tep an as ~eally lot in ~RU',S~ DiOI~ERSON: My comment is that when we were out in the fielcf w~ d~cided'* ip kind/in place, 'FRLIS'i~J~ KR~PSKI: Especially on the westerly side. That neighbor is fa r y rc,e,;,?¢, Vye Weu d tke to see that matched up. As the east bu khead j,ets oe~ere. ROB ~E;RRf~ANN: I can only and I am not going to reiterate everything tlhat I just said relative to your comments verses the CAC's. Again, there is no ad'¥erse impact associated with the one time step out. Which again tl~e Be ~.aC~,d has allowed. You have allowed it On LeCastro and you have all~cv~d; E on, this very beach in the past. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: We would like to keep then especially when they j.Oined q:i~ in li~e. Especially with the neighbor's. ~RUS~E D;iCKERSON The dec s on s not so much CAC. ROB H;~RRMANN: It does not matter where the recommendation is cor~ing ~rom,. You or the peep e that are he png to advise you. I can only make the recluest to the applicant for those reasons, n my experience with this ~Board the objections have come in that we are in a narrow creek and thatit would some how affect navigation. There is marsh in front, you are in title water you do not want filling of the Town Creek. Other than what you are mentioning. TRMSTF~E KRUPSKh You want to keep a straight line. ROB HERRMANN: You are not creating a situation like you have a deep return or you are going to have scouring. My argument would be that 11 there would be very inconsequential impact by going out in front. But obviously it is the Board's decision. TRUSTEE KING: I noticed on the one parcel. There is not a lot behind the bulkhead. If there is going to be a lot of disturbance. There is a lot of vacan~area there. It really is not going to be a hardship by putting it in place. ROB HERRMANN: I can certainly take the Board's decision back to the applicants. If there is a problem I will ask you to revisit it. if not we will have tO go with the Board's degree. TRUSTEE DICKERSON: So we will table it? I: No I would not want to table it. would say approve it your decision. If thei'e is a serious concern or other I wilt come back but I think that ; done l[ngwhat about the vinyl issue? An independent thought just came to my mind. The we be able to replace on the - wh~ich would be placed in kind and in slight angle out to where it would hour the rest of the project. You ']'RUg'.I EE KING: I thir Se il you did thaL thon b~d~ w;ay of doing it. ~bor's to the east jets out past this point. u~p flush with it. That would not be a 'I'R.IJ.S~TEE K'RUPSKh You start at the westedy end and by the time you got out. You would be i~ front of. It would not be a perfectly straight line. ~m~e er ~e~,~,ou would not have that jet out. ~"~ '~¢:~R~iAI~'~]: We would not want to go all the way out. T~$;I'EE KRU.PSKI: Slightly angle it. ROB ,BER. RMANN: Wel.l that would accomplish reducing the project cost ~. ~he:same t]m.e. What I could do ~s go back to the contractor and .d~,~,,~r~., ,,, - i~'~h h'im. The number that works? 'F'~EE,.,.., I~R~PSKI: Whatever number has to work. 13~ ~OB~-IERR;k.'.IA~N: Mueller would be entirely 18 inches as it has been sul~mi;~ted. Kno~¥1es would have to have the firsttwenty feet would have to' ~.~'~kfC~d.~ ~ ¢la~ce. T~t~ .~-i-EE KR~d'PSKh Not in kind/in place, just covered up. I will make the'resolution it.you want. TR.~.'~;'I'EF_' DICKERSON: I will make a Motion to close the hearing. Do I havo 4~ socondod? TRMSTEE KING: Soconded. 'I'RU~.Ti=E DI~KE~SON: All in favor. ALL AYES 'f'R~.' ~.",'~'EE KR,~, .PSKI: I will make a Motion to AppreYe the application on b(,.t.~4~l .ADEL E KNOWLES to replace 51 hnear feet of existing hnear I(-,,~t' o~: timber bulkhead starting at the most southerly end of the westerly n~g[fb()r's bulkh(;ad angling out an area designated on the new plans to 12 be received and the rest of the bulkhead will be in kind and in place the remainder of the 51 feet will be in kind/in place. I do not know how you are going to type that up Charlotte? The remainder will be at 18 inches. ROB HERRMANN: it will not be a full 18 inches. TRUSTEE KING: prefer to keep them as close as we can. TRUSTEE DICKERSON: Seconded. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: All in favor. ALL AYES I will make a Motion to App,'ova the application of N. SUE MUELLER TRUSTto replace within 18 inches approximately 50 linear feet of existing ,bulkhead. TRUSTEE D[CKERSON: Seconded. ~USYEE KR'd~SKI: ~,tl in favor. ALL AYES. 8. Proper-T Permit Services on behalf of CUTCHOGUE NEW SUFFOLK PARK DISTRICT request a Wetland Permit to construct covered wood gazebo 24'xl 2' Located: 9430 Skunk Lane, Cutchogue, NY SCM#104-8- 6.1 TRUSTEE DICKERSON: Would anyone like to speak to this application? JIM FITZGRALD: Yes, Jim Fitzgerald for the Park District. We met at the site last week. We agreed to move the gazebo twenty feet to the north and / have new drawings. TRUSTEE KRUPSKh Thank you TRUSTEE DICKERSON: Is there anyone else here to speak to this application? Any of the Board members? I will make a Motion to Close the hearing. TRUSTEE KING: Seconded. TRUTEE DICKERSON: All in favor. ALL AYES. I will make a Motion to ApProve the permit request of Cutchogue New Suffolk Park District for a co,vered wood gazebo 24'x12' on 9430 Skunk Lane, Cutchogue. Do I have a seconded? TRUSTEE KING: Seconded. TRUSTEE DICKERSON: All in favor. ALL AYES Costello Marine Contracting Corp. on behalf of PETER BOGOVIC request for Wetland Permit to construct a 124' retaining wall above the current high water mark with C-Loc vinyl sheathing. Located: 1980 North Bayview Road, Southold, NY 70-12-39.5 TRUSTEE KRUPSKh Would anyone like to speak on behalf of the application? JOHN COSTELLO: Yes, my name is John Costello of Costello Marine Contracting Corp, I am the agent for Peter Bogovic on this application. This is a continuation of two other hearings. First the Board had recommended that he use rock and the additional costs and the damage 13 to the property and the restoration costs would increase the cost approximately thirty to forty percent. He said he could not afford to do that. I came back and tried to stake the property and I staked it back behind the high water mark. It also was tabled last month because there was a question to review an outstanding violation issue that was on it: The Board did not want to go through the permit process until the outstanding violation was completed. I hope the Board did review that violation because I did myself. If the Board has any questiods on thiS. I would certai'nly try to answer them. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: I see that the fence was removed from underneath the dock. jOH~I;COSTELEO: That was not part of the violation. TR~E KRUPSKh I would be inclined to move this application along, Bebaus~ I think that the fence wasthe most offensive thing that we saw there. Some of the debris, But that having been removed. I would think i]~ the cc~rse of bUilding a structure there. The debris being moved as p,a~ ,of ~e process, JOHN 6pSTELLO: Could make one other suggestion for the Board As ~.~see the'~iolation and the application. The original application ask to the edge of the grass made by John Froehoffer. As ~,by. He has lost a considerable amount of land. Most ~ ll3st because of the bridge abutment, The bddge nore of a violator than Mr. Bogovic has ever been. They h broken steel, broken concrete in the water. Which is erous than one of the concerns that Ken had on the creating some erosion on the next-door property. state. This bulkhead is entirely above mean high high water.mark. It d,oes, not preclude the east , it. I would suggest a~ a Comprom se to Kenny s a right angle relbr,n on the. south side bei~aus~.tbeis~)~t.h side with a right angle, retUrn'*'"' can cause sco. u~ing. It is at ~he brl'd~l.e abQ~ent. BOth eides, when the ~ide is trying to get out and tf~e tide ~s'~ ri~rmal there is S~uring. Rb ~as ios{.a considerable a.mounf ~f,la~hd. Twenty-four fre,t on on~ sidle ahd twelve onthe other. Ne;doe;si nbt Want it to (~ontinue. ;By an¢ing that return it would lessen any possibi[ ty of scour ng to the .' · ' ' ' : '., ~ ,',/. If there are any questo~dnth~ can show you ', "' . .: ' '. ." of exactly what l mean TR;U'STEE KRUPSKI: I think that there is no doubt that the bddge ab~Jtmedt has impacted Mr. Bogovids property. I think that our concern ~s tliat it does not transfer that to the neighbor's property. That is why the B~ard really felt that if he really felt the need to armor it upland. He should dp so' with the revetment that would in our experience has really lessen tl~e degree of scouring and impact. JOHN CiOST£LLO: It dispurses wave energy. The only thing it is above the high water mark. If you want it higher a,bove the high water mark. I 14 am sure that he does not object to that. He does not want to continually loose more. But I think that the scouring action will be at the south return. Instead of a right angle back on 18 foot length. It certainly decreases any potential of Scouring. TRUSTEE KRUPSKh I still would not want to put a viny~ wall next to the neighbor's because you are just going to transfer it,. JOHN COSTELLO: This return here will be the only thing that will create an effect. Same as the bridge abutment is doing. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: I will have to disagree here. Because you said only in a storm. But tha~ js going to create in this whole area here. That is going to tra, n~er down tn~t is what my concern is. Otherwise, there is no i~oint ~for~-~h .~ wali ifwater is not going to h ~ t. JOHN C~O$~,LO: When, the: tide is.abnormal as it is increased by the ednt[Ci~{r~g fetal;ri ~ere.. if this is angJed:back'you will not want to ~(e~ ~[bi~ ~ig~ angle. TR~L~$%E ~: I dfsagree because, fyou cut back or not. Consider th;is'm a,~'~i~¢rl;~ that~w0uld be in the Water. ,JOHN ~¢bS-C~LO: You cannot keep the tide up. TRU'S'r EE K~UPSKI: If he goes with the vinyl up to here and revetment a~rJ~rcrie':t~ ,l,~sen ~e effect. JglHl~ _g,: I tell you what and it has happened on many occas~ol-¥S ~¢~Ji. [ho NewYork State DEC. They wdl make you put rocks arc~und an,ywh~re near the return. Water is slowed down from the wave on?rg,i,(?~,. I can s~ow you dozen pictures. '¢~:E, I~'KI: Will they not require armoring and a bulkheadiung. J Well if [hey are in the water. T ~iKl: Duriag a storm event that is when you get that J;~l COSTBL,L.,O: This is not a high energy area except for the right aisle, That ]srid,,ge is where the whole energy is being dispersed. We ha~ion ~)oth sjcJ~s. You can see the scouring on both s des TI~TEE KR:UPSK: st would rather see half- half rock up to that JC~l~ COSTELLO He can lower it T~-CEE KRUPSKI: Then how high would that wall be? JO~ COSq-ELLO: About two feet. Because you see the two pilings that he',li,,~, the're. It goes above them now. Al. if you wanted to and if you wa~L4(the last twenty feet to be armored pull baok further into the bank. P~,~ ~ck armoring ,in front of the last twenty feet abutting the neighbor's p~r~, I tl-tir~k l will give him the rock. am t red of dea n wthths'ob. T~J~E,E KRUPSKh We were going to make that offer, g J JO~tl~ COSq-JELLO: I think that if I angled it back. 1 think we should do th~,, ~n~ay. I think it will reduce any potential scouring above the water. TF¢~31~T,':EE KRU~SKI: How does the Board want to handle this? Ofb~ii~usly we need ~ new plan for this Do you want to stake it in the field for ~Di~6ember?. 15 JOHN COSTELLO: I will re-stake it. Then you can review it. Have it congenient upon a new set of plans, I will g~ve you a new set of plans. will draw it with the rock· On the last twenty feet. I will also angle that return so it does not have a right angle abutment. That could scour. TRUSTEE KRUPSKh Okay. JOHN COSTELLO: I will submit those plans. TRUSFFEE KRUPSKh Any other comment I will make a Motion to close the hearing. TRUSTEE DICKERSON: Seconded· TRUS~E KRUPSKI: All in favor. ALI_ AYES I w~l[ make, aM0ti0n to Approve the application for Peter Bogovic for a t 24 ~0[ retajniDg wall with the last 20 feet armored with stone and al~l~t'0~ed S,Ubj~Ct I:o a new set of plans. AI'I the debris be removed from fl~'l~0:~[O~ FoUr foot extension landward ofthe catwalk that is existing. D01 ha~a~ sec0~ded. C RSON: Seconded. TR~'FEE K~SKI. Ail n favor. ALL A ES. 10.Agnieszka Drozdowska on behalf of JOHN BETSCH requests a Wetland Permit and Coastal Erosion to construct a new two story three bedroom - 2 car garage (in place of the existing one story - two car garage) the new structure will be built on wood pilings in compliance with FEMA. Located: 2325 North Sea Drive, Southold, NY SCTM#54-04-24 TRUSTEE ~RUPSKI: Is there anyone who would like to speak in favor of this application: JOHN BETSCH: I am John Betsch the owner of the property. I am here to let you know if you have any specific questions that I can answer them. My architect Frank Notaro is here if you have any technical questions about the specific construction. It really is the replacement of a summer house and making it a permanent structure and then I ca~ move out to Southold. TRUSTEE KRUPSKh Are there any other comments? It shows on here that the Coastal Erosion Hazard Line running down the road on the survey. The Coastal Erosion Law is pretty clear and I took another look at the house tod:ay. That nommajor additions are prohibited in the dune area of the structural hazard area. So this would really exceed that as a non- major additions is defi~ 9d as twenty five percent of the existing. So this really exceeds that under the Coastal Erosion Hazard Line. JOHN BETSCH: I do not understand your question. The fact that the house is 100 some feet from the water and in place of existing structure. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Under Coastal Erosion I think that they would consider it to be on the dune. I would consider it to be a primary dune. Under Chapter 37 Coastal Erosion. It is seaward of the Coastal Erosion 16 Hazard Line. Certainly, it would be considered a major addition. Under the definitions it is a major addition, in addition to a structure resulting in a twenty five percent increase greater than the ground cover of the Structure. That would certainly fall in this guide of Chapter 37. ;JOHN BETSCH: At the moment there are two houses which are being completed on the same, side of my street. A third house which has jus'~ been demolished to be rebuilt. Which I assume was approved by the same trustee board. II would think that the Coastal Erosion Line would not ~nge drastically as it goes down the road. KRUPS~KI: Honestly, I do. not know in those locations where Aswell asdirectly across the street. There isa house But that is behind the Coastal Erosion. Facing a Pond. ]: That is Lily Pond. . So I am a little confused so that I cannot touch this Erosion? It is a Town Code Chapter 37. You can come in If; Would not be considered anything greater than twenty ground area. I do not know what percentage ] at it that it is greater than twenty five The existing house is so tiny. You are saying that I ; any of the existing house. The way that I read the Code. I could be wrong. this up on our field inspection. I looked at the Code in the if the Board has looked at the Code. The way that I is that you would be allowed a twenty five percent land area there only. BBTSCH: The expansion on a house that is only 750 feet right ~$TEE KRU PSKh Whatever it is. ~iS, TEE KII~IG: ~,bout two hundred feet. J~ BE~TSCH: what are the alternatives? ~TEE KRUPSKI: You can take a look at the Code, Your agent can t,a:~ ~ ook at the Code, For whatever reason you do not consider that to b'~,i¢ ~lune---, .- ~trea or Coastal Hazard area. I believe it to be. But we can ta,]~ a.. ook at, th's, aga n and cons der what t can be. But t s def n te y s~ard of~he Coastal Eros on ine Normally that Coasta Eros on L ne s f~t~er s~award. This is in the road. J~'~'- BE'FScH: The first thing that I would do is verifying that. It is ?r~,nge th~t~tr~e Coastal Erosion Line is in the middle of the road. ~$TEE ~RUPSKI: We thought that was first. We did not think it was on?~here. ' Because we have never seen that on the road. 17 TRUSTEE KING: When we got there we thought that they m~ght be close to the line. We may have to move it back. Never realized that it is the middle of the road. would never have thought of such a thing. Until you see it in black and white. FRANK NOTARO: Excuse me, I am Frank Notaro, the architect. We have been in discussion with the Building Department in terms of howto best address this. This issue never came up prior nor did it come up with our surveyor either. I am a little perplexed? Only because there is a parking lot which pretty much exceeds towards the water, John's property, It just does no1 make sense. Here is John's dune. Then there is this entire parJ~ing. 10t next door. Was there no. affect of th6 CoaStal EroSion I'[t~'e at tbatlpar~:.Jot.~~ ~tlL Obviously there s no remenerits of what was.there. TRO$,T~E~ ~R.uPSK PrObab y was put in long before. This is a Sta'te (:;ode ~Jhat ,the~own adopted: in 199'f'. It is very re,c~at. FRA~Ni~ ,NOTA~RO: Basical y what We have d~he is ~ make every attempt to.. TRUSTEE KRUPSKh So we would be happy to review this with you. JUS~ to have the State verify with you. What they think is or is not a ~.astal Hazard area. Before you change the house plans. FRANK~ NOTARO: It just does not make senSe in terms how changed the aClj~ce, nt area tO the house is. T~US'i-~ KRLtPSK t s someth ng that we saw. t is routine with us a,p¥.sOu'n;~iproPerty where is the Coastal Erosion Line. ~NK~Z I~'(::~-ARO: We did not see that line either TRUSTEE KRUPSKh It is parallel with the road. It drifts through the ~lropetty. R. JOHNSTON: Did you challenge the surveyor if that is where it was? FF~I~K NOTARO: We did and they said that it was verified there. We s~v i~ on,the survey and we called John Ehlers and he said that it was on the survey and he pointed it out. TJ~LJ~TEE KRUPSKh How do you want to pursue this? TRUSTEE KING: I would suggest tabling it. MR. JOHNSTON: Tabling it and submit further information. TRUSTEE KRUpSKh Try to get another opinion on this. I would call the S~tate. F~,ANK NOTARO: The Betsch's house is wedged in between Mc Cann Road. All you need it on the other side and how can you have any dune TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: We will take a look at it. Contact the State. You can call Charlotte. FRANK NOTARO: Maybe we can get them down there. To take a walk through. Basically where the house is right now. It relates more not to the actually wetland area per say. The type of vegetation that is there. Definitely a dune line is maybe fifty or seventy five feet towards the water. Which I assumed was where the action was. We have a parking lot right next door to us. 18 TRUSTEE KRUPSKh I was reading through the Code. If it is a secondary dune. FRANK NOTARO: You can see where it contours. There is substantial contour change by the water. It kind of levels out. TRUSTEE KRUUSKI: We will take a look at it and consult with the State and see what happens. FRANK NOTARO: We will give them a call.. JOHN BETSCH: You are saying that you will call. FRANK, NOTARO: We are saying that we will both will call. i?USTEJ~ KRUPSKI: I will make a Motion to TaMe the application. STEE I~I:N?~ Seconded. MsTEE KRU'PSKi: All in favor. ALL AYES 1~. Suffolk Environmental Consulting, Inc. on behalf of AMELIA MENDOZA requests a Wetland and Coastal Erosion Permit to re- vegetate 4,900 sq. feet of disturbed area within the seaward edge of limit of clearing and disturbance and the landward edge of top of bluff, with Rosa rugosa (2 gallon pots). Located: 38015 Main Road, Orient, NY SCTM#15-2-15,1 TRUSTEE KING: Anyone want to comment on this application? MATT IVES: Yes. Matt Ives, Suffolk Environmental Consulting. I have brought you the affidavits. TRUSTEE KING: Any other comments on this application? I will make a Motion to Close the hearing. TRUSTEE DICKERSON: Seconded. TRUSTEE KING: All in favor. ALL AYES I will make a Motion to Approve the clearing plan as submitted. TRUSTEE DICKERSON: Seconded. TRUSTEE KING: All in favor. ALL AYES MATT IVES: Thank you. 12. Samuels & Steelman Architects on behalf of SETH & BARBARA EICHLER request a Wetland Permit to add second floor to existing single story frame house, to construct new two car garage, and new in ground pool also to include repair of existing wood steps on bluff and deck. Located: 17915 Soundview Avenue, Southold, NY SCTM#51-01-06 TRUSTEE DICKERSON: Is there anyone here who would like to speak to this application? 19 PATRICIA C. MOORE: I am not prepared to speak on this. 1 was retained to do the Zoning application, expected Samuels & Steelman to be here. If you have any questions. I may be able to answer them for you. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: The pool in the back yard has to be caving in very old. TRUSTEE KING: The thirteenth is the latest plans?. CHARLOTTE CUNNINGHAM: Yes they are the latest ones that have come in TRUSTEE DICKERSON: I will make a Motion to Close the hearing. Do have a seconded. TRUSTEE KING: Seconded. TRUSTEE DiCKERSON: All in favor. I will roalf,e a ~°tio;n to ApprOve the Wetland Permit to add second floor to ex[st~ng single story'frame house a new inground pool that will have a d¥'~ell for [he backwash also to include repair of existing wood steps, on bluff and deck. Located 17915 Soundview Avenue Seuthold N~ Do I ha~fe ~ seconded. TRUSirEEK:~G:,b¢ Seconded, TRUSTEE D OKERSON: All in favor. ALL AYES \ 13. Patricia C. Moore, Esq. on behalf of PECONIC DESIGN 8, CONSTRUCTION CORP. request a Wetland Permit to do selective pruning and planting of native wetland species to be done. Located: Main Read, Southold. NY SCTM#66-2-2.2 TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Would anyone here like to comment on this application? PATRICIA MOORE: Yes. Patricia Moore, 51020 Main Road, Southold, The app!icant has completed the house. As you can see from your 'nspectiOn a lovely home has been built. What they would like to do. The owner is to add vegetation to supplement the existing vegetation that is there. There are two very rare trees that with some pruning I have provided a letter from Robert Jenksen from Doroski's Nursery. He would be doing the work. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: We saw that. PATRICIA MOORE: Rather than to prolong it I will stand here. You are moving se quickly tonight I do not want to break your stride. TRUSTEE KRIJ. PSKh Anyone have questions? PATRICIA MOORE: You have the black and white in your files. TRUSTEE DICKERSON: have a question. The entire shoreline including the prop'er[y next door is quite nicely vegetated. With wetland species it ha created a nice buffer. PATRICiA MOORE: t does have a lot of intrusive vines and it has been recommended that they actually be pruned and cleaned up. My 2O suggestion to them is that why don't you come in with a nice vegetated planting plan. So that your Board would know precisely what is going to be done. Rather than leaving it open ended. The rosa rugosa is in [he wetland area. I think that the replacement with rosa rugosa and what they can do is add something that is an ingenious species that are already in p~ace. NANCY KONGOLETOS: Nancy Kongoletos I own the lot next to this house. I justwanted [o add that there is a lot of dead plants in that whole area. I think pruning is certainly mandatory. There is some enormous dead wild cherry trees and if you recall. The last time I spoke to the Board. I was very concerned about the dead cherry trees .,~because it went OVer last winter ~i I am glad that nO one was the~ at that time. BeCause that"was an en~mous tree~ l'~just wanted to bring ~h,a~ tb your attention. Th*ere is a' lot of, dead wOod n, [here do think that i~ is a dang;e~ous teat; The only comment that want to make. It is pretty )le manicure a buffer area. As we did with the earlier, That we have been pretty consistent with IO ahead and manicure it. It wife open the door We have denied people for different uses think it fs important for the Board I would agree with you. But you have to be ctive too. Which is what the pruning we are not doing people who do not know what they are doing. We are ~g to preserve some of the rare trees in there. My : statement that we do not do it as a matter of y belong on a case to case bases. I would agree if out everything and manicuring it. Manicuring would be things. But what they are trying to do is create a , genous species that they are t~ying to plant. This. is a plan. Probably a p an that s Ten Thousand Dol ars for the SO'th,at is not something that people do as a manicure of the, property. Ir'Is [o: maintain what is there and improve what is tnere. Pla~t species tt-,atr~are favorable. They are indigenous species that you should favor. TRUSTEE KRU:PSKh But in some areas a lot of impact and in that little pond there. You .have a pretty' natural shore line. The east side, the north and all ar0,und the west side and we reviewed that on field in.s. pectien. Thewhole shoreline has not been cleared or impacted. P~A~RIOIA MOORE: What you would like to consider TRUSTEE KRu!PSKh We are concerned with the fragmentations of that who~e fringe of tha¢ whole waterway. PA~R CIA MOORE understand that and appreciate your concern. wear we could c~nsider I was hoping that Mr. Jenkins would be here. I thought he was going to be here. It was my understanding possibly the 21 area that you described could be planted with Rosa rugosa. That's south of the flood zone. You have the average high water mark and you have the area which is going to be planted with Rosa rugosa. That area 1 guess kept natural, But it is the area landward that does not have dght now natural vegetation. It has vines that are choking Off some of the trees that the town is buying areas and open spaces becauseof the rare species of trees, So tf it makes sense to taka each case. Certai'nly look at each case on a case bases. We are not trying to manicure and create a lawn. What we are trying to dO is enhance the natural vegetation of the wetland species that are there. We thought we gave ?u a p an because (hat is . Jenkins. In rpreparihg th[S, plan. [ sa d it sbbufd ~, endorse and ~w~tii~ i~ tb~be, a Wewa~ to do ttf~ this of you can we~til nO~ Rjgb~ no,Iii you of a lot ofw;eCds, ;Fi;cFm where Yeu have a fringe o'f weeds a~ ~hen Y*°u have This you. Are there any other comments? Paul, Nahas, I understand what is being said it appears to me Ethere ~te these rare trees in this en¥iroi~mer~t. They grow in this e~V,i~ent nourished for a particular reasd~. Now yeti ar~ talking about cl~].., n'~t" em/ironment tha1~ thf~se .... rare spei~es, have.grown n. rea y Wc~kt ceflsider this.. Before making a decisiort of what's going On TT~k yp,,u- R~$'I:.:., ~ ~ KRUPSK '. Good observat on. Thank you. P~;TiR[~IA MOORE: I would like to interject. I have an application that Mr,!~'~ahas is personally involv~ed in which I am involved in He is not an ~:l~e~ irilthis area. We have submitted an expert opinion as to the value ~ ~e~etation that is there and the proposal. I would hope that our eg.~el-t ~¢u d out Weight someone who has no interest in th s property and ,h,t:~ , , .' , ~s,J~s{[ r~kfflg an ~ntrude statements. TR;MSTE~ KRUPSKI: If there is no other comment? will make a Motion tQ ~!~se l¢le hearing. We are going t,o, withhold our vote right now. PCk~lOl~ MOORE: If yoe w~nt me to go to Mr. Jenkins and get a¢c~ition~ c!ata I would be ha;ppy to do that. T~JSTC_~IE i~RLIpSKI: That ~,ould be an amendment of the application at tliat point. 22 PATRICIA MOORE: I do not ~vant to amend it. TRUSTEE KRUPSKh do not want to lead you on. Direct you in a certain matter in the hope of the support of approval at some point of activity of that buffer area. PATRIClA MOORE: If you are inclined not to approve it. I would ask that this hearing remain opened so I can provide additional testimony by expert witnesses and my client can decided. What to do from that point forward. It just seems at this point I do not have my expert here and 1 would like to have him present to testify and create a further record. TRUSTEE KRUPSKh Do I have a, Motion to Close the hearing. I will ~A~T~~ a MOtion ¢0 Table the bearing, ~C, IA MOORE: That is fine, Thank you. TRUS~E KiN, G: Seconded. TRUS~E K~MPS'KI: Att in favor. ALL AYES 14. Patricia C. Moore, Esq. on behalf of DR. WILLIAM LOIS request a Wetland Permit for renovations to existing residence and detacl~ed garage - proposed covered pomh along waterfront and all sides of house 8x15 addition on west side of house in line with existing residence, dormer second floor, garage landward of existing residence, sanitary if required by Health Department, raise foundation if required. Located: 58105 North Road, Greenport, NY SCTMCf44-02-08 TRUSTEE KING: Anyone here to speak on behalf of this application? PATRIClA C. MOORE: I Pat Moore I am here to respond to any questions. It is a relatively simple application. An existing residence that is going to be renovated. TRUSTEE KING: Conservation Advisory Council comments are. Recommends approval with the following recommendations: There is no encroachment seaward of the existing resident. Rip rap should be installed to slow down the erosion. A mound and swale should be instal[ed above the coastal eres~on hazard line to prevent run-off. PATRICIA MOORE: I think that the np raft should be a separate application. I know th'at there was an application at one time. TRUSTEE KRUPSKh It was a separate and approved application. PATRICIA MOORE: I do not know the status of that one. I know that Cathy Mesiano had applied. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: I am sure that is a separate and approved application. PATRICIA MOORE: I think that the concern was with the DEC. Whether the ,DEC wanted to see rip-raft out there verses bulk heading. TRMS'FEE KRUPSKh I think it was just a rip-raft application. It was granted. 23 PATRICIA MOORE: It was granted awhile ago. But, I am not sure if the client. I do not know if he was prepared to build it out. It was being suggested that dp raft be used. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Doubtful. PATR/ClA MOORE: Doubtful what? TRUSTEE KRUPSKh That he would have received permission. PATRIClA MOORE: Apparently, I am sorry I am getting this third hand andC~[hy Mesiano has been out of commission. So I have not been able to reach her t~) find out. I do not want to tie this renovation of the house to the d'p raft beta, use they may go at different times. TR.US3~EE KF~U,p~Kh W~ wer~'not tying [hem in, PA,-I;;R!O[A~,~f~ MOORE: CAC was doing it. TRe~ ~BG: That w~S{he~r cei~i:ments. TRUS~ ~SKI: Thor, fi, iS drainage from the roof run off. Which stil dra ,ns, out rite ,trio soun~ ~'r¢l t~at was a cond t on. PA'I;'RlClA MOORE: On,~hich, e.ne~?, The permit that I was involved in. This p~'oporLy I do rieL kneV¢., ~e~ ltave not started any construction. ~'RU;:S'?]'E'E K!~; There,,,~,-a¢, : On t~i? hOuSe?' :We can certainly remove the pipe "t;t~:;i¢(~i~ction taJ~e~ PBce. Ti~e pipes he mentioned. The pipes ~t off[he front of his lawn. his lawn ay are not a part of the vacant property. They come right out of his house. That has got to Where is the septic system? The septic system right now is on the front of the TF~TEE F(RUPSKh Which we would want to consider on the south P~TRIClA MOORE: The south side of the house, They are not changing ~ nzJmber of bedrooms and bathrooms. So it maybe that the sanitary sy~(e~ is adequate. -¢~TEE KRUPSKI: If it is located on the south side it is out of our jufi~,,~.ction anyway. P/~'~ICIA MOORE: Because of the history on this. I put things in here I k~',;that the garage is out of your jurisdiction. I did not want any C6~atio, ns. I' included things that may not be included. No SWAT tea~n~ oome, in. I do not need one of those phone calls. I will verify where [he s~r)~tary'system ~s? My memory ~s that ~t ~s on the south s~de of the h,o~tse.: ~he landward side of the house. fREI~3TEE ERUPSKI: I would like to see gutters and leaders to handle the-" roof-run,off here. PATBIC;IA MOORE: If you want to include it on your permit. Just include it a,'s 8 k-o,ndition of your permit. That is fine. Remove pipes. TRUSTEE t(ING: Interesting to see where these pipes come from? 24 PATRICIA MOORE: He mentioned pipes but never mentioned where they came from? But he did not think that they were his. TRUSTEE KING: Is there a possibility that he may be raising the house? PATRICIA MOORE: I will explain that under the FEMA regulations, We keep the housethe renovations to below the 50% ofth:e value of the existing structure. The house does not have to be raised, However, during construction when you have existing residences sometimes there is riot and renovation wor~ that suddenJy you crepe UP over that 50% but What I wanted to try to avoid is when you are right ~n the middle of ~ to th s, Beard to amend th,e permit to raise the gu de[r~es' So n¢luded ,n ~hC.r~. HoPing that ~e total possible height?. inches it requires Let: me just 0¢ twefve. Agair~ [can provide that ant then you have use is in AE It saiys that you of eernent blocks Any other comments on this application? g. Seconded. AI.I in fawr. ALL AYES pplication with the stipulation that going off the lawn be removed, drywell and leaders for ~ seconded? AI~ in favor. ALL AYES TRUSTEE KRUPSKh Do I have a Motion to go back to the Regular Meeting? TRUSTEE KING: So moved. TRUSTEE DICKERSON: Seconded. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: We will go back to the work session for a minute. 25 Meeting Adjourned: 9:30 p.m. AND FL~sD BY Re~spectfully submitted bye: , , ariotte J. CL~-d'ningham clerk, Board of Trusiees~ T~v,~_ Clsrk, Town o~ 26