HomeMy WebLinkAboutWeblink Users Search Guide by Department.pdfWeblink Users Search Guide by Department
To Search for a document in a specific department Click on Advanced next to the
search bar at the top of the screen:
In the General Search box click the x to close General Search, then click Customize
Search to get a drop-down menu. Choose Template Then click in the bar below
Template to get a drop-down menu and then choose the Template associated
with the department/fi le you are looking for.
re: Building Permits, Planning/Subdivisions, Site plans, Board Actions for ZBA and
Wetlands for Trustees. Type in the info you have to find the document, tax map
numbers work best.
Example: 1000-100.-1-1 always put a dot dash after the section number unless it
already contains a dot, such as 63.1,then its 1000-63.1-1-1
You can search by name just put one name and surround it by asterisks.
Example: *smith*