HomeMy WebLinkAboutShelter Island Battery ship AGREEMENT BETWEEN SOUTHOLD AND SHELTER ISLAND TO SHARE SHIPPING COSTS TO RECYCLE HOUSEHOLD BATTERIES AGREEMENT made the 1st day of May, 199 corporation Of Su New York. between The of New at 53095 York the of of .Shelter :ies of batteries will gualify for special NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS AGREED AS FOLLOWS: 1. The the Southo~ld Superi Shelf of to jointly ship household batteries from Center on Route 48 in Cutchogue to Inc., Albany, New York. Such joint upon agreement by Southold's Assistant ic Works and the Supervisor of the Town of batteries from each Town have as joint shipment feasible as a matter ~ and cos% savings. costs shall occur as agreement is reached, payment of shipping between Southold and Shelter Island, and When a joint shipment of batteries occurs, S~uthold will, upon receipt of an invoice shipper, pay the full cost of shipment. from the Southotd will forward a copy of the receipt to the supervisor of Shelter Island. Shelter Island will pay to Southold its share of the shippers invoiced amount paid by Southold. Shelter Island's share will be based on the weight of their batteries as weighed at the Southold Collection Center. IN ADDITION, the following conditions apply to this Agreement: 1. Batteries delivered to Southold by Shelter Island shall be "household type" only (i.e., no car, boat, or industrial size batteries will be delivered) and shall be contained in sealed 55- gallon drums, ready for shipment to Mercury Refining. 2. Drums of Batteries from Shelter Island shall be counted and weighed at the Southold Collection Center Scalehouse. Southold/Shelter Island Agreement Pa~ge 2 Each Town shall make arrangements individually with for the recycling and/or disposal of their When a shipment is planned, but prior to Southold Collection Center, each Town Will ~rately and receive a work order their respective drums are labelled iS number. TH~S AGREEMENT SHALL NOT ABRIDGE IN ANY WAY THE RIGHT OF EITHER TOWN To SH~P~BA~TERIES ON THEIR OWN TO ANY BATTERY RECYCLING OR 'DISPOSAL FAC!LITY~ WITHOUT THE KNOWLEDGE OR COOPERATION OF THE OTHER TOWN, SHOULD EITHER TOWN SO DESIRE. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, and seals. TOWN OF SOUTNOLD ~ ~ S~ott Lou~s Harris, Superv ls or the. parties hereto have set there hands Sim--~s, )r