HomeMy WebLinkAboutRains & Pogrebin, P.C. ELIZ~ETH A~ NEVILLE TOWN CL~IIK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS M~kRRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS ~GE1VIE~T OFFICEt~ Town Hall, 58095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (631) 765-6145 Telephone (631) 765-1800 OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD T~$ IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION NO. 55 OF 2001 WAS &DOPT~D AT T~ REGUL~ MEETING OF THE sOUTHOLD TO~ BO~ ON ~SOL~D ~at the To~ Bo~d ~ ~ Town of Southold hereby au~ofizcs ~d directs Supe~isor Je~ W. Coc~ to execute a retaMer a~eement be~een ~e To~ of Sou~old R~ns & Po~eb~, P.C., whereby ~ns & Po~ebin Mll pro,de professional co~ulting se~ices for ~e p~ose ofnegotia~g collective b~gaining a~eements ~d a~iffistedng said collective b~gain~g a~eements M~ the To~'s ce~iSed Public Employee U~ts, for ~e period J~u~ 21, 2001, ~ou~ J~u~ 20; 2004, for the follo~ng renmeration as follows: January 21, 2001 through January 20, 2002 - $18.000; Jantm. ry 21, 2002 through January 20, 2003 - $19,000; January 21, 2003 through January 20, 2004 - $20,000. Elizabeth A. Neville Southold Town Clerk 1Rxz~r$ & Poo~Bz>r. P. C. 21o OI~D COIJlqT~Y ROAD MIi~tgOLA, LOlVO ISLAN-E}, 1~¥ 11501 January 22, 1998 (5 !6) 66'3 - 54I 8 Southold Road 1179 NY 11971 Re: Retainer D~m' Supervisor Cochran: This will confum your retention of the law firm of RAINS & POGREBIN, P.C. for professional services on all labor and employment law matters for a period of three (3) years, from January 21, 1998 through January 20, 2001, at a fee as follows: from January 21, 1998 through January 20, 1999: $8,000; from January 21, t999 through January 20, 2000: $16,000; and from January 21, 2000 through January 20, 2001, $16, 000; payable in equal advance quarterly installments, plus reasonable expenses incurred. The retainer shall cover advice regarding non-litigation labor and eml~loyment law inqulr/es. The retainer shall cover shall cover negotiations, exclusive of administrative hearings, arbitrations and litigation, with the CSEA Unit for a successor contract the one that expires on December 31, 1998 and/or its successor, and the PBA unit for a successor contract the one that expires on December 31, 1999. Included within the retainer are consultation in preparation for negotiations and representation at negotiations, mediation, fact-finding, superconciliation and/or interest arbitration on behalf of the Town with representatives of those units. Such services shall also include the drafting of a collective bargaining agreement with each unit, attendance at Town Board meetings on a scheduled basis, when necessary, and consultation on the administration of each unit's agreement during its term, including responding to an/t grievances that have not reached the arbitration stage. Hon. Jean Cochran January 22, 1998 Page 2 It is understood and agreed that if requested to represent the Town in any improper practice proceedings, arbitrations or other litigation, or with regard to consultation on az~y other matter, it shall be at the rate of $195 per hour for my time, $130 per hour for associate time, $65 per hour for summer associates and $60 per hour for paralegal assistants. Payments of fees and exp~enses billed are due within 30 days of invoice date. It is expressly understood that Rains & Pogrebin, P:C, may terminate its services ifa payment is not made within 90'days of invoice date. Should either part~ desire to terminate or modify this retainer at the expiration date thereof, sixty (60) days' advance notice, in writing, shall be given to the other party, and in the absence of such notice by either party; this retainer shall contim~e for successive.terms on the same basis and under the same terms and conditions as set forth ab.ove. In the event that the Town terminates this Agreement on or before January 20, 1999;.the parties agree that the value of the services ofnegutiatiug.the CSEA contract and providing related.advice during the period January 21, 1998 through th~ date of termination is $16,000. If the above, jproperly 5ets forth our agreement, please sign and return the original of this letter and retain the signed copy for your files. Kindly also attach for ottr records a copy- of the Town Board Minutes containing the Resolution authorizing this retainer. Please do not hesitate to let me know if anything above is unclear or if you have any questions. Very truly yours, RAINS & POGREBIN, P.C. Richard IC Zuckerman AGREED & ACCEPTED: TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Date: January 28, 1998