HomeMy WebLinkAboutNYS Environmental FacilNew York State Environmental Facilities Corporation ($00) 200-2200 Within NYState (518) 457-4100 Fax: (518) 485-8773 ~50 Wolf Road, Albany, New York 12205-2603 Financial Assistance ~o Business Program Motor Vehiele Inspe~ion and Maintenance Program Dear Municipal Offmial: .yollr mrtllllClpalli.y pre)gram mnt~,'m]s for a n~ 1996 Cl~,W~r/~n ~ l'h'o~ram called the l"inuncJa] Assistsnce~ Bus.esS (~,) MQ~or V~e ~lamre,~ance (' I&M ') I),'ogram. The [{AB t&M Progr~ is~e~ ~t~tmn~o~m ebm~{y~fh fe~ern] re~fla~o~s m~qulrlllg tile tosnug cqulpmcm.. EI, C has now received e~e or more Requests Ibr CRF.~s") I'rim~ in.~pcotmn st~lions r~cal'cd Jn yo~-m~cip~~. In order for t}~ c: h~spection stations ~o roceivej~)~5,O00~ State Assistance Pavmente through your ,numct ~ahty, one of tile two. b Iowing. oi~Lt~ m~st']~e~mpt~ed~ 1) ~e gpv~ .nm.g hod3 of your m umc,pahtv ~nust oa~s ~ r 'so]u~on I ,ul J( ]I),.mon ~n tho 1 AB ]&M ],rogzam and des~m~,mng a ~m~at ~ ~ si~n tho eJ~clo~cd .MunicipnlApplicsr[on anc~ apl)rove Ine,je~ ~y ~mpl~ng ~d signin~ a M unicipnl Approvnl fi)r each pre jeer (enclosed); OR 2) the govc)'ni)~ghodyijfyour municipali(y muStpa~ar~ol~tio~a~hor~ pm },(Slmtmn m the I,'.kB I&M Program .nd ~pec, ific,ll~ ~t~ ~he.F~ I&M proJeCts (inspection stations) I.ha't are being appreved IbrS~n:~g. The Muuic] p x[ .~plflm,ll. mu will also h~ve to be s~ed'by an ~uthori~& The original~V~unicipal Application and col~es of the municipal resolution(s) should be returned to EFC. U~der the first option, EFC wilt send the designated municipal ot~cial RFAs and Municipal Approval forms as completed RFAs are received. Please be sure that the person authorized by the resolution is the same person who signs the Municipal Approval forms. Under the second option your municipality will have to pass a new resolution every time EFC sends an RFA or group of RFAS to your municipality. If yon have any questions regarding the FAB I&M Program or if you would like either form of model municipal resolution, please call EFC at 1-800-200-2200. Very truly yours, Ralph A. Rossi II Director of Industrial Finance & Special Counsel New York State Environmental Facilities Corporation (800) 200-2200 Within NY State (518) 457-4100 pax: (5t8) 455:877a. 5'~ Wolf Road, Albany, New York 12205 2603 FOR EFC USE ONLY Pr~eetNo. Res.: ~erm.__~on-del. Financial Assistance to Business Program Motor Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance Program MUNI C!PAL APPLI CATION 1. Municiplahty's Name: [~} City [] ~ [] Villageof 2. Mailing Address: ~ Municipal Contact Person; B. Phone No.: C. Fax No. (ff apph6abte): ,4. A. C~ntact PersOn for proposes'of State Envir6nmental Quality Review Act: B. Phone No.: C. Fax No. (ffapplicable): By its execution herepf, the Municipality listed above acknowledges and comSrms that pursuant to New York Environmental Conservation Law Section 56-0611, the New York State Environmental Facilities Corporationwill, from time to time, make Stats Assistance~ Paymenk% in the form of checks payable to sm~]l businesses located in the Municipality, in accordance with the provisions of the State Assmtance Contract affd subject to the approval of the Municipality (in the form of a FAB Municipal ApprOval ora Municipal Resolution); and the Municipality agrees: [] to dehver those payments to the named small businesses within a reasonable time of the receip; thereof, OR [] hereby delegates toEFC the ~ask of delivering State Assistance Payments ~o small businesses for all municipally approved FAB I&M projects. Signature of Authorized Representative Title: Phone No.: Date Project New York State Environmental Facilities Corporation (,800) 200-2200 Within N~ State (518) 457-4100 Fax: (5!8) 485-8773 b0/W01f R?~d, Albany,, N~ Yor~ 12205~2603~ Fmanc~l Assistance $a Ba~im/se,Program Motor VeliicIe Inspection and Maintenance Program MUNICIPAL APPROVAL L Murdcipality's Name: [-] City [] Town [] Village of 2~ Marling Address: 3, A. Owner / Authori~zed. Representative of Facility seeking State Assistance Payments'. B. Name of Facility'. C~ Mailing Address' of Facility: D. Physical Location o f Facility: 4. The Municipality approves of this I&M Project. Signature of Authorized Representative Name: Title:. Phone No.:. Date la. FmaneaalAss~staneeT~Busmess Motor: For EFC U~e Only Project No. Please refer to instructions prior to completing this form ll~. Fa¢ilit~ Loc~at(o~ O~acilit~j~s@e ctiorl Station; Is'Ihe Facilltv~an Offieial High Enhanced Em [ssions Iuspection Station as de, ffmed by the D,~parlment of Motor Vchicles.(DM'ff)'? If Yes. I.icense ':_~O 3 ~_~,_~Q_~..!-]~q'7. Please attach copy of enrrent license. If No, please provide, proof of application. Is the Facility indepegd~ntly owned and operated? [~es [-']No If No, please exPinifffully on a separate sheet. Number of employees of the Owner'~s: business: a) Type of Certified .Equipmentto be purchased, including brand name, model, and serial number: . b) Physical lo~tion of Certified Equipment c) Number of se~s trf Cartifie~i Equipment to be purchased: [ ($ maximum) a) How will Certified E~quipment be fi!~nced (if leasing the Equipment, please attach a copy ofthe lease): [] Purchase [~rLease ' _ b) Name,~d.d, ress~,andPhonenumburofleasingantity:~D, nl(. LIc~' (JZtO;4OI Please attach ~oples ~f invoices and delivery documents for the Certified Equipment. a) Has the Facility o~r Facility Owner 0r any of it~ officers (if applicable) bean the subjoct of any crimiOal 9f:bfinkmptc¥ proceeding in the la~ three O) years? b) Are there a~ Un:di~chai-ged or.unpaid judgments, liens, or claims agalust the business thar are uninsured a~d Would affect the existence of the business? e) Is there.an~ pen~ng or thr~,~tened litigalion against the budness that will not be covered by insurance and would affect the existence of the business? If Yes to any of~e aboye, please explain fully on a separate sheet; ['-]Yes [~o ['-]Yes [~o New Pork State Environmental Facilities Corporation (800) 200-2200 Witkin NYState (518) 457-4100 Fax: (518) 485-8773 50 Wotf Road, Albany, New York 12205-2603 FL~ancial Assistance to Business Program Motor Vehicle Inspectian and Maintenance,Program January27,1998 Dear Municipal Offim'al: The New York State Environmental Facilities Corporation CEFC') has lam~ched ~ new 1~6 Clean Water/Clean Air Bond Act Program called the Financial Assistance go Business ("FAB") Motor Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance-("I&M") Program. The FAB I&M Progrsm is designed to help inspection station owners compty WithTederaI regulations requiring the purchase of new emissions tegting equipme~at~ InspeCtion s~ations that meet the Bond Act definition of a small business and ore"located in Nassau, Rockland, SuffOlk or Wesrchester ,cOUnties can only recaive B~nd Act fu:nds through the municipalities in which they are located. ~ order to inform municipalities about the FAB I&M Program, enclosed please ~fi~d 'the following program materials: Municipal Information sheet; Municipal Application; Municipal Approval; Request for Financial Assistance and Instructions; Stare Assisr. ance Contract; and Fg~ I&M A~:r Program Policy. Also enClgsed ore [wo draft forms, of municipal resolution that may be used as models fo~ a resolution authorizing participation in the FAB I&M Program. If you or inspection station owners in your community have any questions regarding the FAB I&M Program, please call EFC at 1-800-200-2200. Very truly yours, encs. Ralph A. Rossi II Director of Industrial Finance & Special Counsel New ~York State Environmental Facil~i~s Corporation (800) 2:00-2200 V~ithin ~]Y~tate (51~) Fax: (518) 485-8773 50 Wolf Road Albany, NewYork 12205-2603 Finan?'~ AssistanCe to~Bg, siness Progrmn Motor v~hiele Inspection anti'Maintenance Program MUNICIPAL INFORMATION Background ~ .~ mnc!al.&ssLsta~..Ce to B~asmess ( FAB ) Motor Vehicle tuspection and Maintenance ~I&Ivl') Program ~s,,~ntend~d to md motor vehi¢Ie em~ssions inspection stations ,with the ~eial b~ti~n o~ ~mplianee with new federal air pollution regulations that require ~he ms~tion 0f emhanced emissions :testing equipment as set forth in DEC and DMV reg~flations. · !996 C~can Water/C1 ~ ~eml.Air Bond Act (the "Bond Act") ,fimds are beinu nrovided throu,,U the lqYS Environmental Facilities Corporation ("EFC') to h~'lu insoecfion stat~om nnre. haqe~ tMq new emlss~ons mspeeti0n equipment. The. FAB. ,I~:M P~rog~m~,~ consists of two programs - the FAB I&M Air Program and the FAB I&M Other Air ~rogmm. Only the FAB I&M Air Program ~nvolves mume~pal p~rtie,ipafi~n..~ ~ ext/lanation of the'FAB I&M Air Program can be found in the E~FC guidance dbc~j~t, :F"AB I&M Air Prom Potic¥, which is being ma/lcd to ail affected MtmicSpalffies andrs avmlable from EFC in print and on-line at www.nysefc.org. · ~ae~ FAB ~rogram al~o has a FAB Water Program and a FAB Air Program, both designed to hf~p~ small, businesses W~th environmental projects. Regulations for these programs are being dr&-%d and should b~ co/nplete later in the year. In the future, these programs will require municipal participation similar to that required for the FAB I&M Air Program. FAB [&M AirProgram Inspection stations that: i) meet the Bond Act definition of a small business; and ii) are located ha Suffolk, N~sath Westehester or Rockland counties, are eligible to receive State Assistance Payments ("STAPs").~under ~56-0611 of the Bond Act These inspection stations can only ~ece~ve ST~PS under the FAB I&M Air Program through the Municipalities (cities, towns and villages) in which they are locate& Municipal: participation in the FAB I&M Air Program is voluntary. However, if a Municipality does not participate, inspection stations within its borders may be unable to receive STAPS from EFC. STAPs wilt be available to inspection station owners that have purchased and installed qualifying Certified Equipment since the passage of the Bond Act on November 5, 1996, and will be available, subject to the availability of funds, through October 1, 1998. L Ho,w zhe FAB I&M Program Will Work EFC will mail application packets to inspection station owners consisting of a Request for ~oinancial Assi.stance ¢'RFA") form and Instructions and a State Assistance Contract ("SAC") rm. Inspect~pn~statlon o~vnem wffi fill out these form~ and return them to EFC; The RFA mquires,~e owner m .g.~ the ,physical location of the inspection station and certain information _reg~d/ng the project, relative to ~e State Envimnmenfat Quality Review Act ('~SEQRA"). Once EFC has received a properly filled out RFA'and SAC from'an inspection station, EFC will send a copy of the RFA together with a Municipal Application and a Municipal Approval form to file most Ioc:~l 1c~ el (.city ~r vilhg~.' if ai~plict:blc) of mtmiclpal P.t)V¢I'IIIllCIII. EFC.~rill also mcledc t,xo Iorms o1' model ]duffie-ipal Rcsohmon li)r possib'lc LlSe ill com'cction with ~e FAsB I&~ ~/2Program. on!~ one M~uni~cipal ~pplicatinn needs to beprovided to EFC b a articular Mu ' ' ' ,: ~, · .~ . . , . Y P mc~paht~ for 'all FAB ¢I&yl Projects located Within that Mimi¢inall~ uvt- ..-'~, _ .h ,~ ~ ~. model Municipal ResoluUon that allows -the Monicipality~s governing body to approve One Mur/~m?p~ App!~eafion for the entire FAB I&M Air Program and to delegate the authorit of ex~ec~ng Ce~ M~uni.'cipal Approval forms for each individual project to a desimmte~ Muni~iual office,t ~,e.eth~ fvrm of model Manieipal Resolution will ail& the MuniciP~tity's ~,~rn~n; body to· approre; the Mumcq,al Applicatmn and separately approve each FAB I&M ProjeCt local~.'d in thc ,Mu ~ c p:dil.~, in this case, ,the Mimic[pal Approval forms will not be used. HomonymS: sev, era! res0htiOns may have to be passed at ~iffetent t~es ~in order to accommodate ali pf~tS, pleaSe ~eonsult your municipal attorney if $~: tV~tmtcipality w6uld like to n°t app~v~e~a pr0ject. ' ' ' (Ple~e ~Ote~ The passage of the FAB I&M Municioal Resolution may necessitate ~ SE~*r~view,by the MuniCipality. Please consult your municipal attorney on this issue.) The Municipal Application requires the Mmficipality m: (i) specify an authorized contact persoi~ veho ~1 receive copies of RFAs and accept STAPs on bel~alf of inspection stations; (ii) agree to distribute funds to qualifying inspecfion'~-stations or to delegate this function to EFC (each~ form 0~f Municipal Resolution will also contain th/s option); and (iii) specify a contact perSon for. SI~QRA reviews. The Municipal Application must be execUted by an authorized representative of the Municipality and returned to EFC with a copy of the. Municipal Resolution that ~ppmved~it The Municipal Approval will only be used when a Municipality has delegated the approval function to a m~nicipat official. EFC will fill in the project information. The Municipal Approva~ must be executed by an authorized representative of the Municipality and returned to EFC. SEQRA · RFAs will not be considered complete until a proper SEQRA review has been performed for that FAB I&M Project. EFC will initially perform this SEQRA review for all projects after it 2 receives the RFA from the~nSpectmn st~ihon 6WhEq¢'~ifiless (at a later date)otherwise directed by a Municipality. * EFC anticipates that the majority of FAB I&M Projects will be Type II under SEQRA and that no further SEQRA review by EFC or the Municipality will be required. In th.~e cases where EFCinltially determines that the particular FAB I&M Project is not a Type II :actiOn, and that ilar[her review'under SEQRA'is./:equired, E, FC will contact the Municipality by letter, state the re.asons ~wl~ EFC believes a further ~revlew is necessary and request the Munlcip~ity to conduct the 81~QRA review. [For example, further SEQRA review may be required, where ~e inspection station is expanding its building .footprint or where a municipal perrmt or~, ce Wq~d be r~eq,mred to c.~omplete~ffte project.J la saett c ~a.ses~ E~ strongly encore-ag0, s ~ ~7[tinlCl~lity~to aot as lead agency and ceaduet?a coordinated SEQRA ~emew. · A~ssuming a coordinated SEQRA revie~ is conducted, cmce the Municipality completes the sEQRA ~evieW for ~e ~mject~. EF~ wili pe .fro ~r~.: a final check Of the RFA and, it'applicable, forward/the MuniCipal ~pprovaa to, the Mur~eipa[i~ for final sig~-ofE · In a ~w cases, EEC may also contact a Municipality and request that a coordinated review be pe~forined for a'FAB I&M Other ~ p~ojeet for a large business located in that Municipality. Distribution of Funds Assuming alt of the other application steps are complete, once EFC has a Municipal Application and copy of a Municipal Resolution coveting a project on file, and receives a completed Municipal Approval, if applicable, for the project, it will be ready to be funded. If funds are available, EFC wilt draw a STAP check made payable to the inspection station in an amount equal to $5000 tunes the number of sets of Certified Equipment purchased and installed by that inspection station ($25,000 maximum). Unless the Municipality has delegated this function to EFC as indicated on the Municipal Application, EFC will mail the STAP check to the Municipality together with a cover letter, Delivery Form and postage paid, self addressed envelope for return of the Delivery Form. The inspection station owner will be copied on the cover letter. The Delivery Form will ask the Munieipali .ty to indicate who mailed the STAP check, the type of mail or delivery service used (first class, certified return receipt requested or other) or if the cheek was hand delivered to or picked up by the inspection station owner, and the date on which it was mailed, delivered or picked up. If the Municipality has delegated the check distribution to EFC, EFC will mail the check to the inspection station owner, and the Manicipality need not have any further involvement with that project. 3 CERTIFICATE OF RECORDIN(} OFFICER that the attached Resolution isa wae and correct copy~ . , aa regularly adopted at a legally,convened meeting of of the duly held On ~ ,19,,~; and, fut'ther that such resolution has been full~ recorded i~ my office. have hereunto signed my hand this da~ of Signature of Recording Officer Title of Recording Officer 'Resolution No. (G~bal) AND THE FILING OF AN APPLICATION WITH ~ ' NEW YORK STATE ENVIRONMENTAL FACILITIE8 :coRPORATIoN. 19 Recitals 413 of the Laws of New York of 1996, the New.York State Environme~al Facilities CorporatiOn (the 'Corporation') is authorized to provide state assistance to villages, towns, and cities with a population of less than one mBllon, for small lmsiness enviromental compliance assistance projects which enhm~ce the quality of theiair of the State through complhnce with environmental laws and regulations, or to remedy or prevent environmental deficiencies (the "FAB Air Program"); and WHEREAS, the Corporation has established the FAB Motor Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance ("I&M') Program pursuant to the FAB Air Program to assist in the purchase of enhanced automobile emissions testing equipment: and WHEREAS, the governing body of the (hereinafter, the "Municipality'), after due consideration, has determined that participation in the FAB I&M Program is desirable and in the public interest;, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE GOVF_.RN1NG BODY OF THE MUNICIPALITY AS FOLLOWS: 1.' The filing oran application, or applications, with tl~ Corporation for financial assistance under the FAB I&M Program in the form required by the Corporation is hereby authorized, including all understandings and assurances contained in said application. 2. The individual holding the following office is directed and authorized as the official representative of the Municipality ~o identify entities which will participate in the FAB I&M Program. to execute and deliver said application(s), to execu~ ami deliver any other documents necessary for participation in the FAB I&M Program. to provide such additional inform,tion as may be required, and to take all actiom on behalf of the Resolution No. (Global) RESOLUTION AUTIiOR{~TNG P.s,2,TICIPATION IN' THE FINANCIAL.ASSISTA~ICE TO BUSINESS PR~RAM AND THE FUING OF AN APPLICATION WITH THE NEW YORK STATE ENV!RONMEI~AL FACU.ITIES CORPORATION Intnxiuce& , 19 Adopted: , 19 Recitals WHEREAS, pturs,,ant m the.Clean Water/Clean Air Bond Act of 1996, being Chapter 413 of the Laws of New York of 1996, the New York State Environmemal Facilities Coq~oration (the "Corporation") is authorized to provide state assistance to villages, towns, and cities with a population of less than one million, for small business environmental compliance assistance projects which enhance the quality of the air of the State through compliance with environmental laws and regulatiOns, or to remedy or prevent environmental deficiencies (the "FAB Air Pm/umml"); and .W]:~ -REA~S, the CorporaOon has established t~.e. FAB Motor Vehicle Inspection and Mainte-ance ("I&M") Program pursuant to the FAB Air Program to assist in the purchase of enhanced automobile emissions testing equipment; and WITERrc.~,~I¢~/V~i~. ~1~ Town Board- of the Town of Southold (hereim~ter,' the "Municipality"), after,due cousicleradon, has determined that participation in the FAB I83Vl Program is desirable and in the public interest;, .NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE MUNICIPALITY AS FOLLOWS: I.' The filing of an application, or applications, with the Couporation for financial assistance under the FAB, I&M Pwgram in the form required by the Corporation is hereby authorized, including all madersmndin~ and assurances contained in' said application. 2. The individual holding the following office is directed and authorized as the official representative of ~he Municipality to identify entities which will participate in the FAB I&M Program, to ex/cute and deliver said application(s), ro execute and deliver any other documents n~_,~ary for participation in the FAB I&M Program, to provide such additional information as may be required, and to take all actions on behalf of the Municipality as may be'required in Order to effe~_%*~ th~ intent and purpose of thi~ resolution: ~ of the may 2 above~] [4]3. A certified' copy of this resolution shall be prepared and delivered to the Corporation as pan ofsaid.,app,lication. [5]4. This res01ittion shall take effect immediately. Moved: Seconded: Roll call: Ayes: Noes: Carried IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hereunto set my hand and the se~ of the , County, New York. this day of ,19 JAMES C. McMAHON Administrator Telephone (516) 765-1892 Fax (5163 765-3136 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT OFFICE Town Hag. 53095 Mmn Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold. New York 11971 April 3, 1998 Mr. Ralph A. Rossi II Director of Industrial Finance & Special Council NYS Environmental Facilities Corporation\ 50 Wolf Road Albany, NY 12205-2603 Dear Mr. Rossi: Please find the enclosed application by the Town of Southold for the Motor Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance Program. At the request of your office, I am re-submitting the enclosed application with the corrected signature of the authorized representative. If you need any additional information on the enclosed, please give me a call. Sincerely, James McMahon Town of Southold Community Development Office FOI{ EFC USE ONLY Projec~No. Res.: Pern~ Non-deL__ New York State Environmental Facilities Corporation ~($00) 200-2200 Within.NY State (518) 457-4100 ~,Far~ (518) 485-8773 ' ~'0 Wolf Road, Albany, New York 12205-2603 ' Financial Assistance to Bush~ess Program · lotor Vehicle Inspection and 1Vfaintenance Program 1V~U ~rI CIPAL AP P LI CATID N c ~{HngAd~ess: 53095 ~ain Ro~d, ~P0 ~x It79). Southold-, NY 11971 3. A~ Municipal Contact Persom James McMahon B. PhoneNo.: (516) 7165-1892 C. Fa~No. (ffapplicable): (516) 765-3136 4. A. Contact Person for purposes of State Environmental Quality Review Act: Same g$ gb0ve B. Phone No.: C. Fax No. (if applicable): By its execution hereof, the Municipalirf listed above acknowledges and condoms that p~xsuant to New York Environmental Conservation Law Section 56~0611, the New York State Environmental Facilities Corporation will from time to time, make State Assistance Payments. in the fora of checks payable to small businesses locatsd in the Municipality~ in accordance with the provisions of the- State Assistance Contract and'subject to the approval of the Municipality (in the fora of a FAB Municipal Approval or a Municipal R~solution); and the Municipality agrees: [] to deliver those payments to the nsmed small businesses w/thin a reasonable time Of the receipt thereof, OR [] hereby delegates to EFC the task of delivering State Assistance Payments to small businesses for all municipally approved FAB I&M projects. Name: James McMahon Title Executive Assistant PhoneNo.: (516) 765-1892 FAX: (~18) 485-8773 TERRY' AGRISS President (518) 457-4100 March 23, 1998 Ms, Jean W. Cochran Supervisor Tow~ of Southold. 53t~95;Main Road Soutbold, ~ 1.1971 Ret Hew Y~ork State Pollution C2~ntrol Revolving Loan Fund I~YSCWSRF) Project No. 51111-01 Dear Ms. Cochran: Thank you for your application to fimmce the referenced pr~ect under the N¥SCWSRE Fi~ancin_g Program. We are pleased to confirm that your project is on the Intended tJge Plan for project financing this year and therefore eligible for tow-cost financing, tn order to complete your application as quickly as possible, we are enclosing a check[igt ofadditiunal items that were not included as part of your initial submission, but .are required for a complete application. Those items not checked were either previously submitted, are ~on file or are not required for your project. If certain items checked are not applicable or available, please provide an explanation. In order to submit your request for firmncing foz approval, please submit the items checked as soon as possible. Failure m submit these items as soon as possible may result in a delay in financing. Alt submittals .of application material should be directed to Mr. Seth Coulter at the address above. We look forward to working with you on your project. If you have any questions concerning the NYSCWSRF Program, please call the appropriate person listed below on our toll free number (1-800-882-9721). Technical Issues-Mr. Kumar Nepal/John Corp, P.E. Environmental Issues-Ms. Barbara Rinaldi Administrative issues-Mr. Brian McEvoy Financial issues-Mr. Jeff Cohen M/WBE-EEO-Mr. Kenneth Shider 50 Wolf Road, Albany, New York 12205-2603 ~(;~/NUPERVi$ORS 0 FF_[C_E OF spumg~u -- March 23, 1998 Page 2 If you are not sure who could best answer your questions, a Program Services Representative will assist you. Sincerely, Seth Coalter Assistant Director of Admifiistrative Services ]~nc. cc: John Durcan-Munistat Services, Inc. Hawkins, Delafield & Wood Tom Maher-Dvirka & Bartilucei March 23, 1998 Page 3 -occ: A. Estus K. Shider L. Rinaldi J. Cohen J. Tuttle JCl .i ! ~,~.' i-- ~ · [2: TOWN OF SOUTHOLD COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT OFFICE Rossi H ~ of Industrial Finance & Council Corporafion~ NY 12205-2603 Mr. Rossi: the enclosed application by the Town of Santhold for the Motor Vehicle and MaintenanceProgram. t'md the two, (2) Municipal Approval Form(s) for two Request for Assistance we received. any additional information on the enclosed, please give me a call. Development Office New~ork S~a~e Environmental Facilities Corporation (518) ~773 M~or Ve~le ~p~on ~d ~n~ae Pro~ ~~,~ ~ Ci~ ~To~ ~. ~,Southold · .~~'-------~- ~ 5S095... ~ ~ . ~n, ~o~d ~.,. PO Box ~1~9, Southold ~. . ~ 11791 ~ ~ ~ McM~on $~e .as abo~e · 11 muni~ai~,~aV .~ FAB~I&M l~cta ~ ~~ ]~nm,=,~__~li,~ Date Name:~ Jean W. Coahr'sn Title: Superv±sor Phom~ No.: C5~6] 785-1889 FOP, EFC USEiONLY Project No. New York State Environmental Facilities Corporation ,(800) 200-2200 Wjthl. NY State (518) 4574100 Fax: (518) 485-8773 FinancialAssistance tn Business t~og~am h~otor Vehicle Inspection ~n d tYiainte-- - ce Progr-m MUNICIPAL APPROVAL L Muni~palRy'sN-me: [] City ~,~Tewn [] ~rffiageof Town of SOuthold 2. M-i1~gAc].dre~:52095 Eain Road, PO Box I179 Southold: NY 11971 3. ~. Owner / Authorized Representative of Facility seeldug State Assistance Paymenm: ' Anthony Antongeorgi ~NameofFac~it~. Tony's Complete Auto-Repair C. M.i]i,gAddre~ofFa'c~i~LRoute 25 Mattituck-r, NY 11952 D. Physical Loca~on ~Facility: Rou~e 25, Mattituck~ NY 11952 The Municipality approves of t.~i. I~Ni Project. SignaO. u'e of Authorize~ ~e~re~n~tive Name:. James McMahon Title:. Executive Assistant Phone No.:. (516) 765-I89~ Date' New York State Environmental Facilities Corporation (800) 200-2200 W~hi. NY State (518) 457-4100 Fax: (518) 485-8773 Financ/al~ As~stanc~ t~ ]~-ess Program Motor VehieIe Inspection and Maintenance Program MUNICIPAL APPltOVA.L FOR EF~ USE Olk~LY L Mu~pa~t~s. Nam,e: [] City:~ Town [] ~ageof Town of Southold ~ M.~l~gAddress:~ 5.qO95 ~ai~ Road, PO Box 1179 3. A..Ow'ne~/Author/zecl Representative of Facil/ty seeking State Assistance Payments: Joh~ Simcik B. NameofFs~llty: Pecon-ic Automotives, Inc. C.M. ili~A~xe~sofFacflity: PO Box 180 · D. phy~ic,~l Location of Facility. Cutcho~ue. NY 11935 Route.25 and Depot Lane, · 4. ?[The Municipality approves oft. hi. I&M P~oject. :~ · ~" t II {~:, Si~at~e of Anthorize~ Representative ~ Name: ~snles ~C, Mahon ~:Title: Exeoutive Assistant Phone No_- (516) 765-1892