HomeMy WebLinkAboutNYS Environmental FacilJAMES C. McMAHON Administrator Telephone (516~ 765-1892 .Fax (516) 765-3136 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT OFFICE Town Hart, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold. New York 11971 April 7, 1999 Ms. Laurie A. Allen FAB Progra~m Manager NYS Environmental Facilities Corporation 50 Wolf Road Albany, NY 12205-2603 Dear Ms. Allen: Please find the enclosed resolution by the Southold Town Board in reference to the FAB Dry Cleaner Program. We look forward to working with you on this great program. Sincerely,^ ~ Executive Assistant Town of Southold MARCH 30. 1999 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING PARTICIPATION IN THE FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE TO BUSINESS PROGRAM AND THE FILING OF AN APPLICATION WITH THE NEW. YORK STATE ENVIRONMENTAL FACILITIES CORPORATION WHEREAS, pursuant to the Clean Water/Clean Air Bond Act of 1996, being Chapter 413 of the Laws of New York of 1996, the New York State Environmental Facilities Corporation (the "Corporation~) through the Financial Assismnce~ to Business Program (the ~FAB Program") is authorized to provldestate assistance,to villages, towns, and cities with a populatlon of less ~than one million, for small, business environment' mmpliance, assistance Projects which enhance the quality of the air or waters Of the,State through complhnce with environmental laws and regulations, or to remedy or prevent en¥ironmental deficiencies; and WHEREAS, the gQverning body of the Town of South. olii {herelnafl~r~ the -~ip~.-), after due consideration, has determined th~..t participation in /he FAB Program ~s d~sirable and in the public idterest; NOW, TH ~F,R~FORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE mm cn, ALrrv ^s oi.i. Ows: The filing of an application, or applications, with the Corporation for financial assistahce under the FAB Program in the form required by the Corporation is hereby authorized, including all understandings and assurances contained in said application. The. individual: holding the following office is directed and authorized as the official reptesen..tative of the Municipality to identify entities that will participate in the FAB Program, to execute and deliver said application(s), to execute and deliver any other documents necessary for participation in the FAB Program, to provide such additional information asl.may be required, and to take all actions on behalf of the Municipality as may .be required in order to effectuate the intent and purpose of this resolution: James McMahon. Executive Assistant The C0r~ora~on is hereby authorized, on behalf of the Municipality to deliver pay~ne~ th~ ~e pu~sna.t to the FAB Program directly to the entities identified above, or .~s~ch ~_.~? ~ntities r~ ~y from tune to tune be named by the individual identified ia' ~aoli2'~ v paragmp bo e. . 4. A .certifi~ed, copy of this resolution shall be prepared and. delivered to the Corporation as pmOf 'a. a ion. 5. This re~olufion shaH take effect immediately. New ~ork S~ate Environmental Facilities Corporation (soo) o6;2 oo v¢itun stdte Fax: (5!8) 457-0742 50 Wolf ~ad, ~b~y, New York 12205-2~3 Terry A~ Pres~t March 1999 Dear Municipal Official: The New York State Environmental Facilities Corporation 0gFC) has !aunched a new. 1996 Clean Water/Clean ~ Bond Act Program called the Financial Assistance. to ~usiness (FAB) Dry Cleaner Program. The FAB D~ C~aner 'Program ~ designed to help ~ cleaners comply with new state air pollution re~ation~ set forth in 6~CRR Pa~ 232; D~ cleaners bat employ not more than I00 people and are. located in the State of New York, but outside~ New York City, are eligible. HoweveL state l~w explicitly requires that ~ cleaners C~ only receive Bond Act ~nd~ through the municipalities ~which they are located. In order to inform im~cipalities about the FAB'D~ Cleaner Program, EFC is proving the enclosed materi~S: · FAB Dry Cleaner Program Municipal Fact Sheet · FAB program MunicipalAppiication · FAB ~ Cleaner Program Municipal Approval Form · Dra~Municipal Resolution · Dry Cleaner Application Forms (Part I and Part II) While' a municipalitfs participation in the FAB Dry Cleaner Program is voluntary, dry cleaners located in municipalities that decline to participate may not be able to receive state assistance. EFC has endeavored to reduce the burden imposed upon municipalities to'the minimum allowed under State law. Applications from dry cleaners for the FAB Dry Cleaner Program must be postmarked ~y July 31, 1999. The earlier a municipal application is received, the sooner dry cleaners within that municipality can receive funding; If you have any questions regarding the FAB Dry Cleaner Program application materials that are not answered by the municipal fact sheet, please call EFC at 1-800-200-2200 during normal business hours Enclosures Sincerely yo~urs, Laurie A. Anen FAB Program Manager SU?Fj? '.;.,:-,ORS OFFICI~ ~ T~.;..,.: .~ SCUTHOLD~ ~-- New York State Environmental FaCilities Corporation (800) 200.2200 Within NY State (518) 457~4355 Fax: (518) 45%0742 50 Wolf Road, Albany, New York 12205-2603 Terry Agriss PreSident FAB DRY CLEAN.ER PROGRAM MUNICIPAL FACT SHEET Background Bond Act (~Ond Act-),~e: berg pro.ed :through the New york: State Envkonmental Facffi~e, Corpomtton (~U) for this p~ose~ FAB Dry Cleaner Program Dry cleaning businesses: that are small businesses with not more than 100 employees and that are located outside of the City of New York are eligible to receive State Assistance Payments from EFC under the FAB Dry Cleaner Program. However, state law requires that EFC's payments be made through the Municipality (city, town or village) in which the dry cleaner is located. M~nicipal participation in the FAB Dry Cleaner Program is voluntary. However, ff a ~icipality chooses not to participate, dry cleaners within its borders may be unable to receive financial assistance from EFC. How the FAB Dry Cleaner Program will work EFC will mail application packets to dry cleaners consisting of an Application Form, Instructions, a State Assistance Contract ("Contract") and other documents. Dry'cleaners' will complete these forms and return them to EFC. The application requires the owner to give the physical location of the facility and certain information regarding the State Environmental Quality Review Act ("SEQRA"). EFC will also mail application packets to municipalities consisting of this Fact Sheet, a FAB Program Municipal Application Form, a FAB Dry Cleaner Program Municipal Approval Form, a Dry Cleaner Application Form, and a draft Municipal Resolution. A municipality must adopt a resoluti°n in order for dry cleaners located within the municipality to receive a State Assistance Payment from EFC. The municipality then returns to PFC a completed Municipal Application and a certified copy of a duly adopted municipal resolution authorizing a municipality's participation in the FAB program. This resolution should contain the title of the municipal officer designated to work with EFC in administering the FAB program for the municipality. New York State Environmental Facilities Corporation (800) 200-2200 Within NY Sta~e (518) 457-4358 Far~ (518) 457-0742 50 Wolf Road, Albany, New York 12205-2603 Terry Agriss President FOR EFC USE ONLY Project No. FAB DRY CLEANER PROGRAM MUNICIPAL APPLICATION 1. MuniCipality's Name: [] City [~ Town [] ~rrUage of Southold 2. Mai~ngAddrese: Southold Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, P.O. Box 1179,Southold, NY 11971 3. A. Municipal Contact Pereon: James M~;Mahon B. PhoneNo.: 516 765-1892 C. Fax No.: 516 765-1823 4. A~ Contact Person for purposes of State Environmental Quality Review Act: B. Phone No.: C. Fax N~.: -- By its execution hereof, the Municipality listed above acknowledges and confirms that pursuant to New York Environmental Conservation Law Section 56-0611, the New York State Enviromnen~l Facilities Corporation will from time to 6me, nkake State Aseista~uce Payments, in the form of checks payable to small businesses located in the Municipality, in accordance with the provisions of the State Assistance Contract and subject to the approval of the Municipality (in the form of a FAB Municipal Apl~reval and a Municipal Resolution). The Municipality agrees to hereby delegate to EFC the task of delivering State Assistance Payments to small businesses for all municipany approved FAB program projects. uthorized Representative Name: ~ean W, Cochran Title: g,,p~rvi~or: Town of ~outhold Phone No.i 516 76S-1~9 March 30. 3999 Date 50 Wolf Road, Albany, New York 12205-2603 Once EFC has received a completed Contram and Application with attachments from a dry cleaner, EFC will send a copy of this applicalion together with a FAB Dry Cleaner Program Municipal Approval Form to the designated official of the municipal govemment for execution. State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQRA) An Application from a dry cleaner will not be considered complete until a proper SEQRA review ha, be~n performed. EFC will initially perform this SEQRA review for all projects. EFC anticipates that a significant number of FAB Dry Cleaner Projects will be TYPE II und,ef SEQRA an~ that no further SEQRA review will be required. In the few remaining cases where EFc hnitially determines that the particular~FAB Dry Cleaner Project requires a coordinated SEQKA review, EFC will contact the Municipality by letter, state the reasons why a coordi:'ga,~er~ review is needed, and request the Municipality to be the lead agency for purposes,oftt~e SEQRA remew. Distribution of Funds · Once EFC has deemed the dry cleaner's application to be complete and has a signed FAB Dry Cleaner Program Municipal Approval Form from the municipalitj,' the pi'oject is ready to be funded. If funds are available, EFC will draw a check made payable to the dry cleaners. The designated municipal official is notified by mail that the check has been sent. · The final step is for EFC to mail the check to the dry cleaner. Applications from dry cleaners for the FAB Dry' Cleaner prOgram must be post marked by July 31, 1999. The earlier a municipal application is received, the sooner dry cleaners within that municipality can receive funding. DRAFT Resolution No. 12 B RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING PARTICIPATION IN THE FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE TO BUSINESS PROGRAM AND THE'FILING OF AN APPLICATION WITH THE NEW YORK STATE ENVIRONMENTAL FACILITIES CORPORATION Introduced: 19 Adopted: , __ 19 Recitals WHERF~S, pursuant to the Clean Water/Clean Air Bond Act of 1996, being Chapter 413 of the Laws of New York of 1996, the New York State Environmental Facilities Corporation (the "Corporation") through the Financial Assistance to Business Program (the "FAB Program") is authorized to provide state assistance to villages, towns, and cities with a population of less than one million, for small business environmental compliance assistance projects which enhance the quality of the air or waters of the State through compliance with environmental laws and regulations, or to remedy or prevent environmental deficiencies; and WHEREAS, the governing body of the Town of Southolil (hereinafter, the "Municipality,), after due consideration, has determined that participation in the FAB Progam-is desirable and in the public interest; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE MUNICIPALITY AS FOLLOWS: The filing of an application, or applications, with the Corporation for financial assistance under the FAB Program in the form required by the Corporation is hereby authorized, including all understandings and assurances contained in said application. a The individual holding the following office is directed and authorized, as the official representative of the Municipality to identify entities that will participate in the FAB Program, to execute and deliver said: application(s), to execute and deliver any other documents necessary for participation in the FAB Program, to provide such additional information as may be required, and to take all actions on behalf of the Municipality as may 'be required in order to effectuate the intent and purpose of this resolution: James McMahon.. Executive Assistant DRAFT The Corporation is hereby authorized, on behalf of the Munic~alily to deliver payments made pursuant to the FAB Program directly to the entities identified above, or,such further entities as may from time to t/me be named by the individual identified in paragraph 2 above. A certified copy of thi.~ resolution shall be prepared and-delivered-to the Corporation as part of said application. This resolution shall take effect immediately. Moved: Seconded: Roll call: Ayes: Noes: Carried Councilwoman Hussie Councilman Murphy Councilman Murphy, Councilman Murphy, Councilman Moore, Justice Evans, Councilwoman Hussie, Supervisor'Cochran. IN WITNESS Town of Southold WHEREOF, 30th day of March I hereunto set my hand and the seal of the , Suffolk CoUnty, New York, this ,19 99. DRAFT CERTIFICATE OF RECORDING OFFICER The undersigned certifies that the attached Resolution is a true and correct copy of Resolution No. 12B , as regularly adopted at a legally convened meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Southold duly held on the §~l~flclay of March , 1999, and further that such resolution has been fully recorded in the Tn'~n Rn~rd min~Jtes tomy office. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto signed my hand this 3n_th day of g a r_c~, 1990- si~-natu~ of Recbrding Offi~r Southold Town Clerk Title of Recording Officer ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER P~ECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER Town Hail, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold. New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-1823 Telephone (516) 765-1800 OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTI-IOLD THIS IS TO CERTJFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION WAS ADOPTED AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD HELD ON MARCH 30; 1999: RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING PARTICIPATION IN THE FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE TO BUSINESS PROGRAlVl AND THE FILING OF AN APPLICATION WITH THE NEW. YORK STATE ENVIRONMENTAL FACILITIES CORPORATION WHEI~EAS, pursuant to the Clean Water/Clean Air Bond Act of 1996, being Chapter 413 of the-Laws 6f New York of 1996, the New York State Environmental Facilities Corporation (the "Corporation") through the Financial l~qsistauce m Busluess Program (the "FAB Program") is ~authorized to provide state assistance to vffiages, towns, and cities with a population of less than one million, for small business environmental compliance assistance projects which enhancc~ the quality of the air or waters of the State through compliance with environmental laws an~ regulations, or to remedy or prevent environmental deficiencies; and WHEREAS, the governing body of the Town of Southoid (hereinafter, the ~M, .u~"), after due consideration, has determined that participation in the FAB PrOgram'is deshral~ie and in the public idterest; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE MUNICIPALITY AS FOLLOWS: The filing of an application, or applications, with the Corporation for financial assistance under the FAB Program in the form required by the Corporation is hereby authorized~ including all understandings and assurances contained in said application. The individual holding the following office is directed and authorized as the official representative of the Municipality to identify entities that will participate in the FAB Program, to execute and deliver said application(s), to execute and deliver any other documents ne~sary for participation in the FAB Program, to provide such additional information ~ may be required, and to lake all actions on behalf of the Municipality as may be required in,order to effectuate the intent and purpose of this resolution: James McMahon.. Executive Assistant The Corporation is hereby authorized, on behalf of the Municipality to deliver payments ~e p~uant to the FAB Program directly to the entide~ ~ above, or such ~ ~ties as may from time to time be named by the individual idm~ified A certified copy of this resolution shall be prepared and-delivered fo the Corporation as fid"" part o sm. appucauon. This resolution shall take effect immediately. Southold Town Clerk March 30. 1999 ELIZABETH ~. Nt~ viLLE TOWN CLERK REGISTi~AR OF VITAL STATISTICS MAi:~RIAGF~ OF]?IC~R tL~ECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER Town Hall. 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southo]d, New York 11971 F~x (5161 765- 1823 l~elephone (516) 765-1800 OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF.SOUTHOLD THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION WAS ADOPTED AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWlq BOARD HELD ON MARCH 30~ 1999: RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby agrees to participate in the New York State Environmental Facilities Corporation. 1996 Clean Water/Clean Air Bond Act Program called the Financial Assistance to Business (FAB) Dry Cleaner Program; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes and directs Supervisor Jean W. Cochran to execute any and all necessary documents in relation to the application to the New York State Environmental Facilities Corporation "Financial Assistance to Business Dry Cleaner Program." Elizabeth A. Neville Southold Town Clerk March 30. 1999 ELIZABETH A. NEV~I.I.E TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS M_ARRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS MANAGEMEI~T OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-6165 Telephone (~16) 765-1800 THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION WAS ADOPTED AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD HELD ON MARCH 30. 1999: RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING PARTICIPATION IN THE FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE TO BUSINESS PROGRAM AND THE FILING OF AN APPLICATION WITH THE NEW. YORK STATE ENVIRONMENTAL FACILITIES CORPORATION WHEREAS, pursuant to the Clean Water/Clean Air Bond Act of 1996, being Chapter 413 of the ,Laws of New York of 1996, the New York State Environmental Facilities Corporation (the "Corporation") through the Financial Assistance to Business Program (the "FAB Program") is authorized to provide state assistance to villages, towns, and cities with a poptilafion of less than one million, for small business environlnental compliance assistance projects which enhance the quality of the air or waters of the State through compliance with environmental laws and regulations, or to remedy or prevent environmental deficiencies; and WHEREAS, the governing body of the Town of Southold (berehmfter, the "Municitmlity"), aflgr due consideration, has determined that partic~ation in the FAB Pro.~ is desirable and in the public idterest; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RF_~OLVED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE MUNICIPALITY AS FOLLOWS: The filing of an application, or applications, with the Corporation for financial assista,ee under the FAB Program in the form required by the Corporation is hereby authorized, including all understandings and assurances contained in said application. The individual holding the following office is directed and authorized as the official repres~tative of the Municipality to identify entifi.'es that will participate in the FAB Program, to execute and deliver said application(s), to execute and deliver any other documents necessary for participation in the FAB Program, to provide such additional information as may be required, and to take all actions on behalf of the Municipality as may be required in order to e~ the intent and purpose of this resolution: ~ames McMahon., Executive Assistant The Corporation is hereby authorized, on behalf of the Municipality to deliver payments made pursuant to the FAB Program directly to ttfe entities identified above, or such further entities as may from time to time be named by the individual identified in paragraph 2 above. A certified copy of this resolution shall be prepared anc~ delivered-to the Corporation as part of saic~ application. This resolution shall take effect immediately. Moved: Seconded: Roll call: Ayes: Noes: Carried COuncilwoman Hussie Councilman Murphy Councilman Murphy. Councilman Murphy. Councilman Moore. Justice Evans. Councilwoman Hussie. Superviso~: Cochran. LN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hereunto set my hand and the seal of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, this 30th day of March , i9 99. CERTIFICATE OF RECORDING OFFICER The undersigned certifies that the attached Resolution is a true and correct copy of Resolution No. 12El , as regularly adopted at a legally convened meeting of the Town Board - of the Town of Southold duly held on the ~i~itlday °f March , 1999; and further that such resolution has been fUlly recorded in the Thy,n gna~rd :minUtes in my office. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto signed my hand this 3n*~ day of Mar_r~ , 199g. Si~atu~ of Recbrding Off'~er Southold Town Clerk Title of Recording Officer