HomeMy WebLinkAboutDiversified Technology I~J,TT~BETH A. NEAr~T.T~E TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (631) 765-6145 Telephone (631) 765-1800 sou~holdt own.nor thfork.net OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTIqOLD March 1, 2004 Michael A. Home, M.S., P.E. Diversified Technology Consultants 556 Washington Avenue North Haven, Connecticut 06473 De~ Home, The Southold Town Board at their regular meeting held on February 24, 2004 adopted resolution number 149 authorizing the Supervisor to sign all necessary documents for you to assist the Fishers Island Sewer District. A certified copy of this resolution is enclosed, together with a fully executed proposal. I am also enclosing a photocopy of the NYS DEC Department Initiated Permit Modification DEC ID: 147380052600001; SPDES Number: NY 0199214 for your records. Please contact me at 631 765-1800 should you have any questions, or if I may be of assistance to you in any way, Very truly yours, Elizabeth A. Neville Southold Town Clerk cc: Town Attorney Town Comptroller Justice Louisa Evans EI,I~ABETH A. NEV~,I,E TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (631) 765-6145 Telephone f631) 765-1800 southoldt owmnorthfork.net OFFICE OF TI~E TOWN CLERK TOWN O,!~ SOUTHOLD w~S IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION NO. 149 OF 2004 S ADOP~TED AT THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD ON FEBUARY 24~ 2004: RESOLVED that the Town board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes and directs Supervisor ltorton to sign all necessary documents with Diversified Technology Consultants to assist the Fishers Island Sewer District to maintain the wastewater facilities and comply with NYDEC requ/rements. Elizabeth A. Neville Southold Town Clerk Februaiy 9, 2004: SOLUTIONS /dtc~- WATER SupervisOr Joshua Y. Horton Town Hall; 53 ¢95~M~(m Road P. Cl'.Box 11797 Southol~ New York 11971 ~Fisti~rs Island Sewer District OTC~P[~pposal No: 4)4-148-000 Dear Supervisor Horton: We.mx: pleased to provide this proposal for engine~enng services to assist thc Fishers Island Sewer District during the yeaz ~20.04. We sWive to keep the costs of system operation, maintenange, replacement and permitting minimized. Normally, the services include conducting Items I, the Discharge Monitori~ag,and Report which is transmitted~to the N.Y.D.E.C. and II, the Operation and Maintenance Review ~Evaluation and Report which is cpu. sistent with DEC reqmremants. We are als~ ava:ilabte for on-call sermces such as SPDES permitting, proposed sewer service connection evaluations, ~epmge removal consultation/inspegtion and collection system rep,q/rs if required and requested. We look forword to providing the District and Town of Southold continued services. A. The Scope of work includes the following; t. ~Preparation of a Discharge M0nitofingl~eport (DMR) and submitted to the N.Y.D.E.C. The scope for each report includes flow measurements at the pump station, investigation and measurements of sludge and wastewater depths at the community leaching- fields~ office evaluations, report prepamti0n and: coordination with the sewer district representatives, Mr. Harold Cook, The~New York DEc, and the District DEC at Ri~rhead: We are assuming, herein that the DMR report req~tirements will be the same as they were in 2003. Operation and Mimtenance Evaluation and Report. i Conduct evaluation of maintenance of the sewers, the pump station; the community leaching systems and the wet well. DTC will conduct pump test .to determine the efficiency of the. ,pumps and potential replacement reqtfncements. In addition, the electrical controls, the valving, generator and all other operations of the pump station will. be rev/ewe& The sludge will be monitored in all tanks. DTC will keep records of all.operations; submit and prepare , field reports. DTC will evaluate proposed work and cost estimates by Harold's Construction 'Co~ Selected manholes on the sewer collection system will b,e inspected and maintenance , an~or repair recommended. Supervis°r Joshua Y2 Horton February 9, 2004 Page 2 DTC will conduct office work to evaluate the field data and~prepare an annual operation and maintenance report for distribution to the Town of Southold, The Sewer District and Harold's Construction Company. Conduct of sepmge measurements, flow measurements, and other maintenance items will comply with N.Y.D.E.C. requirements. Identify and estimate the cost of long team ~mprovements to the system to prolong the life of the pump station and community-leaching field. As discussed, a sinking fund should be set up for both of these items. (Not applicable for 2004 because DTC is completing the report based upOn our existiag~ current contract.) Provide "on call" services as requested and authorized to evaluate short term problems and solutions to problems which occur on occasion such as sewer collapses,~ clogged sewers, valve failures, pump failures, generator failures, seprage sampling and disposal and component replacement review contracts and other documents required by the N.Y.D.E.C. Consult with the sewer district regarding cost of repairs, replacements or upgrades. Advise the district regunfmgproposed sewer connections. V~ Updat. e perm/ts (if required). Information required 1. We have most of the files on hand 2. We wil! need copies of invoices and payments by the ContracTor. C. Fe We propos N.Y.D.E.C We propos : to conduct the Item I, DMR for a lump sum fee of $2,500, including expenses, assuming the . DMR requirements have not changed. : to conduct Item II for a lump sum of $3,900.00. Item 11I is being done under the 1998 contract. We propole to conduct work if needed and authorized under Item 1V based on labor and direct expenses not to exceed $2,500.00 (See the enclosed Schedule A and Schedule D). Item iV. It is unlikely that a new permit or permits will be required. If they are required, a separate proposal based on the pcn-m~t reqmrements w~ll be presented. The enclos We are pie time on the ~d Terms and Conditions, Schedule A and Schedule D are part and Parcel to this agreement. ased to have the opportunity to submit this proposal and will fully utilize our experience and Island to your benefit. Supervisor Joshua Y. Horton February 9, 2004 Page 3 We have enclosed two originaI proposal letters and ask that you please indicate your anthorizat/0n for DTC to ~.roceed with the work as described by sigiaing~below and yetuming one letter to us. If you have any questions regarding this proposal, please feel l~ee to'cai1 me at (203) 239-4200. Sincerely, DIVERSIMIED TECHNOLOGY CONSULTANTS Michael Ar Home, M.S., P.E. Manager, Special Projects Enclosurel: Schedule A Schedule D Terms and Conditions pc: T~e Honorable Louisa Evans, Fishers Island, New York The abov~proposal/is offered and accepted and DTC is authorized to proceed. For DIVERSIFIED TECHNOLOGY CONSULTANTS. INC. ~[~ali Atluru, Ph.D, P.E. Chairman and CEO Date: For SOUT tHOLD, NEW YORK AND THE FISHERS ISLAND SEWER DISTRICT )*oshua Y. Horton ndkProposaL2-9-04.doc ~D TECHNOLOGY CONSULTANTS, INC. (DTC) STANDARD TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR JJ_~ARY1, 2004 TO DECEMxtlER31, 2004 Proposal No: 04-148-000 L Hourly Rate Fees For professional Services I~urly- rate fee9 for professional se~ces, when :applicable, a~.~a~ ~ ~e ftme ~,ofked ~ ;project by--personnel ~ accordm~'~ Sched e & h the .vote cff~ increase of costs ~ to ~ ;~ ~'wage inc ,muses and/or oth~ employee : bcueats~t0 riel4? office employces~ due to ~ ~crms ~llff~or thu(,Cmci~t, of risc iii lh¢~ of living, d~ th.' 4fl'cti nc ol'this a~r¢cmCnl, zach Ol'eaetk lanumy t~. 2, Thc itc m~, 6 f dM:el n0~-saia q~ ,. xpeases ~1 be billed ~s 4:¢r.th,:~attachcd Schedule D, i~ applicable. & Invo c0s I~vo~! ~ce a month for smMces performo prey/oas m0nth.tmless ~ ~ s~es gre~ u~n ~g p~ ' ~Rbe~e xh~ 30&ys of allotted DY ,faxx, 'Mnchc~cr ts Ics~. ol'fi~c pa5 mcnts. ?u xi fil rcimbtu'~c us Ibr all & rcasofiabJcatfol:flcS~' I>cs. (~OIIIICCliCIII ol'o"b ~Bl[~ic zhhr:3cd ~hcrcxCr al~l.)hcal~lc F~ upo~i dCl~llg[5 1)1 i>rt~h~ct. 'Hw ( 131.N I hcre~5~ ~~s ~ ~old delive, of 4. Se~ef panic L a, te When considered necessary, your approval. The cost of such services plus a t0% service clma-ge wilt be inc~ded in our invoice. 5. On-Site Services During Project Construction Should om' services be provided on tl~ job si~ fluting project construction, it is understood that, in accordance with gcuemlty ac~x~pted consm~ completely responsible ~or world,g ermditions the job site} iaclading safay ol~,all persons propea!y duriag flae performance of th~:wol'!k and compliance with OSHA regulalions, a~d that these reqiaremems wl~ apply confi, ra~ous~ arid not be limited to ~ working hours. 3agrXaonitoring of ~e e~ s t~effomance~conda*~ ;by om' pers~eI is not h~teuded to. ~c4m~.revieW ofthe adeoj~a,y of the coutmctofs saf~ ~ures/n. on or near ~ constm~ou site. It is fiWher understood that field services proviffefl;~: by our personnel will not relieve the contractor ~ his respomibrTtties for peff0rm/ng the ~ork ia accordance with the plans and spedficatioas. 6. Ownership of Documents All reports, field &a~r.a mates; laboratory test data, calculations, estimates and other documcuts including, but not limitexl Io, plans and specifications which we lxepare as instruments of service shall remum our property. You ~gree that ail iasmunems of service and other work we furnish you or yom: agems, which are not paid for, wilt be returned upon demand and wffi not be: used for any purpose whatsuever. 7. Standard of Care tn accepting this agreement for servaces, you acknowledge the inherent risks associated with construction. In performing our professional services, we will use that degree of care and skill ordinarily exercised, under sirailar circumstances by Page l of 4 STANDARD TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR JAN~.4RY 1, 2004 TO DEC~ER 31, 2004 members of the prOfession pm~emg in the same ar ~imilar l~ity. 8. Clients Responsibilities Prey/de f~Mtinformation in writing as W CLIENT's rc~ for ~ P~oj'c~, ~ctu~.g d~ig~ ~quirem~nts, ~ and ~md~b; 'fy, and any dcsiga~d ~o~on standards winc~ CLIENT ~ ~luirc to i~ :mctaded in the Dm, '~wings and Spex~ifications. Make ax ailable io DTC all informat/on pertinent xo the Ih'oj;:cL inclmlin8 prc~ious reports andany other W- e s 4 a. h as3a-of- ~t~at ~ ~ ns~t~ our surveys and other cxplor;ilk)r~ ~c ~ il1 l~.ikc re;t~tmable I'~recautions to llllllllll./e dt iili. ~A'.-' o Ih¢ :'.,Jig I'rOIll I1:~¢ ol'eqail:~ment, Jlul ll;~*,¢ not..lll'Ch.ld,,:d iii our Igc Iii,..' eom for ~tatl~ a~¢ Chat n'~.c~resutt from oar Ol~erffflDns. ].l-i.,.c:ao: I'Cq!HrCL~LO rCSLOI'*.' Il..' site o ts Ibl'mer domtit,on, this v. fil. bc ;tCCOtliI ~l,sl~e;I and ill,.' cosl v~ ill be udded .to our l~2e Suct~ person shall havc policies ~Olm~ter~ls~ cqu~pmen~ t to DTC's services. : becomes aware of of {".~ ~erx ices Thc clicm shall pa~ the costs of al)pficaJion:~,cs., as~cssmcnl Fees. ~o~- ~ all ,ol'hcr'l~'L.4. pdrn~fl~. ~xmd premiums. IoIaJ COlllJJaIl~ ~I~L~C~L ~ ) ueprmls ~lll( r4)mducl~on>. ~d 9. Indemnification The CLIENT agrces m incorporate and extend into any subsequent contracts for eonstmetion arising ~rom this agreement indemnification for DTC and ifs sub-consultants ~d employees from all and any claims, ,t~mages, losses, and expenses, including atam~s' fees arising from any negligeat aets or omissions by ~.contmetor, stfl~o~ oi, any of · tbeir employees. 10. Limitation of Liab'flity Forany,~amage or costs resulting from error, omfission, or othear professional negligence in ~ performance Of~OL~ servJc*.s, the liability of DTC to m except $250,000 or our fee for professional serv/cos as cernpnted figom the fn'st paragraph of this schedule; whiohever is greater. DTC ~ not be: ~liabte for damag~ resulting ~rom the act. s orin-aolions of governmental agencies, and governmental relations. 1L Additional Work DTC's ~rvices ,covered by this agreement are accomplished by performing thc work necessary to complete the saidserdces in accordance with standa~.accep~d t~aclices, the agreed upon scope of work, and the mles and regulations governing the work. In the event that there is a change in the scope of work dictated by ether the CLIENT, reviewer or govemment~ agencies, this change in scope will be considered additional work and shall be paid for by thc CLIENT i~ addition to the contract foe and shall be paid for on a cost ptns basis. Post submittal Cmmaents fi~om governmental agencies and requested by the CLIENT which constitute a change or an additionlo a policy, standard, or the agreed upon project concept, is considered a change in scope and work performed to evatuate, respond to or execute these changes is considered additional work. Page 2 of 4 STANDARD TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR JANUARY1, 2004 TO DECEMBERSZ, 2~04 In the event ~ any staking or other field work performed by DTC or its agents, is, destroyed ,by an act of~ or pa~es other than DTC mrvey0rs, the cost of re-doing the field work shall be paid by CLIENTas e~,x~ woflq on a cost plus basis, ;~ovided 'Suda/york is autl~rized by CLI~qT, 1:3. Insurance W~are l~r~ec*ed by Wodrmen's Compvasafion GeneraI ~'l~y lnsmaaee. We wilt famish infonmfi~[camifi~ntes at your request. As ;desiga~professionals we are hired f0r oar stdlL The levet at whi~.eh we peffom~ ~s governed by matters - qffic?l in lh~ fl~¢rcR~rc, file CLIENT agreestohotd ~a.nlcss. m'dcmnd3 a.d del'cud I)TC from and ~ guy ~an(~'~atl elaims for anyloss, damage or i~¢sp0n.~.d*lL;~l: m~ Toss. danmge, or.~ liabil~y arising .fixm~ .x our ff.¢.~41igcnt acls. ergots and omissions and ~,~,~a~;:~tants, mg~m:~ors, and 14. Asbestos or products involves job, including measures fi:contractors or nor for the protection ofthe general ~ for safety and safety that of the contrax~r. For s~c? in~01ving or retafing to the removal or enca~a ~fasbestos~as part of this agreement, it is, fmgbe: t/~g~eed the dien~shatl indeanfify and hokl ha~s~ DTC rout theft exmsutmt~, agents and em~Io2~¢e~;,~ r~ and against all clmms, damages, ~],,~bnt not limited to fees and cha~gC~:dka//ttomeys and court and arbitration costs arising ont of or resulting from the performance of thework by DTC or claims against DTC arising fi'om the work of others related to asbestos activities. 15. Hazardous Waste it is mmlerstood and agreed that/n seekqng the professional servicesofDTC under this agreement the CT,IEIqT nmy be reqtdring DTC m undertake uninsurable obYrgatiom for the client's benefit im~Cng~ ~Senee or potential presence of ~st~bstan~es. ~, the CIAENT agrees ~o hold ha,mz!e. ~ s~ ;m&~nify a~,d defeml DTC ~m~and ~ mgr:~a, att daims ~or ~ iosses, r.~ oat/~o~ ~ any 16. Samples Alt samples wilt be discarded 3~ days ~ submission of our reporq unless you advise as otherw/se. Upon your reqaest, we will ship or deliver tI~ samples C-O.D. or store them far you for an agre~o~e 17. Warranty of Aathority to Sign The person s/grfing this contract warrants he bas anthofity ~o ~iga as, or on behalf of; the CLIENT. If such person does not have such authority, heagrees that he is personally liable for all breaches of this commet anrhbat in anyaelion against him for l~each of such wanamy, a~sonabl¢ attorney's ~e shall be included iaanyjaflgmem rendered. 18. Termination or Suspension of Agreement This agreement may be terminated by e'~,her party upon receipt of written notice. In the event all or any pm~don of the work prepped or partially prepared bythe ¢onsa~nt be suspended, abandoned or terminated, the CLIt~N'r shall pay tbe consultant ali fees and cbamoes for sordces rendered for the project notto exceed any contrac~ limit specified here'm regardless of the mamber o£flnal documents Page 3 of 4 IIIVERSIF~D ~C]~NOLOGy COmbaTANTS, INC. {DTC) STANDARD TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR JANIJ~ 1. 2004 t'0 DI~ClO. I~ER31~ 20D4 19. Fee Non-Contingent ~aymem of invoices ari~g out oflh¢ performance of the work ~mder this agreement ~ not ~omiagem ~pon receipt of payment ,or ~es, grams, awards, e~c, ,by the CLIENT under any other agreement and shall not be s~jec~ ~o any cla~m~ or delays arising out of 20. Amendmen2~ or Modification CON mONS, ~chmenfs. ~ten r~cre~ced in the Letter of Proposal shall' ~.~r with Ihe Letter of Proposal ~onstimt~ tho~` ~,~-e ~ing between the pa~sat~,~4.~}~e amended or morlmed except by mm i~v/~i~ ~itgaed by both parties. END OF~TER3~g ~¥D CONDITIONS Page 4 of 4 SCHEDULE A (DESIGN) 2004 SCHEDULE OF FEES DIVERSIHED TECHNOLOGY CONSULTANTS CLASSIFICATIO~ Principal Vice Presiden! Sr. Projectt Manager Project Manager Sr. Sr. Landscape Architect Planner/L landscape Architect Project Engineer Engineer L.E.P. Environmental Scientist Jr. E~agineer Sr. TechniCian Designer t Technicia~ Chief Construction Inspector Sr. Constr Constmcfi Survey M~ 2 Person 3 Person tction Inspector m Inspector nager arvey Crew urvey Crew Admin. Typist Messenge~ YEAR2004 HOURLyBiLLINGRATES $ 170:00 $ 155.00 $ 130.00 $ 115.00 $ 110.00 $ 95.00 $ 90.00 $ 100.00 $ 80.00 $ 120.00 $ 85.00 $ 70.00 $ 70.00 $ 75.00 $ 65.00 $ 85.00 $ 75.00 $ 70.00 $ 95.00 $ 115.00 $ 160.00 $ 60.00 $ 5O.00 $ 35.00 Nonexempt P Out of ordina A 10% admin Invoices will Payment will to unpaid inw *Rate tabl~ :rsonnel are required to be paid 1.5 times their hourly rate if required to work overtime. y Direct Expcmses will be billed in accordance with the attached sheet. [strative charge will be added on all subcontracts and sub-consultants. >e submitted once a month for serv/ces performed during the previous month. be due within 30 calendar days of the invoice date. Interest charges of 1.5% per month will be applied iices over 30 days. is subject to change at year-end SCHEDULE D 2004 Di~CT EXPENSES RATE SCHEDULE DIVERSIFIED TECHNOLOGY CONSULTANTS COST/U~[T UNIT IrEAR 2004 Transport~3ti°n Printing/Plotting Fixed line Mylar I In-House ~opying Photographs I Ore, light Mail: Letter R2!l of Maps Dig/tal Ph~los pH Meter ! Photo Ioni!ation Detector Confined ~pace Safety Equipment Flow Monltonng Eqmpment Level D o~ Level B Pc Bail~s C Personal Protection Equip. rsonal Protection Equip. Peristaltic Pump GPS / Expert Tesbmony for Deposition/Arbitration or Court Testimony (Minimum): · ½Day $ 850.00 ·Fuli Day $i,800.00 Mile $ 0.365 Square Foot $ 0.40 / SF Sheet $ I15.00 Page $ 0.}6 Each $ 0.65 Each $ 16.00 $ 27.00 Each $ 2.50 Day $ 27.00 Day $ 105.00 Day $ 100.00 Weekly $ 425.00 Day $ 37.00 Day $ I40.00 Each $ 27.00 Day $ 50.00 Hour $ 80.00 A I0% ack Any other administra' hotel char *Rate ta equipment that is required for a particular project will be billed at the rental cost plus 10% ive charge. Any other out-of-pocket expense including but not limited to airfares, car rentals, Ss, etc. will be billed at the actual cost plus 10% administrative charge. 'e is subject to change at year-end ELIZABETH A. NEVII,LF~ TOW REGISTRAR O] RECORDS. MA] FREEDOM OF IN Tms ! s ,RESOL~ Suoervis .W CLERK ' VITAL STATISTICS GE OFFICER kGEMENT OFFICER {ORiViATION OFFICER Town Hail, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (631) 765-6145 Telephone (631) 765-1800 sou~holdtowmnor thforkme~ OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ~D that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes and directs Joshua Y. Horton to execute Agreements between Itarold Cook and the Town of South~id for the maintenance of the Pump Station of the Fishers Island Sewer District for aperii~l of three years effective June 1, 2002 through May 31, 2005 for the sum of $4,833.68 ~ for [lhe ma?ntenanee of the ~ronnds of the Fishers Island Sewer District for a period of three yea~g! effective June 1, 2002 through May 31, 2005 for the sum of $2,696.93, said Agreeme~t{s all in accordance with the approval of the Town Attorney. Elizabeth A. Neville Southold Town Clerk February Superviso Town Hat P.O. Box Southold, Dear Sup~ 2004 ~os~Y. Ho~on [, 53095MainRoad 1179 NewYork 1197I hers Island Sewer District 'C Project No. 04-14g-DO0 ~or Horton: nclosed ~vo (2) copies of our proposal for services to assist the Fishers Island Sewer District to ~ wastewater facilities and comply with N.Y.D.E.C, requirements. ~oyed working with Ihe Honorable Louisa Evans and Harold's Construction Company. We have t~een able C0 hold our fees at the same level for several years due to knowledge of the system and consistency of personnel involved.: / Ifyou agrle, please execute two copies and return one to me. ! Sincerely, ~ DIVERS[ ;tED TECHNOLOGY coNSULTANTS Michael cc with Home, M,S., P~E. Closure: The Honorable Louisa Evans, F/shers Island ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE TOWN CL~.RK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER ~RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER Fi:t~EEDOM OF INFOI~M~TION OFFICER OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (631) 765-6145 Telephone (631) 765-1800 sou~ ~holdtown: nor~hfork.net Tm~ FOLLOWING RESOLUTION NO. 149 O~_ ,~ 2004 MEETING OFTIIE SOUTttOLD TOWN BOARD RESOLVED that the Town board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes and directs Supervisor Horton to sign all necessary documents with Diversified TechnoloL, y Consultants to assist the Fishers Island Sewer District to maintain the wastewater facilities and comply with NYDEC requirements, Elizabeth A. Neville Southold Town Clerk