TUESDAY, JUNE 10, 2003 AT 7:30 P.M.
Present were: Ray Blum, John Sepenoski, Ray Huntington, Bill Edwards, Reed
Jarvis, Melissa Spiro, Scott Hughes, Tom Wickham and Randy Parsons.
Dubner - 84-4-6.1 - The Committee discussed the appraisal of this property.
There are 41.2 acres offered. A motion was made by Reed Jarvis and seconded
by John Sepenoski to make an offer to Mr. Dubner with no structures. All were in
Randy Parsons of the Nature Conservancy told the Committee that he met with
Harold Reese on the pipes Cove project. Randy spoke to him about bargain sale.
They were going to get their own appraisal on this. Randy will follow up. He
also met with the Stacklers. He will suggest they get their own appraisal for a
bargain sale. Ray Huntington suggested getting a second appraisal from another
appraiser. A motion was made by Ray Huntington and seconded by Bill Edwards
to ask Schuster if he did the appraisal according to the Federal Fish and Wildlife
guidelines and if not, could he do it according to these guidelines? If he cannot
do it, then we will get a second appraisal from an appraiser who could. All were
in favor. Melissa will check the lot recognition and lot merger validity from the
1950 survey map.
Illigasch - 45-5-2 - The Committee reviewed this appraisal. A motion was made
by Ray Blum and seconded by John Sepenoski to make an offer on this parcel.
All were in favor.
Elak - 115-8-3.3 - There are two easements, one between the Town and the
Elaks and the other is between the Peconic Land Trust and John Elak. Melissa
discussed these easements with the Committee. The Peconic Land Trust is asking
for an additional $4000.00 for administrative costs in the acquisition of the Elak
property. A motion was made by Reed Jarvis and seconded by John Sepenoski to
pay the $4000.00 and that the Committee will not be presented with this again.
All were in favor.
Zoumas - 79-4-17.17 - Melissa discussed the easements on this with the
Irene Vitti - 59-3-27 - They are interested in doing a conservation subdivision.
It is approximately 21 acres. Melissa reviewed this inquiry with the Committee.
Melissa discussed updating the Farmland Inventory with the Committee.
Tom Wickham suggested that Ray and Bill' s report be put on the agenda for the
next meeting.
The next meeting was scheduled for Tuesday, June 24, 2003 at 7:30 p.m.
With no further business to be discussed, the meeting was adjourned at 10:15 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Joyce M. Wilkins