TUESDAY, APRIL 1, 2003 AT 7:30 P.M.
Present were: Ray Blum, John Sepenoski, Bill Edwards, Eric Keil, Melissa Spiro,
Scott Hughes and Tom Wickham.
Guild - 68-4-19 - Ray Blum & Melissa went to the Town Board with this
application and the Town Board was not interested in it, as the topsoil was
removed and nothing else around this parcel was protected. Melissa will tell him
that it doesn't fit the criteria.
Melissa discussed the following Pipes Cove properties with the Committee:
Ille~asch- 45-5-2 - Carrie from the Nature Conservancy is getting an appraisal
on this. The wetlands will be mapped out.
Posillico - 53-1-7 -the closing will be held soon.
Reese - 45-5-5 - an offer was made, have not heard back from them.
Waldron - 53-2-5 closing will be soon.
Melissa discussed the Zoumas and Forestbrook applications with the Committee.
They are ready to do a conservation easement in the North Bayview Road/Jacobs
Lane area of Southold. Melissa will order an appraisal on these pieces.
A motion was made by Eric Keil and seconded by John Sepenoski that we
respectfully request from the Town Board that the Land Preservation Committee
use 2% funds to hire outside legal council to assist in the preparation of contracts
and other legal services. All were in favor. Motion passed.
Rowehl - 94-4-2 - an offer was made on his parcel and he is now offering the 5
acre lot. A motion was made by Blum and seconded by Bill Edwards to make an
offer to Butch Rowehl on this 5 acre parcel. All were in favor. Motion was
Marco - 98-1-1.2 - the Committee discussed this appraisal. A motion was made
by Bill Edwards and seconded by Eric Keil to make an offer on this property for
the purpose of purchasing the development rights. All were in favor. Motion
Cassid¥ - 52-5-55 - the Committee discussed this appraisal. The property is 6.6
acres. Howard Jackson was the appraiser. Melissa will have him correct this
Tom Wickham spoke to the Committee on ag structures. The Land Preservation
presented a report to the Town Board on flexible farm structures. The Planning
and Zoning Committee (Bill Moore and Tom Wickham) were asked to review it.
Tom suggested that the Committee set criteria or guidelines.
With no further business to be discussed, the meeting was adjourned at 10:25 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Joyce M. Wilkins