HomeMy WebLinkAboutLP-07/08/2003LAND PRESERVATION COMMITTEE MEETING TUESDAY, JULY 8, 2003 AT 7:30 P.M. MINUTES AMENDED Present were: Ray Blum, Ray Huntington, John Sepenoski, Bill Edwards, Reed Jarvis, Eric Keil, Fred Lee, Melissa Spiro, Tim Caufield, Tom Wickham and Pat Moore. Zoumas - 79-4-17.7 -the contract has been sent. Pat Moore sent back some comments. She discussed the cul-de-sac encroachment and the drainage pipe with the Committee. We will not pay for the encroachment relieving easement and they will have to put a guard rail at the cul-de-sac if they choose. Winkler - 78-2-11 - Marian Sumner received a call on this. The owners would like to donate the property. A motion was made by Ray Huntington and seconded by John Sepenoski to recommend acceptance of the donation. All were in favor. Duff¥ - 63-2-6 - the Committee discussed this parcel and it was decided that Melissa tell the owner that the Town is undertaking a long term plan and no decision can be made at this time. Ray Huntington moved to table this until the next meeting. Peter Harbes - the Committee discussed this property. The final public hearing on the DGEIS will be at the next Town Board meeting on July 15th and after the public hearing is closed, there will be 10 days for written public comments. Ray Blum suggested that a subcommittee be formed to write a draft of comments on the DGEIS. John Sepenoski will write up a draft and send it to the Committee for their comments. Ray Huntington will prepare a composite rating sheet listing the 58 items in the action plan and get it to the members. Also, compile a composite. Ray Blum, Bill Edwards and Ray Huntington spoke to the Town Board in work session regarding the LPC's 7 point recommendation concerning land preservation funding (Attached) Tom Wickham also said that a decision should be made at the next Town Board meeting regarding bonding and AG structures. With no further business to be discussed, the meeting was adjourned at 10:25 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Joyce M. Wilkins Secretary