TUESDAY, MAY 27, 2003 (~ 7:30 P.M.
Present were: RayBlum, John Sepenoski, Ray Huntington, Fred Lee, Eric Keil,
Bill Edwards, Reed Jarvis, Melissa Spiro Scott Hughes and Tom Wickham.
Peconic Design - 63-3-18.1 - They have a subdivision that is pending with the
Planning Board. They made an application with us. We are only interested in the
purchase of development rights for the R80 four acres. A motion was made by
Eric Keil and seconded by John Sepenoski to make an offer on the 4 acres,
contingent upon an easement for no subdivision on the front parcel. This purchase
would be for farmland preservation and density reduction. Ray Huntington
opposed the motion. All others were in favor. Motion passed. Ray Blum will
make the offer.
Forestbrook - 79-2-7 and Zoumas - 79-4-17.17. Both said that the offer made
was too low. A motion was made by Reed Jarvis and seconded by Eric Keil to
raise the offer. All were in favor. This would be for the preservation of open
C & D Realty - 113-4-1 - This is a small parcel on Mattituck Creek. Scott
Hughes said that the Trustees recommended that the Town purchase it back in
2000. Scott said they may be interested in a bargain sale now. Scott will check
into this further before an appraisal is done.
Alice Duffy - 63-2-6 - this parcel is approximately 8.15 acres, located between
Boisseau Avenue and Youngs Avenue in Southold. Seven acres are being offered
for the purchase of development rights. A motion was made by John Sepenoski
and seconded by Reed Jarvis to find out from Gary Olsen what the intentions are
and then proceed with the appraisal. All were in favor.
Peter Harbes - 120-3-11.12 - 39.3 acres. He wants to put in greenhouses and is
interested in knowing whether we would buy the development rights and then
allow him to put up greenhouses. Melissa will present this to the Town Board, as
an example.
Scott Russell said that there will be an Ag District Meeting on Monday, June 2,
2003 at 7:00 in the Meeting Hall. John Sepenoski will attend.
Frank Wells - 106-1-7 - Bill Edwards suggested a possible gift to him. Mr.
Wells said he would discuss it with the other owner. Bill hasn't heard back from
him as yet.
John Scott - 75-6-3 - Ray Blum ran into John Schott and told him that the Town
would be interested in buying his property on Wells Road and Route 25. Melissa
will send him a letter.
Bill Edwards passed out an updated Town of Southold Projected Cash Flow:
Development Rights and Open Space Land Acquisitions for 2000-2008. Bill and
Ray will follow up with recommendations made for the next meeting.
Ray Huntington spoke to the Committee about small open space parcels. He said
other Towns have put curbs on their zoning boards. Tom Wickham said that the
Town Board is looking into restrictions. Tom suggested that Ray H. make a
presentation at the next Zoning and Planning Board meeting.
With no further business to be discussed, the meeting was adjourned at 10:30 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Joyce M. Wilkins