TUESDAY, MAY 13, 2003 AT 7:30 P.M.
Present were: Ray Blum, Ray Huntington, John Sepenoski, Bill Edwards, Fred
Lee, Melissa Spiro, Scott Hughes, Tom Wickham, Tim Caufield, Carrie Cullen,
and Randy Parsons.
Manzi Homes - 83-2-9.1 - 25+ acres up on Oregon Road north of landfill.
Approximately 16 acres offered. He doesn't meet the moratorium as far as
preservation. He is possibly looking for a waiver from the Town Board.
Dubner/VanderBosch - 84-4-6.1 - There are approximately 38 acres involved.
A motion was made by Ray Huntington and seconded by John Sep to order an
appraisal with the intention to purchase the development rights. All were in
Carrie Cullen and Randy Parsons from the Nature Conservancy spoke to the
Committee about the Pipes Cove Project.
Reese - 47 acres - an offer was made but it wasn't enough. A motion was made
by Fred Lee and seconded by John Sep to move to the appraisal price and to share
the comps with the owner. All were in favor.
Stackler - 45-5-7.1 & 47-2-33,34 - for the Federal Grant money you have to use
a Federally approved appraiser to re-appraise the parcel. A motion was made by
Ray Huntington and seconded by Bill Edwards to order another appraisal on this
property using a different appraiser, who meets the Federal guidelines. Also, that
the Nature Conservancy can share the comps in the appraisal with the owner. All
were in favor.
Forestbrook - 79-2-7 & Zoumas - 79-4-17.17 - The Committee discussed these
appraisals. A motion was made by Ray Blum and seconded by Bill Edwards to
make an offer on both of these parcels for the fee title, as long as they meet the
moratorium for 75% preservation. All were in favor.
Tim Caufield spoke to the Committee about the Cassidy (52-5-55) property.
Howard Jackson did the appraisal. Tim has spoken to both the appraiser and the
owner. The Cassidys are interested in selling the fee title on this 6.6 acre parcel.
Tim will meet with them on Saturday. A motion was made by Ray Blum and
seconded by Fred Lee to make an offer on this property. Ray Huntington
abstained from voting. All others were in favor.
Aliano - 5 lots across from the motel. Tim will ask Aliano for a realistic range on
these lots.
Bill Edwards and Ray Huntington worked on a report, "Town of Southold
Projected Cash Flow. Development Rights and Open Space Acquisitions for the
Years 2000-2008. This report will be discussed with the Town Board at their next
work session.
Tom Wickham spoke to the Committee re: the Summary of Farmland Acres
Preserved for the 10 Year Period 2003 - 2013.
Zazecki - this property is adjourning the Custer Institute. The Southold Town
Tree Committee is ready to plant their trees on this site.
The next regular meeting of the Land Preservation Committee is scheduled for
Tuesday, May 27, 2003.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:15 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Joyce M. Wilkins