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HomeMy WebLinkAboutLP-12/16/2003Town of Southold
Land Preservation Committee Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, 16 December, 2003 7:30 P.M.
LPCmtgMinutes 16DEC2003Aflop. doc
Present were: Ray Blum, Ray Huntington, John Sepenoski, Fred Lee, Eric Keil, Reed Jarvis as
well as Melissa Spiro and Tom Wickham.
Previous minutes (11/18/03) were accepted, while Special Meeting (11/25/03) minutes, provided
12/15/03, were tabled.
Land Preservation: Applications:
SCTM# 1000-55-2-10 (Moffat in executive session) Reviewed status of farm parcel on west side
Rt.48 north of Boisseau Avenue with no change in position. PLT is facilitating, negotiator is
SCTM# 1000-55-3-6.1 (Moffat in executive session) Reviewed status (east side of Rt.48) with no
change in position. PLT is facilitating, negotiator is Spiro.
SCTM# 1000-122-1-2.2 & 2.3 (Grippa in executive session) Potential PDR south side of Rt.48
across from Strawberry Fields site in Mattituck. Discussed offer recommendation and determined
new position with time limit. Moved by Blum, seconded by Keil, motion carried 6/0. PLT is
facilitating, negotiator is Spiro.
SCTM# 1000-69-1-6 (Sepenoski in executive session) Farmland north of Rt.48 in Southold.
Discussed offer recommendation and determined new position with time limit. Moved by Keil,
seconded by Jarvis, motion carried 5/0 with Sepenoski recusant. Negotiator is Spiro.
General Land Preservation Items:
· Update form LPC Financial Working Group: Tom McAdam and Ray Huntington presented
vuegraphs covering the working group's draft report (12/16/03) on recommendations for
funding of Southold land preservation through 2025. Final recommendations are still
evolving, but the LPC indicated support for the effort and agreement with the general thrust.
The working group was instructed to press on.
· Peconic Land Trust (Tim Caufield) reported on Krupski, Macari and Aliano parcels.
· Coordinator's report: Melissa Spiro provided the LPD Status Update (12/16/03), as well as a
Status Update from Lisa Kombrink. 2004 contracts with the PLT and TNC have been
discussed with the Town Board.
· Agricultural Structures: It was reported that Tom Wickham was sheparding guidance for PDR
conservation easements. (The minutes of 11/25/03 indicate an action by Lisa Kombrink as
well.) He provided a three sheet outline based upon the premise that confusion is best
mitigated by guided negotiations resulting in a conservation agreement that included well
developed terms related to structures.
· A holiday social "meeting" of the Committee was planned for 12/17/03.
Adjourned at10:07 PM.
· Next regular LPC meeting Jan 13 regular at 7:30PM.
· Special Meeting Jan 6th at 7:30PM.
In the absence of the secretary, the minutes were recorded by Ray Huntington.