HomeMy WebLinkAboutOLMSTED, FREDERICK LAW OFFICES WILLIAM WICKHAN1 MAtTITUCK. LONG ISLAND NEW YORK II952 516 MA 9-8353 February 15, 1967 Boar'd of Trustees T~own of Southold ~in Road ~E.outhold, New York Re: 01msted Family - Town of $outhold Gentlemen: in connecvion with the granting of additional property to the 01msted Family as a result of the dredging of Mattituck Creek~ we enclose the follow- img deeds in duolicate: Towm of So~thold to Mary W. MacNish and Ruth M. Lessard e Tov~ of Southold to Frederick D. 0tmsted, Jr. and Others 3. Town of Southold to Sidny W. Olmsted and Others Town of Southotd To Karl E. Guiter & Wife We have also prepared and enclose boundary line agreements between the various mercers of the family, as follows: 1. Frederick D. Olmsted~ Jr. and Others and Augusvus C. Garelle 2. Mary W. MacNish amd Ruth M. Lessard and Karl E. Guiler & Wife S~dnj W. 01msted and Others and Karl E. Gullet Wife ~. Ma~ W. MacNish s~d Ruth H. Lessard and Frederick D. 01msted~ Jr. and Others Board of Trustees Town of Southold -2- February 15, 1967 A marked map of the properzy in question accompanies these papers. If theme are any further ~equirements~ includ- Lug charges~ ~!ease let us know. enc!s. Very cordially yours, ~.~ iS INDENTURE.MADE IN DUPLICATE THE ~ day ef an State of New Yo~k~ ~by a ma~or~ty of mrs duty ·rmstees, amd in p~rsmance of Chapter615 of the LaWs ef passed in 1893 amd in pursuance of a w~itten r~solm~ion by a majority of the Board ef Trustees~ of said Town. of Southold ia~ a meeting held pursuant to notice dul~ given to~ thereof on the ~ ~ day · ~ party and w~ E.~ GUrr~w and AHED~Y~~ ~IRGINtA GUILER, his wife at Mattituck, Southold Town, Suffolk Century, New York, pa~t of the second part; WITN ESSET H: THAT the party of the first part im consideration o~ sum of One and 00/100 ........................ ($1.00) Doli~ said To~n duly paid before tbs delivery hereof doth hereby bargain., sell and release ~mto the said ps, ties of the s:e~i part, their heirs and assigns forever, ALL that piece or parcel of land situate at Mattituck. Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York bounded smd described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the northwest corner of the premises of the parties of the second part at ordinary high wa~er mark of Mattituck Oreek as of 19~7 adjoining land of Mary W. MacNish and Others o~ the west; running thence aIong said land of MacNish N. 34" 07' ~0" E. - 50 feet, more or less, ~ to ordinary high water mark of Hattituck Greek; ru~ning thence in a southeasterly direction along ordinary high water mark of Hattituck Creek 195 feet, more or less, ~o land of Sidny W. Olmsted e= al; r~ing thence along said land of Olmsted S. 27~ 02' 50~' W. - 35 feet, more er less, to ordinary high water mark of MattitmCk Creek as of 1997; running thence along said ordinary high water mark of Mattituck Creek as of 19~7 northwesterly 200 feet, more or less, to the point or place of beginning. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above mentioned and describ'ed premises With ,the app,~tenancos unto the said pa~ies of~ t~e ~ econd~part, the!r he~s a~d ~sstgns for~vem. ~ WITNESS ~:~OF, t~e said To~ of $outhold, 'Dairy of the first p~t,~ ~s by a'~v~te of a majority of the Board of,T~stees of said To~', caum&d its co~orate seal to b'e here~to a~f~ed, ~nd these presents to be subscribed by a majority of the, said Bo~d of. Trustees, the day ~d year above ~itten. STATE OF NE~ YORK: . ~ : SS COUNTY OF SUFFOLK: C~ thms' ~ ~ day of ; i 196~, before me personall came Alvah B. Goldsmith,~ ~ebrg~ simpson,i~ John F. and ~ouglas Robertson, all personally known to me, who, being by me duly sworn, severally said that they -each r&side in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, and were members of the Board of Trustees of said Town of Southold and constituted majority of the same; that they know the corporate seal of Town of Southold; that the seal affixed to the foregoing instrument was such corporate seal; erder of the Board of Trustees of said Tew~ of Southold, ~igned~-his~ame thereto as a T~us~ee and order. that it was thereunto by and Notary Publi~ Alvah B. Goldsmith, George Simpson~ John F~ McNulty, and Douglas Rober tson, OaNi~ Alvah B. Goi~smith, George SimpsoD, John F~ McNulty and Douglas Robertso~i i' cam~ Alvah B. Goldsmith, George"Simpson, John F. McNulty and Douglas Robertson, THIS AGREEHENT made this i5%h day of 0ctobs~, 1966, between FREDERICK D. OLNSTED, JR., RICHARD E. OLESTED amd ~H ~IR~INtA ~S of ~attituck,~ ~ewa of ~athold~ Commty, ~ew Y~rk, parties of ~he f~r~t ~ar~ ~d A~GU~S ~i~g at Ma~ti~ck ~eresai~, p~ty ef the ~ELLE, pars WITNESSETE: WHEREAS, the parties of the first part are the owners ef the follovring described premises: AL~ that tract or parcel ~f land, with the build- inEs ~ improvements thereon erected, si~aated at ~ttit~k, Town Of Semthold, Gounty ~f S~folk and State 6f New York, bonade~ and ~es~ribed as fellows: BEGGING at ~ point on the no~theasterly~ li~e ef Westphalia Ro~d at the semthe~s~ c~rner of la~ of Wm~ ~ ~R~eve tsta~e~ and ~n~g thence along sai~ !a~ of Wm~B. Reev~ EState~N. ~3~ ~9' 50 810.O~e~t te Ma~ti~mok Grebk, r~ing thence along sai~ ~itaCk ~Ghe~e~ S~ 69~09' ~" E. 250.65 fee~; r~Ritg~.~heRCe~ S~ ~f 'SD? ~0" ~. 589.57 feet ~to s~d~ nerth~D~erl~ li~e~ ~f westphalia R6ad; ~ing ~hence alOmE said northeasterly line of Westp~lia Road N. 70'~ ~5' 20~ W~ 2?Gl0 feet ?o the po~t of beg~g. That s~a premises w~re devised t~ ~he parties ~f the first part ~er :~a~aph~ ~ FI~TH ef the las~~ Will ~d Test~ent of Ruth L~~ W. Sa~ter~v, probated ~ the $~2ogate's Co~t of Saffol~o~ty, New York; ~D ~S, the party ~f the second p~t is the the folt~w~'aesc~ibed~ premises: ~:A~ ~hat p~ce! o~ l~d situate ~ear Mattituck, $Omth6~a Te~ Smffelk Cowry, N~ York, bo~dea de'scribed a's fellows: CO~ING at a mo~em$ set at ~he ~ein$ ~f ~ter- sec~i~?~af~ ~h~ ~easterly l~e of ~estDhalia Eead and tha s~erly l~e ef l~ds now ob ~o~erly of and thence running the following.£o.m.r lands of Pope, ~o wit. N0~th ~o a stake, thence 15~!5 feet t~ a Stake; thence.' r~g East ~5~3S- feet ~ou~ a ~?'~'_~;~'c~-~ '.."~ '~ -',, ..... '~ ,~,-~-,~'~ '.~,.'~ ,, ~ ""~'~- ~.~.,. ~ ..... · .,,-. Qf - ~.~' . ' '~0' ~ ~..r ~; , ~;"~, ~.~ .... ~'~ ... , ,. . . ~ .' ~ , ,-z', ......... . · - ~ ~O~ w~ at~' the ~f~ht~ ~itie an~ inte~'est, if ~a~es~ ef the f'~r~$ ~rt zn ~nd t~ land ~,;~,,the bed of BS~~ ~erg~ess tea er s~' ~ ~i'~ p~mises wore cenveyed ~e the party of the second ~art bY db~.~ ~ Kate S. Reeve an4 Katherine ~ells Reeve d~ted April lO, .~$5~ ~d recorded in S~folk Oo~ty Clerk's Office on April 15~ ~5~ ~ Lib~ 5679, page 295.; AND ~EAa~ the parties hereto desire to fix ~d establish ~he bo~da~ line between the two parcels above mentioned extend- ing ~o ~he prese~.~ high wa~er mark of Mattituck Creek or Bay; NOW, ~E, ~ consideration of the premises and of the s~ of one dollar by each df the parties hereto~ to the other h~nd paid, the receipt of which is hereby ac~owledged the partie~ hereto, for themselves, their heirs) successors and assigns, coven~ ~d agree that the said bo~dary line be and the same hereby is established as a line described as follows: 1. According to the meridian used in the survey of the parties of ~he fi~s~:~ar~ he~ein: BE,GINNING at a~pe~: em the nertheas~erly ti~e ef ~ ~a~:Q~$~a ~eUtheas~] co~ne~ of~ ~l~d g~ ~h~ ~OnE sai~ l~ N. 59~ 31~ wa~ ~rk ef Hatt~ck Greek. ~e za~ ~r~'~e.s ef $~e first p~ hereby remise, release ~, ~$1~ ~.~e=est i~.~d ~e ~y l~a ly~.~o She ~id bo~ line esta~lishe~, ~d the )ar~y ef the {Se~ ~art ~.eby remises, releases and qmits cla~ ~t0 the p~es e~ the fi=S~ part all ~s right~ $itle ~d said be~ar~ line s~ e~tablished. IT ~ ~ILLY G0~TED ~ A~D by an~ between ~he parties ef these Dr~sents ~hat t~is a~eement shall ~ with the land ~d be bin~g Upon ~d en~e te the benefit of the resDec- Sire p~$ies, their heirs, execm$ors, a~inis~raters, successers ~d assi~s. ~ ~T~$ ~EOF, ~he ~arties hereto have bereave set their ~ds ~d seals the ~y and ye~ f~st above ~itten. F~e~erick D. Ol~s~ed, Jr. Richar~ E~ O~s~e~ R~h Virg~i~ Haas' ~ A~s ~. Gar*lie S~T~ O~ NA~ ~ORK: GOUNTY OF SUFFOLk: that they execmted,~Same. STATE OF NE~YORE: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK: On the ~o came AUGUSTUS ~. : SS day of ~xJ~-O ~ before me personally GARRLLE to me k4aown to be the individual described in and who acknowledged that he executed the executed the foregoing instrumemt , same. and TEISA~_~.F~ENT made this. 2~rd ~aye£ Julys!966, be~wee~ SIDNY~ O~TE~ SID~. G~$~ ~. ~d HOB~T G~TED of Hatt~mcK, ~ oF ~o~theld~ Smf~olkGe~y, New York~ parties e~ t~e firs~ ~a~ ~d ~ E. GN~ ~d ~ V~G~NIA ~the secen~ ~art; ~ITNESSETH: ~S, the pa~ties of the first part ~e She o~ers o~ the following described premises: A~that tract er p~cel of land with the 5mild- ews a~ ~provemenSs thereon erected, sit,ate Hatti~k, Te~ of $outheld., Co~ty of Suffolk and State ~f New York, be~ded ~d described as follows: BEG~G~.at a~o~t on ~he northeasterly line o~ We~p~l~a~Road~ 810~ fee~ sou~as~erly alon~ sai~ l~e from l~d ef~Wm. B~ Reeve Es~ate~. and r~n~g thence N. 2~02~ 50~ E~ 509-~59 fee~ to ~ttituck Creek$~n~g themce a[ong~aid Hat$ituck Creek first Southeasterly ~d~t~en ~souSherly'to saidnor~h- easterly. I[ns)o~ Wes~p~l~oad; r~n~g.thence along s~id homtheaste=l~line ofNestphaiia R0~ N 70~ 00' O0E;~2~O~ffe~t, mere O~ less to the . point ~f be~n~g. That said pm~mises were devised ~o the par~ies of the first~ ~art ~der pa~a~a~h. SECOND~of the last Will ~d Tes~ent of RuSh L. W, S~tter~y, pro~ated'~ ~he Surrogate's Co~t of Suffolk Ce~ty, N~W York;. ~D ~S~he parties of the second'part ~e the o~ers of ~he folle~g described premises: A~ha~'~ertain plot, piece or p~cel of l~, with th~ bui~dings'~d ~provements thereon erected~ situate, lying ~d being at MattitUck~~ inthe of ~outhe~o~$y of Suffolk ~d State of New York~ bo~ed and~escribed as follows: ~ BEGI~G~at a~point en the northerly side Westpha~&aR~m~which p~t marks the southwesterly cer~er ~f t~ds~of Si~ey Olmstem~an~ is situated ~FO;~fee~ mo~.:~or less from't~ ~sterly lmn~ of Matt[tuok Greek; and~.fr~m-sai~ ppint ~f beginnings? - run~E~,then~e;~along the northerly l~e of Westphalia Road North 70° 00' O0~ West 270 feet tc lands of Har~Hc~ish~ r~ing the~¢.e~ alone s~i~ la~d~ ef the :.~ghw~r' m~k ~e~ the ~S~erty ~ ~ef C~$ek; ~S ~hem.c~ al~mg~.~he~highwater mark ef sa~d Westerly ~ ef Ha~$itm~k Creek em a ~ie li~e S~th ~ 56'. ~'~ ~ast 1~9.70~~ fee~ ~e l~ ~f Si.~ey. 9'OG~ WiSh all righ~.~ title ~d i~.eres$ ef ~ke ,,a. % o.. ~ ...... ~st ~t ~d the .e~e~s of a~ .........~ ........... .,, , ..... mmses. ~ ~y, ~ and ~o. the ~Tha~ sa~p~ses were cemveyed to. She ~r~.ies of the second p~t ~ dee~ ef Isidore Scheimbe~g, as, Eefe~ae, daSed J~uaryr!2~ 19~2 ~d recerde~ ~ Suffolk, Co~$y ~lerk's Office en J~y ~ t962 ~ ~i~er 5115, page 288. ~D~ ~AS, the pa~ties hereto desire to fix ~d establish the bo~ary l~e betweem the two parcels above mentioned ex~end* ing te the presser high water ~k of Ha~tiSmck Greek or N~, T~O~ ~ ~onsidera~io~ ef tbs premises ~d of the s~ of ome dollar by each of the p~ties ~s$o, Se the other h~d pai~, the reCeiDt of which is hereby a~ewledged the p~ties hereto, for Shemseives~ their heirs~ successors assigns, cevemant ~d agree that the saia 5~aary l~e be the s~e hereby is established as a l~e deacri~ed as follows: BEGI~G at a point on the mortheasterly line of Westphalia Read 810.0 feet ~o~theas.terly along saia line f~om l~d 'fo~erly of Wm. B. Reeve Estate now of Am~stus C. G~elle ~d ~70 feet, mere or less, from ~he westerly l~e o~ H~tti~ck Creek; ~ing Shence N. 27° 02' ~n ~$o water mark of Mattituck Greek. 54~;0 ft.,more or less~ The said parties of the first part he,By remise, release ~d qmit cla~ ~to the said parties of the: ~ecomd part all the~ right, title and interest in ~d $o ~y land ly~g to the neath or northwest of said boundary line so established, the par~ies of the secon~ pa~ hereby remis.e, release a~d ~t claim ~te the parties of the f~st part all ~heir right, title and ~te~sst ~ ~d to ~y land lying to the south ~d so~the~st of said ~damy %D~e so establishe~. parties $o Shese present~ ~$~t t~s agreement shall r~ wi~h the land ~d ~be binding upon~d ~enure to the benefit of the respectiv~ p~ies, thei~ h~irs~ executors, aSm~uistra$~s successors and assigns~. IN ~ESS ~gE~, ~the p~ties hersto ~ve here~u~o set the~ h~ds ~d seals t~e day and firs~ kbove Sidny W. A~elia Virginia STATE OF ~-EW YORK: : SS CO~NTI OF SUFFOLK: On the ~day o~ ~ I 1966, before me GUILER and .AMEL~i~GINIAto me known to be the individuals described in and who executed the foregoing instrument~ and abknowledge~ that they executed same. Notary Public cribed iu and ~ho executed the foregoing iastr~me~t~ and acknow- ledged that he execm%e~ same. No, 24-527'f~00 .O. uaL ,n ,k,n~ Z T~I$ AGREE~IENT made this 25rd day of July 1966, between Fn%RY W. MacNISN a~d RUTH H. LESSARD ~f ~attituck, Town of Somth~ld~ ~f~etk ~&u~y, New .T~k, Pa~ties. ef~ ~he'first p~t ~ITNEBSE~E: ~S, She p~ties of the fi~t pmrt are the e~ers of She fei!owing d~scri~ed presses: ~ t~t ~rac$ or parcel of land, with the build- ~gs ahd ~pM~emen~s thereon erected~ situated at Ma~.i~ck~ T~ ~.:6f Solenoid, Co~ty 9~ $~folk and State 6f NeW Y0~k~ be~ded~d descrzbed as follows: N~G em the northeasterly line of somtheasterly along sai~ Reeve Estate, ~. 33' 5~" E. 589.57 feet r~ning themce along said 16' 20~ E. 19~.81 feet; 07.' ~~ ~. 555.11 feet to 0f~west~halia Road; ~ northeasterly l~e ef as follOWs. (1) N. 70° fee~, and f2) N. 70 pein~ ef T~$ said pre. sos were devised to the p~ties ef the first par~der pa~graph FOrE of the last Will and Test~ent of Rmth L. W. Satterly, probated ~ the SmrreEate's Co~t of S~folk Ce~ty~ New York; ~ '~S~ the parties of the second par~ ~e the o~ers of the foliow~g ~escribed premises: iLL that tract or parcel of l~d, with the build- ~gs ~ improvements Shereon erectsd~ situated at ~ttitmck, To~ 0f Southold~ Cowry of Suffolk ~d State' of New York, be~ded ~d described ~s follows: BEGINNING at a point on the northeasterly line of Westphalia~Road at the southeast corner of land of Wm. B~ Reeve Estate, and running thence along said land~ of Wm. B. Reeve Estate N. ~3~ ~9' 50~ Eo 6!0~Oi~ele~ to~H~t.i~¢k C~eek, ~ t~e~ce along sai~Hat~t~tuck 'C~ee~.~ 69~ 09~? ~0~ E. 2~O 65~ f~et. ne~th~ag~r~ ~in~' e$ ~eS~ha~ia Rea&~;~ ~m~ ~he~ce alen8 'sa~i~ h~r~ke~s.terly L~e ~of wes~ati~ ~d N. 7~? 35~'~ 20'~ ~ 270.0 fee~ ~o'~the p~i~ &~ Tha~ sai&~premises were devised to ~he parties of the second part mm~er paragraph FIFTH of the ~s.t Will and Testa- merit of Ruth L. W. Satterly; ~ND~WHEREAS, the parties the boundary line between the ing to. the present high water hereto desire ~o fix a~d establish two parcels above mentioned exten~ mark of Mattituck Creek or Bay; NOW~ THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and of the sum of once dollar by each of the parties hereto, to the other in hand pai~, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged the parties ~ereto, for themselves~ their heirs, successors and assiEns~ covemant and agree that the said ~oundary line be and the same hereby is established as a line described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the northeasterly line of ~estphalia Road 270.0 feet southeasterly alon~ said line from land formerly of Wm. B. Reeve Estate now~of AugastuS C. Garelle; and running thence alon~ saidm land N. ~0° 53' 50~ E. to high water mark oF Hattituck Creek. The said parties of the first part hereby remise, release and quit claim unto the said parties of the second part all their right~ title and interest in and to any land lying to the north and northwest of the said boundary lin6 so established~ and the parties of the second part hereby remise, release and q~it claim unto the parties of the first part all their right, title and interest in and ~o any land lying to the south and southeast of said boundary line so established. ~ IS ET~A~Y ~COVEN~NTE~,.AR~ AGREED b2~ ~d ~e$~ee~ parties ~e ~hese p~esemSs ~ha$ ~his a~eememt shall ~ wi~h l~d ~ ~e bi~di~g up~ ~ e~are ~ the ~e~efit of ~he respective pa~ties,, ~eir heirs, execm~e~, a~is~ra$ors smceesso~s ~ ~ ~S ~, the ~arties he=ere have here~te set their ~s ~ scala ~e ~ay ~ year~ f~st abeve Mary W. ~cNish Rutk H. Lessard Olmsted, Richard E. Olmsted Ruth Virgini~ Haas STATE OF NEW YORK: : SS C0~NTY OF SUFFOLK: On the Jf~dday of ~/? came NARY 1966 HacNISH, RUTH E. LEBSARD, before me personally FREDERIOK D. OLMSTED, JR RICHARD E. OLESTED and RUTH VIRGiNIA NAAS, to me knewn to be the individuals described i~ and who executed the foregoing imstr~ment~ amd acknewledged that t~ey execmted same. NOTJ.~ ~ PUBL~C- Si'~TE OF ~W THIS AGREEFIENT~ made this 25rdday of July 1966~ between the following describe~prem'ises: that tract or parcel ef land~ with the build- a~d,fmProyement~ there~n erected,.situated a~ Ha~ituck, ~ew~,o~ Semibold, CemmtY of Suffolk and state, of Ne~ York, b~Umde~nd described as fellows: Ha~i~mck sai~ 1 ~o~he BEGINNInGs:at a )alas on the nomtheasterly line f~et southeas~erl~ along land of Wm. B. R~eve Estate, and ~e N, ~O~ ~3' ~0"' E. 589.57 fe~t to runn%~g thence sal~ng said ~ E.:198.81 feet; 07' ~0.~ ~, 555.1t feet to ~tine of~We~tpha2i~ Road; r~uni~g northeas~rTY li~e Off Wes~halia N. 70° 3~' ~0'f W'. 77.25 feet Df beginning. ,That -s~id p~mises were devised to the parties of the Pa~ ~ ~ag~aph ~O~TE:,~f the las~m ~ili ~d Test~ent R~th L[ ~W... ~at~e~y, ,probated ~ the S~rr~gate s Court of Suffolk Gd~, New York; ANB ~$, the parties ef ~he of the ffellowmng described premises: first second part are the owners ALL that certain pier, piece or parcel of land, with She b~iidings and improvements thereon erected, sitmate~ lying and being at Hattituck~ in the Town of SoUtkold~ County of ~Suffelk and State of New York~ bounded an~ described as follows: BEG.I~ING a~ a point on the northerly ~de ef ~es~tphali~a Road w~ich ~o~t~ m~ks the S~u~wesSerly Co~r ef l~s ~f Bi~ey~ 0~s~a~ ~ ~is Si~ma~e~ 270 ~eet more er less f~em ~he HaSti~ck ~reek; and Road Ne~h 70~ of ~ ~,~ ~r~ses~ ~ conveyed ~o ~e D~ies of the secon~ ~ ~y ~ee~ ~f I~i~o~e Eaheinbarg, as R~feree, ~ted J~uary l~:, 19G2 ~ recerSed ~ Emffolk ~e~ G~erk's Office on Ja~m~ ~Q~ 1~2 in ~ibe= 5115, paso 2G8. ~ ~WE~S, ~he p~ties hereto desire $o fix ~d establish the b~d~ l~e be~e~em the two parcels above mentione5 e~end- lng t~ ~ p~esent high'~aSer m~k af Mat$it~ck Creek or Bay; E~',,.~'~FO~, in consideration oZ the Dremises and of the s~ ef e~e?~e~l~ ~y each ~ the patsies her~e, te She other ~ hand Dai~ t~e ~c~iDt ef ~ich is hereby ac~owledged the Darties he~e~o, fe~ Skemselves, the~ heirs, s~ccessers ~d assi~s, ~oven~t ~d agree Shat ~he sai~ ~dary l~e be ~d She same hereby is esSa~lished as a line d~scribed as follows: ~G~ING at ~ Do~t an the northeasterly l~e of Westphalia Road 5~ feet southeasterly along sai5 l~e from lam5 formerly of Wm. B. Reeve Estate now ef A~stus G. Gar~lle; and r~n~g thence N. 3~° 07~ ~ 'E./to ~ water mark of Hmttituck Creek. ~05 feet, more or less, The said Darties of th~ first p~t hereby remise, release ~d quit cla~ ~o ~he said patsies of the second ~art all th~i~ right, ~i~le amd iuterest in am~ te a~y: la~d lying ~o tke~ south and southeast ef sai~ parties ef the second ~t~ the Darties of ~he first ~art aZ1 She~ ~iEht~ title ~d ~eres% ~ ~ te a~y l~d ~i~g to the ~O~h ~ mer~hwest ef said ~e~&~ line s, es~lishe~. ID Z~ ~N~T~ G~TED ~ AG~ED by ~d ~e~ween the Darties t~ ~hese Dre~en~ t~m~ this agreemem$ shall ~ with the l~d ~ be bim~m~ ~om ~d en~e ~o the be~efi$ of the ~esDective D~ties successors ~d assigns. IN ~TN~S ~OF~ the D~ties ~eret~ ~ve-here~te set their h~ds ~ seals the day and year first above written. Mary W./HacNish Ruth H. Lessa~ Karl E. Gailer STATE OF NE~ YORK: :SS GOL~NTY OF SUFFOLK: On the Y~.. day of ~/--~ ~/~ came ~R¥ W. HacNISH, RNTH H. 196~, before me Dersonally LESSARD, KARL E. GUl~x~R amd A~ELIA VIRGINIA GgIZ~R to me known to be the individuals described and wh~ executed the foregoing they executed same. instrument, and acknowledged that Notary Public