HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-1576 ALL blf~P~I S AND STAYa~S b~UST DISPLAY VISIBLE ~-~O0~m~G NUi4BERS -'-'- ALL DOCKS AND BuLK~EAUS ~UST D/SPLAY VISIBLE PEI~2,~T i~JbLB~RS Board Of Southold Town Trustees SOUTHOLD, NEW' YORK ~,ow~ons o~ C,,a~r &tS ct ,h~ La~s o~ Sfafe ' ~ ...... or New Yor~ t9=2;, an~ The SouTno~o Town Ordlmance EG L~,ffqG AND THE PLACING OF OBSTRUCTIONS IN AND ON TOVVN WATER'S AND P~BLIC LANDS end +he REMOVAL OF SAND, ~ b m~== ~ * = ' LANDS UNDER TOWN WATE~Si~: ~d ;b a,ccordance Reso]uz on ct ne Boar~ amoptea a+ a rose+ina he[a on _~;-~.~...~.~ 19...~.~_.., aha m consideraTiOn O{ ,he sum o~ $ b.OQ paldrby Terms end O~a~T~ons ils,ed om {he reverse s~de hereO~, of Souf~]g Town Trusfees aufho~zes ~o 4x 5Q dock, to a ~eD of 6. With the )rovisi vn.ree . down. ~.be three fee~ away ah :n acco~oanca w~%h ~,,e ce%a~led spec~I~ca}~on~ as p~esen~ed ~he o~gmarmg a~p 1N WITNESS 5VHEREOFF The. said Board o{ Trusfees h.ere- by causes ifs Oorporafe Sea * ' .~ oe afz~xe~, an~ +h~e pres~nis be subscrmed by a malomy of fhe sa~= oara as of fhis Board Of $outhold Town Trustees SOUTHOLD. NEW YORK MOOP. ING NO. N/A PERMIT NO .......... .~- DATE: ...... ISSUED TO .................. ~cgber:t;_...]Z,....~%..C-q~., Jr..... ce-=_~y that the work aa authorized mn t,~_s permit has been ~omsle ed ann is now ready for ycur inspec- tion. Also, the nu~mber required on this project is ctear!v visible. I further understand, this permit zs not valid until this tear sheet re=urnem to the Trustees. L TERMS end CONDITIONS The Perr~ lgobert, ~, tgfede~, ~Tr. residing a: 1520 Minnehaha Blvd, Southold. N. lowing: 1. That the Southoid Trustees Permit must be prominently disDlayed~ ~ , on. the ~remises. effected therebv~ durinq ~he period of 2- *ha: me ~d B~d oz T~s ~d ~e Town of ~u~otd ~ damages, or da~ for dung=, of-~ ~g ~y o~ ~r~y adon ~rfo~ed pm~t to ~s ~ ~d ~e ~d Pe~ w~ at defend any ~d ~ su~ ~= ~t~ by ~d pa~ and ~e ~d ~=~ w~ respect mereto, to ~e ~mpl~e ~ci~xon of ~e ~d of Tr~ of 3. Tha~ Pe~ ~ v~d for a ~ of O~T~ ~AR wM~ s~E~cKa~ ~e r~red ro comp!ere [he work ~volv~ but should dre~c~ for ~ e~e~ion may be ~de to ~e B~d ar a later dam 4. ~aat ~s Peter shoed be remNM ~dei~tety, or as long ro maintain the s~e or pmje~ invotv~, ro pro*ide e~dmce to ~yone ~ncer~ orNadon w~ ori~ikv ob~ned. 5. ~a* ~e ~rk ~volved w~I be mb]~ to ~he ~sp~on ~d approv~ in agents, and no=-compEmqce ~th the prov~io~ of ~e ori~g rev~a~on ol thN Pe~it by re~olu~on of ~e said 6. ~at there wffI be no ~rmsonabte interi~ence wi~ na~n ~ a re~t of '~e w~ herein 7. That ~ere shall ~ =o Nrefferenc= ~5~ tke ~f~ of ~e ~bEc to ~s ~ z%n~ ~ong ~e b~ch be~'een mah ~d low water 8.. That "~ ' in the lo~don o~ ~e work her~ zu~o~ or g, ~ ~e opi~ o~ work sh~ u~e~o~ble obs~mon ~ree ~e ~d u~n due notice, ~o remove or ~ter ~is work or p~]ecr h~ein ~ed ~out 9. ~a~ ~e s~d Bo~d wUl ~ nonn~ by the Pe~ oz ~e cmpl~oa of ~e work ~- o~e& (See tear off sheet. ) t0. ~at the Pezmir~e will obr~a all o~er p~m and ~menm ptemental to ~is pe~dt w~d~ ~y ~ mbj~ to revoke upon f~ TELEPHON~ (516) 765-1892 BOARD OF TO~7~N TR[$TEE$ TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall, $3095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold. New York 11971 May 22, 198g Mr. ~hilip J. Cardinale Attorney a~ Law P. O. Drawer W Jamesporm, New York 11947 Re: Permit No. 1576 Dear Mr. Cardinale: Please be advised that your presen~ permit No. 1576 has expired on January 12, 1984. Your reques~ for an ex~en~ion, on this permit, should have been made before that date. There£ore, it will be necessary for you ~o apply for a aew permit. I have attached applications £or your convenience. :.. Please remit, along with a $5.00 filing fee for each application. Also enclosed is your Wetland Application, ~o be returned ~o the Town Clerk's office, along with a $50.00 filing fee. Thank you for your inquire. Vo y truly yours, ~ry% f'Smit h, President Board of Town Trustees HPS:ip Attachments cc: Town Clerk ephone conversation with your office please consider this formal request for the extention of the attached authorization from the present expiration date to June 30, 1985.' ._ I ha~e resently purchaSer"the premises from Mrl and Mrs. Rider, 'and for personal reasons, will be unable to ~complete all the permitted work until the requested date. you for ~eration. ~'!~:'!i Sincerely P~ILIP J. CARDINALE PJC/cmg enc. Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 1197t JUDITH ;f. TERRY TELEPHONE (516) 765-1801 REGISTR~.K OI~ VI~ SSCXTI~[CS OFFICE OF T~ TO~ C~RK TO~ OF SOUTHOLD May 21, 198g Honorable Henry P. Smith, President Board of Southold Town Trustees Southold, New York 1,1971 Dear Henry: Transmitted herewith is a letter from Philip J. Cardinale, dated May. 9,: :1984;: which was recei.v~d in this office today. Mr..Cardinale~is*asking for an extension of the Robert V. Rider, Jr. Wetland Permit No. 101 to June 30, 1985, Please advise what action the Trustees is taking on a similar permit you issued to Mr. Rider. Very truly yours, Judith T. Terry Southold Town Clerk Attachments (2) cc: Mr. Cardinale ,.,-C,~ :.":D TOWN OF SOUTHOLD TOWN CL'ERK~iOiF]:ICE '~ ¢J ~ [~(~4- SOUTHOLD O~K WET~NDS PERMIT This Wetlands, permit Ne. ,..1..~,1...~..~..,. has~ be¢,n granted by the Southold Town Board accgrding' to · ' ..... '~- . · : ~ · , Rober informataon furmsbe(~ rt, Appl cat on No... ~..5. ........ filed by Apphcant .............. ..'q .......... ~,,.,.~- ,- ..-, ....................................... ; on .~.~..b?....r.;..2..1. ...... 19.~.3. ..... A map of the'proposed~:., .w°rk will ~be kept on [i~e in th~ To';~,'n C'.~rk s'Offlce under the app!ication number g;-ven; ............. Construct c~twalk ~nd do¢,~.' ....,,, ~ .... Permit granma ~o ac me rouowlng work ................. ; .............. 2,.;.~,,;,..~.,.~,,;..~,~.~-, .,-=~ ,~-, ~ ...... ~ West, of .g~nneh~h!a Bo~lle~,rd;~ . .. Location of property on which work to be d .............. ~ ...................... ~,~- ........ ~,,~.o~..,.,.-,.,~ .~ ........ south of Wigwam Way, Southold, New York Creek, Bay or Harbor fronting property Corey Creek - west branch Size of work: ~n~th Catwalk- 50 ft. Dock - 12 ft.. ....... Width...Catwalk .-.4 ft. Dock .- 6 ft. .. . ................ . Height Above High Water 30 ft. . ............ Depth Below Low Water ...... .-:.7.7. .......................................................... Yards to be Fxi:avated ............. 7.7.7. .............................................................. Yards to be Filled ......................................................................................................... Man.ncr'in which matedel is to be removed or deposited ....=..~= .............................................................. Private - Residential Intended use of property ............. Conditions if any ~G];N~G~P~[~]~[T~]~H~]~~~Q~¥~ES · Expiration Date ......... .~a.v.~.iD.,..19I~,.g...,TLF.....~..QJ~[~..~A~. . ....'~,QT.,....~,O.'I~.~,Q.. · .................... Number of Inspections Required ....... g .................................................................................................... $5.00 - TOWN CLERK TO BE'NOTIFIED WItEN PROJECT IS COMPLETED. Inspection Fees.. · · ... ................................................................ ..... ... .... .. Liability Policies in the Amount of ......................... The va~idity of this permit is or may be subject to the approval of other ~overnmental or municipal authorities. The Town accepts no responsibility in applying for or obtaining such approval. Inthe event that such approval is necessary, the holder of this permit shall not commence operations here- under until such approval has been obtained in writing. Tl~e failure to obtain such other approval when required shall subject this permit to immediate revocation by the Town Clerk upon receipt by the Town Clerk of written notice from such other governmental or municipal authorities of its refusal or disapproval. ~.....' ."j.' :..' :....!? '~: :. ~ "' ' "!'...J': "i2 2':i':' :.... Town Hall, 53095 Main Road ...... "' ' P.O. Box 728~ ':" · ...... "~ ::.' Southold, NewYork 11971 TUDITH T. TERRY ""~'" ""' '"'" TELEPHONE TOWN CLERK (516) 765-1801 REGISTRAR O][: VITAL STATISTICS OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTItOLD May 21, 498~ Honoi~able Henry P, Smith, President Board of Southold Town Trustees Southold, New York .1,1971 Dear Henry: Transmitted herewith is a letter from Philip J. Cardinale, dated M~¥::~,.Cl'98~,~:~which was received in this office today. Mr. Cardinale is asking for an extension of the Robert V. Rider, Jr. Wetland Permit No. 101 to June 30, 1985, Please advise what action.the Trustees is taking on a similar permit you issued to Mr. Rider. Very truly yours, Judith T. Terry Southold Town Clerk Attachments (2) cc: Mr. Cardinale todayi please conslder' this formal request for the extention the.attached permit from the present expiration date to 30, :~ !i~, ':':',: : t~Work until the:', requested date your PHILIP J. CARDINALE ,'.': RECEIVED May 9, 1984 ~Mrs~ J~di~h Terry To~ of SOuthold 'To~ Clerk's Office ~Main Road ~ Southold, ~ ~ 11971 Re: Wetlands Pemit ~101 (copy attached) Dear Mrs. Terry Persuant ~o m~ telephone conversation with your office today, please conszder thzs fomal request for the extention of the attached.pe~it from the present expiration date to June 30, 1985. I h~ve recently p~rchased the premises fr~ Mr. ~nd Mrs. Rider, and f?r personal reqsons, will be unable, to complete all the pe~ztted' work untzl the requested date. Thank you for your Cooperation -' : ::~'~ Sincerely PHILIP J. C~IN~E ' PJC/cmg The applicant does by the acceptance of this permit, assume all responsibility for operations under- taken pursuant to th s permit, and shall take a!! '~recautiops for the prevention of injuries to persons and property resulting from such operatiohs; By such acceptance,'the applicant also agrees to indemni- fy and save harmless the'Town, and"its officers, agents and employees from any and all claims arising - from operations under this permit and any and ali acts or omissions of applicant, his agent and employees. · ~ The applicant and the owner and occupants of the premises upon which the operations authorized by this permit,are..being conducted, do, by. the accpptance of this permit, g ve consent,~O the Town, and its officers and. employee~ to enter~ upon th~',pr~mises ,Where ~s,uch'bperat[ons ate b~g conduced to' m~ke~§uc~'~n~Pections, asa;the TO~[~ may~,dee~,~,e~sa~y tp.'insure that~ucb ~pe.r,~!~s ,are ~,ein~ con- Eu~bt~e[1 ~n~bo~formi't~.W~ th~s ~e'rmit, ' ....... ' ' Th. s~o.p,.ratlon ~vdl not sub.,tant.all~,. A,Adverso]y a[[ect tho wetlands of tho town. Cause damage from erosib~, turbidity or siltation, Cause saltwat..':r in~rHsion inlo the fr.::~;h water resources of the town. ArJversol¥ affec[ Cia;b,, ~hell [[H~ 'or other b~nefi'cial marine organisms, aquatic wildlife and vege- tation or the ~atural h~hilat theronf. E~.. Increase the (lan~jer o[ floe¢lend storm-tidedamage. F. /~lvers~:ly af;ect navi!~eLion on tidal waters or the tidal flow of the tidal waters of the town. G. Chart!i= the co',,rs~o~ an,/,cha~mcl or the natural movement or flow of any waters. H; Woak(m or underlT.~i~,,.:;, th.,: lafcral SUl:port of other lands in the vicinity. I; (Jil.mrwi~e adversely af;~t tho health, ~afety and general welfare of the people of the town. Town Clerk, Town of Southerly SEAL ...... Date ........ . .~..~. ,y... ~..0..~...~ .9...8..3. ....................................