HomeMy WebLinkAboutRICHMOND CREEKF~ANK A. KUJAWSKI, JR., Resident ALBERT ] KRUPSKI, JR..Vic~eside~ JOHN M, BREDEMEYER, III JOHN L, BEDNOSKI, JR. HENRY P.S~TB BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 September 13, 1988 TELEPHONE f516) 765-1892 REGISTERED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Commissioner Thomas C. Jorling New York State D.E.C. 50 Wolf Road Albany, New York 12233 Re: Richmond Creek, Southold C.E.A. Designation Dear Commissioner Jorling: Pursuant to Section 617.4 (J) (1-4) of the New York State Environmental Quality Review, the Southold Town Board of Trustees, as Lead Agency, have designated the attached Tidal Wetland and underwater land, within our jurisdiction, as a Critical Environmental Area. This land is wholly within the Town of Southold and is unanimously designated for Critical Area Designation by the Board. This designation, in part or whole, is further supported as Significant Coastal Fish and Wildlife Habitat's in Southol~. Please refer to the attached documentation for a detailed description regarding the location of same. Very truly yours, FAK:ip Attachments cc: Louise Harrison, S.C.D.H.S. Steve Costa New York State Dept. of State U. S. Army Corps of Engineers Frank A. Kujawski, Jr., Pres. Board of Town Trustees (Registered Mail) To~ Board, PlaD//ing Board, Board of Appeals, Bldg. Conservation Advisory Council Harold Berger, D.E.C., Stony Brook Vilma Louise Marston, Pres., Water, Land, Wildti~e Protection Group Dept., April i, 1988 and Supervisor Francis J. Murphy Members of Southhotd Town Board Town Hall, Main Street Southhold, New York 11971 Honorable Members of tbs Southhotd To~n Board - Greetings! Richmond Creek Associates Proposal for housing project in Peconic bordering, on Richmond Creek There is a wealthof correspondence regardin~ the above'mentioned organization in the Planning Board Office. We are opposed to this project and the pending water permit. There have been many illegalities in connection with this proposed project. Enforcement of environmental concerns in the future cannot be monitored because of lack of enforcement agents. We understand that a permit may be issued mo that this project may be able to obtain water from a well. If the permit is obtained, this will still leave the residents of Indian Neck Lane subject to further contamination and pollution of their aquifer from the run-off and sewage from this project. The Suffolk Water Report has stated that Indian Neck area and HDg Neck area cannot be connected to any water supply and mush rely on their own wells. We have submitted the attached proposal to the State and have received favorable answers from Stony Brook, among others, I~ it possible for the town to purchase land closely surrounding Richmond Creek, one of the last creeks that is still unpolluted? Hoping to hear from you soon, cc: Very truly yours, V~lms ~en±ae Marston President ?lannin~ Board Board ef ~rnstees Franklin Bear, Wa~er Committee ~9S6 (E?~;IRON~;'~ENTAL OUALZTY BOI~D ACT - TITLE, 7 - LAND ACQUISITIO'~,i PROPOSe5: To evaluate and obtain surroundin2 No~.~_~p~ke~q~$~_~O~% _.. Northwest ends of land ~J~d portions of surrounding land located at Richmond Creek, Peconic, Long Island for p~eservation purposes ' Submitted by Vilma Louise Marston, President Water, Land, Wildlife[Protection. Group POD 159 Peconic,L.I., N.Y. 11958 He: Richmon~ Creek and surrounding Land, Peconic, LoI., N.Y. 11958 aoprove~l shellfish creek and oae o~' the last remazfllng unpo±±u~ed East End. To propose that Righmond Creel< and its surrounding tidal wetlands an~'[~la~ .be preserve~ as an ecologically signifi~aht~r~- frM~i~e:an~ 'sehsitive- Proposal: '~:~e~a~u~e m~d obtain ~r~ounding North, North ~t, a~d Eor~hwes~ e~ a~,po~zon oT,R~chmond Creek ~ su~ua~zn~ ~lan~ z or The objective of Title 7 will be realized by mak&ng the above land acquisition p~t of the State Project. This sensitive ~d fragile area has ch~acteristics which fulfills several ~iteria. As a result of the ac~isition and preserva~ion~nhancement and improvement of enviromentally.~ 'sensitive lands will result as follows: 1. Scenic beauty (mixture of marshland, pines, tidal wetlands, beautiful configuration of land sur~unding the creek, interesting patterns of tidal wetlands an~ other vsgetatio~ 2. Unique character, special nat~al beauty Tidal wetlands, marshes, buffer area B. Wildlife habitat 8. Restoring and preserving presenv acquifer for local wells in the immediate neighbo~ood (Wells Road and Indian Neck L~e) 7. Preservation of the traditional migrating route and habitat--fee~ing and breeding gro~ds for massy t~es of water birgs~ducks, geese, herons, lesser terns--and ~oP~ birds plus resident birds 8. Maintain the protective ~es for wintering birds Richmond Creek ~ certified~apFroved for shellfish for fishermen Offer protection for endangered species the tern--common, least, and roseate at the South end of the cresk. Also, the piping plover ~as been seen making Page 1 V.~tarston-Water~ Laad~ Wildlife Protection Gr~ ~?~l~Land~Acquisi~on (~6~'t) t0. Contributes to the~public enjoyment and appreciation of scenic and recreational resources. ll. Local Eroundwater protection Scenic Beau~' The proposed land acquisition project would continue to enhance the p~lic en~joyment as to the viewi~Eof eY~eDtiou82 scenic beauty. Presently, there is a Publ~ accmss for rowboats and c~uoes, cia.minE, collectin~ mussels, fishing$~thua,D~li~ ~n~oyment will be preserved. Proposals to increase private co~¥1os will contribute to the ~ollution znd contamination of the creek wa~er~ existing wells, and suDroun~ir~ wetlar~ds. ?~ussels and clams and ~ther fish will be affected negaEively as presently is th~ oase on other ~as$~ .creeks. yulnerability At the present time, Richmond Creek Farms Associates have proposed a condo project (cluster concept of approx. 42 houses 11 houses on creek) approx ~e~e6; (N.E.%. On the N/W part of the creek, ~oorin~ Construction has divided portions of land 1~ ~creas in the area of the min~ pines. At the ~/W end of the creek and ~xtreme M/E there are major subdivision of property for sale and some aeresj~e already purchased for buildinE. ~P is attached. Together, the Richmond Creek Farms and other proposed development will result in over 150 buildinE units. IN/E of creek) Wildlife Habitat and Protection The ]~!orthern partof ~he Creek--N/E, N.W., and M. has a natural wilderness with two houses. This area is still undeveloped as is certain parts or,the ~outhern end. Countless miEra~in~ birds, geese, ducks and resident birds rest, feed, and breed. There is protection all year round as mhey seek ref~Ee--warblers, thrushes, owls, loons, ~eese. There a~e b~:~eheads, mallards, swans, blue herons and many o~her species wino s~e~ protectimn in the marshes, fauna, ~d vegetation of the creek. Pase 2 V. ~arston-Mater~Land Wildlife Protectior Group Proposal Land Acquisition (Con' t. ) Tidal Wetlaqds . These lands act as a protective buffer for wildlife. Birds feed and breed undisturbed as now ~ere is very limited boatir~. They p~ovid~ m~n with a viewi~ as they soar over the creek looking For fish, qlams~ a~d other types of food. In addition, in certain areas of. the adjacent wetlands there aI~ spots for undisturbed cls?in.% for both fisherme~ anJ th~ public. Vulnerability The North Shore of~ Eastern Lon~ Island is experiencing a land speculators explosion and the s~rrounding zrea of Ric~nond Creek is o~e s~ch area-. This land is in the hands o£ out- of to~n speculators who no~ onl~ ha~ subz~itted proposals for dense housing but~ are buying land For speculation. One such speoulato~ hss already illegally bulldozed the land practical~ in thetidal wetlands. Public Access This project could increase another public access by providing foot trails where · in the Future Richmond Creek Farms Associates propose to build. The foottrail could lead to Wells Ro~d. The public then could view the unique character of the creek at the northern end as an exmmple of special natural beauty--one of its kind in the re,ion and possibly in the Northeast. It combines tidal wetlands, trees, fauna, vegetative covering, (mini pin~ barrsus) StlrroundinE farmland and fields and is a waterway to the greater bay for £ishermen and the public. The public could v~ew migratin~ birds and see the many wa~er birds feeding, preening, swimmzng, and divinE. The Mortk~]d of the ~ creek has a primitive wilderness with two houses. It is still undeveloped. Vulnerability Proposed building on the undeveloped land, regardless of whether or no~ it o~lforms with the antiquated building coda ~d zonihg~ of the town %ill result in increased pollution and c0ntsm]ina'uion of the aoquifer and creek water which will e~entuatly affect the wiidlife, clamin~ and fishing and the public right to their e~%joyment. Traditional Migrating Route WiDter~n~ Habit During the sprin~ and autum~countless birds !nay be viewed miEratin~ and flying down to feed and rest for their long journey South or North. They escape to the Nort~ end, the M/W, and N/E ~d~of the c~ek where they are relatively undisturbed. Durin~ the sold winter all types of water birds may be viewed '"eating and feedin~ at the undeveloped part of the creek. Pa~ 3 VJ~r~t0n ~at~r, Land,Wildlif~ Pr0t~etio~ Proposal--Land Acquisition (Con .Vulnerability Proposed development will i~rease m~made wastes snd chemicals.which will disturb the wintering habitat. Furthermore. domestic ~nimal~ will ~e added. Cats ~nd dogs can b~ 'seen ~nin.-g lose on the deveto?~d part of the creek. The Aquifer One of the most important aspect of the badly conceived proposed l~iohmond Creek Farms Pro~ect is the im~aOt oF 42 households on the aquifer. The acquifer of the Richmond CreeR F~_rm's development area has already been aff~dted ~f~.'chemicals. Th~ ~Department of Health has not issued a permit. Th~ developer is see<in~ a lin~ to a public water system. Howevem, the p~-Iv~e wells on Wells Road ~nd Indian Neck will be affected 'to a public water syste~n. Below is a quote from the f~0I{TH FOI~{ ?TATER ~)~PPLY PLAN, S~FOLK ~UifTY, ~{.Y. This ~port was~ prepared by the Kg~theast Enf~ineers, P.O. 88 Surmysi~ Elvd., Plain~i~w, [~LY., ?4~ch 1983 at the direction of Peter F. Coha!a]~, ~ ,Suffolk County Exe~utive~ David [{arris, ~LD.~[.P.H. Co:;missione~, l~[erbert ~Y. ~avids, Director! ~iVi~ie~of Environmental Health. ~.Water supply p~oblems on the Rorth Fork of Lo~ Island are severe. Shallow thin Ero~dwater aquifers ~e extensively i~acted by contamination from agricultural chemicals, primarily nitr~tes and pesticides and are threatened by salt water intrusion from overpumpin[~. IncreasinE pressures for development which will ~esult in accelerated population ~rowth will further stress the water Supply aquifers. The study has demoflstrated conclusively that numerous technical and financisl difficulties are encountered when atteupttn~2~ to provide potable water to the residents of the North Fomk. Preventive neasures to minl;aize or eliminate additional groundwate~ conu~,~lnat~on must be implemented. .~= ~ ..~aoures should be taken immediately to up~ra~e the ~.,erformance and reliability of the system and to auf~ment its source of supply ........ ~ertain ~eas may be connected to public wster ...... however ?~attituck, Little ?~o~ ~'~eck~ EaSt Jutcho~ue, Fleets ~.~w Suffolk and Indiaa Neck--it is not uconomically feasible to provide public water supplM sys=ems. These ~eas should continue co utilize individ~i home wells. V. marGton--Water, Land, ,';;~J,~l.%fe Froteotion Gr~UD Proposal--Land Acquisition (Con't.) Therefore, existing residences and homes presently existing on th~ creek eventmally will be affected by presently proposed devalopmens and al! other future development. These homes cannot be colnaected to a public v~ater system and the pollution caused by increased housing will affect the existing wells even thou?~ the new housing of tb~e developers~ projects may be connected with pub%lc water.' Therefore, the problems ~a~e. to be solved no~ Endan:$ered Species On the South end of the creek are ~ne rare endangered species~-the tern-- the common, t ~e least, and ohs roseate. ~e piping plover has also been seen. (Eaviro~ental siA~s have been placed at .stra=egic points.) These rare endangered species will be affected by presently proposed and future developers"'proj~cts. These birds breed on the creek and bay side, and the parent birds use the creek and bay for feeding their young. If dense housina is built there will most likely be an increase in motor boats· Furthermore, there will be increased pollution with storm runoff, househol~ and human waste. There will be avant-del seepa,~e into the creek which will affect~ the terns on the South end of the creek. Vulnerability The terns will not surviv~ increased encroachment. On the N., M/E., & I'~/W sides oz' the creel,; there are Feb;er than 5 houses ia ~bo andaveloped part. The probability for future development is within one to two years. Page 5 V. ~:ar.~tou~-.~,~tsr, Land, Wildlife Provection Group Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 '. TELEPHONE ($16) PLANN~G BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD September 7, 1988 Mrs, Vilma M~rstoh P.O. Box, ltt Peco~ic;iNY,,lt958 Dear Mrs. Marston: RE: Richmond Creek Farms SCTM %1000-86~1-9. Richmond Shores SCTM ~1000-86-1-4.1 through 4.29. The planning Board is in receipt of you~ correspondence pertaining to applications adjacent to Richmond Creek. Richmond Shores is an approved subdivision which was filed in the County Clerk's office in 1979. This subdivision is located on the southeast corner of State Route 25 and Indian Neck Lane. It consists of 24 lots of approximately half an acre in area that are clustered. Of the 27.082 acres, more than 10.5 acres are in open space, some of which lies between the Creek and the lots. Richmond Creek Farms is a pending application. The Planning Board issued a positive declaration on July 14, 1986; and a scoping session was held on August 4, 1986. In April of 1987 a draft Environmental Impact Statement was submitted to the Planning Board. However, it was determined that it was not complete. On November 13, 1987, Mr. Bowman notified the Town via its consultant, Mr. Emilita, that the DEIS was still being worked on, and that when completed, it would be forwarded. As of this writing, there has been no further correspondence from the applicant. The Plannir~3 Board office is still waiting for a completed DEIS to be submitta~ for review. This subdivision is located on the South side of State Route 25, from the intersection of Peconic Lane to the west. It abuts Wells Road to the South. It consists of 49.6 acres, of which 17 are proposed to remain in open space. Forty two half acre lots are proposed. Until the DEIS is submitted and deemed complete for public review and comments, the application cannot proceed any further-. FRANK A. KUJAWSKI, JR., President ALBERT J. KRUPSKI, JR., Vice-President JOHN M. BREDEMEYER, III JOHN L, BEDNOSKI. JR. HENRY P. SMITH BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 October 31, 1988 TELEPHONE Mr. Bennett Orlowski, Jr. Chairman Southold Town Planning Board Southold, New York 11971 Our Board has received a copy of a letter to the Planning Board from Vilma Louise Marston. The letter was a request for an E.I.S. for Richmond Creek Farms. As you are aware the Richmond Creek area has been designated a C.E.A. area recently by the Trustees. Our Board would like to convey to you our concern about the "Richmond Creek Farms~' project and the possible impact on Richmond Creek. Sincerely, Frank A. Ku~awski, Jr. President Board of Town Trustees FAK:hk cc: Vilma Louise Marston Town Trustees Town Planning Board FRANK A. KUJAWSKL .IR., President ALBERT J. KRUPSKI, JR., Vice-President JOHN M. BREDEMEYER, HI JOHN L. BEDNOSKI, JR. HENRY P. SMITH BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall, $3095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 October 31, 1988 TELEPHONE (516) 765-1892 Mr. Bennett Orlowski, Jr. Chairman Southold Town Planning Board Southold, New York 11971 Dear Ben, Our Board has received a copy of a letter to the Planning Board from Vilma Louise Marston. The letter a request for an E.I.S. for Richmond Creek Farms. As you are aware the Richmond Creek area has been designated a C.E.A. area recently by the Trustees. Our Board would like to convey to you our concern about the "Richmond Creek Farms" project and the possible impact on Richmond Creek. Sincerely, Frank A. Ku~awski, Jr. President Board of Town Trustees FAK:hk cc: Vilma Louise Marston Town Trustees Town Planning Board N. COUNTRY RD. OBOX 362 WADING RIVER. N.Y. n792 (5'6) 929-3575 March 18, 1986 Board of Town Trustees Town of Southold Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, N.Y. 11971 Attn: Hr. Henry Po Smith Re: Richmond Creek Associates Wetlands application no. 343 Dear Mr. Smith: Please be advised that at this time we are withdrawing the application that we submitted for Richmond Creek Associates. Syould ¥ou'or any member of the Board have any questions or comments with regards to the matter, kindly contact this office at your convenience. Thank you for your continued cooperation. Very Truly Yours, Glenn E. Just GE J/re cc: U.S.D.O.A. N.Y.S.D.O.S. N.Y.S.D.E.C. BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOIJTHOLD Town Hall. 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 March 6, 1986 TELEPHONE (516) 765-1892 Mr. Glenn E. Just The Land Use Company Route 25 A P. O. Box 2521 Wading River, New York 11792 Re: Richmond Creek Associates Wetland Application No. 343 Dear Mr. Just: The following action was taken by the Board of Trustees at a regular meeting held on February 27, 1986 regarding the wetland application referenced above. RESOLVED that the application submitted by the Land Use Company on behalf of Richmond Creek Associates be and hereby is Tabled pending receipt of a survey and topographical map with contours at one-foot intervals, showing the area from which the removal or in which the deposit of materials is proposed, or in which the structures are to be erected, certified by a registered land surveyor or registered professional engineer, licensed by the State of New York. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate contacting this office at the telephone number listed above. Very truly yours, Henry P. ~mith, President Board of Town Trustees HPS:ip cc: Attorney Rudolph Bruer Charles Hamilton, D.E.C., Stony Brook Southold Town Planning Board Southold Town Building Dept. Conservation Advisory Council Trustees File