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REFERENCELIBER 11307 - PAGE 435 TAX MAP - D15TRICT IOOD, SEC 2, BLOCK I , LOT 13. 001 U /;KEA DEEDEPV_ ] ' 6Y 6055 TO LNUGNL11 A 2= 2 ca 2e 21-1B 4e L D.L4 „q FiIlL, A �273A f _ G\ N� � eB-5 P I• I L/ L� nti - • bl]� 27-• 26-P ` AREA DEEDED h/ PQO<��EC a �•ll” • / is- a 'X i] -1 : BY LOSS TO GO SS W LOT LINE ��A fie °71A � L AREA 9356 */- SG1 FT Zp � / / l- - 27'6 .7_s• �_ - - O 10 '/- ACRE z7-I6 REFERENCE ' LIBER 11387-PG 430 ,0 NPq SF4i;W I9S.Sv' //� K` �—{- 27.7 6 � TAX MAP - DISTRICT IOOJ, j 5E. 2, 8L OCK I, LOT 13 002 -z 85� -�ga11�3� � �� 26-Is I n • 26.� � V 9-IO n P �,.F. 4 g 7 9-I ,may �� no-s �n s: ]°-eA�� • �' J w T N i FjLOGK 28 do S 29-9 OT 29 \ y, q . 29-6 1 A O 2''r629- I -42. 0 dr4 11 171/ /I VI 215.14' MON. N.a-soe.A�� LoclLYlou MAP SCALE; i'=bDo' TA% MAP - DISTRICT 1000 W 882 .34 SEC 2 , BLOCK I , LOT 14000 &DAT ED BY NE , K10TES: „Nvl' BOARdI. OWWE 5: ( LOTS 13, 002 T Iq. 000) OWNER (LOT 13. 001) OUTHOLD PO T`TEP� J.GOSS�i MA>rY z GOSS MICHAEL LAUGHLIN 381dj GULF b>'.1VE PO BOX 323 AIKEN , SOUTH CAROLINA 2. PYpC7EZTY 1S LOCbTEV IUTNc TOWW OF SOUTHOLD, COU CITY OF6UI=FOL.IC, STATE OF IJEW YOI'Y,3. TK)XMAP D16TV_I6T 1000, SFC.Z , $LOCI` I LOTS 13 II 13' ? 1, 14 . 4 UTILITIES : SITE WOULD $ "A DLCLABA110N OF COVENANIS AND REIRICIIONS 557VIe ED YiY MUNICIME- W4TAFF Fr F [ M,1 HL 1015 IN T I I I S 1 0 F I_ TNE eHANr,E HA5 P� ?OWCrl BTEN FIIE1, IN IHC OFFICE OF THE SUFFOLK COHNlY n Fr, � 1n�_I , I1 �OCo " 4Gt 4(.Z. 5. I��'OPE�TY \S LOCA.TE9 11.1 ZOWE �-IZd (, COOV-VIQ,&TE DISTANCCS b.P�E !J<Eh,SL1Y.ED rrDm 13UITE9 STATES COAST A1,D GEODETIC SUI;VEY TIO I-IA6L4LAT10Q STAT 10 1.1 " Nltil " V0LOCI` ZS EKISTI I,IG r'C F'OSF- LoT 7 ET.LZOSED L )T LINE C H/sN G E_ LOT VZOM P�O�E�TY OF YS, 1977 o. j4+ pc 0. 04 A + c , F6) 7-T E.r, J . �- MAZY V , GkOSS FiSHEK,S ISLL_ 3D, tilE1N YO1 . 100 Se SCALE : 1"= 100 ' LF-GEMD cHA1.1DLE7, P.e.LMEP� ff LING UOe,WICH, COUNECTIGUT P.> I �ON F-IPE v0N;m0I,lu (EI,1T NOVEMMY, W, 1990 R Ac. = Ac> E g LINE 6EdKING DISTANCE O D 1 S.ZZ=9dlo"W- 42,83 ADDITIONS DEC. 30, 1991 5Q.FT = 5RU&Z_lE FEET Z N,8651=48'E. 31.00' ADDITION5 r REVISIONS JAN B, 1992 3 N 03'.f SO"E .';Z.70 FEB 18 1992 cuKVE DE,LT.6. rLDIUS AKC TANGENT eHOED CHOZD bite . 00SOOTHOID TOWN 1 27`4/0 sl" a02. ' Idlo.43' 74.b8 14500 N.67°5822E_ NNINO BOARD Z 43°07' 12" 85,00' b3,97_ 33.59' 6Z.4'/' N'3e 31' Z4"E . 3 0041' 07' 3?r,,s4, 3.83' I. Rz' 3.83' S.ZZ°2701" W . Fal ; ���^'`��.-mow �✓��,�.3YFa3,{a� " V t�A PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS SCOTT L. HARRIS Y � Bennett Orlowski, Jr. Chairman Supervisor George,Ritchie Latham-, Jr. M f Town Hall,53095 Main,Road Richard G. Ward- Mark S, McDonald P.O. Box 1179. Kenneth L. Edwards PLANNING BOARD OFBICE Southold, New,York 11971 Telephone (516)765-1938 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Fax (516) 765-1823 February 25, 1992 i Stephen L. Ham III Matthews & Ham 45 Hampton Road Southampton, New York 11968 I RE: Lot-line change for Porter J. & Mary Goss SCTM#1000-2-1-13 & 14 Dear Mr. Ham: The following resolution was adopted by the Southold Town Planning Board at a meeting held on Monday, February 24, 1992. 1 BE IT RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board authorize the Chairman to endorse the final surveys dated January 8, 1992. A11 conditions of final approval have been met. Enclosed please find a copy of the map which was endorsed by the Chairman. Very truly/youQQrs, Bennett Orlowski, Jr. �5 Chairman l Encl. cc: Victor Lessard, Principal Building Inspector Scott Russell, Assessors Office i �J PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS nw SCOTT L. HARRIS Bennett Orlowski,.Jr_ Chairman Supervisor George Ritchie Latham., Jr. Richard G. Ward r� Town Hall, 53095 Main.Road Mark S. *Donald P.O. Box 1179 Kenneth L. Edwards Southold, New York l I971 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE Telephone (516) 765-1938 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Fax (516) 765-1823 ` October 1, 1991 � k t; Stephen L. Ham III Matthews & 'Ham 45 Hampton Road Southampton; New York 11968 RE: Proposed Lot-line'-change 1 Porter J. & Mary Goss SCTM#1000-2-1-13 & 14 Dear Mr. Ham: The following took-place at a meeting of the-Southold Town Planning Board on Monday, September 30, .•1991,- = The final public' hearing, which was held at 7: 40 P.M. , was closed. The following resolution was adopted: WHEREAS, Porter J. and Mary Goss are the owners of the property known and designated as SCTM#1000-2-1-13 & 14, located on the east side of a private road on West Harbor on Fishers Island; and WHEREAS, this lot-line change, to be known as Lot Line Change for Porter J. and Mary Goss, is for a lot line change to subtract .10 acre of land from a .74 acre parcel owned by Porter and Mary Goss and to merge it with an adjoining .99 acre parcel also owned by Porter & Mary Goss; and WHEREAS, the Southold Town Planning Board, pursuant to the State Environmental Quality Review Act, (Article 8) , Part 617,, declared itself Lead Agency and issued a Negative Declaration on March 11, 1991; and WHEREAS, a final public hearing was closed on said lot-line amendment application at the Town Hall, Southold, New York on September 30, 1993; and i i Page 2 g Porter J. and Mary Goss WHEREAS, all. the requirements of the. Subdivision Regulations of the Towel of Southold have been met;. and be it therefore, RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning, Board grant conditional final approval on the surveys.. dated November 20, 1990, and authorize the Chairman to endorse the final surveys subject to fulfillment'of the following conditions. These conditions must be met within si.x (5) months of the date of this resolution. i 1. The submission of corrected surveys showing the tax map numbers of both lots and the tax map number and i area of the portion of the lot to be conveyed'. 2. The filing of the deed pertaining to the merger of .10 acre from a lot designated as SCTM#1004-2-1-13 , with a # . 99 acre parcel ' designated as SCTM#1000-2-1-14, resulting in a merged parcel of 1.09 acres. A copy of the filed deed with the notation that SCTM#1000-2-1-13 is not a separate building lot, must he submitted to the Planning. Board and the Liber' and tPage number of the filed deed must be placed on the survey. Please contact this office if you have any questions regarding the above. L, Very truly yours, 6Lr/y �ri�Eur'f' Bennett Orlowski, Jr./�?f- Chairman li i I i = is n r THIS LB1 LINEwGHVGE BETWEENY tem D IS LOCATED ON IN . S'CTM# 1000- j " M LOT LINE CHANGE Complete application received AWL 4 Application reviewed at work session AEO'L 1= Applicant advised of necessary revisions ; . Revised submission received '"'°•t ox Lead Agency Coordination JE3e�ul4Ae7�/y/, /1 y/` SEQRA determination AWI Ox Sent to County Planning Commission nvAo AWY Ox 2- � � Review of SCPC report �— L-S i} Draft Covenants and Restrictions received - ' � °K �" Draft Covenants and Restri�on's�rev'iewed n,Fo ox Filed Covenants and Restrictions received Final Public Hearing -3d r t , Approval of Lot Line j -with conditions ". Endorsement of Lot Line 2- ms ms 1/1/90 i 14=e6-2 (2187)=7c 617.21 SEAR R l - Appendix A State Environmental Quality Review- FULL, ENWRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FORM Purpose: The full EAF is designed to help applicants and agencies determine; in an orderly,manner, whether a project or action,may be significant. The questioaof whether an action may be significant is not always easy to answer. Frequent- ly, there are aspects of a project tdat are subjective or unmeasureable. It is also understood that those who determine significance may have little or no formal knowledge of the environment or may be techniea4y expert in environmental- analysis.In addition many Who have knowledge in one particular area may not beaw,are of the broaderconcerns affecting' `the gnestcn°of significance. The full EAF is intended to provide a method whereby applicants and agencies can be assured thatthe determination process'•hasbeenoitderfy,'campreti nsive in nature,yet flexible to allose introduction of information to fit a projector action. i Full EAF.Componen6-The full EAF is comprised of three parts: Parti Provides,objective data information about a given project its sitep By identifying ba slo project dAta, it assists a reviewer in the analysis that takes place in Parts 2 and 3 Parf2_, Focuses on identifying the range of possible impacts that may occur from a;project or action, 1t,provides guidance as to whether an impact is likely to be considered small to moderator whether it is a potentially- Jarge.impact. The form also identifies whether an impact can be mitigated'or reduced; Part 3: If any impact in Part 2 is identified as potentially-large, then Parti is used tp:evaluate whether or not the . impact is'actually important. DETERMINATION OF SIGNIFICANCE—Type 1 and Unlisted Actions yyy Identify.the Portions of EAF completed for this project: ❑ Part 1 ❑ Part 2 ❑Part 3 Upon review of the information recorded on this EAF(Parts 1 and 2 and 3 if appropriatel; and any other supporting - information; and,considering both the magitude and importance of each impact, it is reasonably determined by the lead agency that: ❑ A. The project will not result,in any large and important impact(s) and, therefore, is one which will not have a significant impact on the environment, therefore a negative declaration will be prepared. ❑ B. Although the project could have a significant effect on the environment, the will not be a'significant effect for this Unlisted Action because the mitigation measures described in PART 3.have been required, therefore a CONDITIONED negative declaration will be prepared.* ❑ C. The project may result in one or more large and important impacts that mayhave a significant impact.: on the environment, therefore a positive declaration will be prepared- A Conditioned Negative Declaration is only valid for Unlisted Actions Name of Action Name of Lead Agency Print or Type Name of Responsible Officer in Lead Agency Title of Responsible Officer Signature of Responsible Officer in Lead Agency Signature of Preparer(if different 'FeWp3 le officer) Date a _ " 1 -� PART 1—PROJECT INFO-vAMATION Prepared by Project Sponsor NOTICE: This document is designed to assist in determining whether the action proposed may have a significant effect on the environment. Please complete the entire form, Parts A through E. Answers to these questions will be considere as part of the application for approval and may be subject to further verification and public review. Provide any addition I information you believe will be needed to complete Parts 2 and 3. It is expected that completion of the full EAF will be dependent on information currently available and will not involve new studies, research or investigation. if information requiring such additional work is unavailable, so indicate and specify each instance. e NAME OF ACTION k Lot Line Change - Property of Porter J. and Mary R. Goss LOCATION OF ACTION(Include Street Address,Municipality and County) Private Road, Fishers Island, County of Suffolk (SCTM #Is 1000-2-1-13 and 14) NAME OF APPLICANT/SPONSOR BUSINESS TELEPHONE Porter J. Goss and Mary R. Goss ( 516)283-2400 ADDRESS {; c/o Stephen L. Ram; III, Esq. , 45 Hampton Road, Southampton, NY 11968 CITY/PO STATE ZIP CODE Southampton NY 11968 NAME OF OWNER(if different) BUSINESS TELEPHONE ADDRESS CITY/PO STATE ZIP CODE E DESCRIPTION OF ACTION transfer of .1-acre, parcel of land from undesignated lot between FIDCO Lots 28-5 and 28-7 to Lot 28-7 in anticipation of conveyance of such undesignated lot to Michael" Laughlin in exchange for conveyance of .66-acre parcel from Laughlin across road from Isite f Please Complete Each Question-Indicate N.A. if not applicable A. Site Description Physical setting of overall project, both developed and undeveloped areas. 1. Present land use: ❑Urban ❑Industrial ❑Commercial ❑Residential (suburban) INRurai,(non-farm) ❑Forest ❑Agriculture ❑Other 2. Total acreage of project area: 01 acres. - - APPROXIMATE ACREAGE PRESENTLY AFTER COMPLETION Meadow or Brushland (Non-agricultural), .] acres •1 acres Forested acres acres Agricultural (Includes orchards, cropland, pasture, etc.) acres acres Wetland (Freshwater or tidal as per Articles 24, 25 of ECL) acres acres Water Surface Area acres acres Unvegetated (Rock, earth or fill) acres acres Roads, buildings and other paved surfaces acres acres Other (Indicate type) acres acres 3. What is predominant soil.. type(s) on project.site?.. N.A. a. Soil drainage: ❑Well drained %'of site ❑Moderately well drained % of site ❑Poorly drained % of site b. If any agricultural land is involved, how many acres of soil are classified within soil group 1 through a of the IN Land Classification System? acres. (See 1 NYCRR 370). Ye 4. Arethere bedrock outcroppings on project site? ❑Yes MNo a._What is depth to bedrock? unknown (in feet) s 2 _ - l j 5. Approximate percentage of proposed per t site with slopes: 1Bi0-101 10' Z. 010-15% 9C 015% or greater % l 6. Is project substantially contiguous, to, or contain a building, site, or district, listed on the State or the National Registers of Historic Places? ❑Yes IlNo i Is project substantially contiguous to a site listed on the Register of National Natural Landmarks? ❑Yes 9No unknown & What is the depth of the water table? (in feet) % Is site located over a primary, principal, or sole source aquifer? ®Yes ❑No i 10. Do hunting, fishing or shell fishing opportunities presently exist in the project area? MYe5 QNo 11. Does project site contain any species of plant or animal life that is identified as threatened or endangered? Dyes [N No According to J.M.O. Consulting Identify each species f 12. Are there any unique or unusual land forms on the project site? (i.e., cliffs, dunes, other geological formations) ❑Yes" CNNo Describe 13. Is the project site presently used by the community or neighborhood as an open space or recreation area? CIYes $1No If yes, explain 14. Does the present site include scenic views known to be important to the community? ❑Yes ❑No unknown 15; Streams within or contiguous to project area: none a. Name of Stream and name of River to which it is tributary 16. Lakes, ponds, wetland areas within or contiguous to project area: a. Name none b. Size (In acres) 17. Is the site served by existing public utilities? nyes ❑No a) If Yes, does sufficient capacity exist to allow connection? MYes ❑No �l b) If Yes, will improvements be necessary to allow connection? []Yes [NNo 18. Is the site located in an agricultural district certified pursuant to Agriculture and Markets Law, Article 25-AA, Section 303 and 304? []Yes KNO 19. is the site located in or substantially contiguous to a Critical Environmental Area designated pursuant to Article S of the ECL, and 6'NYCRR 617? EDYes ❑No 20. Has the site ever been used for the disposal of solid or hazardous wastes? ❑Yes nNo B. Project Description 1. Physical dimensions and scale of project (fill in dimensions as appropriate) a. Total contiguous acreage owned or controlled by project sponsor 1.73 acres. b. Project acreage to be developed: 0 acres initially; 0 acres ultimately. c. Project acreage to remain undeveloped * acres. *no new development proposed d. Length of project, in miles: N.A. (If appropriate) - e. If the project is an expansion,.indicate. percent of expansion proposed N.A. %; f. Number of off-street parking spaces existing 0 proposed - g. Maximum vehicular trips generated per hour ** (upon completion of project)? *# no change h. If residential: Number and type of housing units: One Family Two Family Multiple Family Condominium Initially none Ultimately i.. Dimensions (in feet).of largest proposed structure. *** height; width; length.. i. Linear feet of frontage along a public thoroughfare project will occupy is? _ 0_ ft. 3 ***no new structures proposed at this time 1� - fi��_ 2. How much natural material(i.e., rock, earth, etc.)will be removed from the site? 0 tons/cub4: yards', 3. Will disturbed areas be reclaimed? ❑Yes ❑No CXJN/A a. If yes, for what intended purpose is the site being reclaimed? b. Will topsoil be stockpiled for reclamation? ❑Yes ❑No c. Will upper subsoil be stockpiled for reclamation? Oyes ❑No CA 4. How many acres of vegetation (trees, shrubs, ground covers) will be removed from site? 0 acres. 5. Will any mature forest (over 100 years old)or other locally-important vegetation be removed by this project? ❑Yes MNo 6. if single phase project: Anticipated period of construction N.A. months, (including demolition). 7. If multi-phased. a. Total number of phases anticipated N.A. (number). b. Anticipated date of commencement phase 1 month year, (including demolition). c. Approximate completion date of final phase month year. d. Is phase 1 functionally dependent on subsequent phases? ❑Yes ❑No 8. Will blasting occur during construction? Dyes ❑No N.A. 9. Number of jobs generated: during construction N.A. after project is complete 10. Number of jobs eliminated by this project N.A. 11. Will project require relocation of any projects or facilities? []Yes ❑No If yes, explain N.A. 12. Is surface liquid waste disposal involved? ❑Yes -[ANO a. if yes, indicate type of waste (sewage, industrial; etc,) and amount b. Name of water body into which effluent will be discharged 13. Is subsurface liquid waste disposal involved? Oyes ®No Type i. 14. Will surface area of an existing water body increase or decrease by proposal? ❑Yes 'MNo Explain 15. is project or any portion of project located in a 100 year flood plain? ❑Yes ❑No unknown .. 16. Will the project generate solid waste? ❑Yes KJNo a. If yes, what is the amount per month tons b. if yes, will an existing solid waste facility be used? Dyes ❑No c. If yes, give name ; location d. Will any wastes not go into a sewage disposal system or into a sanitary landfill? ❑Yes ❑No e. If Yes, explain !! 17. Will the project involve the disposal of solid waste? Dyes MNo a. If yes, what is the anticipated rate of disposal? tons/month. I' b. If yes, what is the anticipated site life? years, 18. Will project use herbicides or pesticides? ❑Yes MNo i 19. Will project routinely produce odors (more than one hour per day)? ❑Yes MNo 20. Will project produce operating noise exceeding the local ambient noise levels? ❑Yes CSNo 1, 21, Will project result in an increase in energy use? Oyes ®No If yes , indicate type(s) 22. If water supply is from wells, indicate pumping capacity N.A. gallons/minute. 23. Total anticipated water usage per day N.A. gallons/day. 24.. Does project.involve Local, State or Federal funding? ❑Yes: 91No If Yes. explain 4 25. Approvals Required-' g_ �` Submittal Type . Date City, Town, Village Board ❑Yes [NNo City, Town, Village Planning Board ®Yes ❑No lot line change approval 11/90 City; Town Zoning Board ❑Yes IIMNo City, County Health Department ❑Yes MNo Other Local Agencies' ❑Yes MNo Other Regional Agencies Dyes ®No State AgenciesDyes MNo Federal Agencies ❑Yes WNo C. Zoning and Planning Information 1 . Does proposed action involve a planning:or zoning decision? MYes ❑No ` If Yes, indicate decision required: ❑zoning amendment ❑zoning variance Elspecial use permit ❑subdivision Osite plan ❑new/revision of master plane ❑resource management plan glother lot line change 2. What is the zoning classification(s)of the site? R-120 3, What is the maximum potential development of the site if developed as permitted by the present zoning? single-family residence on Lot 28-7 4. What is the proposed zoningof the site? — _ N.A. 5. What is the maximum potential development of the site if developed as permitted by the proposed zoning? N.A. 6. Is the proposed action consistent with the recommended uses in adopted local land use plans? [Eyes ❑No 7. What are the predominant land use(s) and zoning classifications within a 1/, mile radius of proposed action? single-family residential; R-120 8. Is the proposed action compatible with adjoining/surrounding land uses within a 1/ mile? IZYes ❑No 9. If the proposed action is the subdivision of land, how many lots are proposed? N.A. a. What is the minimum lot size proposed? N.A. 10. Will proposed action require any authorization(s) for the formation of sewer or water districts? Dyes D1No 11. Will the proposed action create a demand for any community provided services (recreation, education, police, fire protection)? Dyes INNo a. If yes, is existing capacity sufficient to handle projected demand? Dyes ❑No N.A. 12. Will the proposed action result in the generation of traffic significantly above present levels? ❑Yes MNo a. If yes, is the existing road network adequate to handle the additional traffic? ❑Yes ONO N.A. D. Informational Details Attach any additional information as may be needed to clarify your project. If there are or may be any adverse impactsassociated with your proposal, please discuss such impacts and the measures which you propose to mitigate or avoid them. E. Verification I certify that the information provided above is true to the best of my knowledge.- LApplicant/Sponsor Nammp Porter J. Goss and Mary R. Goss Date 12131 /90 Signature By I- �' Cvr;ZI/ Title' Authorized Agent St hen L. Ham, IIS If the action is in the Coastal Area,and you are a state agency, complete the Coastal Assessment Form before proceeding with this assessment. 5 . L,. F 2-PROJECT IMPACTS AND IR MAGNITUDE Responsibility of Lead Agency ` General Information (Read Carefully) • In completing the form the reviewer should be guided by the question: Have my responses and determinations been reasonable? The reviewer isnot expected to be an expert environmental analyst. • Identifying that an impact will be potentially large (column 2) does not mean that it is also necessarily significant. Any-large impact must be evaluated in PART 3 to determine significance. Identifying an impact in column 2 simply asks that it be looked at further. • The Examples provided are to assist the reviewer by showing types of impacts and wherever possible the threshold of magnitude that would trigger a response in column 2. The examples are generally applicable throughout the State and for most situations. But, for any specific project or site other examples and/or lower thresholds may be appropriate for a Potential Large Impact response, thus requiring evaluation in Part 3. • The impacts of each project, on each site, in each locality, will vary. Therefore, the examples are illustrative and have been offered as guidance.They do not constitute an exhaustive list of impacts and thresholds to answer each question. • The number of examples per question does not indicate the importance of each question. • In identifying impacts, consider long term, short term and cumlative effects. Instructions (Read carefully) a. Answer each of the 19 questions in PART 2. Answer Yes if therewill be any impact. b. Maybe answers should be considered as Yes answers. c. If answering Yes to a question then check the appropriate box (column 1 or 2) to indicate the potential size of the impact. If impact threshold equals or exceeds any example provided, check column 2. If impactwill occur butthreshold is lower than example, check column 1. d. If reviewer has doubt about size of the impact then consider the impact as potentially large and proceed to PART 3. e. If a potentially large impact checked in column 2 can be mitigated by change(s) in the project to a small to moderate impact, also check the Yes box in column 3. A No response indicates that such a reduction is not possible. This must be explained in Part 3. 1 2 3 Small to Potential Can Impact Be IMPACT ON LAND Moderate Large Mitigated By Impact Impact Project Change 1 . Will the proposed action result in a physical change to the project site? C]NO DYES Examples that would apply to column 2 • Any construction on slopes.of 15% or greater, (15 foot rise per 100 ❑ ❑ ❑Yes []No foot of length), or where the general slopes in the project area exceed 10%. • Construction on land where the depth to the water table is less than ❑ ❑ Dyes ❑No 3 feet. • Construction of paved parking area for 1,000or more vehicles. ❑. ❑ []Yes ❑No _ • Construction on land where bedrock is exposed or generally within 1:1 ❑, ❑Yes ❑No j 3 feet of existing ground surface. • Construction that will continue for more than 1 year or involve more ❑ 110Yes ❑No than one phase or stage. • Excavation for mining purposes that would remove more than 1,000 ❑ ❑ ❑Yes ❑No ' tons of natural material (i.e., rock or soil) per year. • Construction or expansion of a sanitary landfill, ❑ ❑ El Yes ❑No • Construction in a designated floodway. ❑ ❑ ❑Yes ❑No • Other impacts ❑ ❑ El Yes [:1 No 2 Will there be an effect t=. ,..ry ur. que or unusual land forms found on the site?(i.e., cliffs, dunes, geologicalformations, etcJONO OYES • Specific land forms: ❑ ❑ ❑Yes F-1 No 6 f T3t'cna r It 2 3 i Small to Potential Can Impact Be IMPACT ON WATER Moderate Large Mitigated By 3. Will proposed action affect any water body dehi natedras`Iotdk&ted? Impact Impact Project Change (Under Articles 15,24, 25 of the Environmental Conservation Law; ECL) ONO DYES Examples that would apply to column 2 • Developable,area of site contains a protected water body. ❑ ❑ 0-Yes ❑No ? • Dredging more than 100 cubicyards of material from channel of a ❑ 11 . Dyes El No protected stream. • Extension of utility distribution facilities through a protected water body. ❑ ❑ ❑Yes ❑No • Construction in a designated freshwater or tidal wetland. ❑ ❑ El Yes ❑No i • Other impacts: ❑ ❑ ❑Yes ❑No I C Will proposed action affect any non protected existing or new body of water? ONO DYES Expimples that would apply to column 2 • A 10% increase or decrease in the surface area of any body of water ❑ ❑ ❑Yes []No or more than a 10 acre increase or decrease. • Construction of a body of water that exceeds 10 acres of surface area. ❑ ❑ ❑Yes ❑No • Other impacts: ❑ ❑ Dyes ONO L 5 Will Proposed Action affect surface or groundwater quality or quantity? ONO DYES Examples that would apply to column 2 • Proposed Action will require a discharge permit. ❑ ❑ Dyes ❑No C • Proposed Action requires use of a source of water that does not ❑ ❑ Dyes []No have approval to serve proposed (project) action. • Proposed Action requires water supply from wells with greater than 45 ❑ ❑ El Yes []No gallons per minute pumping capacity. • Construction or operation causing any contamination of a water ❑ ❑ ❑Yea ❑No supply system. - - - • Proposed Action will adversely affect groundwater. ❑ ❑ ❑Yes []No • Liquid effluent will be conveyed off the site to facilities which presently ❑ ❑ ❑Yes []No do not exist or have inadequate capacity: • Proposed Action would use water in excess of 20,000 gallons per ❑ ❑ []Yes, ❑No day: • Proposed Action will likely cause siltation or other discharge into an ❑ ❑ Dyes C}No existing body of water to the extent that there will be an obvious visual contrast to natural conditions. • Proposed Action will require the storage of petroleum or chemical ❑ ❑ Dyes ❑No products greater than 1,100 gallons. • Proposed Action will allow residential uses in areas without water ❑ ❑ ❑Yes ❑No and/or sewer services. • Proposed Action locates commercial and/or industrial uses which may ❑ ❑ El Yes ❑No require new or expansion of existing waste treatment and/or storage facilities. • Other impacts: ❑ ❑ ❑Yes ❑No 6. Will proposed action alter drainage flow or patterns, or surface water runoff? ONO DYES Examples that would apply to column 2, • Proposed Action would change flood water flows. ❑ / ❑ ❑Yes ❑No 7 i 3 Small to Potential Can Impact B Moderate Large Mitigated By Impact Impact Project Change • Proposed Action may cause substantial erosion. ❑ ❑ []Yes []No • Proposed Action is incompatible with existing drainage patterns. ❑ ❑ Dyes []No • Proposed Action will allow development in a designated floodway. ❑ ❑ ❑Yes ❑No • Other impacts: ❑ ❑ El Yes ❑No IMPACT ON AIR 7. Will proposed action affect air quality? ONO DYES Examples that would apply to column 2 • Proposed Action will induce 1,000 or more vehicle trips in any given ❑ ❑ ❑Yes ❑No hour. • Proposed Action will result in the incineration of more than 1 ton of ❑ ❑ El Yes ❑No refuse per hour. • Emission rate of total contaminants will exceed 5 lbs. per hour.or a ❑ ❑ E]Yes F-1 No heat source producing more than 10 million BTU's per hour. • Proposed action will allow an increase in the amount of land committed ❑ ❑ ❑Yes ❑No to industrial use. • Proposed action will allow an increase in the density of industrial . ❑ ❑ ❑Yes ❑No development within existing industrial areas. Other impacts: ❑ 0 []Yes ONO IMPACT ON-PLANTS AND ANIMALS 8. Will Proposed Action affect any threatened or endangered species? ONO, OYES Examples that would apply to column 2 • Reduction of one or more species listed on the New York or Federal ❑ ❑ ❑Yes ❑No i list, using the site, over or near site or found on the site. Removal of any portion of a critical or significant wildlife habitat. ❑ Q 11 Yes E]No Application of pesticide or herbicide morethan twice a year, other ❑ ❑ El Yes []No than for agricultural purposes. Other impacts: ❑ ❑ El Yes ❑No i '., Will Proposed Action substantially affect non-threatened or non-endangered species? ONO DYES Examples that would apply to column 2 Proposed Action would substantially interfere with any resident or ❑ ❑ 11 Yes ONO migratory fish, shellfish or wildlife species. Proposed Action requires the removal of more than 10 acres ❑ ❑. []Yes ONO Of mature forest (over 100 years of age) or other locally important vegetation. IMPACT ON AGRICULTURAL LAND RESOURCES Will the Proposed Action affect agricultural land resources? OND DYES �. Examples that would apply to column 2 1 The proposed action would sever, cross or limit access to agricultural ❑ ❑ E]Yes ❑No ( land (includes cropland, hayfields, pasture, vineyard, orchard, etc.) "l 8 S- 1 2 3 x Small to Potential Can Impact Be Moderate Large Mitigated By , Impact Impact Project Change • Construction activity would excavate or compact the soil profile of ❑ ❑ Dyes []No agricultural land } + The proposed action would irreversibly convert more than 10 acres ❑ ❑ ❑Yes ❑No of,agricultural land or, if located in an A$ricuttutal District, more than 2.5 acres of agricultural land. • The proposed action would disruptor prevent installation of agricultural ❑ ❑ F-1 Yes F-1 No land management systems (e.g.,subsurface drain lines, outlet ditches, strip cropping);.or create a need for such measures (e.g. cause a farm field to drain poorly due to increased runoff). • Other impacts; ❑ ❑ ❑Yes []No IMPACT ON AESTHETIC RESOURCES 11 . Will proposed action affect aesthetic resources? ONO DYES (If necessary, use the Visual .EAP Addendum in Section 617.21, Appendix B.) Examples that would apply to column 2 • Proposed land uses, or project components obviously different from ❑ ❑ ❑Yes ❑No or'insharp contrast to current surrounding land use patterns, whether man-made or natural. • Proposed land uses, or project components visible to users of ❑ ❑ ❑Yes ONo aesthetic resources which will eliminate or significantly reduce their enjoyment of the aesthetic qualities of that resource. + Project components that will result in the elimination or significant ❑ ❑ ❑Yes []No screening of scenic views known to be important to the area. • Other impacts: ❑ ❑ C]Yes ❑No IMPACT ON HISTORIC AND ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESOURCES 12. Will Proposed Action impact any site or structure of historic, pre- historic or paleontological importance? ONO DYES Examples that would. apply to column 2 • Proposed Action occurring wholly or partially within or substantially ❑• ❑ ❑Yes ❑No contiguous to any facility or site listed on the State or National Register of historic places. • Any impact to an archaeological site or fossil bed located within the ❑ ❑ El Yes ❑No project site. - • Proposed Action will occur in an area designated as sensitive for ❑ ❑ El Yes ❑No archaeological sites on the NYS Site Inventory. • Other impacts: ❑ ❑ ❑Yes ❑No IMPACT ON OPEN SPACE AND RECREATION 13. Will Proposed Action affect the quantity or quality of existing or futureopen spaces or recreational opportunities? Examples that would apply to column 2 0N DYES CThe permanent foreclosure of a future recreational opportunity. ❑ ❑ ❑Yes. ❑No ` • A major reduction of an. open space important to the community. ❑ ❑ ❑Yes ❑No • Other impacts: ❑ ❑ ❑Yes ❑No 9 I j l IMPACT ON TRANSPORTATION 1 2 '3 Small to Potential Can Impact Bei � 14. Will there be an effect to existing transportation systems? Moderate Large Mitigated By ONO OYES Impact Impact Project Change Examples that would apply to column 2 • Alteration of present patterns of movement of people and/or goods. ❑ ❑ El Yes ❑No • Proposed Action will result in major traffic problems. ❑ ❑ 11 Yes ❑No i • Other impacts: ❑ ❑ ❑Yes ❑No i IMPACT ON ENERGY 15. Will proposed action affect the community's sources of fuel or energy supply? ONO DYES Examples that would apply to column 2 • Proposed Action will cause a greater than 5% increase in the use of ❑ ❑ ❑Yes ❑No = any form of energy in the municipality. • Proposed Action.will require the creation or extension: of an energy ❑ Cl []Yes []No - '. transmission or supply system to serve more than 50 single or two family residences or to serve a major commercial or industrial use. • Other impacts: ❑ ❑ []Yes ❑No [: I NOISE AND ODOR IMPACTS i 16. Will there be objectionable odors, noise, or vibration as a result of the Proposed Action? ONO DYES Examples that would apply to column 2 • Blasting within 1,500 feet of a hospital, school or other sensitive ❑ ❑ Dyes El No facility. • Odors will occur routinely (more than one hour per day). ❑ ❑ ❑Yes ❑No • Proposed Action will produce operating noise exceeding the local ❑ ❑ 11 Yes ❑No ambient noise levels for noise outside of structures. Proposed Action will remove natural barriers that would act as a ❑ ❑ 0-yes ❑No, noise screen. ' Other impacts: ❑ ❑ El Yes []No i i IMPACT ON PUBLIC HEALTH 7. Will Proposed Action affect public health and safety? ONO DYES Examples that would apply to column 2 Proposed Action may cause a risk of explosion or release of hazardous ❑ ❑ ❑Yes []No substances(i.e.oil, pesticides, chemicals, radiation, etc.) in the event of accident or upset conditions, or there may be a chronic low level discharge or emission. ` Proposed Action may result in the burial of"hazardous wastes" in any [] ❑ ❑Yes ❑No j form (i.e. toxic, poisonous; highly reactive, radioactive, irritating, i infectious, etc.) I Storage facilities for one million or more gallons of liquified natural ❑ ❑ El Yes ❑No gas or other flammable liquids. 1 Proposed action may result in the excavation or other disturbance ❑ ❑ El Yes El NO within 2,000 feet of a site used for the disposal.of solid or hazardous. . waste. Other impacts: ❑ ❑ Dyes ❑No 10 r 1 2 $ c IMPACT ON GROWTH AND CHARACTER Small to Potential ''Can Impact Be OF COMMUNITY OR NEIGHJ30RHOOD Moderate Large Mitigated B s, i�� 9 y 18. Will proposed:action affect the character of the existing co Linty? Impact Impact Project Change ` ONO OYES Examples that would apply to column 2 • The permanent population of the city, town or village in which the ❑ ❑ []Yes ❑No project is located.is likely to grow by more than 5%. • The municipal budget for capital expenditures or operating services ❑ ❑ ❑Yes ❑No will increase by more than 5% .per year as a result of this project. • Proposed action will conflict with officially adopted plans or goals. ❑ ❑ ❑Yes ❑No • Proposed action will cause change in the density of land use.. ❑ ❑ ❑Yes ❑No • Proposed Action will replace or eliminate existing facilities, structures ❑ ❑ ❑Yes ❑No or areas of historic importance to the community. • Development will create a demand for additional community services ❑ ❑ []Yes ❑No (e.g, schools,,police and fire, etc.) • Proposed Action will set an important precedent for future projects. ❑ ❑ Dyes ❑No • Proposed Action will create or eliminate employment. ❑ ❑ []Yes ❑No- • Other impacts: ❑ ❑ ❑Yes ❑No 19. Is there, or is there likely to be, public controversy related to potential adverse environmental impacts? ONO OYES If Any Action in Part 2 Is Identified as a Potential Large impact or If You Cannot Determine the Magnitude of Impact, Proceed to Part 3 I Part 3-EVALUATION OF THE IMPORTANCE OF IMPACTS Responsibility of Lead Agency - Part 3 must be prepared if one or more impact(s) is considered to be potentially large, even if the impact(s) may be mitigated. Instructions _ Discuss the following for each impact identified in Column 2 of Part 2: 1 . Briefly describe the impact. 2. Describe(if applicable)how the impact could be mitigated or reduced to a small to moderate impact by project change(s). 3. Based on the information available, decide if it is reasonable to conclude that this impact is important. To answer the question. of.importance, consider: - - • The probability of the impact occurring • The duration of the impact • Its irreversibility, including• permanently lost resources of value • Whether the impact can or will be controlled • The regional consequence of the impact • Its potential divergence from local needs and goals • Whether known objections to the project relate to this impact. ' (Continue on attachments) 11 w 14-1'4-11 P.W) -9c - 0 617.21 °SEOR Appendix B'' State Environmental Quality Review Visual EAS' Addendum This form may be used to provide additional information relating to Question 11 of Part 2 of the Full €AF. (To be completed by Lead Agency) Distance Between Visibility Project and Resource(in Miles) 1. Would the project be visible from: 0-'/a V4-1/2 'h-3 3-5 5+ • A parcel of land which is dedicated to and available ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ to the public for the use, enjoyment and appreciation of natural ormanmade scenic qualities? E •,An overlook or parcel of land dedicated to public ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ observation, enjoyment and appreciation.of natural or man-made scenic qualities? A site or structure listed on the National or State ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Registers of Historic Places? • State Parks? ❑' ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ • The State Forest Preserve? ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ • National Wildlife Refuges and state game refuges? ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ • National Natural Landmarks and other outstanding ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ natural features? • National Park Service lands? ❑ ❑ ❑ ` ❑ ❑. • Rivers designated as National or State Wild, Scenic ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ or Recreational? • Any transportation corridor of high exposure, such ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ as part of the Interstate System; or Amtrak? • A governmentally established or designated interstate ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ or inter-county foot trail, or one formally proposed for establishment or designation? • A site, area, lake, reservoir or highway designated as ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ scenic? • Municipal park, or designated open space? ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ El • County road? ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ • State? ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑' ❑ • Local road? ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 2. Is the visibility of the project seasonal?(i.e., screerSed by summer foliage, but visible during other seasons) ❑Yes El No / 3. Are any of the resources checked in question 1 used by the public during the time of year during which the project will be visible? CJ_Yes ❑No y DESCRIPTION OF EXISTING VISUAL ENVIRONMENT 4. From each item checked in question 1, check those which generally describe the surrounding environment. Within F, *1/4 mile *1 mile Essentially undeveloped 1J ❑ ❑ Forested ❑ ❑ Agricultural ❑ ❑ Suburban residential ❑ ❑ Industrial ❑ ❑ Commercial Urban ❑ ❑ River, Lake, Pond ❑ ❑ Cliffs, Overlooks ❑ ❑ Designated Open Space ❑ ❑ Flat ❑ ❑ Hilly ❑ ❑ Mountainous ❑ ❑ Other ❑ ❑ NOTE: add attachments as needed i 5. Are there visually similar projects within: *ih mile ❑Yes ❑No *1 miles Dyes ❑No *2 miles ❑Yes El No *3 miles El Yes El No Distance from project site are provided for assistance. Substitute other distances as appropriate. r EXPOSURE 6. The annual number of viewers likely to observe the proposed project is NOTE: When user data is unavailable or unknown, use best estimate. CONTEXT 7. The situation or activity in which the viewers are engaged while viewing the proposed action is FREQUENCY Holidays/ Activity Daily Weekly Weekends Seasonally Travel to and from work ❑ ❑ ❑ Involved in recreational activities © ❑ ❑ 0 Routine travel by residents ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ At a residence ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ At worksite E ❑ ❑ ❑ Other ❑ ❑ ❑ 2 r - 14-16-d"i218?}—Text 1Z PROJECT I.D. NUMBER � � �> 617.24 ty SEQA. , Appendix C State'Ellvironmental Quality Review SHORT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FORM For UNLISTED ACTIONS Oniy PART [—PROJECT INFORMATION (To be completed by Applicant or Project sponsor) 1 APPLICANT/SPONSOR 2. PROJECT NAME Lot Line Change.— Property of PORSR J. & mARY R. BOSS ft , Porte` J. &Mar' E,'G ass _ a 6:`PRbU7 L'-OCATION unlclpauty Fishers Island, Town of Southold County Suffolk 4 4. PRECISE LOCATION(Street address and road intersections,prominent landmarks,etc.,or provide map)- Private Road, Fishers Island; FIDCO Lot 28-7 and undesignated Lot between Lots 6 28-6 and 28-7 r.' Suffolk County Tax Map Nos. 1000-2-1-13-'and 14 it ;l }' 5. is PROPOSED ACTION: - New ❑Expansion ❑Modificationlalteratlon 6. DESCRIBE PROJECT BRIEFLY: changing lot line dividing FIDCO Lot 28-7 and undesignated Lot between Lots 28-6 and 28-7 in anticipation of transfer of undesignated Lot to Michael Laughlin. 7. AMOUNT OF LAND AFFECTED: Initially rl acres Ultimately '}- acres 8. WILL PROPOSED ACTION COMPLY WITH EXISTING ZONING OR OTHER EXISTING LAND USE RESTRICTIONS? ®Yes ❑No If No,describe briefly - C9. WHAT IS PRESENT LAND USE IN VICINITY OF PROJECT? {Residential - ❑Industrial ❑Commercial ❑Agriculture ❑PaddForest/Open space ❑Other Describe: area is zoned R-120 under Zoning Code of Town of Southold; residential single-family, minimum lot area 120,000 square feet 10.. DOES ACTION INVOLVE A PERMIT APPROVAL,OR FUNDING,NOW OR ULTIMATELY FROM ANY OTHER GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY(FEDERAL; - STATE OR LOCAL)? ❑Yes M No If yes, list agency(.)and permitiapprovals 11. DOES ANY ASPECT OF THE ACT=1 HAVE A CURRENTLY VALID PERMIT OR APPROVAL? 13 Yes ONO If yes, list agency'name and permit/approval 12. AS A RESULT OF PROPOSED ACTION WILL EXISTING PERMIT/APPROVAL REQUIRE MODIFICATION? El Yes ®No. I CERTIFY THAT THE INFORMATION PROVIDED ABOVE IS TRUE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE PORTER J. GOSS and MARY R. GOSS November 2-7 , 1990 ApPlicant/sponsor name/: by STEPHE]7Njj L. HAM III authorized agent Data. I Signature. I If the action is in the Coastal Area, and you are a state agency, complete the Coastal Assessment Form before proceeding with this assessment OVER 1 :...... ,,,< ,<.— os anq ase`fna FULL EAF. �. LI Yes No Y B. WILL ACTION RECEIVE CC00 iNATED REVIEW AS PROVIDED FOR UNLISTED Ad IS 1N 6 NYCRR,PART 617.67 If No,a negative declaration �i may be superseded by anotl rvolved agency. - ❑Yes ONO / C. COULD ACTION RESULT IN ANY ADVERSE EFFECTS ASSOCIATED WITH THE FOLLOWING: (Answers may be handwritten, if legible) v C1. Existing air quality, surface or groundwater quanty or quantity, (noise levels, existing traffic patterns, solid waste production or disposal;. potential for erosion,drainage or flooding problems?Explain briefly: C2 Aesthetic, agricultural, archaeological,historic,or other natural or cultural resources;or community or neighborhood character?Explain briefly. C3. Vegetation or fauna, fish, shellfish or wildlife species,significant habitats, or threatened or endangered species? Explain briefly: C4. A community's existing pians or goals as officially adopted,or a change in use or Intensity of use of land or other natural resources?Explain briefly. C5. Growth,subsequent development, or related activities likely to be induced by the proposed action?Explain briefly. C6. Long term,short term,cumulative,or other effects not identified in C1-05? Explain briefly. C7. Other impacts(including changes in use of either quantity or type of energy)? Explain briefly. D: IS THERE. OR IS THERE,LIKELY TO BE; CONTROVERSY RELATED TO POTENTIAL ADVERSE ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS? ❑Yes ONO If Yes;explain briefly- - - PART III-DETERMINATION OF SIGNIFICANCE (To be completed by Agency) INSTRUCTIONS:. For each adverse effect identified above,determine whether it substantial,large,important.or otherwise significant.. Each effect should be assessed in connection with its (a).setting (i.e. urban or rural); (b) probability of occurring;:(c) duration; (d) irreversibility; (e) geographic scope; and (f)magnitude. If necessary,add attachments or reference supporting materials:. Ensure that explanations contain sufficient detail to show that all relevant adverse impacts have been identified and adequately addressed. Check this box if you have identifiedone or more potentially large or significant adverse impacts which MAY occur. Then proceed directly to the FULL EAF andfor prepare a positive declaration. ❑ Check this box if you have determined, based on the information and analysis above and any supporting documentation, that the proposed action WILL NOT result in any significant adverse environmental impacts AND provide on attachments as necessary, the reasons supporting this determination: Mame.or Lead Agency fife or Kes. onn le Uflser -Rnno-ovlype Name of Kespynsible Unc�er rrt geed Agency p b S,gndtvre or Kespons�ble Officer m Leau AKen cy. Yc' S�gna[ore of Yrc,parer(It d4ierent vom r"esponv biz i Date 2 I _ Southold Town Planning Board 4V Town Hall Southold, New York 11971 I 'L Re: Lot Line Change for Goss 4 (SCTM#I s 1000-2-IJ Gentlemen: The following statements are offered for your consideration in the review of the above-mentioned minor subdivision and its referral to the. Suffolk County Planning Commission:. (1) No grading, other than foundation excavation for a residential building is. prcpcsed. (2) No new roads are proposed and no changes will be made in the grades of the existing roads . (3) No new drainage structures or alteration of existing structures are proposed. Yours truly, Stephen L. Ham, 3II , authorized agent for Porter J. Goss and Mary R... Goss �i NION13 19911 APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OF PLAT To the Planning Board of the Town of Southold: The undersigned applicant hereby applies for (tentative) (final) approval of a subdivision plat in accordance with Article I6 of the Town Law and the Rales and Regulations of the Southold Town Planning Board, and represents and states as follows: authorized agent of the 1. The applicant is the%yvner of record of the land under application. (If the applicant is not the owner of record of the land under application, the applicant shall state his interest in said land under application.) Lot Line ChanRe Property of 2. The name of the subdi�naion is to be . .... .. ... . . �.. .. ........ ... . .. 1 Porter J. & 3. The entire land under application is described in Schedule "A" hereto annexed. (Copy of deed f suggested.) !II 4. The land is held by the applicant under deeds recorded in Suffolk County Clerk's office as follows: Liber . ..8254. . . .. .. .... . . ... Page . . . 520On 6/20/77 . .. . . .... .. . . ... ... . . . . : Liber . ..9333. .. .. .. .. .. . . ... Page . .. 557 On .... 3/29/83 Liber . . .93.33. .. . . .. .. .. . . .. . Page ... 561. .. .. . . . . ..... On ... .. 3/29/,83. . .. .. . . ; Liber . .. .. .. . . .. .. ... . .. . . . .. Page Liber . ........ ............... Page . .. .... ...... .. .. .. .. . On . .. .. . as devised under the Last Will and Testament of. . . . . . ...N/A . . or as distributee . .. .... .... ..N/A.. .... .. . . .. .. f4 .. . . .. .. . .. . ................... . . . .. .. .. . . ... . .. .. .... . . 2 5. The area of the laird is . . . . . 1..7.3 . . .. .. . acres. 6. All taxes which are liens on the land at the date hereof have been paid.i V3£X. ... ._ ... . . 4 f . .. .. .... . . . . .. . . .. .. .. . . .. . .. .. . . . . . . . . .. . ... ...... .. . . . .. 6 7. The land is encumbered by . .. .. .nR .. .. .. . . .. ... . .. . . . . .. .. .. . . . . .. .. . .. ..... . .. .. . . . . . mortgage (s) as follows: (a) Mortgage recorded in Liber . .. .. . . . .. . . . . Page . . . .. . .. . . . . . . .... in original amount of $. . . . . .. .. .. . .. unpaid amount $ . .... . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . held by . .. .. .. .. ........ .. .. . address . .. .. ... . ... . ..... . . .. .. . . ....,.. .. . . . . . . .. .. . . .. . . . . (b) Mortgage recorded in L bPr ::.. Pae . . ...�:i-. . .'... ... ... . .. . m original amount of . .. .. . . .. . ... . unpaid amount $. .. .. . . . . . . . . .. . ... .. . held by . .... .. .. ... .. .. ..... ..... .... .. ... address . .. .. .... ..... ... . . .. . .. . . . . . . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. ..... .... .. .. ... (c) Mortgage recorded in Liber Page .. . . . . . .... ..... in original amount of unpaid amount $. .. . .. . .. .. . . .. . . . . .. . held by I address . .... .... . . . . .. . . . .. . . .. . . .. . . . . .. . . .. .. . . . . .. .. ... . . ... 3. There are no other encumbrances or liens against the land e4ccxjXX ....... .. . . . . .. .. . . ... . .. . . .. .. . ... . . . . . . . . . . ... . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .... ....... .. . ... . . 9. The land lies in the following zoning use districts , R-. UO.... . .. .... ... . .... . ....... .... 10: No part of the land lies under water whether tide water, stream, pond water or otherwise, 1 { ... .. .. .. . . .. .. ... . :. .. . . ...... .. . .. . . . . . . . . .. .. .. . 11. The applicant shall at his expense install all required public improvements. p 12. The land (does) (does not) lie in a Water District or Water Supply District. Name of Dis- trict, if within a District, is : .Fi.sherR . Islanr3.Water. Norks. .. . . .. ... . . .... ..,. .. .. . 13. Water mains will be laid by . . . .. jqxisting, , , , ,, , , ,, , , ,, and (no) charge will be made for installing said mains. 14. Electric lines and standards will be installed by ..e$luting.... .... . ... ..'. . .. . . .. ... ... I . .. .. .... .. . . .. .. .. . . .. . . . .. .. . . . . . . . and (a) (no) charge will be made for installing said lines. �I 13. Gas mains will be installed b N/A i and (a) (no) charge will be made for installing said mains. 16. If streets shown on the plat are claimed by the applicant to be existing public streets in the Suffolk County Highway system, annex Schedule "1 " hereto, to show same. 17. If streets shown on the plat are claimed by the applicant to be existing public streets in the Town of Southold Highway system, annex Schedule "C" hereto to shote same. 13. There are no existing buildings or structures on the land which are not located and shown on the plat. 19. Where the plat shows proposed streets, which are extensions of streets on adjoining sub- division maps heretofore filed, there are no reserve strips at the end of the streets on said :existing naps at their conjunctions with theproposed streets.. „ a ,20. In thecourse of, these proceeduras; the applicantwill ,{,F er goof of'title -gas required Uy Secs` >g , 335 of the Real Property Law. 21. Submit a copy of proposed deed for lots showing all restrictions, covenants, etc. Annex Schedule „D» 22. The applicant estimates that the cost of grading and required public improvements will be $.. . .N/A.; as itemized in Schedule "E" hereto annexed and requests that the maturity of the Performance Bond be fixed at ..NJ.A. ..... .. years. The Performance Bond will be written by a licensed surety company unless otherwise shown on Schedule "F". i DATE ..JIovember.. .. . ,�7 , , ; , .. . 1990 . Porter J. Goss and Mary R. Goss (Name of Applicant) . By . . . .. . . . .... . (y Signaturean Title) Stephen L. Ham, III , authorized agent 45 Hampton Road (Address) Southampton, New York 11968 STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF ::... . . . . SUFFOLK„ , . .,. , , , ss: I x On the . .. .. ..�t... .. . . . day of. . . . November . _ „ 1990.. ., before me personally came . . . . .. . . .. . . . . to me known to be the individual described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that . .he. . .. ... executed the same. C �(J /���� . '',n'f PUBLIC,,aate of Note VON I..VY(.� X o .,2-4$L.Ss26 Notar ublic " gsio,iLoi sMnllte, rtg' 8 } t;.u?u°trsa3�cep:r2s L�c+�'�t�c 2�; i STATE OF NEW YORK. COUNTY OF . . . . . . .. . . . . . .... .. . . . . .. . . . ss: 1 On the . .. . . . .. . .. . .. . . day . . . .. .. .. .. . of . . . . . . . . . . . . .., 19. .. . ;., before me personally came s . . . .. .. . . . . .. . . . . .... . . . to me known, who being by me duly sworn did de- pose and :say that ... ... . . .. .. . resides of Ido. . .. .. .. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . that . .. .. .. . . .. .. . . . . .. . . . ... . is the . .. . . . . .. .. .. .. .I .. .. . . . of ... .. .. .. .. . . ... .. . .... ... . . .. . . . . . . . . .. .. .. .. ...... .. . . . . .... . . . . . . .... . the corporation describedin and which executed the foregoing instrument; that knows the seal of said corporation; that the seal affixed by order of the board of directors of said corporation. ' thatigned . .. .. .. . . . . . . . name thereto by like-ordert` . .. .. . . .. . . .. .. .... ... ..... ... ..... . Notary Public Standard N'.1'.B.T.U. Form 8010' 0-80-uN—E ra r'a llaed�lndividualm CotyDtation. A h3 CONSULT YOUR LAWYER BEFORE SIGNIH�HiS INSTRUMINT-THIS INSTRUMENT SHOUL USED BY LAWYnS OkLY. L [�n(3n�{ tR"' 22536 THIS INDENTURE, made the 22 day of February , nineteen hundred and eighty-three BETWEEN PITTSBURGH NATIONAL BANK, a national banking association �. having its principal office atTFifth and Wood Streets in the City of Pittsburgh, County of Allegheny and State of Pennsylvania Ydxxxd*turxxxg as ancillary executor of the last will and testament of kart' O. Robinson, a/k/a P-ary Oliver Robinson late of ,y �)o'�Scaife Road, Sewickley Heights, Pennsylvania who dW on the 14th day of October , nineteen hundred and eighty party of the first part, and PORTER J. GOSS and 1,MRY R. " GOSS , as joint tenants with right of survivorship, both of 3869 Gulf Drive , Sanibel Island, Florida party of the second part, WITNESSETH,that the party of the first part, to whom ancillary letters testamentary were issued by the Surrogate's Court, Suffolk County, New York on November 26 , 1982 and by virtue of the power and authority given in and by said last will and testament, and/or by Article I l of the Estates, Powers arid Trusts Lary, and in consideration of Ten ($10. 00) dollars, to the party of the first part paid by the party of the second part, does hereby grant and release unto the party of the second part,Xie�zlfstc [rXegstrssrxiscdc gagtaf�tlpartgx �ltexi6ortd� atxfaxvea}c and unto the survivor of . them and unto such survivor' s' distributees, successors and assigns forever, ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and beinginthe Town of Southold, Suffolk County, State of New York, being a part of. that portion of Fishers Island lying to the east of Peninsula Road, said lot or parcel of land being bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the Westerly side of a road at its a�3�d9�g3 intersection with the Northwesterly line of other land of this Grantee, said point being located 4566 . 82 feet North of a point y which is 896. 35 feet West of a monument marking the United States -p Coast and Geodetic Survey Triangulation Station "NIN" and thence running South 750 10' 10" West 191. 03 feet to the shore of West Harbor; thence along said shore line North 101 29 ' 40" 3 — East 168 . 75 feet; thence North 81° 51 ' 48 " East .31. 00 feet to FAXNITP a point of curve to the left whose radius is 302 . 00 feet and the SIGNATION . direction of whoseradius at that point is North 8.' 08 ' 12" West; - thence Northeastwardly, following the arc of said curve, 146.43i 1, 000 feet to an iron at a point of curve to the left whose radius is 85. 00 feet and the direction of whose radius at that point is . 00200 North 35° 55 ' 00" West; thence Northeastwardly, following the arc of said curve, 63. 97 feet to an iron on the Westerly line of o lop said road at a point of curve to the right whose radius is 370. 99 feet and the direction of whose radius at that point is South r 830 33 ' 57" West; thence Southwardly along said road line, following the arc of said curve, 189. 31 feet; thence still along said road' line South 22° 48 ' 10" West 42. 93 feet to the point of• beginning. SUBJECT to all applicable laws and regulations of governmental authorities and to all covenants, restrictions, easembnts, rights, grants and declarations of record and easements for use of public utilities. RECvc�fi Eate'____ r REAS' STATE MAR 1983 TRANSFER TAX S1 lrr ni.:)t TOGETHER with all right, title and interest, if any, of the party of the first part in and to any streets and roads abutting the above described premises to the center lines thereof, TOGETHER with the appurtenances, and also all the estate which the said decedent had at the time of decedent's death in said premises, and also the estate therein,which the party of the first part has or has power ito convey or dispose of, whether individually, or by virtue of said will or otherwise, TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein granted unto the party of the second part, the distpi{igtees' and unto. the survivor of them and unto such survivor ' s distributees, successors and assigns forever. it AND the party of the first part covenants that the party of the first part has not done or suffered anything whereby the said premises have been inctunbered in any way whatever, except as aforesaid. AND the party of the first part,in compliance with Section 13 of the Lien Law, covenants that the party of the first part will receive the consideration for this conveyance and will hold the right to receive such consideration as a trust fund to be applied first for the purpose of paying the cost of the improvement and will apply the same first to the payment of the cost of the improvement before using any part of the total of the same for any other purpose. The word "party" shall be construed as if it read "parties" whenever the sense of this indenture so requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party of the first part has duly executed this deed the day and yeas first above . written. IN PRFSENCE OFI ATTEST: PITTSBURGH NATIONAL BANK as ancillary executor under the last will and testament` of Mary O. Robinson, a/k/a n Mary Oliver Robinson By: �1 By: a a& AM. VICE PRESIDENT YKE PRESIDt,vi STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF ss: STATE.OF.NEW YORK; COUNTY OF sr-F 1 F? On the day of 19 before me On the day of 19 before toe personally came personally came ."Iti " .rx ec to me known to be the individual described in and who to me known to be the individual described in and who executed the foregoing ins'trun ent, and acknowledged that executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged tha executed the same. executed the same. PWNSYLVPAg1 STATE OF F1WsK3fbfM,COUNTY OF ALLEGHENY sss STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF ss: ' On the ,P-? day of 1983 , before me On the day of 19 before me personally came R. Steven BC)nndtt personally came to me known, who, being by me duly sworn, did depose and the subscribing witness to the foregoing instrument, with say that he resides at Ne-. Tlo 3 a t (!Jo whom I am personally acquainted, who, being by me duly j-4 QP, sworn, did depose and say that he resides at No,. ' that he is the Vice President i of Pittsburgh National Bank' that he knows the corporation described in,and which executed the foregoing instrument; that he to be the individual knows the seal, of said corporation; that the seal affixed described in and who executed the foregoing instrument; to said inst t*eut, is such corporate seal; that it was so that he, said subscribing witness, was present and saw affixed by,'order'of the board of directors of said corpora- execute the same; and that he, said witnesa, tion, and Ahat . he"signed It is name thereto by like order. at the same time subscribed h name as witness thereto. OUR9011i, A,.LIGGETT,:NOTARY pUSLIC PIiTSBUNGH,.ALLEGNENY COUNTY } MY COMhS1557 1�.�7(P,IRES JUNE 9, 1986 If Member Penosylvania"AIP6ciation of Notaries /y�^U.-xecutor'V Deeb. SECTION 2 TiTL$No. 1.. "'• 1 OJ tel-' BLOCK 1 Y� LOT 13 Pittsburgh National Bank COUNTY OR TOWN Southold as ancillary executor of TAX BILLING ADDRESS Mary 0. Robinson Mr. and Airs . Porter J. , Goss4,' TO 3869 Gulf Drive Sanibel Island, Florida 33957 Porter J. Goss and Mary R. Goss Recorded At Request of The Title Guarantee Company" RETURN BY MAII. TO: STANDARD FORM OF NEW YORK BOARD OF TREE UNDERWRITERS John B. Horton, Esq. vmrsrrMah. Hall , McNicol, Hamilton, Clq.-k TITLE GUARANTEE- & Murray NEWYORK One Landmark Square ATCOR COMPANY Stamford, 'CT 06.901 Zip No I O t a.; d a _ Quo II , ' �n`1rn St.1W.)11 :41 l ] t'. I.,n! nU lu' uHv-i,ill- La uurc Di "U.". , �... �. . CONSULT YOUR LAWYER BEFORE SIGNIIS INSTRUMENT-THIS INSTRUMENT SNODUSED BY LAWYEIfS`OtiLY. y F!933 � is-55 ti2533 THTSINDELI *RF, made the 22 day of February , nineteen hundred and eighty-three BETWEEN PITTSBURGH NATIONAL BANK, a national banking association 7� having its principal office att°Fifth and Wood Streets in the City of Pittsburgh, County of Allegheny and State of Pennsylvania li as}rxacutoxxxof as ancillary executor of the last will and testament,af Mary O. Robinson, a/k/a Mary Oliver Robinson late of J-#Scaife Road, SewickleyHeights, Pennsylvania who died on the 14th day-of October nineteenhundred and eithty s party of the firstpart, and PORTER J. GOSS and MAixY R. GOSS, as joint tenants with right of suvivorship, , both of. ,.3.$69 Gulf Drive, Sanibel Island, Florida li I r party of the second part. - WITNESSETH, that the party of the first part, to whom ancillary letters testamentary were issued by the Surrogate's Court, Suffolk County, New York " on November 26, 19 82 and by virtue of the power and authority given in and by said last will and testament, and/or by Article I I of the Estates, Powers and Trusts Law, and in consideration of Ten ($10. 00) dollars, to the party of the first part paid by the party of the second part, does hereby grant and release unto the party of the second part, t'hugbo ikt xsxx so aad�as nx�iKbba�pxxt} ��43ax eortd -VitXotiw4 and unto the survivor of them and unto such survivor' s distributees, `,succe,ssors and assiqns forever, I�AX�sa��xtsia�x�uR�cs�crabt��ckx �kxhuitiogsc�;stxrsttg� Es4c�zlx� xa.*� �!yQtrg�attd�I�ing,it�lta� ALL those two certain parcels of land hereinafter described as Parcel A and Parcel B, with the buildings and improvements thereon, erected, situated, lying and being in the town of Southhold, Suffolk County, State of New York, being a part of that portion of Fishers Island lying Easterly of the following line, viz : ro BEGINNING at the southeasterly corner .of land owned by the 1. Unites States known as the Fort H. G. Wright Military Reservation, Mount Prospect Tract, on the shore of Block Island Sound or the =.�.y✓ Atlantic Ocean and running thence northerly following the East boundary of the said land of the United States to the southerly line of East End Road (sometimes called Oriental. Avenue) and TAX HAP . which point is the; northeasterly corner of landof the United `siG;\TTION States, thence 'crossing the East End Road and following the same 1, 000 course as the last to the shore of West Harbor on Fishers Island `, Sound; VA 9a 2 ob 4?. Said Parcel A being bounded and describe _,as follows : of oa BEGINNING at a stone monument set on the Vortheasterly side of a road forty feet wide, said monument being severity-eight hundred and fifty-eight and twenty five hundredths feet West of a point which a is twelve hundred and fifty-six and seventy-nine hundredths feet South of another monument marking the U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Triangulation Station "Chocomount 2" (which said "Chocomount 2" monument is located on the summit of the highest hill on Fishers Island, N. Y. about two and one-quarter miles West of the Eastern end of Fishers Island and lies South seventy- nine degrees twenty-nine minutes and forth-six seconds East of North Dumpling Light in Fishers Island Sound) ; and running thence Northwestwardly, along the-Northeasterly side of said road 1 „ �•"' (and following the arc of a curve to the left whose radius is three hundred and fifty-four and thirty-six hundredths feet and the direction of whose radius at that point is South seventy degrees twenty-six minutes and ten seconds West) , one hundred and thirty-six and eight-hundredths feet to a stake; thence, still along the Northeasterly side of said road, North forty-one degrees and thirty-four minutes West Thirty-eight and thirty- seven hundredths feet to a stake marking a point of' curve to the right whose radius is two hundred and seventy-five and fifty-four - hundredths feet and the direction of whose radius at that point is North forty-eight degrees and twenty-six minutes, East; thence Northwestwardly, still along the Northeasterly side of said road (and following the arc of said curve) , one hundred and ninety- six and seventy-seven hundredths feet to- a stake thence North seventy-nine degrees twenty-six minutes and twenty seconds East one hundred and four and seventy-six hundredths feet to a stake thence South thirty-nine degrees forty-one minutes and thirty; . k . seconds East three hundred and twenty and Ninety-nine •hundredths feet to a stake; and thence South fifty-six degrees five minutes y and thirty seconds West one hundred and seventy-three and ninety ( seven hundredths feet to the place of beginning; containing one and sixteen-hundredths acres, more or less. Said Parcel B being bounded and described,as follows: BEGINNING at a stone monument set on the Westerly side of a road 1 forty feet wide, said monument being eight hundred and- eighty- two nd eighty- two and thirty-four hundredths feet West .of a point which is forty-three hundred and six and forty-five hundredths feet North of the U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Triangulation Station "Nin" (which said "Nin", monument is located near the Western end of a ridge overlooking the South shore of Fishers Island and on the highest point between Chocomount and Mount Prospect and lies South forty-five degrees seventeen minutes and twenty- six seconds East of North Dumplling Light in Fishers Island Sound) ; and running South eighty-nine degrees twenty-six minutes and forty seconds West two hundred and fifteen and fourteen hundredths feet to the shore of Fishers Island Sound; thence, with the meanders of said Sound, North three degrees thirty minutes and fifty seconds East fifty-two and seventy-hundredths feet and North four degrees forty-two minutes and twenty seconds East one hundred and sixty-one. and fifty-two hundredths feet to a stake; thence North seventy-.five degrees ten minutes and ten seconds East one hundred and ninety-seven and thirty- one hundredths feet to a stake set on the Westerly side of said road; thence Southwardly, along the Westerly side of said road (and following the arc of a curve to the left; whose radius is three hundred and fifteen and fifty-four hundredths feet and the direction of whose radius at that point is South sixty-seven degrees eleven minutes and fifty seconds East) , two hundred and seventy and twenty-eight hundredths feet to the place of beginning; containing ninety-nine hundredths of an acre, more or less. SUBJECT to all applicable laws and regulations of governmental authorities and to all covenants, restrictions, easements, rights, grants and declarations of record and easements for use of public utilities. 4 L—J, 9333-.AG M9- TOGETHER with all right, title and interest, if any, of the party of the first part in and to any streets and roads abutting the above described premises to the center lines thereof, TOGETHER with the appurtenances, and also all the estate which the said decedent had at the time of decedent's death in said premises, and also the estate therein, which the party of the first part has or has power to convey or dispose of, whether individually, or by virtue of said will or otherwise, TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein granted unto the party of the second part,dee disirilatees II and unto the survivor of 4�4�I them and unto such survivor' s distributees, successors and , assigns forever. II �` I AND the party of the first part covenants that the party of the first part has not done or suffered anything whereby the said premises have been incmnbered in any way whatever, except as aforesaid. AND the party of the first part,in compliance with Section 13 of the Lien Law, covenants that the party of the first part will receive the consideration for this conveyance and will hold the right to receive such consideration as a trust fund to be applied first for the purpose of paying the cost of the improvement and will apply the same first to the payment of the cost of the improvement before using any part of the total of the same for any other purpose. The word "party" shall be construed as if it read "parties" whenever the sense of this indenture so requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party of the first part has duly executed this deed the day and year first above written. IN PRESENCE OF: ATTEST: PITTSBURGH NATIONAL BANK as ancillary executor under ' the last will and testament of Mary 0. Robinson, a/k/a Mary Oliver Robinson By. By: ASST: VICf PRESIDENT VICE PRESIDENT I i i i o.0 StATm OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF ` •.�'. sss STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF xst CLon the da of 19 before me O the Y , n day of 19 , before viae personally camersonall came Pe Y , 'pyo me known to be the individual described in and who to me known to be the individual described in and via eetifed the foregoing insinundnt, Bud aclmowledged-that executed the. foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that executed the same. executed the:same o< RECI=VED I � Z253S � V.. _- REAL ESTATS TRANSFER S�UF,Fy6,"A PENNSYLVANIA STATE OF KEWYAM COU OF ALLEGHENY sst STATE OF NEW YORK. COUNTY OF On the day of �y 19 8 3, before me On the day of 19 before me personally came R. Steven B�onneEt personally came . .. - - R to me known, who,being by me duly sworn did depose and the subscribing witness to the foregoing instrument, with say that ht5�resides at No. % No A 9', to .s- 4Of z whom I am personally acquainted, who, being by me duly Sas • , 1�111s1wr {1, PA sworn, did depose and say that he resides at No. that he is the Vice resident ofPittsburgh National Bank that he knows the corporation described ('a in and which executed the foregoing instrument; that he "' '` to be the individual_ knows the. seal of, said. corporation; that the seal affixed described in-and who executed the foregoing instrumer:e,•' to said atrunent is such corporate seal; that it-was so that he, said subscribing. witness,..was present and saw affiQ b�t'ttrdeF of the board of directors of said corpora-_ execute_thesame; and that he,said witness, tion, ar1tY f11a#f he signed his name thereto by like_order. at the same time subscribed h name,as witness thereto. t Yitlgorer a~UccEP> J10ARY PUBLIC P ,SBUP,Gh,AtAfCNENY C➢UNTY _ .... .. . t my C411d111H EXPIRES JUf t mi . . - . . . h#errheE PenpliwmaAssociatign.,', �CCC#IIOr•5 ¢¢i) ,.,. {rte^' �i SFCTION 2 C! l(y cy r BLOCK 1 TITLE No. f 7�__ D5 / _ LOT 15 Pt. & 14 Pittsburgh National Bank COUNTY OR TOWN Southold as ancillary executor of TAX BILLING ADDRESS Mary O. Robinson Mr. and Mrs. Porter J. Goss TO 3869 Gulf Drive Sanibel Island, Florida 33957 Porter J. Goss and Mary R. Goss Recorded At Request of The Title Guarantee Company' RETURN BY MAIL TO: STANDARD FORM OF NEW YORK SOARD OF TREE UNDERWRITERS John B. Horton, ESQ. 'vimiixrFd by Hall, McNicol , Hamilton, Clark OTITLE GUARANTEE- & Murray NEWYORK One Landmark Square ro Stamford, CT 06901 ATICORCOMPANY Zip No. u O \\� 1 r Porter J. Goss Mary R. Goss 3869 Gulf Drive Sanibel Island, Florida 33957 An;}�. l7 1990 Planning Board Town of Southold Main Road Southold, NY 11971 Re: Proposed Lot Line Change - Properties of Porter J. and Mary R. Goss (SCTM # 's 1000-2-1-13 , 14 , Dear Sirs: Please be advised that Stephen L. Ham, III of Matthews & Ham, 45 Hampton Road, Southampton, New York, is authorized to act as our agent concerning all matters relating to the referenced lot line change involving our property at Fishers Island, New York, including the execution by him of all documents and the taking by him of all other required actions on our behalf in connection with our application for such lot line change approval. Very t 1 Port J. os Mary oss STATE OF FIDA ) ss. : W 3 ; COUNTY OF ,-.Q� ) � 111°° On the day of Aust, 1990, before me personally came Porter Goss - arvi Mary-. R. moss, to me Ynown to be the individuals described i. ':and'* 'who executed the foregoing instrument,` '�and acknowledged that they executed the same. EILEEN G. WALL =y Public, of Nave York 2- No. 52-9509185 95 Suffolk Notary Public Qualified in Suffolk County 9.D Hhn lz�ira� h1�M 30, 14a� Llai ' ?A 529 THIS INDENTURE, made the %; day of III y� nineteen hundred and seventy-seven between FISHER:' ISLAND DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, a corporation j organized under the laws of the State of New York , with j its principal place of business c/o Morgan Stanley & Co. , 1251 Avenue of the Americas, in the City, County and State of New York, hereinafter called the grantor, party of the first part, and MARY O. ROBINSON , Scaife Road, of Sewickley, Pennsylvania hereinafter called the grantee, party of the second part: WITNESSETH, that the party of the first part, ' in consideration of One Hundred Thirty-three and 20/100 Dollars ($133 . 20) , lawful money of the United States paid by the party of the second part, does hereby grant and E release unto the party .of the second part, his heirs and assigns forever , gist. 1000 ALL that lot or parcel of land, with the 1 )ec. 2 buildings and improvements thereon, in the' Town of Southold, Suffolk County, State of New York, being a part 'lock 1 of that portion of Fishers Island belonging to grantor (which portion is hereinafter called the "Park") lying to the east of Peninsula Road, said lot or parcel of land being bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a point on the Westerly side of a road at its intersection with the Northwesterly line of other land of this Grantee, said point being located 4566 . 82 feet North of a point which is ` 896.35 feet, West of a monument „marking the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey Triangulation Station "NIN" and thence running South 75° 10 ' 10" West 191. 03 feet to the shore 00 of West Harbor ; thence along said shore line North 100 29 ' 40" East 168 . 75 feet; thence North 81° 51' 48" East 31 . 00 feet to a point of curve to the left whose radius is 0'S 302. 00 feet and the direction of whose radius at that point is North 81 08 ' 12" West; thence Northeastwardly, following the arc of said curve, 146. 43 feet to an iron at a point of curve to the left whose radius is 85. 00 feet and the direction of whose radius at that point is North 351 55' 00" West; thence Northeastwardly, following the arc of said curve, 63.97 feet to an iron on the Westerly line of said road at a point of curve to the right whose radius is 370. 99 feet and the direction of whose radius at that point is South 831 33' 57" West; thence South wardly along said road line, following the arc of said curve, 189 .31 feet; thence still along said road line South 22° 48 ' 10" West 42.93 feet to the point of beginning . Containing 0. 74 acres, more or less. Being a parcel of land located between Lots 6 and 7 in Block 28 as designated by the Grantor . F-REC - EAL ESTATE EIVEED UN 201977 ti::JFER i SUFFOLK COUNTY g 3 w. n f LIBER 825`f PAGE 52' together with the appurtenances , and all the estate and rights of the party of the first part in and to said premises; SUBJECT to any state of facts an accurate survey may show; and SUBJECT to covenants, restrictions, easements , rights, grants , and declarations of record, if any, and easements for use of public utilities; and SUBJECT to all applicable laws and regulations 4 of Federal, state and local governmental authorities, i RESERVING to the grantor herein from the grant of the land and premises hereby conveyed easements and rights of way within a strip of land approximately five s feet wide for the erection thereon of poles to support wires for the transmission of electricity for `light, heat, telephone and other purposes, and for the con- struction, operation and maintenance of pipe lines or conduits under the surface of said reservation for any lawful purpose whatsoever, but the grantor shall have the right to release the premises above described from these particular easements and rights of way; i PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that whenever the surface of the ground shall be disturbed by the grantor , its successors or assigns, for the purpose of constructing or repairing any such pole line, pipeline or conduit, it shall become the duty of the grantor , its successors or assigns, forthwith, at its or their own expense, to repair and restore the surface of the ground so disturbed to substantially the same condition as shall have existed before the time of such disturbance. The grantor hereby grants and conveys to the party of the second part, her heirs and assigns, an easement for ingress to and egress from the premises above described over and along such private roads as now or may hereafter exist connecting the said premises with the public highway. The grantor reserves the right to change the location, route or grade of said roads from time to time, provided that such change shall not prevent reasonably convenient and adequate access to the premises, herein conveyed nor unreasonably lengthen the distance to be traveled to reach such public highway. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein granted unto the party of the second part, her heirs and, assigns forever . PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that this conveyance is made subject to the following covenants and agreements which are hereby entered into by the party of the second part by the acceptance hereof, her heirs and assigns, as a part of the consideration therefor : -2- That the aforesaid premises shall be occupied and used by the grantee, her heirs and assigns, for private residential purposes only, and not otherwise, and ` there shall be erected thereon only a private residence - for the use of one family only, together with. 'the necessary outbuildings appurtenant thereto, PROVIDED` that if more than one homesite is hereby conveyed, only ' one such residence shall be .erected or maintained on each of such homesites, which are hereinbefore respectively designated as Homesites Nos. That no building or other structure shall be erected on the aforesaid premises, no alterations shall be made in the exteriorof any building or other i structure erected thereon, and nothing else shall be done - materially affecting the , appearance of the aforesaid premises except according, to plans (including exterior color scheme, grading plan, planting plan and location plan) which shall have been approved in writing by, the grantor, its successors or assigns. That no stable for live stock shall be erected or maintained"��on the aforesaid premises by the grantee, her heirs or assigns,' and no livestock shall be kept on any, part of the property hereby conveyed, without the written consent of the grantor , its successors or assigns. That the premises herein conveyed shall be kept free from any nuisance, and from any object or condition otherwise offensive to the neighborhood, or dangerous to the health of trees or other vegetation in said neighbor- hood. h That from and after the date hereof, the grantee, her heirs, or assigns; by the acceptance of this deed, covenants and agrees to pay to the grantor , its successors or assigns, an annual maintenance charge, as fixed by the grantor , its successors or assigns, which charge, except with the consent of the owners of a majority of the acreage in the "Park, " shall not exceed in any one year $25. per acre of the premises hereby conveyed , such charge to be applied to the maintenance and repair of roads, sidewalks, sewers, and gutters, and to the collection and disposal of garbage and other refuse, PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that the grantor, its successors or assigns, shall not be obligated , to maintain or repair roads, sidewalks, sewers (except main trunk line sewers) and gutters on the premises herein conveyed; PROVIDED, FURTHER, that in no event shall the 'grantor be liable for any performance hereunder in excess of the amount collected by it pursuant to this paragraph. -3- 4;B�a 4 PAGE5 1 And it is further covenanted and agreed that no right to the land covered by the waters of any pond on which said premises abut, or to the control thereof, or to the control of the land covered by the waters of any streams, or to the banks thereof, running through the above described premises, or to any of said waters, or to the use or control of any of said waters, shall pass by this grant; that the party of the first part shall have the right to raise or lower the waters of said ponds and/or streams as may from time to time be found expe- dient; and that the rights of the party of the second part in and to the premises hereby conveyed„ shall be limited and bounded by the shore or margin of said ponds and/or streams, as the same may vary from time to time or be regulated by the party of the first ,part, and that the use of said waters at all seasons, and of the land under the same, shall be subject to the regulations of the party of the first part; and the party of the first part hereby reserves to itself and its assigns all the water rights upon the premises hereby conveyed. The grantee covenants and agrees to install upon the premises hereby conveyed septic tanks or other facilities for adequately disposing of all sewage origin- ating on said premises and further to install at the grantee' s own expense, when so requested by the grantor, a lateral sewer connection with a main trunk line sewer, if there shall be one on said premises, or if such trunk line sewer shall have been brought to the property line of said, premises . The grantee further covenants and agrees at all times to maintain such septic tank, facilities and/or lateral sewer connection in good repair and proper operating condition. The plans and specifi- cations for the construction and/or installation of such septic tanks , facilities and/or lateral sewer connection shall first be approved in writing, by the grantor . The grantee hereby covenants and agrees that she will not knowingly permit the premises herein con- veyed to be so used that the water in any fresh water ponds and/or streams contiguous or adjacent to said pre- mises may 'be in any way polluted or rendered unfit for potable purposes. All the covenants and agreements herein expressed shall be binding upon the grantee, her heirs and assigns , and shall be held to run with and bind the land and premises hereby conveyed and all subsequent owners and occupants thereof, until April 15th, 1985 , and thereafter from term to term of twenty years upon the consent of the owners of a majority in acreage of all land within the "Park" . -4- All rights and easements of access, implied or expressed`, to the property herein conveyed shall be limited by and subject to such rules , regulations and restrictions governing the manner of use thereof, or the persons licensed or permitted to use the same, as shall from time to time be 'adoptedor prescribed by the grantor, its successors or assigns. The rights reserved herein to the grantor , or to the, grantor ' s successors or assigns, and the consent or approval of the grantor , its successors or assigns herein. referred to, shall enure to, mean or require only , the right or act of the said Fishers Island Development Corporation, or its corporate successor, and shall' not refer to or include a person or corporation holding only as grantee of land from said corporation. PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that any of the covenants . and agreements contained in this deed of conveyance may beat any time and in any manner waived or ,changed with the consent of the grantor, its successors or assigns, and the owner or owners for the time being of the land hereby conveyed, and the owners of a majority in acreage of all the property within the "Park. " The provision last preceding shall apply to cases where the change contemplated .is to affect less than all the land in the "Park" which has been conveyed by the grantor to purchasers, but where such waiver or change shall apply to and affect all the land within the "Park" which hasbeen conveyed by the grantor subject to the covenants and agreements herein set forth, said covenants and agreements may be waived or changed with the consent of the grantor or its successors and the consent of the owners (other than the grantor) of a majority in acreage of all the land within the "Park" . PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that nothing in this deed contained shall limit the right of the grantor , its successors or assigns, to set apart such part of its lands, situated within the aforesaid "Park," as it or they may deem suitable for golf courses, club houses, bathing beaches or other attractions, and necessary buildings appurtenant thereto, and also the right to set apart in the "Park" other premises deemed suitable for the convenience of the residents of the "Park" to be used or operated for store or business purposes; but the setting apart of any such lands and their use shall not operate to confer or vest in purchasers or property owners any rights or interests in said lands. -5- MERS:254 PAGE 525 No appurtenant or other interests in the real property of the grantor not expressly set forth in this instrument are hereby conveyed or transferred to the grantee herein, and it is expressly ' covenanted by the parties hereto that no rights, appurtenances,, privileges or personal advantages not herein expressed, run with or are attached to the land conveyed. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party of the first part has caused its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed, and these presents to be signed by its ' duly authorized officer the day and year first above written. ATTEST FISHERS ISLAND DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION BY 1- 0 Secretary / President) 1 // .: ., LIBER 2,%t t YAG 5 ` .✓ . . STATE OF NEW YORK ) ss . COUNTY OF NEW YORK III �ti a On the%/.�- day of 1977, before me personally came JANSEN NOYES, R. to me known, who, being by me duly sworn, did depose and say that he residesat No. 299 Hollow Tree . Ridge Road, Darien, Connecticut; that he is the President of Fishers island Development ,Corporation, the corporation described in and which executed the foregoing instrument; that he knows the seal of said corporation;, that the; seal, affixed to said instrument is such corporate seal, that it was so affixed by order of the board: of directors of said corporation, and that he signed his name thereto by like order. Notary Public Ju!-iA E. _ Notary r .. York Cauali ri .J rr f ^T'lc kCa:a.:7 Colnmiss iota LzpireS fh�nh �0; 1474 - 'JULIA E, PETES Volary public, St.ie at New York ' No.`31-3076325 Cjuolified in New York County Commission Expires March 30, 1479 TeL'� Pi ANIN'ING� OARD I� TQW,YO 1S6- ,HQLD c?.�� : F Southold. N.Y. 11971 NON 1 (516) 765-1933 q ::�9�UUyy'y(l.}b.4}i.4.944rrr�it a ,. ... 1 :bCdVdN�4u+{ QUESTIONNAIRE TO BE CObIPLETED AJ61:)�.I3 $il WITH YOUR APPLICATIONS FOP2%IS TO THE PLANNING BOARD Please complete, sign and return to the Office of the -Planning Board with your completed applications forms. If your answer to any of the following. questions is ves , please indicate these on your guaranteed survey or submit other appropriate evidence: 1. Are there any wetland grasses on this parcel? Yes No (Attached is a list of the wetland grasses defined by the Town Code, Chapter 97, for your reference) 2. Are there .any other premises under your ownership abutting this parcel? Yes_ No 3. Are there any building permits pending on this parcel? Yes No 4., Are there any other applications pending concerning this ,property before any other department. or agency? (Town.. ,. State, County, etc. ) Yes No 5. Is there any application pending before any other agency , with regard to a different project on this parcel? Yes No 6. Was this property the subject of any prior. application to the Planning Board? Yes No 7 _ Does this property have a valid certificate of occupancy, if yes please submit a copy of same Yes No" Premises are vacant land . I `certify th;.t the above statements are true and %•.ill be relied on by the P1a�lnitP Board .in considering this application. �. • �r . , . X90 Signature- or property owner or authorized agent date Stephen L. H:am, III , authorized agent for Porter J.. Goss and Mary R. Gosa ` V i ; Attachment to questionnaire for::the Planning Board IL STATE OF NEW YORK; COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, ss: On the o7 day of November 1990, before me personally came—_ Ham TIT to me known to be the individual described in and who executed the foregoing instrume and acknowledged that he executed the same.. E.Jt'E airs ' C�va3�fed e�3isf3pik CaE�tf�. q G; rrs�ts fx�res ���2 I r 35-3 35-2 ��...1 � Ili-]C 'Y�••:. �.l {NG LOT $ jj FIDCO 1 + 1 B L 0 C I S L A N D S 0 ' U N D J Water Moms - - - - - Valves _ Hydrants LG7S A hHP�H rE ADACEivT ?C rAr!GVV FUND AND M4Y'LE r 1 % "G^4O ,c _r r v .a- ' N� E EG AS TYPE 1 ACTION -1, c,�;A'TTO cc�FA I NOT BJILDING LGT-Q- c- 2 n ihY v�IT}i r1 lr 1 , �" /' "� � � 1 A..,,,;I"rt.�.: .irk vER '� , CONNECTS LOTS OR PARCELS I>".'ITH COMMON OWNER '�° — — LOT LINES FOR COP"'TIGUOUSLY O`NNED LOTS O APPROXIMATE DNELLING LOCATION o APFRCXI tv!ATE LOCATION FIDCO BUILDING PLAN MADE r " ED MAP - FLOCK-LOT FROM COUNTY TAX MAP "`, I FIDCO LOTS FISHEH ISLDEVI A 0 FIDCO LAND ( undesignated ) a GOLF COURSE- ND-r To SE SHOWING EAST CD UNIMPROVED ROADS UDIEVELOPED G1AF COMPILED FROM (. OLr>1STED BROTHERS r2limi FISHERS ISLAND, P ry plun,r ns 1923 2-'g o 2 ,) alr eco +zrr 2 vd. N .' BRO'WN, 'NC . lot and road pian 1929-1931 SCALE � r 3 CURRENT COUNTY TAX MAPS q �. 4. CHANELER,PALrt' ur LET2 FE 11-0 R � xr SH Iof 5 V2 94'j la �� �f NOV. 4, IqS6DIT � , � AUGUST 1,981 �C »...nFm 29-a p 2P- 2 I. y _ �- �I ` 117 31 27, 2 !7_iA t 26 - 3 Z7 0 2' i ZrJ_+R /porron , I : 27()7" 2� '- � 25- 28 15 27u \ O 30- a g_;2 29_9 - �. 30- 5 _ 3^_ 2 Vis , w 1 3-_6 29_p 29.8 \ 32 29- Z r 1 , _ 1 p 30_7 j i 29-7a 29-4 �^ -� 29 s 29-5 pern 4 F 3 - 30-44 ` z'3r 14" i_ �� 31-I2 31-IA I + 3i-4 3; _ 5 31-2 1 i' 3t-I 31 ric i Y F y�,M i i 4 FISHERS /SLANG SOUND ' sec NO 130e oo f noe x 4 gy 1�� tool Jib /P 1 �P .J 9.On SSe Ae 17 4 E5 8 U 2116 s legend _._ _ COUNTY rf UTHOLg _—c Real Pr000Tax Agency LU e ,vl002 f o 1000 R ve.6ead,L.L,New Yoh - PROPEBtY MAP { MATTHEWS SC. HAM ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAN Y� 45 HAMPTON ROAD S017THAMPTON,N.Y.11968. - 516-283-2400 pHiLTP B.y�19TIEIEWS TELECOPIEH 516-283-1076 'STEPHEN,L.HAM{iII _ - ': February 14, 1992 Planning Board Town of Southold Town Hall Main Road Southold, NY 11971 Re: Lot Line Change; Porter J. Goss and Mary R. Goss (SCTM # 1000-2-1 13 . 1, 13.2 & 14) Dear Board Members:' In connection with your resolution adopted at the September 30, 1991 hearing with respect to the referenced lot line change, I have enclosed the following:, 1. Five prints of the final map containing, among other things, the information you required with respect to the newlyassigned tax map numbers, recording information for the deed effecting the lot line change and area of portion of former lot 13 conveyed. 2. Certified copy of deed, dated October 22, 1991 from Porter J. Goss and Mary R. Goss to Porter J. Goss and Mary R. Goss, recorded on December 17, 1991 in Liber 11387 page 430, containing the required merger language. 3 . Certified copy of deed, dated. October 22, 1991,. from Porter J. Goss and Mary R. Goss to Michael L. Laughlin, recorded on December 17, 1991 in Liber 11387 page 435, containing the required language as to buildable status. j If ,the enclosed documentation is in order, please have the Chairman endorse the several prints of the map to indicate that the conditions have been .met and that final approval has been granted. If you require any further information or documentation before such action can be taken,,. please notify me immediately. _ tS U t5, Sincerely, � $ d Stephen L. Ham, III m4::n TWIN SLH:ja _ Enclosures 0 00 Farm 8o02*1f'89 20Rd )3xrS*in xnd Sslr Deed,witd Covenant aSainsGGrantor'.ACLS—Individual o{Corporation (sins)¢sheet) Y. No CONSULT YOUR?LAWYER BEFORE SUINING THIS INSTRUMENT—THIS INSTRUMENT SHOULD BE USED�BY�LAWYERS3 V�� Consider113 "/P6 10 �c�,-1 ation T➢➢➢S➢NDENNIRE,made the 22114 day of October nineteen hundred and ninety-one BETWEEN PORTER J. LOSS and MARY 12 . GOSS, bdgXA4&&n�x both now residing at 3$69 Gulf Drive , Sanibel Island , Florida 33957 , as joint tenants with right of survivorship, party of the first part, and u:. .. .., . , PORTED ,J. GOSS.,and„MARY_ R,,r GOSS, his wife, both now residing at 3869 Gulf Drive, Sanibel Island; Florida; 33957 ,^= '.s c}1 Mega m a >_ party o�the second part, E W1TNES$ETH,that3h I party of the first part;inconsideration of Ten Dollars and other xaluable`consideration paid by the'party of the second part,does hereby grant and release unto the party of the second part, the heirs or successors and assigns of'the party of the second part forever, , �iCd thatcerCain plot,�piece or parcel of land, with the buildings andGimprobements thereon erected, situate, lyinj and being in the See ,Scbedule;A hereto k� Il� 1 8 199 PLANNLD TOWN ING$AR11 , DATE IL-f4 Y4a, PUMP- :Mw NO tt4 ' t ' k TAX MAP DESIGNATION ` 3 Dist. 1800` ' TOGETHER with all right, title and interest, if any, of the party of the first part in and to any streets and roads abutting the above'described premises to the center linesthereof;-tTOGETHER with the.appurtenances ' Scc. 002,y00 and all the estate and rights of the party of the first part in and to said premises; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein granted unto'the party of the second part, the heirs or successors and assigns of hart forever. STATE OF NEW YORK V ss.: County of Suffolk I, EDWARD P. ROMAINE,Clerk of the County of Suffolk and Clerk of the Supreme Court of the State of New York in and for said County(saidCourtbein a Court of Record)DO HEREBY CERTIFY that I ve compared thea exed copy of ,z ✓r�ztiCa�c� t r. 12, 1 F�� a of the whole thereof. and that itis a just and true copy of such original and IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF,I have hereuntot my hand and affixed the seal of said County and Court this /_? day of VIL/- 19 g . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Form No. 104 'c. Clerk. 12109_12189es i S�J►TEfi�"�`sr (M 1991 ss:, STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF ss: On the 22 day of ( 1991 before me On the day of 19 before me ' Personally came porter J. Goss and personalty came Mary R. Goss 4 to me known to be the individuals described in and who to me known to be the individual described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that they executed the same, executed the same. Notary Public,. + My commission Expires August 31, 1996 - STATE OFis NEW YORK,COUNTY OF ss: STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF. - f ss: On the day of 19 before me On the day of 19 before,me personally came personally came tome known, who,being by me duly sworn, did depose and the subscribing witness to the foregoing instrument, with say that '' he resides at No. whom I am personally acquainted, who,,being by me duly sworn, did depose and say that he resides at No. ' that he is the ; of that . he knows the corporation described in and which executed the foregoing instrument; that he to be the individual knows the seal of said corporation; that the seal., affixed described in and who 'executed the foregoing instrument; to said instrument is such corporate'sea1; that .ftwas so' that he, said subscribing witness, was present and saw affixed, by order of the board of directors of said 'corpora execute the same; and.that he, said witness, tion, and that he signed h ` name'thereto by like order. at the same time subscribed h ? .,name as witness thereto. , 6 394rgain anb Pale Mees SECTION ` W11 H'COVENANT AGAINST GRANTOR's ACTS - TITLE No. BLOCK LO T .COUNTY OR TOWN 111 1?ORTER J. GOSS and ,TAX BILLING ADDRESS MARY R. GOSS TO SORTER J. GOSS,and "-- MARY PQ'$. - GO$$_ ,. - - cp :0 _ Re a At Request of Ticor We Guarartae Comp" a CD RETURN BY MAIL:TO: 0.,; HCl. ci V 'i:. -moi r> s Stephen: L. Ham, IIF:' S -A, DA,�truledf+blr i € u ` , Matthews & Ham ,..t Zo z ..A5.'.Hampton.':Raad Southampton., NY. 1136 ��� L CD TICOR TITLE:GUARANTEE k + dlip w +' W , SCHEDULE A TO DEED x Grantor: Porter J. Goss and Mary R. Goss Grantee: Porter J. Goss and Mary R. Goss, Deed dated: October Z2- , 1991 A certain tract or parcel of land with the buildings thereon, located at Fishers Island, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and Sta pf New `Ydrk, being bounded and described as follows: Beginning at can iron pipe at an angle ,in the Westerly ine of a road, .said point being located 4566.82 feet North of a point which is ,896.35feet West of a 'monument inarkinge,tlie United States Coast andGo6doiic• ;Survey Triangulation Station !'NIN" and running thence Nfsrth , degrees; 54 minutes' and 46' seco'ds�, tdest ,175 55 -feet to a paint ;at the shore of West" Harbor, thenc,"South; 0 degrees, '29 msi es i and 40 seconds`Wei '50;,00 feet tot arpoan '; ince North 75 deg " e'er, 10 "tes and .10 'seconds-` East 191 X03 ; fi� to^tthe iron �p tkse„po2at cf be'ginning. AND INTENDED, TO BE a part of . the .sameti premises conveyed to � cantor. he by deed dated February 22, 1983 and recorded c 9, kz 3 aiz the Office of the Suffolk 'County Cler'l 4 1 Liber 3 a 'e 561 SCffBJECrg TO a Declaration dated July 27, 1991 and recorded i in the O"ffice, of the Suffolk County Clerk on July 30, 1991 in Liber 11306 page 4;6'2, and to` other convenants, agreements, restrictions 'and' easements of record. Ttie grentors/grantees herein understand, intend and agree that, upon the recording of this deed, the above-described premises will merge ;with and become a part of other premises of the grantors/grantee adjoining on the 'south, said ,other premises bearing, the Suffolk County Tax Map No. 1000-002.00-01.00-014.000 and , ke.ing `.shown and designated as Block 28, Lot 7 on Map of Fishers: IslPLnd Development Corporation, which Map was filed in the O lice "of the 'Suffolk County Clerk on September 25, 1991 as' Map Iioi. A42`l. The grantors/grantees further acknowledge that neither the above described premises 'nor the i;64-acre balance the; parcel bearing. ; Si1£folk County Tax Map No. 1006 002 `00-01' 00-013.000 shall constitute a ,'separate building 'lot, under th 'e Southold Town Code; ` but nothing fierein .shall be construed to affect the status of ,th'e ' parcel (Block 28, Lot 7) with which the above-described preirtises are merged as a separate building lot. i W u. h. a F �✓�,. RB -1. 8 W2 ° W' 20.0 ` ` Fdrm 8002*1-89 20M ANrgain xnd Sale Deed wing Govtnant 8gainst Grantor a Acts—Individual or COT�{I,,,,oa�ration. (single sheet) cohSlitr Yo IR LAWNER;EFDRE SIGNING THIS IPIokpA wN T►i15 INSTRUMEViT S i�ULD.BE USED BY LAWYERS ot+ltlltW. 113 K435 :�3 yy ' I THIS INDEN M made the "4 e Z2 a I2E, day of October , nineteen hundred and ninety-one i 3v BETWEEN - - F0RTER J. GOSS and MARY R. GOSS, = both now residing at 3869 Gulf Drive, Sanibel Island , Florida 33957, ars joint tenants I " withright of survivorship, F. F �g party of thefirst part, and ULCHAEL..�LLALIGHLIN,. ,now r'esiding_at 330. Kershaw Street, .Aiken, South Carolina"29801 I, S party of'thesecotnd part, WITNESSETki,that the party of the first part,in consideration of Ten Dollars.and other valuable consideration paid by,the pa`rtyof the second part, does hereby grant and release unto the party of the second part, the heirs I or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever, ALL that or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being in the See Schedule A hereto i II DATr 17-4, pp L `' 377 FEE • o. Q � P wk ' I P MtN I ha, Ij NEA NO k ri TA MAP i SICbNAT10N i p p qg¢ st i X00 " TOGETHER'with all right, title and interest, if any, of the party of the first part i streets and I roads abutting the above described premises to the center lines thereof; TOGETHER witl°' a appurtenances C. 002„,6Q` , -and all the estate and rights of the party of the first part in and to said premises; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein granted unto the-party of the second part, the heirs or successors and assigns of' Q0 ,the party of the second part forever. ' STATE OF NEW YORK County of Suffolk ss.: 1, EDWARD P. ROMAINE,Clerk of the County of Suffolk and Clerk of the Supreme Courtof the State of New York in and for said County said rtbei gaCourtofRecord)DOHEREBYCERTIFYthat �I 7have compared the annexed copy of s✓ ® fSsJ e—.2 P.r„ ✓ dwGfn 3 F ff3J� and that it is a just and true copy of such original of the whole thereof. tom' and i IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF,I have hereunt¢set my hand and affixed the seal of said County and Court this / ) day of �J - � 1991 . . . . . . . . . . . Form No. 104 i f Clerk. 12-109..12/89cs i v 11387'P6"437 43 SCHEDULE A TO: DEED` Grantor: Porter J. Goss and Mary R. Goss Grantee: Michael L. Laughlin I . Deed dated, October ZZ , 199'1 I1 A certain tract or parcel of land with, the building ,thereon located at Fishers Island, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of' NOW York, being bounded and:described,as follows: f Beginning, at aniron pipe at an angle ,in the Westerly line of a road; ' said 'point` being located 4556'.,8,2 feet; North,of`a •p'oint which is= 896 35 ,feet, West bf a mdnument maxkinq the United States Coast ,., a d G'eotdette Suiwey Triangulation :Btatlon '!NIN" and running thence Nbrth, 89 , degrees; 54 minutes, and 146 and We ty,7 75 56 Rfeet to a gozr'M at the shore of West Harbor; thence SNortlf All 0 '.degrees,: 29 mundtes and 40 seconds East `178 T5 feet �t4na point; thence North 3S _degre,.60;, 51 kmi,nutes and 48 seoridsasfilP 00 'feet to an iron ps'at ao"in�t, ;oE a cure tpathleft hat7nq�� of 302,00 aradius f et e Nar'theastward7y"folldwing the arc. of said"curve for a distance of`146.43 feet to an ironp'ipe'.,at a pdhit of curve to the 1° t " '%av � radius of `85..OQ, feet, `'.,t,hien�e, ANortheastwardly following the are of said curve for a distance f 63 97 'feet to, an it h, fpe, on 'tY e Westerly line` of said rpac at a point'o curve`to pi th , xight tvavi a radius of 370.99 ;feet;: thence ,rSouthrdly' along s4 ' r6aad line following the arc `oaf'"sakd' for 'a 'da�sstanoe of 189.31 feet to a point; thence So ";.22" deg s ,48� m ites and 10 secpnds West X2.93 feet a ong �sa� t. aa � 1 `= to 'a oint' oftcurve to ottxp ilp t.r' a inq a radius 'o£ 3210` 5 f t i; tei �e.,5auttiwxa ly a oxi said' road line following rte` `arc o sakid cC v " fob` a dist ribe dt 3;83 feet to e point of begi ining� BEING AND INTENDED TO BE a part of the. same premises ic. ,$- eyed to h the, grantors herein by deed dated I'ebruasy. 22; 19831L kanc7 `zeco ded March 29, 1983 iri the Office of tkie' Buol, Counfy CIeYk, 1n L �lier, 9333 page , 561. . r SUBiTkCT TO `a Declaration dated July 27., 19`91andrecorded in the Office"of tYie Suffolk County Clerk on July, 30, 19_91t it L'i�er 1 1306 { page 4G2 , and to other convenants, ` agre6rifents, restr'ic l ns and easements of record. ri z � .- The� `above described parcel has been'de6W+, ted-,as nota building lot, _on the Map, of Fishers Island Developmeit ,Corpora. ion� fie `in the Office ,o£ the ,Suffolk County Clerk on, September 2t5„-t,199I' a5 Map No. A421 and does not constitute `a , separate building . t under the ,Sonthold Town Code. I _I J R .7 33 !t 77n x t .� ..h� PLANNING BOARD 5 SEPTEMBER (? '1991 i� Mr. Ward: Second. Mr. Orlowski: Motion made and seconded. Any questions on the motion? All those in favor? Ayes: Mr. -Ward, Mr. McDonald, Mr. Latham, Mr. Edwards, Mr. Orlowski:. j ' Mr. Orlowski:. Opposed? So ordered. Mr. Orlowski: 7. 40 p.m. - Porter J. and Ma.09 ry Goss - This �proposed� lot line change is to*subtract a 'aare of lrand from a .74 acre parcel to add it to a. ,:99 acre parcel on 'Fishers ' Island. " SCIM 1IA00-2-1-13 & 14. We have proof of publication in the local papers and at this time everything is in order to Ifor a lot line change. I' ll ask if there are any ob7ections to this lot line change? Hearing none, are there any endorsements of this lot' line change? i I Steven Ham: I am hereon behalf of the applicant and request that you approve as submitted. Mr. Orlowski: O.K. , any other endorsements? Hearing none, is there anyone out there neither pro nor con but may have I nformation pertaining to this application that would be of interest to the Board? Hearing none, any questions from the � Board? Board: No questions. Mr. Orlowski: Being there are no further questions, I'll entertain a-motion to close this hearing. Mr. Latham: So moved. l Mr. Ward: Second. Mt. Orlowski: Motion made and seconded. Any questions on the motion? All those in favor? Ayes: Mr. Latham, Mr. Edwards, Mr. Ward, Mr. McDonald, Mr. Orlowski. Mr. Orlowski: Opposed? So ordered. Mr. Orlowski: Does the Board have any pleasure? Mr. McDonald: Mr. Chairman, I would like to offer the following resolution: It WHEREAS, Porter J. and Mary Goss are the owners of the property known and designated as SCTM #1000-2-1-13 & 14, - PLA"NNING BOARD 6 SEPTEMBER 1991 � located on the east side of a private road on West Harbor on Fishers Island; and WHEREAS, this lot-line change, to be known as Lot Line Change for Porter J. and Mary Goss, is for a lot line change, { to subtract .10 acre of land from a .74 acre parcel owned by Porter and Mary Goss` and. to merge it with an adjoining .99 acre parcel also owned by Porter .& Mary Goss; and { WHEREAS, the Southold Town Plannin g Board, pursuantto the f State Environmental Quality Review Act, (Article 8) , Part 617, declared itself Lead Agency and issued a Negative Declaration on i March 11, 1991; and WHEREAS, a final public hearing was closed on said lot-line amendment application at the Town Hall, Southold, New York on c September 30, 1991; and WHEREAS, all the requirements of the Subdivision Regulations of the Town of Southold have been met; and be it therefore, RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board grant } i conditional final approval on the surveys dated November 20, 1990, and authorize the Chairman to endorse the final surveys subject to fulfillment of the following conditions. These conditions must be met within six (6) months of the date of this resolution. 1. The submission of corrected surveys showing the tax map numbers of both lots and the tax map number and area of the portion of the lot to be conveyed. 2. The filing of the deed pertaining to the merger of .10 acre from a lot designated as SCTM #1000- 2-1-13 , with a . 99 acre parcel designated as SCTM #1000-2-1-14, resulting in a merged parcel of 1.09 acres. A copy of the filed deed with the notation that SCTM # 1000-2-1-13 is not a separate building lot, must be submitted to the Planning Board, and the Liber and Page number of the filed deed must be placed on the survey. L Mr. Ward: Second. i Mr. Orlowski: Motion made and seconded. Any questions on the motion? All those in favor? j Ayes: Mr. Ward, Mr. McDonald, Mr. Edwards, Mr. Latham, Mr. Orlowksi. Mr. Orlowski: Opposed? So ordered. I . i PUBLISHER'S CERTIFICATE h • State of Connecticut ) a, County of New London, ) ss. New London On thisda of 21st y October s ��• i4 A.D. 1931 , personally appeared before the undersigned, L,LGA4, , ae2T6 0 � .. a Notary Public, within and for said County and State, J.L. Zielinski, Legal Adv, Clerk - i of THE DAY, a daily newspaper published at New London, County of New : London, State of Connecticut, who being duly sworn, states on oath, that the Order of Notice in the case of fA5 PM Final appraV l t Rbe lot ane change.W Pot't6r �: - Legal Adv. 462 1 , a, true copy of which is hereunto annexed, was published in said newspaper in its issues of the 21st - I days of September A. D. 1991 . I Subscribed and swo to before me this 21st day of October -A. D. 19 91. , Notary Public. 1 j wR3 arr qif j > " � COUNTY o-F soFFOLK (fP11 111 h ,1 ., I!: $s: WIN,+ �'„I, II :Iuo„ o or: 1, , IIl.0 STATE OF NEWYOKK.. .,! K. Rol it. arxi r% :il:o 11OV. i o!n.el% of I ':,: M. R'a.,h %"N , 'did Patricia Wood,' being duly sworn, says that she is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER-WATCHMAN, i P.M. I Ind 110 ,1 UI a public newspaper printed at Southold, in Suffolk,County; +, ,n 5110 '! t. for 131, and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, II 1t,•I, II < 11 1p 1 Ike II.'miji 01 pow ohl: <, un , ?' h:Is been ,17trblishcd in said Long Island Traveler—Watchman ,? ♦.+, onceeach week for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . /. . . weeks.. 11u11. Sit'I (,l 1. L.% \I..1! \o •het 1000-102-, V 1 - I Ili.- 1 Io',t q h,+ dtle,i on successively, commencing on the . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I' Ito 1 'I I b, k:'J :: o. or I ? n1•i h ut \o :'! S.we Rt i du la,. I, h "il no„ a.. (lay of . . . . .`!fi r. ., 19 .��. . \ kill Rug' (\V a: 2.4): all ,he "�.—�.�. . . . . . ,71 . . . - . .i"�L�✓'.�,.,__ ' of Iti.:!ald (:roll: oil of d;a, It, GI iWII i he roi i .:1 of till w I' Sworn to before me this ... . . . . . 6 . day of I !ol IIn,' 1i +e' o1 Voi 1 1 .I. e��-lGs-.._. . , 19 oil I,lui!ll.ir.i', luw' u•:nw'r,!Id, •. •'1?111!1, 'II'�:a li+.k n:,1111e Ni; :e l \ex York. Y.:rG1k (;oums Ins %hip\;:mi?e1 I(NN)-' 1-1;,& Ihe'1•In!•a 1> bordmc,: I,u Notary Public le oonh r.} 1ao1 ill, o.. - . BARBARA A. SCHNEIDER- I + n1.1!p ai mule,(r, au J NOTARY puBLIC, State of New York .1 16 \(111( 1 0, uu NI ,i,u!. , k'I„) No. 48OG846 No i, of 141 I Ii 1 1 Qualiller}m Suffolk Co nty, e hit:.;- out o: ,,, I b, /b I r ue1, I,I I u. do 1n I \\ Commission Expires Fnj' IC.EISHERE&YGIV; III,nu1 an*�IIAnt'0§ t.nr b : P.\L.I . ::I ::Ii:1a::.. .n. or.h, lo•:it l ;1%%.,I p!:hht!I,!;11 I'::e.Iol lill,!1411an•ie litrPo.wi �iul' +•.if!uc hell h. I':e 1o11•IloWl 11;: ,' (ios,. 'and . \Iicimel k,,, • Na; :'iu;• 11wid. .!l ;he I,11ci,'I.',ul!cl, ill I',?':ii II::II. \I:r:: R,1aa. : !;c fhur.'ul'SuillhoiJ'..C:ouu:, \ou:kuld. \a:'. 10';, in tai:! ol'• Snl'I'nfk aced I;u(: o., .1oltil o'• ihd 30111 :I.a u• kn k. Su:1b;k ( un::i.('1;., \I:.l, '99! ,lu d!e(I i:o 'Lln!hl.'r 1000-1-I-14.1 ,ti. '16. "ol' ill. lblioP1 t!. , „lc'I hl' !)1.!;?CrE) .:� 11llJilrY; 1!I! ,. p -:10 RM. I in:.: I!?,,'o,•:i of ;ino 0, In. NNW 11WA 01' .. '•:i'c major •ubr1,!•iou l'r?' \ka- :. �!1xnL1h u11:--r- i:u.,, ,! ` U.: 1•:'oil ha llo1 he11,: k^, a r\k: l':u: ill 0 Io,,;. 1, , )'i•.n.,roa:!:;. . , c,n:r!Ian b' 'you h;?::` ( or.•r. ai ti ..!', ,!p:'i,:n a!urli;i!r''h.\ou!II„e,1 ,I,heSl ,oi\,1: 1o1k. iu - ! IP'1, .1 ,,I .u. - . lu'k Coull , k!, \k';, \i1:: h,• \II) pu,o1 'Ie,u ,? h. �Ilvlo lo-.1 RIVII oil Ill,, I hd ;aorrl) b:rc;r:,:1 0. y ,bunla r.!•I+,,;:� a1 iii.. r:ue noxi `r au 1.! '?.% \Iii: hood: o; 0ace ;;!x .. ,II,J :e,1, .. 'll, .1A h: lttV'.:koal,:%illlilt ' )I!e11A'Selvembel I-. 'it 91 ,,;11'1 s!•I 111.:'1p \,,!.•u:.1++ 111' ORDLA (M. 'I Ill. lel ..I.1::d .o•., o: 'oru1, o 'Co••eoe ,ti(Il:'IIIJL.I) ,I(')\\\ ,dL(inl . in l.rn,'uo+. of lol.rle - ' PF ISi)-Nim l,ioll:: ,Moth;. ht k J Itcn".!1 0!or..,:i, P. so„ , . 'or•,•, or \\:Ilil: nh ,• . . ( Scu':: PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS SCOTT L, HARRIS .Bennett Orlowski, Jr., Chairman .V Supervisor George Ritchie Latham, Jr. Town Hall, 53095 Main Road Richard G. Ward Mark S'.,McDonald �,0. Box 1174 Kenneth L. Edwards PLANNING. BOARD OFFICE Southold, New York 11971 Telephone (516) 765-1938 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Fax (516) 765-1823 September 10, 1991 Stephen L. Ham IIT Matthews :& Ham 45 Hampton Road Southampton, New York 11968 RE: Proposed Lot-line change Porter J. & Mary Goss SCTM# 1000-2-1-13 Dear Mr. Ham: The following resolution was adopted by the Southold Town Planning Board at a meeting held on Monday, September 9, 1991. Be it RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board set Monday, September 30, 1991 at 7: 40 P.M. for a final public hearing on the maps ,dated November 20, 1990. Please contact this office if you have any questions regarding the above. Very truly yours, Bennett Orlowski, Jr .Aoohr. Chairman 1'it>TTHEWS Sc, HAM ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW. 45 HAMPTON tRoAD P V SouT$AMPToN,N.Y.11968 - FYI 516-283-2400 ' FmRIY B.Xx=8ws TELECOPIEE 516-287-1076 SmL.Hax,m August 27, 1991 Matthew Kiernan, Esq. Deputy Town Attorney Town Hall Main Road Southold, NY 11971 ' Re: Lot Line Changes for Goss and Laughlin a Dear Matt: I understand from the Planning Board staff that you are considering- alternatives to assure that any approved lot line changes do not result in the creation of .additional building lots and that one of those alternatives might be the filing of an affidavit or declaration of merger. In the past, when this issue has arisen,. I have worked out an arrangement with the Planning Board under which the Board has, granted conditional. approval subject to the inclusion in the deed effecting the land transfer of language making it clear that the property conveyed is to be merged with the adjoining land of the transferee. I believe this is the best approach since it does not require any additional recorded documents and at the same time preserves ' control by the Planning Board. ' As you know, an affidavit of merger would not be in recordable form anyway and it seems unduly burdensome to require the filing of yet another declaration. This, is especially true in those cases like the ones, referenced above where we have already filed 4 declaration covering other issues, noted the recording information on the finalmaps, andsubmittedthose 'maps to the Planning Board for final: approval. I trust that you will take these thoughts into consideration when you respond to the Planning Board staff' s request for advice on this matter. Sincerely, Stephen L. Ham,P III SLH:ja cc: Valerie Scopaz Robert Kassner ✓ L MATTHEWS &C HAM TT o RNEYS AND GUNS LoR9 AT LAW A o C EL 45 RAxpToN ROAD V$ — SOUTH.AMPTOx,N.Y.11968 516-283-2400 PHILIP B.MATTHEWS TELECOPIER 516-287-1076 STEPHEN L.Hm,III August 26, 1991 Planning Board Town of Southold Town Hall Main Ro�ad� p Southold, NY 11971 Atth: : Robert Kassner Re: Lot Line Changes: Porter J. Goss 1' and Mary R. Goss (SCTM # 1000-2-1 i 13 & 14) ; Porter J. Goss & Mary R. Goss and Michael L. Laughlin (SCTM # 1000-2-1-15. 1 & 16) i Dear Bob: In accordance with your request, I have enclosed original affidavits of merger relating to the two referenced lot line change applications. Sincerely, Stephen L. Ham, III I SLH:ja Enclosures r k r FI _ f 1 i AFFIDAVIT STATE OF NEW YORK ) ss. . COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ) STEPHEN L. HAM, III, being duly sworn, deposes and says: 1. I am the authorized agent of Porter J. Goss and Mary R. Goss, owners of premises known as. Block 27, Lots 6, 7 and 8, t Map of Fishers Island Development Corporation,, which premises and Block 27, Lot 5 on such Map are the subject of an application to the Planning Board of the Town of Southold for a lot line change. The foregoing lots are shown on a certain map prepared by Chandler, Palmer & King and submitted to the Planni4g Board of the Town of Southold in connection with such application.. 2 . The proposed lot line change will be effected by the transfer of a 28,8x6 ± square foot pp#ion of Block 27, Lot 5 to Porter J. Goss and Mary R. Goss by Michael L. Laughlin, the owner i of Block 27, Lot 5. Such portion ids identified on the map of Chandler, Palmer & King as "Area to; be, deeded by Laughlin to Goss". 3. I hereby affirm, on behalf of the owners that, upon approval of the lot line change and upon the property transfer described above, the 28,836 ± square foot portion' of Block 27, Lot 5 so transferred will merge with and become a part of Block 27, l Lot 6 and will not thereafter constitute a separate buildable ! parcel. 4. I make this affidavit in order to induce the Planning Board of the Town of Southold to grant its approval to the proposed lot line change in accordance with the application therefor. Stephen L. Ham, III �ISubscribed and Sworn to Before Me this 26th - ° Day of August, 1991k E JANE mits +lGYARY PUHU&Sate at New Ye>tk pn 52-A816W INotary Public t)ua�ifen AFFIDAVIT STATE OF NEW YORK ) ss. . COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ) STEPHEN L. HAM, III, being duly sworn, deposes and says: 1. I am the authorized agent of Porter J. Goss and Mary C, R. Goss, owners of premises known; as Block 28, Lot 7, Map of Fishers Island Development Corporation, which premises and an undesignated lot between such lot and the lot designated as Block 28, Lot 6 on such Map are the subject of an application to the Planning Board of the Town of Southold for a lot line change. The foregoing Lots are shown on a certain ma g g p prepared by Chandler, 14 Palmer & King and submitted to the Planning Board of the Town of If Southold in connection with such application and Are designated as Lots 13 and 14 in District 1000, Section 2, Bloch Lon the Suffolk County Tax Map. 2. The proposed lot line change will be effected by the 1 transfer of a .10 acre portion of the undesignated lot to the lot designated as Block 28, Lot 7. 3 . I hereby affirm on behalf of the owners that, upon approval of the lot line change and upon the property transfer described above, the . 10 acre portion of the undesignated lot so transferred will merge with and become a part of Block 28, Lot 7 and will not thereafter constitute a separate buildable parcel. 4. I make this affidavit in order to indmce the Planning Board of the Town of Southold to grant its approval to the proposed lot line change in accordance with the application therefor. i i Stephed L. Ham, III Subscribed and Sworn to Before Me this 26th Day of August, 1991 Lam?! ;ELLE w_11A,nY PUBLIC, Not suff y Public 2 flual+t�^f in,u#ot#Qunrj 91 i MATTHEWS & HAM c f� / ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT Lw Y� I( 45 HAMPTON ROAD { SOUTHAMPTON;.N.Y.11968 ` 516-283-2400 PHILIP B:MATTH s TELECOPIER 516-287-1076 STEP$EN L.HAM(III 1, August 8, 1991 It ; Planning Board Town of Southold j Town Hall Main Road Southold, NY 11971 Re: Lot Line change for Porter J. Goss and Mary R. Goss -SCTM # 1000-2-1-13 & 14) Dear Board Members: I am submitting herewith for final approval five prints of the Map reflecting the proposed lot line change referenced above. Also enclosed is a certified copy of the Declaration you required to be filed in connection with this matter. The Liber and page of the Declaration are set forth on the final Map. Please place this matter on your calendar for the final hearing on the next available date. In the meantime, if you require any further information or documentation before the Map can be approved, please notify me as soon as possible. Very truly ,yours, Stephen L. Ham, III SLH:ja Enclosures r '9 a hh N�yy t3G. i it Iii 11306K4s2 DECLARATION ii DECLARATION, made the �, Tit day of July, 1991, by PORTER Y` F;. J. GOSS and MARY R. GOSS, both now residing at ; 3869 Gulf Drive, Sanibel Island, Florida, hereinafterreferred to as the Dd(clarants. WHEREAS, the Declarants are the owners of certain real z ` ^ property ,situate at Fishers Island, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, as shown on the map entitled "Proposed Lot Line Change - Property of . Porter J. and Mary, R. Goss", prepared by Chandler, Palmer & King, dated November 20, 1990, which map is to be filed in the Offices of the Town Clerk , and the Building dy,4 o EYPbp Department of the Town of Southold, , with said real property M �4 consisting of two Lots, one of which is designated as Block 28, bISTRICT Lot 7 and is more particularly described on Schedule A 'hereto and 1000 the other of which is undesignated but is identified on said map SECTION 002 .00 jas _"Lot from FIDCO" and is more particularly described on Schedule BLOCK B hereto; and 01.00 WHEREAS, the Declarants have made ' application to the LOTS c 013 . 000 Planning .Board of the Town of Southold for approval of a lot line 014.000 change as shown on the above referred to map, to wit: the transfer of a .10 +/- acre parcel as shown thereon from the said undesignated Lot to Block 28, Lot 7, which .10 +/-acre parcel is more particularly described on Schedule C hereto; and WHEREAS, for and in consideration of said granting of approval, the Planning Board of the Town of 5outkild has, d'eemed it f 1130 PGK63 to be in the best interests of the Town of Southold and the owners E, and -prospective owners of said Lots that the within covenants and restrictions be imposed on said Lots, and as a condition of said i approval, said Planning Board has required that the within fDeclaration be recorded in the Office of the Suffolk County Clerk; and WHEREAS, the Declarants have considered the foregoing and determined that the same will be for the best interests of the Declarants and subsequent owners of said Lots; �{ k +j NOW, THEREFORE, THIS DECLARATION WITNESSETH: i That the Declarants, for the purpose of carrying out the intentions above expressed, do hereby make known, admit, publish, .. I covenant and agree that the said premises described on, Schedule A and Schedule B hereto shall hereinafter be subject to the following covenants which shall run with the land and shall be binding upon " all purchasers of said premises, their heirs, executors, legal representatives, distributees, successors and assigns, to wit: 1. That no Lot shall be subdivided or its lot lines ' changed in any manner at any future date unless authorized by the { Town of Southold Planning Board. 2 . That clearing and grading within each Lot shall be limited to that necessary for siting and constructing a house with , the intent of preserving as much of the natural vegetation on the site as possible, and to minimize stormwater runoff and erosion. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Declarants and subsequent I� 2 11306P9464 owners of the 'Lots, shall be permitted to continue to trim and clear,1 vegetation on the Lots so as to preserve the views from their dwellings and otherwise to maintain the Lots in a neat and orderly manner so long as they do so in compliance with all State and local laws, ordinances, rules and regulations then in effect. 3. That no new residential structure or sanitary disposal facility shall be constructed 'or otherwise located within 100 feet of the shoreline of Fishers Island Sound. 4 . That no stormwater runoff resulting from the development and improvement of the subdivision or . any of its Lots shall be discharged into the tidal wetlands bordering the Lots. 5. That these Covenants and Restrictions can be modified only at the request of the then owners of the premises with the approval of a majority plus one of the Planning Board of the Town of Southold after a public hearing. Adjoining property owners shall beentitled to notice of such public hearing but their STATE OF NEW YORK ss.: County of Suffolk k I i, EDWARD P. ROMAINE,Clerk of the County of Suffolk and Clerk of the Supreme Court of the State of New York in and for said County saidrtbeingaC d.ofRecord)DOHEREBYCERTIFY that i�a ve compared the ne ed copy of /SS u�Nt� �t -76r /?V/ and that it is a just and tr a copy of such original and of the whole thereof. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF,I have hereunto hand and affixe�the seal of said County and Court this 3 0 day of 19 0a xp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Form No. 104 4 ' Clerk. 12-109AV89es I 3 4" F �A`) ss. . essoixally »., tt►�Cot-1L ) �7efore Iae to 4 ., .. oF,. —t . 1991, and known Coc7IT3t; day of July, to me,known executed the :" . tori ,the � and Mary R• Goss, and who t, ,t ey _. oss_ d in t a. eased parteT J• G describeed o e taPP )i the individa ds they acknow 7 A Y me, d instrument I �eot�'te� Notary Pub" { NOIr�lukti�sutu of Nw17or1t" CUS11f m E>n Sins 1 k C 9nty n/ t 4 ' i 1 �• SCHEDULE A BLOCK 28 LOT 7 1 A certain tract or parcel of land with the buildings thereon, located at Fishers Island, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, being bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a monument on the Westerly line of a road,, said monumentbeing `;located 4306.45 feet North of a ,point. v lich `is 82.34 fbgt .West', of a monument marking the, Onited`states Coast and Geodetic •Survey, triangulation Station "NIN°1 and dunning thence soutlx ,89 €deg-tees:, 26 minutes and 40a seconds West `215.14 feet to a Ppoifit At , the ` shore of Fishers Island Souna;, thence north 03 disc a 3,0` minutes and 50 seconds East 52.70 feet to a point; tfirce North, 64` degrees, 42- minute's and ' 2,& seconds East: x,61..52 feet =to ,a poi t;; ' thence Narth , 75 degrees, "1,0 .zdinutes 'and 10 s c xnd East 197. 31 feet t6� the Westerly line of" said, r`'oad'- at a pth of , a curve, to the left' having a radius of 315. 4 deet and tlx . dr ectidxi' of whose radius at that, point is, south";67 degrees; 1i `mn�ites aiTd' S0. seconds East; thence• Southw6rd7y along, said road line- following the,arc of said curve for a distance of `:270.28 feet to the point of , inning. I i I I � I 5 1, R,A�,y � lr SCHEDULE B LOTROI4 FIDCO j Mav` 5. . 1977 certain tract or parcel of land with the buildings thereon, ocated at Fishers Island, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and.' 1 le ater of New York, being bounded and described as. follows: ` gihn1ng '.at an iron pipe at k,ant. anglei, in,.theyWaz: erly, line of , a rad, said point being located4566.` 2 feet Northof apoint Whigh; ,89'6.35 feet West of a monument Inarking the-United States 'Coast d,,Geodeti6 Survey- Triangula"t?onStatiornk"NIN' and running hence utli 75degrees, 10 minutes �a'nd l 'seconds West 9L 03 feeint st' the shore of 'West E aYBor; thenco �Xortlr 10 degrees, 29 notes and `40 secomis' East 1GS.7, deetto a point; : thence North cl green„ '51sminutes 'and 4S seconds East 31.00 feet, to ani iron. pea t a .poirst of a curve to: theta eft having, a radius. of,; Q2:00 th' ce Nor'theastwardly, `foli?owGg the arc of said; curve ;for astarce of: 146`:43 feet,-to �A *ron pipe at a point. of curve to the eft" "having Ia radius` of 85.00 feetp ,thence ' Northeastw.Ardly ollow.ing the arc of said curve for a distance of,' 63,.97' feet ,to an ri . eon the Westerly line of said road at a poin , ofctve to; e rWbt having a radius of 330.99 feet; thence Sovthwardly 'along - f i road line f©llotiug the, arc of said curve for a distance of, 89:'lI West, to a "posing€ thence South 22 degree's,, 4` ' Minutes and 10 ecdbdss , e t 142.33, feet along said road line to a point of curve o `. Se �1,eftirz�tr�g radius ' of 320.54 feed thenoe ' Southwardly loiag . Said .load line following the arc of said curve for a ilstancd of 3.8'3 feet`to the point of beginning. i _6 + r s Y } t _ s + DECIARATION ' QF' - _ PORTER' J GOSS I AND , MARY`R GOSS J s _ f r � r y ., rl 1{•�c _ - _ - \ - 1 _ _ _ a -_ k 14 V f4 ' 3 t - 3lf�tf 44 kl �- - UW 1. C7• MA11HLtFl$ ' 43= IIAMP_ O�f ROAD }! ,_ :. `- SOUTHAMPTON, - NLrFI �'L�T=E3vs & HAM 7 `- TORS YS ASD COP$SELLORS :YT LAW r ..7 E a5 HAMPTON ROAD .f�. SOL'SH_3MPTOY,N..Y.11908 t 516-288,2400 P tMIP B.jIA=FEWS TELEOOPJE 516 287-1076 SZEPHEVL.I{tiV.ffi April 22, 1991 Planning Board Town of Southold Town Hall Main 12pad I Southold, NY 11971 t Re: Lot Line Changes: Porter J. Goss and Mary R. Goss (SCTM # 1000-2-1 13 & 14) ; Porter J. Goss & Mary R. Goss and Michael L. Laughlin f (SCTM # 1000-2-1-15. 1 & 16) Dear Board Members: By resolutions adopted on February 25, 1991, you required that certain conditions to approval of the referenced applications for lot line changes recommended by the Suffolk County Planning Commission be set forth as covenants and restrictions in Declarations to be filed with the County Clerk. Among the covenants and restrictions was a requirement that clearing and grading be limited to that necessary for siting and constructing a house, with the intent of preserving as much of the natural vegetation on the site as possible, and to minimize stormwater runoff and erosion. I am writing to request a modification of that requirement permitting the owners to continue to clear and trim vegetation to, preserve existing views and allow for normal property maintenance. As you know, no new building lots will be created by approval of these lot-line changes. There is no new construction planned. The owners do not, however, wish to give up any rights they now have to control the growth of vegetation i, that could impair their water views or interfere with the growth of more desirable vegetation;. I propose the following language as an addition to that language already approved by your staff and the Town Attorney as paragraph 2 of each of the draft Declarations I submitted in compliance with your resolutions of February 25, 1991: II Continued 1 i Planning Board April 22, 1991 Town of Southold Page 2 "Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Declarants and subsequent owners of the Lots shall be permitted to continue to trim and clear vegetation on the Lots so as to preserve the views from their dwellings and 'otherwise to maintain the Lots in a h ?F neat and orderly manner so long as they do so in ' compliance with all State and local laws, } ordinances, rules and regulations then in effect." r k ; Naturally, we will consider any reasonable alternative to the above language, and I will be happy to discuss any proposals with r {� . your staff and the Town Attorney,. 3 Thank you for�.your attention to this matter. Very truly yours, i.i ¢, Stephen L. Ham, III C � i� SLH:ja I BY HAND i s y i C I: ' i AAK :: i Jj ...:.:.: :.. .. 4!, .. ..... ....: ...... ..... ... . . ... ........ .... . . ... j4a . .... .. Yin 1I y ........:.::.'T:.:::. .... ......... ., : r....................... .... .. ...................... .................................... . ..'.. ':i::i.i'ii=. .:ii.::[:'^:iCiii:'rF°'ri?i'i T: I ......... . .... ................:.. . ._..............MAR. ....... 0 ps ... ...... ...... ... ....... . .. r..'. ..:::.... .. . r..r:�it i`.r.:fiir.':^:.::.:<::'^'..:.... .. ....:::::...r- .... : f k y 1 , � 4✓ 1 1i6 A > > yF'rya a /ca—�p Is� Li��.Ay)F 3. - M3- - 47 - +p ^� i'rY 1- — 3 ! �.3 O CA 0�— 4' V Eon- Use on— 3 Use the above number in all correspondence about this action! To the Lead Agency: The above information confirms that filings on the described Negative Declaration were officially received by, and entered in the -SEOF Repos dery on the- datefs) shown in the box headed DATE RECEIVED above. The date and time in the second line show when this document was printed. Please check the information above carefully. For corrections or questions contact Charles Lockrow, (51x)457-2224, or write to: SEAR. Repository NYSDEC !Division of Regulatory Affairs 50 Wolf Road, Room 514 Albany, NY 12233 lull - it 1991 Town of SOUTHOLD ?Tanning Board 53095 Main Road-P. C. Box 1179 _ Southold, NY 11971 4' r SEAR NEGATIVE DECLARATION 5 I iJI � .' Notice of Determination of Non-Significance Lead Agency: Planning Board of the Town of Southold l M +f Address: Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 t Southold, New York 11971 it Date: March 11, 1991 This notice is issued pursuant to 6 NYCRR Part 617, and local law# Chapter 44, of the implementing regulations pertaining to Article 8 (State Environmental Quality Review) of the Environmental Conservation Law. The lead agency has determined that the proposed action described below will not have a significant effect on the environment. I Title of Action: Porter J. and Mary R. Goss Lot Line Change SCTM# 1000-2-1-13 & 14. t SEQR Status: Type I Action Location: Located on a Private Road east of West Harbor, Fishers I Southold,New York Project Description: The project involves a request for lot line change. The change will split 0.1 acres from site for dedication to property owner across road. No ` structures are proposed. Landis zoned R-120, al` single family residential. ti I 271991 I �I Itil"iti7iir� ilplwrlin,g This I)elenninatlon: the gKllrlStk!Li:1'l'tliut:tio11 :1 i"uedinfull consideration ofthe Criteriafor determinationaf nl f�i a lace co l !ai I tell i o 0 \1'CRR Part 617.11. In addition,a Long Environmental I-ornl Part, 1. 11 htlsbeen prepared bythe Town,and hasbeenfallyconsidered ' U i rb% th'u Plaiul;IW 110,1111 in the Ilreparation of this determination, This Negative Declaration is -�iitalolplialICO \\itllP:1rt617.8(e)(1)(ii),and in,fall consideration,ofthe :'• ! I;kloctorn'ntation and oilier relckant.in£ormadon,provided: The followingspecificreasons are ) aunanon: 1 .,,'la) 161c kol>.iect site: a ill rc l rlain in it present state,no,development of the parcel is � ' ." ,• �.lPol)used Tiw lnoposoarwouldsplitthe.northerhA.I..acresfromftparcelfor , ' • l ' 'll i.l I e„l i of l 10 I I e I)i i ll) 'I'ty owner across thhe rboad In c0`nstderatron Of Other lands c. alot line change. _) "0 I'U tl:er i);iq)osed for the site;therefore,the project will not increase the i iLat.;n:il� of la�lu L:�.,. [lie pro.;eei v;ill not imi-ease demandfor services, or set an unwarranted precedent. fh: sitedoo, not coolaia any unique and/or significant environmental resources that gill he impacted by di,: action. i I' 1 11Aller 111(brillatlllll: Colliewl lir;a ;;: Bennett Orlowski,Jr. Chairman frr:i�i +n: Southold Planning Board 1 Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O.Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 IPixmv \'o.: (516) 765-1938 i Is OtIIli% Notice tient to: Corltrlli"i0!tcr - \,e� fork State Department o£Environmental Colrer�::dull. 50 Wolf Road,Albany,New York 12233-0001. Reaiu:rt! 1)ire.ulr - \N'SDEC,Building 40,The Loop Road, SUNY at Stony Brook, Slom Brook. \e•,c fork 11794 Slriilhnld '/.0oill:: Bo-,ad of Appeals,.Southold,New York Soul1•old To%\1l kntl;-d. Southold, New York Si l I OI I, Count. I k p,1 rl;hent of Health Services,Riverhead, New York Amflicanl I i 1 " ,4 I I I i I P i :1 . �: PLANNING BOARD MEMBERSSCOTT L. HARRIS Bennett Orlowski, Jr., Chairman Supervisor George Ritchie Latham, Jr. - Richard G. Ward Town Hall, 5,3095 Main Road Mhtk S. McDonald P.O. Box 1,179 Kenneth L. Edwards PLANNING BOARD OFFICE Southold, New York 11971 Telephone(516) 765`-1938 TOWN 0Fl§2FHCR, 1991 Fax (516),765-1823 Stephen L. Ham III Matthews & Ham t 45 Hampton Road Southampton, New York 11968 RE: Proposed Lot-line change for Porter & Mary Goss SCTM#1000-2-1-13 & 14 Dear Mr. Ham: The following resolution was adopted by the Southold Town Planning Board at a meeting held on Monday, March 11, 1991. RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board, acting under the State Environmental Quality Review Act, make a determination of non-significance, andgrant a Negative Declaration. Enclosed please find a copy of the Negative Declaration for your records. Very truly `yours, Bennett Orlowski, Jr. S Chairman Encl. L tP PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS SCOTT L. HARRIS Bennett Orlowski, Jr., Chairman _ -�` Supervisor George Ritchie Latham, Jr. Richard G. Ward Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, Mark,S. McDonald P.O. Box 4179 Kenneth L. Edwards Southold, New York 11971 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE Telephone (516) 765-1938 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Fax(516) 765-1823 I , NEGATIVE DECLARATION Notice of Determination of Non-Significance Lead Agency Planning Board of the Town o Southold Address. Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O.Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Date: March 11, 1991 This notice is issued pursuant to 6 NYCRR Part 617, and local law# Chapter 44, of the lmnplementing regulations pertaining to Article 9'(State Environmental Quality Review) of the Environmental Conservation Law. The lead agency has determined that the proposed action described below will not have a significant effect on the environment Title of Action: Porter J. and Mary R. Goss Lot Line Change SCTM#1000-2-1-13 & 14 SS'QR Status. • 'T'ype I Action Location Located on Private Road east of West Harbor, Fishers I Southold, New York Project Description: The project involves a request for lot line change. The change will split 0.1 acres from site for dedication to property owner across road. No structures are proposed. Land is zoned R-120, single family residential. e .. - ...... . <'., rt..._w ad...a.... .0 ... ._. .,� ..,. .. n.. ...., . . ; 4• •.' e.,..n. uY_._.J'.—.. pxu.ra_ra...r e.f .uli! Reasons Supporting This De,ern i anon: This deT rm't tion is stied n iuU c0asideratlionof the criteria for determination,of s gnitze'4n contained #r„6I�°'CRS;Pa,617.11. In addition,;a Long Environmental I A3£essxt n.Eom Parris I, f h be > shared by the Town, and has been full considered the Pian min yard.n rx�o� l .ri o thls deEerminatio . This hlc4ative Declaration is I ts��ued I o� , anca svi. 6 8 `13'ai a irrfull it r Consitperatioti'of the diiT -a endgrant ;,`or nation prGvideu, T"rte folio°Ji:Ig specific reasons are { of red in support ox this deter„ai;, tion ( 1) The s '.ect sett will retnaia in it~*resent std, no additional development of the prc:I +s proposed. Trte proposarostld s lit t1.66.acres from FILCO Lot X27.5 and it to' Iy : ntpr erty (FIDC`O Lot 27.5). 2) No furzhtn s s are proposed for t'hs'$lte; thzrefore, the project will not increase Lite lrttexiskV,o land use. 3) 'fie proj ect will riot Increase derrand for services, or set an unwarranted precedent. I 4) Tnz site does not contain, any unique and/or significant environmental resources that WIII b� Impacted by the action. For Further l'nforination: Contact Per or: Bennett Orlowski, Jr. Chairman . dura: ; Southold Plannin Board Town Dail, 5309�Main Road P.O. Bo1179 Southold,New fork 11.971 Phone No.; (516) 765-1938 Copies of this Notice Sent to: Commissioner- New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, 50 Wolf Road; Albany, New York 12233-0041. Recional Director-NY SDEC, Building 40,The Loop Road,SUNY at Stony Brook, Stonyy Brook, New York 11794 Southold Zonin Board of Ap�eals, Southold, New York Southold Town oard,Southo d, New York Suffolk County Department of Health Services, Riverhead,New York Applicant , T i CRAMER V4 OCIATES ENVIRONMENT G CONSULTANTS March 14, 1991 Mr.Bennett Orlowski, Jr„ Chairman Southold Planning Board Town Hall,53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971 Re: Porter J.and Mary R. Goss i SCTM# 1000-2-1-13& 14 Porter J, and.Marg R Goss and Michael Laughlin SCTM# 1000-2.1-15.1, 15.2,16 &IS Dear Benny: As per the your request,we have completed a preliminary review of the above referenced projects in accordance with your correspondence of February 19, 1991, Tasks and completed activities are identified as follows: 1, Review Part I LEAF's The parcels have been field inspected by,CVA, and the LEAF's have been reviewed and amended as necessary. Copies of same are attached. 2. Prepare Part II LEAF's The Part II LEAF checklist has been completed for both projects and are also attached. Additional information concerning our findings are included below. 3. Advise as Necessary The parcels have been inspected and environmental references concerning the site ? and area have been consulted. The project represents a transfer of 0.66 acres of land from FIDCO Lot #27.5 (Laughlin) to FIDCO Lot#27.6 (Goss). In addition, and in consideration of this transfer, a 0.1 acre parcel between FIDCO Lots #28.7 and#28.6 will be transferred from Goss to Laughlin. The proposed actions represent a change in existing Iot lines. No building is proposed on the portions of the lots effected by the requested changes. We are in full agreement with the projects as proposed. We } recommend that the board adopt negative declarations with regard to these projects. I hope this letter provides the board with the information needed to continue review of this project. We would be pleased to provide additional input upon request. Please do not hesitate to call if you have any questions. Very t ,x "j as W. Crakr, S �1� enc: Part 1/11 LEAF's _ Determinations of Significance All it rR 2 x1951 j !r 54 NORTH COUNTRY ROAD, MILLER PLACE,NY 11764 (516) 331-1455 I'tl �'d RT 1—PROJECT INARMATAIP Prepared by Project Sponsor + NOTICE: This document is designed to assist in determining whether the action proposed may have a significant effect on the environment. Please complete the entire form, Parts A through E. Answers to these questions will be considere as part of the application for approval and may be subjectto further verification and public review, Provide any addition information you believe will be needed to complete Parts 2 and 3. It is expected that completion of the full EAF will be dependent on information currently available and will not involve new studies, research or,investigation.If information requiring such additional work is unavailable, so indicate and'specify each instance: NAME OF ACTION I Lot Line Change - Property of Porter J. and Mary R. Goss LOCATION OF ACTION(include Street Address,Municipality and county) Private Road, Fishers Island, County of Suffolk (SCTM #Is 1000-•2-1-13 and 14) NAME OF APPLICANT/SPONSOR. BUSINESS TELEPHONE P.or>;er J, Goss and Mary R. Goss ( 516;2$3-240.0' pfo, Stephen L. Ham, III, Esq. , 45 Hampton Road, Southampton, NY 11968 CiTYYF6 STATE Zip CODE Southampton NY 11968 NAMEOF OWNER(If different) BUSINESS TELEPHONE. ADDRESS CITY/PO STATE ZIP CODE DESCRIPTION OF ACTION transfer of .1-acre parcel of land from undesignated lot between FIDCO Lots 28-6 and 28-7 to Lot 28-7 in anticipation of conveyance of such undesignated lot to Michael Laughlin in exchange for conveyance of .66-acre parcel from Laughlin across road from\ site Please Complete Each Question—Indicate N.A. if not applicable A. Site Description Physical setting of overall project, both developed and undeveloped areas, ,y 1. Present land use: ❑Urban ❑Industrial ❑Commercial ❑Residential (suburban) INRural (non-farm) QForest []Agriculture QOther _2. Total acreage of project area: 1 acres. APPROXIMATE ACREAGE PRESENTLY AFTER COMPLETION Meadow or Brushland (Non-agricultural) 1 acres 1 acres Forested acres acres Agricultural (Includes orchards, cropland, pasture, etc.) acres acres Wetland (Freshwater or tidal as per Articles 24, 25 of ECL) acres acres Water Surface Area acres acres Unvegetated (Rock, earth or fill) acres acres Roads, buildings and other paved surfaces acres acres Other (Indicate type) acres acres 3. What is predominant soil type(s) on project site? /`2/u~,5AD WEeV5�4- sX Gyoy E a. Soil drainage: ell drained QQ % of site ❑Moderately well drained + ag of site L1 Poorly drained % of site b. If any agricultural land is involved, how many acres of soil are classified within soil group 1,through 4 of the IN Land Classification System? A-PA acres. (See 1 NYCRR 370). YC 4. Are there bedrock outcroppings on project site? ❑Yes [NNo g p r� a. What is depth to bedrock? ` 4 Kn (in feet) W R 2 f' 9991 c ,E 4 a $, Approximate percentage of proposed py it site with slopes: IBtO-10% 10 ( 6 10-15��% 4` Ell% or greater % ,6."Is project substantially contiguous to, or contain a building, site, or district, listed on the State or the National Registers of Historic Places? ❑Yes ®No �'. Is project substantially contiguous to a site listed on the Register of National Natural Landmarks? ❑Yes 9No 8. What is the depth of the water table?un)rnown (in feet) 9. Is site located over primary, principal, or sole source aquifer? [@Yes ❑No 10. Do hunting, fishing or shell fishing opportunities presently exist in the project area? OYes [Wa 11. Does project site contain any species of plant or animal life that is identified as threatened or endangered? Dyes MNo According to J.M.O. Consulting T CVA Identify each species 12. Are there any unique or unusual (and forms on the project site? (i.e., cliffs, dunes, other geological formations) ❑Yes MNo Describe 5�( 15yA_O L_t�� 13. Is the project site presently used by the community or neighborhood as an open space or recreation area? ❑Yes Z1No Ifyes, explain 14. Does the present site include scenic views known to be important to the community? OYes ONo unknown 15. Streams within or contiguous to project area: none a. Name of Stream and name of River to which it is tributary 16. Lakes, ponds, wetland areas within or contigtho°us to project area: a. Name b, Size (In acres) 17. Is the site served by existing public utilities? nyes ONo a) If Yes, does sufficient capacity exist to allow connection? myes ONo b) If Yes, will improvements be necessary to allow connection? Dyes L)No 18. Is the site located in an agricultural district certified pursuant to Agriculture and Markets Law; Article 25-AA, Section 303 and 3042 ❑Yes nNO 19. Is the site located in or substantially contiguous to a Critical Environmental Area designated pursuant to Article 8 of the ECL, and 6 NYCRR 617? 11Yes ❑No 20. Has the site ever been used for the disposal of solid or hazardous wastes? ❑Yes nNo B. Project Description 1. Physical dimensions and scale of project (fill in dimensions as appropriate) a. Total contiguous acreage owned or controlled by project sponsor 1.73 acres. ` b. Project acreage to be developed: 0 acres initially; 0 acres ultimately. c. Project acreage to remain undeveloped acres. *no new development proposed d. project,Length of ectin miles; N.A. (If g p I appropriate) je. If the project is an expansion, indicate percent of expansion proposed N.A. %; C Number of.off-street parking spaces existing- 0 ;,proposed - g. Maximum vehicular trips generated per hour ** (upon completion of project)? ** no change h. If residential: Number and type of housing.units. One Family Two Family Multiple Family . Condominium Initially none CUltimately *** i. Dimensions (in feet) of largest proposed structure *** height; width, length. j. Linear feet of frontage along a;public thoroughfare project will occupy is? _ a-L_ ft. 3' ***no new structures proposed at thiSItime S SES 2. How much natural material (i.e., row,, earth, etc.) will be removed from the sites 0 tons/cubic yards_ " 3. Will disturbed areas be reclaimed? Dyes ❑No QN/A a. If yes, for what intendre purpose is the site being reclaimed? b. Will topsoil be stockpiled for reclamation? Dyes ❑No c. Will upper subsoil be stockpiled for reclamation? Dyes ❑No \ 4. How many acres of vegetation (trees, shrubs: ground covers) will be removed from site? 0 acres. 5. Will any mature forest (over 100 years old) or other locally-important vegetation be removed by this project? Dyes ®No 6. If single phase project; Anticipated period of construction N.A. months, (including demolition). 7. if multi-phased: a. Total number of phases anticipated N.A. (number). b. Anticipated date of commencement phase 1 month year, (including demolition). c. Approximate completion date of final phase month year. d. Is phase 1 functionally dependent on subsequent phases? Dyes ❑No 8. Will blasting occur during construction? Dyes ❑No N.A. 9. Number of jobs generated: during construction N•A• after project is complete 10. Number of jobs eliminated by this project N.A. 11. Will project require relocation of any projects or facilities? Dyes ❑No If yes, explain N.A. 12. Is surface liquid waste disposal involved? Dyes ®No a. If yes, indicate type of waste (sewage, industrial, etc.) and amount b. Name of water body into which effluent will be discharged 13. Is subsurface liquid waste disposal involved? Dyes ®No Type 14. Will surface area of an existing water body increase or decrease by proposal? Dyes IXNo Explain 15. Is project or any portion of project located in a 100 year flood plain? Dyes ❑No unknown 16. Will the project generate solid waste? Dyes 91No a. If yes, what is the amount per month tons b. If yes, will an existing solid waste facility be used? Dyes ❑No c. If yes, give name ; location d. Will any wastes not go into a sewage disposal system or into a sanitary landfill? Dyes ❑No e. If Yes, explain 17. Will the project involve the disposal of solid waste? Dyes MNo a. If yes, what is the anticipated rate of disposal? tons/month. b. If yes, what is the anticipated site life? years. 18. Will project use herbicides or pesticides? Dyes ONo 19. Will project routinely produce odors (more than one hour per day)? Dyes ®No 1 20. Will project produce operating noise exceeding the local ambient noise levels? Dyes LINO 21. Will project result in an increase in energy use? Dyes MNo If yes , indicate type(s) f 22. If water supply is from wells, indicate pumping capacity N.A. gallons/minute. 23. Total anticipated water usage per day N.A. gallons/day. 24. Does project involve Local, State or Federal funding? Dyes ®No If Yes, explain 4 V .4 ; 25. Approvals Required- Submittal .. .. Type Date p City, Town, Village Board Oyes INNo . City, Town, Village Planning Board ]Dyes ONO tot tine cha p approval 11/90 City, Town Zoning Board OYes IMNo City, County Health Department OYes MNo Other Local Agencies OYes MNo Other Regional Agencies OYes MNo State Agencies OYes ONO Federal Agencies OYes ONO C. Zoning and Planning Infor'mat'ion 1. Does proposed action involve a planning or zoning decision? MYes ONO If Yes, indicate decision required; Ozoning amendment Ozoning variance Ospecial use permit Osubdivision Osite plan Onew/revision of master pian Oresource management plan Mother lot line change 2. What is the zoning classification(s)of the site? R-120 3. What is the maximum potential development of the site if developed as permitted by the present zoning? single—family residence on Lot 28-7 4. What is the proposed zoning of the site? N.A. i 5. What is the maximum potentialdevelopment of the site if developed as permitted by the proposed zoning? N.A. 6. Is the proposed action consistent with the recommended uses in adopted local land use plans? MYes ONO 7. What are the predominant land use(s) and zoning classifications within a '/. mile radius of proposed action? single—family residential; R-120 8. Is the proposed action compatible with adjoining/surrounding land uses within a Y. mile? MYes ONO 9. If the proposed action is the subdivision of land, how many tots are proposed? N.A. a. What is the minimum lot size proposed? N.A. 10. Will proposed action require any authorization(s) for the formation of sewer or water districts? OYes ZINo 11 . Will the proposed action create a demand for any community provided services (recreation, education, police, fire protection)? Oyes 12INo, a. If yes, is existing capacity sufficient to handle projected demand? Oyes ONO N.A. 12. Will the proposed action result in the generation of traffic significantly above present levels? Oyes ®No a. If yes, is the existing road network adequate to handle the additional traffic? Oyes ONO N.A. i D. Informational Details Attach any additional information as may needed to clarify your project. If there are or may be any adverse impacts associated with your proposal, please,discuss such impacts and the measures which you propose to mitigate or avoid them. E. Verification I certify that the information provided above is true to the best of my knowledge. i Applicant/Sponsor NamPorter J. Goss and Mary. R. Goss Date 12/3/ /90 Signature By `?l L• /la44�rM Title Authorized Agent Stephen L. Ham, If.ihe action is in the Coastal Area,and you are a state agency, comptefe the Coastal Assessment Form before proceeding with this assessment. ' 5 PS- 2—? °ECT 'MPAC'S AND -1 'HEIR V !%0E t yt RespaulblUtY:ol lead Age++c1 C,oe"s a * toco i General Information (Read Carefully) ; + In completing the form the reviewer should be guided by the question. Have my responses.and A-termnations 'b"n reawriablelThe reviewer is not expected to be an expert environmental analyst. • Identifying that an impact will be potentially large (column 2) does not mean that it is also necessarily signifiant. Any large impact must be evaluated in PART 3 to determine significance. Identifying an impact in column 2 slanply i asks that it be looked at further. • The Examples provided are to assist the reviewer b showing pacts and wherever possible y g types of impacts possible the`thresfald of magnitude that:would trigger a response in:column 2. The examples are generally applicable throughout thie State and for most situations.'13ut, for any specific project or site other examples andlor tower thresholds may be appropriate. for a'Potential Large Impact response, thus requiring evaluation in Part 3. • The impacts of eachl project on each site. in each locality, will vary. Therefore, the examples are illustrative and have beenofferetf as;guidance.They do not constitute an exhaustive lista impacts and thresholds to:answer each question- * The number of examples;per question does not indicate the importance of.each question, • In identifying impacts, consider,long term, short term and cumlative,effects. nstructions (Read carefully) a. Answer each of lthe 19 questions in PART 2. Answer Yes if there will be,any impact ; b. Maybe answers should be considered as Yes:answers. c. If answering Yes to a question then check the appropriate box(column Y or 2) to indicate the potential size of the impact if impact th reshsold equals or exceeds any example provided. check column 2.If impact will occur but threshold is tower than example, check column 1. d. If reviewer has doubt about size of the impact then consider the impact as potentially large and proceed to PART 1 e. If a potentially large impact checked in column 2 can be mitigated by change(s) in the project to a small to moderate y impact, also check the Yes box in column 3. A No response indicates that such a reduction is not possible: This must be explained in Part 3. i 2 3 Small to Potential Can Impact Be Moderate Large Mltlgated By IMPACT ON LA.NO -- - ..Ripgi;f impact Project mange 1 . Will the proposed action result in a physical change to dlie project site? NO OYES (samples that would apply to column 2 • Any construction on slopes of 15% or.greater, (15 foot rise per 100 ❑ ❑ ❑Yes CNo foot of length), or where the general slopes in the project area exceed 10%. • Construction on land where the depth to the water table is less than ❑ ❑ ❑Yes ❑No 3 feet • Construction of paved parking area for 1,000 or more vehicles. Cl ❑ Oyes ONo • Construction on land where bedrock is exposed or generally,within ❑ ❑ ❑Yes QNo 3 feet of existing ground surface. • Construction that will continue for more than 1'year or involve more ❑ 0 ❑Yes ONO than one phase or stage. • Excavation for mining purposes that would remove more than 1,000 ❑ ❑ ❑Yes CNo tons of natural, material (i.e., rock or soil) per year. • Construction or expansion of a sanitary.tandfill. ❑ ❑ ❑Yes ❑No • Construction in a designated floodway. O ❑ OYes ONo Other impacts ❑ O ❑Yes ONo 2 Will there be an effect t ry unique or unusual land o*^s found on .the site?(Le.,:clMs. dunes geological formations etc.)f%10 OYE$ • 3Pck`fsc land fwmr ( ." C7''. ' Yes fltJo_: f i ` Z 3 IMPACT ON WATER Small to Potential Can Impact be 3 Will proposed action affect any water body designated as protected? Moderate Large Mitigated ey Impact, Impact Project Ctunge (Under Articles 15: 21.25 of the Environmental Conservaton Law. ECL) NO DYES Examples that would apply to column 2 • Developable area of site contains a protected water body. ❑ ❑ ❑Yes �40 • Dredging more than 100,cubic yards of material from channel of a ❑ Q ❑Yes ONO protected stream: ' • Extension of utility distribution facilities through a protected water body. ❑ ❑ ❑Yes ONO • Construction in-a designated freshwater or tidal wetland. 0 ❑ ❑Yes ONO • Other impacts: ❑ ❑ ❑Yes • ONO 4 Will proposed action affect any non-protected existingor new body of water? O DYES Examples that would apply to column 2 • A 10%.increase,or decrease in the surface area of any body of water O O ❑Yes ONO or more than a 10 acre increase or decrease. • Construction of a body of water that exceeds 10 acres of surface area. ❑ ❑ ❑Yes ONO. • Other impacts: ❑ ❑ Dyes ONO 5. Will Proposed Action affect surface or groundwater quality or quantity? NO DYES Examples that would apply tq column 2 ( • Proposed Action will require a discharge permit. O ❑ ❑Yes ONO • Proposed Action requires use of a sourceofwater that does not ❑ ❑Yes L:No have approval to serve proposed(project) action. • Proposed i Action requires water supply from wells with greater than 45 ❑ ❑ ❑Yes ONO talons per minute pumping capacity. • Construction of operation causing arty contamination of a water ❑ ❑, ❑Yes ONO supply system. • Proposed Action will adversely affect groundwater. ❑ ❑ ❑Yes ONO • Liquid effluentiwill be conveyed off the site to facilities which presently ❑ ❑ CYes CNo do°not exist or have inadequate capacity. • Proposed'' Action would use water in excess of 20.000 gallons per 0 ❑ ❑Yes ONO day. • Proposed' Action will like[,- caoie siltation or other discharge into an O ❑ ❑Yes CNo existing body of watei ... the-mcm that there will be an obvious visual contrast to natural conditions. Proposed, Action will require the storage of petroleum or chemical ❑ ❑ ❑Yes ONO products greater than 1,100 gallons. • Proposed Action will allow residential uses in areas without water ❑ ❑ ❑Yes ONo i andlor sewer services. • Proposed Action locates commercial andlor industrial uses which may ❑ ❑ [Dyes ONO require new or expansion of existing waste treatment and/or storage facilities. • Other impacts: ❑ ❑ ❑Yes [)No 1, ¢ Will proposed action alter drainage flow or parte? or surface J water runoff? 40 DYES ,. EuTpld that would'appty tc column •' Pcruwsed Action would channe•.ifood water, flows: : [l ❑ ❑Yes uNo I I - 2 Small to Potential. Can Impact,.t Be i Moderato Large Mltlpated 0 eyi Impact Impact Project Chanarjo Proposed Action may cause substantial erosion. ❑ ❑ ❑Yes _ _r+a Proposed Action is incompatible with existing drainage pattems ❑ ❑ oyes _ No Proposed Action will allow development in a designated floodway. ❑ ❑ ❑yes _---`;ho Other impacts: ❑ ❑ ❑Yes _DNo IMPACT ON AIR Will proposed action affect air quality? NO OYES t V Examp{es.Oat would apply, to column 2 jProposed Action will induce 1.0W or snore vehicle trips.in any given ❑ ❑ {lyes, _DNo s U Flour. i . Proposed Action will result in the incineration of more than 1 ton of ❑ ❑ ❑Yes _ ::)No i refuse per hour. t Emission rate of total contaminants will exceed S lbs. per hour or a ❑ ❑ Oyes - :]No j heat source producing more than 10 million BTU's per hour. { • Proposed action will allow an increase in the amount of land committed ❑ ❑ QYes :)No to, industrial use. Pi posed action will allow an increase inthedensity of industrial 0 ❑ ❑Yes :,:)No detielopment within existing'industrial'areas. • OCher impacts; ❑ ❑. Dyes DNe i' IMPACT ON PLANTS AND ANIMALS S. Will Proposed Action affect any threatened of endangered species? 0 OYES - Examples that would apply to column 2 ' • Reduction of one or more species listed on the New York or federal ❑ ❑ ❑Yes —jNc tisk, using the site, over or near site or found on the site. Removal of any portion of a critical or significant wildlife habitat ❑ ❑ Dyes 3Nc : • Application of pesticide or herbicide more than twice a year, other ❑ ❑ ❑Yes ❑Nc than,for agricultural purposes. • Other impacts- ❑ ❑ oyes :DNC 9. Will Proposed Action substantially affect non•threate or nosrendangered species? MNO OYES Examples that would apply to column 2 • Proposed Action would substantially interfere with any resident or ❑ ❑ Dyes ❑Nc migratory fish, shellfish or wildlife species. Proposed Action requires the removal of more than 10 acres ❑ ❑ ❑Yes ❑Nc of mature forest (over 100 years of age)or other locally important vegetation. IMPACT ON AGRICULTURAL LAND RESOURCES 10. Will the Proposed Action affect agricultural land rc,ssQQ,u�rces? (�ft10 DYES Examples that would apply to column 2 The proposed action would sever, cross or limit access to agricultural ❑ ❑ ❑Yes ❑Nc land (includes cropland, lsayfields,.pastsste yigtyard, orclsard,.ttc.) i 2 3 Small to Potential Can Impact M. Moderate Large Mitigated By Impact Impact. Project CnanQ4 • Construction activity would excavate or compact the soil profile of ❑ ❑ CYes CKo agricultural land The proposed Action would irreversibly convert: more than 10 acres ❑ ❑ ❑Yes ❑No of agricultural land Or, if located in an Agricultutal District more than 2.5 acres of agricultural find. 1 • The proposed action would disrupt or prevent insullation of agricultural D ❑ Oyes ONO land"management systems Ws.. 'subsurface drain lines, outlet ditches, stripitctcpping;or create a nerd for such measures (e.g. cause a farm field torydrain poorly due to.increased runoff) Other impacts ❑ ❑ ❑Yes ONO F IMPACT ON AESTHETIC RESOURCES 11 . Will proposed action affect aesthetic resources? NO DYES Se s (If necessary, use the Visual EAF Addendum in ction 617:21, Appendix BJ Examples that would apply to column 2 • Proposed land uses, or project components obviously different from ❑ ❑ OYes ONO or in sharp contrast to current surrounding land use patterns, whether man-mads or,natural. Proposed land uses, or project components visible to users of C ❑ Oyes; Otho aesthetic resources whiChL wilt eliminate or significantly reduce their enjoyment of the aesthetic qualities of that resource. Project components that ,will result in the elimination or significant ❑ ❑ ❑Yes ❑h'o screening of scenic views known to be importarit to the area. • Other impacts: O ❑ Dyes OW IMPACT ON HISTORIC AND ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESOURCES 12, Will Proposed Action impact any site or structure of historic. pre- historic or paleontological importance? 07r 0 DYES Examples that would apply to column 2 • Proposed Action occurring wholly or partially within or substantially ❑ ❑ CYes ONO contiguous to any facility or site listed on the State or National Register of historic places. • Any impact to an archaeological site or fossil ted located within the ❑ ❑ ❑yes ON(, project site. • Proposed Action will occur in an area designated as sensitive for ❑ ❑ Oyes ONO archaeological'siteson the NYS Site Inventory. • Other impacts: ❑ ❑ ❑Yes ONO IMPACT ON OPEN SPACE AND RECREATION 13. Will Proposed Action affect the quantity or quality of existing or future open spaces or recreational opportunities? _ Examples that would apply to column 2 O DYES ( )The permanent foreclosure of a future recreational o rtunity. ❑ ❑ ❑Yes ONO A major reduction of-an open.space,important to the corninunity, - ❑ (] Oyes ONO; _ •. 'Ot}ier'lrnpacu: a IMPACT ON TRANSPORTATION1 2 a Small to Potential Can Impact Be 14 Will there be an effect to existing transportation sy$t mst Moderate Large Mitigated By NO DYES Impact Impact Project Change Examples that would apply to column 2 • Alteration of present patterns of movement of people andlor goods ❑ ❑ Oyes ❑No Proposed Action will result in major traffic problems. O ❑ Dyes ❑.No •' Other impacts: ❑ ❑ Oyes ONO IMPACT ON ENERGY 15. Will proposed action affect the communitv's ,M'r.c7s Iof fuel or energy supply? 0 DYES Examples that would apply to column 2 ' • Proposed Aaction will cause,a greater than 5% increase inthe use of ❑ ❑ ❑Yes ❑No any form of energy in the municipality. • Proposed,Action will require the creation or extension of an energy ❑ ❑ ❑Yes 0 N transmission or supply system to serve more than 50 single br two family residences:or to serve a major commercial or industrial use. Other impacts: O ❑ ❑Yes '❑No NOISE AND ODOR IMPACTS 16 Will there be objectionable odors, noise, or vibra ' as a result of the Proposed Action? NO DYES' Examples that would apply to column 2 • Blasting within 1,500 feet of a hospital, school or other sensitive O ❑ Oyes ❑Nc facility. • Odors will occur routinely (more than one hour per day). ❑ ❑ ❑Yes ❑N( • Proposed Action will produce operating noise exceeding the local O ❑ ❑Yes ❑Nc' ambient noise levels for noise outside of structures. • Proposed Action will remove natural barriers that would act as a ❑ ❑ ❑Yes ON noise screen. - • Other impacts: ❑ ❑ ❑Yes ❑K IMPACT ON PUBLIC HEALTH 17 Will Proposed Action affect public health and safetq 0 DYES Examples that would apply to column 2 // _1N • Proposed Action may cause risk of explosion or release of hazardous ❑ O ❑Yes Of substances(i.e. oil, pesticides, chemicals,radiation, etc.)in the event of accident or upset conditions, or there may be a chronic low level discharge or emission. • Proposed Action may result in the burial of "hazardous wastes" in any ❑ ❑ ❑Yes ❑F form (i.e. toxic, poisonous, highly reactive, radioactive, irritating, infectious, etc.) • Storage facilities for one million or more gallons of liquified natural ❑ ❑ ❑Yes ❑ gas or other flammable liquids. • Proposed action may result in the excavation or other disturbance ❑ ❑ ❑Yes ❑ within 2.000 feet of a site used for the disposal of solid or hazardous waste; . t`Other iaipactlr ." ' ❑ ❑ " QYes :r❑ IMPACT ON GROWTH AND CHARACTER 1 2 3 BeOF COMMUNITY OR NEIGHBORHOOD Small to Potential Can Impact Moderate Large Mitigated By 18 Will proposed action affect the character of the existing community? Impact Impact Project Change NO OYES Examples that would apply to column 2 6 • The permanentpopulation of the city, town or village, in which the ❑ ❑ ❑Yes ONO protect is located is likely to grow by more than 5%. • The municipal budget for capital, expenditures or operating services ❑ ❑ ❑Yes ONO will increase by more than S% per year as a results of this project. • Proposed action will conflict with officially adopted plans or goals. ❑ ❑ ❑Yes ONO • Proposed action will cause a change in the density of land use. ❑ O ❑Yes ONO • Proposed Action will,replace or eliminate existing facilities,structures ❑ ❑ ❑Yes ONO or areas of historic importance to the community. • Deyetopmei#will create a demand for additional community services ❑ ❑ ❑Yes ONO {eg. schools, police andf ire, etc:) • Proposed Action wilt se# an important precedent for future projects. O ❑ ❑Yes ONO ! • Propped Actino vyi11 creoxe or eliminate-employment. O ❑ ❑Yes Oho • Other impacts: ❑ O Dyes [-)No 19. Is there, or is there like) to be, y public contrors�Y related to potential adverse environmental impacts? (S1J0 OYES „ If Any Action In Part 2 Is Identified as a Potential Large Impact or If You Cannot Determine the Magnitude of Impact, Proceed to Part 3 i Pact 3—EVALUATION OF THE IMPORTANCE OF IMPACTS Responsibility of Lead Agency Part 3 must be prepared if one or more impact(s) is considered to be potentially larle, even if the impact(s) may be mitigated. Instructions Discuss the following for each impact identified in.Column 2 of Part 2- 1 . Briefly describe the impact 2. Describe(if applicable)how the impact could be mitigated or reduced to a small to moderate impact by project changes) 3. Based on the information available, decide if it is reasonableto conclude that this impact is important. To answer the question of importance, consider; • The probability of the impact occurring • The duration,of the impact • Its irreversibility, including permanently lost resources of value • Whether the,impact can or will be controlled • The regional consequence of the impact • Its potential divergence from local needs and goals • Whether known objections to the project relate to this impact. (Continue on attachments) �S�FFOt1lCOG I PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS N VIM SCOTT L. HARRIS Bennett Orlowski, Jr., Chairman Vw , - Supervisor George Ritchie Latham,Jr. 1D Richard G. Ward Town Hall, 53095 Main Road Mark S. McDonalb P.O. Box 1179 Kenneth L. Edwards Southold, New York 11971 s PLANNING BOARD OFFICE Telephone(516) 765-1938 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Fax (516) 765-1823 TO: Matthew Kiernan, Assistant Town Attorney FROM: Bennett Orlowski, Jr. Chairman DATE: March 6, 1991 "` \\\ RE: Proposed lot line change for Porter and Mary Goss SCTM4 1000--2-1-13 & 14 Please reviewtheattached covenants and restrictions for legal sufficiency, i�� i'G'�/r'�' !• ����p C:''i i2�.meq-�-. . i MA-rTHEWS & HAM ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAWY 45 HAMPTON ROAD SOUTHAMPTON,N.Y.11966 5I6-283-2400 PRiftp 3:MATT Ews. TELECOPIEB 516-287-1076 STEPBENL.11A�`LI III March 1, 1991 Planning Board Town of "Southold Main Road Southold, NY 11971 Re: Proposed Lot Line Change for Porter & Mary Goss;. SCTM # 1000-2-1-13 & 14 Dear Sirs: In accordance with your letter to me of February 26, 1991, I am enclosing a proposed form of Declaration containing the requested covenants and restrictions for the referenced lot-line change. Please review and have the Town Attorney review this draft Declaration and advise me of its approval or of what changes or additions, if any, must be made. Very truly yours, Stephen L. Ham, III SLH:ja Enclosure BY HAND ` - i LJ DECLARATION i DECLARATION, made the day of March, 1991, by PORTER i7 J. GOSS and MARY R. GOSS, both now residing at 3869 Gulf Drive, iY Sanibel Island, Florida, hereinafter referred to as the Declarants. WHEREAS, the Declarants are the owners of certain real property situate at Fishers Island, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, as shown on the map entitled "Proposed Lot Line Change - Property of Porter J. and Mary R. Goss", prepared by Chandler, Palmer & King, dated November 20, 1990, which map is to be filed in the Offices of the Town Clerk and the Building Department of the Town of Southold, with said real property consisting of two Lots, one of which is designated as Block 28, DISTRICT Lot 7 and is more particularly described on Schedule A hereto and 1000 the other of which is undesignated but is identified on said map SECTION 002 .00 as "Lot from FIDCO" and is more particularly described on schedule BLOCK B hereto; and 01. 00 WHEREAS, the Declarants have made application to the LOTS 013 .000 Planning Board of the Town of Southold for approval of a lot line 014.000 change as shown on the above referred to map, to wit: the transfer of a . 10 +/- acre parcel as shown thereon from the said undesignated Lot to Block 28, Lot 7, which . 10 +/-acre parcel is more particularly described on Schedule C hereto; and WHEREAS, for and in consideration of said granting of approval, the Planning Board of the Town of Southold has deemed it 1 to be in the best interests of the Town of Southold and the owners and prospective owners of said Lots that the within covenants and restrictions be imposed on said Lots, and as a condition of said approval, said Planning Board has required that the within Declaration be recorded in the Office of the Suffolk County Clerk; and WHEREAS, the Declarants have considered the foregoing and determined that the same will be for the best interests of the Declarants and subsequent owners of said Lots; NOW, THEREFORE, THIS DECLARATION WITNESSETH: That the Declarants, for the purpose of carrying out the intentions above expressed, do hereby make known, admit, publish, covenant and agree that the said premises described on Schedule A and Schedule B hereto shall hereinafter be subject to the following covenants which shall run with the land and shall be binding upon all purchasers of said premises, their heirs, executors, legal representatives, distributees, successors and assigns, to wit: 1. That no Lot shall be subdivided or its lot lines changed in any manner at any future date unless authorized by the Town of Southold Planning Board. 2 . That clearing and grading within each Lot shall be limited to that necessary for 'siting and constructing a house with the intent of preserving as much of the natural vegetation on the site as possible, and to minimize stormwater runoff and erosion. 3 . That no new residential structure or sanitary 2 P disposal facility shall be constructed- or otherwise locatedwithin 100 feet of the shoreline of Fishers Island Sound. 4. That no stormwater runoff resulting from the development and improvement of the subdivision or any of its Lots. shall be discharged into the tidal wetlands bordering the Lots.- 5. That these Covenants and Restrictions can be modified only at the request of the then owners of the premises with the approval of a majority plus one of the Planning Board of the Town of Southold after a public hearing. Adjoining property 'owners shall be entitled to notice of such public hearing but their consent to such modification shall not be required. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Declarants above named have executed the foregoing Declaration as of the day and year first above written. Porter J. Goss Mary R. Goss STATE OF FLORIDA ) ss. . COUNTY OF ) On the day of March, 1991, before me personally appeared Porter J. Goss and Mary R. Goss, to me known and known to me to be the individuals described in and who executed the foregoing instrument and they acknowledged to me that they executed the same. Notary Public g p SCHEDULE A BLOCK 28 - LOT 7 A certain 'tract or parcel .of landwith the buildings thereon, located at Fishers island, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, being bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING , at a monument on the Westerly line of a road, said monument being located4306.45 feet North of a point which is 882.34. feet West. of a monument marking the United; States Coast and Gegdetic Survey Triangula n Station "NIN'P and running' thence South 8,5 degrees, 26 minute5 'and 40 seconds West 215.14 feet to a point at the shore ofIFishers Island 'Sound; thence, North 03 degrees, 30 miUtes, arsd 50 seconds East 52.74, feet, th a oxo-int„ thenjbe North 0�, degrees, 42 minutes and 20 seconds East 16, .52 fee a" port; thence North 75 degrees, 30 mi#utes axil 10, szcc,Yds East 197.3.1 feet to the Westerly line of sagidq road' nt a pgit of a cure to, the left having a radius of 315.54 feet` and tle "c3 is ect on o whose radius at that point is out 6-7 degrees, iX mnt�ites�+:andO seconds E st; thence Southwardly aiont said road lih6� foij;Ting the arc of said curve for a distance of 270.28 feet ta 'the point of beginning. L 4� I i 4 I i I I j SCHEDULE B i LOT FROM FIDCO Mav 5, 1977 A certain" tract or parcel of land with the buildings thereon, located at Fishers Island, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, being bounded and described as follows; Beginning at an iron pipe at an angle in the Westerly Line of a road, said, point being located 4566:82 feet North of a point-:3hich it 896.35 feet West of a monument marking the United States,, Coast and 'Geodat c Survey Triangulation Station "NIN"" end,running, thence South 75 degrees, 10 minutes and. 10: seconds West" IS1.03 feet to, a pont at 3the shore of West Harbor; thence North 10 degrees, 29 mihoes afiA 40 seconds Ea# 168.75 feet to a point; thence.. North 81 °,djttqprron 51 minutes and 49 seconds East 31. O0, Feet town- z pi a, at, ap point of a curve to the left having a radiue� o 302�00 fe , t3arle Ngrtheastwardlay following the arc of said curve for a istance 0 146.43 feet to an iron pipe at a point of ClFX'R�ga ,'to the le i£ Ylariusg a radius of 85.00 feet; thence *1'16rtheastwardly fbI'liow l 1 1 t ie arc of said curve for a distance of 63 u p7 feet #5o an o pee the ' Westerly line of said road at a poktt of curve to the `rigav`inc a radius of 370.99 feet: thence. Sohw�axx361y Along &a r ne following the Marc of said curve for, a distance of 189 .31 feet to a, point; thence South 22 degrees, 48' minuet 0 and 14 ssec'onds=' 4,2.93 feet along said road line to a po,int' of curve the 7 t' haying a radius of 320.54 feet; thence Soutthwayrdly 7g sal" road- line following the arc of said curve, for a 411nce 3 .8' 3 feet to thepoint of beginning. 5 SCHEDULE C it Portion of Undesignated Lot from FIDCO to be transferred to Block 28 - Lot 7 A certain tract or parcel of land with the buildings thereon, located: at Fishers Island, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, being bounded and described as follows: Beginning at an iron pipe at an angle in the Westerly line of a r'oad's, said, point being located 4,566.82 feet North of a point which is, 896,35 feet West, of a monument marking the United States. Coast and. Gepdet�c ,Survey Triangulation Star"tion "NIST' and, running thence Northi 89 degrees, 54 minutes and 46 seconds West 175.5'6 feet to a pei at the" shore; of West Harbor; thence South l0, degrees, 29 mines and 40� seconds West 50".00 feet to a point: thence North 75' de ees, i0 minutes, and 10 seconds East 191.03 feet to the iron ip at the poitt of beginning. 6 _ Al PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS ` ' SCOTT L. HARRIS Bennett Orlowski, Jr., Chairman Supervisor George Ritchie.Latham, Jr. Richard G. Ward Town Ball, 53095 Main Road Mark,S, McDonald P'_O. Box 1179 Kenneth L. Edwards Southold, New York 11971 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE Telephone(516) 765-1938 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Fax (516) 765-1823 . TO: Matthew Kiernan, Assistant Town Attorney FROM: Bennett Orlowski, Jr:. Chairman DATE: March 6, 1991 RE: Proposed lot line change for Porter and Mary Goss SCTM# 1000-2-1-13 & 14 Please review the attached covenants and restrictions for legal sufficiency. MATTHEWS & HAM ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAw 45 HAMPTON ROAD SouxHAMPxoN,N.Y.11968 516-283-2400 - Palur B.MAmEws T LECOPISR 516-287-1076 .STEPHEN L.HAM, March 1, 1991 Planning Board Town of Southold Main Road i Southold, NY 11971 Re: Proposed Lot Line Change for Porter & Mary Goss; SCTM # 1000-2-1-13 & 14 I r j. Dear Sirs: 3 In accordance with your letter to me of February 26, 1991, I an enclosing a proposed form of Declaration containing the requested covenants and restrictions for the referenced lot-line change. Please review and have the Town Attorney review this draft Declaration and advise me of its approval or of what changes or additions, if any, must be made. Very truly yours, Stephen L. Ham, III SLH:ja ; Enclosure t -r BY HAND l:M1' 3 �rt b � i a ! { - d 1991 DECLARATION DECLAtZ=0 T, made the day of March, 1991, by PORTER J. GOSS and MARY R. GOSS, both now residing at 3869 Gulf Drive, Sanibel Island, Florida, hereinafter referred to as the Declarants. WHEREAS, the Declarants are the owners of certain real property situate at Fishers Island, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, as shown on the map entitled "Proposed Lot Line Change - Property of Porter J. and Mary R. Goss", prepared by Chandler,. Palmer & King, dated November 20, 1990, which map is to be filed in the Offices of the Town Clerk and the Building Department of the Town of Southold, with said real property consisting of two Lots, one of which is designated as Block 28, DISTRICT Lot 7 and is more particularly described on Schedule A hereto and 1000 the other of which is undesignated but is identified on said map SECTION 002 . 00 as "Lot from FIDCO" and is more particularly described on Schedule BLOCK B hereto; and 01 .00 WHEREAS, the Declarants have made application to the LOTS 013:000 Planning Board of the Town of Southold for approval of a lot line 014 . 000 change as shown on the above referred to map, to wit: the transfer of a . 10 +/- acre parcel as shown thereon from the said undesignated Lot to Block 28, Lot 7, which . 10 +/-acre parcel is more particularly described on Schedule C hereto; and WHEREAS, for and in consideration of said granting of approval, the Planning Board of the Town of Southold has deemed it 1 to be in the best interests of the Town of Southold and the owners and prospective owners of said hots that the within covenants and restrictions be imposed on said Lots, and as a condition of said approval, said Planning Board has required that the within Declaration be recorded in the Office of the Suffolk County Clerk; i and WHEREAS, the ,Declarants have considered the foregoing and determined that the same will be for the best interests of the Declarants and subsequent owners of said Lots; NOW, THEREFORE, THIS DECLARATION WITNESSETH: That the Declarants, for the purpose of carrying out the intentions above expressed, do hereby make known, admit, publish, covenant and agree that the said premises described on Schedule A and Schedule B hereto shall hereinafter be subject to the following covenants which shall run with the land and shall be binding upon all purchasers of said premises, their heirs, executors, legal representatives, distributees, successors and assigns, to wit: 1. That no Lot shall be subdivided or its lot lines changed in any manner at any future date unless authorized by the Town of Southold Planning Board. 2. That clearing and grading within each Lot shall be limited to that necessary for siting and constructing a house with the intent of preserving as much of the natural vegetation on the site as possible, and to minimize stormwater runoff and erosion. 3. That no new residential structure or sanitary 2 1 , disposal facility shall be constructed or otherwise located within 100 feet of the shoreline of Fishers Island Sound. 4. That no stormwater runoff resulting from the development and improvement of the subdivision or any of its Lots shall be discharged into the tidal wetlands bordering the Lots. i 5. That these Covenants and Restrictions can be modified only at the request of the then owners of the premises with the Approval of a majority plus one of the Planning Board of the Town of Southold after a public hearing. Adjoining property owners shall be entitled to notice of such public hearing but their consent to such modification shall not be required. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Declarants above named have executed the foregoing Declaration as of the day and year first above written. Porter J. Goss Mary R. Goss STATE OF FLORIDA ) ss. COUNTY OF ) On the day of March, 1991, before me personally appeared Porter J. Goss and Mary R. Goss, to me known and known to me to be the individuals described in and who executed the foregoing instrument and they acknowledged to me that they executed the same. Notary Public C' 3 I i114.1 SCHEDULE A III. BLOCK 28 - LOT 7 it A certain tract or parcel of land with the buildings thereon, located at Fishers Island, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, being bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a monument on the Westerly line of a road,, said monument being located 4306.45 feet North of a point which is 3 882. 41 feet West of a monument. marking the United 'States coast and Geodetac Survey Triangulation Statx'04- d 'and �run�ng thence South 89 . degrees, 26 minutes and 40 seconcTs. West 2,15.14 feet to a point at the shore of Fishers Island Sounds„ ' i nce North 03 degrees, ' 30 minutes and 50 seconds East 5,2,�70 � feet to a point; thence North 04 degrees, 42 minutes and 26 seconds* last x63,5, feet to * ,''point, thence North 75 degrees„ to *im- es and 10 second East 197.31 feet to the Westdrly line of sai road, at a poi'n:t of a, curve to the lefthaving a radius of 3 5' . k feet' and the der edtibn of whose radius, at that,, point is Soot-4 67 degrees, Il msi 6,p, and 50; seconds East.; thence; Scuthwardrl.y 4lanOroad said line `f iq� g the arc of Said curve far a cTIsta4noe "of 2`70.2.8 feet to `t3 lien. of beginning. 4 i SCHEDULE B LOT FROM FIDCO May. 5, 1977 A certain 'tract or parcel of land with the buildings thereon, located at Fishers Island, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, being bounded and described as follows: Beginning at an iron pipe at an angle in the Westerly, line of a road, said point being located 4566.82 feet North, of a point which Is 896,35 feet West of a monument marking the United States Coast. and Geodetic, Survey Triangulation Sta'ti on "I37..N" and running thence 'South 75 degrees, 10 minutes arta 10 seconds. West ISPI.63 feet to a point, at the shore of West Hatbor; thence North 7:0 degrees, 29 minutes and40 seconds East 168,.7.5 feet to a point,; tf eXt e North s 81 degree , 51 minutes and 48 seconds East 1 r A; jeot to, an iron 'pipe at a point of a curve to the left haavdtg a i*oius, of 3,02.00 feet; thence Northeastwardy fcllosing+ the aro of said curve fear a distance of 146.43. feet to an iram pppe at a point of cu�ue to the left having a radius of 85.00 feet; them iartf a6tVard1 following the aro of said curve fotr a distan6^ed of; 03,.57 feet to an iron ',p1pe on the Westerly line of said road at a posYxt 4f tcurye to the right having a radius of 370`,..965 feet, thence Sc Ztfzwaxdly among said road line following the are of sada cuive fop fa A- t1aho� of 189.31 feet to a point.; thence: South 22 degrees^s, mipt4 10 seco#d� What 42.93 feet along send road' line' to a po8t of, ehrue to the left having a radius of 329,. feet; tEi .. S ttFOrAl along sal , road line followi;n5 the arc of sn', cal for a d3 ;kae oaf'' 8.' 3 fdYet to the poi it of beginning. j 5 i SCHEDULE C Portion of Undesignated Lot from FIDCO to be transferred to Block 28 n Lot 7 A certain tract or parcel of land with the buildings thereon, located at Fishers Island, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, being bounded and described as follows: Beginning at an iron pipe at an angle in the Westerly line of a road, said:, point, being located. 45,66.$2_ feet North of a point which is 896.35 feet west, of a monument markingl the United States Coast and Geade'tic Survey Triangulation Station " N"' and running thence North 89 degrees, 54 minutes. and 46sQconds West. 178,.,56 feet to a point, at the shore of West J�Arbor, thence So6th tri degrees:, 29 minutes and 40 seconds west 50,00 feet to, a point, thence North 75 degrees, 10, minutes ands 10 seconds East 291.03- feet to the iron pipe at the point of beginning. f. gg i g r, ' 6 f i I , 1 i`��.#t'�: n `t�e Y.t,y�lEl ','•. F x � � � ' 1 P1..1NNINL`iff)ti� 0) SCflTTL. HARRIS If 9.' 1 Of IN1\. I ( f n+ •i. � Supervisor (f•u: K I ur . . L � � ' WeraS Town Halt, 53095 Main Road Mark' 17an 4 . P.O� Box 1179 lr< 'Kerrn z tfir& Southold,New fork t1971 > � PLANNING BOARD OFFICE .{ hTphaii� .168 TOWN OF SOUiHOLD Fax(516) 765-1823 i t February 26, 1991 rug Phen L. Ilam ZT1 I thews, & Ham t & ° Hampton Road t7'% ' thampton„ New York 11968 r s'- RE: Proposed Lot-line change for Porter & Mary Coss SCTM# 1000-2-1-13 & 14 x +jbear Mr. Ham: The following resolution was adopted by the Southold Town flu: Planning Board at a meeting held on Monday, February 25, 1991, RESOLVED to adopt the February 7, 1991 Suffolk County # � p4,; Planning Commission report. £JPrfi Conditions Numbered 1-4 must be presented ina Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions in proper legal form. A copy of t the draft Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions must be , ' i' submitted for review by the Planning Board and the Town k Attd 'ney. ' Once approved, the document must be filed in the Office of County Clerk. 1' { ti,ft Condition Number 6 must be shown on the final map. Please contact this office if you have any questions regarding the above. # a ppM Very, truly yours, ' Bennett Orlowski, Jr. Chairman I Encl. �i cc: Suffolk County Planning Commission 1 �Jt 4 i l�,lr Itl I i jX J {' diOUNTY OF SUFFOLK Ir , olisi PATRICK G. HALPIN , SUFFOLK COUNTY EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING ARTHUR H. KuNz. `:. DIRECTOR OF PLANNING i February 7, 1991 Mr. Bennett Orlowski, Jr., Chairman Town of Southold Planning Board Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Re: Minor Subdivision - Porter J. & Mary R. Goss (Lot Line Change) Westerly side of a Private Road, south of Clay Point, Fishers Island, Southold, New York. Dear Mr. Orlowski: The Suffolk County Planning Commission at its regular meeting on I February 6, 1991, reviewed the proposed subdivision plat, entitled, "Minor Subdivision - Porter J. & Mary R. Goss" referred to it pursuant to Section A14-24, Article XIV of the Suffolk County Administrative Code. After due study and deliberation it resolved to approve said map subject to the following six conditions that are deemed necessary to help preserve the natural and aesthetic attributes of the shoreline of.Fishers Island Sound and the tidal wetland adjacent thereto, 1. No lot shall be subdivided or its lot lines changed in any manner at any future date unless authorized by the Town of Southold Planning Board. 2. Clearing and grading within each lot shall be limited to that necessary for siting and constructing a house with the intent of preserving as much of the natural vegetation on the site as possible, and to minimize` stormwater runoff and erosion. 3. No new residential structure or sanitary disposal facility shall be , constructed or otherwise located within 100 feet of the shoreline of Fishers Island Sound. ' 4. No stormwater runoff resulting from the development and improvement of the subdivision'or any of its lots shall be discharged into the tidal wetlands bordering the parcel.'' j VETrRA`." Mi Mf.il A. M,..I-AAY ,IAUPPMX0. LI. 6LN YO1?K 11 7811 1516134,0 5192 Page -2- --7--------------- ---—---------------—----------- -----5.------Conditi^----ons 1-4, inclusive, shall be filed as covenants and restrictions in the office of the County Clerk on or ,prior to the granting of approval to this subdivision. These covenants and restrictions can be modified only at the request of the then owner of the premises with the approval of a majority plus one of the Planning Board of the Town of Southold after a public hearing. Adjoining property owners shall be entitled to notice of such public hearing but their consent to such modification shall not be required. 6. The final map shall bear the following notes A Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions has been filed in the Suffolk County Clerk's office which affects lots in this subdivision. The Commission also offers the following comments on the map for your use and consideration: 1. It is suggested that before approval is granted to this subdivision that the subdivider be required to submit this proposal to the Suffolk County Department of Health Services for review to insure that the proposed subdivision will meet the requirements and standards of that agency, 2. The map of this minor subdivision should be filed in the office of the County Clerk. This is to insure the validity of the subdivision map and that the subdivision map will be available to the general public in - a central office of official records. Very truly yours, Arthur H. Kunz Director of Planning byatttG Frank Dowlfng, Sr. Planner Subdivid�jn Review Division r^` File: S-SD-91-02 i FD:mb cc: J. Baier, C.E. , SCDHS ➢ 4o ,<-f 6r % MATT'HEWS Lc HAM ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAw 45 HAMPTON ROAD Sou=Ax pToN,N.Y.n968 516-233-2400 PHILIP B.MA=EA5 TEI:ECgPIER 516-287-1076 1: STEPHEN L.HAM.III.: February 7, 1991 Planning Board Town of Southold Town Hall Main Road Southold, NY 11971 Re: Lot Line Changes for Porter Goss and Mary Goss (SCTM # 1000-2-1-13 & 14), and Porter Goss& Mary Goss and Michael Laughlin (SCTM # 1000-2-1-15. 1 & 16) Dear Sirs: In accordance with your letter of January 18, I have enclosed a check for $350 to cover your environmental consultantsfee for review of the Long Environmental Assessment Forms relating to the referenced applications. j' Very truly yours, j Stephen L. Ham, III SLH:ja Enclosure FB ti � COUNTY OF SUFFOLK v A l0 PATRICK G. H I:.. SUFFOLK COUNTYEXECUECUTIVE S DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING ARTHUR H. KUNZ DIRECTOR OF PLANNING February 7, 1991 Mr. Bennett Orlowski, Jr., Chairman Town of Southold Planning Board 33d '19Q; Main Road ^ Southold, New York 11971 j Re: Minor Subdivision - Porter J. & M y �&I s- (Lot, Line Change) Westerly side of a Private Road, south of Clay Point, Fishers Island, Southold, New York. Dear Mr'. Orlowski: The Suffolk County Planning Commission at its regular meeting on February 6,1991, reviewed the proposed subdivision plat, entitled, "Minor Subdivision - Porter J. & Mary R. Goss" referred to it pursuant to Section A14-24, Article XIV of the Suffolk County Administrative Code. After due study and deliberation it resolved to approve said map subject to the following six conditionsthat are deemednecessary to help preserve the natural and aesthetic attributes of the shoreline of Fishers Island Sound and the tidal wetland adjacent thereto. �! I' 1. No lot shall be subdivided or its lot lines changed in any manner at any future date unless authorized by the Town 61 Southold Planning II , Board. 2. Clearing and grading within each lot shall be limited to that necessary for siting and constructing a house with the intent of preserving as much of the natural vegetation on the site as possible, r and to minimize stormwater runoff and erosion. II 3. No new residential structure or sanitary disposal facility shall be constructed or otherwise located within 100 feet of the shoreline of Ii Fishers Island Sound. ii 4. No stormwater runoff resulting from the development and improvement of I the subdivision or any of its lots shall be discharged into the tidal fl wetlands bordering the parcel. ilk it ' VETERANS MEMORIAL HIGHWAY HAUPPAUGE, L.L.NEW YORK 11768 (5161360-5192 I ' p ,k v I F4 iD PLANNING BOARD MEMBERSt M SCOTT L. HARRIS I q I Bennett Orlowski,.lr.,Chairman "„ Supervisor a George RStchie Latham, Jr. � ';p�� •,� � Richard G. Ward Town Hall, 53095 Main Road Mark S. McDonald P.O. Box 1179 Kenneth Z_ Edwards Southold, New York 11971 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE Telephone (516) 765-1938 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Fax (516) 765.-1823 January 18, 1990 Stephen L. Ham, III, Esq. 45 Hampton Road Southampton, NY 11968 RE: Proposed lot line changes for Porter J. and Mary R. Goss and Michael L. Loughlin SCTM## 1000-2-1-15 .1 & 16 liDear Mr. Ham: The Planning Board hasp received a cost estimate of $350. 00 from their environmental consultants for their review of the Long Environmental Assessment Form. i The review fee` must be paid in full by your client before we can authorize our consultants to proceed. The check should be made payable to the Town of Southold. After the consultants' complete their review, the Planning - Board will consider their findings; and determines whether the project will have a significant impact on the environment. If you have any questions or require further assistance please contact this office. Very truly yours, Bennett Orlowski Jr. Chairman ( v I SCOTT L. HARRIS �y ' Town Hall, 53095 Main Road 1, SUPERVISOR t P.O. Box 1179 FAX(SI6) 765- 1823 } r r Southold, New York 11971 TELEPHONE(516)765 - 1800 'C . If PLANNING BOARD TOWN OF SOUTHOLD FAX COVER SHEET TO: � IG- 0d ✓ �? 1S FROM: Ka_SS.n DATE: — —� Pages to follow: Additional Comments: IF ALL PAGES ARE NOT RECEIVED. PLEASE CALL SOUTHOLD TOWN HALL at (516) 765- 1938 i f PEDFOSED LOT LIME- CHANGE. PrOFEKTY OF FD ZT EI; J . M,.y-Y V" GO S S I FI GH EKS 5L L W D, t� EW YOK cl-IAJ�iDI..I >; , P/aLMEY� � �f t�tG AlO1;,VY1GH, CotJEJl=ct�IGUZ' PIDVEki�t�K ZD, t9go HOt�� SttG, ;zZ°Z'7 OfM1 W M1 i 0 NOTES: I. DNINE 5: PO rIT E K J.6055,P- M-kr-( 'Z. GOSS 381dj GULF t7Vtv1 SA.V.11$Et SLAV.IV,`FL.OV;1Dtk 2. F'L'D� QTY tS LOC.LTEv 1N`[lis -row 4 OF= SOUTkULv, COu'NTY OV= SU FOL(C, GTS C'L- OF KEW YOi;<, 3. T�JC M1aT' DV�TVLsICT 1 DU©, 54-=C.Z, $LbG� I LD'i'S 13 cP 4 UTILITIysS : ' Sin-= Wot)Lp,Vjt-�: 5mvic1=v ,15Y v11)t�1C1PA L W T>= OwI; 5, 'ZOtrE�CI-Y 1S LOCATED W 0271,E r--00 FrDM 13111TEIP STXTES CD&ST k"IP Gi:096CtC Sll VEY TI V 4�ISGLIL taTlO V.I STAIT 10 141 " N i m " R�LOGk Z8 EXISTt I tG r� F-os�b �. NEw ko LOT' 7 AG. s,90G9� LOT 5WN4 m FIDco 0.74-t4,C 0.1,-+± ,&,C Mp:Y 5, 197 7 ti o. 0490 F. i l L�G��1D i L.Y.`- I r�ON P'1PE l�ON:MoNuMENT taC. - ACBE LVu>= �tt4a Dts"cz I SZe-46, 4e.R3' JQ.FT• - 6PIIJI-rFMET 3 N o3= •s0"> 70 ; cUtNE DV-L` ,&, rAD105 AirC TA4Ca>71T c . I 27044;S I 302.co• i4&.4-3, 74.W ,, Z 43°07' I2" 65.Do' 163.g7' 33.59• 3 0041' 07 320.54' 3.83' 1. Rz' y w AbY,rk TO RAE DEEDED &Y G055 TO Lfi UGFt1_thl 26+4 Kr,5A,: 25,05(0 SQ.VT, �a �Q rti MA ae l zs-'ha 4A 1 o .Y ac Nx x_627-SA 1, - Lz 27.4 �n r..+.. 26- p 23-b QLI "Odd Pbs6b e 28.8 Z /LOT %E Y 6 7- • 57-IA 1 1� 26 s .. Q7 a w. C. Af.i 26-9 27-19 26-.-II .Q N�1-SL•46 W t'l5.56pa 26-g O o• b5.5(o llo. o' vonbn 27'7 .1V i *.. kc? 2e-� �p, 26-IS / mom4P+n.\2 "' 26. !1 YN S � wl.?Sq�j 3\• �0. 0 ` 26-R). 29710 -3 �..' Il .. g2 p 29-11 30-4 x o � .3g 20-11 29.1 \ N BLOCK 28 0 t 29-8 1 O� N 29-6 1 29-3 130 q U� 0 S O 2978 29_:4 11 0 b tlon - 1 30-15 31-4 \` . 215.14' mou. M,4-301o.4-9L LSC 6 1 1 O11 t•,41,{� GALE; 1"o(nD0' w• 882.34 __ iA TO `IN OF SOUTHOa D E OF.NEW TAX MAP # SOWN LvlLil;dab �g " T ^d .,s°..a „p: f ff:.. Pu, -I,,4)ma ii:�"ciPD€f' C O. w a `��or�-�r�. J. �• �.Lr�.�( fes. ��--�-�� loe O So Ick �orr i . ��GH �pc_1�1'✓_=GTI � TT— I NOV. Zl I990 .28_4 28-5 ,! i 28-6 Jzz3A 25-12 27_� �'Is 2&7 . �-2 2 -11 _ Y .•. 28_b' 25.p 28.8 .. "-)A20-926-6 27.18 26-IJ 26-g yI- 28-10 : 2s�10 3( 3 8-11 29-if 9-9 30-5 t? whop 29_2 29-8 .. - . 29-8 1 - 29.4 _.. "9 _. 30- - 0 q 30-7 9 tbn 29-4 it 31-4'. r �i f �5 3.96 f i 9 83'39'e0"E>. p i- �i 359.83' L4 N N.mN iryN �Jr0 �l. t. :•::::.. .. \� ��•I_-`rte. F3>�T�cra=.—, N 'a• N t09 76• v mN - S X2'0)• N^o m 390 so. . N� V rp i s is v Sao '.a°y r� `-• //\ o 67926' 82-54..aa w< ISI aG 2 N l/ ,A 9 N ✓�' g7 n n G�2��i t8 23 26 6S 4� rte b S%a 67 Ft V PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS SCOTT L. HARRIS Bennett Orlowski, Jr., ChairmanSupervisor George Ritchie Latham, Jr. ° Richard G. Ward Town Hall, 53095 Main Road Mark S. McDonald P.O. Box 1179 � Kenneth L. Edwards -PLANNING BOARD OFFICE Southold',New York 11971 Telephone (516) 765-1938 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Fax(516)765-1823 fl k, J,4,4ugXY/S 1990 I RE: Lead Agency Coordination Request Dear Reviewer: The purpose of this request is to determine under Article 8 (State Environmental Quality Review Act-SEQRA) of the Environmental Conservation Law and 6 NYCRR Part 617 the following: 1. Your jurisdiction in the action described below; 2. Your interest in assuming the responsibilities of, lead agency; and 3. Issues of concern which you believe should be evaluated. Enclosed please find a copy of the proposal and a completed, Environmental Assessment Form (EAF) to assist you in your response. Project Name: LOT LiJ7fE CifAr/ag ra 4 PCs RTER J,JL JV4k� R:GoSr 4- . /'►�j��/AEL G.• �AKGHLiN ser,.�rf/awo- �-f-�rtd-!1g Requested Action: Oo vt i - J-�1-Lt/YF +4iYGE (rY TfflS zR�7'1�+3� SEQRA Classification: ( X ) Type I ( ) Unlisted Contact Person: 1?0aelk"T � JCi4SS�1`E�Q (b16)-765-1938 i The lead agency will determine the need for an environmental impact statement (EIS) on this project. within thirty (30) days of the date of this letter, please respond in writing whether or not you have an interest in. being lead agency. Planning Board Position: O This agency wishes to assume lead agency status for this action. { ) This agency has no objection to your agency assuming lead agency status for this action. ( ) Other. ( See comments below) . Comments: Please feel free to contact this office for further information. Sincerely, is Bennett Orlowski, Jr. Chairman cc: Building'Department Sop-MOLD Town 06a.r4 Suffolk 'County Dept. of Health Services )Y-NYSDEC - Stony Brook ngineers . xanspor a ion * Maps are enclosed for your review Coordinating agencies ' ORT 1—PROJECT INIGMATIO L Prepared by Project Sponsor NOTICE: This document is designed to assist in determining whether the action proposed may ha g,'asignficant=effect on the environment. Please complete the entire form, Parts A through E. Answers to these questions will be considers as part of the application for approval and may be subject to further verification and public review. Provide any addition information you believe will be needed to complete Parts 2 and 3. It is expected that completion of the full EAF will be dependent on information currently available and will not involve new studies, research or investigation.If information requiring such additional work is unavailable,;saindicate and specify each instance. NAME OF ACTION Lot Line Change - Property of Porter J. and Mary R. Goss LOCATION OF ACTION(include street Address,Municipality and County) Private Road, Fishers Island, County of Suffolk (SCTM NIS 1000-2-1-13 and 14) NAME OF APPLICANT18PONSOR BUSNESs TELEPHONE Portex, J. dross andMaryR. Goss 15161283-2400 ADDRESS cfo, ttephen L. Ham, III, Esq. , 45 Hampton Road, Southampton, NY 11968 C4TYip STATE ZIP CODE. Southampton NY 11968 NAME OF OWNER(If different) BUSINESS TELEPHONE ;ACC717ES5 CITYlPO S7ATE ZIPCODE DESCRIPTION OF ACTION transfer of .1-acre parcel of land from undesignated lot between FIDCO Lots 28-6 and 28-7 to Lot 28-7 in anticipation of conveyance of such undesignated lot to Michael Laughlin in exchange for conveyance of .66-acre parcel from Laughlin across road, from�-_ site Please Complete Each Question—Indicate N.A. if not applicable A. Site Description Physical setting of overall project, both developed and undeveloped areas. 1. Present land use: ❑Urban ❑Industrial ❑Commercial ❑Residential €suburban) MRural (non-farm) ❑Forest ❑Agriculture ❑Other 2. Total acreage of. project.area: •1 acres. APPROXIMATE ACREAGE PRESENTLY AFTER COMPLETION Meadow or Brushland (Non-agricultural) .1 acres .1 acres Forested acres acres Agricultural (Includes orchards, cropland, pasture, etc.) acres acres Wetland (Freshwater or tidal as. per Articles 24,25 of ECL) acres acres Water Surface. Area acres acres Unvegetated (Rock, earth or file acres acres Roads, buildings and other patted surfaces acres acres Other (Indicate type) acres acres 3. What is predominant soil type(s) on project site? N.A. a. Soil drainage: ❑Well drained % of site ❑Moderately well drained % of site ❑Poorly drained % of site b. If any agricultural land is involved, how many acres of soil are classified within soil group t through 4 of the Nye_ Land Classification System? acres. (See.1 NYCRR 370). 4. Are there bedrock outcroppingson project site? ❑Yes. LNNo a. What is depth to bedrock? unknown (in feet) 2 I �p� 5. Approximate percentage of proposed site with slopes 20-10% 10_t o ❑10-15% % I 015% or greater % I -6.'(s project substantially contiguous to, or contain a building, site, or district, listed on the State or the National Registers of Historic Places? Dyes MNo '. Is project substantially contiguous to a site listed on the Register of National Natural Landmarks? Oyes 9No j unknown S. What is the depth of the water table? (in feet) 9. is site located over a primary, principal, or sole source aquifer? ®Yes ONo 10. Do hunting, fishing or shelf fishing opportunities presently exist in the project area? ®Yes ONo 1} 11. Does project site contain any species of plant or animal life that is identified as threatened or endangered? Yes ONo According to J.M.O. Consulting i Identify each species ' 12. Are there any unique or unusual land forms on the project site? (i.e., cliffs, dunes, other geological formations) Dyes 'MNo Describe _ Ili - 13. Is the project site presently used by the community or neighborhood as an open space or recreation area? ❑Yes. R]No If yes, explain 4 14. Does the present site include scenic views known to be important to the community? Dyes []No unknown 15. Streams within or contiguous to project area: none a. Name of Stream and name of River to which it is tributary 16. Lakes, ponds, wetland areas within or contiguous to project area: a. Name none b. Size (In acres) 17. Is the site served by existing public utilities? KJYes ONo a) If Yes, does sufficient capacity exist to allow connection? MYes ONo b) If Yes, wilt improvements be necessary to allow connection? Dyes IMNo 18. Is the site located in an agricultural district certified pursuant to Agriculture and Markets Law, Article 25-AA, Section 303 and 3042 ❑Yes KINo - 19. Is the site located in or substantially contiguous to a Critical Environmental Area designated pursuant to Article 8 of the ECL, and 6 NYCRR 6172 li)Yes ONo 20. Has the site ever been used for the disposal of solid or hazardous wastes? ❑Yes nNo B. Project Description 1. Physical dimensions and scale of project (fill in dimensions as appropriate) a. Total contiguous acreage owned or controlled by project sponsor 1.73 acres. b. Project acreage to be developed: 0 acres initially; 0 acres ultimately. c. Project acreage to remain undeveloped * acres. *no new development proposed d. Length of project, in miles: N.A. (If appropriate) e. If the project is an expansion, indicate percent of expansion proposed N.A. %; f. Number of off-street parking spaces existing 0 proposed g. Maximum vehicular trips generated per hour ** .(upon completion of project)? ** no change h. If residential: Number and type of housing units: One Family Two Family Multiple Family Condominium Initially none Ultimately *** i. Dimensions (in feet).of largest proposed structure *** height; width; length. j. Linear feet of frontage along a public thoroughfare project will occupy is? 0 ft 3 ***no new structures proposed at this time 2. How much natural material (i.e., ro earth, etc.) will be removed from the site"+". 0 tons/cubiF yards. Will disturbed areas be reclaimed? Dyes ❑No MN/A a. If yes, for what intended purpose is the site being reclaimed? b. Will topsoil be stockpiled for reclamation? ❑Yes ❑No c. Will upper subsoil be stockpiled for reclamation? Dyes ❑No 4. How many acres of vegetation (trees, shrubs,.ground covers) will be removed from site? 0 acres. 5. Will any mature forest (over 100 years old) or other locally-important vegetation be removed by this project? ❑Yes MNo & If single phase project: Anticipated period of construction N.A. months, (including demolition). i ii 7, If multi-phased: 'i a. Total number of phases anticipated N.A. (number). b. Anticipated date of commencement phase 1 month year, (including demolition). c. Approximate completion date of final'phase month year. d. Is phase 1 functionally dependent on subsequent phases? Dyes ❑No 8. Will blasting occur during construction? Dyes ❑No N.A. 9. Number of jobs generated. during construction N.A. after project is complete 10. Number of jobs eliminated by this project N.A. 11. Will project require relocation of any projects or facilities? ❑Yes ❑No If yes, explain N.A. 12. is surface liquid waste disposal involved? Dyes IJNo a. If yes, indicate type of waste (sewage, industrial, etc.) and amount b. Name of water body into which effluent will be discharged 13. Is subsurface liquid waste disposal,involved? ❑Yes ®No Type 14. Will surface area of an existing water body increase or decrease by proposal? Dyes (ZNo Explain 15. Is project or any portion of project located in. a100 year flood plain? Dyes ❑No unknown 16. Will the project generate solid waste? ❑Yes X]No a. If yes, what is the amount per month tons b. If yes, will an existing solid waste facility be used? ❑Yes ❑No c. If yes, give name ; location d. Will any wastes not go into a sewage disposal system or into a sanitary landfill? ❑Yes ❑No e. If Yes, explain 17. Will the project involve the disposal of solid waste? ❑Yes MNo a. If yes, what is the anticipated rate of disposal? tons/month. b. If yes, what is the anticipated site life? years. f 18. Will project use herbicides or pesticides? Dyes ®No 19. Will project routinely produce odors (more than one hour per day)? ❑Yes K]No 20. Will project produce operating noise exceeding the local ambient noise levels? ❑Yes L11No 21. Will project result in an increase in energy use? ❑Yes ®No If yes , indicate type(s) 22. If water supply is from wells, indicate pumping capacity N,A. gallons/minute. 23. Total anticipated water usage per day N.A. gallons/day. 24. Does project involve Local, State or Federal funding? Dyes . ®No If Yes, .explain. 4 25. Approvals Required: tt Submittal •• Type .Date City, Town, Village Board ❑Yes INNo City, Town, Village Planning Board ]Yes ❑No lot line change aimroval 11/90 City, Town Zoning Board- ❑Yes MNo City, County Health Department ❑Yes ®No Other Local Agencies ❑Yes MNo Other Regional Agencies Dyes [K]No State Agencies Dyes ®No Federal Agencies ❑Yes ENo C. Zoning and Planning Information 1 . Does proposed action involve a planning.or zoning decision? ]Yes. ❑No If Yes, indicate decision required: ❑zoning amendment ❑zoning variance ❑special use permit ❑subdivision Osite plan ❑new/revision of master plan ❑resource management plan Mother lot line change 2. What is the zoning classification(s)of the site? R-120 3. What is the maximum potential development of the site if developed as permitted by the present zoning? single-family residence on Lot 28-7 4. What is the proposed zoning of the site? N.A. 5. What is the maximum potential development of the site if developed as permitted by the proposed zoning? N.A. 6, Is the proposed action consistent with the recommended uses in adopted local land use plans? MYes ❑No 7. What are the predominant land use(s) and zoning classifications within a 1/ mile radius of proposed action? single—family residential; R-120 8. Is the proposed action compatible with adjoining/surrounding land uses within a Y< mile? ®Yes ONO 9. If the proposed action is the subdivision of land, how many lots are proposed? N.A. a. What is the minimum lot size proposed? N.A. 10. Will proposed action requireany authorization(s) for the formation of sewer or water districts? ❑Yes. ®No 11 . Will the proposed action create a demand for any community provided services (recreation, education, police, fire protection)? ❑Yes MNo a. If yes, is existing capacity sufficient to handle projected demand? Dyes ❑No N.A. 12. Will the proposed action result in the generation of traffic significantly above present levels? ❑Yes ®No a. If yes, is the existing road network adequate to handle the additional traffic? ❑Yes ONO N.A. D.. Informational Details Attach any additional information as may be needed to clarify your project. If there are or may be any adverse impacts associated with your proposal, please discuss such impacts and the measures which you propose to mitigate or avoid them. E. Verification I certify that the information provided above is true to the best of my knowledge. Applicant/Sponsor NamPorterPorter J. Goss and Mary R. Goss Date 12131 /90 Signature By /�!/ wm L27T Title Authorized Agent Stelphen L. Ham, III if the action is in the Coastal Area,and you are a state agency,complete the Coastal Assessment Form before proceeding with this assessment. 5 I fu ,F ` PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS SCOTT L. HARRIS 'Bennett Orlowski, Jr., Chairman 6a ` .� Supervisor George Ritchie Latham, Jr , Richard G. Ward Town Hall, 53095 Main Road Mark S. McDonald P.O. Box 1179 Kenneth L. Edwards Southold, New York 11971 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE Telephone(516) 765-1938 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Fax (515) 765-1823 .1sp Suffolk County Planning Commision H. Lee Dennison Executive Office Building - 12th Floor Veterans Memorial Highway Hauppauge, New York 11788 Attention: Mr.. Frank Dowling, Senior Planner Subdivision Review Division Gentlemen: Pursuant to Section A14-24, Suffolk County Administrative Code, the Southold Town Planning Board hereby refers the following proposed subdivision to the Suffolk County Planning Commission: / Map of - P.sRTgA r4TSSHatnlet/Locality &WS alol— S.C.D.P.W.. Topo, No. : Zoning —/oZ 0 / S.C. Tax Map No. f 000 - - - f 3 .LI Lo J 2"1 Major Sub. Minor Sub. Site Plan Cluster MATERIAL SUBMITTED: Preliminary Plat ( 3 copies) �- Road Profiles ( 1) Drainage Plans (1) _Topogroaphical Map (1) Site Pian ( 1) _ Grading Plan (1) Other materials (specify and give number of copies) Waiver of Subdivision Requirements - See attached sheet CONTINUED REFERRAL CRITERIA: SEQRA STATUS. 1. The project is an (Unlisted) Type I) (Type II)Action. 2. A (Negative Declaration) (Positive Declaration) (Determ. of Non-Significance) has been adopted by the Planning Board. 3. E.I.S. statement enclosed. (Yes) CN .Yl. 4. The proposed division has re c d .approval from the S.C. Dept of Health. (Yes) No) . Comments: �.F.4 4 E n ig E•- 1'0tc s 1 -r 4 i•Yf C H S lye E cR TtLML E11146 ¢6i9lZr4L r9?EYE. We request acknowledgement of receipt of this referral (Yes) (No) ' Referral received 19 by Suffolk County Planning Commission and assigned File NO. Very truly yours, Bennett Orlowski, Jr. Chairman Southold Town Planning Board Town Hall Southold, New York 13971 Re: Lot Line Change for Goss and Laughlin (SCTM #' s - 1000-2-1-15 . 1, 15 .2, l&& 18 Gentlemen: The following statements are offered for your consideration in the roview of the above-mentioned minor subdivision and its referral io the Suffolk County Planning Commission: (1) No grading, other than foundation excavation for a residential building is. proposed. (2) No new roads axe proposed and no changes aill be made in the grades of the existing roads . i (3) No new drainage structures or alteration of existing structures are proposed. Yours truly, ^ Steen L. Ham, . I,II , authorized agent for Porter J. Goss and' Mary R. Goss i PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS r SCOTT L. HARRIS Bennett Orlowski, Jr., Chairman .� Supervisor George Ritchie Latham, Jr. Richard G. Ward Town Hall, 53095 Main Road Mark S_ McDonald P-0. Box 1179 Kenneth L. Edwards PLANNING BOARD OFFICE Southold, New York 11971 Telephone (516) 765-1938 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Fax (516)765-1823 January 15, 1991 Stephen L. Ham III Matthews & Ham 45 Hampton Road Southampton, New York 11968 RE: Lot line change for Porter J. & Mary G. Goss SCTM#1000-2-1-13 & 14 Dear Mr. Ham: The following resolution was duly adopted by the Southold Town Planning Board at a meeting held on Monday, January 14, 1991. BE IT RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board start the lead agency coordination process on this Type I action. The board makes an initial determination of non-significance.. Please do not hesitate to contact this office if you have any questions regarding the above. Very truly yours, Bennett Orlowski, Jr. 7 '.ryyg Chairman / m Y" XATTHEWS t�'c AAM ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW 45 HAMPTON ROAD SOUTHAMPTON,N.Y.11968 516-253-2400 PHILIP B.MALi 7T WS TELECOPIER 516,287-1076 STEPHEN L.H"'III January 3, 1991 i k Planning Board Town of Southold Main Road Southold, NY 11971 Re: Lot Line Change for Porter & Mary Goss (SCTM # 1000-2-1-13 & 14) ; Lot Line Change for Porter & Mary Goss and Michael L. Lau hlin (SCTM # 1000-2-1-15.1 & 16 Dear Sirs: i In response to your letter of January 2, 1990, I am Cenclosing herewith, with Part 1 completed, a Full Environmental Assessment Form for each of the referenced applications for lot line changes. Please advise me if you require any further information or documentation before you can proceed with your review of these applications. S Very truly yours, 1 Stephen Ham, III t SLH:ja Enclosures R i. MATTHEWS & HAM ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW •wL'✓ 45 HAMPTON ROAD SouTaAMPTox,N.Y.11966 516.283-2900 \ Pmn B.D1AT=ws TELECOPIER 516-287-1076 9 ' STEPHEHI.L.BAM,III .. November 27, 1990 M Planning Board Town of Southold - ` Main Road Southold, NY 11971 I ' Rea Proposed Lot Line Change - Property of Porter J. and Mary R. Goss (SCTM Ps 1000 - 2 - l - 13 and 14) Dear Sirs: In connection with the referenced application for a lot line change, I have enclosed the following: 1. Photocopy of authorization for Stephen L. Ham, III to act as agent for the applicants, Porter J. Goss and Mary R. Goss (original having been sent to you under cover of my letter of October 12, 1990) . 2. Photocopies of deeds recorded 3n Liber 8254 page 520, Liber 9333 page 557 and Liber 9333 page' 5.61, respectively, containing certain covenants and restrictions affecting the property. 3'. Form letter regarding drainage, roads, etc. 4. Short Environmental Assessment Form, Part I. 5. Application for Approval of Plat, together with property descriptions. 9 6. Our check to the Town of Southold in the amount of $50.00. f, Continued Nov 3 0 i bG f _ 1. ' All Planning Board November 27, 1990 Town of Southold Page 2 A. 7. Questionnaire, duly acknowledged. S. Eight prints of the survey showing the existing and proposed lots. Please review the enclosed documents and notify me immediately if any further information or documentation will be required before this matter can be placed on the calendar. Very truly yours, Stephen L. Ham, III SLH:ja Enclosures O LASERFICHE FORM` 'Iz-. 1o� Project Type: Lot Line Changes SCTM # 1000 - 2.-1-13 j Project Name: Goss, Porter and Mary i Location:. Private road Fishers,Island Hamlet:-Fishers Island Applicant Name.: Porter and.Mary Goss owner,Nableo.vPorter and Mary Goss .Zone ,l., R74 09 Zone 2: Zone 3 AVb-aaitton Received Date: approval Date: Coulx, Itpi'jD'ate: r ADDITIONAL SUBDIVISION INFORMATION A date indicates that we have received the related information C and R's Homeowners Association : R and M Agreement:. AKEA TO bE DEEDED , nl '�V 1 2j-' It 2 6Y GOSS TO LAUGNLIW e �.t - N_ 265 25Iie IM ] l.<EA: 28,os6 s4.>:-c. 0.164 AGUE, 25 11 _ %O j mp h� Zi_♦ � P 2i_II Q 6 9 _N IKpfGs60 � U-02]-I� _ •7� �/ 0./i • • I 27-5 W .� 29-9 2l-IG ry6�,, 26 • —G \ 6_ 6 2i_i L• a /r e z zi- oe,rm / Q�,"Q 1H`.OT p.E P 29.15 I Mrllm • .26.\2 '( �. •� 1, 1'N .�E'i.4'lgol7 310 ze-el z9-lo I �3 M-4 - 6 \ L1 E 9-9/ 39-3 30-2 3�-I 0�1 \ J N ti P�ILcrT'OG 29-6q � ;L�/ V/ Z 29- 29-4go 11.1 I ' b B 29-5 W I1 S.a9'-CL 215.14' \doN. U.aBob.�es L OC<LT I o W MAP SCALE; 1"=b00' w 882 3q NOTES: L OWNE B POrCTEY, J.6055�' MA _y ( l'. GOSS 551.q GULF D>=.45 SAWIBEL ISLA,Wb,FLOQIDO, Z. 15 LOC&TED 1147I-1E> -rowvA Or soUTHOLD, COU WT,( Or SUKFOLI-, STA.TC OF NEW YOKI' 3, 'T�( M,�>' D1�uTTCILT lOLao, S�G.Z , j5LO6L 1 LOTS IS F, 14 4. UTILCiIES : SIS WOULV bV- "A DECLARATION OF COVENANTS AND RESTRICTIONS 5E*CV I ED 61,r M U N I C I PAL W krEY; AFFECTING IHE LOTS IN THIS LOT LINE CHANGE HAS 5F, POWc< CLERKFTPI ! BER , 11 -60r= PAGE EF SHE SUFFOLK COUNTY 46Z " 16. rvovC EQTY \S LOGA.TED IIA ZONI✓ r--100 CoovMQATE DISThNCCS b.KE I.AEASO ED FYOM WTED STATES COAST A1JD ' I 6EDpETIC SU�VEYTL'.1V-.AIGULATIofl STATION " NI1J " l9tr - 9wu 6LO6K 'Ca DCISTIAIG rrc> Fossy FrMFOSED LOT LINE C H4-MG E LOT 7 o,qq**Ac. I . Ogiac. F7r,0?ErlY OE LOT V:WM GPOF HNES FIDco ry r VAW51977 LO9 FOZI E1' J . F_ MAZY V.. GOSS E GHEKS 5L, -AD t� EW YOF 9 o �e o SGAL-E : V= 100 ' 04 K° CIy�DLEV PG.LMEP� �IIIG IlOKWIGH, COAINEGTIGlJ7 I .P.= IKON PIKE. NOVEMVEY, 20, 1990 BION:MONut.�FIST uNs 6Esz1N� u�sTeHcE Ac. ACKE I SLZ=9B'-ID"W. 4L g3' SQ.FT. - $QU.&� MET Z 11,8R51'-4B"E. 81 00' 3 1J. 03'.� 50"E �TZ.70 cuZv¢ DSI-TG. L}A\US AKC JUGEUT CHoQD CHOZD 1 27'46'51" mot.60 14h.43' 74.62; 14500' N.670s8'22.''E. Z 49°0T 12" 85.Do' 4,3.97' 33.59' 62.47' NZ'.3 3l' 24 E 3 0°.}I' 07' 820.54' 3,83 1.4z' 3.83' 5.22'27'01" W . Falx AKEA TO be DEEDED -! 15Y G055 TO LA.UGHLIN 2e-4 / 28056 s4.FT- �N' (i � zrl • i2 I LZ 'P c'6 6+i • ZS-13 bb ,(y2i-• n n \6l 25- 9 (R'p�CSEC . . 2e-9 IB � LOt��NE � 4 >E • -� B ^ �- j/ f.Y' �!4 [•. 20_9 21.16 6! 26.� aG. 6[ _d K•54(:W 105.�i1e' • Y - 1I1D� O —.0, 4 110. WnM �- 21-1 27 e i 1 26-1 JI j1 Iq 6.0:1xO.E 2e-15 ZB-\2 —1.^ • 26-1 IlJ _ Mo- I Wnim • 29-11 _.yA5Tz1.'f`� .�'.'36 D'Ly N p a-ii I g I 301 W 29-2 b-9 29-6 1 29_3 • 10 30-7 V2 Z O 29-76 26'4 B 29-5 In Q ry a - 7 \' IL 215.14• •60�. n1.43ob.4s LOC,iLTl01.1 1M/>,P SCALE; 1°=600' w 882.34 NOTES: I. OWNE s: F TEK J.6055MhY.Y C'. GOSS 551.q GULF bL'1VE SAWIBEL ISLAUb,FLO1CIDA" 2. PYpi'EI�TY IS LOG/�TED IN THE- " TOW VA OF SOUT"OLD, C,OutATY OF 6urvDL4, STATC OF NEW Yo Cr, 5. TdJC MAP D16TICIGT 1000, SEC.Z , F�LOCL 1 Lars 13 � Iq- 4. UTILMr5 : SITe WOULD bl= 5Es'V10ED VDY MUNICIPALWATEc- f- row CK 8. PYOPEQTY 1S LOCATE57 I1 ?,VWF- r.-100 6 , Cooi'VwATE DISThNCC.S d PSE MEASUFED rrDM UMTED STATES CDb-ST AND GEDpETtC SU*VEYTL ►-NGULATDQ c� STA.TI OVA " N 1 m ' VJLOGK ZS EK16T11.IG PICP ?oSED PROPOSED LOT LINE C HA.MG E LOT 7 0'99*AC. 1 . 09* .d6G. OF FIV FK-Qf7EKTY OF LOT V WM v'rPo H. Sy90 P-F FIDGO O.74j:t kc 0.1oz + �. I E— pp� .� MAZY 7. DOSS MAY s, 19 77 {�� t EGHEKS 5L.&, I3D, NEW YOKK. 04 ,4. 5G4LE : 1 = 100 ' �> LE6�UC7 CHANDLEz PALMEr-• - TING NOIWICH CONNECTICUT I .P= IKON PIPE NOVEMBEK ZD 1990 mom:MoNuv n lT LI11E 6BSK11.MG DIsTANcz b.C. : AGKE I s.Zz-4x '-10"W. 42.93' 50.FT. = 5W,� FEET Z N.81'sl'48''E. S1.0o' 3 N.03'.x'-50"'E .ter-Z.70 cuVVEF D'6LTA YI.DIUS A.KC TMIGEn1T CHDQD CH02D SRC . I Z7=41;:SI" 302.00' 141..43' 74.66' 145.00' N.670s6'22•'E, Z 43°OT IV 85.Dp' 1-3.97' 55.59 ' 62.47' N•8Z' 31' E4 E . 3 0<.}I' 07' MD.S4'