HomeMy WebLinkAboutNYS DEC Laurel Lake FishingNEW YORK S~rATE DEPARTMEN'f Of ENVIRON~ENIA~ EON,$ERVA¥1ON Cooperator No; R1 - F3_ Project_ Laurel Lake Acres ~ Region ] -- CO0?ERAT{VE AG RE E:~tEN T LAUREL LAKE FISHING ACCESS SiTE ~tttS~AGRE~4ENT ma~e.this 1 Sg *Febraar , ~' 82 h~ h r or thet. he~ ~d asm~, hermnaker called hhe Coop~amr ; an~the C.omm~ssmaer WBEREAS~ Se~iioa }l-0501 of ~e Environmental ~oase~ati~n Law aut[odxes a Cooperative program bet~sen ~e C~m4ssioner ~ private landowners for the pu~ose of establishing on vatety 0~ed or l~ed lands managemea~ prachce$ to mare;am and ~mprove the nsh ~ wdd!~fe eesoukees wh~le Sa{eguakdlag ~ke rights an8 interests of landowners and improving' briar[ag and f~shing op~;unlt, i~ fbr the pabLia; W. ItERE~S, t~e"C~operator repr~ents ~at he is the owner of the land's referred to in this ~0~]~~ THEREFORE, this Cooperative A . greemnt w~[nesberh ~at the Cooperator in con- si~e~i~ of dm condiHons herein set Brth and the'mntnaI adYantag~s derkved'therefrom, does hefg~z ~ to th~ Commissioner for a period of. 5 years %or ~ess than 5 years f~om,~he. ~hte hereof, all ~ fkshing~~rig}as, unless the latter is he~ein~ter speckle'} fly ~t;s~'v¢~ . n ~ a l t at certai Ir c f and s t ~ted in the To~ns of . O~ ", Uonnty of 5uf~ol k and tke ~tate of Ne~, gork. contMning A acres more or less, and bounded and described as indicated oh'-the m~p or de- scr~p~o~ a[tached hereto and made a p~t hereof. IT rS'MUTUALLY AGREED TIIAT: 1.. ~ehai~[ Ser~ic~. The Conunissio~r shall furnish to coopermors technical as may B~ refi~iv~d, to prepare a management plan for thc im?~vcmcnt .f fislr and wildlif~ habitat m.comglian~e w. ith~praq~iq.¢s, apsmved by. the mglonal board and authorized by the Commissioner. Labm. ~d mate?isis, as ~y be required, to eom,pieCe developments in acc,'dance with t.he rnan- agemenk plan, may also be furnished hy the Commissioner howe~er, fencing, posters and other reusable materials ~.provi~ed shall re~in in the ownership of the State. No management prac- tices witt be est~lished on the lands rere~e8 to in this agreement un[ess ~ee~le m. both p~ties. 2. Pllontin9 Stock. The Commissioner shutl furnish to the Cooperator ire. es and shimbs from any of the nurseries operated by the Department )f Environmental Conservation. wkhout charge at the nursery', to ~e extent deslgnated in the management plan mentioned herei~,ahove; 3: $ub~cri~ion. The Commissioner sha[t furnish without charge to the cooperator a su~erip- tion to th~ New York State ConservafionisI magazine for the duration of this a~eement; Res ~rl c ~ed g~eas . tioa 1~-0321 of ~ ~nvlronmen'tal. Conse~at$on Law a~dltion~[ res~'icted areas may be esta~- ~h~oI hfe,.a~iculmml or ~orCsr crops aM or[er pmp~ty. 5. Pro~ect~on. The Connmsmoner ,may, fum~sh prof;ecnon to smd trac~,througk patrol by enw- ronmeatat conservation officers,, st~clM conservatmn offtcers or f~est ~n~m, w~thm hm~ts of funds and available manpower, as may-bd hdvi~hle to protect fish and, ~41dIife' resources, pro~ide for public safety and'protect ri~ts and interests of the Coopem~r. 6. Land Usa. Nothing c~mined herein shall prevent or hinder the C~pemtor kern carrying out regular activities on tke lands covered by, rms. agreement, excepting U~ose aeti¥ities which wouMhe d~trime~tal to the maintenance of pm'trices' ~der thi~ a~e~en& 7. RigM of ~ntry, The Commissioner. or his mpresenmttve~ sha}[ have the rkght of entry~ upon said lands at alt times for the purpose of managing the fish and wilSlife' resource~ add protecfing, prop~ty as ~ mvided for iS this a~eemenk 8. Public Use. Kny pa~ or parts of said lands mot set apart as Res~ieted Areas or Safety ~g~eoaes shall renmin o~n to public ~XH~g, fish.lng ~X~g~g; unless the htter is hereinafter ~ed T~ C0opem~r ~a~[ hot charge a ~fee ~r m~mt' {o~ t~e~;pn~v{teg~ 0f~ 9. Liability.' NO dui to ke~D %ke premises safe '~or, use by others for fishing ~d'boat!ng p~s~ant to-.Soctlon 9-103 of the Gsner~ Obligations Law and amendment 9-103,C~apter of the Laws, of N~w York :State, ]. Rules and Regulations pursuant to Section 11-2101 of the Environmental Conservatien Law. 2. The DePartment agrees to develop, poSt~and maintain a Fishing Access pa~king area and other lands covered under the:terms of this agreement t1. ~aSn~2el~a~o~.' This agreement may be terminated by the Comm[ssi~er upon sixty days written notice to the Coo~ratgr La)'when in the ~udgement of ~the Co~}ssioner the land no hmgcr needed or desired for the purpose~ of the agreement or (h} when in the j~gement of t~ e Com;nissioner the Cooperator fMls to satisfactorily perfomi this agreement. The Cooperator ~ay term{narc this agreement upon sixty (D0) da~s written notice re ~e CommissioneL Iff the event this a~eement is terminated, the Con~issioner may, within, the said sixty (6% day period, remove fencing, si~s, 'and )thev reusable materials provided ~o the Cooperator under this agreemeat~ 12. Renewal-. t[ thc Commisshmcr shah whhou~ written objection kern the Cooperator hold over after the expiration of fl~e period of time herein speclfie& it shall be deemed to be a renewal shM1 .give sixty ~60) days ~reuious notice in ~riting to the other of an iutenti6a re temfinate the Cooperator TOWn of Seuthold - PRINT) 53095 Main Road, Southold, NY P O. A&tress Willimm R. Bell, III, Supervisor CONSER VA'I B~ c M. Panel< LAUREL,. LAKE LAUREL LAKE FISHING ACCESS SITE PROJEC% ~ ~, ~o~T~r, '~r LANDS OF STATE OF NEW YORK ( 2.7~cres } EXiSTiNG FISHERMAn'S TRAIL // // ,/' ! / ', OPEN GRAf'VEL [_ KE / COOPERATIVE ~, FISHING ARE PUBLIC ACCESS PROVIOE BY THE STATE OF NEW YO~ AND THE TOWN OF' SOUTHO~ CONSEP.,VATiO,N, LAW. SECTtO. ti-O5OI AND / , , / - ¢ ",/-" ~"'"" ', GUARD RAiL / / BCJ~kRY OF - -~t~ - ' / / FISHING ~B / ~ATE p~y .' ~ ~/ / ./ ~/ I ,~,,,z,~TE, NO P~N6 ~ON6 ~HOU~ OF ROADWAY ~$~T TO ECL tt-~lOI OR RULES AND ~E~ULATIONS ~e following rules and regulations have been promu!ga%ed by the Com~ssiener pursuant to the provzs!ons of Section 1t-2!01 of f~e Fish ~nd ~il.d~fe Law~ and shal!~ apply to all boat- la~mching.~ boat ~ccess si~es, parking areas for fisher~an public f'iShimg rigtits areas under %he jurisdiction of~ the Di.v~sion of Fish a=~d Wildlife, including all State-owned. or Leased access road. s and trails or paths connecting, su¢i~ from t~hem to Dub!ia fishing ~igh%s areas'~ docks~ piers, or bridges. (a) N~ person shall erect or pos% an~ sign or notice except as permitted by the Department. ~) N4 ~son'shall kindle, build, main%ai~ or use a fire except in an area provided for %ha% purpose. ~o person shali conduct any business~ buy, sell, offer or expose for sale, hire, lease or vend any artict~ or merchandise of any kind, unless a written perm~ is first obtained from the Department. No person shall use any boat-lannching site or any ~djacent waters within 100 fee% from ~e shore of a boa~-!aunching or ramp area~ including offshore and inshore approaches~ for any purpose othe~ than launching and hauiinc boats unless a written perm~ ms obtained from t~he Departmen%o No person sba!! operate any musicsl instr,-haut, radio~ television set~ phonograph or tape recorder, or m~ce any excessive or unnecessary noise in any other m~nner. person shall erecm or ~intein a camp~ te~t or structure of any kind. No person shall moor, dock, beach~ leave, abandon or park.any boat~ auto trailer, f~oet~ raft or vehicle of any type for ~ore ~nan 24 hours at any beat-launching or access site, and no vehicle ezcept one used in loading and ~nloading or launching ~ boat shall be left or parked within such area at any time. No person shall injure, deface, disturb or befoul any part of an area or any building, si~c~l, equipm~ent$ or other property fo~md ~heron~ nor shall any tree, ftower~ fern~ shrub, rock~ or other ptan% or mineral be re~.~oved~ injured or destroyed. RULES AND P~GL~TIONS (i) No person shall dispose of any garbage~ sewage, ~_~a~ or giass conta!ners~ r~fuse~ waste~ irul%# vegetables, foodstuffs, paper, or other litter or 'e~xi~s-.ma,~eri~t, except in. receptacieS~ when pro.idea f~r such purposes. ~,g~s~a~heli= ~se, t k~ea't~ing~ abusi%~r insulting i~uguage; do any obscene orindecent ~ tkrow~stones or othe~ missiles; interfere th, ~c,ar~er, obstruct or re~er' dangerous, any dri~e, path~ dock, beach or p~tic place; ~o any act tending to or ~mo~nting to a breach of the peace~ enter or ieave exgept at established entrances or exims; engage ln, instigate, aid or encourage a ccntention or fi~qt,, or assault any person. No person shall st any time fail to comply with the reasonable deman~ or directions of any al~thorized person~ indicsted by gest~mre or c~her- wise, in using access roads, parking areas or launching sites, or fail to comply with directions or szgns.