HomeMy WebLinkAboutMunistat Services, Inc. AGREEMENT FOR MUNICIPAL FINANCE ADVISORY SERVICES TO THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK RELATING TO LANDFILL IMPROVEMENT SERIAL BONDS (N.Y.S. ENVIRONMENTAL FACILITIES CORP.) INTRODUCTION Munistat Services, Inc. was formed in January 1977 and has served as financial advisors to local governments and school districts throughout New York State, specializing in debt management and securities offerings. Oar main office is located in Port Jefferson Station, N.Y.; and our Western New York State office is locat~ in Cheektowaga; NY. Our staff (which includes 9 employees on Long Island) consists of dedicated and experienced individuals uniquely suited to taking each borrowing from inception m closing as effieieraly as. possible. Our primary purpose is to perform the technical and administrative functions required as integral parts of the borrowing pro{ess in coordination and cooperation with our clients, bond counsel, local counsel and market participants, Munistat Services, Inc, presently serves approximately 500 clients throughout New York State. We serve as financial advisor to the cities of Schenectady, Plattsburgh and Dunkirk; in addition, the firm's clients include 10 counties in the State as well as some of the largest Towns, including Broolchaven, Smithtown and Riverhead in Suffolk County. It should also be noted that Munistat Services, Inc. represents more than 50 of the local governments and school districts on Long Island, including 5 of the I0 towns in Suffolk County (Brookhaven, Smithtown, Riverhead, Southampton and Southold). We have acted as financial advisor on advance refunding obligations and private placements as well as on competitive sales of Bonds, BANs, TANs and RANs. We also have experience assisting our clients in the sale of taxable obligations and revenue and appropriation-backed obligations, We are members of the New York State GFOA and the New York State Association of Sebool Bus'mess Officials, and participate in their meetings and seminars, since we feel it is critical m our clients that we stay abreast of the latest developments and legislation that affect the issuance of bonds and notes of local governments and school districts in New York State. The finaneiaI advisox~y services commonly p/'ovided to our clients include: Prepare financial plans including cost analyses and the evaluation thereof. Develop marketing plan based on evaluation of market conditions including interest rates and supply factors. Prepare and distribute requests for proposals to underwriters, escrow,agents, tender agents, vet'ific, ation ag~ts and bsnkg for liquidity support (variable rate bonds onIy). Review proposals and advise client concerning the award of bids. Prepare the official statement and arrange for the printing and distribution thereof to underwriters, rating agencies and other appropriate parties. Submi~ applicaxions and required doenments to Moody's and Standard & Poor's, Advise the client concerning'presentations to the rating agencies. Submit applications for bond insurance to various nnmicipal bond insurers. Coordinate the review process between the client and the respective insurance companies. Arrange for the issuance of bonds or notes in book-entry-only form through The Depository Tru~ COmpany. Ptepare and coordinate required documents. Distribute completed documents to the appropriate parties. Prepare and coordinate the filing of debt statements, as required. Coordinate the publication of sale notices in The Bond Buyer and such other publications as may be appropriate. Review and verify accuracy of interest rate bids or pricing proposals. Advise the client on the acceptance and award of bid proposals. Prepare and distribute closing letter with instruct/om concerning the transfer of funds and delivery of securities. Prepare final bond amortization schedules including detailed schedules required for capital projeet accounting. Distribute consoliOat_M_ schedules to The Depository Trust Company, bond insurance companies and other appropriate parties. Provide additional information required by investors, analysts and others after the bonds or notes are issued, MUNISTAT SERVICES is committed to providing the highest quality financial advisory service available to municipalities and school districts in the State. In order to achieve this goal, we work closely with our client to fully understand its operation -particularIy any special circumstances or limitations. The firm places special emphasis on its rote as an advisor. We provide a hands on technical service to our clients. Most of the professionals at MUNISTAT SERVICES have more than 20 years experience: the knowledge and skills we have gained through the years is brought to each and every assignment and our client benefits from this experience. MUNISTAT SERVICES believes that a financial advisor must do more than write official statements and provide bond amortization schedules. The advisor must help the finance manager develop and implement an effective and efficient debt management program. A financial advisor must facilitate this process and be a problem solver. And above alt, the financial advisor must be a communicator who takes the time to be curtain the client clearly understands what the plan is, what it will accomplish and the basis for the advisor's recommendations. The finance manager bears the ultimate responsibility for the debt program and must be able to expla'm the decisions to elected officials and the general public. In order to do our job as an advisor, we must take the time to learn our client's business including any unique or unusual circumstances that might influence the debt program. Reports must be reviewed and analyzed, The questions must be asked. The cornerstone of any debt management program is financial planning and a key element in this process is financial analysis and cost feasibility. Proper planning requires that the advisor examine alternate courses of action thereby providing options and flexibility. A thorough understanding of the client's operations allows the advisor to make reasoned choices among a number of possible and appropriate options. The following paragraph discusses certain procedures employed to develop the bo.~n_d smicmre dur'mg the cost feasibility phase of our work. Later sections of this proposal outline methods used to prepare the official statement and the services which we propose to provide to the Town. Cost Feasibility - Beret Stzvacture$ ................ Effective cost analysis begins with an in-depth review of the client's operations. MUNISTAT SERVICES reviews historical performances, current operating and capital budgets, debt history, current outstanding debt including the cost of servicing such debt, and open debt authorizations. In addition, we discuss with the client other matters which may affect the way the bond structure is developed. Furore budgetary constraints or ext~aordinsry expenditures must be considered for their impact on debt repayment and poss~le implications for credit ratings. After observing the rules imposed by tho State law, the process of structuring a bond is usually left to the imagination of the financial advisor. The basic objective of structuring a bond issue is to balance the financial resources of the issuer with the demands of investors. A rapid payback lowers interest costs but can also create budgetary strains. Computer programs are used to test various structures and express the results in terms of the effect on the tax rate. In addition to the new bond costs, a comprehensive analysis requires that current debt costs, other future borrowings, projected cost savings generated by the improvement, non-tax revenue sources of repayment and tax assessment trends all be considered. MUNISTAT SERVICES prepares several amortization schedules using varying assumptions with respect to term, interest rates and structure. The goal is to develop a bond maturity schedule which has the lowest average life possible without creating undue pressure on the budget. As a result of this type of analysis, the borrower generally can repay the debt more quickly while minlmi~g, to the extent poss~le, the negative effects on the tax rate. Accelerating debt payback based on a well thought out plan helps to reduce the total interest that will be paid and, all else being equal, generates lower interest rate bids from underwriters. With respect to this specific financing, two separate schedules must be pg, e~parad - one that amortizes any outstanding debt represented by bond anticipation notes previously issued by the Town and a second schedule which amortizes the new debt to be issued as part of this financing. Both schedules are then melded into one for purposes of the sale of the bonds to the EFC. SCOPE OF SERVICES MUMSTAT SERVICES provides a complete package of finaueial advisory services that begins with developing a Financial plan and coatinues al~ the seo~rities are sold and delivered. Although the primary emphasis is on debt management, we routiaely advise our clieuts ou various finaucial matters umcelated to debt. As your advisor, MUNISTAT SERVICES coordinates all aspects of the financing to ensure that all deadlines are me~. Because present duties of your staff do uot allow for a lot of time ou this type of project, we relieve you of this burden. MUNISTAT SERVICES assumes respoas~ility for working w/th bond counsel, architects and other third party professionals. All of the work done by MUNISTAT SERVICES is performed by personnel with extensive experience in advisory work. A knowledgeable advisor will be involved in the entire process from start to finish, You will be kept informed at all times concerning the stems of your financing. There follows a summary listing of the services provided by MUNISTAT SERVICES during a typical engagement. F~nancial Planning Assist the Town to develop a financhl plan to size, structure and market its bonds. The plan should provide alternatives and be flexible in order to accommodate changing circumstances. Services to be provided to the Town in connection with the financial plan include:. Confer with Town officials, bond counsel and EFC officials to review the proposed financing. Determine the amount and nature of the financing, such as new money~ note refunding or advance refunding. Establish approximate time frame for the financing. Evaluate tax status of proposed ~nnndng. Review current operating and capital budgets and discuss budgetary impact of proposed financing. Review and evaluate credit related issues, if appropriate. Read current credit reports and review the Town's current official statement. Evaluate the use of early redemption or call features. D~o~/ne op6mal d~ for ~ and interest Fa3cmants, in accordance with~EFC financing schedule. Pre-Marketing Activities Prepare data required for EFC Official Statement from documents and information provided by the client and other third party sources.. MUNISTAT SERVICES gathers much of the nec~sary data on site. Review Official Statement with bond counsel and EFC officials. Marketing and Sales In a transaction of this nature, we assist the Town by coordinating the sale of the Town's bonds to E.F.C., as E.F.C, sells its own bonds to obhain funds for purchasing the bonds of the Town. This requires maintaining open lines of communication between the Town, E.F.C,, all of~ E.F.CJs alxorneys and advisors, and the Town's bond counsel. It may also include representing the Town as part of t_he transaction with E.F.C.'s investment bankers. After both the Town and E.F.C have sold their respective bond issues, all matters related to the closing must be coordinated between all parties. Where necessary and appropriate, it is our function to assist the Town in these mauers. OFFICIAL STATEMENT - METHOD AND PROCEDURES THE FOLLOWING DISCUSSION ASSUMES THAT MUNISTAT SERVICES WILL PREPARE THE TOWN'S PORTION OF THE E.F.C. OFFICIAL STATEMENT, AND COORDINATE THE REVIEW OF THIS DOCUIv~NT, MUNISTAT SERVICES will assume respomibility for preparing the Town's portion of the E.F.C. official statement on behalf of the Town. Th~ representations ~ontalned in the statement, however, are those of the Town and all disclosure information will be reviewed and approved by the Town before any materials are released to the public. The ongoing involvement of senior level personnel improves both the quality and the utility of the official statement. It is an excellent way for us to constantly monitor the acawacy and consistancy of the documant. This highrdegree of oversight provides timely info~mat/0u on trends or special developments that effect our client's credit taring from both a positive standpoint as well as negative one. An experienced flrmncial advisor will plan and coordinate the e/~tire process of producing the official statement. The Town will be asked to provide certain inform~on and statistics as well as financial reports and other selected data. All third party information will be obtained by our firm. MUNISTAT SERVICES will compile the Town's portion of the E.F.C. official statement including the word processing thereof. Drafts will be distributed to the Town and its bond counsel for comment and approval. MUNISTAT SERVICES prepares a very comprehensive official statement for its ch'ents, The document reflects our commitment tn provide quality disclosure; it includes data which is personal and unique to the client in addition to standard presentations on legal matters, debt, taxes, etc. A strong emphasis is placed on providing the kind of information that is not readily available to analysts at the rating agencies or those employed by the bond underwriters. Providing this information can make a difference in the bond rating as wetI as improve the competition among Underwriters bidding on the bonds. An experienced public finance professional writes all of our documents; it is a process that we treat very seriously. We know what the financial markets expect in terms of disclosure. And, because we understand municipal operations and the laws affecting those operations, we are able to identify issues that require disclosure and write about them in clear, understandable language. Since the default of the Washington Public Power Supply System on certain of its bonds, the adequacy of disclosure for municipal bonds has received close scrutiny. The Securities and Exchange Commission has issued Rule 15c2-12 which requires underwriters to undertake reviews to satisfy themselves of the nfficial statement's reasonable accuracy. The SEC has amended Rule 15c2-12 to require underwriters to make certain that designated issuers are providing ongoing disclosure on an annual basis, A comprehensive official statement provides the underwriter with all of the information necessary for his review, facilitates the analysis and improves the issuer's chances of receiving competitive bids. The financial advisor who has earned a reputation of providing credible official statements will prove w be a valuable asset at a time when greater emphasis is placed on better disclosure. MUNISTAT SERVICES has a proven track record of providing such statements. FEES AND EXPENSF_3~ The charge for our serVices will be $7,500 for this bond issue. These fees do not include out-of- pocket for duplicating, overnight delivery charges, ere. The fees also do not include other issuing expens~ such as printing and postage for Official Statements and Notices of Sale; pr'raring of bonds or notes; fiscal agent fees; bond counsel; rating agency fees, etc. DATED: December 18, 1997 MUNISTAT SERVICES, INC. Acknowledged end agreed to this 23rd day of December, 1997 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK N~E Jean W. Cochran Supervisor TITLE JEAN W. COCI:IRAN SUPERVISOR Town Hall, 53095 tVi~in Road P.O. ~Box 1179 Southold~ New York 11971 Fax (5t6) 765-1823 Telephone C~16) 7~1889 OFFICE OF ~ SUPERVISOR TO~ OF SOIz~-IOLD To: Town Board From: John Cushman Date: December 22, 1997 Re: $5,800,000 EFC Loan Application We are preparing the loan application to New York State Enviromental Facilities Corporation for financing the $5,800,000 Landfill Closure. Copies of agreements with bond counsel (Hawkins, Delafietd & Wood) and fiscal advisors (Munistat) need to be submitted with the application. Since we do not have men agreements with these firms, please consider adopting the fotlOwmg resolutions to put agreements in place with these firms for this financ'mg: RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southotd hereby authorizes Supervisor Jean W. Cochran to execute an agreement with Hawkins. Detafield ~: Wood for Bond Counsel services at a fee not to exceed $22,500 (plus expenses) in connection with the $5,800.000 Solid Waste Management District financing, all subject to the approval of the Town Attorney. RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southotd hereby authorizes Supervisor Jean W. Coebran re execute an agreement with Muinstat Services, Inc. for fiscal services at a f~ of $7,500, plus expenses, in connection with the $5,800,000 Solid Waste Management District fiuancing, all subject to the approval of the Town Attorney. JUDITH T. TEP, axtY TOWN CLERK REGISTP~R OF VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER I~CORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER -FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER Town Hail, $3095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold. New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-1823 Telephone (516) 765-1800 OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ;~HIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION WAS ADOPTED BY THE .SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD AT A REGULAR MEETING HELD ON DECEMBER 23, 7997: RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes Supervisor Jean W. Cochran to execute an agreement with Munistat Services, Inc. for fiscal services at a fee of $7,500 (plus expenses), in connection with the $5,800,000 Solid Waste Management District financing, all subject to the approval of the Town Attorney. Southold Town Clerk December 24, 1997 LETTER OF'AGREEmeNT FOR CONTI~ I~ING DISCLOSURE UNDERTAKING BETWEEN MIYNISTAT SERVICES, INC. ~ TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SUFFOLK COUNTY, ~EW YORK Whereas, the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York (the "Town") due to the ~ssuanee of certain municqpal securities (the "Securities") is subjenr To Rule 15c2-12 of the Seenr/tt~s and Exchange Commission. as emended (the "Rule"); and Whereas, pursuant to such Rule. the Town has delivered to the purchaser of the Securities, in conjunction with the issuance of such Securities. au Undertaking to Provide Continuing Disclosure (the "Undertaldng"); and Whereas, the Undarmki~ requires the Toam to prepare an annual statement of certmu emanerared finenciat and operating data generally consistent with the information contained in the Final Official Statement of the Town prepared in connection with the issuance of the Securities (the "Annual Information Statement"), as set forth in the Undertaking, and to submit such Annual Information Statement To each of the Nationally Recogni?ed Municipal Information Repositories the ("NRMSIRs") and to the State Information Depoalt(~ry (the 'SIDW), ff created no later than 180 days after the end of each fiscal year, commencthg with the fiscal year ending December 3 I, 1995; and Whereas, the Undertaking also requires thc Town to submit with such Annual Information Statement its audited financial statements for each such fi,seal year, if such audited financial statements are then available; provided, however, that if audited financial stamnents are not then available, ~uch audited financial atatemems, if any, shall be delivered to each NP, MSIR and to the StD~ if cleated, within thirty (30) days after it becomes available but in no event later than the last burliness day of each succeeding fisenl year; and Whereas, the Town hereby fte. termines that it is in its own best interests to designate Munistat Services, inc. ~o serve as its agent for the purpose qf prepay_' ~ the Annual Infonuntion Statement and submitting it to each of the NRMSIRs aud to the S/D if created; on or before the aforementioned date, together with the audited annual financial statements, if sach audited finanmal statements are then available; if such authted financial smtementa are not then available. Munistat Sermces, Inc. will file such audited financial statements in accordance with the undermldng but oiny if such audited financial statements are provided m Mumstat Services, Inc. not less than I0 days pr/or to the required ill'rog date, as set forth in the Undertaking; Therefor, the Town hereby agrees m appoint MUnistat Services, Inc. as its designated dissemination agent for the pnrpos~ of preparing the Annual Information Statement and submitting/t to each of the NRMSIRs and to the SD, if created, on or .1~ (~'the aforementioned date~ together with the audited financial statmenla, if such audited financial ~m~ents are then . .available; aud to make available to Mnnistat Services, Inc. all documents and proceedings of the Town requested by M~mi~rt · Services, Inc. so that it cen prep~.~ ~ such Aimual Infornmtion Statemont end submit k to esch of the NRMS1P, s mxt to theStD~ if ;rmted, on or before the aforemelrdofied date, together with ~he audited financial statements, if such audked ~nnncial stattlments are then~avallabl¢; and · It ia eXpm~JY und~erstood bY Munistat Services, Inc. end t~e Town that this. Agreement relates only to the preparation and ~S~. b~asion o~f thc Anm/aItcformafion~Docmnent. enc~ to the submission of audited finencial statemenia, as sui f0/edi/n ~ Undtxtaking ~md no~Io Ihe timely JUbmission of notices of mater/al events or the monitoring of such sitnations' ffomlime to time as ra~ be.neg, esm~ to comply vaffi eny netiffcat~on reqmrement regarding such material events, which shall b~ the sole responsibility of~ae Tovau mid ~t ~. ;c~ s, In~. hereby agrees to commit its physical facilities and personnel to whatever extent noeessary in order t~ ita o[5~f~ to the To}vn as its designated diesem/nafion agent in order to ensure that the. Town isin compliance with thaierms m/~ho~ ~ ~ ns'of the Undertaking with respeet to the. Annual Information Statement; and :in ~cons~Lde~og where0L the .To~wn. hereby agrees to pay Munistat Services, Inc. the sum of $3,500.00, each year, commenc~ng~)tie ffsl~l ,Year begmmng Jenuary 1, 1996. Acknowledged end agrced to tiffs llth day of Inne, 1996. Munistat Services, Inc. Robert F. Sikora President Town of Southotd, N.Y. Town Supermsor JUDITH T, TElq~Y TOWN C! ,~H~ REGISTRAR OF ~'TAL STATISTICS MARP~IAGE OFFICER 'RECORDS I%fua_AIAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER Town Hall. 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-1823 Telephone (516) 765-1800 OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTIqOLD June 14, 1996 John J. Durcan, Vice President Munistat Services, Inc. 12 Roosevelt Avenue Port Jefferson Station, New York 11776 Re: Continuing Disclosure Undertaking Dear Mr. Durcan: Enclosed is the executed Letter of Agreement for Continuing Disclosure Undertaking between Munistat Services, inc. and the Town of Southold. Very truly yours, Judith T. Terry Southold Town Clerk Enclosure cc: Sr. Accountant Cushman JUDI'i'It T. TERRY TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS MANAGEMENT Oi~FICER FI~EEDOI~[ OF INFORMATION OFFICER Town Ha]l, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-1823 TeIephone (516) 765-1800 OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION WAS ADOPTED BY THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD AT A REGULAR: MEETING HELD ON JUNE I1, 1996: RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes and directs Supervisor Jean W. Cochran to execute a Letter of Agreement for Continuing Disclosure Undertaking between Munistat Services, Inc. and the Town of Southold, thereby designating Munistat Services, Inc. as the Town's designated dissemination agent for the purpose of preparing the Annual Information Statement and submitting to each of the Nationally Recognized Municipal Information Repositories and to the State Information Oispository; and the Town agrees to: pay MunisIat Services,' Inc. the sum of $3,500.00, each year, commencing with fiscal year beginning January 1, 1996; charx~e to be made to A.1310.4.500.100, Accounting & Finance, Bonding Fees g Bond Counsel. Judith T. Terry Southoid Town clerk June I2. 1996 UNISTAT SERVICES, INCo 12 Roosevelt Avenue Port Jefferson Station, New York 11776 Telephone: (516) 331-8888 Fax: (516) 331-8834 June 4, I996 lotto Cushman ToW~ Comptroller Town 9f Southold Main Road $ontholch lqY 11971 Re: Comimfing Disclosure Uudertaking Dear John: In accordance with Securities and Exchange Rule 15c2-12, as revised (the "Rule"), as of July 3, 1995, undemaSters cam not purchase or sell municipal securities unless they have detennined that the issuers of such municipal securities have agreed to provide annually for the benefit of their bondholders certain financial and operating data ~ well as audited financial statements, ff any, to each Nationatty Recognized Municipal Information Repoalto~ CNRMSIR"] and to the State Information Depoi~-g ('~;SID"), if created. Pursuant to such requiremem, the Town has executed and submitted to the purchaser of its most recent bond issue a d, oanment generally referred to in the Rule as an "Undertaking" as part of the legal proceedings whi6h accompanied the dlosing~'or sudabondissuc. The Undertaking= which coustitutes a contract between the Towa and the holders fromtime totime of the bonds, obhgates the Town to provide such annual information and audited financial statements by a certain date each year, for as long as the bonds are outstanding. Failure to comply with the terms of the Undertaking could have significant negative consequences for the Town, nol the least of which would be reflected in its access to and reception by the investment community for future capital prdjeot and cash flow financ'mgs. As we have discussed, in recognition of such obligation and pursuant tc the Rule, we are submitting herewith two eopaes of our Letter of Agreement to be appointed by the Town as its designated dissemination agent for purposes of complying with its contractual obligation to the bondholders with respect to continuing disclosure as set forth in the Undertaking. It should be noted that this Agreement does not relate to the additional requirement in the Undertaking that the Town provide timely notice of material events go each NRMSIR and the Manicipal Securities Rulemaking Board and to the SID, if created which shall be the sole responsibility of the Town. Please have the Supermsor sign one copy of, the Letter of Agreement and return it to us as soon as possible se that we can begin assisting the To~vn in complying with its obligations pursuant to the Undertaking in an orderly and efficient fashion. We look forward to our continuing relationship with respect to this matter. With kindest personal regards