HomeMy WebLinkAboutLong Island Lighting Y JUDITH T. TERR TO~,~,~ CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITP;L STATIS F[CS OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD - Town Hall, 53095 Main Rpad P.O. Box 728 Southeld, New York 1197I TELEPHONE [516) 765-1801 October 20, 1982 Honorable Mal Nevel, Supervisor Town of Shelter Island Shelter Island Town Hall Shelter Island, New York 119~4 Dear Supervisor Nevel: The Southold Town Board a~ a regular meeting held on October 19, 1982 adopted the following resolution: WHEREAS, the Southold Town Board adopted a resolution on June 22, 1982 authorizing the Long Island Lighting Company to run proposed BgkV transmission line.through a short distance within the Town, mainly on private property, and under certain prescribed conditions, and ~HEREAS, the Shelter Island Town Board has registered strong objections %o this transmission line being run through their township unless it is buried beneath the ground, due to their concern for the impact on their community should the proposed line be placed above ground, now, therefore, be it ~ESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby goes on record as supporting the p~sition of the Shelter Island Town Board mn requiring the Long Island Lighting Company To bury beneath the ground their proposed 69kV transmission line through the Town-of Shelter Islandl Very truly yours, Judith T. Terry Southold Town Clerk E] FFI P-E OF THE SUPERVISOR MAL NEVEI. October 18, 1982 Southotd Town Board Southold, New York Attention: Supervisor William Pell Dear Bill: With reference to several discussions we had concerning the p~oposed LILCO transmission line through the towns of Southold, Shelter Island and Southampton and the Village of North Haven, everyone is in agreement that this electric line will benefit all of the eastern municipalities and the residents by providin~ superior service. $outhold Town passed a resolution last spring in favor of the proposed line as described--above ground high lines. At the present ti~e LILCO is using this as a weapon in discussions with the other m~nicipalities. The impact of %his line naturally is not' of ma3or concern to Southotd Town because of the short distance on private property within Southold. All the other municipalities are registering great concern with this proposed transmission line and the impact on their total communities. I believe I can speak for all concerned, that we feel in the best interest of the neighbors involve~ the Town Board of South~ld should reconsider their resolution of last spring and possib~ly rescind this resolution. It is the opinion of the majorigy involved that it would not place an undue hardship on LILCO ~o place this transmission line underground. If need be I will make myself available to attend your meeting tomorrow to answer any questions you may have. cc: .Town of East Hampton Town of Southampton Village of North Haven Sincerely, Mal Nevel, Supervisor JUDITH T. TERRY TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF V1TAL $ FA'I'ISTICS OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD DISCUSSION - Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P,O. Box 728 Southold. New York 11971 TELEPHONE (516) 765-1801 October 18, 1982 Southold Town Board: Supervisor Nevel of Shelter Island called requesting that the Town Board rescind their resolution of June 22nd relative to the proposal of the Long Island Lighting Company To run proposed 69kV transmission line through the Town of Southold. (see below) Supervisor Nevel said LILCO is holding Southold Town's approval over the heads of Shelter Island, North Haven, etc, in pressing for their approval. They are requesting LILCO to install underground lines. ±. aloved by Councilman Murpny~ seconoeo Dy Uouncilman Nickles, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of'the Town of Southold approves the proDosaI of the'Long 'Island Lighting Company tG run"Dropo'sed 69kV 5ransmission Line through the Town of Southold nrovided the follow- in~ conditions are observed: 1. The Transmission line will be cons%ructed on wooden poles with a ~aximum height above the ground of 42 - 55 feet unless tree conditions require higher poles. 2. The new uoles will replace existin~ distribution poles so as to either minimize or reduce the overall number of poles on Town or Village streets. 3. Each pole, will carry the three transmission-conductors at the ~op area with distribution primary and secondary below followed az lower elevations by telephone and cable television facilities. ~ 4. Ail construction will be of the "armless" type using ~ insulators 5c carr~y the electrical transmission, distribution and ~ communication facilities.- There will be no cross-arms utilized. 5. Tree trim and tree removal will be kept to a minimum, ~ consistent with el~ectrical code clearance requirements. 6. LILAC will personally con,acm each of the property owners z where ~r'ee nrim or removal affects trees located on their premises. ~ Arrangements will be made with these property owners to einher: A. Compensame them for the loss of trees, or; B. Replace any trees removed. These arrangements will be made so as to relieve the municipality of any coordinating involvement. 7. LILCO will purchase privately-owned premises if necessary at the point where overhead facilities convert mo the underwater cables ~o Sheet.er Island. September 15, t982 To Whom It May Concern: Please be advised held on September resolution: that the lOCh Board, at a meeting 14, 1982, adopted the following WHEREAS~ The Long Zs!and Lighting Company has proposed a transmission line extending from the Town of Southold, across the Town of Shelter Island ann into the Town of Southampton terminating a, the Bridgehampton substation, and WHEREAS, this Town Board is concerned with the environ- mental ann aesthetic issue raised by such a project, there fore be it RESOLVED, that this legislative body urges the Long 'Island Lighting Company to construct said transmission line under- ground and underwater ~o minimize the visual impacv of the project, be it further EESOLVED, that LiLC0 be urged to utilize all available measures to mitigate any environmental impacts from the new installation, particularly with re~ard to beach vegitation located along the route of the proposed transmission line. vrd pc: Very truly yours Kenneth Thommen Perry D. Hatch ~Hon. William R. Petl III Orig. Hon. Malvin A. Nevel Hon. Lesser Demler Hon. Mary A. Fal!on Supervisor Martin Lang T.C. T.B. Atty. File _ iUDITIt T, TERRY OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF $OUTHOLD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York_ 11971 'f~L~PHON~ (516) 765-1801 June 24, 1982 Mr. Perry D. Hatch Senior Negotiator, Real Estate Long Island Lighting Company 1650 Islip Avenue Brentwood, New York 11717 Dear Mr. Hatch: The Sou~hold Town Board a~ a regular meeting held on June 22, I982 adopted a resolution approving the proposa2 of the Long Island Lighting Company to run proposed 69kV transmission line through the Town of Southold providing the seven commitments as outlined in your letter of June 4, 1982 are observed. Very truly yours, Judith T. Terry Southold Town Clerk JUDITit T. TERRY T~)WN CLERK RFGISTRAR O1: VITAL $'1.~ ['[STICS OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hail, 53095 Main Road P,O. Box 728 Southold, New York11971 TELEPHONE' (516) 76~-1801 June 24, 1982 Mrs. Lewontin Planning Board Village of North Haven P. O. Box 1198 Sag Harbor, New York 11963 Dear Mrs. Lewontin: With reference To our recen~ conversation concerning the LILCO proposed 69kV transmission line, I brought the information you gave me To the avvention of the SupervSsor and the Town Board. However, it was their decision to approve the proposal, provided certain conditions are followed as outlined in the letter from LILCO Senior Negotiator, Real Estave Perry D. Hatch, I am enclos- ing a copy of Mr. Hatch~s letter for your information. Very truIy yours, Judith T. Terry Southold Town Clerk Enclosure LONG ISLAND LIGHTING Direct Dial Number: 348-6167 June 4, 1982 Honorable William R. Fell, $~pervisor Town of Southold 53095 Main Road Southold, New York 11971 III Proposed 69kV Transmission Line Southotd-Shelter Island-Southampton Dear Supervisor: This is to confirm my meeting with you and Town Highway Superinten- dent Raymond-C. Dean on Wednesday, April 21, 1~82. Since talking with you and Mr. Dean, we have also discussed our pro- posed 69kV transmission line with the Supervisors of the Towns of Southampton and Shelter Island and with a member of the Board of Trustees of the Village of North Haven. It would appear that the proposed route chosen for this line is tentatively acceptable co each of the municipalities involved. It was evident at my meetings that the question of ~ree trim or tree removal was the mosv sensitive issue and is of serious concern to each of the affected municipalities. I have carried all of the com~envs made ay these meetings back the LILCO Deparvmenvs presently engaged in the planning of this facility. As a result~ LILCO offers the following commitments: to The ~ransmission line will be constructed on ~ooden poles with a maximu~ height above the ground of 42 - 55 feet unless tree conditions require hi~her poles. The new poles will replace existing distribution poles so as to either minimize or reduce the overall numbers of poles on Town or Village svreevs. Each pole will carry the three transmission conductors ay the ~op area with distribution primary and secondary below followed ay the lower elevations by telephone and cable television facilities. FC-4587.4-S$ Hon. William R. t, June 2, 1982 Page 2 III All construction will be of the "armless" type using insulators to carry the eteotrical transmission, distribution and communi- cation facilities. There will be no cross-arms utilized. (See enclosed p~otographs of typical construction.) Tree trim and tree removal will be kep5 to a minimum, consistent with electrical code clearance requirements. LILCO will personally contact each of ~he property o~ners where tree trim or removal affects trees located on their premises. Arrangements will be made with these property owners to either: A. Compensave them for the loss of trees, or; B. Replace any trees removed. These arrangements will be made so as to relieve the municipality of any coordinating involvement. LILC0 will purchase privately-owned premises if necessary at the point where overhead facilities convert To the underwater cables to Shelter Island. We are hopeful that these arrangemenvs will satisfy Town requirements. The benefits of this line, which will connecv the electrical trans- mission systems on both the north and south forks are obvious. The completion of the project will result in greatly improved service re- liability to the entire easterly end of Long Island and secondly, will greatly reduce the necessity to ccnstruc~ or expand additional trans- mission line facilities om both the north and south forks for the fore- seeable future. We are hopeful that these arrangements will be acceptable to you an~ your Town Board. We are most anxious to receive your comments and approval before going Further with the design and engineering plan- ning for this projecv. Very truly yours~ Perry' D. Hat ch Senior Negotiator Real Estate PDH/d 0 \ JUNE 22, 1982 ~ "~'~ 16~ The charge of one ~percent room tax--the four east end towns,, excluding Riverhead, are opposed To it. }:iike tried to. get the Board of Super- visors ~o take a stand on this and we refuged to. One thing interest- ing was when the supervisors meez and we take a stan~ all zen of us m~st agree, a unati~ous stand. If one supervisor dissents it's non ~ ,-~,~.p~ssed~ by the boar-~ of what we call supervisors. W'e had fo.ur, dissenting %~t~ therefore l~as not c~nsid~red. , ['5. Lette{ {~m~Lind~"~R~id') regarding a plan of devel,opmenz in ~Ori~J% :i~hich-i~. o~ lille with th~ To%tm C%6rk. 6. A petitien to the Town Board in reference to the 7-Eleven Store proposed in Southol~. fThe:pe~ition"is on file and so noted. 7[ L~ter fromm' the GreenP~rt'-S~6uthold'Chamber of Co~erDe in reference on in Execati~ve H~r ton' s right next doorf 9. A in Southold ToW] health hazard. to have them look Law. 'The 'Board will'be discussing this later into and g~t ~ck to Lknd up-at ' icz. pr operzy the Park District. r~g~rds to a hame · cia ~h~ome) on a of( ~ealth to see. if the~e are any violations of County Law, ' 10. From. a me~cbanr im Mattituck (Lois W, Barker) in reference to sidewalks.in fr~'~ of ~er store in need Of repai~. She is putting the Town on notice"~kt 't~e,y~sh~uld be repa~re~. . - - 11. Letier ~f~amla pe~sb~ o~ Sound Avenue (Sanford Hanauer). With the little bit Qf, ~i~ we'ika~ two weeks ago, 'th~l~kle, a part of, h¢ls ban~-w$~ washe~ ~wa~.~ The-Tbwn Board did go up and look at it. It-is a he~ qf a S~gh~to see. ': · 12'. A letter f~om'Novt~il~ Industries informing us that a hearing will be held on ~the~ia~pl~io~n throughCavaliere with th~'D.E.C.~ ...... on the 24th of t:hiS~on%h~~I 13. A letter ~dress ~:o the Town Board (from Joseph Novey) in reference to do~'p~3~lems.' This is being worked on. 14. Letter concern~ing parking area noise am the end of Sound Road in Greenport, better known as the 67 Steps (from Ken Hollowell). 15. Letter from the Southold-Peconic Civic Associa~mon urging the TOwn Board to ~6nsider and idopt a moratorium on all major sub- divisions. IV. HEARINGS ~UPERIISOR PELL: V. RESOLUTIONS W~"have five hearings? t0day~beginning at 3:30 P.N~_. Moved by Councilman Murphy, seconded by Councilman Nicktes, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of'the Town of Southold approves the proposal of 'the'Lon~ Island Light'ing Company t'o'run mropo'sed 69kV transmission line through the Town of Southold provided the loll'ow- in% conmitions are observed: 1. The transmmssion line will be constructed on wooden poles with a maximum height above the ground of 42 - 55 feet unless mree conditions require higher poles. 2. The new poles wi.Il replace existing distribution poles so as to either minimize or reduce the overall number of poles on Town or Village streets. 3. Each pole will carry the three transmission conddctors a~ tile top area with ~istribution primary and secondary below followed at lower elevations by telephone and cable television facilities. 4. All construction will be of the "armless" type using insulators to carry the electrical transmission, distribution and -.~ 170 JUNE 22. 1982 ': : . Nick'les, Supervisor Pell~ This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED. SUPERVISOR PELL: These poles that are to be put up will go from the ~eneraning plant in Greenport. just east~of Drossos Restaurant, will come o~V there, travel ~est along the S~ate roa~, over the railroad bridge~ go down a ~pri~ate road go~n~ down to the Bay to transmit ~ lmne to Shelter Island. It wmll. m~t be o~ aay T~vn roads. Moved bv Justice Edwards, seconded bv Councilman Murdock, it was RESQLVEb that the Town Boar~. of the ~own of ~outhold authorizes Chief of Police H. Daniel ~iDters to atteqd~.~?e New York State Association ~f Uhiefs of Pmlice annual con~ence~to be held July,,' the P~essa~y~ eXlOe~s~s 'for re~i~'tr'gti0n, l~g,',foo~ and mi'leage shalI :be~a I~ga~ c~ar~e'agai~st ~'he Tow~ oX~u~oi.~ %~teof the, Town B~a~d Ay:es: Justzce Ed~S, Co~nczlman Townsend - Councilman Murphy, CoUncilman }!~, Co~nc.ilman Th:$~l~ti~'n ~,k~'declared duly ADOPTED. 3. Moved ,by Councilman To%msend, seconded by Justice Edwards, it was RESOL\~D that~ the Town Board of the Town~ of Southold grants Nicholas M. SchiDk', Inc. a six month extens~o~ from July 15,'1982 to January 15.~.i9~3 to return to the Board~wit~h a progress report on the renovatio~ of the Orient Point Inn, purs~an~ to Chapter 90, Unsafe Buildings~ Code of the Town 9f Southold As a condition of the granting of this extension, ~. Schic~ shall clear and maiht~in the grounds at the site and-~rect ~,suitable sign -~_ depicting 5he proposed plan for the property, Vote of the Town Board: Ayes~ Justice Edwa~[~ds, Councilman Townsend, Councilman Murphy, Councilman )inrd~ck Councilman Nickles, Superviso~ Pell. This.resolution was.declared duly ADOPTED. 4. ~'oved by Councilman Murdock. seconded by Councilman Townsend, it .was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold grants permission to the ~[attituck Chamber of Commerce to close Love Lane and the Love Lane-Pike Street intersection, 75 feet east and 75 feet west, including the parking lot opposite the North Fork Bank ~nd Truss Company from 9:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. on July 17, 1982, for the purpose of holding their Annual Mattituck Sales Day; provided they secure the necessary insurance to hold the Town of Southold harmless, Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Justice Edwards, Councilman Townsend: Councilman Murphy, Councilman ~4urdock, Councilman Nickles, Supervisor Pell. This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED. Moved by Councilman Nickles, seconded by Councilman Murdock, it was RESOLVED that'pursuant to Article IX of the Cohstitution, the Town Board of the Town of Southold requests the enac~menz of Sehate bill No. 1021~, entitled, "AN ACT to allow persons in public employment on Aug~sz sixteenth, nineteen hundred sevenvy- three'or their executor, administrator or personal representative who did non file a membership application with the New York state employees' retirement system to file a reques~ for retroactive membership with the s~are comptroller," and be it further RESOLVED that it is hereby declared that a necessity exists for the enacnmenE of such legislation, and that the facts establishing t~s conga, ri'G .,,,,l,,.n.f^~/ ~s.sa~_r ,r'? /llr~ p,,131, c Ih,,,,,,/, ~,~ ~o safer7