HomeMy WebLinkAboutLong Island Lighting coLONG ISLAND LIGHTING COMPANY 1650 ISLIP AVENUE B ;:t ENTWOO O NEW YORK ' 1717 Direct Diat Number: J~y 20~ 1982 _~ECEIVED~ JUL 2 6 FJ82 ~_ow_n ClerE Southol~t Ms. 2udith T. Terry Cl~rk~ Town of Southold To.n Hall 53095 Mai~ Road P.0. Box ~omthold~ N~ 11971 Renewal - Gas Franchise T.own of Southold ye LILC0 Dear Ms. Terry: As requeste~ in your letter dated May 20~ 1982~ I am returning one completely executed copy of the Petition and Resolutio~ in re~ard ye the renewal of our gas franchise with the Tow~. Very truly yours~ Real ~state PDH/d TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK In the Matter of the Petition of LONG ISLAND LZGHTING COMPANY for tha g~antin~ by the Town Board of a gas franchise pursuant of the Town Law of the State of New York~ TO THE HONORABLE TOWN BOARD OF TF~ TOWN OF SOUTHOLD PETITION Petitioner, LONG ISLAND LIGHTING COMPANY, hereby makes application for the granting by the Town Board of a gas franchise pursuant to the applicable provisions of the Town Law of the State of New York. In support of this application, Petitioner states: 1. Petitioner is a gas and electric corporation organSzed and existing under and pursuant To the Transportation Corporations Law of the St.ate of New York, and has its principal office at 250 Old Country Road~ Mineola~ Petitioner ~as incorporated on December To ~roduce and sell gas and etectricity~ corporate existence is perpetual. Nassau County~ New York. 31, i910, with authority and the term of its 2. The gas franchise heretofore granted to Petitioner by the municipal authorities of the Town expired on J~ne, 1980. and its time. 3. Petitioner has been furnishing gas 5o the Town inhabitants for many years and does so aT the uresenv 4. Petitioner is ~he ofily person, firm or corporation supplying gas within the municipal territory of the Town of Southold which is under the jurisdiction of the Town Board. 5. Petitioner desires to receive the formal consent of the Town Board to continue to serve ~as for a long term in all areas of the Town under the jurisdiction of the Town Board. ~{HEREFORE, your Petitioner respectfully requests the Town Board, after due publication of notice and hearing thereon, by appropriate resolution, to grant, pursuant to the Town Law of the State of New York, to Long Island Lighting Company, a gas and electric corporation organized and existing under the Transportation Corporations Law of the St~e of New York, and To its successors and assigns, the right, franchise, permission and consent for the use of the streets: highways, avenues, lanes and other public places or any parr thereof, or the space above or under them, or any of them, in the Town of Southotd which are now or may hereafter be under the control of the municipal authorities of said Town and to consent that Long Island Lightin~ Company may exercise the powers set forth'in said Transportation Corporations Law, as and for a gas franchise, all for a ~eriod of ninety-nine (99) years from the date of the resolution; provided that (1) such ~owers shall be subjecv to such reasonable regula- tions as may be prescribed by the Town Board; (2) that all pipes, mains, conduits, appursenances and fixtures shall be installed and maintained in a proper workmanlik~ manner; and (3) that the said Long Island Lighting Company shall, a5 ~11 times, indemnify and save harmless the said Town and the members of the said Town -2- Board from and a~ainst any and ~11 actions, suits, damages, costs, charges and expenses by reason of the location and maintenance of its facilities in any of the streets, highways, avenues, lanes and other public ~laces, or by be done in the premises by provided further, that this reason of any act done or omitted to said Long Island Lighting Company; and consent shall not be deemed exclusive nor shall it Lighting Company~ resolution, shall Town Clerk. beaome effective unless and until Long Island within sixty (60) days from the date of the file its writte~ Acceptance thereof with the ED~[ARD M. BARRETT General Counsel for Petitioner 250 Old Country Road Mineola, New York LONG ISLAND LIGHTING COMPANY Frank C. Mackay, ~ Senior Vice President -3- STATE OF NEW YORK ) SS.: COUNTY OF NASSAU ) FRANK C; MACKAY, being dul~ sworn, deposes and says that he is a Senior Vice President of LONG ISLAND LIGHTING COMPANY, the Petitioner named in the foregoing Petition: that he has read the said Petitioa~ and knows the contents thereof, and that the same is True To the knowledge of deponent except as to the matters therein stated to be alleged on information and belief, and as to those matters he believes it to be true. Frank C. Mac Subscribed and sworn,to before me this ~ Q~-day of ~ 1982. ELLEN M, HOLLWEDEL NOTARY PUBLIC, STATE OF NEW YORK NO. 354734436 TE~N~AUFIEO tN NASSAU COUNTY,~..~ S EXPIRES MARCH 30, I~ ~-~-~ -4- RESOLL~! 0N-: At a regular meeting of the Town Board of the $outhold, County of Suffolk, State of New York, hold at of the Board at 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York, on the 18th day o~ May 1982, a majority bers of the said Board being present and following preambles and resolutions were To l~-n of the oi fmce of the voting therefor, the duly adopted: mem~ WHEREAS, Long Island Lighting Company has been furnishin~ Bas to the Town of Southold and its inhabitants under and pursuant To various franchises and consenss heretofore granted by the Town Board of the Town of Southold; and WHEREAS, Long Island Lighting Company oerson, firm or corporation supplying gas within ~erritory of the Town of Southold; and is now the only the municipal WHEREAS, the franchise held by Long Island Lighting Company has expired, and the said Long Island Lighting Company is desirous of continuing to furnish gas to the said Town of Southoid ~nd its inhabitants, and has made application To the Town of Eoutho!d for a ~as franchise for a period of ninety-nine (99) years ~nd WHEREAS, a notice of public hearing on the applications For said gas franchise has been duly given by publication ~ ~n the official newspaoer of the Town of Southold a5 least ten (i0)days ~efore the sai~ public hearing was held on ~ay ~, 1982, ~11 pursuant 5o the applicable provisions of the Town Law of the State of New York; and WHEREAS, the Town Board of ~the said Town of Southo!d is of the opinion that such a gas franchise should be granted on the terms and conditions hereinafter sev forth; NOW. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Town Board County, New York, does hereby provisions of the Town Law of of the Town of Southold, Suffolk grant, pursuant to the applicable the State of New York, to Long Esland Lighting Company, a gas and electric corporation organized and existing under the Transporsasion Corporations Law of the State of New York, its successors and assigns, the right, fran- chise,'permission and consent for the use of the streets~ highways avenues, lanes and other public places or any par5 thereof, or the space above or under them, or any of them, in the Town of Southoldl which are now or may hereafter be under the control of the muni. ci- pal authorities of said Town, Lighting Company may exercise portation Corporations period of ninety-nine and hereby the powers Law, as and for a (99) consents that Long Island{' se5 forth in said Trans- franchise, all for a years from the date of this resolution.; provideff that (i) such powers shall be subject to such reasonable regulations as may be prescribed by the Town Board; (2) all pipes~ mains, conduits, appurtenances and fixtures shall be installed and maintained in a proper workmanlike manner; and (3) the said Long Island Lighting Company shall av all times indemnify and save harmless the said Town and the members of the said Town BcArd from and a~ainst any and all actions, suit.s, damages, costs, charges and expenses by reason of the location and maintenance of its facilities in any of the streets, highways, avenues, lanes and other public places, or by reason of any act done or omitted -2- To be done by said further, that this shall it become Company, within sixty shall file its written Town. Long Island Lighting Company; and provided consen~ shall not be deemed~ exclusive, nor effective unless and until Long Island Lighting (60) days from the date of this resolution Acceptance thereof with the Clerk of the tN WITNESS ~TFEREOF, the members of the Town Board of the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, State of New York, con- sisting of WILLIAM R. PELL, Supervisor and JOHN J. NICKLES, LAWRENCE ~. MURDOCK~ JOSEPH L. TG~NSEND, and FRANCIS J. MURPHY,, RAYMOND W. EDWARDS~ Town Justice Town Councilmen/have hereunto affixed their respective signatures and ~he Town Clerk has attasted the same and affixed ~he seal of the Town hereto, this 18~h day of M~y, 1982. (~o'~:, Seal ) William R. Pe%l; Supervisor Z~qh~/. Nicxte? Codncilman L~wre~ce- W ~/~Qa~n cilman Jos~eph L. Townsend,- ~a~ ATTEST: ~ - ~ ms J. rp~y~ £ ncilman >zJ~-dit~ T. Ter~y, Town ~erk ~_ Raymon~ W. Edwards, Town Justice -3- LONG ISLAND LIGHTING COMPANY (516) 228-2049 August 12, 1983 Hon. John J. Kettiher Secretary Public Service Commission Three Rockefeller State Plaza Albany, NY 12223 Re: Ratification of Gas Franchise Granted By Town of Southold Dear Mr. Keltiher: ' h ' Pursuant to 16 NYCRR 21.2(c), Long Island Lzg tz~g Company hereby petitions for the ratification by the Commisszon of the above-identified Franchise. Enclosed are the following: a) Petition, to which is attached a certified copy of the subject franchise. b) Motion for Expedited Proceeding, pursuant to 16 NYCP=R 21.10. There is attached to the motion papers a copy of the proposed Public Notice. A copy of t~e Petition and Motion, including the proposed Public Notice, will be served promptly on the Town Clerk, and an affidavit of service will be filed with you as soon as this has been done. , Further, the Public Notice will be published in a newspaper of general circulation in the Town within 14 days from date, and an affidavit of publication will be filed with ~ou promptly when this has been done. LONG ~LSLAND LIr~I-R-ING I O 2 Please do no~ hesit~te t~ let us know if there is further ~nfO~mat~ion the/'commission may require. Thank you for your c.ooperation. REM/pag Encl. Very truly yours, :-¥,):. A'., Ro~ ~ .- MZor~aco a~ny © © STATE OF NEW YORK PUBLIC SERVICE COFRMISSION I In the Matter : of the : ~etition of LONG ISLAND LIGHTING COMPANY, : ~der Section 68 Of the P~ubI%c,'Servi~e La~, '~r.. permissio~ a~d ~PprQVat to : exer~.~ t~a ~as Fra~d~iss gra~ed ~O the .Petitioner ~ the.'To~ ~a~d : of the To~ of. Sou~hold~ ~ Snffolk ~ty, ~eW York. : TO THE PUBLIC SERVICE CO~ISStON: PETITION Petitioner, LONG ISLAND electric corporation organized and existing under and pursuant to the Transportation Corporations Law of the State of New York and has its principal office aT 250 Old Country Road, Mineola, Nassau County, New York. Petitioner was incorporated on December 31, 1910, with t~e authority To produce and sell gas and electricity, and the term of its corporate existence is perpetual. Certified copies of the Certificate of Incorporation of Petitioner and all amendments thereto are on file with the Commission, and are incorporated herein by reference. In support of this application, LIGHTING COMPANY, states: FIRST: Petitioner is a gas and Petitioner, LONG ISLAND LIGHTING COMPANY, hereby makes application under Section 68 of the Public Service Law for permission and approval of the Public Service Commission to exercise a gas franchise granted to the Petitioner by the Town Board of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York. SECOND: Petitioner has been furnishing gas to the Town of So~thold and its inhabitants under and pursuan~ to various ~anchises and consents heretofore granted by the To, Board of e Town of Southold. ~ THIRD: Petitioner is now the only public utility supplying gas w~thin the To~ of $outhold, in Suffolk County, New York. FOURTH: On or about May 18, 1982, the Town Board of the Town of Southold granted the Petitioner a gas franchise followip~g a public hearing, notice of which was duly given by publication in an official newspaper in accordance with the requirements of the Town of the said franchise is commencing May 18, 1982. the Company's acceptance Law of the State of New York. The term for a period of Ninety-nine (99) years, A copy of the said franchise, and of thereof, together with the certification of originals, and that the said with the applicable provisions annexed and made a part hereof FIFTH: Said gas franchise the Town that the franchise was granted of the Town Law, is as Exhibit t. contains a provision requiring a same are true copies of the in compliance hereto written acceptance by the Petitioner before it becomes effective. As is stated hereinabove, the Petitioner, by its duly authorized officer, has duly executed and filed with the Clerk of said Town of Southold a written acceptance of said gas franchise, accepting and agreeing to comply with all the terms and conditions thereof. SIXTH:. Petitioner hereby confirms that the Petitioner has received all consents required by law from the proper Municipal ~thorities in the case of the said gas franchise. ~ ~ SEVENTH: There is a public need for the continuat%on of the service now rendered by Petitioner within the Town of Southold~ and Petitione~ is able and willing t~ continue to provide such service under and pursuant to the subject 5ranchise. WHEREFORE, in accordance with Section 68 of the Public Service Law, Petitioner respectfully prays for the permission and approval of the Public Service Commission of the State of New York to exercise the rights and privileges granted to it by the said Town Board of the Town of Southold; and, further, that the ratification, permission and approval of the Public Service ~Conmnission herein prayed for be made retroactive to May 18, 1982, the effective date of the said franchise as hereinabove described; and for such other and further relief as is deemed necessary and proper. Dated: Mineola, New York August 12, 1983 Respectfully submitted, LONG ISLAND LIGHTING COMPANY FRANK C. MACKAY ~ Senior Vice President ATE YORK ) OF NEW : SS.: C~_UNTY OF NASSAU ) FRA~TK C. lCAC%~lY, being duly swomn, deposes and says: deponent is a Senior Vice President of Lomg Island Lighting Company, a New York corporation, Petitioner herein~ depor~ent has read ~he foregoing Petition and knows the contents thereof; and the same is true to deponent's own knowledge, excepn as to t. he matters therein stated no be alleged upon information and belief, and as to those matters deponent believes it to be true. This verification is made by deponent because Long Island Lighting Company is a corporation and deponent is an officer thereof. Sworn to before me this 12th day of August, 1983. NOTARY PU3LIC Sta~e of New Y~ Qualified in Suffolk County ~ C © STATE OF NEW YORK PUBLIC SERVICE CO~R~ISSION etltzon of LONG COF~A~NY, · under Section 68 of the. PUblic Service ~5~, for 'Per~$ssio~ a~d ~Pp~o~al to : ~e~cise t~e Gas Fr:anc~ise gr'~tad ~' ~e Pe~iti0n~r ~ ~h~ To~ Board : of t~ To~ of 5ou~hold; in Suffolk C~o~ty, NeW Y~rk. : In the Matter of the ISLAND LIGHTING MOTION FOR EXPEDITED PROCEEDING UNDER 16 NYCRR 21.10 STATE OF NEW YORK ) ~ SS.: COUNTY OF NASSAU ) TO THE PUBLIC SERVICE C0~MISSION: LONG ISLAND LIGHTING CO'ANY, by EDWARD M. BARRETT, its General Counsel, hereby moves, pursuant to 16 NYCRR 21.10, for an expedited proceeding by the Commission on the accompanying Petition by LONG ISLAND LIGHTING COMPANY for approval and ratification by the Commission of the gas franchise granted by the Town of Southold as described in said Petition, and that oral testimony and formal public hearing be waived. In support of said motion, it is alleged and affirmed: 1. A copy of this Motion and the accompanying Petition h~ve been duly served on the Town Clerk o~ the Town of Southotd. 2. Also served on the said Town Clerk was a copy of the Public Notice required to be published by 16 NYCRR 21.10(3). There is attached to this Motion a further copy of said Public of Notice. ~! 3. Upon the completion of publication of said P~lie tice, there will be filed with the Commission an Af~davit ~blication attesting to the due publzcation of the Notice. WMEREFORE, LONG ISLAND LIGHTiMG COMPANY re~speatfu~ty 'moves for an expedited proceeding herein, without oral testimony and formal public hearing, and for such other and further relief to Respectfully submitted, EDWARD M, BARRETT, ESQ. General Counsel LONG ISLAND LIGHTING COMPANY 250 Old Country Road Mineola, New York 11501 By ~Koy E. Monaco Of Counsel (516) 228-2049 which it may be entitled. Sworn to before me this 12th day of August, 1983. PHYLLI~ A. GR~Zit,~G~R Commission ~xplre$ 2 STATE OF NEW YORK PUBLIC SERVICE COM~{ISSION In the Matter of the Fetition of LONG ISLA5rD LIGHTING COMPANY, ~wder .Secti~on 68 of~ thee 'Public Service , for ,~rmislsi~o~ and app=ovgt to S~cis~ the ~ ~ch~s~ granted the Patlti/~r 5F the ~0~ ]Aoard ~he To~ of Sou~Ald ~ in~ $~folk N PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: That LONG ISLAND LIGHTING COMPANY, 250 Old Country Road, Mineola, New York, has applied to the New York Public Service Commission for its approval and ratification of a gas franchise issued to LONG ISLAND LIGHTING COMPA~tY by the Town of Southo!d, Suffolk County, New York, for a term ending May 18, 2081. LONG ISLAND LIGHTING COMPANY has requested that the Commission conduct an expedited proceeding on this matter, and that the application be heard by the Commission on the basis of the Petition and the Exhibit attached thereto, and that oral testimony and formal hearing be waived. Any person opposed to the granting of said franchise should, within ten (10) days after this Notice is published, notify the C Commission in writing of the reasons for such opposition, at the following address: Sac=atary.of,.the Public Service Commission Agen~y~B~ilding 3 R~6kefeller State Plaza ~tbJ~y, New York 12223 Dated: Mineola,~New York August 12, t983 2 JUDITH T TE~KY OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southotck New York 11971 TELEPHONE (516) 765-180-1 THE t(QL~t,~G BESOLUTZON W3.S ADOPTED ,BY THE SOUTHOLD TO~N BOAP~D AT H REGIJLkR"~ETING HELD, ON NAY 18. 1982: WHEREAS, Long Island Lighting Company has been furnishing gas to the Town of Southold and its inhabitants under and pursuant to various franchises and e0n~en~s heretofore granted by the Town Board Of the TOwn of Southold; mud ~HEREAS, Long rsland Lighting ComFany is now the only person, firm or corporation supplying gas within the municipal territory of the Town of Southold; and WHEREAS, the franchise held by Long Island Lighting Company has expired, and the said Long Island Lighting Company is desirous of conti~uiBg to furnish gas to the said Town of Southotd and its inhabitants, and h~s made application to the Town of South.old for a gas franchise for a p~riod of ninety~nine (9~) years; and WHEREAS, a notice of public hearing on the applications for said gas franchise has been duly given bypublication in the official news- paper of the Town of Southold at least ten (-10) days before the said public hearing was held on May 4, 1982, all pursuant to the applicable provisions of ~he Town Law of the State of New York; and WHEREAS, nh.e Town Board of the said Town of Southold is of the opinion that such a gas franchise should be granted on the terms and conditions 'herefnafter set forth; NOW, THEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED, That the Town Board of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, does hereby grant, pursuant to the applicable provisions of the Town Law of th~ Staze of New York, to Long Island Lighting Company, a gas and electric corporation organized and existing under the Trans- portation Corporations Law of the Szate of New York, its successors and assigns, the right, franchise~ permission and consent for the use of the streets,, highwaFs, avenues, lanes and other~public places or any parr thereof, or the space above or under them, or any of them, in the Town of Southold which~ are now' or may hereafter be under the control of the municipal authoritieg of said Town, and hereby consents that Long Island Lighting Company may exercise the powers set forth in Page 2 - Southold wn Board ResoIution O Ma~ 18, i~2' .-, Long Island Lighting C~mpany' Gas Franchise sate Law, as an~ ~or a franchise~ al/ for f~om.the d~e of this resolution; be subject to such reksonable the Town Board; (2)..all pipes, be inst~lled and (3) the Said Long harm- aJad ~nd cilities on shall e To~n. said consent tess omp~ file i~s ce ~hereof Vote of the To~n Board: Ayes: Justice Edwards, Councilman Townsend, Co~ncllman'~umphy, Councilman ~rdock, Councilman Nickles, Supervisor Pell. This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED. STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF SUFFOLK Office of the Clerk of the TOWN OF SOUTHOLD (SEAr,) This is to cerHfy that I, Judith T. Terry, Clerk of the Town of Southold, in the said County of Suffolk, have compared the foregoing copy of resolution with the original resolution now on file in this office, and which was passed by the Town Bo~rd of the town of Southold in s~Jd County of Suffolk, on the ...~.8.~..h..... day of ................. .~...a:..~. ............ 19...8...2.,, and that the same is a correct and true transcript of such original resolution and the whole thereof. In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said Town this ....~.0...¢..h.._ day of ......... .A..?..~..~.~ ................. 19...8.?... Clerk of the Town Board, Town of Southold, County of SuffolE/N. Y LONG ISLAND LIGHTING COMPANY ACCEPTANCE OF GAS FRANCHISE TO THE HONORABLE TOWtI BOARD OF THETOIfN:0F SOgTEOLD LONG ISLAND LIGHTING COMPANY, for itself, and its successors and assigns, hereby accepts the Gas Franchise granted to it by the Resolution of the To=.m Board of th~ To~m of Southold adopted on the 18th day of May, 1982, according to all the terms and conditions khereof, and hereby agrees to comply with said terms and conditions, said Franchise being for a term of ninety=nine (99) years from and after May 18, 1982, subject to ratification by the New York State Public Service Commission pursuant to Section 68 of the Public Service Law. Dated: July , 1982 (Corporate Seal) ATTEST: ~/ K. M. Brown Assistant Secretary LONG ISLAND LIGHTING COMPANY By: 5/ ' Frank C. Mackay Senior Vice President LONG ISLAND LIGHTING COMPANY ACCEPTANCE OF GAS FRANCHISE TO THE HONORABLE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD LONG ISLAND LIGMTING COMPANY, for itself, and its and assigns, hereby accepts the Gas ~ranchise granted the Resolution adopted on the and conditions successors to it by of the Town Board of the Town of Southold 18th day of May, 1982, according to all the terms thereof, and hereby agrees to comply with said terms and conditions, said Franchise being for a term of ninety-nine (99) years from and after May 18, 1982, subject to ratification by the New York State Public Service Commission pursuant to Section 68 of the Public Service Law. 1982 Br own Assistant Secretary LONG ISLAND LIGHTING COMPANY Frank C. Mackay Senior Vice President RECEIVED AND FILED BY ! nm SOUTHOn TOVa HOU To~ Clerk, To~ of Southold STATE OF NEW YORK ) : SS. : COUNTY OF NASSAU ) On the /~-~day of July, 1982, before me personally came FRANK C. MACKAY, to me known, who, being by me duly sworn, did depose and say that he resides at 15 Kingsbury Road, Garden City, New York; that he is a Senior Vice President of LONG ISLAND LIGHTING COMPANY, the corporation described in and which executed the foregoing knows the seal of said foregoing instrument is Acceptance of Gas Franchise; that he corporation; that the seal affixed to such corporate seal; that it was so the affixed by order of the Board of Directors of said corporation, and that he signed his name thereto by like order. D~ec t Di~ ~Number: July 20, 1982 LONG tS.LA. ND L~,GHT~NG COMPE 348L6t67 JUL2e ~8~ · ~o~Vn Clerk Sou~f~. Ms. Ju]ith T. Terry 3!ark~ Town of Souzhold Town Hall 53095 Main Road P.O. Box Southold~ NY 11971 Renewal- Gas Franchise Town of Southoid ~o LILC0 Dear F. ls. Tarry. As requested in your letter dated May 20~ 1982~ i am returning on~ co~plete!y e~ecutad copy of the Petition and Resolution in regard to the renewal of our gas franchise with t~e Town. Very truly yours, SerY~or Negotiator Real Estate PDH/d Eric. TO~N OF SOUTHOLD SUFFOLK COUNTY, NE~'~ YORK In the Matter : of the : Petition ef LONG ISLAND LIGHTING COMPANY : for the grantin~ by the Town Boar~ of a gas franchise pursuanv ~o the provisions : of the Town Law of the Stave of New York~ X TO THE HONORABLE TO¥~ BOARD OF T~E TOWN OF SOUTHOLE PETITION Petitioner, LONG ZSLAND LiGHTZNG COMPANY, hereby makes application for the gmanting by the Town Board of a ~as f~anehise provisisns of the Town Law of the in supporv of this application, Petitioner pursuant to the applicable State of New York. staves: 1. Petitioner is a ~as and electric corporation organized and existing under and pursuant ye the Transportation Corporations Law of the State of New York, and has its principal office at 2~0 01d Country Road, Mineo!a, ~etitioner ~as incorporated on December ye prodmee and sell gas and electricity, corporate existence is perpevual. N~ss~u Cou~ty~ New ~ork. B!~ i910, with authority and the verm of its 2. The gas franchise heretofore ~ranted to Petitioner by the municipal authorities of the Town ex~ire~ on ~.~ i~80. 3- Petitioner aas ~een furnishing ~as v~ the To~.~n and its inhabitants for many years and ~oes so a~ the ~resenm time. © © supplying gas within the municipal territory · ' ~ ~ ' ~ ~urisdiction of the Town Boar~. South~ld ~h~h ms under the ~ firm or corporation of the T~wn of 5. Peti%~oner desires vo receive the formal consent of the ~own Board to eontlnue vo serve gas for a long u~erm~in all.areas of the Town under the j~risdlction of the ~own B~ard. ~-HEREFORE, your Pe~it~on'er res.pe.c~ful!y~re~ues~s, the ~o'wn Board, after due pubticat~o~ of not~ce and-.hearing t~ereon, by appropriate resolution, ~o ~rant, pursuant to the Town ~aw of the Stave of Ne~ York~ to Long Island Lighting Company, a gas and electric corporation organized s_nd existing under t~lne Transportation Corporations Law of the State of New York~ and ~o its successors and assigns, the right, franchise, permission and consent for the use of the s~reets~ highways, avenues~ lanes and other public places or any par~ thereof, or the space above or under them, or any of them, in the Town Of Southold which are ~o~ or may hereafter be under the control of the municipal authorities of said Town and ~o consent that Long Island Lighting Company may exercise the powers set forth in-said Transportation Corporations Law, as and for a gas franchise, a~l for a peri.od ~f ~inety-nine (99) years from the ~ate of the resolution; provided that (1) such ~owers shall be subjecz vo suc~ reasonable regula- tions as may be ~rescribed by the Town Board; (2) that alt pipes, mains~ conduits, appurtenances and fixtures shall be ~nstalied and maintained in a proper workmanlike manner; and (3) said Long Island Lighting ~ompany shall, at ~!t times, and save harmless the samd ~own and the members o_ ~he that the Board from and a~ainst any and all actions~ suits, damages, costs, charges and expenses by reason of the location and maintenance ~f its facilities in any of the streets, highways, avenues, lanes andl ovher public 91aces, or by reason of any act done or omitted to be done in the premises by said Long Island Lighting Company; and provided further, that this consent shall not be deemed exclusive ~ ' ~s_an~ nor shall it become e~fectlve unless and until Long T ~ ~ Lighting Company, within sixty (60) days from the ~ate of the resolution~ shall ~le its Written Acceptance thereof w~_tn the Tow~ Clerk. Dated LONG ISLAND LIGHTING COMPANY Frank C. Mackay Senior Vice Presiient EDWARD M. BARRETT General Counsel for Petitioner 250 Old Counury Road Mineola~ New York -3- © STATB OF NEW YORK ) : SS.: COUNTY OF NASSAU ) ?RANK C. ~OXAY, beingduty sworn4 deposes a/nd says that he is a Senior Vi.ce President of LONG,ISLAND LIGHTING COMPANY, the Pet~tion~r n~ed in the foregoing Petition; that he has read the said Petition and knows the contents thereof. an5 that~the semen,s ~mue m~ .the knowledge, ~f depOr~nt .emoept as to the matters therein s~ated to be alleged on inform~tion and belief, and as t~ those matters he b~lieves it to be true. ~.~ an~ C. Mackay Subscribed and sworn ~o before me this f ~ ~'~day of /~t ~T~, 1982. -/4- RESOLUT!O1~.',. Southold, County of Suffolk, State of New York~ held at of the Board at $3095 Main Road, Southold, New ¥or~, on the tSth day o~ May 1982, a majority of the burs of the said Board bein~ present and voting therefor~ the following preambles and resolutions were duly adopted: a regular meeting of the Town Board of the Town of the -~' ~FHEREAS~ Long Island Lighting Company has been furnishin~ as to the Town of Southold and its ' ~ ~ ~ - - mnnab~an~s unmer and eursuant to various franchises and ~ ~ he .~ _ consents ~ retofore ~ranted by the Town Board of the Tow~ of Southotd: and WHEREAS, Long !sland ~m~htmng n~ ~' ' -' ' ~mpa~j ms now the only }erson, firm or corporation supplying gas ~ithin the municipal territory of the Town of Southold~ and ~T~REAS, the franchise held by Lon~ Island Lighting has expired, and the said Long Island Lighting Company is arous of continuing vo furnish sas to the said Town of Southold its inhabitants, and has made ap~iication to the Town of athold for a ~as franchise fop a period of ninety-nine (99)-years ~EREAS~ a notice of ~ubiic hearing on the applications or said gas franchise has been duly given by publication in the fficiat newspaper of the Town of Southo!d a~ least ten (10) daps fcre the said oub!ic hearin~ was held on ~ay 4, 1982~ purs~anv to the applicable ~rovisions pf the Town Law of the Stave of New York; and © the opinion t~at such a gas fra_nchis~ should be verms and ~con-ditions-hereinafter s ~ e~ forth~ granted on the ~0~ ~HERENORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Town Board County? .N~e~ York, doe.s hereby erow~isions, of the Town Law of ~ala~nd Lil~atiN~g Company, a gas and electric corporation ~rg~nized an~ existing under .~he Trana_eortation Co~por~ens~L=~ o~ the State of 'New Y~ork,. irs s. uccessors and-assigns, ~h~ ri~Gt, fran- '~h~se; parmiss}on and consent for the use of the str~eets, highways a~enuss~ lanes and other public ~laces or any parr thief;eof, or the space above or under them, or an~ of them: in the Town' o.~ S.outhoid which are now or may hereafter be authorities ef said Town, and LiShting Company~may exercise the of the Town of Southold~ uf~ol~ grant, pursuant ye the apelicable the State of Mew Yo.rk, under the convPol of the munici- hereby consents tha~ Long island Dowers se~ forth in s=md _~ns- franchise, all for a date of this' resolution. be subjecv vo such reasonable the Town Board; (2) all pipes~ zmxvu~es shall be installed and manner; and (3) the said Long ~ortation Corporations-Law, as and for a period of ninety-nine (9~) years from the provided that (i) such powers shall regulations as may be prescribed by mains, conduits, appuruenances and maintained in s proper workmanlike island Lighting ~ - sha~ ay all times i ~m ~, ~ ~ompany '' nd~_~n~y and save h~rmiess the said Town and the members of the said Town Bcard ~rom and a~ainst any and all actions, suits, dama~es~ cosvs, ~ ~ of the ~aso~. location and maintenance of the svreets, highways, avenues,~:~ }r by reason of any act done or omitted charges and expenses by of its facilities in any and cyber public places, -2- to be done by further, that shall it become Commany, within shall file its Town. said Lon~ island Lighting Company; anl provided this consent shall not be deemed exclusive, nor effective unless and until Long island Lighting sixty (60) days from the date of this resoluticn written Acceptance thereof with the Clerk of the IN WZTNESS WHEREOF, the members :f the Town Board of the Town of Southoid, County of Suffo!k~ State of New York, con- sisting of ~LLZ~2~ R. ?ELL, Supervisor and JOHN J. NiCKLES, LA~YRENCE ~. MURDOCK, JOSEPH L. TOWNSEND, and FRANCIS J. MURP:~, RAYMOND W. ED?~ARDS. Town Justice Town Councilmen~ave hereunto affixed their respective signatures and the Town Clerk has attested the same and affixe~ the seal of the Town hereto, this 18th d~y of May, ~982. (Town Seal) Townsend ATTEST: )/~u~it~ T. Terry, Town ~erk Raymon~ ~. Edwards, Town Justice -3- JUDITIt T. ~[E Rt~Y REGt STRA Pc OF V~TAL Sq'A 1'I STICS OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Soathotd; New York 11971 TELEPHONE (516) 765-180t May 20, ~1.982 Ma. Perry D. Hatch, Senior Negotiator Rea! Estate Long Island Lighting Company 1650 Islip Avenue Brentw0od, New York 11717 Dear Mr. Hatch: Transmitted herewith are four executed copies of Resolution of the Southold Town 'Board granting a 99 year gas franchise to the Long Island Lighting Company. Please send this office a completely executed copy of .the Petition and Resolution after it has been signed by Mr. Mackay. Very truly yours, Judith T. Terry Southold Town Clerk Enclosures (_4) 'TOWN 0F SOUTHOLD 'SUPFOLK COUNTY, h[EW YORK In the Ma~ter of the Petition af LONG ISLAND LiGhTING COMPANY for %he grantdng by the Town Board of a gas franchise pursuant To the provisions of the ToWn Law of the State of New York. TO ~HE HONORABLE TOWN BOARD OF T~E TOWN OF SOUTHOLD X : PET_TTION Petitioner, LONG ISLAND LIGHTING COMPANY, hereby makes applicatiun for the granting by she Town Board of a gas franchise pursuant To the applicable provisions of the Town Law }f the State of New rorko In supporv of this appiieation, Petitioner s~a~es: Petitioner is a gas and electric corporation orEanized and existing under and pursuant to the Transportation Corporations Law of the State Df New York~ and has its principal o~=mc~ at 250 01d Country Road, Mineola, Petitioner was incorporated on Decem2eer vo p~oduce and sell gas and electricity, Nassau County~ New York· 31: 1910, with authority and the Term of its corpora:e existence is perpetual. 'i by The municipal authorities The gas franchise heretofore granted to Petitioner of the Town expired on June~ 1980. and its time. 3. Petitioner has been _.u_nmshLng gas ~o the Tow~ inhabitants for many years and does so a~ the presenv © O ~. Petitioner is the only person, supplying gas within the municipal l:erritory [ Southold which is under th.e jurisdiction f rm or corporaumon of the Town of of the Town B~oard. 5. Petitioner desires To receive the formal consent of the Town Board to continue vo serve gas for a long term in all areas of the Town under the jurisdiction of the Town. Board. [~HEREFORE, you~ Petmtl:ner respectfully requesvs the Town tSoa,_a, after ,due publication of notice ~ad hearing thereon~ by appropriate resolution, To grant, pursuant to the Town Law of tl~e S¢ate of ~-ew York> To Long Zsland Lighting Company, a gas and electric corporation organized Transportation Corporations Law of to its successors and assigns, and consent for the use of the and other public places or any or under them, or any of them, and existing under the the State of New York, and the right, franchise, permission szreeys, highways, avenues, lanes part Thereof, or the space above in the Town of Southold which are now or may hereafter be under the control of the municipal · authorities of said Town and to consenv that Long Island Lmgn~zn~ Company may exercise the powers set forth' in said Transportation ' Corporations Law, as and for a gas franchise, all for a period of nmneoy-nmne (99) years from the date of the resolution~ provided that (1) such nowers shall be subject to such reasonable regula-' mains, conduits, appurtenances and fixtures shall be instal!ed and maintained in a proper workmanlike manner~ and (3) that the said Long Island Lighting Com~any~ shall, at all times, indemnify the said Town ~nd the members of the said Town and save harmless -2- Board erom and a~ainst any a~d'g!! actions, su ~s, damages~ costs,: charoe and expenses by reason of the location and mainvenance of ~ its facilitias in any of 5he s~reevs~ highways, avenues, lanas and[ other public places, or by reason of any act done or omitted To se done tn the premises by said Long Island Lmontmng Company; and provided further, that This consent shall nov be deemed exclusive nor shall it become effective unless and until Long Zstand Lighting ComPany,. with~n.s~xvy~ (60) days from the da~e of ~e resolution, shall file its written A¢cepvance thereof with the ~owm Clerk. Dated LONG ISLAND LIGHTING COMPANY By. Frank C. Mackay, SenioF Vice President ED~fARD M. BARRETT General Counsel for Petitioner 250 01d Country Road Mineola, New York © STATE OF NEW Y~K ) : SS.: COUNTY OF NASSAU FRANK C. MACKAY, being duly sworn, deposes and says that n~ is a Senior Vice PPesiden~ of LONG ESLAND LIGHTING COMPANY, the Petitioner named in the foregoing Petition: that he has re~d the said Petition and knows the contents thereo.f~ -an'd that ~he same is true to the knowledge of depon~ent except ~as t.o the matters therein stated to be alleged on information and belief, and as to those matters he believes it To be true. Subscribed and sworn to i~be~ore me this day of 1982. Frank C. Mackay ~ESOLUTION,: At a regular meeting of the Town Board of the Town of i'$outhold~ County of Smf_,olk, S%at, e of New York~ held at the Offise !iof the Board at 53095 Ma±n R~oad, Sout~hold. New York, on ghe tSth day of May, 1982, a majority of the mem- bers of tKe said Board being present and Toting therefor, the ~oltowing preambles'and resolutiDna were duly adopted: various franchises and consents heretofore granted by the ~REAS~ Long Island Lighting Company has been furnishing the Town'oF Southold and its inhabitants under and puusuan~ i TO~ the Town Df Southoll~ and iiBoard of WHEREAS, Long island Lighting Company is now ~he only ~person, firm or corporation supplying gas within the ?territory of the Town of SouYhold; and municipal ~,~HEREAS~ the franchise held by Long Island Lighting ~Company has expired, and the said Long Island Lighting Company is ~desmrous of continuing to furnish gas ~o the said Town of Southo!d ~and its inhabitants~ and has ~outhold for a gas franchise %~4EREAS~ a notice iifor said gas franchise has been ~uly given official newspaper of the Town of Southold ~before the said vublic hearing was held on i~11 pursuan~ to the applicable provisions of the !~tate of New York; and made application vo the Town of for a period of ninety-nine (99) years ~f public hearing on the applications by publication in the ay least ~en (10)days ~ay 4, 1982~ Town Law of the © ~E~, the Town Board of the ~s~id To~n of Southotd ~is of the opinion that such a gas franc~kise should be granted on the I terms and conditions hereinafter set forth; County~ NO,F, THEREPORE~ BE That the To~ Board New York~ does hereby ET RESOLVED, of the Town of Southold, Suffetk grant, pursuant to the applicable provis~ons of t~e Town Law of the Stave of New York~ to Long ~sland Lighting Company, a gas and electric corporation crganized and existing ~nder the Transportation Corporations Law of the Sta~e of New York, its successors and assigns, the right, fran- chise, permission and consent for the use of the streets, highway~ avenues, lanes and other public places or any parv thereof, pr the space above or under them, or any of them, in the Town of Southotd which are now or may herea_oer be under the control of the munici-~ ~ ~ pal authorities of said Town, and hereby consents that Long Island ! Lighting Company~may exercise the powers set forth in said Trans- po_~atmon Corporations Law, as and for a franchise all for a period of ninevy-nine (99) years from the ~ate of this resolution; provided that (1) such powers shall be subject ~o such reasonable regulations as may be prescribed by ~he Town Bcard~ (2) all pipes, ¼ mains, conduits, appurtenances and fixtures s~all be installed and maintained ~n s proper workmanlike manner~ and (3) the said Long Island Lighting Co~any shal5 at all times indemnify and sa~e harmless the said Town and the members o~ the sa~d Town Board from and a~ainst any and all actions, suits, damages, cosvs, charges and .expenses by reason of the location and maintenance of its facititZes in any of the streets, highways~ avenues, lanes and other public ptaces~ or by reason of any act done or omitted -2- O O to ba done by said Long island L±ght~n~ C~pany~ and pr?vided further, that this ~onsenv shall nov be deemed exclusive, nor shall it become efiectlve unless and until Long Island Lighting Company, within sixty (600 ~ays ~rom the date o~ this resolution shall fiZe its w~itte'n Acceptance thereof with the Clerk of the Town. IN WITNESS ~K~EREOF~ the members of the Tbwn Board Of the Town of Southold, Codnty of Suffolk~ State of New York,'~c6n- sis£ing of ~LLIAM R. FELL, SupervisoT and JOHN J. NICKLES, LA~FFHENCE ~. MURDOCK, JOSEPH L. TOWNSEND, and FRANCIS J. MURPHY, RAYMONI) W. EDWARDS, Town Justice Town Councilmen/have hereunto affixed ~heir respective signatures ~ and the Town Clerk has attested the same and affixed vhe seal of the Town hereto, this day of 1982. (Town Sea[[) William R. re!l, Supervis. or man ATTEST: / Judit~ T. Terry, TowyOle~k louncilman Edwards, Town Justice -3- PUBLIC REARING SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD MAY 4, 1982 3:00 P.M. IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF LONG ISLAND LIGHTING COMPANY REQUESTING THE GRANTING OF A;~Si~NCHISE FOR 9'9 YEARS. Present: Supervisor William R. Pell, III Councilman John J. Nickles Councilman Lawrence Murdock, Jr. Councilman Francis J. Murphy Councilman Joseph L. Townsend, Jr. Justice Raymond W. Edwards Town Clerk Judith T. Terry Town Attorney Robert W. Tasker SUPERVISOR PELL: The application of Long Island Lighting Company for proposed use of Town roads for gas lines will be read by Councilman Murdock. COUNCILMAN ~URDOCK: "Please take notice that a public hearing will be held by the Town Board Of the Town of Southold on the 4th day of May, 1982 ar the Southold TovmaR~ll, Main Road, Southold, New York at 3:00 o'clock P.~. of said day upon the matter of the application of Long Island Lighting Company requesting the granting of the right, franchise, permission and consen~ for the use of the streers, high- ways, avenues, lanes and other public places or any perm thereof, or the space above or under them, or any of them, in the Town of Southold, which are now or may hereafter be under the control of the municipal authorities of said Town and to consent that Long Island Lighting Company may exercise the powers set forth in the Transporta- tion Corporation La~, as and for a gas franchise, all for the period of ninety-nine (99) years. Any person desiring to be heard on said mamver shall appear am the time and place above specified and will be given an opportunity to be heard. Dated: April 7, 1982, By Order of the Soulhold Town Board, Judith T. Terry, Town Clerk." Affidavit of ~ublication from Troy Gustavson on behalf of the Suffolk Weekly Times and affidavit of publication by Patricia Wood on behalf of the Long Island Traveler-Watchman end,affidavit from the Town Clerk that the notice was publishe~ on the Town Clerk's Bulletin Board. SUPERVISOR PELL: Thank you, public notice. Does anybody applicant? Larry. You heard the reading of the wish mo be heard in favor of the Page 2 -pub. li~ he~ng - LILCO gas franehis'e O PERRY HATCH; Long Island Lighting Company: I'm here today with my associate Mr. Stilwell on behalf of the application by the company for a renewal of our gas franchise for a period of ninety- nine years. It's a non-exclusive franchise. If you ladies and gentlemen have any questions we're here to help you answer them. SUPERVISOR PELL: Non-exclusive? MR. HATCH: Meaning that any other company that you would recognize could go into business and serve your Town with gas. The ninety- nine year term may sound a little bit long to you but we're trying to snan~ardize all of our franchises at that t~r~mrbecause we feel that ~he company is ~oi~g to remain in business for the forseeable future. We would certainly be willing to compromise on that issue if the Board so felt. The last franchise was granted in 1930 and expired in 1980 and due to an oversight on our part we're a little bit tardy in applying for renewal. SUPERVISOR PELL: The last franchise was for fifty years then? MR. HATCH: Yes. SUPERVISOR PELL: Any questions for the gentlemen? Mr. Townsend. COUNCILMAN TOWNSEND: What is the benefit of a non-exclusive franchise?to the company, to Long Island Lighting Company? MR. HATCH: Well we just feel confident that we will be able serve the Town satisfactorily as we have in the past. COUNCILMAN TOWNSEND: I~see, but if it doesn't preclude competition what is the benefit ~o the company? ~R. HATCH: None whatsoever, it's really a more of a benefit To the Town ahd~.tbathe municipality not to bind them no one company on any particular service. COUNCILMAN TOWNSEND: Secondly, does L~L~@ have any plans to increase its capacity? I know now you are not allowing any new gas installations east of-- MR. HATCH: William Floyd Parkway. That's by ~uhlic Service Commission order due ~o the supply--the supplies coming in from the natural gas companies has been somewhat restrictive. Now, you're probably aware that the administration in Washington wishes to decontrol natural gas prices. If that happens we antic~ipate much loosening up of supply and an increase in supply. At that time it is very likely ~hat the restriction that now exists on further gas connections east of William Floyd will be lifted. We don't know just when. We ca~ anticipate though after the decontrol occurs more supplies will become available. At that time then we would increase capacity as the demand requires, increase our mamns. Page 3 - public he ng LILCO gas franchise COUNCILMAN TOWNSEND: It was my understanding that it was lhe size of the main that had To do with the restriction of new--yon physically cannot carry more gas than you can handle now. MR. HATCH: That's not my understanding. It's a question of supply. SUPERVISOR PELL: Any other comments for the gentleman from /ILCO? (No response.) Anybody else wish to speak on behalf o3 /ILCO? (No response.) Anybody wish to be heard in opposition to the proposed ninety-nine year lease request? (No response.) Anybody wish to be heard at all? (No response.) If not the hearing will be closed. Thank you. Southold Town Clerk 0 © 7U Dldl[t T- TERRY TOWN Ozim~ REGISTRAR OE VITAL STATISTICS OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall, 53095 Main RoM P.O. Box -28 - SouJi~otd, New,York 119:'/1 TELE?~NE (5J~6~ 765-180t April 9, 1982 Mr. Theodore E. Stilwell Real Estate Long Island Lighting Company i650 tslip Avenue Brentwood, New York 11717 Dear Mr. Stilwell: Enclosed.herewiih is copy of the legal notice concerning the public hearing au 3:00 P.N., Nay 4, t982 upon the application of Long Island Lighting Company f'or a gas franchise in the Town of Southold. Very truly yours, Judith T. Terry Southold Town Clerk Enclosure COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ss: STATE OF NEW YORK gatricio Wood, being duly sworn, says that she is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER-WATCHMAN, a punic newspaper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, ~as been published in said Long Island Traveler-Watch- man once each week for ..................... ~'~"/"~'weeks successively, commencing on the ...... ~... ........................ Sworn to before me this ............ .**-~...~.. .......... day of ................... ........... , STATE OF NEW.YORK: SS: C0~YY OF SUFFOLK: JUDITH T. TERRY, .Town Cle~k of the. Towm of SO~tho~d, New~ York, being duly sworn~ says t'h~t she is o~er the age of twenty-one years; that on the 9th day of , she affixed a notice of which the annexed printed notice is a true copy, in a proper and substantial, manner, in a most public place in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, to ~it:- Town Clerk Bulletin Board. Town .Clerk Office, Main Roa~, Soathold, Ne~v York. t197I PUBLIC HEARING - Application of Long Island Lighting Company for a gas franchise. 3:00 P.M., May 4, 1982. Sworn to be before methis 9th day of April t982 -- ~- Notary Public/ - ni~TARY PUSUC, State 0~ NeW NO. 52.8125850, Suffolk T~m Expires ~r~ / LEGAL NOT.ICE NOTICE OF HEARING PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that a public hearing will be held by the Town Board of the Town of southold on the 4th day of May, 1982 at qhe SouthOtd Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York at 2:00~ O'clock P.M. of said day upon the matter'of the application of Long Island Lighting Compan~ requesting ~he granting of the right~ franchise, permission and consent for th6 use of the streezs, highways, avenues, lanes and other publiC'places or any part thereof, or the space above or under them, or any of them, mn the Town of Southold, which are now or may hereafter be under the control of the municipal authorities of said Town and to consen~ that Long Island Lighting Company may exercise the powers set forth in the Transportation Corporation Law, as and for a gas franchise, all for the period of ninety-nine (99) years. Any person desiring ~o be heard of said matter shall appear at the time and place above specified and will be given an opportunity to be heard. DATED: April 7, ~982 BY ORDER OF THE SOUTROLD TOWN BOARD J[~ITH T. TERRY, TOWN CLERK PLEASE PUBLISH ONCE, APRIL OF PUBLICATION TO JUDITH T. HALL, ~IAIN ROAD, SOUTHOLD, 22, 1982, AND FORWARD ONE AFFIDAVIT TERRY, SOUTHOLD TOWN CLERK, TOWN NEW YORK 11971. The Long Island Traveler-Watchman The Suffolk Times Long Island Lighting Company ~h~o~e ~YtS~ilwell Town Board Members Town Clerk's Bulletin Board Copies to the following on April 9, 1982: