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HomeMy WebLinkAboutLiebowitz and Associates ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS MAR~AGE OFFICER RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM 0F~ INFORMATION OFFICER Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-6145 Telephone (516] 765-1800. OFFICE OF THE TOVe~N CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD THIS 15 TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION WAS ADOPTED AT A iREGULAR~ MEET:lNG OF THE $OOTHOLD TOWN BOARD HELD ON AUGUST 17. 1999: RESOLIVED that the Town Board of the Town of $outhold hereby authorizes Super.visor Jean~.W.,~:~Cochran. to execute an agreement to retain the services of the [-aw Firm of Leibowitz and Associates for the purpose of providing legal and consultant services and assistance on~.cabe. TV~franch~se renewa issues, all in accordance with the approval of the Town Attorney. Southold Town Clerk August 17. 1999 RESOLUTION - AUGUST 17, 1999 ~Attorney aH in: ~f the law firm of services EL~ET~ A. TOWN REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS MARl%IAGE OFFICER I%ECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER I~EEDOM 'OF Ir-IFORMATION O~'~1C~ER Town ILall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-1823 Telephone (516) 765-1800 OFF~CE OF Ttq]~ TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD December .22, t999 Matthew L. Leibowitz, Esq. Leibowitz & Associates, P.A. Suite 1450 Suntrust Internatlona] One Southeast Third Avenue Miami, Florida 33121-1715 Dear Mr. Liebowitz: Enclosed please find the executed copy of the agreement between the Town of Southold and Leibowitz & Associates, P.A. for providing legal advice with respect to cable and telecommunications issues to the Town of Southold. Thank you for your assistance. Very truly yours, £hzabeth A. Newlle Southold Town Clerk Enclosure :12/'1U99 12: 2 P.102/005 SOU r£{OLD ( "Towq"), (Tike '~'LrmT). Tku L~w Fimx is a~;;a~'~b~ to prdv~dc to the TOWr~ legal advice witk respect tO [¢lcx;orn~3umcation~ ~ssu;s..~, gcll~r~, s~k se~i~s mclu~ but mc not lmt~;o~n~o~g:npw sa~el~t~ m~t~ ~d rower). ~a~ ff~c~se a~e~m~rs, n~otiating tower t~cal ~d ~ial compU~c~ au~ts; ~ repmscntm5 m~c~p~fies The Firax shall, m geUeral, provide,l~e~ serwc~s,to th~ Town m connection w~th cable and tclecommunicat"ons at thc bh:r~ded hourly rat¢!o,fTwo Hu~drexi Dollars ($200~,,0,,0). ~6r all attorney . time (Opt/on A). ln'd~e 'alternative, at the(Towns option, the Firm, as'Oplion ~B will provid~ such scnrtccs at thS. Fi.rm,,s c,m'rcm ho~rly rates tbr individual attorneys listed below. Matthew L: L¢ibowi[z Joseph A~ ~ekSle ;oret S uior paralegal - juniOr paralcgal $ 400 320 250 250 120 .90 6S We review and adjunct our fcc strucmz, o armuall¥, lit addition to ~,rL~ibowilz & Associates s'l~l bc cn titled to payment of all out of pocket expanses and recurs me~ mcl~, without lum~o% ira e! outside of Mtami-Dad¢ County. ~Flodda, long distance telephon¢ calls, air ~xpress charge% printing and hand-delivery. Photocopies are the rate of twenty,five ceu~s ($0-25)per copy and facsimile transmissions are billed at two dollaxs ($2 00)-per page- Retni~,,g of outsidc,professiO 'rals, including but riel ]irnited to, month ,,~ ill bc cha~gexl on m.uomm.t~s due und ppa er.< and.. propcny £o ._.~whicn you,~c . ~tlcd .~d ~ch,wc.~ pb~ m. gchva, and. coop~m~ wkh co~sel:subsequ~ly cmployad to cns~u uhat 70ur ~eres~. wilt not b~ preju~ced disconfiuua~c. [~n~c~sa~, we ~11 umploy co[lecdon se~'iccs .re ,caste pak.mor ofovurdu~ acco~ts, wtdch.~hall:be'lujgat~d ~cl~i~el~ i~ tl:e appropriate state co~.hav~ subject matter Either~v~;~g~t~inate,~s-~e~ueat ~i~lOut Cause ~4~':~ (3) ~y~ prior ~ rctumm& iLto our office,. Sincerely, ~.Mattb~W L. Lef. bowitz, gscj..