HomeMy WebLinkAboutGreenport Village Lght & Pw o~ November ~ i9~ by a~d b~w~sn the ~iti~e of ~en~or% ~ November loth ~ 1960~ par~y of ~ha ~eoond p~$~ cf Ur~io~ ~ee ~choot Distrlc~ ~o. 10~ To¥~ o~ ~ou~hold~ 5~ffolk publish~ D~i~r ~o ~b~ d.a~ ~f $~e he~ia~ l~ ~h~ official new~ 10th ~a~ ef November ~ 1980~ ~d ~h~r~of ~m ~o ~h~ looation of D~I~s, oondui~ g~s and e~her s~n~ ~e F~i~ agre~ %o ff~-ai~t~ power for s~r~-e~ ii~r~ing COUNTY OF SUFFOLK STATE OF NEW YORK V~alter B. Gagen, being duly sworn, says that he is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER - MATTITUCK WATCHMAN, a public news- paper printgd at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the annexed is ct printed copy, has been published in said~ Lang [~[and Trave!?r-MattitacK Watch- man once each week for ..~. ~'~_~..~-- .. successively, commencing on the .............. 4;z/.../... ........... day of ......... .~...~; ....... 19....~.-..~ Sworn to before me this ........ ~.......~.. ...... day of ......... .... ............ N;taey Public¢' ..... ~" Commission Lxp[res March $0, Lgf NINBEES OF PUBLIC B~_~%RING TC~N BOARD, TUrN OF_ SOL, HOLD NOVE~Ba~ lO, 1960 ~PRESENT: S~Dervisor Hemry H. Tuthilt (presidI~g) Ceumcilmam Louis ~I. Demares% Justice ef %he Peace Henry A. Cl~.rk Justiee of the Peace Ralph. T~thill Town Gl~rk Albert Ac Richmond Towm A%~%o~aey Robert Tasker U~llage Attorney Stamt.ey $. Corwim Village Trustee George ~imps~m Village Trustee Jo~m S. ~herwoed Village Clerk Harry Beli~g A ~ublie heari~g, en the question of granting a franchise te ~he ~il~ ef~ Gr~emp0r~ ~r %he ~es~ e~ imstallim~ a~d malm~ tslni~g electric lisht alit ~wer li~ee was held e~N~emher lO, 1~60, a~ 7~30 p.m. in the Buparvis~r's Office, Vi!la~e Hall, 16 ~t~ee%~, Greempo~%~, New, ~k~ the h~i~ eden amd res~ the fellSwi~g NOTICE: i~ hereby glve~ that a public hearing will the Supervisor's 0£fice~, 16 Se~th Street, New Y~rk, om '~ loth ~y of November, 7:30 p~m. p~ilin8 time~L em the question ~ franchise to the ~i~mge of ~ee~pe~ , ~ghwmy~ ~d ~blic p~ees or ~em er the~sp~ces~bove or u~der them for i~stalling and ~i~t~l~lm~ electric lines i~ so mu~ ef the tow~ as is the bound~ies 0f the Umien Free ~er l~, T:o~ ~ff Beuthold, ~olk New Y0r~. A copy o~ the p~eper conse~ im i~ 2he ~ffice of the Tow~ Clerk, whe~ it ~ 0~D~ OF THE. TO~N BOARD. ~ted: Seutheld, New York October 25, 1960 A!ber~ ~. Richmond TO~ Clerk" Supervisor ~uthill s%at~ that he had a~ affida~it fPem the ~ews~per, signed, ~y ~alter B.. Galen, stating that this ~o~ice wae published o~ the 27th day af 0traDer. SUP~VISOR TUTHILL: Is there a~ybedy herewho wishes te be heard? ~oi h~ ~. wh~ I m~ e~ another occasi~m, i do~'~ t~nk it is ne~asa~ for me to ~pre~en~ any ~tendad remarka. I ~o~d like, I t~mk t~t the Boa~ ~hould ~m ~o~iEh¢ so~ely upon t~e que~t$~~ ef whether ~r ~at i~ i~ i~ t~ i~ta~¢ ef the p.e~ple who_re~ide ~ this School District tha~ this f~m~ohise ~o~:ld be c~a~ity of ~he Vi~a ~ p~ovide t~ ~e~ice, the matter of whether left to. ~e Public ~erviee Co<,~:nissic~, h~i~gs cc the ability of the applicant ~e~ce~sity for furnishing them, etc. which holds extensive to fur~ish ~er~Ices, the Before ~e can de ~ythi~g, we will h~ve. to secure fv_~ther consent from the Ccmmis~io~ to service the ~rea. They also go i~to the Guestion ef investigatin8 v~rieus mspetts of the service which is to. be furnished and ~:hether or not one, or maybe ~wo other utilities ~re b~st able to serve the mrez i~to which it is desired tha~ the service be extended. Ia m mot sure, because of the difficulty of ex~ml~i~ the records~ Just exactly whm% action this Bo~rd h~s takem iR the p~st ~ithrezloect to the franchise, but I believ~ you may have al~emdy 3 he~h ~ ~d ~lect~ri~i.~y in ~he. entire ~o~s2Lip~. At ~me ~me:~ ~he ~ ~e~ w~ch we now so. ice a~ w~ we have .no hope~ of being a~le to co~ete wi~h Lo~8 Isl~n~ Li~timg Oe~y w~r~ they are alone the ~1~ mind se~th re~ds, t~ still ~e ~ems in the School Di~triet wh~e ~e eou~ e~emicmlly ~te~ ~r lines which may ~eed, im the f~t~e, services which we wi~ he mhle. to su~ly. The~e mre ~ ~ores~ ~ vac~ ~nd. some weed i~nd, some fm~ l~d~ some ma~h tm~d., where ~ere ~e ~o public ~a~ ~t present., b~t whe~, as~ ~e ~es~ o~ su~visie~, it is conceivable tha~ in the future there will be p~blic ro~ a~d where presently there is ~o ~ti~g, or whePe it will ~ impoe~ible for L~8 Island Lighting Comp~my t~ c~e i~ wi~ho~b, cross,lng our li~es. It is for that rezso~ ~ur ~pplicatiem ~es some sense and we feel it will be helpful to o~ u~ilitles ~ to people who live in t~t area im tov~ ~here the eitumtien coul~ be m~de to prevail. ~e of the members of the Board are here. t am sorry ~. Momsell is~ not home to infe~ us whether e~ net there are tec~icml quest.lone. ?~e will try to ~swer to the best of o~P ~hility any questions of a generml nat~e which ye~ mmy have. ~ ~'t~l ~u,the ~e~lem ~efe~e~ the ,Bo~d te~lgh~ is ~me ef ~ ~ ~eal ~f ~v~y. I~ is si~y ~a ~sti~em ~f whether or no% you feet i~ wo~ld b~ i~ the ~es~ im~eres~s, ef ~e pu~ic to ~a this service. ~mittedly, if ~u~ ~ked a ~-~bem of fraue~ses ~ch ~y ~,. ~e to extend the Vi~ase be~aries on the ~ne ~ ~e u~d~$~m~d the. caste to be, to ma~. some subdivisions in the a~ t~t ~a~ ~re seekln~ t~ f~chise for. I think %~% you a~wa~e ~ lhe over-~l problem. There isn't ~ny ~ecessity for me So into ~e1 ~ter ~y fur%her i~ detail 8~d, in %he imt~est of sa~g ye~ time~, I am goin8 t~ tu~ i% over %e you simply with repetition of the statement I made t~% we wo~d be ~ad te answer any questions yGu have. !~ DE~S~: I h~ve only e~e q~estio~. You, ~. as a responsible attorney ~epresenting the New York !~, w~d be~ as~Rg ~he Towo Bear~ to consider ~ythi~ mot le5~. Lt to me ~t~ there~ wou~ be soma law prohlbitins ~he T~s~D AP~ ~OE~I~: I thi~ t~e ~hele hi~ s~e~y of ~. s~rt T~ Te~ l~ glve~ ~ s B~ ~e right to~ ~t these fr~hises. ~a~ises ~d ~ene~i~ i~ m~ effert te build ~ the c~try a~d it is ~ D~is of e~ e~enomy, I thi~ ~here are mm~y c~es whe~ t~ ~e ~e~ w~t yo~ might cm~l ~uplic~ing fram~isas wish resDect te~ w~t~, ferry be~t se~ice, g~m ~nd m~ o~t~r ~. I ~ c~lide~t, znd I am zure Bob will be~ me out, ~ere is m~othing i~e~L ~ t~m sit~umtiem a~d if i~ were 8~t~ed fa~erably ~o one could ~y yo~ ~d taken ~ improper actien in any way. ~. T~: i de~'t ~think there is any quee~ie~ but wh~t the TmO~ h~ the right to ~t the f~znchise, ~rdlesz of whether er not we ~a~e m~dy g~nted the fr~ise t~ anoth~ utility, ~nd eve~ ~leng t~t lime I think the zgreem~t which was preps~red ~by the Vil~ge preserves the rights which we might have ~a~ted to any ~tility. ATTO~Y CO~: ~s. ~ the~e~ is going to be tomy eppesi~o~ ~y the ~ther p~y i~ will prebably tm~ pl~ in the Public Semi ce Oomm~ssien. -6- ~, ~RE~,; ~ was the~ e~ly ~e~stlem I ha~ ,- whether or ~ e~ it ~ ~1 1~ $ ~ i~ is, it.'s a. ll righ~ with me. ~ stmteme~ t~o m~k~, ~Ph~ps i~ we~d be ~ ~rd~ ~o ....... ~a~et ~w~e~ e~ ~e~ ~ri~g. It we~d s~e~ they dom~'t ~ve ~y ~te ~DLo~mi~i~ ~ ~ f~mne~; r~r ~ey feel t~ if there is e~e ~t will ceme before ~he Public Semite CO~siem~ The SUPERVIS~E Ti~: Does, ~nyene else wish to ~t this ~me? ~ net, I declare the hea. ri~ cleero.