HomeMy WebLinkAboutFI Ferry Dist & Grebe, RR~CHADB~ GREBE'F res£d'&ng¢ra& ~e 'westerly half of build£ng no. Island, Town of Sou~hotd, south of Whist~e~ AYenu~e, Suffolk Co,unty, N~w York ~ tetmi~ ' 31st d~y o£ p~res~ e,h~ five (~ years t~e ,'lst January uses ~or anicn the Tenant ? Febzuazy 19 94 to~eu~eda~doccupiedon~to~ the, presently occupies sa&d buildA~g upon the conditlon~ and covenaat~ £o;lowing: l~t. ,,~'~-'~' ~en~t ~/~l p.y thc .~n..~ ra~ ~ as foll'ows: One Hundred ($1;00.00) Dollars per month from February 1, 1989 through December ~, 1989'; One Huhdted~Twenty F,~ve Dollmrs per month commencing January 1, 1990. ~,:2m~.~ ~h~t ~n 2'eager sb~l ta~e good:cate ot, tha p~emL~en and abaCI, a~ tAe~ 2*naaatfa own cost amd ezpense ~ a~i :epaJrg end at the end or other expiration, of tan term, etmJ] deliver up the demised premises in good o~da# o# coadttion, damages t~a e]e~nt~ excepted. 3rd. T~t tan Tenet s~1 promp~l~ eze~e ~ com~ w~h ~1 statutes, ordi~ces, r~es,~order$, reg~a~eas ~d ments oi tan Federal, ~tate and Cbca] Governments ~ ol an~ and aH tAeit Depa~ments ~nd ~urea~ p~em~ses, for tile co,faction, prevention, and abatement of a~s~cex ~ o~er g~evance~, Jn, upon, or can~cted premises d~ing said term; and s~all ~$o promptly comply with and execute all r~ez, oYders ~d regulat~ o~ t~e ~ew York Board o~ Fire ~nde~rJters, or any other zimilat bo~, ai the Tenor's own cost and e~p~ze. lease tile p~ae$, or any pa~ ~e~eo~, or make any alteratJo~ ~n t~e premmes, wi~o~ t~e L~dlord's c~e~ ~ writing; or occup~, or permit o; su~e~ t~ s~e to be occupied to; ~ b~Jaess o; p~pose deemed ~sreput~le account o~ fire, ~de; t~e pan.t7 o~ damages ~d [o~eiture, and in tan event o~ a b~6ach ~ereof, t~ term 5~. Tenant m~t give ~lord ~rompg not[ce o~ ~e, ~c~deat, d~age or dangerous or de~ec~ve ~agi~o~ can not be used because o~ ~re o~ prier ca~]~, Tenant Js ao~ required to pay rent [or t~ time tan ~remJses ~e unu~le. part o~ t~e P~emises c~ not fie used, Te~nt must Pa~ r~nt lot t~ u~able pa~t, ~dlord s~] flare ~fle part, o~ t~e PremJs~ is ~]e. ~d]ord need o~X rear tan damag~ st~uctur~ p~ o[ ~e,~emises, L~d]ord i~ nog requital to repair ~t repine an~ equipment, ~res, ~ur~i~g~ or d~orations unieM origiaaH~ J~t~J~ lord i~ not res~nsib]e ~or delays due to se~liag J~u~ce claims, obtaining esti~te~, iabo~ a~ ~]~ ~ro~ems or ~ o~er cause not ~]~ unde~ ~and]o~d's co~ro]. ~[ ~e ~te or ot~er c~ait~ i~ ca~ b~ ~ ~t or neglect o~ TenanC ~enan~s e~p]~ees o~ inv[teea, t~e ~re o~ ca,unity ~e~nt [s Jn deia~t in~ an~ te~ o~ t~is ~ea~, t~en ~1 ~epalrs will~ ~ m~e at Te~ must pa~ t~e ~u]] r~t w~t~ ~o ~jus~ent. ~e coxt o~ t~e ~epaJr~ wJ]l be add~ ~eat. Land[ord ~ the right ~o demo]~s~ or ~ebuffd ~e BuJ]dgng ff t~e~e is substantial damage ~ ~re o~ o~er casualS. Landlord may cancel tAis ~ease w~ ~0 days a[te~ t~e substanti~ ~re or cas~]ty b~ giving ~e~nt no.ce ~ ~andlor~s intentJon to dhmolish,or ~ebuild, 'The Lease Will end 30 da~s; alter ~dlord's cancellation not~e to Tenet. ~enant m~t deliver the Premise$ to Landlord on or ~iore the cancellation date in t~e notice an~ pa~ ~1 rent due to thedate of the ~re or ca, unity. ~[ t~e Lease i$ c~c~lled ~a~dlord is ~ot reqult~ ~o repMr the Premises or Buil&'ng, ~e ¢anceJlation do~ not release ~e~t Of liability ia connection wit~ t~e fire or c~ualty, ~ $~tion i~ iatend~ to ~eplacn t~e ter~ o[ ~e~ ~o~ Rea~ Proper~ Law ~eC~'on 227. the aam~ premises, or any. part thereof, peering the premises 8th~ It he the e~pen~e of Tenant, an7 tie premise.~ ~ in a~d ~bout tb~ th~, premlum~, - g s.hull . Idndwhst~ee~ar at; in or aborn ~ay ~e indicated by the Laud Landlord's representatives shall deem ~lding ~ an~ pa~-~ereof~' ~e Landlor~ · L~dlord'a ex~, whea~er the liahiItty for any damage or t=jar~ to person or property caused ,by nj , les~ or gow trna or into any part pi said buildlng m r whataoeYer rmlesa,aaid damage or injur~ be lawtul for the said Landlord to re The said Tanant ~ereb~ expressly waives the aer~tc, lord's this be a ]Je~ against said premises in respect to an~ mortgages that ara now on or th~ ~ t ~h morgue or mo~gages ~all ~ave pre~erence aec s Jesse, f~es~o~ve of t~e date ~ r~o~Jng and the ~e~nt ~rees to bed~m~ neces~r? o~ desir~le to luther ~ t~ g~o~i~tion of t~i* a~[a refusal to execute s~ ia~ent thai m~tl~ the C~dlo~d, or the Ca~. the o~on of cancelling this lease without incurring a~ expose or damage expr~lX, li~ted rpoe the ~e~t'z part to ~ parroted. ~n t~e eves to transfer the sec~itx to t~e vendee ~or b~ the Tenant from all HabiHt~ ~or the ret~n pt sulel~ Ior the return o~ t~e said sesurit~, and it is agre~ tha made o~ the security to ~a new L~dlord. ~nder t~s ~e s~alI not be ~rtgeged, a~ncd or chambered ~ the ~enant withou premises shall be deserted or vscated~ or H detault b. thereof es herein specified, or if, without the consent of the Landlord, the_ Teuan refault be made ia t~e periormance,~ an~ o~ tie coven~ts ~d agreements · enan~ to be &ept and performed, or J~ t~e Tenant s~I ~aJl to compl~ with an7 of th. ,~ t~e ~ederal, ~tat~ and Cocai Governments or ninny and t~eir Departments f ~u}esus, applicable to s~d premises, or H the Tenant shal~ ~le or there be ~led against Tenant . petition in bankrupt~.,o~ arrangement, or Tenant be adj~icated a bankrupt or make an as~gnment ~or t~ be=e~t o~ creditor: or take advantage o~'~n7 insolvency 'act. the Landlord m~ J[ the Landlord ~o elects at an7 time ther~ter terminate lease and the t~rm heY~ol, 'on giving ~o the ~en~t ~ve days' notice in writing of the L~dlord's ihtention so to do, a~d thi, Inane and the ~rm ~rebf. shall expi~b and come ~o a~ end on the date ~xed in su~ notice as J~ the said date were t~e dst, originally ~xed ':in 't~s 'Jea~ ~or the expiration ~e~L $uc~ noOSe max b~ gxven by mail to the Tenant addressed to permit undertenant~ or other perso~ to do anal'hint in said premises, ~o be brought into said .premisea~r to he kept therein, wMch wilI in ! demised premises, noruse the demised prem~res or any part thereof, nor auffe: purpose wh~c~ would ca~use~an iucrelse iu,;the rste of ~re tnsurance ou said building ;pona strict performance of ncy of the terms, conditions a~d covenants herein shall not be deemed a, wmv~er of any rights o~r;~emedJ~ that the ~andJord m~y k~e, ahd ~1 not be deemed swayer subsequent br~ach or default Jn the terms, cOhditlons andr ~ovenants her~n ~oata~ed. ~s~ iastrment may not be changed modiSed, dlsch~rged or termJnsted orullx. 21 st. Z! the w~ole ~ femised premises shall be a~uired or Condemned by 'Eminent Domain tot an7 ~blic o that evea~ the term of t~s Ieee shall cease and terminate ~rom the date of titl. t ~all ~ve ~o olaim ~nst Landlord for the v~ue,o[ an~ unexpired term o~ said lease 24th. The Tanant waivea ali.r~g~ts.to'redeam undeg auy law ol the State o~ ~[ew York. u nowixe he aEected, impaired or e~c~sod ~ .Z~aadJntd ia , ud shell be d~ to a~dent, ~te~atio~ or ~e~s de~rabie or necess~ to ~ m~e or to i~bility [equi~ to [u~, and t~ Tenant ~1 not be entitled to ~eceive, any ot ~ch "service~" d~i~ en~t ~bai] be ~n deta~t m,~espect to the payment ol teat. ~e~the~ shall there be ~ ~eme~ · ot ma~:~p~rs, ~mp~ove~ent~ ordecotatzons to the de~sed pte~ses ~te:, t~ date sfl~e ~d the ter~; zt bel~ ~od ~at g~nt ~1. ia ~ ~ commence to r~ ~ S~A ~ ~ 27~ L~dlo:d ~h~{l not he llama [o~ faille to give possession ot the premises upon comm~em~t d~e [act that ~r~m~s~ a~e ~ot read~ ,~or occup~c~ o~ be~e a prior Tenant o~ ~' o~e~ p~[son 28th. s~ll ~ve the ~ight to ~ncel ~is I~se ~ ~ 3~st ~y of Janua t~t writt~ nOtice,of such concelJatJ~ other ~irty (30) ~ys pri~ ~ t~. ~d of t~ ~ c~mt yeer of s 29th. In th~. event that the Landlord desires to use the leased promises for airport purposes, t..be Landlord shall have the right to .terminate this lease by giving ninety (90) days; w~Rten notice to the tenant by certified mail, whereupeo this lease~hall terminate n]tmty (90) d~ys from the mailing of such notice. 30tho The ~enant shell procure and keep in orca during the term of this lease, pohcie.s of liabjlity.~urance in the amount of not less than $100,000/$300,000 bodily Injury, incJudingd~th and $25,000 property damage, which said policies shall name the Landlord and the ToW~ of Southold as named insureds. Certificates of such insurance shall be filed wilh the Landlord. ~oresaid. sh~l ~ ma~ peace[~]X ~ q~etIy have, ~o]d an~ enjo~ the s~d demi~d p~e~e~ to~ ~e te~m ~o~d, vided howev~, t~at ~i~ covea~t ~1] be co~tioned upon t~e. reteati~ of title to t~e pre~ae~ ~ t~e ~let~ ~ it ~ mutual[~ unbtr~ob a~ agrttb ~ht the coven.s a~ qreements contend ia ~ wi~ 8ig~d, ~e~ed ~ del~ered F I SHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT By: ~ A. RICRARD GREBE