HomeMy WebLinkAboutDelta Computer MaintDELTA COMPUTER PAGE DELTA compufer motnfenance inc. ' MAI ITENANCE AGREEMENT P~(~ 'Box I [79, Contact: John Scpenoski ;South01d, NTf '11971-0959_. , ,~.~ Telephone Number: (516) 765-1891 Delta Compur~ Malntananc~ Inc. (hes~in 'Delta') with ils principal o~tlc~s at 2 Dubon Ct, Fatndngdale N Y agrees m ptovid~ maiat~nc~ sergi~s for the Cnstomer~s machines, attachraents and features (the ~Fkluipment") .~ On~edute c& he~-~o ~m~ch~i. aid the Cuztomcr agre~s to pay for ~ch se~ices in?ccordance with the folio~tng~imdcbndifiondThe c~$tomer may ~dd or delete Items m Schedule 'A' whic~ w ii t~n be cet~e~:l~ed/in 'an ~greement addendum prey deal by De re. Sa d ~ctdJtion · ~ESERI, qC~· or' cie eden m~y ~ ter l~he month ¥ irlvoic~n9 ~ccocd n§ ¥ Dd.l{h ~gr~s tti, p0antitl~ ~:,da$~ .8 'Houri ~xc~pt for the Police Dept which is 7 d~ys 2a Hours Coverage for mai~'~e, rvic~ (~lfi~h includ~the mpla~emettt of uaserviceable papa) to kecp the Equipment in proper working orck~ allt~ pr~ent location, ri'he se,vices to be pmvlded by Delta will include: A. la~eli/iye maiat~nan~ ona ~hedtfle. d basis. The schedul~l maintenance to be based upon the partiml~~ m~xls'of each l~era o£F. quipmem. B. ~I ~tenaa~:~n aa unscheduled basis, as and when requested hy the Customer_ Mainm~ ~ill ~lutt¢ lubrication, atij , ,u?cnts and replacements of maintenance pans as deemed ,nco~Sary. ~;~i Maint-e~¢~ ~ will be lin'hi,heft on an exchange basis regardless of widen installe& and ·,nll 1~ ~ or atuiVal~n!t, '.o new m performance when used m said machines. C. D~is af pmb[ems~'~'~r~ ar~ng (o ~h¢ prop:r fuuCdoning et'tho Customer's system. Ir'the problem is de~e~ to relate m'so~t o£the system ather tha~ the Equipment. a recommendation v41I he given ~ m~he mann~' Jn ~l~¢h'~h~ problem may be corral. ~ w ' .ddl~na~ z~ndc~, to b~ pmvideit by ~lm s~ not ~clude the following: D. ~g p~ ~ppli~.or a~ or ~n~ng or ~s~ng ~e ~pm~t. ~. ~ ~c c~ or ~ffo~ng ~ in co~on wi~ ~c ~l~don of tl~e ~uipmanL ~8/13/1999 13:49 ~ ~ ~ ~d~ ~ ~mer ~ ~ ~y~g hours of c~ge. 4 B~ ~ f~ ~ ~ ~ a~h~ ~h~e ~ f~ ~nfl~ ~n ~ Such f~s may ~ dmnged by C. ~F~ for a ~ ofa'~Cn~ mon~ ~1 ~ p~ on ~c b~is of a ~ T~ ~on~y.F~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Seh~e A ~ ~ iavoi~ mcn~y, in ~, ~ of ~c fi~t ~y of ~ch m~. F~ ~ ~ ~ ~fi~n to,~e To~ Mon~ly F~ ~11 ~ invoiced ~ of ~ l~t ~y of ~ch ~n~ ~nt ~ ~y iavoi~ ~ duc ~n ~ ~ys of the invoi~ In ~ ~nt~mcr ~ in d~c'~any mo~es duc ~d o~n$ ~ D~I~, C~omcr shall remain ~lly liabl~ for ~lc.~g~ ~ p~d~ by law ~d for all ~as ~d e~n~ ~c~ed Any ~o~ ~'~g~ ~,~pmcnt ~6oas, attac~en~ or f~, ~ listed on Scheme A he.to, ~ ~ ~ ~'opfion.of~ ~ ~ ~us~nt of the f~ payable ~ ~e C~tomer. h ~ ~ ~ ~mc/d~ t0 ~1 ~s ~n~L ~lm a~ m ~b~ ~e C~tomer for ~o~ ~d ~ ~, ~ch ~ ~'~ ~e C~omcr m ~c ~m~r, (or at Del~'s option, ~d in li~ of such ~} ~ ~ ~, ~ of Mv~g ~ch ~pment put into ~ch rendition ~ to ~ a~eptffvie by N~g h~n' mn~ s~ ~ ~ or m~mt~ to ~ a mpr~nmfian by ~1~ ~at ~e manff~t~ of ~~ ~ c~ s~l not apply if~e mnufactumr no longer pro~d~ mintenance . '. ... '.~ : Comp~ Nm a~ ~ m ~'~-~pl~ until ~ o~ y~ ~m ~ ~mfion offs - Cb~or~eHoa~quodem:Two~onCou~,~armiagdaie, NYllT~5 8~ ~5'16) 8~1 )~ * Fax (5t6) ~7225 ~ m~t h~ ¢l~lD~i for e. xpense, s of travel incurl~i by Del~ Field En~n~ during ~e ho~ of ~: ~ARG~ ~ m ~ f~ ~ for in ~ ~cnt. ~o~ ~ to ~y ~xe~ ~awever ~g~t~ ~ ~ ~ on ~h ~ 0t on ~s Ag~mcot or on ~c ~s mnd~ on p~ ~ppli~ p~t but n~ H~ ~ ~ ~d 1~ ~ pfi~egc or ~ci~ ~ ~ on gm~ ~c~ ~d ~y ~ ~ 1~ ~d ~r pay~le to Oel~ wi~ ~ ~o ~e fo~oing, cxclud~g ~xcs b~ on ~ a ~la,~mpl~ s~l ~ffom ~ne~nm or o~em~ re.ir ~ item of equ~pmenq and ~ a ~ ~ ~n~r~ ~ Delta is ~aimd Io ~ore ~e ~pment to proof o~mfing ~m ~I ~ ~ ~fio~ C~ge for ~c~ m~ir or m~nm~m at Detm's applimble time ~d ~ER~ OF.AGREEMENT This Agree~l~ is ~ for a l~/Sm/of one (1) y~ ~m ~e ~n~ ~ d~t~ on ~uJpment ~hed~e ~ ~ ~ m~ auWmfi~ly at ~e end ~h one y~r ~fi~ u~em temimted by either p~y, m ~ ~ ~ (~) ~ys ~. A. '~ ~r ~u~ ~m he is ~ o~er of ~ ~pmenL or ff not ~e o~er, that ~ ~ ~e ~n~ ~ d~ ~ ~y ~u~S ~ond i~ ~n~ol, This Ag~xt, menfi:uz)stlrutc~ the eugm undenuandiag ~n ~e C~tomer ~d Delta roguing ~e ~ ~.~n~m ~ Equipmem ~d it mpla~ any p~o~ ~te~ ag~ment ~th ~-m ~ ~p~nc ~ ~ ~d mndifio~ ~is A~ment s~l p~[ ~ ~e ~'e~t them is ~ ~ ~ ~d ~ ~d ~n~fio~ ~d ~ te~ ~d ~ndifio~* of ~y order mbmitt~ by ~ ~ ~ or'~ m ~ ~n p~t m ~s A~menrs~l ~ in ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~. Nofi~ s~l ~ d~m~ m ~ve ~n ~ven when ]fll~ ~s~'n~ ~ul~ il~ ~ ~2'fol'l*/l~f~ Ole~j of ils obligations under this Agr~meah Delta~ in addifioa to ally l~mt~sti~ it may ~ at law or eq~fity, ma~ terminate this Ags~=ment upon wriRen ~otice of its inten0om TOWN OF'SOL1THOLD BY Jean W. ~ochran.. '. Tl'l'i-~- Suoervisor ' . . DELTA COMPUTER MAINT..INC. BY Jom, , u SlONA k Corpm,affe'l~o~cluorters: Two [Xll:~n Court. Formlngclale, NY 11735 Busine. ss (5'16) 8~5-1~&5 . Fax (516) 845-72'25 : DELTA TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Schedule 'A' LOCATION MFG TYPE *Police Dept. IBM 7208 *Police DepL HP Pro Curve *Police Dept. IBM Fortress *Police Dept. IBM 9406 *Police Dept. FG3 3477 *Police Dept. FC3 3477 *Police Dept. FC3 3477 *Police Dept. FC3 3477 *Police~ Dept. CDO &197 *Police Dept, CDO ~1,97 *Pol~ce Dep£ ODD 31197 ~;oljolice~,Dept. COO 3'197 ~ De~ot. CEO 3t97 MODEL 342 600 DESCRIPTION SIN MMC 8 MM Tape Drive $ 64.00 Hub 24 Port $ 5.00 1.4 KUA UPS $ 8.00 CPU $ 65.00 info Display - 58802 $ 6,00 [nfo Display 32789 $ 6.00 Info Display 55672 $ 6.00 Info Display 78664 $ 6.00 Video Terminal BB787 $ 6.00 Vid_eD Terminal GB144 $ 6.00 Video Terminal DH900 $ 6L00 Video Terminal GB163 $ 6.00 Video Terminal GT401 $ 6:00 TOTAL MONTHLY MAINTENANCE FEE: $196.00 Corporate Headquarters: Two Dubon Court, Farmingdale, NY 11735 Business (516) 845-1155 · Fax (516) 845-7225