HomeMy WebLinkAboutCutchogue Presbyterian ChGREGORY F. YAKABOSKI TOWN ATTORNEY JEAN W. COCHRAN Supervisor Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Telepho~ae (516) 765-1889 Fax (5~6) 765-1823 TO: FROM: DATE: RE: OFFICE OF THE TOWN ATTORNEY TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE, TOWN CLERK GREGORY F. YAKABOSKI, ESQ., TOWN ATTORNE~.~ MARY C. WILSON, ASSISTANT TOWN ATTORNEY,~)~ JUNE 18, 1999 CUTCHOGUE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH-PARKING LOT LEASE TRANSMITTED HJ~REW1TH IS THF~ FULLY EXECUTED COPY OF THE LEASE BETWEEN THE TOWN AND THE CUTCHOGUE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH FOR LEASE OF A PARKING LOT FOR MUNICIPAL PARKING PURPOSES. KINDLY ASSOCIATE THIS CONTRACT WITH THE APPROPRIATE FILE. THANK YOU FOR YOUR ASSISTANCE. BETIarEEN CUTCHOGUE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Main Road, Cut~h°gue, New York ~ Landlord and TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, a municipal corporation of the State of New York, lnavlng ils principal Place of business at 53095 Main Road. Southold, New York, as Tenant ~tr~£t~'~ The Landlord hereby leases to the Tenant the £ollowin¢ premises: All that certain and paFce~ of ]and sit,ate. ~Ying and being on tba north side of New York RbUta 25 at Cu~ch09ue. N~w York. Shown and d~sJgnated op th~ Surfelk Qoua~y , Sargon 109, Block 2, Lot 17; being the blac~ topped parMng :~ar o~ the Presbyterian Church, together with the use ~ the blacktop fford[ng a~ess thereto to Highland Road, said premises being outlined on thff~ap a~tached hereto and made part hereof. f~rthe~e~o~ FIVE (5) YEARS to co~ fzom the fi~ day et October 19 98 and to end on the 3,0~h .~7~of September 2003 to be used. and occupied only for ~, Public Municipal Parking Purposes 1 St, tota I That the Tenant shall pay the :amma~ rent ot TEN ($10.00) the execution hereof. upon the conditions and covenants £olIowing: DOLLARS to be paid in full upon 2nd. Tha~,the Tenant shall take good care of the premises and shall, at the Tenant's own cost and expense make all repairs and at the end or other expiration'of the term, shall,deliver up the demised premises in good order or condition, damages by the elements excepted. 3r¢1. That the Tenant, sh~]l promptly execute and comply with aH statutes, ordinances, rules, orders, reguIations and req~re- men~ of the Federal, State and Local Governments and oi any and aH their Departments and Bureaus applicable re said premmes d~lng ~ald term: ~ s~aH also promptly comply with and execute aH rules, orders and regulations of the New cause nor t~ly under Landlord's control. ?tho Tho Tenant aIso agrees to t~ermft the Landlord or the Landlord's agents to show t~e pre~,ises to persons wishing to hire or p~rchase the same~ a~d ~e Tenant ~rfhe~ a~rees f~at ~ ~d a{fer t~e six~ mont~, ~t pr~ce~ng the expira~'~n the term hereby gra=ted, the Landlord or the Land]ord'~ agents s~H h~e the right to place notices on the [ron~ of said to rem;i= thezeon wifhou~ hindrance or moIes~affon. ~[h. T~t M the sald premises, .or any p~t thereof s~lI be deserted or become vacant during s~d term, or if ~ defauI~ be w~ves the service o~ an7 no~ce l~ ~t~E o{ ln~ntlon to r~e~er, ~d f~e Tenant ~aH Pa7 at t~e s~e l~e as.the becomes parable ~nder ~e ter~ ~ereo~ a sum e q~ivalen~ to ¢fi e ren~ rese~ed herein, ~d ~e La~dlord m~ re~f f~ on be~alt o~ t~e Tenant, reserving f~e rJE~t ~o rent the P~emises [or a longer pe~o~ o~ ~ime t~an Exed in the ~i~o~fTM ce]ea~ng the ocJg~al ~e~t ~rom any HahJH~, app~i~g any moneys collected, ~r~t to ~e exp~ o~ r~ or other c~rges dee and to grow d~e to the Landlord, ~ s~pl~s tO be paid f~ ~e Tena~; w~ sfial] ~ma~ Hahle ~or de,orkney. 9~. ~a=dIord may replay, at ~e expense o[ Ten,i. ~y ~ aH bro~en ~ass ~ ~d ~bo~t the de,seE pr~ise~. LandIord ~ ~e, ~d ~ep ins~ed, ~ pla~ ~a~ in t~e demised praises ~or ~d i= ~e =~e of Landlord. ~Hls, fo~ ~e premiums ~e~e~or s~aH be rendere~ b~ La~ord ~o ~ena~ at suc~ times as Ladled ma7 elect, ~d shah be due ~ro~, ~d ~aTable ~e said premises ca~sed by the care~es~ess, negligence or improper condect o~ the p~f o[ t~ s~d T~anf or ~he Tenant's ~ ~. The Tenant s~aH =eJ¢~er place, or c~se or allow ~o he placed, ~ s~E~ or sikhs o~ any ~d wha~o~er at, in or a~o~ lord and consented fo b~ the Landlord in writinff. And in case the Landlord or t~e Landlord's representatives shMl deem ]~, That the Landlord i~ exe~p~ ~ro~ ~ ann aH liab~Ht7 ~or any damage o~ ~nj~ to pe~son o~ p~ope~t~ cause~ b~ o~ ~. Tha~ ~ dens,ir be made Jn an~ o~ the covenants ~ereJ~ contaJ~d, f~en if ~l ~e ]aw~ ~or the sa~ Land]orE fo re- precedence and ~e s~perlor and pr~or ~n ]~en o~ thi~ lease, irrespective o~ the ~ate o~ recondite and ~e Te~nt aEree~ ~o ex. 15~. The Tenant has t~s day deposited wJf~ the Landlord the s~m o[ $ as security tot ~e [~l and behest o[ t~e Tenant and the LanElord s~aH be considere~ .released by the Tenant t~om aH HabiHty [or the ret~n of 16~. That the sec~rit~ deposited u~der tflis lease shah notibe momgaged~ asslg=ed or encumbered by ~e Tenant witho~ 17th. It is expre~ly ~nderstood and agreed that in case t~e demised premises s~alI be deserted or vacated, or if de[a~t be modiEed, discharged or termiaated o~ally. I~ th~ ~e~l moves out or i~ disposse~ed and falls to remov~¥~ trade ~xt~es o~ other p~opelty ptlor ~ ~uc~ de~t~ ke~pv~ expiration o~ Ieee, or p~or to ~he issuance o~'t~t ~n~ order or e=c~on of the ~a~ant, ~e~ ~ ~ f~at 'event, ~e s~d ~uteg and property sh~l be dee~ed abandoned by t~e s~d Tenant and shall become t~ property o~ the ~r~ Ia t~e ev~t tha~ the relatio~ oJ the L~dlord and Te~t may cease or terminate by reason oJ the re-entry of the terms and coven~t~ contained in ~ lease or by the ejeccme~t o~ the Tenan ~e a~o~ent ~ the premi~e¢ ~y t~ Tenant, it ~ ~o~t~y pa~m~ 't~e ~ent w~h a~tue~ ~ubsequent to t~e b~ o~ ~ coven~ ~e~e~n cont~neE. ~ ~ec~e~. ~ ~, ~ ~he L~d~ord d~ t~e ~ema~der o~. ~e ~i~eE ~rm, such a~n~ o~ su~ diEer~ce or or coaa~er~la!~ bronght by eithe way connected with t~d*s le~tse~ the Tenant's ~se or occupancy of pr~raiges, and/or any Tenant waives uil rights co redeem uude! any law of the State of New YorI¢. and the obligation of Tenant to pay rent hereunder ~nd per~orm all of the other covenants and p~ormed sh~l in nowise be ~ec~d, impaired or excused because L~dlogd ~7 ~e~ce expzessl7 or impJiedl7 to be ~ppHed or is ~able to ma~e, or deco~atio~ or is ~able to SUpply or is delved J~ sapplyi~ any Landlord is pre.ted oz delayed ~tom so doing by reason o~ governmental pteemption ia co~ec- ~y reason ~ t~e condition of supply a~ demz~d Which h~e been or axe aEected by w~ or ~b 'di'?..inution ~r a§atement o£ rent, or other compensation, shall be claimed or allowed for inconvenience o! dfscom- fort ~risibg from the =:ak~::~r o~ re,rs or improvements to ~e building or to its app~ances, nor [or any space t~en to with~an~.daw, ordinanc . t;~ order of a gov~nmental authority, In respec~ to ~ various "services," if any, herein expressly .o~'J~li~lY agreed to br. [::~=ished ~ the Lan~ord ~o the Tenant, i¢ is a~reed that ther~ ~aH be ~o dlmi=ufion or abatement o~ ~ r~nt-or an ot~er compensation, ~or ~nterr~ption or c~tt~lment o~ such "semite" W~en s~ch interruption or ~}l~e d~e to accident, a~:otaEons or rep.s desirable or ne~ssa~ ~ be made or to inability ar di~cuity in ~c~ing ~g .f~bogY~or t~e maimo=a=ce o~ sR¢~ "service" oz ~o sqme other cause, not gros~ n~glJge=ce on the p~t o~ the ~ ~t~t~rrup~ion or c~:taH:::ent o~ any such 'servlc~" sh~l be d~emed ~ co~ttucEve evictlo=. T3e Landlord ~1 ncr be ~ed'n~o furnish, and :J=e ~en~t sh~l not be entitIed tO receive, a~y o~ ~ch ~serVices" during any period ~herein the ,~t [~ll be in deia¢;~ :n re~pect ~ the payment o~ rent. Neither ~1 thee be any abatement'or diminution ot rent bede ~i~ oJ ~epMrs, improvements or decorations to the demised premises ~tet ~e da~e able fixed ~or the commencemeht ,t~e' term,.Jt be~=K unde:s:~od t~at te~ sh~t. In an7 event, commence to run at s~h date so above ~xed. ,~ ~n~pr~' s~N] not ~e liable ~or ~uil~e to give possesMo= o~ the premises upon commencement date ~y reason ;~gf~ bOS~ssi*n o~ to~ an~ oth~ ~eason The rent shuiI not commence ~til possession is given or is avMlable, but ~. Tena.n~ may plac0 signs indicating tha~ ~he subjec~ property is Town parkin ~o~ Sa~isfyin9 the reqdi~ements set fo~t'h in Paragraph 11. It is furthe~ understood that the Tenan~ will maintain the said parking space proper order without damaoe to othec proper~y of ~he Landlord and will suitably regulate thel use thereof; ~hat i~[ will prohibit paFkin9 in the driveway between Main S~ceet and Sai~ parking space, eFecffn9 any signs which may be necessary for ~hat purpose without expense to ~he Landlord. It is understood'and a~reed ~y and between ~he parties hereto ~hat the Tenan~ sha~ll include the demised premises in the Com~eccia:l Gene~l Liability Policy of the Town of Southold. And he said Landlord doth covenant that the said Tenant on paying the said Yearly rent and performing the covenants atoresaid~ shail and may peace£ulty and quietly have. h0/d and enjoy the said detained premises £°r the term a~Ote sald, Pro; vided however, that this covenant shall be conditioned upon the retention of title to the Premises by the Landlord. ~fll~ it i~ mutua[[~ unbgr~t~ab atl~ agree~ that the covenants and agreements contained in the within lease ~all be binding upon the parties hereto and upon their respective successors, heirs, executors and admiuistratora. ~II ~itlIg~ ~rgO[. the parties have interchange~l~ act their hands ~d seMs (or caused these presents to be Mrnad b~ their'proper corporate o~cers and caused ~eir proper corporate seal to he tie,erg a~xed) this ~]gne~, sealed and delivered CUTCHOGUE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH BY J~n W. Cochran, Supervisor ~ountp of On tile day of ~.9 . before me persona?ly came ~ottnt~ of j' ~.: On the day of 19 . before me personally came to me known, who, be]nfl by me duly sworn, d~d depose and sa~ that be resides at No. that be i s the of Z Z 0 U U ~H ~-OHgi~E~t{OH o~ the lettinfl o~ the premJses within menffoned to the within named Tenant and ~e sm ot ~H ~ ~r~O[, the ~derMgnad ~a set h~d ~a sen ~s dar o~ WITNESS tt- U