HomeMy WebLinkAboutBarker, Robert A~, made ~is 7th d~y of April, 1982 between ROB~ BARKER, residing at Lupron Point, ~ttiL~-k, New York, and ~he TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, a manicipal co_~poration with office and principal place of business, at the Town Clerk's Office, (no #) Ymin Road, Southold, New York. ~I~I~EAS, the TOW1B is acquiring premises which adjoins the wesnerty side of pr~ses owned by BARKER located on the West. side of Love Lane, together with a 10 foot right of way along the sout!~erly side of BARKER's pr~ses for pedestrian access no Love Lane; and ~2tEAS, BARKER cts~.~ a right of way along the southerly side of his premises to Love Lane; and WHEREAS, the TOWN intends to install a public parking lot on the premises being acq~red and a pedestrian walkway along the 10 foot right of way; m~d WHEREAS, BARKER is agreeable to releasing tlis right of way to Love Lane in exchange for a right of way over the propertyh~ing acquired by the TOWN to Sound Ave~ue. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration o~ ONE and 00/10~ ($1.00) DODIAR and other good and valuable consideration, the parties agree .ms follows: 1. The TOWN OF SOUTHOLD hereby grants to BARRER, his successors a~d .assigns, a rig~ t of way for ingress and egress to Sound Avenua over the premises described in Scherzi e A hereto. 2. BARKER hereby reteas~s any claim he may have to the right way along the southerly sid~ of his premises rur~ing to the West side of Love Lane, Mattit~ck, New York, as described in Schedule "B" hereto. ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, situatej lying and bein? at Matti~uck, ~n the ~ of Southotd, Co~n~ of Suffo3dc and State of Nm York, being more ~ticularly boLmded and descz~ed as foltc~s: ~EC~Nr, qG mt a point cn %he westerl~v side of Love L~ne distant the folto.~ing t~o (2) courses and distances fzul~: the corner formed by ~he intersection of the noz--dnerly side of Sold Avenue and the westerly side of Love Lane: (1) North 17~ 57' 20'~ West 64.37 feet; thence (2) North 32° 00' 00" West 131.41 feet to ~le soutl~easter~y corner of i~nd of Barker. ~rom said point of beqinning~ rLYming Sou~h 58~ 25' 00~f Wes~ 70.00 feet to a mon%~aent; thence South 32© 00' 00': East 10 feet; thence ~o_~ah 58° 25' 00" East 70 feet to the westerly side of Love Lane~ thence Nor~2~ 32° 00' 00" West 10 feet to the point or place of ALL that certaJ_n plot, piece'or parcel of land, situate, lying and being at ~ttituck, in the Tcwn of Southold, Comity Of Suffolk and State of New Yo~k, being more particuis~ly bounded and described as follows: B~Tag/NG at a point cn the northerly side of Sou~d Avenue, distant the foll~ing b~o (2) courses and distances from t~he co,er forr~d ~7 the inter~section~ of the northerly side of So~d Avenue and t~he' wester~5~ side' of 'Love ~e: (1) South 74° 03' 00" West 87.34 feet; (2) South 79° 44' 10" West 29.65 feet. Frc~ said point of beginning, _running thence atca9 the no~d~erly side of SOL~d Avenue South 79~ 44' 10" West 24.07 feet; thence Nort~h t4~ 41' 40" West 183.02 feet; ~hence North 56° 39' 50" Eas~ 25.03 feet; thence Sou~h 32° 00' 00" East 61.37 feet; thence South 58~ ~6; 40" West 18.81 feet; thence Sou~h 14~ 41' 40" F~st 128.73 feet to ti~e point or place of BEGI~iNG. heirs, successors and assi?ns. ~nis agreement shall be binding upon t~he parties, their Robert Barker The T~n of S~_~E~ OF I%~ YO~K) GDL~IY OF S~O~) SS: ~ ~e ~ ~y of ~ril, ~82, before ~ ~s~al~ ~ to ~ ~ ~ be ~ ~vid~l d~ ~ ~d who exerted Lns~t, ~d ac~ledg~ ~t he ex~e s~. ~ -~e ~ ~ of.~r~, ~82, before ~ ~s~alty ~ ~///2~ , ~'~ '~, who, ~g by ~ d~y ~, ~d. d~ ~ say ~t he ~ ~e ~~ of ~e ~ of ~u~old, ~e co~ra~ ~r~ ~ ~d w~ch e~t~ ~e for~g ~s~t; ~t he ~s ~e s~l of ~id ~ra~on; ~t ~e s~l aff~ ~ said ~t is su~ ~rate s~l~ ~t i% was so af~x~ by ord~ of the ~d~ of ~r~rs of ~d ~ra~on, ~d ~t he si~ h/3 n~ ~bv 1~ ord,. no~ p~ ~c ~OTA~Y PUBLtC, S~te ~f N~w No. 52-3933725, Suffol~ Term Excms ~a~ch 30, 1982 REOFJVEB. REA[J ESTATE APR 1~ 19~2 TRANSFgR -~AX SUFFOLK COU~