HomeMy WebLinkAboutTB-08/13/2003-FISOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD REGULAR MEETING August 13, 2003 1:30 P.M. A regular meeting of the Southold Town Board was held Wednesday, August 13, 2003 at Fishers Island School, Fishers Island, New York. Supervisor Horton opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag at 1:30 P.M. Present: Absent: Supervisor Joshua Y. Horton Justice Louisa P. Evans Councilman John M. Romanelli Councilman Thomas H. Wickham Town Clerk Elizabeth A. Neville Town Attorney Gregory F. Yakaboski Councilman William D. Moore Councilman Craig A. Richter SUPERVISOR HORTON: Let me start off by welcoming you all to the annual Southold Town public meeting on Fishers Island. I would like to first start by thanking a number of people that really pitched in and made this happen, flawlessly thus far. First I would like to thank John Jerome, from Town Hall. Joe Corbin, Justice Louisa Evans, Jim Rogers, Don Paleo from Southold Town Justice Department, Melanie Doroski, Joanne Liquori, Ruthanne Woodhull, Jean Shell the Superintendent of Fishers Island School, Mike Imbruglio who is our appointed Emergency Management Preparedness Officer for Fishers Island, a number of people who have stepped forward and provided tours for the guests on the Fishers Island trip here. And everybody else who pitched in, in some way, shape or form. It is one of those things were, when I was captaining the boat everybody said .... the captain received a lot of compliments that the boat was real pretty but everyone knows that it is crew that gets that done, so thanks everybody that helped out. One thing that is real special about this trip, this meeting, is that we have agencies from not only the County and the Town but from the State and various functions of the August 13, 2003 Southold Town Board-Fishers Island 2 Federal government as well represented here. What I am going to do, is I am going to name the offices that are represented and the representatives from those offices, when you hear your office, just please raise your hand so you can be identified by the public should they want to address you after the meeting. To get a chance to speak with you. We have actually 106 people here with us today, but we are going to run through the offices as a whole. First we have the New York State Comptrollers Office represented, we have the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation-actually, I would like to point out that we have a new Regional Director for the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation and that is Mr. Peter $cully. Welcome aboard, Peter, you have been doing a great job for Southold. We also have the Suffolk County Planning Department, New York State Division and Planning Division represented here. We have the Fire Chief Counsel represented; the $outhold Town Planning Board is here. We have representation from the District Attorney's Office; we have $outhold Town Accounting and Finance Department, the Comptroller's staff is here; we also are very fortunate to have the Suffolk County Sheriff' s Department, the Suffolk County Sheriff himself is present with us today; we have the Conservation Advisory Committee of Southold Town here, I think that it is worthy of mentioning the representative of that Committee Nick Dickerson who is 17 years old was recently elected to the Mattituck Student Council as Vice President, so Nick, thank you for taking the trip over here with us. The Board of Trustees is represented; we have the Suffolk County Department of Health here; the Town Attorney's Office; Land Preservation Committee and Department; Southold Town Building Department and the Police Department. We have a representative from the Southold Town Shellfish Advisory Committee; we also have representation from the Suffolk County Department of Consumer Affairs; a representative of Mike Carraciola, our Legislator of the First District for the County. The Superintendent of Highways is here. FEMA of Region II; we have representation from Plum Island Research Facility; Cornell Cooperative Extension; New York State Emergency Management; a representative from the New York State Agriculture and Markets; as well, the Suffolk County Soil and Water Conservation District and I think for the first time in a few years, we have a representative of the Village of Greenport, the Board of Trustees, Mr. Mills. Thank you for attending. We have our Department Head for the Recreation Department of Southold Town; we also are very fortunate to have today, Suffolk County Office for the Aging and the New York State Office for the Aging and with that I will also mention our Human Resource Director, Director of Human Services Karen McLoughlin is here as well. We have a representative from Congressman Bishop's Office; also the New York State Department of Safe Code Compliance Division; our Town Planner is here. The Town Assessor, Tax Assessor Bob Scott, Chairman of the Board is here; the Receiver of Taxes, Mr. George Sullivan is here; the Representative from the Peconic Land Trust that has been active over here in the last year; we also have actually someone who has been really helpful not only in the Department of Affordable Housing but also cooking hamburgers and hotdogs for our lunch here, Suffolk County Planning Director of Affordable Housing, Marion Zucker. Those are the offices that are represented here today, we will of course have time after the meeting so if any of the members of the public, Fishers Island residents would like to address some of these representatives, you will have the time to do so. Thank you, again. We have a couple of special presentations. What I would like to do first is move to the administrative portion of this meeting, what I would like to do is move ahead with the resolutions and prior to moving any of these resolutions, I would offer the floor to the public should any of you care to address any of the resolutions that are on the printed agenda. Would anybody care to address the Town Board on those resolutions? (No response) Okay, we will move ahead. August 13, 2003 Southold Town Board-Fishers Island 3 #52O Moved by Councilman Romanelli, seconded by Justice Evans, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes and directs Town Attorney Gregory F. Yakaboski to execute a Stipulation of Discontinuance in the matter of Warex Terminals vs. Town of Southold, as the petitioners have decided to discontinue this proceeding. Vote of the Town Board: Aye: Councilman Wickham, Councilman Romanelli, Justice Evans, Supervisor Horton. This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED. #521 Moved by Justice Evans, seconded by Councilman Romanelli, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby retains Frank A. Isler~ Esq. as special counsel to represent the Zoning Board of Appeals in the matter Schultheis vs. Zoning Board of Appeals of the Town of Southold. Vote of the Town Board: Aye: Councilman Wickham, Councilman Romanelli, Justice Evans, Supervisor Horton. This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED. #522 Moved by Councilman Wickham, seconded by Justice Evans, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby retains Frank A. Isler~ Esq. as special counsel to represent the Zoning Board of Appeals in the matter Sonnenborn~ et al vs. Zoning Board of Appeals, et al. Vote of the Town Board: Aye: Councilman Wickham, Councilman Romanelli, Justice Evans, Supervisor Horton. This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED. #523 Moved by Councilman Romanelli, seconded by Justice Evans, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of $outhold hereby accepts the bid of Edward Forrester in the amount of $40.00 for Asset #2311~ Dell PC. Vote of the Town Board: Aye: Councilman Wickham, Councilman Romanelli, Justice Evans, Supervisor Horton. This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED. #524 Moved by Justice Evans, seconded by Councilman Romanelli, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of $outhold hereby accepts the bid of Terry Contracting & Materials Inc. for the construction of a municipal parking lot and reconstruction of Griffing Street~ Cutchogue, in the amount of $159,000. Vote of the Town Board: Aye: Councilman Wickham, Councilman Romanelli, Justice Evans, Supervisor Horton. This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED. August 13, 2003 Southold Town Board-Fishers Island 4 #525 Moved by Councilman Wickham, seconded by Councilman Romanelli, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of $outhold hereby authorizes and directs Supervisor Joshua Y. Horton to sign an Agreement between the Town of Southold and Terrv Contracting & Materials Inc. for the construction of a municipal parking lot and reconstruction of Griffing Street, Cutchogue in the amount of $159,000, subject to the approval of the Town Attorney. Vote of the Town Board: Aye: Councilman Wickham, Councilman Romanelli, Justice Evans, Supervisor Horton. This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED. SUPERVISOR HORTON: That concludes our resolutions. What I will do at this point, first I would like to call up our Land Preservation Coordinator, Melissa Spiro. She doesn't know what she is being asked to do but it is actually straightforward. For most of the past year, Melissa has worked actively with at very generous family, a conservation minded family on Fishers Island, as well with the Peconic Land Trust, I believe and as well, Justice Evans has been very active in shepherding this conservation project. But first I would like to say on behalf of Southold Town Board, thank you to the Nielsen family and what I would like is to give Melissa a brief opportunity to explain the conservation project and its importance to Fishers Island and conservation as a whole, region wide. MELISSA SPIRO, LAND PRESERVATION COORDINATOR: Thanks. Just very briefly, we worked together with the Nielsen family and the Peconic Land Trust in bringing this conservation easements to completion. Basically there were two FIDCO lots, lots that were within the FIDCO subdivision that were lots that could be developed and the landowner's donated an easement on those pieces to the Town in perpetuity. That is a private contribution; there was really no cost to the Town, with the exception of doing surveys and some title work. And the next closing, I can't remember the date but it was probably about a month ago, it was three acres, which included those two lots. There is no access to them, it is a private easement, the landowner owns the underlying feet to the parcel and the easement that was given to the Town, which is an over-riding easement, just restricting it from any further residential development. There will be no further houses on those lots. Thanks. SUPERVISOR HORTON: Thank you. And again, congratulations to the agencies involved and sincere thanks to the Nielsen family. Melissa Spiro mentioned that there is not public access to the conservation project but I think that we all should keep in mind with some of these projects is that the natural habitat is important so the wildlife still have access to this property and so that will be a real plus to maintain the natural habitat and wildlife areas for Fishers Island. Again, thank you. At this point what I would like to do is before our next presentation, which is going to be from the Commissioner of the Fishers Island Ferry District. I would like to open the floor to the public to address the Town Board on any town related business, concerns and issues that you would like to address to the Town Board. Yes, sir. BOB FEAGLES: Good afternoon, my name is Bob Feagles, I have been involved in planning the exercise trail, the one mile exercise trail off, which will be off the end of runway 25, here in the port area. My purpose in speaking is really to say thank you for all the help that we have had from Southold, Jim McMahon, Jamie Richter have been wonderful. And I also want to thank you Mr. Horton and the members of the Town Board for approving the project and for funding it. We look August 13, 2003 Southold Town Board-Fishers Island forward with great anticipation to safe, secure, available facility for which the entire community will enjoy. SUPERVISOR HORTON: Thank you, sir. I think that it should also be noted; I would be remiss in not mentioning that you were the ignition to this idea, proposal and project that is coming to fruition. And on behalf of the Southold Town Board, thank you for your active role in that. Maybe next year, after lunch we will all go for a run around the trail. Bring your running shoes next year. BARRY BRYAN: My name is Barry Bryan and I would just like to mention on behalf of the Civic Association and a number of other organizations here that I am involved with. First of all, just to second Bob Feagle's thanks for all of the support from the Town Board and the department of Jim McMahon and his department on this exercise path, which is universally acclaimed as being a great thing for the summer as well as the winter, it will be a great amenity and a terrific use of that public land. And similarly, I wanted to thank the Board and Jim McMahon for his support in developing and equipping the dock beach. That was a wonderful acquisition; that the Town assisted in that in developing into a real park facility, it is a great addition to the Town. I also wanted to thank the Board and particularly Jimmy King for his support in the really frustrating battle we have had to create a lobster conservation zone around Fishers Island. A lot of organizations, the Fishers Island Lobsterman Association, the Conservancy, FIDCO were all involved in that and it was a great disappointment to see that go down, sabotaged we feel by the Governor's office when after a lot of compromises the DEC had produced something that we thought our lobster industry could live with. That industry is now in disarray. Very few people can make even part of a living out of it. We are hopeful that something one day may come of it but meanwhile it is a big disappointment. While I have the microphone, I also would like to thank the Board and Pat Acampora for their support in restoring the legitimacy of our Constables on the Island. And in the meantime, in particular, for supporting the wonderful job that the State Troopers did, jumping into the breach. Especially Joe Curto, who in his year-round duties as the sole law enforcer on the Island, has done just a wonderful job, become a significant part of the whole community year round and I think is loved by everybody here, who feel very secure when he is on duty. The Civic Association for years has sponsored a so-called Police Advisory Committee, which has been working with the State Troopers and the Constables to enhance law enforcement activities here. That Committee is continuing to do that and we would like to look to the Board and the Police Department for their help in finding exactly what functions, enforcement functions our Police Officers can perform, assisting in getting them the necessary training to do this and rationalizing the situation in the winter when the Troopers are gone. And finally, I would like to thank the Board very much for originally designating this meeting as the site for the hearing on the petition by Windham Resources to rezone the so-called Anthoine property downtown from its current zoning, which is residential to hamlet business zone. The Civic Association sent out a survey, an opinion survey, to its membership and others and received overwhelming opposition to that change in the zoning law. Just about that same time, Windham Resources withdrew its application at this time, is the way that they put it, suggesting that perhaps they might be back; they might re-file it, they might apply again. I would urge the Board, if that happens, to have the hearing on that petition over here in Fishers Island, at this meeting or at some other meeting if necessary and not allow Windham to have the hearing in the dark of night in February in Southold where no one, except poor Louisa, is likely to be present to represent the interests of the Island. I thank you very much, though, for setting it up for this meeting before Windham decided to withdraw. Thank you. August 13, 2003 Southold Town Board-Fishers Island 6 SUPERVISOR HORTON: Thank you, sir. And actually we should mention that you have a real advocate for Fishers Island in Justice Evans, there were a number of the things that were mentioned here today that she was very diligent in bringing to our attention and following through on it. MR. BRYAN: And we are grateful for the rest of you listening to her advocacy. SUPERVISOR HORTON: Are there other comments from the floor? Would anyone care to address the Town Board? Yes, sir, welcome. PETER BURR: My name is Peter Burr, I want to get in on this lovefest. I have not seen a meeting in months so much this way but I am also here to say thank you on behalf of all of us on Fishers Island for the probably 60 plus trees that we have received from the Southold Town Tree Committee. They are wonderful, I think that we have only lost one of them out of the last five or six years and it is a very important and hopefully continuing thing for us because we lose a lot, we have some old ones and so I just want to say thank you to the Board and the Committee for all their support of us. SUPERVISOR HORTON: Would anyone else care to address the Town Board on town related business? (No response) If not, I will close the floor and I would like to invite up the Board of Commissioners, what representatives there may be, I see Mr. duPont is here, I think also you are accompanied by an engineer, we have a presentation that will be give and hosted by Mr. duPont, the Board of Commissioners on the renovation on the New London Terminal for the Fishers Island ferry, which you know, dating back was just getting it rolling was an experience in and of itself. A lot of late night phone calls to Congress people and I am glad to see that it is moving ahead. So, Commissioner duPont, with all due respect. And as well at this point, I am going to dismiss the Board, close the meeting and turn it over to the Board of Commissioners to continue on with the meeting and the Board will retire to the stand. Thank you all, again, for having us and please take advantage of the representatives from the various departments and agencies that are here. Moved by Councilman Wickham, seconded by Councilman Romanelli, it was RESOLVED that this Town Board meeting be and hereby is declared closed. Vote of the Town Board: Aye: Councilman Wickham, Councilman Romanelli, Justice Evans, Supervisor Horton. This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED. At this time the Regular Meeting of the Southold Town Board was closed. J. Reynolds duPont, Commissioner of the Fishers Island Ferry District made the following presentation. J. REYNOLDS DUPONT, COMMISSIONER, FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT: It only makes me a little nervous to think that the entire Town Board just abandoned the ship that I am about to command. I would like to thank Josh and the Town Board as well, Supervisor Horton is correct, he did make a lot of late night phone calls and I am going to refer to a couple of pieces of paper that I have in my hand. One is a copy of an opinion column that was in the New London Day, several weeks ago, it was entitled "Representative Simmons sends a boat load of pork to Fishers Island", we took some offense to that as Representative Simmons didn't do it single-handedly, he had some help from Congressman Tim Bishop, Senator Dodd, Senator Lieberman, a few other notable names that you might have heard of. So it wasn't Mr. Simmons' fault and I wouldn't categorize it as pork, because he August 13, 2003 Southold Town Board-Fishers Island 7 described Fishers Island as a boys club. All of you women can be offended now and we were launched into 'let's get in a fight with the press' and someone said 'don't get into a match with a snake' and I thought that was pretty good advice, so we held back and did not try to get into a battle with the press in New London but we did respond, actually Captain Easter responded in a very nice letter to the editor in the New London Day about 10 or almost two weeks after this article, not complimentary article, appeared. And Mark pointed out several things and for all of you folks who are not familiar with the Fishers Island Ferry District, I just want to quote a few lines out of here and then we will get our engineer up. One is, as Mark so eloquently put it "Fishers Island, unlike Block Island, Martha's Vineyard, Nantucket and many coastal communities, has remained largely undeveloped and non- commercial. Its small infrastructure can support only its residents and that may or may not be an enviable situation but certainly is not a reason in itself for criticism. The Fishers Island Ferry is public transportation, there are no 'Keep Out' signs, which we were accused of having posted at the terminal and no one is turned away. Because the Fishers Island ferry is a public entity and not a commercial enterprise, it is eligible for Federal funding. Congressman Rob Simmons deserves much credit for helping the Ferry District procure funding available, specifically for public ferry services. It should be noted that this bipartisan effort included additional help from Connecticut Senators Christopher Dodd, Joseph Lieberman, New York Senators Charles Schumer, Hilary Clinton as well as from Representative Bishop and former U.S. Representative Sam Gajinson from Connecticut, who has since been retired.' There are many facts to consider when deciding Congressman Simmons efforts to procure funding for the terminal project. The Ferry District is currently operating a terminal that was designed and built to meet its needs in 1957 because of space constraints, the existing terminal poses a dangerous situation at the adjacent Amtrak Railroad crossing, including the advent of the high speed trains which come through 52 times a day. After exhaustive process, the Connecticut Department of Transportation determined that the Fishers Island Ferry Districts New London terminal should remain at its present location. We spent probably two and a half years studying every other site in the city of New London because we were asked to. The Ferry District has been working with the city of New London to assure that the new terminal will interface and compliment the waterfront park, which we have experienced and you all from Long Island don't even have a clue what we are talking about. It is very nice. We are providing public access to our new terminal, we have granted land easements to the city of New London for two of its new waterfront piers, the Amistad pier, which has got some notoriety and the Children's Discovery pier, which is actually quite fun to go on. There is an additional easement that will be provided to the city, that when the new ferry terminal that is completed, the city will be able to complete its waterfront walkway. Fishers Island, needless to say, in a large way supports the local community and many local businesses. We provide employment for about 160 mainland residents, more than 20 mainland students come to school on Fishers Island and the ferry system employs more than 40 local residents over there. Plus, not to be diminished, it is also the sole means of evacuating the Island in case of improprieties over at the Millstone Nuclear Power Plant, which is within 10 miles of the school but of course, the East end is safe because we are 10 miles away. Back to the funding, briefly, over the course of the years and due to delays by the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection, we have managed to secure just over $5,000,000 in Federal funding for our roughly $8,000,000 New London Terminal expansion project. DEP, I used to get mad at them when they delayed things but I kept getting more and more money from the Federal government so it really has been tempered in saying that they have done a magnificent job in delaying us enough to get at least $5,000,000 so far and we are earmarked for another $750,000 in fiscal 2004, which we will have all the contracts amended. And that being said, that puts us in sound financial condition, makes us in much better shape than we would have been had August 13, 2003 Southold Town Board-Fishers Island DEP given us our approvals like 10 years ago, so I am happy with them. And with that being said, I would like to introduce Keith Nielson, our engineer from Docko, Incorporated. Who for about the last 18 years has been living with us and designing our facility and I will let him briefly let him fill you all in on what we are going to be doing in New London. And it is a small-scale project, like most big construction firms but in ours it is huge. Keith? KEITH NIELSON: Thank you, my name is Keith Nielson. I have been working with the Ferry District now since 1990 on developing the plan that you see before you and have probably seen several times in the past, the project that we will be starting construction on hopefully in about two months, will be to install about 700 feet of steel bulkhead which will completely encompass the existing property boundaries of the Ferry District at this time, placing 30,000 cubic yards of fill and it will be a pretty complex set of fill parameters because of the nature of bottom sediments in the harbor but at any rate, we will bring it up to grade, there will be a new terminal building which will be 2,700 square foot footprint. It will be two stories. Of course, we will be bringing in all the utilities and such and then paving the entire site so that the staging lanes will be clearly marked and easily understood. Parking will be out of the way, there will be a small landscaping strip over by the walkway, and there will be public access strips along the east and west frontage. There will be a maintenance slip over on the east side, the excuse pier will still be here on the north end and the two main ramps for loading the boats will be at the far south end. Right now, both ramps are right in this area right in here and so, the project has received all of its permits, all the permits are valid for the projected construction period and so we are ready to begin. Several years ago, in order to make our presentations for public hearings, we had some renderings made of what this terminal would look like when it was finished. Right now, you would be unable to see this waterfront because the freight building sits right here on the north-west corner of the property. But here is what the new building will look like and the ferry slips will be out to the south and to the right of the building, as you look straight out New London harbor. And the landscaping strip and ornamental railing, security fencing, the property and the project complies with standards for Homeland Security, so the lighting and fencing will be in accordance with those standards. When you return to New London, this is the view that you will have of the new facility with the bulkheading, the piles, the dolphins that you will be maneuvering through to get access to the slip, the building and the train station the way it currently looks and of course, the downtown parking garage over to the left side of the drawing. So the project is complex because it involves building all of the infrastructure for the new facility, as well as the bulkheading and the building itself. But it should 1. allow you to double, almost triple the amount of vehicles that can be brought to the site prior to and after each boarding of the ferry, so it will substantially reduce congestion at the ferry terminal, make the passage over the railroad tracks safer and just make life a lot better and it will bring you right up to speed with current design standards for transportation facilities and is something that you should all be very proud of. Thank you. MR. DUPONT: Thanks, Keith. That is the briefest he has ever been. I would like to throw the floor open to any questions. Keep in mind that the Supervisor and his entourage are due to leave here by 8:00 P.M., so we can't answer .... but if there is anybody who has got any questions or comments on the project. Actually, I didn't mention this, we are looking to start relatively soon, the bid documents are out with bidders, we have had a pre-bid conference. We are expecting bids back in two weeks. We expect to be able to at least contemplate awarding bids by the end of September, and the kick-off ought to be shortly after that with a firm eye on having the ramps completed by next summer so that we can use them. That is going to be a critical point for us because we can't afford to have a summer like we August 13, 2003 Southold Town Board-Fishers Island 9 are having one now, with sort of half a terminal. The building will not be completed in that time but we don't see a difficulty in that. But we should have our new ramps up and running by next summer. For those of you on Fisher Island, who take the ferry back and forth it will be an adventure. I have said that before, I think that each day is going to be different. But we are happy with the prospect, we have lived with construction projects down there before. Questions? UNIDENTIFIED, INAUDIBLE SPEAKER. MR. DUPONT: Right now, the contract that we have with Connecticut DOT which is the entity through which the Federal funding will be sent, they are the conduit for our Federal funds, they have the construction costs in their contract listed at $6,253,000 and change. That is reimbursable construction costs, according to them. There are, of course, soft costs which we have and to be honest with you, Barry, we know some of the soft costs and we are awaiting the two weeks when we get the bids back from the bidders to finalize all the numbers and we will be having yet another public meeting to discuss where we are and how we stand. We expect to have our, our reimbursement rate is at 80% from the Federal Government, we are hoping to have a little over $6,000,000 in Federal funding if we are successful at our latest $750,000 request. That is obviously more than 80% of the construction costs but there are contingencies that we built in according to our document that you all helped us devise, but we have not finalized it because we didn't want to go through the exercise of having numbers that don't count. But we should have them in two weeks. UNIDENTIFIED, INAUDIBLE COMMENTS FROM AUDIENCE MR. DUPONT: Actually, yes. We are eager to get those numbers so we can sit down and really have a finalized document that we can all discuss and look at. Right now we just don't have those final numbers. MR. NIELSON: Just to clarify your comment about the staging and phases and so on, while the project is all going to be built as one project at this point, what you will see first is sheet piling being built out across the Maunatauket Slip and fill will be placed in that area first and then these hinged ramps, as Mr. DuPont said will be installed at the far south end. Once these two ramps are operational, this is our objective, to have these operational in May of next year, so that the Race Point slip can be shut down and all of the operations will be through this broad, wider area along the westerly edge of the property. Then the sheet piling will be continued around to the north end, this area will be filled in and the third phase will be the building commencing. UNIDENTIFIED, INAUDIBLE COMMENTS FROM AUDIENCE MR. NIELSON: According to our permits, we are not allowed to fill in bulk-headed fill in any space for parking. On occasion, if you send a car over, they keep it somewhere nearby so that you can pick it up. As a normal course of events, that kind of service will be available but there is not going to be permanent overnight parking for anyone that is quite honestly, better accommodated in the parking garage. So, as a normal course of events it will, yes, it will accommodate our patrons as best we can but we are not building that for a parking area. We need it for staging. We have been shoe-horned into a very small facility for a long time, just short term. There is nothing long term about it. August 13, 2003 Southold Town Board-Fishers Island 10 UNIDENTIFIED, INAUDffiLE COMMENTS FROM AUDIENCE MR. NIELSEN: It is two stories, the second story will be offices for Captain Easter; crew facilities, which are now required by every entity in the government. There will be a Homeland Security office, also a New London Police office, hopefully that will be in the same one and there will be sort of general open space. On the first floor, one end will be a freight shed, that is the closest to the railroad tracks and on the other end will be the shop for maintenance of the boats and in the center will be the ticketing and waiting room area. So, anyone who would need an elevator is only because they want to go somewhere where they don't have to go. It is handicapped accessible to the first floor and there is enough facilities there; restrooms and whatnot for the patrons and there will be a ticket window counter inside, should we go to buying tickets before you get on the ferry. As far as I know, there is no requirement for an elevator because there is no need for anybody to have access up there, for anybody of the nature of any kind of handicap. And we have the handicapped restrooms, there are two on the first floor, there are ramps that access that first floor, all the passenger facilities are on the main level. Anyone else? Any comments or questions? SUPERVISOR HORTON: Thanks, Chip. And again, that was a great job. I hope that was informative for you, these next 20-25 minutes as I mentioned before, various agencies from Town, County, State, Federal government are her<: at your service, so please take advantage of that opportunity to speak to these people and again, thank you for being such great hosts. We appreciate the opportunity to reach out and being part of what is going on here on Fishers Island. * * * * * * ~~hd.AO T2,.,,)d ~;eville'~ Southold Town Clerk