HomeMy WebLinkAboutTB-02/16/1954~?~ETING OF FEBRUARY t6~ t9~+. The Southoid Town Board met at the office of Supervisor Norman E. Kiipp at Greenport~ on Tuesday~ February 167 19~ The meeting was called to order at 1:30 P.M. with the follow- ing ~ · . present. Supervisor Kiiep~. Justices Tuthil!~ _&lbertson~ Clark and Demarest~ oapermntendent of Highways Price~ Town Attorney Terry and Town Clerk Booth. The Board sat at once as ~ committee on Audit to examine claims against the Town~ concluding the'Audit work at 2 o~clock P.M, · ~xed by Justice Ciark~ seconded by ,Justice Aibertson: RSoOLVED: That the minutes o~ tbjet~{~' ~evious~ings~ January 26~ and January 28 be anl~ they ~reby approved as read. Vote of Town Board: Ayes-Supervisor Klipp~ Justices Tuthil!~ Albertson~ Clark and Demarest. Moved by Justice Aibertson; seconded by Justice Tuthili: RESOLVED: That the regular monthly Audit meeting of this Board will be held at the office of Supervisor Normmn E. Ktipp at Greenport. on Tuesday~ March 9~ ~9~4~ at 1:30 Vote of Totem Board~ Ayes-Supervisor Kiipp~ Justices Tuthill~ Aibertson~ Clark and Demaresto The Town Board received a petition bearing the signatures of residents of Peconic~ requesting the Board to have a traffic light insta!~ed at the intersection of Peconic Lane and Route 2?A as they consider it a very dangerous crossing as the school bus has to enter Peconic at this intersection several times daily, The Supervisor was instruct- ed to take the matter up with the County Superintendent of Highways. Moved by Justice Albertson~ seconded by Justice Clark: RES0~UED: That the Police Report for the month of January be accepted by the Town Board and placed on file. Vote of Town Board: ~yes-Supervisor K!ipp~ Justices Tuthil!~ Albertson~ Clark and Demarest. Moved by Justice &Ibertson; seconded by Justice Tuthi!l: RESOLVED: That General Bills in the amount of $~281.13~ Town Trustees Account in the amount of $72.~0; Lighting District Bii~s in the amo~at of ~,64 ~: - ~.~- . ~ ~-. 9.~_~ ~ishers Island Ferry District ~m±±s mn the amounts of $!i~476.10 be and the same are hereby ordered paid, ~ote of Town Board: Ayes-Supervisor Klipp~ Justices Tuthili: A!bertson~ Clark and Demarest. Moved by Justice Ciark; seconded by Justice Tuthili: %~EREAS: The Southo!d Town Board had been presented with a petition of the Southold Citizens Committee for zoning signed by Edwin Preilwitz~ grchie Symonds~ Claus Robob~ Daniel Smith and C, Jesse Wright~ ~equesting that the To%m Board appoint a non-political P!amning and Zoning Commission- er and appropriate sufficient funds in the current budget to meet the minimtun necessary expenses of the Commission so that such Commission may study and prepare suitable maDs~ and - [~EREAS~ such pgtition contained 83 signatures of residents of the Town of Oouthold~ now therefore~ be it RESOLVED: That the SuperVisor be and he hereby is instructed to devise ways and means of obtaining a mor~ comprehensive expression of the residents of the To%m of outho!d as to whether it is their desire that the Townshi~ be zoned. Vote of Town Board: Ayes-Supervisor K!ipp~ Justices Tuthi!!~ ~lbertson~ Clark and Demarest. The Supervisor reported that Mrs, Eloise Bowden had been absent from her work without permission since February i~ and that prior to leaving she had requested a ane month's vacation which was specifically denied, Considera~bie dis- cussion was had on the i~subordinate conduct of Mrs~ Bowden and the vile and abusive language directed against the Supervisor. On the motion of Justice C!ark~ seconded by JuStice Tuthi!!~ it was resolved that the Supervisor be instructed to pay ~s, Bowden's salary for the first two weeks of February and tDat the matter of her maauthorized absence and insubordinate conduct should be held over for further consideration. Vote o~ Town Board:~es-Supervisor Kiipp~ Justices Tuthiti~ ~v~'~.~-~ ~a~'~ "~'~ ~ibertson~ Clark and Demarest. Adjournment was at ~:30 P~M. Ralph P. Booth Town Clerk